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/fa/ - Fashion

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15935563 No.15935563 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>just dropped out of highschool
>both parents are overeducated morons, dad is professor, mom has a useless masters
>parents were hysterical saying ill regret this for the rest of my life
>i knew the writing on the wall. i knew this covid shit was bullshit and i was learning even less than usual
>know that degrees are useless
>told them im leaving
>i called my parents the niggers of the state that they were
>they gave me a lump sump of cash:200 bucks and said this is all im getting for the rest of my life, no inheritance. its all going to my sister
I want to buy a cool jacket or something with the money, does anyone have tips? i want a neat design something unique.

I'm gonna be living out of my car for a few days and then i plan to drive up and live with these friends i met on irc.
my living is completely situated

>> No.15935569

OP sounds fucking based

>> No.15935574

Buy a comfy fleece
Patagonia retro X

>> No.15935575

For a leather jacket just go with one that’s thick grained and live in it, maybe sew on some patches but if you really want a cool jacket you gotta wear it in

>> No.15935580


Get something in leather.

But seriously though, get a GED, a shit job, and work towards enlisting. Play things right, and your ass can land a comfy career supporting ZOG.

Be something silly and POGish.

>> No.15935585

Hope everything goes well OP. Depending on where you live you should probably get a rain jacket or a comfy fleece, patagonia or north face is a good brand imo.

>> No.15935600

Take the tradepill my dude. Find some shitty welding shop that pays like 16 bucks an hour and put in the work honing your skill. By the time you're 25 you can make like 100k working on boats or construction equipment.

Also good skills that don't require (((formal education)))

>home renovations
>roofing (this one is actually shitty work done by crackheads, felons, alcoholics and the inbred, but it pays pretty good)
>deck building
>vinyl siding installation

I knew a dude who dropped out of school at 16 and started doing house cleanouts, dump runs, demolition and small handyman jobs (like building fences or painting patios).

Kid is now 20 and makes over 100k and has a savings of like 120k, hes doing better than most people twice his age.

>> No.15935603

>acting like anon is gonna do anything except take the neetpill

>> No.15935608

Go to an uniqlo for the jacket and go buy a good fountain pen.

>> No.15935614

>just dropped out of highschool
you are pretty fucked, take some alternative path to university or there is a 99% chance you will never make it

>degrees are useless
no they are not, sure you can probably earn the median salary or a little more with some trade job, but 99% of super successful people born in past 40 years have degrees or at least went to university

if you want to be average your entire life then sure don't get a degree

>> No.15935618

I kinda want something superhero like like the Drive jacket from that movie when i was a kid but obviously not the drive jacket to be honest.
Im gonna beat that kid up see how far that 100k takes him.
hell yeah

>> No.15935622

I don't care about meeting your standard of success so I don't care if I'm only your standard of average you can go huff lacquer out of an old sneaker for all I care you total plantation dipshit you and all your worthless two chromosome spawn will be nothing but lubricant for the gears

>> No.15935637

Ok faggot, enjoy working 40-90 hours a week until you're 60-75, stuck in some repetitive wage slave blue collar job where you destroy your entire body and die before retirement, marry an ugly wife that puts on 50kg within first 3 years of marriage and fight all day because you are a wageslave that makes fuck all money and can never pay for anything nice.

>> No.15935638

No wonder they’re called roofies

>> No.15935640

>I kinda want something superhero like like the Drive jacket
anon please tell me you're just some edgy teenager who had a fight with his parents and decided to leave, this comment just made me think of some kid arguing with his parents and fucking up his life.

>> No.15935644

You just killed any sympathy you could have had. Hope you overdose happily.

>> No.15935647

Well alright kiddo, stepping out on your own, huh?

Tell ya what champ. I'm a cool older guy who can offer you a place to stay if you need it, if you want to hang out at a hotel or something I can arrange it for ya.

Think of me like a dad.

Say, do you have a discord we could chat on?

>> No.15935652

whats the alternative? making a shitload of cash retiring early and then sitting around doing nothing for the rest of my life? pick up some autistic hobby nobody gives a fuck about least of all me like knifemaking or horsebreeding?
When you beat a video game do you think its fun to just sit around on your clear save?
Life is over when its not hard anymore. why would i want to take your advice to fast track my life to being as boring as possible?
you think i want to get married? yeah because cuddling and watching some dumb movie or youtube video sounds awesome.
No. no to all of your bullshit avenues of life.
Nah this is real. I'm not gonna do this anymore. the forms are signed and turned in. I'm living for me and no one else.

>> No.15935655
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Police here. Mind if you share the goods?

>> No.15935661


>> No.15935665

I never thought I'd say this, but I wish Cecil was here. you sound just like him.

>> No.15935669

>whats the alternative? making a shitload of cash retiring early and then sitting around doing nothing for the rest of my life?
>pick up some autistic hobby nobody gives a fuck about least of all me like knifemaking or horsebreeding?
Hobbies are things you enjoy. And yes, get a hobby.

>When you beat a video game do you think its fun to just sit around on your clear save?

>Life is over when its not hard anymore. why would i want to take your advice to fast track my life to being as boring as possible?
If you think the “average” life of a wagie is easy, you’re mistaken. Having an alternative hobo lifestyle isn’t any more interesting than a normie’s lifestyle. You an immature contrarian.

>you think i want to get married? yeah because cuddling and watching some dumb movie or youtube video sounds awesome.
Those are the words of someone who has never experienced love.

>No. no to all of your bullshit avenues of life.
You lack deep philosophical introspection due to young age, causing you to shut out anything which you don’t agree with. You think life’s meaning is in the struggle, like Camus, but you’re actually doing the opposite. You’re running from your struggles and rationalizing it as “toughing it out.”

>> No.15935672

Your living is most certainly not “completely situated”.

I can say that with complete faith and I don’t even know the rest of your story. But be warned - life comes at you fast and hard.

Save up the money. Good luck.

>> No.15935677

>Life is over when its not hard anymore.
You’re trying to live the easy life. You think schooling, working, and living is hard and instead run away to whatever the fuck. You contradict yourself, hypocrite.

