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File: 81 KB, 905x809, C76757E3-0932-4917-AD76-E62F35449E23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15945226 No.15945226 [Reply] [Original]

Just got a nose job, am I chad now?

>> No.15945238
File: 43 KB, 640x847, 1610835565104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, you sure are

>> No.15945240

kek, should have done a jaw job instead. now you're just a irl of phineas

>> No.15945241


plastic surgeons who advise their customers to get bigger noses should be shot

i don't think your pic related needed a nose job - small straight noses are more of a women thing - but if it makes him feel more confident, it was worth it.

>> No.15945249

How do you feel anon ?

>> No.15945255

this. your previous nose was fine, your chin was just receded which in turn made your nose more pronounced. your nose now looks like its fused into your forehead, i dont like what your surgeon did at all

>> No.15945259


>> No.15945262

the problem wasnt the nose your forhead and chin are recedins also you have flat cheekbones.

>> No.15945275

Should have spent that money on your chin/jaw

>> No.15945288

wait till the swelling is gone before comparing pictures
if you want better results, get a chin implant
or just start lifting

>> No.15945314

You're (((nose))) was fine Shlomo.
You're chine was what was fucked up.
Also, stop fucking with your face.

>> No.15945324

Looks good bro.
It looked fine before too though.
Grow a beard if you can, it would improve your profile a lot more than the nose.

>> No.15945328

just went from Slavic drug dealer to Balkan drug dealer

>> No.15945336


He looks more german on left. New nose looks more slavic

>> No.15945344

He looks Nordic as fuck, Prussian German ancestry

>> No.15945364
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>> No.15945365

youve been chad all the time

>> No.15945387

Nose is definitely better but your chin (or lack thereof) is still the main eyesore on your face. Hopefully whatever fortune you dropped on the nose job will encourage you to get over the state of your face and be comfortable in your own skin. Probably not, though.

>> No.15945520

Some people are just a genetic wasteland.

>> No.15945526

The nose flowing into the forehead looks weird as fuck

>> No.15945539

no you made it worse unironically you look like a freak should have done a jaw job

>> No.15945542

Improvement in one area always highlights what is lacking in other areas.

>> No.15945545

is anyone staring at you from this angle in the first place?

>> No.15945645

IRL Prometheus

>> No.15945674

Nah, I mean, you didn’t make it worse like other say, but it’s a waste of money, that wasn’t your ‘problem’. In any case it’s your jaw. Start mewing and pray it works, meanwhile start lifting, you’re not ugly (neither good looking of course). In your case if you have confidence you’ll probably make it.

>> No.15945790
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>> No.15946028
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>> No.15946170
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Still have gay alien skull

>> No.15946397

this is so fucked up but im fucking shitting my pants laughing

>> No.15946400

KEK, this nigga's surgeon made him a fucking cartoon character for our entertainment

>> No.15946756


>> No.15946904

Should've just straightened out that nose now your forehead and nose connect in a straight line

>> No.15946925

its just the swelling i think

>> No.15946931

he should grow a beard to hide that chin

>> No.15947155

Which one is before and which one after?

>> No.15947471

Won't make you any less jewish. Even with all the surgeries in the world I could still root you out from a mile away.

>> No.15947781

>I could still root you out from a mile away
Yes, they think it's in the nose. It's actually the reptile eyes.

>> No.15947786


right one looks like its about to transform into a werewolf

>> No.15947791

1.work on your jaw
2.get lypo on your chin
3. get on anti-hair lose regiment

>> No.15947837

It has to just be extremely swollen. I'm getting a nose job in May and if that was what it looked like post op I'd kms unironically.

>> No.15947881

audible kek

>> No.15948014

ew stop talking about your internet fetishes

>> No.15948047
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>> No.15948051
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>> No.15948092
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You look less scheming now.

>> No.15948104
File: 85 KB, 437x614, 85C05C10-77B1-446E-8937-6CF44CD72F69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am I chad now? Yes

>> No.15948145
File: 1.60 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20210212_032229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I broke my nose when i was 12
Should I do a nosejob?

>> No.15948149

Your nose looks completely fine to me anon.

>> No.15948150

You should first become 18

>> No.15948158

Well it's actually broken and leaning to one side
It's not that visible on some angles but in profile i look armenian
I'm 20

>> No.15948162

stop hiding your receeding hairline

>> No.15948164

>I'm 20

Then you should take the tranny pill.

