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15954184 No.15954184 [Reply] [Original]

What would happen to fashion if we put LSD in the water?

>> No.15954195

I took lsd a bunch and I now mostly wear hiking/outdoors brands in muted colours.

>> No.15954205

Though you knew you were on it and it stopped

>> No.15955441

Society wud collapse, everyone wud turn gay, and become libruls.
Fashion wud be all tie dye hippie shit.

>> No.15956718

nothing would happen, do you know how much lsd you would need to have an effect? clearly youve never taken it before

>> No.15956733

what are you talking about? lsd is potent in extremely miniscule amounts. do you have any idea how small a quantity 200 micrograms is? are you fucking retarded?

>> No.15956736
File: 89 KB, 739x739, CEAD7213-8F70-40D3-A23D-AA860625632F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what drugs do to you

>> No.15956739

Your tolerance to LSD doubles in the 72 hours after a trip, i.e. you'd have to eat 2 tabs to have the same trip as 1 tab the day before, then you'd have to take 4 tabs the next day etc and usually you're sketched out and dead tired by this point. That's why it's non addictive you quickly build up a tolerance and aversion.

In my experience too much acid just becomes a headache because you end up clear minded but physically retarded i.e. you are trying to cook dinner but cant figure out how long it's been in the oven, whether it's raw or burnt, and it takes you half an hour to chew the food and it doesn't want to stay down and fuck man I just want this trip to end so I can get to the supermarket and clean my room maybe watch some TV this sucks.

Spiking the water supply would be great for the first day or two but I think if everyone was tripping 24/7 they'd just end up grumpy jaded and irritable because nothing's getting done tee bee aich.

>Wear rags I don't care man I don't have the energy to think about this shit I'm tripping balls I just wanna put some Floyd on and vibe. You have clothes and they're not tattered what else do you need man? Quit harshing my mellow

>> No.15956745
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>too much acid just becomes a headache because you end up clear minded

>> No.15956754


>> No.15956756

Talk to me when you've tripped acid for 4 days straight. You have to force yourself to do it by the last day and you're not even fun high, you're just a spirit in the third person trying to deal with a body that won't do what you need it to do. It's like playing counterstrike on a dial up with someone in mongolia. You know what you WANT to do but you can't fucking do it.

On the other hand if you want to sleep for 36 hours straight, 4 days of acid would be my prescription.

>> No.15956758

Older than you faggot

>he doesn't remember when you went to the library or that one rich kids house if you wanted to use the internet
>he doesn't remember the first time he saw a computer that could show a full color photo

>> No.15956876
File: 610 KB, 1989x1125, FAC5F751-3D83-4F11-8E57-93215D0383C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you spike the water for two days every 3-5 months?

You could pick special days.

Or maybe specific places.

I’d love to see what happens to one town if in an state is the only one that gets the LSD periodically and it gets it on the best days. (Good weather, 4th of July, etc)

Could increase human progress dramatically

>> No.15956894

>In my experience too much acid just becomes a headache because you end up clear minded but physically retarded i.e. you are trying to cook dinner but cant figure out how long it's been in the oven, whether it's raw or burnt, and it takes you half an hour to chew the food and it doesn't want to stay down and fuck man I just want this trip to end so I can get to the supermarket and clean my room maybe watch some TV this sucks.
Extremely accurate

>> No.15957302

basically nothing??? micrograms of the shit you FUCKING RETARD

>> No.15957310

real curious, how much total did you take for the whole 4 days? what was your reup schedule?

>> No.15957316

Watch the movie Climax by gaspar noe

>> No.15957872
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>> No.15957878

probably mass psychosis so being nude and covered in dirt probably

lsd is fun but if you got a megadose and weren’t suspecting it you’d lose your mind entirely

>> No.15957894

People who use recreational drugs are weak people who have no self control and stuff themselves with happy chemicals for no effort

>> No.15957923

cope harder

>> No.15957955
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>copes with drugs

>> No.15957961

you are fucking retarded

>> No.15957970

Acid looses it's charm after a few goes, it's basically a children drug makes you retarded and everything seem profound and shiny. After that you'll just get bummed out from all the HPPD. I did acid 3 times and dmt 2 in one month and suffered from visual static for nearly 2 years. If I was tripping for any longer then a week I'd probably kill myself since at that point it's torture. Even now if I stay up for too long I start getting weird visual distortion and flashing lights. That being said exploring altered states of consciousness is worth doing at least once.

>> No.15957977

Everybody has that basically even with no drugs

>> No.15957993

Only someone that has never experienced it would say that.

>> No.15958018

People would just be more open to experiment with their outfits and be less self conscious

>> No.15958026

sounds like self-harm my dude. what were you trying to get out of this experience and how much did you take in total?

>> No.15958059

Why ?

>> No.15958071
File: 60 KB, 444x600, 6C403660-B490-456F-8639-0EEFF8FC2637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve seen some wild visuals on lsd

Some trips I saw nothing
Or barely anything

But trips where I was thinking amazing thoughts and having amazing experiences... wow

I’ve seen the matrix. Fully 3D beings

>> No.15958079

I was on tik tok and saw a post with 300k+ likes about how they see “static in the dark”. 300k like tik toks have to have mass appeal to be dished out like that. The apps main audience is 10-17. Most of these people, and the people in the comments were this age therefore had likely not tried hallucinogenics before. Therefore I believe a large chunk of the population has visual snow but doesn’t realize it, in opposition to what Wikipedia and Reddit says. I definitely had visual snow before taking acid as young as 5, and although the first time I took LSA it made the visual snow more noticeable, it had no long term effects.

>> No.15958089


>> No.15958113
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>> No.15959537

I think it's like, when you have that child like sense of wonderment your imagination goes into overdrive.

When you know how the world works you get your highs from things like accomplishment, love, challenges, self improvement, competition, self satisfaction, that you can't get from just eating some cheap drugs and wandering in the woods with your buddies.

You tend to be correct but there's a time and place for happy chemicals. Once or twice a year on a vacation day is kosher.

>> No.15959560

and for the time and place in your life (probably 15 or 16 let's be honest) it's just the thing. But when you're pushing 30 you won't enjoy the 3d matrix alternate universe in the same way, you'll see it but you'll take it as a bit of a headache and some nausea to be honest.

That's not to say you won't enjoy life. You don't even know what life is yet.

A karate master I met once said it best:

>Drugs are the window to what your mind is capable of. But to be successful you must pass through the door.

>> No.15959563


>> No.15960669