>> No.15935681

underage prepubescent boy pls leave and keep the cringe to yourself

also buy a leather jacket

>> No.15935687

young people have no idea how garbage life is compared to the lives of the top 1%

one day you will grow old, then will take a look at all your wealthy highly successful peers and realize that you you squandered all your opportunities and that there is no hope left for you, then you will probably die from opioid overdose or suicide like what is already happening to tens of thousands of 40-50 year olds that failed at life

>> No.15935693

uhh you're an edgy teenager now but you properly fucked yourself. good job anon. After I finish my engineering degree you'll be sweeping the floor for me.

>> No.15935700


>> No.15935706


>> No.15935719
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u sound cool enough to cop a nascar leather jacket off ebay
here's mine
also get some crypto asap
you'll b fine

>> No.15935723

OP is alluding to joining a doomer cult. He basically see's life turning into Deus Ex /Cyberpunk where there is mass poverty and no chance for upward social mobility.

You better fucking believe there is a realistic chance of that happening in EU/USA. It's already happening.

>> No.15935727

when did i say i wouldnt be a wagie? i dont think you know what im doing here. Im not being some dumb rebel. I have no interest in that
I dont think any of that is hard. Again im not trying to be some hobo sid vicious type or whatever thing you're trying to project on me.

You guys completely misunderstand. I am going to work a normal job and save up and probably get my own place after a while. Not sure why you all are being so dramatic
All I'm saying is I dont need money to be happy,
wealth does not buy happiness for me.
Maybe it does for you
but my life experience has taught me that it doesnt for me.

>> No.15935733

you literally just dropped out of high school lmao you have no life experience

>> No.15935736

Alright man if thats what you think I got nothing to prove to you

>> No.15935741


>> No.15935749

Then die fighting a bear with a katana.

>> No.15935750

wealth does not buy happiness, but having wealth prevents a significant amount of things that impact your happiness

Wealth also buys a alot of carnal pleasures

When I'm 40 i'll be married and also fucking 3 10/10 college aged sugar babies on the side.

>> No.15935756

you're being a complete fag. it's understandable, your dad's a professor and your mom has a useless master's, you were likely raised to be "smart" and "curious," and instead of just being normal you took the fag path. you're not going to work a normal job because normal jobs require at least a GED. immigrants and drug addicts work the jobs that don't have those requirement because they are okay with the lifestyle you can afford on those wages. you haven't lived like an immigrant or a drug addict and you will not enjoy. i recommend you beg and plead to your parents to take you back in. maybe your high school will let you back. then you can take your GED/high school diploma, start to learn a trade, then quit after a week because you can't take the heat. you have educated and successful parents, you have been given the keys to an enjoyable and meaningful life and you have thrown it away.

>> No.15935785

I already have worked since I was 14. I've always been very practical. That's why I'm willing to burn the money my parents gave me. I already have more than that saved up by working jobs and selling shit. I got a job lined up at the docks hauling lobster for a restaurant. I'm not sure why you're making up a bunch of shit about me
I dont care about drugs sex or booze. All of this stuff is boring. If that makes you happy thats fine but I don't care.

>> No.15935789

OP is an edgy apathetic teen seeking alternative lifestyles to live the easy life, despite claiming life is over when the struggle disappears.

>> No.15935793

Not sure what you mean. Just trying to secure a life on my own terms. Just because I reject the demonstrably flawed avenue of doing well in school to go to a good college to get a good degree to get a good job and maybe be happy. All the while being dependent on my parents for everything and accumulating debt.
Why would anyone do that

>> No.15935802

because retard you haven't lived a hard life. you haven't even lived on your own. a good degree and a good job might not make you happy, but the fact that you won't have to worry about food or rent or injury will.

>> No.15935803

Logical fallacies abound! Straw men and more! Find them here!

>> No.15935816

At least get your GED anon, I first thought you were sincere but you just ended up sounding like some edgy teenager, don't ruin your life over some petty fight with your parents.

>> No.15935819

hoigh school sux

>> No.15935869
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>> No.15935905

please give us an update in a while, I'm curious about what you'll get up to

>> No.15935915
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You need a good scolding from daddy, boy.

>> No.15936011
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This has got to be the cringiest, dumbest and whitest thing I've seen in months. Anon, please report when you regret doing all that dumb shit.

>> No.15936019

buy some books instead op. you'll enjoy them more and you need them.

>> No.15936062

Go to fucking trade school and get your GED.

To clarify, you are a fucking retard and you're gonna have to work you ass off to actually make it in this fucked up world.
I suggest finding somewhere you can stay for an extended period of time that costs little to nothing.
A basement, bedroom or even a fucking couch will do.

Stay active.
As a young adult kid you're gonna be prone to shit like depression and anxiety.
The way to avoid that bullshit is to keep your body and mind constantly busy.
Educate yourself, maintain a workout schedule and try to move up the ladder.

This system is literally created for faggots like you and me to fail so you're gonna have to try hard as fuck to get through this.

Also get a denim jacket.
Affordable and fashionable.
Save whatever cash you have left, you'll need it.

>> No.15936064

So uh, anyone have jacket recommendations

>> No.15936070
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imagine 4chan lecturing you on how to be a functioning adult

>> No.15936075
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>> No.15936082

I already know what i want to do. im not gonna do any trade stuff i think. i think ill just make it on my own. ive calculated my finances. i dont need trades or anything. maybe ill get a ged if i get bored.

>> No.15936083

God you sound like some fag on reddit

>> No.15936086

>denim jacket
maybe for women. men in some levis denim jacket or whatever look like total jokes

>> No.15936128

OP, I dropped out at 16, I’m 22 now, I have been working since 16 learning a long forgotten trade, electronics, I know am one of the only people in my state that can repair the equipment I work on. Predominantly vintage analog electronics and 8/16 bit systems. I made 132K last year just with freelance repairs and flipping gear. Haven’t worked at a shop since 2019 and back then I only made 50k started at 20k when I got going at 16 I will never work at a shop as long as I live now that I have a network of people who I repair equipment for.

>> No.15936133

Cool man but for me making that much money would be a total nightmare but Im happy you're happy

>> No.15936137

I turn it all into tangible assets ASAP, vintage motorcycles, classic trucks, gold, guns, and ammo. Stuff I love, long life cycle products that increase in value as time goes on unlike our phony currency.

