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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 932 B, 1200x720, 1594429814895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15940853 No.15940853 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the least effay western country?

>> No.15940860
File: 7 KB, 1200x632, 1200px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15940869

This. And probably Scandinavian countries, haven't visited them

>> No.15940962

hast was gegen wellensteyn jacken?

>> No.15940965
File: 24 KB, 390x381, Bildschirmfoto-2020-03-02-um-13-37-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Augen auf Hammerhai weil er das deutsche Fashion Game auf dem Kopf trägt wie neger Frauen

>> No.15940975


german fashion is dominated by whatever primark and H&M put out kek

even our adidas stuff sucks. we only have the most basic clothing and shoe styles available in german adidas stores. whenever i bought special collab adidas stuff it was imported from the UK.

>> No.15940984

>dieser hässliche Spast ist der deutsche Modegott
Was ging so schief?

>> No.15940989


>> No.15941001

The only /fa/ city in Germany is Berlin. Also they have probably the least /fa/middle-aged people in Europe.

Italy is first.

>> No.15941014
File: 106 KB, 736x736, 1593696416799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of mainland Europe is made up of forgettable people in bland mall-tier clothes. Germany at least has the distinction of being home to Daniel Fuchs, the face of SEXcore.

>> No.15941022


wenigstens ist er arisch

>> No.15941024

short legs lol

>> No.15941036

>>dieser hässliche Spast ist der deutsche Modegott
only opfer like you think that

>> No.15941044

and thats a good thing
means dressing well will make me stand out

>> No.15941247
File: 921 KB, 2560x1707, Filkins-NaziPropaganda03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germans are brainwashed into associating aesthetics with nazism, because nazism was, at its core, not an ideology. It was an image of what could have been, and it was so powerful and beautiful it erupted into WW2.

It is so powerful and beautiful they had to literally lock it up lmao

>One of the world’s largest collections of Nazi propaganda is housed at Fort Belvoir, in Virginia; much of it is virulent, and most of it is never seen by the public.


>> No.15941260

please leave your room

>> No.15941276 [DELETED] 


How many drugs do you take cope with your shitty life?

>> No.15941292


>> No.15941293

Poltard go back

>> No.15941326


>> No.15941335
File: 93 KB, 600x800, 0B7C54BD-5E91-40CC-BCAF-DE9FB71EFD40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe nazis should’ve gotten better at fighting and spent less time jerking themselves off because they got utterly BTFO

>> No.15941342
File: 170 KB, 1000x667, moscowmoscow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, probably. They did a better job than anyone else though, so perfomancewise Nazis reign supreme and will forever be the role model for future generations to come. I mean, look at Russia. Seriously, wtf.

>> No.15941354

Just ONCE I would like a germany thread to not end up in /pol/faggotry within the day. Just once.

>> No.15941362
File: 221 KB, 828x569, D12ED085-21F9-4C70-8B48-529CE47F894E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They lost 4 million German lives and still got utterly pieced up, the only thing left of their legacy are media cameos where they’re literally a one dimensional punching bag

Nazis accomplished nothing, and everything they believed and fought for is considered a literal joke

>> No.15941371

What's wrong with that, it looks like a normal city

>> No.15941376


t. Italian living in Baden-Württemberg

>> No.15941382

Justin verscherbelt seine LFDY Shirts an unangenehme 13-23 Jährige und kaufst sich davon n Rolls Royce, läuft doch alles gut.
Die Jugend ist gefickt was solls

>> No.15941414
File: 806 KB, 1600x900, moscow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nazis accomplished nothing, and everything they believed and fought for is considered a literal joke

Oh, is the antithesis to the ruling establishment considered 'a joke' according to that said establishment?

Have fun getting poorer, dumber, shorter and having all around miserable lives with no prospects of ever having a loving family.


it is the greatest shithole on earth

>> No.15941416

This is a textbook example of not dressing to your particular body proportions.
This dude has short legs and a torso a mile long and what does he do? He wears a super long t-shirt and low rise skinny jeans, further shortening his legs and lengthening his proportions.
Such a shitty fit, holy shit

>> No.15941429

Just because national socialism was the last great ideology radically different to the currently ruling one doesn't mean it was actually good in its own right. That's just making the same error as those young communists who think communism will fix every problem from global warming to misapplied pronouns just because it is "not capitalism".

>> No.15941439
File: 127 KB, 1200x630, DPlI6QuU8AA8ZT7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Nazism literally fixed every problem. Germany was rich as fuck, advanced as fuck, fertile as fuck, fit as fuck, culturally productive as fuck, they were literally fuck as fuck. There are more illiterate people in Germany today than 100 years ago. This weird looking Austrian midget was the solution to every single problem that dawned on us already 100 years ago. And wouldn't it have been for American intervention, he would have successfully established a Eurasian Union rendering all external threats obsolete forever. It was a great filter event. Fuck this world.

>> No.15941442
File: 636 KB, 1056x816, 1538685426990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15941489

fuck back to pol retard

>> No.15941494


>> No.15941522

Oh sorry anon, I didn't know you literally didn't know jack shit about actual history. So for the record, early 20th century germany was no better than states like britain or the US... and the nazis had very little to do with advancing germany or making its society more productive. That was all imperial (and weimar, believe it or not) legacy.

>> No.15941537
File: 66 KB, 1024x683, Bruttosozialprodukt_im_dt._Reich_1925-1939.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was no better? Phrasing, lmao. It was as rich and affluent and as the two most economically successful countries in the world, retard! And all that without having a colonial empire or a whole continent to exploit. And they did all that without sacrificing the population on the altar of degeneracy either.

