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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 196 KB, 1080x1080, 134160310_230304971877363_5407614128047108760_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15947957 No.15947957 [Reply] [Original]

woah... so this is the average rick fan?

>> No.15948213

i recognize that guy ive seen him in discord

>> No.15948227

Why does he wear the mask?

>> No.15948228
File: 55 KB, 750x731, d0iqtlrene051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only they were all that daring.
the average rick fan these days is picrel.

>> No.15948243


>> No.15948248

Does this dude live in a dentist's waiting room or something?

>> No.15948315

because he's a faggot

>> No.15948486


>> No.15948487

like the other guy said, hes a massive faggot. this man is an unironic transexual (is on estrogen) furry freak. hence the dog mask. his friends and himself like to doxx random people and delete server by mass reporting. if you see a user by Aced avoid at all costs.

hes not memeing

>> No.15948488

nah but he lives rent free in your brain brah

>> No.15948531


>> No.15948636

Rent free

>> No.15948649

also newfag

>> No.15948690

Doesn't this guy shitpost on /fa/? I remember an anon typed similarly suspicious to aced

>> No.15948696

Those jeans are so hard to come by for a decent price

>> No.15948697

Playboi Carti is based

>> No.15948705

cope. this dudes such a faggot

>> No.15948724

Based on what?

>> No.15948725

Thats not a furry mask. Thats a "pup" mask, a gay kink.

>> No.15949419

it would be extremely painfull to remove

>> No.15949423

i doubt anon even knows who this is

>> No.15949441

the average Rick fan probably Owens geobaskets or drkshdws and knows very little about his other work

>> No.15949473
File: 154 KB, 650x752, nazis with pup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same thing, autist

>> No.15949597

the outfit looked amazing ngl

>> No.15949640

No, only the actual Rick fans before playboi carti hyped the brand up, the modern Rick fan are 15 year old kids that begged their parents to buy the DRKSHDW Canvas Ramones to be a cool kid.

>> No.15949647
File: 546 KB, 1772x1772, 8A05AD17-D0DB-4111-8852-898DAA30B80A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also your makeup is amazing ngl

>> No.15949672
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>> No.15950389
File: 61 KB, 640x350, 04C06B80-96D1-4EBD-B171-3FE6A8AC8835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15950405 [DELETED] 

jesus christ.

>> No.15950411
File: 206 KB, 828x713, 03CEBDD5-49F7-4264-A6D3-9736F105A9C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn’t poor shaming I was only implying it’s greAt he can’t afford those ugly pants

>> No.15950410

kek Indre’s schizo

>> No.15950417
File: 61 KB, 640x561, C6F32989-FA3D-45F1-BD35-20D869B59600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thank god you’re poor and that you can’t spend money on things you like

>> No.15950420
File: 57 KB, 640x281, E134AFC8-47CE-4729-AD5A-D18B2B9E6245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15950422

(For the record I didnt post that as a dig - this dude used to work there and actually wears more interesting pieces)
I’ve always respected ros draping and texture work far more than his shoes and the standard bs the fuccbois used to buy here (dropcrotch/bomber/long tees&tanks/etc)

>> No.15950423
File: 115 KB, 611x525, 6F563E67-2139-40F3-8C8F-F98C229CD95A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15950440
File: 173 KB, 639x646, E5A0AF58-2CA2-48F6-AF8A-78B524C8A5D1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wanted to buy those pants

>> No.15950443
File: 641 KB, 2400x2400, 0F1EFACE-D756-4977-A567-095DA61F330E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Further denial is proof of your lie.

>> No.15950454

>I wasn’t poor shaming I was only implying it’s greAt he can’t afford those ugly pants
Those are wonderful pants. You had no right to call them ugly and to praise God for anon’s lack of funds to purchase the pants he enjoys. You are getting uglier with each post you make.

>> No.15950465 [DELETED] 

why do you even care? you have fucking problems lady. I've been coming on /fa/ for almost a decade and every single attention whore who spends more than 2 months in this godforsaken place ends up hooked on drugs or dead. whatever happened to you, get help. this is not a healthy outlet for you.