>> No.15936144
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>> No.15936146

Sounds cool but I don't care about any of that in regards to myself

>> No.15936147

you're retarded

>> No.15936152

>vintage motorcycles, classic trucks, gold, guns, and ammo
>tangible assets
buy property and boomer stocks idiot

>> No.15936156

not him but you're a total retard if you think buying property is a good idea right now

>> No.15936157

I mean you want a rad jacket right? Surely there’s other valuable things you’d like to obtain? You need money for that and learning a traditional trade is cool and all but you can really corner markets if you are smart and can learn a unique skill in a niche but growing market like I have. I was just like you, couldn’t give a shit about USD funny money it doesn’t make me happy and neither do the materials I own but the sense of stability and security I get from having assets that gain value as time goes one does make me happy, not to mention a lot of my things are just plain fun, ever pull a drive by on a watermelon with a .44 magnum on a motorcycle? Or play a synthesizer that’s 51 years old that you never dreamed you’d actually own? That’s my definition of happiness.

>> No.15936161

Nah i dont want any of that and the rad jacket thing is more to just blow the money my parents gave me so i can only have myself and what i built

>> No.15936164

I have property already, my great grandparents land is mine. Stocks are a joke. I can’t ride a stock or shoot it or even hold it and ooooo shiny my precious. Also name a stock that’s jumped 4x overnight because ammo has literally done that.

>> No.15936167

What do you want anon?

>> No.15936170

nothing to be honest. im not into guns or synthesizers or any of that.

>> No.15936181

Sure, that’s what I like not you, you can find what you like as well if you want too. The specific objects aren’t the point, the point is fulfillment, and independent security. Doing what YOU want and obtaining WHAT you need/want. Securing your future through a niche like I have entirely separate from this bullshit system. My path is just a “proof of concept” that drop outs can make it on alternative paths that many don’t even know exist if they’re clever enough to do what they need to get there.

>> No.15936185

yeah but im not interested in ever acquiring stuff or any hobby stuff. i think thats boring for me and not what i want in my life. i always liked just being scrappy and scrounging around. i remember in video games if i got gear that was too good id destroy it or something. my favorite parts in games are when your character gets captured or something and they strip all your gear away.

i dont really care about that kind of success

>> No.15936195

Get rid of your car then and go straight to the streets. Dumpster dive for snacks til you’re 50 for all I care, you obviously don’t want advice or help you just want attention or a pity party or something typical angsty teenager, I thought you had some sense my dude, am very disappoint.

>> No.15936199

What are you even saying man. I just wanted to know what was a cool looking jacket for the price and you all started on this after school special shit. I didnt ask for help or advice with my life. I have no interest in being a rich man. Im just gonna focus on being a man. Ok? Does that bother you?
I'm gonna do what I want and you can do what you want. Why do you care what I do

>> No.15936202

Now kiss.

>> No.15936212

I’m not gay, I was just giving the cunty child a much-needed esteem boost before insulting him.

>> No.15936213


>> No.15936214 [DELETED] 

I think my esteem is fine. You appear to have some issues though and are trying to fill the hole with material possessions and insulting people way younger than you.

>> No.15936215

Get a real leather motorcycle jacket designed for riding, it will last your whole life if you just wear it and don’t slide on the pavement. And they look bitchin’

>> No.15936217

I didn’t write that. Uncharacteristic of my writing style if you’ve been paying attention, I write paragraphs, with, a lot, of run ons,,,,

>> No.15936219

I didn’t write this wtf anon don’t pretend you’re me, wtf.

>> No.15936222

OP is based. Ignore these resentful hylics and chase your dreams.

>> No.15936224

He apparently doesn’t have any dreams.

>> No.15936226

this post is a disgrace to the glow pt 2
embarrassing OP

>> No.15936228

You’re not “way younger” than me btw it felt like about two months from age 16 to 22 trust me, you’ll be there before you can blink and will still vaguely feel 16..

>> No.15936346
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>Also name a stock that’s jumped 4x overnight
Have you been living under a rock?

>> No.15936349

you're a fucking idiot trust fund trash, nobody cares about your opinion on anything
the opposite. Good luck in the future

>> No.15936355

Hey man there's nothing wrong with trust fund people. You can't hate someone for stuff they can't control.

>> No.15936440

>you're a fucking idiot trust fund trash, nobody cares about your opinion on anything
Genetic fallacy. Seethe, povertypoor

>> No.15936448

>i think ill just make it on my own
How, like how do you plan on doing this without an education?

>> No.15936454

Finally some good bait. Thanks OP for the laughs. If your words reflect your reality, you’re just one of many misguided, hormonally angry, pseudo-intellectual, “make-it-on-my-own” and “got-my-life-figured-out” internet tough guys.

>> No.15936464

>just dropped out of highschool
Imagine being smoothbrained enough to be held back many years

It’s more likely that you’re underage and uneducated, based on your lack of attention to grammar, and a poor grasp on proper argumentation technique.

>> No.15936468

>Death by age 22
I swear these are the life decisions that work for 1%, but the rest is going to just freeze to death, throw themself in front of a train or be an alcoholic until they die early without achieving anything. If all you can think of is getting a jacket, least get yourself something warm and useful. God speed you dumbass fashionfag.

>> No.15936488

Yo that viagra jacket is fucking based

>> No.15936496

>hs dropout
>wants to be driver
You coulda found a cushy job at a firm via your parents and larped on the weekends but instead you're going full vagabond. I wish you luck.

Also just hit up thrift stores along your drive to meet your friends you retard

>> No.15936840

You’re funny

>> No.15937065

anon come back your mother and i miss you

>> No.15937197

What a privileged little retard

>> No.15937308

His jacket will get stolen. He'll learn it the hard way

>> No.15937328

I'm fucking rooting to see him post about how he got jumped by some black dudes on the streets

>> No.15937361

Buying a flex jacket that will smell like fish. Keyed mr anime protagonist

>> No.15937531

Yes post monthly updates

>> No.15937579

This thread rules
Live that life OP you've got the balls

>> No.15937610

You sound like an arrogant moron

>> No.15937625

>like the Drive jacket
Ladies and gents, we have a retard right here !!!!
Honestly I fucking despise you dude, I hope you end out homeless and have to piss and shit yourself everyday. I hope you go back to your parents and they fucking ignore you. You got your one chance at a fucking comfortable life, you had everything on a silver platter and you threw it away because muh office job sucks ! im a rebel !! not gonna conform ! Honestly just kill yourself, you wont find anymore happiness or fulfillment from living in the streets. Fuck you and die

>> No.15937708

Is it just me, or does the average /fa/ poster seem more flippant, nihilistic, unstable, and just generally retarded than average? Is this what happens when you're so weak that you need to purchase an identity off a shelf (all the "-core" fashions and faggy aesthetics) and your whole life is just acting out some shallow aesthetic?

