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15959974 No.15959974 [Reply] [Original]

I bought these and wear them with oversized button up shirts and cuffed jeans. I want to pick up punk chicks but I'm not punk. What should I wear?

>> No.15959999
File: 87 KB, 800x800, metallic-m-tank006c-s1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doc Martens are outdated garbage that only faggot posers and wannabe art-hoe/"""goth""" girls wears.

New Rock boots are where it's at now. Plus they're more durable, high-quality, and expensive af (which is great for impressing thots who don't want to fuck brokeboi simpletons).

>> No.15960022

I'm not actually "alt" or whatever. I wear them as a a ploy to get bitches. I also just like boots.

>> No.15960038

checked but they look like the footwear equivalent of a warcrime

>> No.15960057

I own a pair of new rocks myself and I literally get compliments on my pair multiple times a week, so this sounds like straight cope if I've ever heard it desu

>> No.15960069

cope is wearing those platforms m8

>> No.15960079

Still get compliments regularly either way, especially from women as well. Can't say that's probably the same exact case for you on your day-to-day desu

>> No.15960089


>> No.15960094


>> No.15960100

c o p e

>> No.15960104
File: 38 KB, 680x680, 5f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope is when you're still replying to my posts like a butthurt crybaby

now project harder

>> No.15960123
File: 34 KB, 693x720, 1613090598059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wears platform shoes

>> No.15960125

see >>15960104

>> No.15960128


>> No.15960131

see >>15960079

>> No.15960133


>> No.15960134

see >>15960094

>> No.15960137


>> No.15960144

see >>15960079

I will keep on reminding you of this until you accept the fact that you're just a coping incel who literally couldn't get a compliment to save his own life

>> No.15960156

cope and seethe gimp

>> No.15960158

I agree with the post you've just linked, sounds just about right :)

>> No.15960167

>i-i get compliments
>they like my shoes

>> No.15960173

why yes fren, receiving compliments from kind strangers is actually a great way to cope with life :)

>> No.15960178

and platforms are a great way to cope with stature :)

>> No.15960182

still get compliments haha :)

>> No.15960186

not when they're off haha :)

>> No.15960188

Jesus christ I hate all of you. Just tell me some fucking outfits and stop arguing.

>> No.15960192

I'll admit, now you got me there

you still can't get compliments with any piece of clothing/footwear that you currently own though, so ha :)

>> No.15960197

>needing gimp shoes to get compliments

>> No.15960205

the main point here is that you still won't get any compliments from both men and (especially) women, no matter how hard you try

>> No.15960210

>still won't get any compliments
bold to assume I need platforms to get compliments m8

>> No.15960212

never said you needed platforms for that, kind incel :)

>> No.15960214

cope harder :)

>> No.15960289

Wear a death cab for cutie shirt. That's the most solid advice I can give you. If your town has a punk scene, diy house, or bars with live bands; show up. Worked for me, but I live in a college town that actually has a punk scene.

>> No.15960356

this dude gets it, i wear docs too and bitches love them

>> No.15960817

What's the purpose of these?
Unironically asking, what kind of work are these for?

>> No.15960992

the unholy get

but no New Rocks are trash nowadays and they look more like orthopedic appliances than boots

>> No.15961014

corny shoes for edgy 17 year olds

>> No.15961123

there hasn't been a point to buying docs since early 2000s lmfao, quality is utter shit, poor leather and no shank so ur arches collapse. buy solovair instead- they're more spenny but unironically worth it.
as a new rock owner, they're also good qual and last a long time. I also appreciate the fact you can buy replacement parts on their website if your boots wear

>> No.15961128

>What should I wear?
Boots with a 360 degree Goodyear welt instead of Docs.