>> No.15941579

Good god anon, read some actual history. Nazi germany didn't do economics better (rather the contrary) and the prewar economic boom was debt-funded.
>Muh degeneracy
I suggest you remain alt-right anon and stop wanking it over some vaguely related 100 year old ideology.

>> No.15941596

>this is your mind on /pol/

>> No.15941601


Oh, it was debt-funded? Because that worked out so brilliantly in the literal Weimar Republic? Go back to Räddit, unironically. Un-fucking-believable.

>> No.15941632

You know nothing about the history of my country. I know you won't stop embarrassing us with your naziwankery, but at least fuck off.

>> No.15941636
File: 263 KB, 1500x1500, jack-wolfskin-jasper-flex-hardshelljacke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post german haute couture.

>> No.15941643
File: 56 KB, 823x320, mirror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You know nothing

>repeats retarded talking points with zero insight or evidence

typical braindead German. Enjoy getting your wallet emptied by immigrants forever

>> No.15941652
File: 111 KB, 1500x1500, vaude-hiking-backpack-poncho-hardshelljacke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15941658

If you read more closely you'd notice I am not all on board with current day culture. I just don't think national socialism is the final answer to our problems. Not to mention it rubs off a few people the wrong way who I'd rather have on our side. I also try to not shit all over a board that is not /pol/.

>> No.15941668
File: 47 KB, 1136x543, DWO-ezb1-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As I said, ENJOY

>> No.15941715

thats because people in germany dont buy their property, they rent so they cant inherit the houses.
houses are mostly owned by rich corps in the cities

>> No.15941740

Faced with opposition by actual germans, the naziboo resorts to insulting their national pride in ways utterly unrelated to the actual merits of national socialism.

>> No.15941766


>National socialism was successful

>N-no, the Germans lost the war. Also optics.

Wow, what a brilliant conversation. So between saving the European civilization and optics, this lad goes for optics. Amazing. Thank you and good night.

>> No.15941769

I think the Netherlands take the cake in this regard, I study there and hot damn - dutch have very little care for style

>> No.15942014

Where can I buy some flecktarn shorts to go /out/ with? I was thinking of pairing that with some sleazecore shirt

>> No.15942022

the white race is over and didn’t deserve to be saved, and the Nazis failed really hard in their wrong opinion

>> No.15942750


>> No.15943012

>Daniel Fucks

>> No.15943018

United Fags of America

>> No.15943211

> Enjoy getting your wallet emptied by immigrants forever
> Shows a pic that says immigrants earn over 21% less then Germans in Germany

Stay retarded poltard

>> No.15943265

>>15940853 i live there and yes

>> No.15943267

digga hätt ich das geld von dem spasten könnte ich mir miese grails leisten aber nein er braucht vlone airforces, hurensohn.

>> No.15943280
File: 382 KB, 661x631, Bildschirmfoto 2021-02-10 um 10.42.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stay retarded poltard

Wow, you're really kinda dumb, are you? On average, every immigrant amounts to roughly 250,000 EUR in costs for every German. Because Germans have to foot the bill for all things related to the state. And in Germany, that means everything. Welfare, infrastructure, culture, security, defense, healthcare. Migrants will never contribute to anything. This is why cities in Western Germany are so poor and ugly, albeit having slightly higher GDPs per capita than Eastern Germany - they have no money left for nice things. This is why we have the highest taxes in the world. Everything they ever told you is a lie.

>> No.15943282

yeah right, denmark doesnt help immigrants financially and guess what no ones coming to denmark anymore

>> No.15943285


the best thing: these policies were implemented by leftists

>> No.15943287


>> No.15943360

>migrants will never contribute to anything
Gibt policy advice aus dem untergebildetsten, uninformiertestem Ausland. Was ist los mit den Nazi-Fetischisten.
PS I'm a German and my parents' families have migration histories. Also I'm have been using publicly funded universities for my undergrad degrees. Bisous.

Anyways, I don't think Germans are un/fa/ but rather sprawled countries with lots of country side and less metropolitan areas are less fashion forward in general.

>> No.15943364


>> No.15943365


>migrants are totally cool because I have studied at the expanse of the German taxpayer, sweaty


>> No.15943488

Vodka vodka putin putin

>> No.15943493
File: 299 KB, 1140x1578, 1612261003063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his is why cities in Western Germany are so poor and ugly,
ever heard of WW2?

>> No.15943525

>250,000 EUR in costs for every German
so every single german has to pay 250k for each immigrant ? that seems a bit absurd, dont you think ?

>> No.15943526

>Wow, you're really kinda dumb, are you?
Nope thats you, you dont even seem to know the difference betwee immigrant and refugee

>On average, every immigrant amounts to roughly 250,000 EUR in costs for every German


>his is why cities in Western Germany are so poor and ugly, albeit having slightly higher GDPs per capita than Eastern Germany - they have no money left for nice things

This just tells me you have zero idea what you are talking about. East Germany is a fucking shit whole, not only do people earn way less there (wow look at that germans earn less in a part of a country that hasnt much immigrants, how can that be in your idiot pol logic) and there a whole patches of land nobody wants to even fucking live in.

> Everything they ever told you is a lie

But you Qanon shit is the truth yeah, how do i know you are a jobless roach to the our goverment?

>> No.15943535

>Thinking migrants dont pay taxes themselfs
You probably never ever worked hm?

>> No.15943542

Es heißt expense, learn spelling and eff urself.

>> No.15943677

>that seems a bit absurd, dont you think ?

Imagine a Turkish woman who has never worked a day in her life.