>> No.15937768

Yes actually.

>> No.15937772

No, I built this empire of dirt thank you very much.

>> No.15937873

I didn't have the balls when I was homeless, I just had chigger bites all over my fucking body from having to sleep on the ground.
Little daddy's boy playing rebel isn't brave when you have the worlds biggest security net with your family.

>> No.15938127

he's rich and white. He'll be fine

>> No.15938134

Based, show those privileged boomers what world their kids live in.

>> No.15939207

I don't envy the position you're in, but I wouldn't be throwing away the silver spoon as hard as you are. You can forge your own path in life without burning every bridge in existence with others.

>> No.15939219

OP you are based as hell

>> No.15939394

I dunno if this is a larp but bro don't take the inheritance thing to heart. When you prove them wrong they might reconsider. And even if they don't, use that as fuel to succeed. But you have an amazing fucking headstart on life bro. I wish I did what you did, but instead I didn't start my career until 23 after 3 worthless years of college.... Bro get to work asap. I would trade everything I have including my bank account to go back and do what you did (but only assuming I had a plan). Forget buying some jacket bro. You need to buy a belt buckle so you can buckle the fuck down.

One confirmed great path to success I can confirm personally is trucking. It's a job I love.

Step 1 get cdl by any means necessary asap.

Step 2 sign up for company and finish training.

Step 3 either stay there or use experience to move to a batter company.

Step 4. Just grind over the road and never go home for as many months, years as you need. They already told you to go fuck yourself anyway. Build exp. Build bank acct. Build pride and confidence in yourself and skills. Don't overspend just save money.

Step4b. While doing this, research becoming an owner operator. Find the best companies to do this with. Research good used trucks to buy or look into leasing companies. You can go owner operator at most companies very early on just by signing some paperwork but it's somewhat of a scam in different ways. I personally liked Landstar a lot as they have a huge freight network and you have full control over picking loads through their load board.

Step 5 go run owner operator for chosen company and get a truck through them on a lease or get one elsewhere. I'd like to go into more detail but you'd figure out the details anyway. I knew like nothing about trucking when I went in. Absolutely nothing about driving semi's. But there really isn't a lot to it.

That's just a path to making over 100k a year net profit that I can confirm works and no bs degrees. Just work and grinding

>> No.15939425

Don't listen to anyone itt shilling university saying you'll never make it. They are seriously just assblasted because their parents stole their lifeclocks and are in denial. Not to mention that 99 percent of what they do for these companies is fucking useless. In one load delivered truck driving, you have accomplished more for your country and humanity than these pathetic ants will accomplish with their entire lives.

Don't try to convince the white collars that they are enslaved. Just move on with your life and succeed through skill rather than school. Eventually you'll be signing the paychecks if you desire that and you make the correct moves and collect the correct knowledge in your field.

>> No.15939432

So uh
are people on /fa/ really so stupid they think a single income family where the father is a professor is a rich family?
Or are you guys making the mistake of
>inheritance = lots of money= family is rich

>> No.15939440

Yea I agree. Ever since I started coming on here, I try extra hard not to get sucked into their autism. I've noticed there are also more females on this board compared to other boards, and females already are spergs but a female on 4chan.... Lol.

>> No.15939447

What's wrong with valuing aesthetics? There's nothing nihilistic about not wanting to do the standard raise a family save money work a good job, retire lifestyle. It's just a different value. If you're not dying in the street and a danger to yourself and others why should your lifestyle be invalidated

>> No.15939467

In comparison to the situation I am in where I am working for sub-minimum wage to pay bills and there will be no inheritance money because my family is poor, sure. I don't know the circumstances of OP's relationship with his parents but to burn that bridge just seems petty.

>> No.15939477


I'm the second dude you quoted btw.
Yea you are 100 percent correct. But /fa/ aesthetic fucking sucks. It's this whackass pro globalist, culturally and somewhat gender neutral way of dressing. And yea there isn't anything wrong with working muh good job but a lot of youngsters thought that was very gay.

>> No.15939508

>niggers of the state
shut up nazi go to pol

>> No.15939518

if you think there's anything racist or nazilike about that statement you are straight up underage

>> No.15939524

i feel like you're just saying buzzwords. nobody on /fa/ is even brave enough to have any kind of opinion on any kind of clothing aside from traditional clothing so i have no idea where you're pulling pro-globalist or gender neutral from

>> No.15939538

Think like Japanese female in baggy neutral colored potato sack clothes with short ugly hair and thickass glasses.

Think white male wearing basically a damn dress with a paid of vans.

Think black dude wearing pastel sweatsuit with powder pink sneakers.

Dude it's gay and globalist af and it's 99 percent of the opinion on here.

>> No.15939544

you fucking take that back right now

>> No.15939546

I haven't seen anything like that. Not sure what your problem is. Stop throwing around the word globalist it doesn't mean anything in this context

>> No.15939628
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Boy I miss being a teenager

>> No.15939637

No. Globalist.

>> No.15939641


>> No.15939684

Imma say what I want you globalist.

>> No.15939686

how am i a globalist

>> No.15939693

Buy the Driver clothes from Drive (2011), reinvent your personality based off the movie. Become the Driver.

>> No.15939766

Look at this thread or the sleazecore one, where people advocate ruining their lives just to ape out some A E S T H E T I C. I've seen this to some extent in the other -cores too.

>> No.15939771

Apologize to your parents, nigger

>> No.15939773


>> No.15940489

holy fuck please grow up

>> No.15940730

join the military

>> No.15940773

kid i'm your future self

i travelled back in time to give you a warning

kid im 36 and live in a basement apartment, all my colleagues are in their early 20s and a lot of them are already more successful than me

i will never be able to afford a house, i drive a very small car, and probably wont retire ill have to work part time at a gas station or something when i turn 65 and work there until i keel over to pay for my basement apartment.

only you can change this reality by not being an edgy fuck and squandering the single most important years in your life to being an edgy useless burn out who feels he knows everything and doesnt take the time to learn new skills.

all you gotta do to change the course of history is focus on learning some kind of meaningful skill and taking some kind of training course. you dont have to become a wagecuck like your parents, but for gods sake learn something before its too late

>> No.15940792

I hope this is a bait thread, I really do. If that’s the case, OP played us good. If not, OP will easily fall to drug addiction, incarceration, and a dozen other negative life outcomes.

