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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 419 KB, 1080x1350, 1613235564123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15952889 No.15952889 [Reply] [Original]

Arthoes are /fa/ af.

>> No.15952893

actually they are the opposite

>> No.15952899

Rich girls who dress homeless aren’t much of anything.
>went to liberal arts college

>> No.15952904


>> No.15952905

Do you even know what that means?

>> No.15952918

I love girls wearing oversized boots/sneakers too

>> No.15952921
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no. but i stll wanna stick my whang in them

>> No.15952925

It's a fake aesthetic. They dont have real personalities or worldviews that make any sense.

>> No.15952926

These girls look like they smell like gym socks.

>> No.15952940

this but i still want to fuck them. too bad you have to talk to them

>> No.15953181
File: 77 KB, 500x397, art hoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but, to be honest, we fantasize about gym toth's or office lady or nurse types just as much as normies fantasize about dating an arthoe

I've only dated art students(like 7 of them) and I wish I could find a normal girl

>> No.15953191

it's horrible, specially after you fuck them, and you just stay there and look at them in post nut clarity and really admire how vapid and dumb they are, no personality

>> No.15953195

You have to treat them like fuck toys from the start.

>> No.15953203

unfortunately they usually have the worst personalities

>> No.15953253

I pretty much only date art hoes. I fantasize about outdoorsy girls

>> No.15953264

I haven't fucked one since high school 4 years ago. I can't do it anymore. I was a retard back then, but at least I wasn't an autist like I am now. I can't pretend to give a fuck about their inane bullshit anymore

>> No.15953375
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Then why not just smoke a cigarette and leave

>> No.15953683

then put the cigarette out in her eyeballs

>> No.15953684

that’s not an art hoe

>> No.15954064

Post one so.

>> No.15954114

I'd smash

>> No.15954119
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>> No.15954150

nice 1990 Frankenstein shoes

>> No.15954181

Do I need to have a dozen tattoos and lean fit to get one of these slags? They seem so unachievable while at the same time I don't know what makes them any more special than other chicks.

>> No.15954194

Just rape one

>> No.15954203

I want to rape them all though.

>> No.15954213

You gotta look like you try as hard as they do.

>> No.15954215

really? I feel like that would make them dislike you because they know how contrived it is

>> No.15954220
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art hoes are possibly the most generic group of sluts I've ever talked to. it's like they all download their look and personality from a single social media post. They aren't effay and if you think they are then your taste in fashion is as pathetic as these women's desperate attempt at wanting to be unique

>> No.15954230

>doesn't make art
>has shit taste
we used to just call them rejects

>> No.15954232

this is the single shittiest take this board has ever seen.

>> No.15954236

What they do is contrived too. They don't know anything you don't.

>> No.15954240

So, it's like they know it's bullshit and you know it's bullshit but you never talk about it?>

>> No.15954244

just treat them like garbage, but hand a compliment once in a while. be vague. disagree with them a lot. easy

>> No.15954251

Ehhh, well they don't think it's bullshit. You can though. Yeah though, don't talk about it. Expression is kind of meaningless anyway. You do what you do to align yourself with what you want to be associated with. If you really want to be associated with these girls then you have to play the game.

>> No.15954256

I just can't make myself into a meme to get pussy

>> No.15954268

Then don't go for these girls.
They're not worth it in any way

>> No.15954270

They kind of did if you consider copying pinterest boards a meme. You could always just go with confidence and charm though. I'll say that the more well adjusted girls who dress like this (which are rare) are pretty easy to get along with. They are hit on constantly though. Humor goes a far way. That's true for all women but I feel like the younger ones like this that obviously spend a lot of time online are more actively receptive towards it. Maybe I'm just full of bullshit though. I usually just have fun flirting as I'm too jaded to consistently pursue anything. Sometimes the pieces come together though.

>> No.15954329

Imagine the feeling of elation of rushing adrenaline as you beat this vapid cunt with a baseball bat

>> No.15954350
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>> No.15954354
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Before the beating

>> No.15954372


It's not her fault she doesn't want to be dicked by you, anon. You either feel it or you don't.

