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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.99 MB, 2358x4192, justlift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15957549 No.15957549 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more NPC than "just shave your head completely bald bro". You look like a fucking prisoner at Auschwitz or something. Hair (even bad hair) at least gives you some personality. Unless you're black or you look like Stone Cold or Goldberg. Please don't go for this look. It's fucking gross.

>> No.15957558

Nah, the hesenberg can be /fa/ if you have the shape.

>> No.15957575

hair is a cope

>> No.15957755
File: 29 KB, 615x410, 0_Manchester-City-Training-and-Press-Conference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being that vain and unmanly is not effay.

>> No.15957760

it truly does looks like shit

>> No.15957845

Have a surgery and have hair dude

>> No.15957852

He looks like an anthropomorphic egg.

>> No.15957856

He has the head of a toddler

>> No.15957885
File: 136 KB, 727x584, cIBRZnb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15957902

>don’t shave your head
>post picture of ugly ginger with a cone head.

Nice op. I’m gonna post a picture of a chinlet with hair and say that you shouldn’t have hair.

>> No.15957903

The main issue with that poor fella isthat he'd look bad even with norwood 0 hair, but props for trying to fix his dituation andgoing into bodybuilding.

>> No.15957911
File: 969 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200918-023638_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hair is a cope

Whenever I wear my hair out and curly, I get no shortage of compliments from people, especially other women, telling me how much they love my hair, how nice and healthy it looks, and they want to know my routine.

If I walk in a room, on the bus, the train, or whatever, all eyes turn to me, and stare in amazement and awe.

I also, RARELY, get the occasional jealous hater, a couple of Mexicans once, but nearly ALWAYS black men, that will make a snide remark to whoever is in their group; someone once even complained about wanting to "start slapping these faggots" when I walked past them once. But it's all good because you're no one until you got some haters.

Anyway, that attention, even from the haters, literally makes me feel like a fucking rock star.

It's addictive; so much so that when the colder months come around and I keep my hair covered (protects it and helps it grow long) up for months on end under my beanie, I start missing all the attention I get when I have it out. I begin cursing at the radio every morning when I hear the weather forecast and how it's going to be cold and snowy/rainy/freezing for the next five days. By the time winter ends, I'm like an angry horse in a rodeo pen, just waiting to burst out and buck winter off my back.

This year is special though because we have the pandemic. As you know, I've been transitioning, and my face has undergone significant changes, but I've had it covered up whenever out in public, and especially at work, and around family. The overwhelming majority of the people I know haven't seen my face since I started masking it up back in March of last year. I'm really want the pandemic to end so I can stop wearing a mask and have my new face out there along with my even longer and curlier mane. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see the reactions.

(picrel is old, btw)

>> No.15957914

imagine being so devoid of personality that you need a haircut to make you interesting

>> No.15957918
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Hair is not a "cope" if it's beautiful and gets you a constant stream of compliments and attention like mine does. It's a confidence booster that makes you feel better about yourself, which in turn is good for your mental health.

>> No.15957919

Oh no, it's Pedo L. Jackson again. At this point I wish L. Jewliet would return. He wasn't even that annoying and gross.

>> No.15957930

hair is life
would rather lose my hand than be bald before 30

>> No.15957931


>> No.15957932
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>> No.15957936

if my head wasn't so oddly shaped I'd have gone full bicmode a long time ago.

>> No.15957948


No need to insult me. I'm just telling you the reality of hair, anon.

Until I grew my hair out (I guess HRT played a part since it changed my face/skin so much), I was NOTHING. No one bothered with me. Now? Everyone acknowledges me.

Hair really does have that much of an effect on how people treat you.

I'm short af, but if I got some professionally done photos and sent them around to a bunch of modeling agencies, I wouldn't be surprised if I landed a bit part in some advertisement as an extra or something, all because of my hair.

>> No.15957950

Hair turned you into a queen congrats

>> No.15957958

That's either some fag taking fellas photos for lulz or a hard case of narcissism.

>> No.15957971
File: 52 KB, 499x750, conehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15957978

Go back to R3ddit, nigger. Your hair looks like absolute shit. I hope you put some Gorilla Glue on that shit.