>> No.15950471

>trip calls these pants ugly
>"praise god for your poverty keeping you from affording this mistake of buying the shit you love”

>> No.15950484 [DELETED] 

>posts full post
>doesn’t change context
you’re still povertyshaming, horsefucker
you express gladness that anon is poor and unable to make a “mistake” in lirchasing something they have already expressed interest in
your opinion that that pants are ugly is irrelevant and is quite telling of your toxic mind

>> No.15950496
File: 3.98 MB, 406x176, 1F7C1D3B-D46D-44DC-B266-64E4D6856C5D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts screencap
>doesn’t change context
you’re still povertyshaming, horsefucker

you express gladness that anon is poor and unable to make the “mistake” of purchasing something they have already expressed interest in

your opinion that that pants are ugly is irrelevant and is quite telling of your toxic mind

>> No.15950536

Those pants would have been a mistake and he should probably put the 300$ in savings or else he’ll actually be broke

I’ve been in situations where I’ve been cut off and had to fend for myself as a youngen and still spend hundreds on dumb shit.
But no no no anon go max out your credit card on pants you’ll wear once and realize they’re goofy as fuck

>> No.15950542
File: 32 KB, 464x284, 28A414D4-4151-4872-9D20-302E208A43FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve been in situations where I’ve been cut off and had to fend for myself as a youngen and still spend hundreds on dumb shit.
>But no no no anon go max out your credit card on pants you’ll wear once and realize they’re goofy as fuck

>> No.15950543

Do you actually believe that you're intelligent and beautiful? Like you truly think you're smart? You truly think you're the best looking woman on this site? Look at what you post...

>> No.15950545

>Those pants would have been a mistake and he should probably put the 300$ in savings or else he’ll actually be broke
You don’t have a say in how other people can spend their money.

>> No.15950546

I’m beyond help I have managed to raise above that level into zero fucks endless taste nirvana and am now here to help the lost children of this generation bc they’re swerving way off into unparalleled embarrassment

>> No.15950550

A delusion of grandeur is a false or unusual belief about one's greatness.

>> No.15950551

This is true, blah, jackal, Beth, tweet etc so much death so many drug addicts.

>> No.15950552

I’m saying I know from experience - bc I used to revel in materialistic shit and all it was was to cover up the mess going on the inside.
Relax all I’m saying is if you’re questioning if a certain price mark is too much —- it probably is

If you have limited discretionary income - Spend money on things that last forever - memories.

>> No.15950557
File: 52 KB, 359x478, D333BE6D-6422-439F-90E7-A313D5D8ACBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend money on things that last forever - memories.

>> No.15950558
File: 3.75 MB, 250x135, 622c36ff94d18755deba946d13134aba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is

>> No.15950562 [DELETED] 

You admit you can't even take care of yourself but you're attempting to take care of other people, don't you see the flaw in this? It's normal to make stupid purchases when you're young and it's a good learning opportunity. I used to make threads attempting to clean up /fa/ because it's easily the worst board on this site but I gave up. Post pictures, post OC, or well-explained advice or don't post at all.

You have insecurities about your own life which have lead you here - explaining basic concepts to people who have below-basic knowledge. You're not learning anything, you're not gaining anything but a vague sense of superiority, and attention fulfillment from interacting with the opposite sex.

>> No.15950563

Dude I never said that eeeevveeerrr
And if I did I was obviously trolling so it’s not even a topic of conversation.
Where the fuck am I?
Am I talking to a bunch of angry rejects that need to take their anger out on someone? Go ahead go ahead...if it makes you feel better - just don’t do it to people irl
I’ll sacrifice myself if it will help your mental health
Everyone is welcome to enter this session and get it ALL out

>> No.15950565 [DELETED] 

This is exactly what I mean:
>Am I talking to a bunch of angry rejects that need to take their anger out on someone?

You're in it for the attention. Make a fucking instagram or something jesus christ you're so miserable.

>> No.15950568

>Dude I never said that eeeevveeerrr
>And if I did I was obviously trolling so it’s not even a topic of conversation.
Denial and thought-terminating cliché.

>Where the fuck am I?
>Am I talking to a bunch of angry rejects that need to take their anger out on someone? Go ahead go ahead...if it makes you feel better - just don’t do it to people irl
>I’ll sacrifice myself if it will help your mental health
>Everyone is welcome to enter this session and get it ALL out
Playing God and pretending to be a religious figure is blasphemy. How disrespectful, you attention whore.

>> No.15950569

Who the fuck are you even?
If you’ve been here so long and take everything I say at word value...well honey...you need to loosen up and relax have some fun.
I mean if you take this board 100% seriously - I suggest you take that giant stick out of your ass and breaaath

>> No.15950574

Why is it you always show up at the same time as Sieg?