>Warum 48 Prozent der Türken in Deutschland offiziell nicht arbeiten


She will use roads she's has never payed for. She will see doctors she never payed for. She will receive Kindergeld she's never payed for. She will retire and receive gibs she's never payed for. She will live in a society guarded by military and policemen she never payed a dime for in her entire life.

>East Germany is a fucking shit whole

When have you been there? It has grown much more than West Germany. Of course a formerly socialist country can't transform itself over night. But it is getting there fast. They also have higher birthrates, too, and more Germans are moving to Eastern Germany than vice versa. Your conceptions about Eastern Germany are outdated.


It doesn't matter if they pay taxes, they don't pay enough to be a net benefit to society.


Cringe. Enjoy getting your life savings robbed by immigrants.

The worst aspect of immigration is the total annihilation of future improvements. According to PISA, migrants perform worse in school in each consecutive generation because the worst families have the most kids.

>> No.15943694
File: 138 KB, 1500x716, w6lSZoUj Bugatti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also everything from Camp David.

>> No.15943706
File: 676 KB, 1920x1080, 1920x1080-Dresden-Advent-Neumarkt-JoergSchoener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ever heard of WW2?

Didn't stop Dresden from rebuilding their old town recently. Difference is that in Dresden the inhabitants are still Germans with a vital emotional and cultural connection to the city and not mere economic migrants.

>> No.15943710

Postwar architecture literally just had to pull out Hitler's plans to build new towns from the rubble, it's just that they built cubes instead of Speer's monuments

>> No.15943716

most germans dont have 250k euro they can pay to support a single immigrant
where does that number come from ?
also, most familys i know only 1 member is working.

>> No.15943717

Is there any non-cringe German label? I was gonna say that selected homme was somewhat okish but it's actually Danish.

>> No.15943720

>Didn't stop Dresden from rebuilding their old town recently. Difference is that in Dresden the inhabitants are still Germans with a vital emotional and cultural connection to the city and not mere economic migrants.
dresden is an extremely leftist city, i dont think youd like it there

>> No.15943726
File: 399 KB, 964x330, destatis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's the net costs of a lifetime. Maybe it's only 80.000 EUR.

>also, most familys i know only 1 member is working.

Very cool but maybe you should make yourself familiar with basic economic statistics

>> No.15943730


I lived there, it is extremely conservative, hence "PEGIDA". Leipzig is the capital of lefty lunatics in Saxony.

>> No.15943737

>It's the net costs of a lifetime. Maybe it's only 80.000 EUR.
so you dont know ? youre just making stuff up as you go along

>> No.15943739

This. My grand-granddad was Ukrainian and he served as tank crew for Soviets. His stories from WW2 are still passed by our family how they were destroying these Nazi pussies against all odds. That being said, fuck communism too. It's as evil as nazism.
I can tell that you have no idea about modern warfare

>> No.15943744


I've looked it up. It's 80.000 EUR.

>> No.15943745

Everyone knows that Eastern Germany is mostly depopulated following 1990, all the intelligencia and educated folks moved westward for jobs. It is slowly recovering and there have been massive investments into infrastructure but they are mostly funded using federal budgets and has little to do with the economic activity in the East.
Immigration is actually a huge economic opportunity for the East (remaining population is very old but also racist) so it will be interesting to see what's next for the East.

>> No.15943747

I don't know why but many people from the FRG, particularly northwestern ones, seem like total NPCs that fanatically carry their state's ideology ahead of them like a torch to me, obviously this is less so with the Easterners.

t. Austrian

>> No.15943758

Provide sources if you claim to have economic stats to back you up. Speaking of economics, what are external effects.

>> No.15943763


We have thoroughly established that immigration was a disaster for the entirety of Western Europe. You can fuck off now.

>> No.15943774

Austria is a joke. Tyrol is costing the world billions with their pandemic policies and the federal government are basically a bunch of thugs and mafiosi who have undergone rhetoric training.
Provide bona fide arguments and I might bother falsifying them

>> No.15943775
File: 101 KB, 697x361, bertelsmann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Economics isn't complicated. Smart people are more economically competitive.


>> No.15943777

whats your solution ? kill everyone ? we got the immigrants, now we have to make the best out of it.

>> No.15943785


You made a claim. I have already thoroughly debunked it: immigrants are less productive and less educated and there is no improvement in either department, neither in the past nor in the future based on all available data. This applies to all countries of Western Europe.

According to you, the country with the most uneducated people is the richest. This is so retarded that every further discussion is a mocking of the mentally disabled.

>> No.15943789 [DELETED] 


Or we can reorganize our country based on the priority of the preservation of ethnical homogenity of the 'indegenous' population and put maximum pressure on immigrants by making them pay a minimum amount taxes. They have to at least pay as much taxes as a German would have to not be a net negative to society. This way, educated immigrants and Germans both win, because they not have to further pay for less productive migrants.

>> No.15943793


Or we can reorganize our country based on the priority of the preservation of ethnical homogenity of the 'indegenous' population and put maximum pressure on immigrants by making them pay a minimum amount taxes. They have to at least pay as much taxes as a German would have to to not be a net negative to society. This way, educated immigrants and Germans both win, because they not have to further pay for less productive migrants.

>> No.15943798

>immigrants are less productive and less educated and there is no improvement in either department, neither in the past nor in the future based on all available data.
whats the reason for that ? dont say genetics lmao
>based on the priority of the preservation of ethnical homogenity
thats bs, you can do better
> They have to at least pay as much taxes as a German would have
agreed, where do they get tax cuts from though ?