>> No.15954390

I’ve never talked to a girl that dressed like this. I’d also want to beat a guy who dressed like that

>> No.15954586

Anti fa

>> No.15954938


>> No.15954943

>go for compsci degree: all redditors
>fuck that, I don’t want to be among those idiots and programming is not my thing
>go into industrial/product design program because it’s fun
>75% of school is arthoes that backstab each other and are a bunch of schizos
The sex isn’t worth it bros, compared to the amount of shit they throw at you the numbers just don’t add

>> No.15954956

please keep your politics out of fashion

>> No.15954962

This looks more like Russian hooker fashion than it does art hoe fashion.

>> No.15954994

Actually, they're gonna reek of patchouli oil, or some other trendy fragrance of the day. They will have quite the collection of essential oils, mostly floral based. Sometimes they will wear overpowering mens colognes, to prove that they think "outside their gender".
Don't discount the Art Hoes. They can be fun. Just be prepared for insecurities, daddy issues, angst, and all the shit that goes with someone searching for their own identity.

>> No.15955011
File: 1.40 MB, 1194x636, image_2021-02-14_122054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fantasize about outdoorsy girls
do you mean this type? Hiking femoid?
not much is know about them, but I would make the assumption they all date white guys exclusively.
I also get a feeling they are all dog girls(and they fuck them).
I might be reading into it too much, but the fact they love the outdoors, projects their need to get away from the urban areas where they "fucked up".

anyone please expand on the hiking femoid if you've had experience with them

>> No.15955045

He meant anti fashion. You are thinking of "antifa"

>> No.15955054

You're reading too much into it, those are just normie girls who grew up with a father in their life

>> No.15955309


>> No.15955318

This board is full of fucking clowns

>> No.15955328

Dangerously Based

>> No.15955330

Please never speak again of your fetishes.

>> No.15955473

fucking patchouli is trendy? lmfao
>tfw either go STEM and hate my life or go liberal arts and be surrounded by retards

>> No.15955483
File: 1.51 MB, 950x708, art hoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get laid you fucking creepy incel.

>> No.15955490

Are these the male equivalent of art hoes?

>> No.15955495

No they are OP and people like him. Meaning pathetic soi coomers ranting about girls they will never even approach.

>> No.15955505


>> No.15955519

you must be one of them because no self respecting man uses the insult
>get laid you creepy fucking incel

>> No.15955527

>tripfag enters the thread
>it instantly goes to shit
/fa/ really went down the shitter when they started to appear huh

>> No.15955541

OMG CRINGE. just get laid ffs incel weirdo.


Another sad incel.

>> No.15955549

too blatant bait

>> No.15955552

yo mommas bait... cock bait

>> No.15955555

based incel radical

>> No.15955710

Pretty much anon, at least I can get into UX/UI if classical ID/PD won't work out and I will still have a comfy creative job to some extent. But the students on both ends of the spectrum are insufferable for me, it's always either muh science and god complex or some bitchy pretentious shit.

>> No.15955719

I found that the history department has the best people in it

>> No.15955734

Yeah, they are pretty fun just like the psych, philo and literature crowd. Good lads for sure. But this type of shit is more of a hobby than a possible job for me sadly/thankfully

>> No.15955836


>> No.15955839

I just plan to teach English in Vietnam atm so I don't really need a useful major. I've been looking for one as a backup plan but they're all so boring that I feel I might as well just go to trade school instead of getting one. I have to declare in fall, so I'm deciding between history and english writing, which I won't learn anything in but it forces me to write.

>> No.15955843
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>> No.15955871

I am not a native anglophone so having an enjoyable degree from a british uni is already comfy and have no patience towards teaching people. I actually had a brief moment when I thought about becoming a plumber since muh trades but this shit is really bad for your body in the long run and literally no tradie recommends their children or youth to follow this path. Also tradies are almost universally total degenrates when it comes to drugs and alcohol but not in a fun way. If I were you I'd go for english - writing is a great thing and copywriting + other shit is quite decent when it comes to pay anon, don't miss out on it.