>> No.15950575

Irrelevant red baiting

>> No.15950576 [DELETED] 

I'm trying to help you. I guess this is an emotional rush for you (based on this cringe af post) but it's not good for your mental health. Whatever happened to you in your life you need to confront it and not spend as much time on here living out your clearly male-driven insecurities. This is a male board. You're obviously aware of this.

>> No.15950580

Oh I’m sorry am I not aloud to defend myself? Interesting I may have some traditional values but I’m a woman stronger than all these pussies put together so if they’re gonna throw shit my way they better expect I’m not gonna just eat it

>> No.15950583 [DELETED] 

>more gender-based insecurities
you need to take this up with a professional, whatever happened to you, on behalf of all men, I am truly sorry. This isn't the place for this though.

>> No.15950585

This is not a male board
Just bc you all can be so despicable and drive all the females away - doesn’t mean you own this

>> No.15950589 [DELETED] 

>but I’m a woman stronger than all these pussies put together
>this is not a male board

seek help

>> No.15950591

His name is Jonah Albert and he looks far worse without the dog mask

>> No.15950592
File: 251 KB, 1206x779, 2F1398AA-FAE0-4CAE-A17C-3A337AC620BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude I never said that eeeevveeerrr
And if I did I was obviously trolling so it’s not even a topic of conversation.
>I never said it!!!! If I did I didn’t mean it so don’t even talk about it!!!!

>> No.15950602

I know this isn’t the place but I didn’t start this - I never do

All I ever do is post on topic and BAM
And pls
Don’t start with take trip off bs bc I’ve always had one here and it’s what’s normal for me so fuck off im not gonna change just to pacify you angry minions
(There used to be more people with names/trips, granted, but still no)

Just filter me

>> No.15950609
File: 246 KB, 320x180, AD2B96E3-F848-4936-82D3-345BDF668563.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone else is the problem, not Me

>> No.15950611


Wow, this is a new low for /fa/

>> No.15950612

this is why you never give tripfags the time of day.

>> No.15950613

All of those are out of context
And nowhere does that say anything about me being the most beautiful

NOW EVERYONE STFU and return to the regular scheduled program about people who wear Rick

>> No.15950615 [DELETED] 

I'm actually trying to help you, I haven't insulted you at all. You got so worked up you started trashing men again, which is what it always comes down to. Nobody likes an aggressive woman, whatever happened to you must be terrible but this isn't the outlet for that.

>> No.15950616


>> No.15950617 [DELETED] 

massive ego problems in isle 3, some bitch took a huge slimy shit

>> No.15950618

It’s called autocorrect
I’m typing a hundred miles a minute batting off flies you expect me to spell it all perfect?

>> No.15950620

>All of those are out of context
No, they are not, lying animal cumdump.

>nowhere does that say anything about me being the most beautiful
Straw man. You deny calling yourself beautiful and intelligent. You did call yourself beautiful and intelligent.

>> No.15950621 [DELETED] 

you're a woman not a soldier and this isn't a battle this is a display of your mental illness on a text based imageboard

>> No.15950627

Don’t try your condescending bs bait.

>> No.15950628
File: 721 KB, 2400x2400, BB19E10F-9498-4A70-95A7-F7E3D30D7A0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the slut don’t smell shit

>> No.15950632 [DELETED] 

your dad says he's sorry for causing what you've become

>> No.15950638

I get it Indre, you're a 40 something who thinks this is a geocities chatroom but let me explain it again

here on 4chan we don't use tripcodes unless it's relevant to the dicussion. There are no profiles, points, post counts, communities etc. Because this is not a 90s era BBS. So you don't need to post your trip. In fact if you didn't, people would probably appreciate most of your comments instead of posting your personal info and digging up your past constantly Indre.

Just drop your trip, youre not better than anyone else here

>> No.15950640

Autocorrect wouldn't do that, why are you covered in flies? Why are you so dirty?

>> No.15950642

A soldier?
I never said I was and I’m not fighting for anyone but myself (senpai and friends too).
Furthermore I guarantee you that just about every person here has mental health issues
Stop shaming me for being open about it
Just like you’re shaming me for being a woman
Typical shit
I always said I’m not a feminist bc I couldn’t relate to those types but now I’m starting to see where/how/why they became that way

Good job fellas youre actively creating feminists atm

>> No.15950644 [DELETED] 

I'm a feminist too, women should be happy to be women and act like women, not try to be men. This is a male board and you're here because you have problems with men.

