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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 618 KB, 2048x2048, 75412286_10156637765227647_216891613610246144_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15959921 No.15959921 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15959928

kinda feeling the pussy-bow collar desu

>> No.15959935

Is this another of one of those "non-binary" fruit loops?

It forgot to comb over a part of its hair (wig) and I can see the high hairline.

>> No.15960063

>mauve blouse, long bow, effeminate attitude and arms / hands placement, way too androgynous lol

>> No.15960180
File: 511 KB, 500x750, image-asset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

projectile vomit inducing fits

>> No.15960185
File: 132 KB, 600x870, a41550db9ecefe0a3cc0cdcd65c00b75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15960274

needs natural brows and chest hair to offset the femme

>> No.15960277
File: 626 KB, 646x635, 1611959056575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15960293

literal cringe

>> No.15960296

fuckk me..

Dude is like 45 too. I want to bump into some fruit like this and be like HAHAH WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING??

Always laugh and make them feel stupid, never apologize or try to be "understanding" because this is what empowers them to do this stupid shit.

It's helpful for them in the long term outcome if you just point out their mental illness and laugh. That way they might (doubtful) seek help and therapy.

>> No.15960320
File: 1.28 MB, 3024x4355, 1609047330533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15960380

Cecil, did they ban you?

>> No.15960384


>> No.15960401

>them hands


Range bans hit a lot.

I also got a 1 month trip ban because someone called me a pedo and posted my dox and I replied with a joke saying "underage enthusiast" lmao.

Of course they never got a ban for posting my name and saying I am a pedo. That's perfectly OK.

>> No.15960412
File: 67 KB, 606x1024, 1611338734846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>them hands

>> No.15960419

The wig is sooo not obvious lol..

Why don't these creatures just get on with their life, they are just seeking validation from other mentally ill people and that's why they want it all over so much to turn mentality ill into the norm.

Imagine some social media or something like that with an actual girl posting photos of a nice day out at the park, now that would be something extreme.

>> No.15960426
File: 175 KB, 1242x1759, 1609367171525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15960430

Why would posting the truth be a bannable offense?

>> No.15960437

Are there any chads that do this or is it always the total incel loser type like that guy who probably never got laid


Because technically it is still off topic, truth or not, you putz.

>> No.15960524

>>15960426 looks better as a woman, imo.
Regarding chads, there are some athletes that do it now. In their case it's probably loser mentality, too, because a moderately successful athlete can now simply obliberate the competition.

>> No.15960711

You’re one of the few sane ppl here kek

>> No.15960754
File: 51 KB, 482x724, de8ae739ecd402a99b1d0a1b7e34e8c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15960956

obviously shopped

>> No.15960960

But you are a pedo you've been quite open about that in the past.

>> No.15960962

Isn't ban evasion a lifetime ban?
Someone needs to report this annoying faggot.

>> No.15960971

i have to disagree, >>15960426 as a man he looks like an average middle aged guy doing IT or some shit, as a ''woman'' well, I'd cross the street if I saw that thing coming closer

>> No.15960976
File: 534 KB, 592x584, really faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit. The youngest woman I have slept with was not under 13. And even then, that was when I was in my late 30s so a lot younger than I am now.

>> No.15960979
File: 40 KB, 831x799, tired clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's.... what being a pedo means
if u fucked a 13/14 yr old girl and you were in your ''late'' 30s you're a pedo
im always amazed at the mental gymnastics you people can pull off

>> No.15960986

No it's not.

>Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.

Why are you changing the definition? Are you OK?

Do you think if you say ice is warm it will also be true?

>> No.15960987

It doesn't make me puke, it makes me feel like I want to curb-stomp him...

>> No.15960997

im not changing the definition
i dont care how attracted you were to the kid, apparently enough to get off on having sex with them
trashy either way

>> No.15961003

>The youngest woman I have slept with was not under 13
I don't believe you, l remember a thread where you were arguing that you weren't a 'real' pedophile because you only had sex with children who could give informed consent and the age you mentioned in that thread was 8-9 yrs.old

>> No.15961004

>im not changing the definition

Yes you are though.

>Misuse of medical terminology
>The words pedophile and pedophilia are commonly used informally to describe an adult's sexual interest in pubescent or post-pubescent teenagers

Do you understand what MISUSE of the term means? Are you denying all reality now? You are clearly changing what it means.

>> No.15961006

>and the age you mentioned in that thread was 8-9 yrs.old

I have never once mentioned anyone under the age of 13 or or hasn't gone through puberty. Everyone knows you're lying now. Pedos are disgusting creatures.

>> No.15961015

Yes, I remember that thread he definitely said he'd fucked an 8 year old girl

>> No.15961021

>knows he is wrong
>resorts to lies and shit posting

It's all too easy.

>> No.15961028
File: 89 KB, 708x391, Screenshot_2020-09-29 fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15961037

What is this supposed to prove? 17 is underage but has nothing to do with being a pedo.