>> No.15943800

Stop the ad hominem just making urself look like a caveman. The first thing that comes to mind discussing matters of economic sociology is just the measurements. Obviously we have age effects i. e. migrant communities are younger. Second, all the problems of operationalising contributions as GDP apply. The matter of lower wages has already been brought up etc. And finally future is always uncertain and as such a projection as made in the statement is just not serious and the outcomes even if we would accept GDP or taxes as the best measure of contribution (when many first gen migrants work in areas such as elderly care etc) would be subject to economic, employment and educational policy.

>> No.15943804

If all you consider is the line that goes up, immigration was more than a shining success. This completely and utterly disregards any other factors of course, such as the pitifully small German private wealth, the huge amount of low wage sectors and the disappearing social fabric. Ultimately, Germany's strength is the strength of the entwined elites of politics and economy.

>> No.15943805

>whats the reason for that ? dont say genetics lmao

It doesn't matter

>thats bs, you can do better

No, it's the most important thing. People prosper in an ethnical homogenous community only. In every society people congregate on the basis of ethnical and cultural homogenity. It's a human need and it should be human right.

>agreed, where do they get tax cuts from though ?


>> No.15943809
File: 1.27 MB, 1860x1562, wealth per capita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pitifully small German private wealth
it's not small, its completely up there with the rest of the first world. the distribution is very uneven, hence why the median wealth is low. but it's even lower in, say, the united arab emirates and the netherlands for the same reason

>> No.15943810

>Tyrol is costing the world billions with their pandemic policies
Surely you have data on how much of that is because of Tirol, don't you?
>and the federal government are basically a bunch of thugs and mafiosi who have undergone rhetoric training
If corona rallies escalate and the federal government perishes under the angry mob I will not bat an eye, but this whole post seems like "I watch the Tagesschau so I am smart" nonsense.

>> No.15943811
File: 49 KB, 460x696, 1590174849344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go outside you brainlet freak

>> No.15943815

all your talking points are straight up ripped from /pol/ and stormfront, along with screencaps and cherry picked statistics
are you actually german or a russian troll ?

>> No.15943816

>Germans are NPCs
No shit, they are the ones who were just following orders, remember?

>> No.15943822

>I have already thoroughly debunked it
You didnt debunk anything you post zero sources for your "germans pay xx among of money for immigrants" and your only example for "lazy" immigrants is a newspaper artical, that also states taht those who dont work are also not registered as "out of work", which means we dont pay them "no hartz 4, no out of work money for them".
Nothing that you said shows them being "less productive", "less educated" etc.

>According to you, the country with the most uneducated people is the richest
Not that anon, but this is true, to be the riches country you do not need educated people, look at the USA. Most people are dumb as fuck, but the ones that are rich are super rich.
Would i live in that shithole no, but that just shows you you can have uneducated people as the majority but still be the riches country.

>> No.15943825


What are you talking about? You can't just throw around random statements, Turk.

>s the line that goes up

What line? WTF?


omg memes YES AWESOME

>> No.15943826

All brands that do classic wear like Hugo Boss, Joop, Lagerfeld etc. have lots of decent stuff. It's the medium priced brands that almost entirely suck.

>> No.15943827

Long story short: migrant communities are typically poorer (no inherited wealth or their home currency has less purchasing power) and on average earn less in their jobs or are still in education (side effect of being younger). Ergo their tax contributions are lower. Does that mean that immigration is bad economically? Absolutely not. This is not the place or format to discuss it in more detail but I don't want this telegram-boomer tier charlatanism to spread around.

>> No.15943828

>t. npc
germany has legit some of the best brands available
stephan schneider
jil sander
a kind of guise
merz b schwanen

>> No.15943831

>Hugo Boss
These not only happen to be the ones that do classic wear but also are incredibly boring in their offer. I don't think I've ever seen a single Hugo Boss piece I really liked aside from an old tweed coat. But it is fitting because if you look at how businessmen in Germany dress, you will quickly find that being boring is what they desire.

>> No.15943832

Some point to it but I don't really like those brands either.

>> No.15943833

>You didnt debunk anything you post zero sources



There are mosts to immigrants than merely social welfare. Like, everything else.

>you do not need educated people, look at the USA

The US are a shithole for the most parts. Is that what you have in mind for Germany?

>> No.15943834

Post pics

>> No.15943835

Uhh seeing thinks in a context and with reasons.
This will just trigger the poltards

>> No.15943838

I would like to add Maerz München to that, legitimately one of the best knitwear brands there is in Europe.

>> No.15943839

Why does every thread about this country attract so many schizos?

>> No.15943847


>I have no arguments. Boomers!

>> No.15943848

Germany is too large for Europe and too small for the world, its mere existence generates excitement

>> No.15943856

pics of what ?

>> No.15943857

Here what there is nothing? Is this a methapor for your arguments? You mean that one pic and that one study from 2014 you probably didnt read fully?

>The US are a shithole for the most parts. Is that what you have in mind for Germany?
Where did i say i want Germany like that, i just proved to you that there are many countries that are rich, with mainly uneducated people in them. There is a global erosion of the middle class, that is happening for all countries, but again non eof that is the fault of immigrants.
We called for them in the 60s and they still do the shit jobs no german wants to do. They rather sit on their butt and take the Hartz 4 money then get their hands dirty working on a flied or in a slautherhouse. Blame the owners of these places for rather paying half to a romanian subcontractors, then hire a migrant here in germany who they would have to pay according to german minimum wage.
Your mindset is more inline with the USA then any of the other people here, with your down kicking on migrants then kicking up to the people that exploid you both, so tell me do YOU want it to be like it is in the US?

