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File: 399 KB, 1536x2048, EFhNtPvU8AAKUDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15960950 No.15960950 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15960957

She looks like a young grandma

>> No.15960961

Streamers always look a little too healthy for me I like an entertainer with some edge

>> No.15960967
File: 169 KB, 512x316, l61xhslxnyi31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15961062
File: 147 KB, 500x600, 1613187678498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, that's a pokemon cosplay

>> No.15961064

When the streamer is edgy

>> No.15961073

Oh look, it's Pokifake.

>> No.15961246

is that her bf ?
i guess the jbw rule still stands

>> No.15961255
File: 1.41 MB, 1368x563, zoomer coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simps like you cooming so hard over average looking thots without their mask on.

Grow the fuck up and gain some self respect.

>> No.15961266

it doesnt matter how girls look like without makeup
grow up

>> No.15961284

It matters when you put average girls on a pedestal and think they are a total Goddess when what you see is all fake.

If you understood that you would no longer simp. You would no longer spend your time watching them. You would no longer throw money at them.

What you would do is go and actually meet the average girl down the street because she is no different.

But no. You'll stay in your sweat filled room locked away from the world trying to get recognition, even if it's just a fart, from a girl you will never meet, be in a personal level with or be seen as anything more than a pathetic meal ticket.

This is why I get more sex than you losers. Not because I'm more attractive, taller or better but because I see women as just women and we're surrounded by them and I would never lower myself to the fucking pathetic level of following some nobody average dullard online because she "looks pretty with makeup" or some dog fucking shit.


>> No.15961329
File: 58 KB, 750x1334, poke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her in HS, yeah super duper hot with her gorgeous CHAD of a boyfriend..

Most of you could get an average girl like this if you were not so pathetic but instead you chase after an average girl who thinks she is a legit 10/10 because of your owns extreme simping.

Many such sad cases!

>> No.15961332

she is at least an 8/10 without makeup you homo retard

>> No.15961333

imo, it's not about how ugly they look without makeup, it's the fact they wear makeup in the first place.
Imagine waking up every morning and applying copious amounts of face paint in order to maintain a fake and fleeting beauty. All just to get attention from the opposite sex. It makes me wanna vomit.

>> No.15961341
File: 47 KB, 1024x921, poke 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What a dumbass.

And just sad how these simps go crazy for these average girls that are all around them, yet those girls are even better because they don't have a million simps telling them how amazing they are 24/7

>> No.15961345
File: 1.28 MB, 1049x909, eight out of ten lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 out of 10

These simps buy into their own bullshit.

>> No.15961348

thats a lot of projection, i dont watch streamers

>> No.15961377

If you're OP that's BS. You clearly do.

And as girls like this have whatever number of followers there is no projection. It is true for a lot of pathetic guys.

All you have to do is say NO. Stop paying them attention. GO find a real girl.

The more you pay average girls this much attention, the further away you push them from you. It's so fucking stupid.

>> No.15961384

What is her name

>> No.15961386

im not op, i just replied to your post and said that no one cares how women look like without makeup
stop projecting your insecurities onto everyone

>> No.15961387
File: 450 KB, 592x385, cecil vs zoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left pic
>my idea of an 8/10
>right pic

SHE'S 8/10 BRO!!

>> No.15961392

>and said that no one cares how women look like without makeup

And yet that's the reason why she has so many simps. So what you're saying is nonsensical.

>stop projecting your insecurities onto everyone

Are you a female or a man with a vagina? That's the kind of shit teenage girls say LOL.

What's coming next, who hurt me?

Vagina man.

>> No.15961407

get off 4chan. you're not helping anyone

>> No.15961411
File: 504 KB, 550x564, poker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her millions of fans wouldn't look twice if this walked by them in the street or if it was some random IG girl page.


Riiight.. All about "personality" eh? Yet there are not masses of butt ugly girls with an army of simps.

Maybe I should wear a mask of a mode. Pretend I am 6'4" and wear a muscle suit.

Nobody cares, right?

What's worse is that you enable your own prisons. I try and set you free. To a life of a real girl but you are so used to your own prison, you defend it, attack me and then get confused why you're a mentally depressed forever alone virgin.


>> No.15961415

Being pushed out of your comfort bubble is always hard. NOO PLS I JUST WANT TO SIMP!!