Are you, you know, stupid?

Underage is not synonymous with the word pedophile. And even in the case of being an actual pedo, it's not a legal term. It's not a crime until someone acts upon it.

>> No.15961043 [DELETED] 

>accused of pedophilia
>doesn't even bother denying it

>> No.15961044

>accused of pedophilia
>doesn't even bother denying it

>> No.15961046

pol pot eyes

>> No.15961048

Because there is nothing to deny.

It's like accusing a bear of being a fox. Why would the fox deny it? Clearly it's a retard making the claim.

The textbook definition agrees with me 100%. What else can I say apart from you obviously have an IQ of 34.

>> No.15961049


>> No.15961051

Would you be more comfortable with the term hepephile then?

>> No.15961053


>> No.15961055

Hebephilia is a dumb term, it's supposed to be another "kind of like pedophilia" term when it's not that at all. Hebephilia isn't a crime, even when acted upon if the laws of the country have an age of consent at that age.

But Hebephilia means primary attracted to people of that younger teen age. I'm not. My last g/f was 35. Some 16 year olds are cute though.

Cry me a fucking river.

>> No.15961059

>art hoe after art hoe thread posted here
>almost every single time the art hoe is a teenager

>cecil mentions some teens look hot


Am I supposed to find my teenage crushes gross now? That's not how it works. The older you get the older women you start to see as attractive but at the same time you don't just start disliking younger women.

You simply start to see them as not really compatible for a relationship. not that they are suddenly gross and off putting to you.

>> No.15961268

>based Cecil using actual reason and sound arguments
>t. does not get the joke

>> No.15961293

That's why it's funny when they post that. It's an obvious joke aimed at actual pedos themselves but the autist who posts it takes it literally and the joke goes way over his head.

>> No.15961331
File: 109 KB, 710x1020, 1592404869976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15961342

You actually are because your wanting adult men to have sex with prepubescent kids. What your actually saying is their having sex with maturing adults that aren’t yet seen as legal adults. Those are called ebolaphiles. Fucking moron stay in school you retard. Your part of the problem why everything is so idiotic. Fucking loser.

>> No.15961344
File: 74 KB, 557x773, 46208f73e654eb32db334661b0ee90cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All men are pedophiles

>> No.15961347

Dam you people are dumb especially considering this thread will be deleted and you morons will continue using the website

>> No.15961361

Honestly Cecil, I haven’t followed your /fa/ lore to know when you first started here but you seem reasonable. Most people arguing with you seem like attention whores who just want some kind of interaction.

>> No.15961364


This is one of the images that messes with dudes. I spy a tattoo so I am going to assume this is actually some 18 year old.

It's like Lupe Fuentes, she had to testify in court she was over 18 when some guy had a porno of hers and the cops thought she was under 18.

>> No.15961367
File: 72 KB, 540x360, C47E7C94-AAE8-45D3-80FC-C87B432FC99A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so are all females

>> No.15961371

I'm reasonable and honest to anyone really that can give the same back. Unfortunately most people start on here just abusing or shit talking.

>> No.15961375

I really really really want to rape this thing just for the pure feeling of superiority

>> No.15961403

I dunno anon...kinda dig it somewhere between Mob boss core and villan core

>> No.15961442
File: 117 KB, 1080x645, zhenya-kotova-Bio-Age-Wiki-Salary-Net-worth-Husband-Boyfriend-Family-Childreen-Career-Education-Friend-ParentsFather-Mother-Media-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's 12 in these pics, it's not a real tattoo. It's one of those fake ones that you apply with water.
Women require status in a man, men fetishize youth and be beauty. Do women have the capability to have sex with children? of course. Is that their primary motivation? no.

>> No.15961480

Ahh I thought it might be one of those fake ones.

She looks like a kid but with a teenager popping out, which is why I would have guessed 13 or so but thought it was one of those trick images in which they look way younger.

Then the whole legs and shoulder on show.

Either way, something was "off" about it and that's because normal men have a natural sense who is and who isn't an adult.

Looks way younger here.

>> No.15961483

Made for big white cock

>> No.15961496
File: 202 KB, 582x527, 1598774634892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Either way, something was "off" about it and that's because normal men have a natural sense who is and who isn't an adult.
No you're brainwashed by feminist laws controlling your dick and who you are allowed and not allowed to fuck. Men have been "fucking children" for over a millenia. How old was Helen of Troy in the Illiad?
The pedo hysteria is a recent and American phenomenon. Adults love playing with their privates, somehow kids don't?

>> No.15961506


imo these are pretty cool fits.

>> No.15961519

I know the whole pedo thing wasn't a thing until like the 19th century or so. But most ancient cultures adulthood fell in line with puberty.

>How old was Helen of Troy in the Illiad?

Hahaha I did not know this. I just looked it up. A child. Yikes.