>> No.15943858
File: 231 KB, 1400x946, 1607181266395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a right winger,not a fascist,but they did have a good sense of aesthetics.
I'm not a fan of the art, sculpture and architecture,I think it's very soulless.
Their graphic design was(is) amazing.

>> No.15943862

The lockdown has been costing Austrian trad (not counting tourism etc.) alone a billion per week. Tyrol were primary exporters of the virus with more than 11k European infections due to Ischgl alone. I actually live in Vienna (currently in Germany) and follow Austrian news closely. The problems of the government are not only crisis management but multidimensional and one could argue that one of the biggest issues are the changes in political culture, cronyism, corruption, destruction of trust in administrative and judicial systems etc.

>> No.15943863
File: 253 KB, 730x582, gastarbeiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are many countries that are rich, with mainly uneducated people in them

>Look at these outliers for obvious reasons

Why are you wasting everyone's time? And most of all: we didn't call for them. That's the greatest lie in Germany. You have to go back.

>> No.15943864

I think totalitarian/authoritarian regimes in general have to sell themselves much better on the aesthetic level, neoliberalism can just drown the people's sorrows in consumerism.

>> No.15943871

>The problems of the government are not only crisis management but multidimensional and one could argue that one of the biggest issues are the changes in political culture, cronyism, corruption, destruction of trust in administrative and judicial systems etc.
I agree completely, it would be best to just start over. Unfortunately there's no end in sight because the political complex of the parties has its tendrils everywhere, and I don't see a way to get rid of this system anytime soon.

>> No.15943872


>> No.15943874

good choice, didnt know them

>> No.15943876

Bahahaha, typical not knowing your own history and posting just a screenshot with no source.
One politican didnt want turkes and the US said hurry up and be stable, means to your tiny brain:
tHe USA tOtAlY FoRcEd the TruKs oN Us.

Why are you wasting OUR time on here? You are here spamming a fashion board with your uneducated nonesense nobody asked for? Im sure you have no friends and other people dont want to talk to you no more, but dont take it out on us

>> No.15943879

Graphic design design is mostly stolen from antique cultures but what is specific of fascism is the ideology of purity. Thereby crippling expression and removing spaces of thought. It is not that the graphic design is necessarily bad (however looking at the typical posters of the AfD or FPÖ they certainly can be) but there is no reason for why non-fascist societies should be worse at it. Actually you will in many cases find better art in today's democracies than in fascist nations of the past. Fascist art often times lacks the capacity for ambiguity and thereby limits itself.

>> No.15943883 [DELETED] 


>the politician responsible for this decision opposed it for it obvious reasons

fuck your self, stop wasting everyone's time Ahmed

go back and fuck your cousin

>> No.15943885
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>I think totalitarian/authoritarian regimes in general have to sell themselves much better on the aesthetic level

Rather, I think it's inherent trait of the ideology, a bundle of sticks that are all the same and aspire to a grand result in unison. It's coherent.
For something to be aesthetically pleasing it has to be coherent.

neoliberalism is just a free for all -"do wtf you want" as long as you pay taxes and engage in mindless consumerism

>> No.15943886
File: 277 KB, 1500x1000, SS21-Frank-Leder-Maecki-und-Kalle-08-1500x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frank leder


>> No.15943900

>Fascist art often times lacks the capacity for ambiguity and thereby limits itself.

Restrictions are good for creative processes.It sparks ingenuity

>> No.15943901
File: 555 KB, 1587x1134, futursism-fascism[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fascist art often times lacks the capacity for ambiguity and thereby limits itself.
I think you are narrowing it down to nazi Germany's state architecture a bit too much, Breker statues and Speer's monolith buildings are not examples of good art and architecture obviously. Goebbels himself noted that he became annoyed at this narrow stance at one point and that Mussolini's Italy did it much better, which of course blended its own regime with all the arts and crafts that were available. Under the reign of Italian fascism, Italy had become a trailblazer for modern art, architecture and graphic design, much of which would have been deemed "degenerate" by the nazis. And this self-limitation is not exclusive to the nazi ideology either; Stalin's state style of socialist realism which was later continued as a way of contrasting Western arts as the cold war began likewise is much more traditional.

>> No.15943903

>Muuhh i have no arguments and now im triggered, so i call you are Ahmed

Kill yourself idiot, cause you indeed are a waste of my tax money

>> No.15943911

German art under the Austrian dictator was so powerful they literally have to keep it locked up to this very day.

>> No.15943912
File: 345 KB, 385x506, 1599512093498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail victory

>> No.15943914

How was it powerful?

>> No.15943915
File: 2.91 MB, 2988x5312, 20200307_2245512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is ours

>> No.15943923

>How was it powerful?

In that it was enticing. Just like Christian art managed to convince people of a literal fairy tale in the Middle Ages only because it was presented so nicely.

>> No.15943924

Ugly woman from unidentified country is pregnant, should consern us how?

>> No.15943934
File: 425 KB, 2048x1538, 11084206_931065630246002_5278477873020048004_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

four team eighty eighty

>> No.15943935

aren't Nazis supposed to be disciplined? Just restrict urself. Arguing pro censorship is Mullah-regime tier.

>> No.15943938
File: 73 KB, 800x748, 6ccc1308ba87d2fffc8261574b347a444fb9eea7_800px-caravaggio_-_la_vocazione_di_san_matteo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christian art and architecture stems from a different era where art was mostly funded by elites for their prestige, not for profit and efficiency as dictated by the laws of the modern era. Being good-looking on the surface and having several meanings to it as you delve deeper was just one of its many perks, and I think good art does both, like this Caravaggio here. For third reich art, often only the surface look is there, while our contemporary art of the day holds zero merit to the beholder without having to study an in-depth guide on what the artist actually wanted to say. Both are in their own respect a result of the many intellectual crises of the dawn of the modern era that remain unsolved to this day.