>> No.15940827
File: 393 KB, 1196x625, hooded chinchilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're trying, it just takes time and energy.
perhaps you could provide knowledge and advice rather than remonstrance.

>need jacket
>will be living in car
pic related is basically a sleeping bag

>> No.15940949


>> No.15941187

that'll get you a *cool* jacket sure but it'll be hard to find you a *nice* jacket for that price and i'm of the opinion that if you're gonna blow all you got on something kinda frivolous it better at least be very well made

>> No.15941211

you're such an unbelievably naive little faggot it's almost commendable

enjoy your 30s choking on dick to buy sidewalk pizza, dumbass

>> No.15941219

When did fa turn into some shitty blog where losers come to vent about their sad life?

>> No.15941244

are you new?

>> No.15941512

That's not what we think, it's what we know.

You have no life experience. You have no GED. There's hundred of trailer parks filled with dumb faggots who also thought "HURR IM SMERTER DEN EBRYWUN AEBEN DOE IM ONLEE 16!" when they were your age that went nowhere because SPOILER ALERT 99% of jobs require GEDs

>> No.15941526

You're gonna feel so stupid when he's successful

>> No.15941600

I won't, because he won't.

You gotta have a GED to a not-shit job.
He has no GED, and says he won't get one

He's going nowhere except Methville, and at that point, when he dies, nothing of value is being lost.

>> No.15942462

at least finish HS man you're making a mistake

>> No.15942695

you lack emotional maturity.

>> No.15942768

>theres no way I will ever change my mind about these retarded things I believe now. Time to spend my precious youth defending my poor life choices on 4chan's fashion board!
It's probably not too late to un-fuck your shit anon but you are clearly a dumbass teenager who knows shit about nothing and will double down when presented with any amount of criticism to the point of total absurdity. You are literally like 3 months from making up a completely different (yet equally retarded) worldview

>> No.15942961

Lmao youve never picked up a wrench in your life, wagecuck. And you don't have the balls to make money on your own terms. Probably an Asian or a shitskin desu, with a genetically ingrained slaves mentality.

There are thousands of millionaire high school dropouts out there. Sounds like you're a scared little pussy bitch who will never self actualize because he needs to jump through other people's hoops to feel good about himself. What a little bitch subservient pussy you are. Not a man.

>> No.15942975

OP here. Everybody shut the fuck up I am not seething and I will live my life my way. Fuck your normie preset lives.

>> No.15943140

this entire board is about being subservient consumer to society otherwise people here wouldnt stress the fuck out over being receding or whether they are dressing too formal or whatever

>> No.15943151

Most definitely.

I only come here to kill time and shitpost. There is nothing about this board when it comes to fashion that is of value, Instagram and Reddit are much better for those purposes. Autists aren’t exactly the best fashion icons. Some of the stuff here borders on role playing (neofolk, terrorcore, sleazecore) and grid threads are full of “accessories” like knives, special type of brand cigarettes (for the >aesthetic) and other shit that serves no purpose other than fitting in with some ideal image the user has created in their head. You see threads as “is this album effay?” and people will respond “yes but only if u dress x-core” or whatever.

Another 30% of threads are clearly created by people who have zero sense of fashion to begin with and just want advice, usually some self-improvement type of people that come from /fit/ or something. Nothing wrong with that but it goes to show the quality of this board.

I’m just here for the shitposts and the memes. This place gives me a feeling of superiority when I look into the various LARPing generals. Or people like OP who wanted a “hero” jacket like the one from Drive lmfao

>> No.15943152
File: 51 KB, 567x555, B15FF03B-455C-4270-990C-CA95C16543CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine defending the poor life decisions of the OP, an immature teenager, and using weak master and slave morality arguments on 4chan as a practical display of masculinity. Somehow you’re a bigger faggot than the OP. This thread started off with a teenager, lacking emotional maturity and foresight, driving headfirst into poverty. Then there’s a collection of posters calling him based, and defending his self destructive behavior, and then there’s you, some faggot larping as hot shit

This entire thread has been incredible.

>> No.15943154

based response

>> No.15943155

So how am I supposed to dress if everything here is wrong? I just want to wear buttondowns and blazers

>> No.15943160

spoken like a good parent, anon! Well done!

>> No.15943171

There is nothing wrong with button downs or blazers in particular, my point was that a lot of posters and threads here look pretentious as fuck and try to hard to fit into some aesthetic they made up in their mind. I recognize it because I used to be the same when I was a 16 year old NEET who posted here. It probably comes from some lack of identity.

I don’t browse the prep/trad generals, they look pretty ok to me. Again I think going overboard with it irl can look cringe, especially when your look looks as if it’s been copy+pasted straight out of the 50s.

If you simply want to know “how you’re supposed to dress”, just read some introductory guides on Plebbit or something. Look at what normies with styles you like wear on Instagram. Once you get a feeing for it it’ll come naturally.

>> No.15943178

I don't want to dress trad or prep or sprezz. all of them seem way too far of an extreme in those directions. I'm already a young guy and I live in a place where even a button down shirt and chinos would be a really formal thing for most people. So I got a lot going against me in regard to that. But I don't really want to jump on any of the retarded shit I see here either. I browsed this board a lot when I was younger and it seemed way more interesting. People discussed theory and runway shit in cool ways that got me interested in the idea of aesthetic period. but now every thread just seems like the most mundane common denominator shit and nobody cares about anything more. I had the same reaction to all -cores when they popped up. I thought they were neat as these concept ideas that you then extrapolate into an outfit or style you like but then people started literally wearing the -core inspo pics and looking like shit and all this sleazecore stuff looks absolutely insane to me. It all just seems like a joke. maybe thats just the generational divide or something. This entire thread we are in right now is insane.
I know how to dress in general I'm just wanting to move in a more formal direction.

>> No.15943253

Fuck you all. I will live how I want. Stop SEETHING!?!!