>> No.15961537
File: 266 KB, 500x463, 1612574295483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just admit you're jelly bro

>> No.15961543

That image lol.

Nah senpai, I'm all about nature. I like my little ladies post puberty.

>> No.15961547

I see nothing wrong with this fit

>> No.15961573
File: 2.89 MB, 640x640, ezgif-3-b7afa1d7aaf5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appeal to nature being a poor argument aside
>post puberty
Nature doesn't say that, you're supposed to capture your mate before they can get taken and impregnated by another. That's nature. If you wait until they're fertile it's already too late. Look at modern hunter gather socities, or literal animals. There is literally no reason not to be a cunny chad, it's a mutual benefit relationship.

Also you should stop talking about this subject with a trip code. People will always hold it against you.

>> No.15961581

is... is that her daddy?

>> No.15961602
File: 1.63 MB, 640x800, 9ac0939846227a7fe1d184fa759efd4e.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would hope not, otherwise it'd just be weird.

>> No.15961853


>> No.15962093

would be cool if the pants weren't so tight

>> No.15962109

Holy shit this one made me burst out laughing

>> No.15962120
File: 94 KB, 536x1141, 1607377903350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15962138
File: 21 KB, 736x616, tired pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they're below the age of consent you don't fuck them, it's simple logic no? Pedophile, hebephile, ebolaphile... keep the different words coming, in the end they all go to hell. Also the irony of you telling me to stay in school when you obviously can't differentiate and properly use your/you're and their/they're makes me doubt you're even of age to use this site.

>> No.15962769

gays and trannies are so disgusting

>> No.15962791

this guy looks like a predator

>> No.15962822

yeah I remember this as well he def said 8 years old

>> No.15962842

Age of consent here is 14

>> No.15962849
File: 51 KB, 573x717, 126811377_182547356838382_6681203571954153532_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they're below the age of consent you don't fuck them
Don't tell me what to do faggot
>in the end they all go to hell.
God literally WANTS us to fuck young girls lol, hell isn't real and you are just filled with ressentiment.

>> No.15963061
File: 382 KB, 240x138, 32EB74E0-5032-4C7A-9729-021C785B529D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like an outfit from the Yakuza games. Very /fa/ but only for the runway, very special occasions, and grandiose parties. Only a select few could pull it off which is of course no one here and not me either.

>> No.15963075


>> No.15963083

>fell for the age of consent social contsuct

>> No.15963086

this is not funny. I threw up

>> No.15963181
File: 438 KB, 720x1059, Screenshot_20210216-204952_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally is, it wouldn't be different in every country otherwise.

>> No.15963824

Who is in WebM, her uncle or cousin?

>> No.15963931

Idk probably a family friend. I don't know the story but you can try reverse searching

>> No.15964069

>take a selfie while shitting
Trannies are just gross in every way aren't they.

>> No.15964934

Is that Richard Eng the celebrity English teacher from Hong Kong?

>> No.15964961


>Historically and cross-culturally, adulthood has been determined primarily by the start of puberty

>After the social construct of adolescence was created, adulthood split into two forms: biological adulthood and social adulthood

That's why HUR DURR BRO THEY ARE UNDER 18 UR A PEDO is a garbage argument.

>> No.15965024

I’m a faggot and also take selfies while shitting
it’s a fetish

>> No.15965291


>> No.15965499
File: 88 KB, 494x472, 9031EFF4-5BD0-4B54-AAED-B388AA8D5D67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That forehead

>> No.15965635
File: 11 KB, 200x225, 200px-Lagrange_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hurt my sole. Is it mental illness? I cannot imagine a white man acting like this, he looks so normal...

>> No.15965644


>> No.15965648
File: 77 KB, 882x392, 8e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's a shoop, i can tell from the pixels and seeing a few in my days

>> No.15965819

he’s a bottom

>> No.15965842

Lol this dude did NOT photoshop some girl’s face onto his body. What the fuck.

>> No.15965906


>> No.15966201

It's him. He uses the face app or whatever for the face though.

This guy is supposedly 40 plus, married, straight and yet they take pictures in female clothing and use apps to make them look female to post online to get comments from strangers.

Yeah sounds normal. Just an average straight guy...

>> No.15967606


>> No.15967614

This is the last straw

>> No.15967623


>> No.15967708

i love that instead of actual clothing critique this thread is just a fucking gaslighting pedo and thinly veiled homophobia by dudes insecure w their masculinity or whatever lmafo

ya'll are actually genetically inferior thank fuck people like you are gonna be bred outta existence

>> No.15967716
File: 487 KB, 1563x1777, Retire-in-Pattaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that asian bois serve the white man.

>> No.15967736

Someone post his dox

>> No.15967745
File: 156 KB, 641x633, e608ad6edc6b9605e6ad2b91c558976c2c502ef4eff9eb5c1be5648351e82a8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men wearing this have some sort disorder and most of them are Kameradenschweine