>> No.15943965
File: 133 KB, 960x913, breker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Meaning is merely intellectual wanking. True art manages to inspire the viewer on the subconscious level.

Walking in a room with a 20ft high Breker sculpture must have been an amazing sight to behold. I'd imagine you would feel like a god looking at when a single man can sculpt out of mere cold stone.

>> No.15943966
File: 182 KB, 1920x831, 1920px-Flower_girls_on_dancefloor_1939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15943970

You ever get your arsehole fingered?

>> No.15943973

>You ever get your arsehole fingered?

Seek help, life is too short to be bothered with unnatural desires

>> No.15943974

What kind of t shirt is that?

>> No.15943975

Sounds like you've not had your dick sucked in a while

>> No.15943977


Is that what you live for?

>> No.15943982

Yes I am a sex haver, unlike you I have sex

>> No.15943985

Germans have never developed a significant architectural movement, That was not restrict to the Third Reich.
Music, Philosophy, A few Novels and Paintings are all they have.

Now, Back to the topic, They did excel on on the subject of Photography , There is a nice set of naked Man and Woman but we cannot post it in a blue board.

>> No.15943986

scoop neck linen shirt maybe ?

>> No.15943994


If that's an accomplishment in your eyes, good for you.

>> No.15943995

>Germans have never developed a significant architectural movement

Never heard of Bauhaus have you

>> No.15943997

Thank you, my spawn will inherit the Earth

>> No.15944002

That's literally a band...

>> No.15944003

Oh, I should have put a "Good Architectural Movement".
My bad

>> No.15944004


There's a tad more to that than just having sex. If you don't have a woman taking care of your homunculur 24/7 from day one until he, too, has managed to procreate, all efforts were but in vain.

>> No.15944009

Not suprised, you dont get Bauhaus, when you thinks Third Reich aesthetics were good

>> No.15944010


Sometimes, it's enough to be the best, not necessarily the first.

>> No.15944016

Not him but what is there to get about Bauhaus?

>> No.15944026
File: 302 KB, 1400x933, 822fe3057269cb98949a1578876569fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bauhaus is about gaining maximum output from minimum effort, liberating mankind from the plight of labour.

Yes, your insanely labour intensive Baroque palace is more beautiful and imposing, but having a simple rectangular villa that is just proportioned well enough to not be an eyesore is preferable when you don't have to waste your entire life working for it to call it yours.

That being said, automation has rendered these thoughts obsolete.

>> No.15944034

>Not suprised, you dont get Bauhaus,
It is Mediocre, Architecture has achieved the with Doric, Gothic and Palladian

>when you thinks Third Reich aesthetics were good

Only their Photography, Cinematography and their Uniforms

I find Hitler Neoclassicism disgusting.
What I did say, Is that there is no singularity about the Germans being bad at Architecture in the Third Reich Period.

Outside of a few Buildings, They have never developed a Aesthetic pleasant movement.

>> No.15944043

>Germans being bad at Architecture

Hm, you might be retarded. Germans have created the most beautiful cities on the planet.

>> No.15944061

>Germans have never developed a significant architectural movement,
developed gothic, jugendstil; and bauhaus is arguably the most influential movement on the planet, for better or for worse

>> No.15944081
File: 39 KB, 560x419, italy2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's just my surface level understanding being true then, good to know.
I still prefer the early modern constructions, be it those of red Vienna, streamlined modernism, or if we stay with the theme of Italian fascism I briefly opened before, the various avantgardistic styles used there. There's even a nice statue of a strong working man there.

>> No.15944084

Yes, And the Leitmotiv of the Third Reich is the subjugation of the Individual to the racial Community.

>The main plank in the National Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute therefore the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood. A very simple statement; but it involves a principle that has tremendous consequences.


Another interesting subject are the Sculptures, The Greeks, Romans and the Italian intentions are to provide Shape and Movement (Contrapposto and Dynamism) into the statues i.e To provide Life to it.
The Intentions of the NSDAP is to mold life to the will of the Party i.e Eugenics and Athleticism
The movies too, most of the characters in it are just political vessels
They are comfy, But nothing compared with Paris or Italian cities, Hitler himself, The Fanatical Nationalist willing to committe a Genocidal espansion on the East to provide Resources to his beloved people has shared the same feeling.
Not German, And the korn cathedral cannot be compared with the Notre Dame.

Meh, I did enjoy some posters of it.

>bauhaus is arguably the most influential movement on the planet, for better or for worse

For worse but to be fair, The French (Corbusier) and Americans (Sullivan) did provide help

>> No.15944086

>Meaning is merely intellectual wanking
When all there is is some supposed meaning, sure. Nobody will buy that A Serbian film is actually big social critique instead of a gross gore and violence porn film, meanwhile it just adds a few layers to works that could otherwise stand on artistic merit alone.

>> No.15944088

Shit, I have forget to elaborated the point.

The Greatest "Work of Art" of the National Socialist Worldview, If they did achieve success in their goals, Would be the Nation Molded to their Will i.e The Athletic bodies.

Olympia was the best demonstration of their goals.

>> No.15944103
File: 243 KB, 1920x1080, 0908198E-0F2C-40D8-9D8D-5CB028DA29F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finance student here I’ll tell you why I researched a little bit.
While 55% of Americans have stocks only 12% of German own stocks.
For investing an overwhelming 44% of Germans use „Sparbücher“ or „Tagesgeldkonten“ with a whopping interest of 0,01 to 0,02%. Second most popular investment in Germany are insurances which are fucking bullshit. And there you go

>> No.15944105

nazis were tacky anon, that's what happens when you're working class LARPing as upper class

>> No.15944110

Die sind alle scheisse

>> No.15944114

Fuck yes im from Düsseldorf working in finance and the suits are really shit. Hugo Boss is a overpriced shit designed brand with cheap fabrics

>> No.15944115

Das liegt daran, dass du keine Ahnung hast.