>> No.15955944

arthoes are also more likely to buttsex, too

>> No.15956156

>(and they fuck them)

>> No.15956157

i fucking hate the ux/ui tag.
it's just graphics design expanded to more fields in order to raise a generation of wagies which are adept in multiple fields but not proficient enough in any of said fields to warrant anything but the minimum wage.

fucking normies man

>> No.15956168

Never met an introverted female hiker, take that for what it's worth. Most women are too scared to hike or be in nature by themselves for extended periods of time. Also a heavy sprinkling of actual dykes and literal sugar daddy whores. Occasional stable tombois just into nature are rare but wifeable and alas, are usually already wifed up (they're with their hubby, that's why they're comfortable hiking!)

>> No.15956178

>minimum wage
You and me know very well that this shit is glorified web design but the money is good, don’t lie to yourself

>> No.15956215

>it's just graphics design expanded to more fields
"ux/ui" maybe, because ux and ui aren't interchangeable terms at all.

>> No.15956248

and yet the skills involved are nearly identical

>> No.15956432


>> No.15957089

I do not believe you have all that much sex to be honest

>> No.15957299

i want to superglue my face to her asshole

>> No.15957318


>> No.15957323

these aren't art hoes, that's 2013 "i listen to crystal castles" indie hipster core

>> No.15957324

literal street hooker fit

>> No.15957534

left one is amab

>> No.15957547
File: 304 KB, 680x549, 1604344736126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so lonely

>> No.15957611
File: 135 KB, 824x658, 4gD2MlGa174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eбaный ты cын coбaки

>> No.15957651

nah, these are typical buerak listeners aka vinishko tyans

>> No.15957716

пoтoмy чтo дopa дypa cyпep дypa дopa дypa

>> No.15957722

>spends one term at bristol uni
>comes back donned head-to-toe in her grandmother's cardigans

nah i'm alright thnx

>> No.15958124
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>> No.15958461

yes and no

>> No.15958472
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>> No.15958494
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>> No.15958521

>I might be reading into it too much
yes you are

>> No.15958534

these responses do not not make much sense for an european tbqh, what is this thread about? in europe "art hoes" are bitches that can actually paint and stuff and also go to school/college for that. are you guys reffering to liberal arts students? what would be the that in europe, sociology?

>> No.15958610

Pretty much yes anon, the libarts and psych + philosophy crowd. But this particular specimen can be seen in many universities around the UK as well

>> No.15958627

>these responses do not not make much sense for an european tbqh
ok albanian
every major city, even in shithole countries like hungary, has arthoes in social science unis

>> No.15958630

nothing /fa/ about being used up by the time you're 19 LOL

>> No.15958984


>> No.15959288

Art hoes in the US usually do some kind of art or are in a band but it all looks the same or sounds like the same indie bullshit

>> No.15960201

bruh we have them in brazil even

>> No.15960253

>double majoring cs and philosophy
>like both and am good at both
>got most gen ed credits in high school so can still take a relatively light courseload
Pretty comfy desu

>> No.15960283

god i’m so lonely

>> No.15960460

>he doesn't know

>> No.15960467

Are you joking? I live in Europe and have travelled loads across it and I've seen art hoes everywhere in every country, from major cities to little rural towns
Do you live under a rock, or are you just baiting?

>> No.15960474

>Art Hoe aesthetic is passé. Y2K 90s Redux is on.

>> No.15960620


calm down, their in my city too, a of them. they look exactly the same as these hoes in this thread, but when I saw the title mentioning "arts" and see most replies mentioning they suck since they do nothing, did not made sense as there's plenty bitches here that dress like this and are actually into art, go to art school, real art, not "liberal arts". calm down, every style we have today is everywhere, just forgot the US calls "arts" stuff like psychology and sociology.

ok istvan

>> No.15960629

They're not called art hoes because they study the 'arts'

>> No.15960637

nah, i get it, don't mind me. in my city, eastern europe, almost 400 k population, there's plenty bitches that dress like this and paint/got to theater schools etc. they're cool, albeit a bit soulless like most zoomers girls.

>> No.15960680

I live in Vilnius and almost every young girl I see outside is dressed like this