>> No.15950646

Keep up the good work

>> No.15950647

Dude you're nuts...

>> No.15950650

>Good job fellas youre actively creating feminists atm
>I always said I’m not a feminist bc I couldn’t relate to those types
>thinks negatively of feminists due to ingrained inaccurate stereotypes
You’re hopeless lol

>> No.15950656

This is not a male board
Legend has it - waaaay back in the day before you were 7 - there were females here..
Or did you assume the female portion of the sticky was made for the men here too?

>> No.15950660
File: 390 KB, 1280x958, B3E65590-CC96-4D12-A39F-EDB3FDFF914B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I’m bored and snowed in

>> No.15950662 [DELETED] 

you know this is a male board because you keep railing against the users and how they're all losers and pussies.

>> No.15950663

I helped write the first sticky before tuxbell....alekza/ tripskank wanted a female section so we let her run it....not many other women other than tom and play...stop talking about shit you weren't around for

>> No.15950666

So there are a number of flies buzzing around you in a snowed in house?

Palm springs is nice btw

Got a happy meal opening these pokemon cards

>> No.15950670

tripfag derails the thread each time its outed as a crude, illogical, insensitive, animal-fucking hypocrite and liar

>> No.15950693

I was literally there when you guys were piecing it together and I remember it being completely monopolized and by you and the 2 or so others that wrote it - hence why it sucked even back then

>> No.15950698 [DELETED] 

are you ever happy

>> No.15950702

Lmao that sticky is a joke and I can very much remember how much shit it got. And how people that tried to include valid current content were deleted off the wiki almost instantly...
Dude take your glory for that shitty wiki and go have wet dreams about how you helped make diagrams for some hentai sight

>> No.15950704

Congratulations on your blame-shifting, reaction formation, and topic derailment.

>> No.15950711

Except it didn’t do any of those.
Do you even know what those things mean? Bc I think no

>> No.15950717
File: 275 KB, 1200x631, 4A1F5762-CB25-44E6-8B8A-54C389A008B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argument from incredulity, also known as argument from personal incredulity or appeal to common sense, is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition must be false because it contradicts one's personal expectations

>> No.15950720 [DELETED] 

the sticky hasn't been relevant...ever

>> No.15950726
File: 147 KB, 1200x630, BC1782CC-8AC6-48E4-9337-9AB16E26E802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine peaking in highs school

>> No.15950782

You're a big degenerate homosexual

>> No.15950904

sieg is so pathetic kek

>> No.15950937

You 100% weren't there. I was still in college when we were piecing it together

>> No.15951237

>Am I talking to a bunch of angry rejects that need to take their anger out on someone? Go ahead go ahead...if it makes you feel better - just don’t do it to people irl
>I’ll sacrifice myself if it will help your mental health
>Everyone is welcome to enter this session and get it ALL out

horsefucker playing the victim lmfaooo

>> No.15951445 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 937x1262, 838024B8-4E53-41F1-BF04-FA3E89A23101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indre Gelzinis fucks horses

>> No.15951462 [DELETED] 


>> No.15951498

Thanks Sieg

>> No.15951888

it’s because she gets off on the attention. please don’t interact with her. the thread got needlessly confusing. you can’t carry conversations with her breed of idiocy

>> No.15951978

>You had no right to call them ugly
Yes she did

>> No.15951981

>you’re still povertyshaming
oh no :(

>> No.15952168

I understand just fine - your little sesquipedalian word games don’t have shit on me...nor do they make you sound intelligent you’re just annoying at this point

Exactly exactly exactly
when it was conceived - Sieg and the couple others wouldn’t allow others input to stay or take constructive criticism - oh god it was shit on so bad even back then.
There was even a section on the trips of fa and they actually put in their own descriptions hahahaha

>> No.15952473

>I understand just fine - your little sesquipedalian word games don’t have shit on me...nor do they make you sound intelligent
They demonstrate your illogical thinking and faulty argumentative technique. Faulty logic and argumentation is a waste of time and brings nobody closer to a well-debated conclusion. You’ve been talking past legitimate points that discredit you.

>> No.15952548
File: 55 KB, 494x416, 1593695554955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a male board
>/fa/ - Fashion

>> No.15952611

I would guess out of the people that actually post ~40% would label themselves as a female or non-binary

>> No.15952617
File: 69 KB, 640x640, FCBCA0CA-FC7E-4E45-90B8-2394CB0FA106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15952624

I require a picture of you bent over with no jeans on thanks.