>> No.15944119
File: 826 KB, 2160x2748, S20C-MTK4337-PJY002N_0220_sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15944123

Na klar homo

>> No.15944128

>But nothing compared with Paris or Italian cities

okay you've never been there

>Hitler himself, The Fanatical Nationalist willing to committe a Genocidal espansion on the East to provide Resources to his beloved people has shared the same feeling.


>> No.15944130

Poste deine 5 Lieblingsdesigner

>> No.15944133

Obey, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Virgil Abloh, Ed Hardy

>> No.15944139

yeah, germans are shit/very conservative with investment

>> No.15944141


Even worse than Gelsenkirchen

>> No.15944143

I would say it depends on the area. Definitely the Midwest and Cali are shit, but I would argue the East Coast and the South are cool

>> No.15944165

which ones do you mean? most large cities in germany were bombed into dust

>> No.15944180

Have you ever even been to Dresden?

>> No.15944187


Are you German attempting to create a fantasy where your people has developed any good architectural movement? or a Mutt with 0,01% German Ancestry?

>> No.15944189
File: 838 KB, 1600x986, Dresden2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure, but they are well documented and we know they were absolute marbles. There are plenty of beautiful cities in Germany alone (think Lüneburg, Schwerin, Münster, Heidelberg, Bernkastel, Potsdam, Wolfenbüttel or Regensburg), in Alsace of course (most notably Straßburg), but even in remote places like Romania and even Canada https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunenburg_(Nova_Scotia).. Honorary mention: Austria

>> No.15944196

Diese und
>dsquared jeans

>> No.15944201

bait harder mehmet

>> No.15944226

>the prewar economic boom was debt-funded
Yes, but pretty much all modern economies are debt funded since the 30s. It would be more correct to say that the economical boom was funded by a X-year-plan, which consists of taking a huge amount of debt, increasing public spending by a lot(most likely the cause of the increase in GDP in the graph) and investing that money in infrastructure and in the industrial sector and hope that the development of the time period stimulates the economy enough to pay back the debt with relative ease. Historically this strategy has worked wonderfully in some places (Soviet union in the 20s) and failed terribly in others(Soviet union in the 70s and 80s). It is impossible to know if it would had worked long term because of the destruction of the war and the Marshall plan.

>> No.15944270

He's >5'11" so it doesn't matter.
Only manlets worry about that shit because they wanna "look" taller. Nigga just be tall.

>> No.15944274

this meme is forced trash, wasn't funny the first time.

>> No.15944276

hes actually 1.85m which is 6'1
its unironically a good style, just because you dont like it doesnt make it bad

>> No.15944280

maybe you want to check the average soldier k/d retard

>> No.15944286

It looks fucking awful, the skinny low rise jeans fuck up his proportions and the ripped knees look like he ripped them sucking on loads of cocks, the overcoat does not fit with the casual clothes either.

It's literally just mainstream fast fashion trash and just a shitty forced meme on here.

>> No.15944296

It’s objectively bad because of the proportions, though. You just like it because you have been conditioned to like trendy things, which is fine, we all are.
While low-mid rise look decent in most people, he is one of the few who need to avoid it.

>> No.15944305

yeah its not perfect, but he looks good wearing it. go outside and look at most of the people running around, compared to them he looks good.
i never said its the ultimate style, it just isnt as bad as some people here say it is

>> No.15944322

Bullshit i Live in Düsseldorf and i stood next to him in the apropos store I’m 178cm and he is smaller then me

>> No.15944329

Lool. It would be comical seeing a 170cm midget wearing those clothes.

>> No.15944363
File: 149 KB, 629x1000, 5d01e3ff250000a013e17d3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't, he looks awful, if you are bulky/muscular at the top you should never wear skinny low rise jeans what make you look shorter and effeminate, and who cares if other people dress worse, he still dresses like shit. bodybuilders in the past didn't wear skinny shit like that either cos they knew about proportions/masculinity.

>> No.15944371

>he looks awful
cope, try tinder with his pics, he doesnt look awful
go to waywt, those people actually look awful

>> No.15944408
File: 36 KB, 689x563, 1333990186289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15944413

He is handsome and really built but honestly iam not the biggest guy here in Germany it took everything away I saw in him. Also he’s a huge asshole really full of himself

>> No.15944470

yes yes we know you’re upset

>> No.15944806

Deutschfags, what are good brands of clothes here? I can't find anything good in online stores, I'm starting to give up.

>> No.15945339

did you read the thread?
look here

>> No.15945352

>east coast and the south are cool

Hardly. The only people who look like they're even trying are the people in the rich parts of major cities.

t. From New Jersey

>> No.15946059


>> No.15946275

Preferably something where a single pullover doesn't cost 500€.

>> No.15946467

Got any non-retardedly overpriced stores? The problem with Germany is that there is neither viable mid range stores, just the usual garbage such as Zara, Cos etc. and on top of it there are also no vintage stores outside of Berlin/Hamburg/Munich or with an online presence that I know of.

>> No.15946473
File: 622 KB, 250x250, 1557633771843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Parents are German
>Born in America
I dress like a retard

>> No.15946488


>> No.15946612

get fucked

>> No.15946632

there are no good vintage stores in munich lmao

>> No.15946770

awesome, thanks!