>> No.15943257

>enjoy your 30s choking on dick to buy sidewalk pizza
I did this in my 20’s. Sucked dicked to hire the men online to suck the dicks I want

>> No.15943499

>implying anon is going to do anything besides take the neckpill

>> No.15943624

lol i used to be like you then i became self aware. way 2 spooky. desu i was going to drop out of college and while i waited my dropped semester out i did a bunch of acid and shrooms which sorta locked shit into perspective. now i graduated and have a career and i love being a normie. being poor sucks (although i have friends who went to ivy league schools who still ended up not as well-off, but they're also retards)
also my gf went to ivy and is not a retard so that helps. honestly u just need to surround yourself w better ppl. biggest redpill is that being able to live a life where u can do what u want is p nice. i feel like the whole struggle/gratification loop is a meme, especially if you're not already talented

>> No.15944038


>> No.15944116

>I-I'm not a wage slave
>look, I used the word faggot!
>If my work found out I'd get fired and not be able to find another job because there's gaps in my resume and I'd have to give my social network passwords to my employer and have a reference check because I have no teneble skill like ability to weld or read a blueprint that can be analysed objectively, so background checks need to be done to ensure I'm a GOOD LITTLE GOYIM who does what he's told.
>I make at least 10k a year more than a tradesman and only have 30k more in expenses because I have to live in an urban centre and spend two hours commuting every day.
>but see I said the word "faggot"! I'm not a slave

>> No.15944136

Dude I pray to God I never get stuck at a fucking party with you, can't imagine what kind of fucking obnoxious rants you go on about IRL

>> No.15944186

I can say nigger in public and get into a fistfight and at worst my boss will be a little pissed I missed work because of jail

>> No.15944206

oldfag actually. i remember when fa used to be about fashion instead of being an off topic board

>> No.15944208

you might think dadcore vs goofninja threads were about fashion, but old man you would be mistaken

>> No.15944221

they're more related to fashion than this abomination of a thread retard, but keep giving it more bumps because you're so personally invested in this faggot's shitty life that you'd rather see his latest update instead of talking about fashion on a fashion board.

>> No.15944230

I didn't know what thread I was in, just saw I got a (You) ;)
Go ahead and talk to me about fashion, what are some clothes

>> No.15944240

This guy>>15944186 does all of his socializing on the internet. He’s the irl awkward guy at work, who turns into a regular internet tough guy on 4chan.

>> No.15944279

Based groomer

>> No.15944985

holy based

>> No.15944994

cheating on your wife is cringe

>> No.15944996

you should at a minimum get a high school degree or ged, outside of that just live life and pursue your dreams.

>> No.15945003

T. anon becomes a crust punk and dies from opioid overdose in next 2 years on the streets of Seattle

>> No.15945006

then go become a monk or some shit

>> No.15945029


>> No.15945038

This guy nailed it so hard

I feel bad for OPs parents who probably worked hard to get an education and support a family only to get spit on

>> No.15945052

Like a dick? You'll go far in life for sure my dude

>> No.15946076

You are a Fucking Retard!
Go back to School you Faggot!
Listen to your parents!
Stop being a pussy and push yourself beyond your capabilities.
Stop being Rebellious just for the sake of it.
Follow your Parents.
Maybe not in c9llege but for now stick to what theycsay till you reach 18 you retard!

>> No.15946512

Based as fuck

>> No.15946519

not sure how you can raise a child for 18 years and not once equip him with an even slightly coherent worldview. His parents are entirely responsible

>> No.15946521

This thread gives me joy. OP is a shit who’ll get flushed away by the system if he doesn’t play by the rules or find a a loophole.

>> No.15946525

>His parents are entirely responsible
No. People are moulded by internal and external influences. Parents are a major influence. However, peers are also a major influence, as well as social media and friends. In addition, people have agency. People can choose what to accept or reject. One’s parents cannot be entirely responsible for the choices of their children as their children have agency.

>> No.15946533

By that thinking, you can blame his parents’ parents for not teaching them how to properly raise a child. The blame will be traced up infinitely to the First Cause. This is why the Justice System is predicated on the idea of responsibility for one’s own actions. It is of no fault to the parents that their child wants to be a unique lazy bum.

>> No.15946534

Children do not have agency, a child cannot determine his life or set principles according to which it lives. They develop autonomy upon proper education and upbringing, which is the primary duty of parenthood. His parents obviously never instilled any sense for autonomy (lit. self-legislation) in him, as he seems to be entirely without principle and not to be psychologically secure either in order to enter a delayed stage of maturation, i.e. he lacks not just autonomy but also habit. His parents are complete failures.

>> No.15946541
File: 48 KB, 450x573, F47E3007-A165-4DA8-B080-2643CEE94E7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blaming the parents entirely for a shitty child, as though parents have full control over every aspect of their child

>> No.15946550
File: 53 KB, 650x650, 8F330AFE-0D75-4483-A586-069A7FB42245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his parents are entirely responsible

>> No.15946551

The justice system assumes autonomy in its agency, this is correct, but it also does not try persons which lack agency, e.g. children or the mentally retarded. In the instance of OP civilized countries would try him as a young adult and his obvious immaturity would be a migitating circumstance and he would be especially tried because the justice system deals with the realm of outer freedom, thus has a primarily regulative function to ensure the exercise of freedom of every other subject, and not with the realm of inner freedom, which is what OP lacks.

>By that thinking, you can blame his parents’ parents for not teaching them how to properly raise a child. The blame will be traced up infinitely to the First Cause.
Yes, I am sure you can bring up a multitude of attenuating circumstances, but duty is absolute. Its first cause is the moral law itself and it presents itself the moment you become a parent.

Don't have children please, you're not made for it. Of course parents are to blame for the failed upbringing of their child. They are not responsible for every particular inclination a child possesses, but they are responsible for equipping their child with what is necessary to develop character.

>> No.15946552

*The justice system assumes autonomy in its subjects

stop samefagging

>> No.15946558

OP u are a niggur. Now apologize and get fucked

>> No.15946595

Trades are by and large the most high-paying and in-demand jobs in Australia. Drop out of highschool at 14 to do a government-funded trade course, 4-year apprenticeship and by the time you're 25 you're making 100k+ and get into the real estate market (or blow it all on coke.)

>roofers are all crackheads, felons, alcoholics and inbreds.

Fucking universal, I see.

>> No.15946677

>i called my parents the niggers of the state
>they gave me a lump sump of cash:200 bucks
God you are a little fuckin piece of shit, aren't you? Ironic, you call them niggers and yet you're the one who gets the gibs.