>> No.15957980


>> No.15957982

You look like an Apple Store employee. Or Best Buy. Go stock some shelves, nigger.

>> No.15957985

I hate namefags and tripfags. He's both.

>> No.15958002

I didn't realize he was a tripfag, in that case he can fuck right off and take his nigfro with him.

>> No.15958090
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>> No.15958107

dope curls, i started growing deads in top like a year ago (because fuck trying to mantain black hair) and now i gotta say this is definitely my best look. Being able to style it in a bunch if diferent ways is pretty fun.
Hair does matter.

>> No.15958233


Umm, respect my preferred pronouns, haters.

>> No.15958255

go back to twitter

>> No.15958337

This is my first ever time browsing /fa/ and I've hardly laughed harder in ~15 years on 4chan. Bravo.

>> No.15958343

bald loser

>> No.15958347

Kill yourslef nigger

>> No.15958357
File: 192 KB, 750x932, F92AC018-D4A0-4B9F-B62F-C3ACBAA77874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never said what your preferred pronouns were. Your seething is unjustified, niggboi.

>> No.15958358

Sam Hyde is a tranny now?

>> No.15958411

>nword portmanteau variation

Trump lost and you embarrass yourself every time you tell someone about some convoluted right wing conspiracy theory you read on the Internet, like it's the gospel truth, attempting to make yourself seem "woke".

>> No.15958414


>> No.15958419

they live in a fantasy world bro

>> No.15958425

Disgusting, lmao
Get white

>> No.15958441 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 1080x1222, ellaemhoff_136365394_3689768444402546_8127139519981721088_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What core is this?

>> No.15958464

Being bald is cringe. Having a buzzcut it based

>> No.15958560

neckpill, tanpill and getting a shorter beard

>> No.15958583

What pronounce do you go buy?

>> No.15958623
File: 913 KB, 1024x3192, hairlet_infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15958799

>t. balding and doesn't want to cut his gross hair

>> No.15958823


>> No.15959345

Fuck you, nigger.

>> No.15959367

Notice how he's not completely bald

>> No.15959807

just wear a hat nigga

>> No.15959836

I cant even do B so I did A. D would be way too much hassle and stressfull. BTW yes I have no sucess with women, thank you,

>> No.15959857

Like most things, it's just situational. People give that advice to people who dont have much fashion knowledge as a quick and easy solution. If someone who had fashion sense started going bald, they probably wouldn't need to ask that question.

It's the exact same reason people tend to tell fashion newbies WITH hair to just get a fade. It's just a basic and easy solution that they can build off of.

>> No.15959916
File: 184 KB, 360x450, jermaDisgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15959927

My GAWD you are ugly. I thought I was ugly but wow, you're on another level. The kind of ugly that even a 3 month old baby is aware of how ugly you are that it throws up.

I understand you're a victim though and must get the old "It's not Halloween still, take off your mask" joke all year long.

But fuck me. It's almost unreal at how ugly you are.

I would really appreciate (and I am sure this goes for most people here) that you put some kind of trigger warning first before posting your face.


>> No.15960268

>is niggur
>is ugly
u is y niggurs are hated

>> No.15960290

lmao look at how mad this guy got he typed this whole shit post out

>> No.15960723
File: 461 KB, 499x278, 7789E593-3162-4133-9667-06DF539C22FC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trannytripfag seethes after masturbatory self-praise

>> No.15960938

Why the fuck should somebody who isn't bald/balding make such a thread? Either you're coping, insecure or both. Keep munching your estrogen enhancers and leave your fellow anons alone, sissy.

>> No.15961068

hence monks and soldier receive same haircut

>> No.15961074

His hair isn't even bad tho

>> No.15961090

You guys are fucking stupid. Stop giving this larper attention

>> No.15961182
File: 50 KB, 468x546, 1611227880344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>other women

>> No.15963016

you're an ugly nigger and no one is reading all that

>> No.15964299

I read all that.

>> No.15964310

Kevin Mann

>> No.15964321

I read it to prove you wrong. I am also a pathetic niggor

>> No.15964346

I voted for Bernie twice and I'm here to tell you you're an annoying nigger