>> No.15952625

It’s all perspective..and you’re completely pretentious - I just hate that..I really do
>bring to a well debated conclusion
What well debated (or accurate) conclusion are you looking for in the midst of a shitstorm of shitposts?

>> No.15952638

>It’s all perspective..and you’re completely pretentious - I just hate that..I really do
Words of an uneducated old hag who can only regurgitate thought-terminating clichés meant to subdue her thoughts kek

>> No.15952649
File: 55 KB, 564x402, B8A79E20-0C9D-46F1-9B0C-2CF4682930EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s all perspective..and you’re completely pretentious - I just hate that..I really do
>hates elementary concepts and calls them pretentious
So much for your preppy education

>What well debated (or accurate) conclusion are you looking for in the midst of a shitstorm of shitposts?
You are the root cause of shit when you appear in threads.

>> No.15952659

why are you trying to control someone else’s purchases
you emotionally abuse the anon by calling his taste in pants shit then thank god for his poverty

>> No.15952664

I’m not the problem.

>> No.15952665

yea, she derailed the thread and is trying to cover up her shit by shifting blame and pointing fingers

>> No.15952668
File: 248 KB, 1206x770, F1B872F9-6833-485D-A02D-024E7CD21A27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the average Rick fan

>> No.15952696

every thread she touches miraculously gets worse

>> No.15952697
File: 581 KB, 828x1047, 819190AE-DCE6-4D1A-9460-1E65D723F977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15952975

Andy dick?

>> No.15952980 [DELETED] 

yeah that's really believable. I'd be surprised if 1/10 of the posters were female. "or non binary" fucking lol, so you're hanging out with a bunch of losers and goons who wish they were women

>> No.15954425

confirmation bias and overestimation

>> No.15954631
File: 2.42 MB, 4032x3024, wtfaced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aced has been around imageboards and seedy internet culture for literally over a decade. I'm pretty sure he's the posterchild of why not to let your kid have free reign with an internet connection, like ive been in circles with him since he was 13 (all oldfags know each other at this point really) and he was part of a really infamous trolling group called the "goy club", took down websites, was one of those btc millionares, literally just fucks around aimlessly now buying expensive clothes and wearing them with fetish gear to troll people like the ones making these threads because he has infinite money and even straight up talks about it in these oldschool imageboard circles. You're all falling for an elaborate psy-op that an ancientfag trollposter started because he was bored as rocks and this is one of his many sources of entertainment. Seriously don't engage, you're falling for maybe some of the most elaborate bait on 4chan next to WTSnacks and hampus /mu/ shit. I keep up with him , he's literally one of the strangest entities ive ever met - takes estrogen to look like a cute boy but also lifts and fucks his partner in bdsm gear all day, does a mountain of stimulants and trades crypto 24/7 while literally just buying 20k worth of clothes a month- you cant make this shit up, like he literally bought a 10k chrome hearts belt just so he could put it on a horse dildo, dude is like such a fucking enigma.

>> No.15954636

dangerously based
any more stories?

>> No.15954647 [DELETED] 

yeah no fucking shit he's probably the one who made the thread

>> No.15954698

I met up with him IRL once in Berlin, this was winter 2019, several people from our server/circle were there - we went to berghain all a little bit baked etc maybe a bit of blow here and there and i shit you not he literally took off his coat at coat check and was in a latex catsuit underneath and put on one of those rubber dog hoods on from his duffle bag and started climbing the railing of panorama bar screaming the lyrics to on sight by kanye west while foaming at the mouth just to see how people would react - like the psycho just doesnt fucking care what anyone thinks only wants to see how they respond, he would randomly schizopost irl at members of our group too, the only person hoe seems to genuinely not mess with and think of as a person is his boyfriend who he basically was attached to and cuddling 24/7 when he wasnt amped up on stimulants or whatever.

The only other person in our circle who came remotely close to him was Jacob aka Bookfort who's another notorious 4chan troll from /fit/ - crazy huge lifter who used to be an icon on /fa/ too i believe - they just kept psyching each other up to be even more loud obnoxious and energetic irl by telling each other they would do whatever it takes and leave their humanity behind or something? IDK but it was fucking hilarious honestly because theyd just run around like fucking retards in an anime jumpinh over shit and they're like 23-24 - there was like a ridiculous disconnect from any semblance of reality, as a bystander i was just blown away that people like this are the same IRL as they are online.