>> No.15946809

Imagine being worth 200 dollars by your parents lol

>> No.15947246
File: 2.11 MB, 4716x1754, b47ca3bf3346b5d2d8593fa4c83d41f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread somehow makes me really uncomfortable on a near spiritual level. Like, I remember what it was like to be a teenager back in high-school: and it's made much worse by the fact how now it's painfully obvious that the radical life choices made by a high-schooler are probably going to be fucking dumb. Yet there's definitely some nostalgic, near delusional strength of conviction there that I can appreciate only after having lost it to time. It's not a positive feeling.

>> No.15947285

Same. I remember the psychological, emotional, spiritual, and hormonal anguish of my teenage years. I remember the purity of, “I’m 16 years old and I know what I’m doing.”

>> No.15947383

thank you fallacy poster

>> No.15947502

yeah because living a safe life and making the right decisions all the time will have a great outcome

I wish I did stuff like what OP is doing as a kid. Instead I fucked my life up by concentrating on not fucking it up

>> No.15947528

I look back on my life and I'm doing OK but man, if I had just sat down at 16 and focused my life towards a specific goal I could have done literally anything.

Want kids? I could have had 10

Want money? I could have made millions

Want to be a musician? Could have been world class.

And when I see this arrogant little bitch just squandering the single most important years of his life because he thinks he already know everything, I just want to bend him over and penalty fuck him until he understands that if you dont act right the world's gonna tear you a new asshole

>> No.15947543

It's such a shame that it has to be either one of the extremes. It really is such a shame that you either fuck your life up by doing retarded shit, or fuck your life up by doing nothing. If only there were some alternatives, but alas.

>> No.15947547

based OP
go into a trade, do something useful

>> No.15947550

why are you like this

>> No.15948004

>implying love exists

>> No.15948075

I did the exact same thing when I was younger.
Now I'm in my late 20s and regret all the time I wasted. Got into uni at 25 and I'm trying to make up lost time.
But the more dumbasses waste their years away, the less competition I'll have. So go ahead, OP.

>> No.15948105

I did the exact same thing when I was younger
Now I'm in my early 30s with no hope of employment. College was a complete scam and there is no such thing as a good degree
If you're trying to 'bounce back' at life with a series of 'safe' decisions you're going to just trade your current version of hell for an even worse one.
At my age I know that OP is probably making the better decision. Take risks in life.

>> No.15948191

In the same position here op, I commend you for your bravery

>> No.15948211

Dude that’s based but you should just kill your parents in mine craft before you leave

>> No.15948613

Nukes make good money in the navy. They start off as E3 and a $30k bonus once you finish training. Mind you, you're going to want to blow your brains out pretty much the entire time you're in south carolina while you're studying but it's a great way to set yourself up for a good life with no degree

>> No.15948620


>> No.15948934

I was raised a posh kid, quit everything my friends, started over, meet a girl, hustled for a while, sales, learned a trade, now I'm almost 30, I work in software industry, know how to invest, can create I.A and work in data science or even a company like Tesla working on their car software, I'm gonna Crete my own company in two months, I have read 100's of books, and I have a varied and rich sex life literally no problem meeting women and charming them. Completely debt free.I reject security on the name of risks majority of the time.
The truth is you don't have to know what your going to do with your life, nor have everything figured out.
You can make it if you walk your own path, those who follow the most secure path, they usually grow up not knowing who they are, not really filling a sense of accomplishment or porpuse beyond saving for a house, paying of their mortgage and topping up their pensions to life a secure life, that's all they care, that's all they do. You will see them, and if you avoid them theyre gonna believe your lucky or everything was handed to you, I'm doing so much better than those who went to highscgool with me and followed the regular path, while I was the arrogant kid who thoug himself too smart to care about the teachers or their opinions.

>> No.15948940

What am I supposed to do if nothing occurs to me to do. I dont want to run a company or a business I dont want money I dont want to read books I dont want to work in tech.

None of these things are even remotely appealing to me.
It feels like there's nothing to do in life but buy a house I dont want and retire to do more of nothing

>> No.15948951

the day has come that /fa/ defends going to university like a bunch of fucking boomers lmfao

>> No.15949198

Son, you need to watch this educational film and reflect on your decisions - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obkftHpeMnk

>> No.15949435

Why are you meanies attacking OP for no reason? His parents are toxic assholes who think they know things much better than he does and instead of supporting him in his efforts they try to defend their positions with shitty arguments and emotional abuse.
As an almost-30 y.o neet whos life was fucked up by his parents' wants and feelings, I envy you, OP, I envy your courage and your mental strength. Please, don't let others ruin your life experience, do what you want and what you have to do. College degree is nothing but a waste of time, health and money, so don't fall for this meme.
Time to man up, dude, and take control over your own life. Get a job, rent a place, watch your health and make out of yourself a person that what you want to be.

>> No.15949595

fucking based album anon

>> No.15949637

to all the dumbasses who are saying "lol just work in trades" you still need a fucking high school degree for that shit. basically every job, even flipping burgers, requires at least a high school diploma. you don't need to go to college, but if you drop out of high school you're fucking yourself over.

>> No.15949643

OP is fucking himself. If you decide to become a vlogger, all the hate will fund your house and food.

>> No.15949807

You don't get it, failing upwards is the american counterculture ethos

>> No.15949929

what now

>> No.15949959

Person Other than Grunt, referring to non-combat classifications in the military. This includes all support personnel, from mechanics, to IT guys, to cooks, to nurses. In the context of OP’s story, he could sign up for a POG classification, and get free career training and transferable experience when he gets out.

>> No.15949965

fuck, i thought it was a different way to say "poggers"

>> No.15949973

what now

>> No.15949984

twitch meme. written on chat when something positive happens, the short version of it is 'pog'.
i fucking hate it

>> No.15949991

OP you have a lot of growing up to do.

>> No.15949993


>> No.15949996

>has the chance of going to a top university in any course he wants with all bills paid
>probably could live off investments of his inheritance, the degree doesn’t matter
>becomes an unemployed bum and renounces his inheritance
Your brain on 4chan.

>> No.15950021

this will literally never happen again

>> No.15950117

Oh yeah, why would someone choose a life of a self-made Renaissance Man that OP strives to be instead of existing like an average wageslaving NPC doing things the way """society""" expects him to do? Y'all people shitting on him are insecure pussies who are afraid of being unconventional, self-reliant, autarkic and proud. Hurr durr get a degree, hurr durr be kind to your parents... Fuck that, let him live the way he want, and he'll prove you wrong in the end

>> No.15950123 [DELETED] 

I don’t need your fucking defended you white knight lmfao

>> No.15950131

I don’t need your fucking defence you white knight lmfaooo

>> No.15950133

I'm not defending you, stop whining already, you little cocksucker.