>> No.15948169

I'm not hiding it it's just how my hair naturally fall, desu I'm thinking about buzzing it altogether or shave it 1cm long

>> No.15948202

you look like a 14 year old norwegian school boy

>> No.15948231

take 1kg of test per day tranny.

>> No.15948235

I have plenty of it as evident by my receding hairline
Is that a compliment?

>> No.15948238

The bottom is literally me, except I'm worse. Overbite (+ misaligned jaw) - check, crooked nose (+Voldemort nose) - check, prey eyes - check. Only difference are my checkbones are so awkwardly positioned I look gaunt.

>> No.15948257

if you think looking like a child is positive then yes

>> No.15948274


post boipussy

>> No.15949326

Thanks then
No I'm top

>> No.15949714
File: 48 KB, 450x573, 09CF20FF-75D7-4544-99AA-12C03CE783D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No I’m top

>> No.15949748

Also you should fin a way to hide that sloping Neanderthal forehead.

>> No.15949769

you're not chad, but you look more human. its unfortunate that your children will have that gremlin nose of yours.

>> No.15949770

should've got a hair transplant instead

>> No.15949778

I saved your picture, now its time to fapity fap fap

>> No.15949997


>> No.15950673

You're a man, and you had a manly nose and should've embraced it. Aesthetic surgeries are for the female.

>> No.15950684

Wtf is wrong with this guys eye socket region. The contrast with the overbite is very strange.

>> No.15950694

Holy shit my sides are in the exosphere lmao.

>> No.15951573

just finished watching this.
pretty relevant and spot on, you can tell you have had work done a mile away.

>> No.15951740

How does one even "work" on their jaw? I have a much better jaw than OP, but still curious. I thought it was all genetic.

>> No.15951890

Lefort 3

>> No.15952139


>> No.15953152


>> No.15953283

no, you dont :^)

>> No.15953407
File: 141 KB, 1372x1500, 4L_dtFFHgkd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gru lookin ass

>> No.15953410

if it gives you the self esteem you needed then all is fine

>> No.15953516
File: 199 KB, 1200x1600, Fi1CE2wqIVY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i posted it 2 days ago and no responce
3/4 angle
what now? Should i go for it?

>> No.15953530

No, you shouldn’t get a nose job.
You look absolutely fine the way you are right now, the only thing you need is a better haircut

>> No.15953539

ehh i know but i kinda don't know what style cut will look ok on me i just shave it 1cm and let it grow to shoulders
i have thin hair and balding so long hair look like shit on me

>> No.15953563

Nose is fine.

>> No.15953611

you should have bought a chin instead bro.

>> No.15953626


>> No.15954356

funny this pic makes their forehead smaller lmao

>> No.15954529
File: 42 KB, 700x394, A0C90A78-DAC6-42BF-95E1-FD7898BC81E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goebbels core

>> No.15954594

I can't tell which is the before picture

>> No.15954625
File: 564 KB, 800x430, KEK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15955006
File: 43 KB, 1024x530, mfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thread ive seen this year

>> No.15955069
File: 1.93 MB, 1080x1871, PicsArt_02-14-02.13.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to fix your whole face. It so fucked up.

>> No.15955080
File: 2.28 MB, 467x809, ezgif-7-710c73c194d7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15956477

im not gay but damn what a qt

>> No.15956593

Damn is this thread still around?

>> No.15956850

Can someone tell if this is a filter? How is your complexion so even/all one color?

>> No.15957353

it's just a shitty camera I guess
i didn't apply any filters

>> No.15957376
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1611608131320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15957378

Recessed jaw is his real problem.

>> No.15957379

that looks absolely horrible, unless the right pic is what you had before. Sorry OP you really fucked up here.

>> No.15957396


>> No.15958644

Is before/after left/right?

>> No.15958834

>I broke my nose when i was 12
So last year?

>> No.15958981
File: 14 KB, 170x269, 170px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-01888A,_Joseph_Goebbels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15959353

Agree with the growing a beard. Men are instantly more attractive with well maintained beards because it makes their jaws look more defined and looks manly af.

>> No.15959421

This is probably the last thing you want to hear but you were much more handsome before. That "imperfection" actually kind of balanced out your face so it's not so fucking weird and smooth looking like in the second pic

>> No.15959445
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>> No.15959463

Your nose was one of your most attractive features and you ruined it