>> No.15954703 [DELETED] 

some of us got enough of the highschool experience during highschool to last a lifetime.

>> No.15954730

that's honestly really cool. i've seen he has some expensive rare rick, wonder how much crypto he has.

>> No.15954779

as if this isn't daring lol, have you seen any of Cartis other fits? Literally has everyone calling him "gay" "fag" wanting him to "go back to old carti", calling him a "bisexual dick sucking vampire". Carti is a good Rick wearer even if he has a stylist, his fans not so much lol.

>> No.15954790

lmao at that filter around him

>> No.15954838

>person with mental health issues on stims acts up
>woah such mystery, dudes an enigma, what well he do next....
the fact this actually impresses you mostly talks of your naivety mr. certified oldfag

>> No.15955319


>> No.15956029
File: 962 KB, 830x692, 1611520015657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15956423

these pants look good unironically

>> No.15957792

I'd be fucking shocked if even 1/10 of the posters on this board were straight cis men.

>> No.15957804

great pants
why are you trying to hold people back?

>> No.15957815

pants are great. as for the fit, not so great, but at least karsten's willing to take a risk.

>> No.15958072

You're a 40yo drug addict drunk-driving ugly horsefucker who spends her entire day shitposting here instead of having a child or a family or doing something worthwile with your life. You have no right to judge anon's choice of pants (they look good desu) and certainly no right to poorshame him. Rethink your life and get help

>> No.15958927

Impressing that you know my whole routine and what I should do with my life instead of what I am doing.
Thanks for the free life coaching but you can divert your efforts toward someone else...you’re wasting your time with me

>> No.15958939

kek she really is a horse fuckerr
that pic on /b/ with cum on her face from a horsecock was funny as fuckk

>> No.15958944

stop bringing that disgusting pic up
you pleasure yourself to her mantits

>> No.15960357


>> No.15960359

>pic on /b/ with cum on her face from a horsecock was funny as fuckk
I haven’t seen this. Post it

>> No.15960447

big words for a guy who can't spell naiveté

>> No.15960527

this is true. aced is a real pieces of shit. always talk shit but cant take shit whenever people talk back at them.

>> No.15960587
File: 364 KB, 1536x2048, EJc1RziXYAQ404q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder this is what aced used to look like.

>> No.15960591

Ewwww lmao he is almost as ugly as Jonah

>> No.15960593
File: 705 KB, 3024x4032, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a chad though

>> No.15960608

Not with that tiny cock

>> No.15960701

my three inch hard-on

>> No.15960810 [DELETED] 


>> No.15960815

why the fuck is indre covered in cum and sucking horse cock fucking delete this

>> No.15960818

time to drink bleach with my eyes

>> No.15960826

didn’t need to see that. Now I’m horny

>> No.15960878

Fuck I missed it someone repost

>> No.15961402

Pls repost

>> No.15961418

pretty much

>> No.15961447

>playboi carti hyped the brand up
rick owens has had over a million instagram followers before playboy carti he's not some obscure designer.

>> No.15961472

>before playboi carti hyped the brand up
>not ASAP Rocky
Jesus Christ

>> No.15961493

Just bottom tier troll.
Or maybe a photoshop.
But I assure you that pics like that don’t exist in this world.

>> No.15961501

Yeah because I totally haven't seen your spread beaver.......

>> No.15961515

You haven’t

>> No.15961523

I could get lost in it. I bet you could fit a bowling ball in there lol.

>> No.15961540

Ewww. I know there was a thread about her being embarrassed she has a massive outtie but still that is rather gross.

>> No.15961559

What on planet earth are you on about?
Cecils asshole?

>> No.15961562 [DELETED] 

Lol you are adorable.

We're going to have top spend a whole weekend in bed together very soon.

My tongue has never tasted Lithuanian roast beef before.

>> No.15961565

Lol you are adorable.

We're going to have to spend a whole weekend in bed together very soon.

My tongue has never tasted Lithuanian roast beef before.

>> No.15963100

denial lol

>> No.15964302

No need for a pic when you pleasure yourself to your sexual horse encounter nightly

>> No.15964621

Another thread ruined by this trip hag

>> No.15964883

u ugly whpre

>> No.15965049

lol posting proof that you shame poor people cringe

>> No.15966053
File: 53 KB, 506x506, 6AD5B469-74A6-496F-8006-17DAEC7BAFF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15966066

ive seen aced tits

>> No.15966963

who havent?

>> No.15968280


>> No.15969927