>> No.15961288
File: 565 KB, 600x610, 6a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. seething broke fuckboys

>> No.15961854

they are 200€, docs are the same price

>> No.15961865

>oversided button up shirts and cuffed jeans
why cant you just wear normal fitting clothing instead of looking like some billy eyelash wannabe

>> No.15961867

define normal

>> No.15963189

>he only saw prices for the first few listing out of several hundred pairs, and not much else
plenty pairs of New Rock boots cost about as high as $300-$400, some even much higher than that, you dense retard

>> No.15963235

that shits cheap, fuckrr

>> No.15963238

define define

>> No.15963333
File: 231 KB, 1080x922, Screenshot_20210216213717~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compared to what? if you're comparing prices to a pair of Rick Owens, then i'd see where you're coming from. other than that you'd have to be astronomically retarded if you think that any pairs of docs are being sold at the same retail price as a pair of pic related

>> No.15963346 [DELETED] 

first time opening this thread in a few months. where did the coffee poster go? i miss him :(

>> No.15963579

Slim or skinny jeans in a dark color, a band shirt that fits you (no oversize retardation) and a leather jacket.

>> No.15963765

poorfag here, where can i get newrocks for cheaper, fuck they're pricey

>> No.15963861

I wore a pair as work boots for a few months and tore through the spot where the toe cap bends on my right boot.
Took a piece of scrap leather and glued that sucker down.
Wear whatever you want, as long as it's functional.

>> No.15964213

>NO, the retail price of MY inflated and cheaply built "STATUTORY RAPE GOTH GF"-BOOTS makes them better than yours, RETARD

>> No.15964259
File: 54 KB, 500x616, a72aa91f2a17286e40e6cebb659ea33c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>custom-made boots made out of pure Italian leather, manufacted all the way from Spain
>more durable, high-quality, and longer-lasting than most boots currently available in the market
>"cheaply built"
The amount of unironic seething in this single post is truly palpable.

>> No.15964260

you'd think with that much effort they could make them not look like shit

>> No.15964269

absolute cope at its finest, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.15964270

>manlet boots

>> No.15964276

still recieve more compliments on my "manlet boots" on a weekly basis than you'll ever get wearing your silly $200 doc martens everyone stopped giving a fuck about since the early 2000's, so jokes on you :)

>> No.15964290

>"they complimented them bro, nah nah they go to another school, trust me"
>I wear docs
I have no interest in faggy goth boots, but the boot equivalent of braces you wear are an eyesore you midget

>> No.15964328
File: 8 KB, 179x282, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I have no interest in faggy goth boots"
>is literally in a thread dedicated to just that
you're really making yourself look bad here bro. might as well just stop responding if I were you desu

>> No.15964340
File: 39 KB, 520x494, 1613527262398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to mock your goofy chink shoes m8
>stop responding
nah i'm good

>> No.15964372


>> No.15964385

listen mate, youre the only one itt who likes these boots
they look like shit, accept it and move on

>> No.15964475
File: 78 KB, 464x702, 1610627478926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear Docs every day. Everyone who says they're shit boots is just coping with the fact that they're really not that fashionable.
Bonus: Screw some metal sheeting screws into the heel and they're winter boots.

>> No.15964490

They're shit boots mostly because they're low-quality, and get fucked up quite easily within the first several months (at most) of daily wear, retard. Enjoy throwing your money away repeatedly for the sake of wearing popular brand-name boots,while sacrificing both longevity and overall quality lmao.

Also those boots make your feet look comically tiny as hell. Ruins the entire fit desu.

>> No.15964502
File: 34 KB, 530x816, 6CF5485A-CCDF-4860-B221-8B9ADA6D1217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fuckin Johnny bravo

>> No.15964622

I've worn mine daily, with the exception of deer season when I wear my White's Block Heel Loggers, 7 years; still fine. I get the complaint about the wood shank but that's vastly overstated IMO.
They're not as shitty as people purport them to be.
They're mostly waterproof out of the box (save lace loops and holes), the gum sole holds up to most terrain, and the leather is very flexible.
They're a perfectly fine 3 season boot that gets shit on because a bunch of faggots online said "They're not so good".

>> No.15965089

imagine sperging so much over a pair of boots, do you have mental issues? Pathetic.