>> No.15961436

>And yet that's the reason why she has so many simps
she has many simps because she looks good with makeup, not because she looks weird without
So what you're saying is nonsensical

>> No.15961439
File: 3.66 MB, 750x1334, Leda Muir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these girls are grifters preying on beta simp lonely men

>> No.15961440

>Maybe I should wear a mask of a mode. Pretend I am 6'4" and wear a muscle suit.
if that actually made you more appealing then go ahead

>> No.15961445

You're not the real cecil, I want the old clown man back

>> No.15961452
File: 217 KB, 348x304, shoe0nhead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she looks good in a mask

Because that's what it is and most of you are unaware of what she looks like without one.

Then you'll see a girl walk across you in the street with no makeup on and think eww she is not like my simp goddess when she likely looks better.

if I said look at this average girl with no makeup, do you want to obsess over her, throw money at her and spend time watching her do stupid shit, you'd say no..

But suddenly if I put a mask on her then it's OK?


Shoe0nhead is another ugly bastard with a simp army

>> No.15961454

And all the women will just go OHH WE LIKE HIM FOR ALL THAT FAKENESS when they find out it's a lie huh?

You're wasting your time, your life and throwing away valuable time over a LIE.

Wake the fuck up.

I always rant to and about pathetic zoomers.

Mr. Happy is reserved for kids Birthday parties :o)

>> No.15961460
File: 318 KB, 2368x944, june_shoe0nhead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15961636

that bitch wouldn’t even give you the time of day freak

>> No.15961650 [DELETED] 

>still simping

You are not getting this. I don't want her time of day ffs. I have no respect from fake women who prey on vulnerable men.

The only reason you believe she deserves some high regard of respect is due to your simping over how she looks which is a lie.

Find the light bro. The darkness will not comfort you.

>> No.15961654

>still simping

You are not getting this. I don't want her time of day ffs. I have no respect for fake women who prey on vulnerable men.

The only reason you believe she deserves some high regard of respect is due to your simping over how she looks which is a lie.

Find the light bro. The darkness will not comfort you.

>> No.15961663

your opinion means nothing you can’t even talk about clothes on a fashion board

>> No.15961852

OP here. I was talking about BSJ, not Pokiwhore. https://youtu.be/QDCtHCrYGZU?t=83

>> No.15961856

>beta anon thinks he can tell me what shit smells and which doesn't

Lmao. What a dweeb. Go play with your toys kiddo.

>> No.15961864

holy shit that's incredible... i thought after pic was just ps but https://twitter.com/LedaCMuir/status/1168633041217961984

>> No.15961928
File: 190 KB, 1000x666, 1612022355766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come no one posted her schnoze yet.

>> No.15962328

Can't believe I actually agree with a tripfag.

Never ever date a girl with beta orbiters. I haven't myself but whenever I've rejected a girl like that she almost always goes crazy and won't leave me alone because she's so used to getting everything she wants. Can't imagine how awful a relationship with any of those girls would've turned out, I probably wouldn't be alive

>> No.15962348

no one's reading all this shit

>> No.15962353

because men are weak and easy to manipulate if you’re pretty stay mad

>> No.15962369
File: 97 KB, 659x729, 1349227265891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just imagine the amount of force those hips could take

>> No.15962380

>muh fat women bad
low t

>> No.15962387 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 837x577, sug4rfairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the modern woman thrives on photoshopping her body, face filters, and make up.

exercise? what? healthy eating? no.

>> No.15962699


>> No.15962709

>"""Men""" have donated thousands of dollars at a time to gain the superficial attention of this person for several seconds

>> No.15962712

Mandy Moore's like a 6.5. Pokimane? I don't even recognise that mutt as a human woman.

>> No.15964311

Based. The people that give you shit don’t care enough to use their brains to reason through what you say.

>> No.15964819



Humpty mother fucking dumpty looking ass ain't a hot woman bod, son.

What an ugly bitch

>6.5 :<

It breaks their simp system so they lash out.

They feel easier in their own misery instead of crawling out of it so get angry. Sad really.

>> No.15966050

Thats bsj, the god of dota

>> No.15967285

>compering literal who with full make up and dress on an event vs "just woke up" pic
the level of hate you have for an e-celeb that has done nothing to you is pathetic.

>> No.15967290

lemme guess, tier 3 sub?