>> No.15950364

Enjoy yourself lifetime of poverty, OP

>> No.15950425

whatever you end up doing to make a living, stay strong bro. i dropped out and became a cook and i love it.

>> No.15950448

As opposed to fucking what? Not having a father or shitting in the street?

>> No.15950463

You can’t refute me. Seethe and Cope.

>> No.15950486

>Replies 235
>Posters 100
Jesus this thread is wild.

>> No.15950669
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, 1609452577125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you meanies attacking OP for no reason? His parents are toxic assholes
You do understand that you formed this opinion based solely only on the standpoint of the dude who feels his parents are "emotionally abusing" him, right? Consider the implications of the post and what the parents in turn must have felt.
>be an average parent
>suddenly your kid drops out of school
>try your best to encourage the child to have an education and find a meaningful career
>the kid instead calls you a nigger and tries to redpill you with some woke anarchist bullshit he probably picked up from /pol/ or other shitholes
>the kid also begins spouting some conspiracy theories over covid and probably spirit cannibals and weed soup
>while the kid runs out, you regardless decide to hand him entire fucking 200 bucks so that he doesn't die of starvation and cold, hoping that he takes some time to figure himself out
>the kid instead buys a retarded jacket
OP is a gigantic faggot and honestly deserves to be called out on both being dumb and simultaneously breaking the site rules and posting while underage. You can dress this all as jaded assholes handing out some valuable life advice, but the truth is that it's just frankly hilarious to look at.

In any case, I unironically wish all the good for OP, and hope that he'll find the fucking kickass teenager jacket that will hopefully also feed him long-term.

>> No.15950676

>all those 'probably's and assumptions
your opinion is just as unfounded and baseless. How do you even type out the first part of your post and then have the gall to type out the second part. Insane. You had to have noticed it when you were typing and gone
>hope nobody points this out
I bet you used more imaginative weasel words and you deleted some of them out of self consciousness.

You can't deride someone for just making shit up about someone else and then do the exact same thing yourself.

>> No.15950724

The part about weed soup and me pretty much stating that I'm having fun with the post didn't hint you that I'm making an exaggeration? Imagine actually writing this post as a comeback without any self awareness, Jesus fucking Christ.

If we want to be serious with the topic, for some reason, then of course my point is that there are sides to things and you're retarded for fellating an obviously biased teenager recollection. Of course we can't reach any "truth" about who is right and wrong, or even what the concepts mean in human relationships and parenting in the specific context anyway. The point is you should obviously be critical of things you read on the internet. Regardless, that doesn't mean we should just ignore the near universal fact that teenagers are fucking dumb, which is again further reinforced by the actual OP text and his probably really introspective dialogue he had with his parents. That's not to say this isn't the singular freak case where OP actually knows better as a literal child what's good for him: that's just saying it's very likely not the case. But feel free to white knight OP as much as you like. I'm not going to respond to you anymore though, considering your standpoint is by default probably coloured by your own experiences with the "emotional abuse" or whatnot, so I don't think you can actually say anything meaningful.

>> No.15950734 [DELETED] 

Based but seething made it cringe

>> No.15950737

I'm literally completely unrelated to anything that came before man I have no clue what you're saying. I'm not any other poster. I just think you're being silly
>well obviously i was exaggerating, X didn't clue you in?
Sounds like backpedaling to me. Even if you don't mean it like that, if you're going to criticize someone for something and then immediately do what you criticized them for then it just undermines anything else you have to say. Even if you want to call it an 'obvious exaggeration' for effect.
I'm not sure why you're being so hostile here. It's really not that serious a thing. You act like I attacked your religion dude.
Take it easy.

>> No.15950759

>Sounds like backpedaling to me
I mean, when the point is to underline how things have obviously inherent subjectivity to them, making a counter example is just a more entertaining way to go about it than just stating the obvious, regardless if the counter example is comedic or not.
>I'm not sure why you're being so hostile here. It's really not that serious a thing.
It's cool, I'm just used to returning the favour if someone calls my posts out. It's part of the etiquette really. I decided to give you a last (You) just to make sure your feelings weren't hurt on an imageboard. Let's kiss and make up my little faggot.

>> No.15950776

Nah man it seems like you're just trying to hurt people's feelings. I hope you grow out of it man. You're not the piece of shit you think you are. If you could stop self-loathing for just five seconds you would actually give people the opportunity to like you. I'm gonna be thinking of you man I really hope you get out of this funk you're in. I really hope you can get out there and move on, it's not your fault man. I earnestly hope that I never see you again here.

>> No.15951600

good luck op! something leather should do fine.

>> No.15951918

>talks empty irrelevant shit

>> No.15952293

How in the fuck is this thread still up?

>> No.15952493

OP underage too

>> No.15952809

Why are you such a nigger? Imagine lashing out at your parents, as if you come from a bad home/environment. You're obviously some privileged twat that is lucky to be born into a worthwhile family that isn't broken and shitty and genuinely cares for you. I hope you unironically get killed.

>> No.15952847

someone's jelly
that's why OP is such a powerful flex

>> No.15952866

There is no moderation on this board, and yet somehow I'm still in rangeban hell for something I didn't do with no end of it in sight

>> No.15952874

Rejecting society is stupid at your stage.
You suffer in it and gradually buy your way out like a man. Channel your emotions intelligently into your future. You're on a path to self destruction.

>> No.15952876

its actually a $40k bonus now, and the studying sucks ass but its not that bad. not to mention the star reenlistment bonus

>> No.15954431


>> No.15954649

Buy a sports coat, the remainder will go to some seamstresses who will embroider the entire opening post on the back of it.

>> No.15954804

I know you a being sarcastic, but the odds of fucking up and dying with regret is much larger than dying content. It truly is all for naught

>> No.15954826

Haha I as well, starting uni in the fall at the ripe old age of 25

>> No.15954857 [DELETED] 


>> No.15955317

lol u a fuckup

>> No.15955326

you’re an idiot and you’ll be voting for socialists in 10 years when you are never able to get out the hole you dug yourself. you deserve whatever the jews will throw at you