>> No.15947063

shouldn't fascists dress in futurewear ? i cringe when i see amerimutts wearing fucking jeans bomber jackets and tan shirts and claiming theyre apart of a country they defeated

>> No.15947074

I'm sure there are some.
There are in cologne

>> No.15947104


>> No.15947106

Germany used to be effay as fug

>> No.15947121

anglos are far worse

>> No.15947219

Fascism and National Socialism are not the same.

>> No.15947229

Who cares, they are both failed ideologies.

>> No.15947233

Nah, Geopolitics is still a thing, Racialism is still a thing and Nativism is still a thing.

>> No.15947235
File: 111 KB, 399x536, 1612997288154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bullying please.

Fascism and WW2 destroyed most of our architecture & art scene.

>> No.15947260

National Socialism.
And most of the Political thought of Hitler ideology can easily be traced back to your Nation 19 Century.
Be it Based Wagner
Or dangerously upfront Adenauer

>> No.15947262


c'mon, at least berlin has a decent shady club scene

>> No.15947269

so is communist ideology.

>> No.15947272

shut up nazi

>> No.15947284

Berlin is the worst

>> No.15947299

yeah cologne is not all snobby
munich is expensive stores only
even the second hand stores are all designer or not worth it
normie get out, its good for outcasts ok

>> No.15947308

People in the south wear tees and shorts, skinny old men (early boomer, late war babies) are the only ones who are remotely effay

t. also from NJ, fuck all other states and especially fuck our own state

>> No.15947317

Yeah,The difference is that Genetics is a real thing.
The Racial classification that the NSDAP have believed may be filled with assumptions and conjectures but the Principle of it still stands.

All Men are not been born equal, All Men have certainly not been created equal, Thus Men does not possess the capacity of being equal.

The same applies to states and their need of Resources and Spheres of Influence.
>In other words: life naturally makes a Peopel multiply, provided it is healthy, while it is not as natural that the necessary Living Space also will expand or be enlarged. Sooner or later, there will be a discrepancy between the increase in the People's numbers and the available Living Space. There are only two ways to overcome this discrepancy. Either the People's numbers are adjusted to the available Living Space-by repressing or reducing it somehow, depending on the circumstances-or the Living Space is adjusted to accommodate the increase in the People. This first path has been chosen in the past. Nature by itself advocates this path. Through hunger, it decimates a people whose Living Space no longer affords it the means necessary to its existence. At this point, man himself begins to undertake this decimation-i.e. by adjusting his numbers to the available area.

The Class struggle and Internationalism of Marxism are mere Preferences, And there is no point in debating the trueness of it, Only it´s consequences.
Overcoming an struggle is a more functional path than to be Resentful of it.
And the Preference of our Era is slowing moving towards Nativism.
Aside from some faults and Pseudness in their Racial Classification and their attempt to crush the Individual in favour of their Racial Community, National Socialism is not much of a ideology.

>> No.15947323

It is the Truth, Be it the Geopolitical awareness of the NSDAP or the limits of some Individual Genes.
Mind you, Even though I do acknowledge that Jews are bound to Nepotism and Tribalism, I do not see it as a Genetic Predispositon (H.S Chamberlain Proposition), The Gobineau Proposition that the Jews is a member of the Semitic race (With the Arabs and etc...) is more of a Empirical line, Lord Disraeli (a proud Jew) was pretty much fine with it.

Anyway, This is a fashion board, We can make a neutral ground where people shoud only debate about the Aesthetics of it.

>> No.15947330

lot of text for so little knowledge

>> No.15947371


Do you wish to debate Geopolitics? Genetics? That Nativism is having a comeback on the West? That was never out-of-fashion in Asia? Or that antisemitism has existed in Germany before the "Nazis", That you can easily find in almost all of the historical figures of that people? even after they have committed their Genocide;
or that the majority of Germans have supported the "Regime"? or are we gonna pretend that a political party which has founded in the earliers 1920 and that could only grown by "incorporation", Not "Grooming", Has done all of the genocide by itself?

>> No.15947374
File: 396 KB, 1024x755, polcel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe /pol/cel thread. wonder why jannies haven't deleted it yet

>> No.15947406

It´s kinda amazing how people can pinpoint, rightfuI must say, That /pol/ is engaging in Holocaust denial, But when they meet someone willing to debate and provide evidence about the NSDAP Political thoughts, Show that those thoughts have not come from the dark side of the moon, But has existed in Germany and has been practised by a Significant amount of Individuals of that Nation, That a significant number of Germans have engaged on the Final solution or the Generalplan Ost or even that a German Chancellor, 20 years after the atrocities that his people have committed, which he is aware, stills believed that Jews cannot be trusted, Is being branded as a mere "denialist".


>> No.15947410


>> No.15947411


>> No.15947412

They fought against the world, and the world got scared they could win. Once Germany started it's invasions it's army was as big as the entire French army. And then the Russian/Canadian/UK/US Army hadn't even started attacking them. Nah, i think those Germans did pretty well for what they had.

>> No.15947830

scandinavian countries are most fa what's wrong with you?
Tier list would be
>Top tier
Scandinavian countries, Italy
>alright tier
UK major cities, Paris (≠ France), the rich part of Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, Netherland
>eh tier
The rest of France, med countries, germany&austria,
>yikes tier
poor part of Belgium, USA, UK small cities

>> No.15948011


>> No.15948028

>The Class struggle and Internationalism of Marxism are mere Preferences, And there is no point in debating the trueness of it,

National identities and racial identities change over time, this is why identity politics is bullshit whether it's black or white. Class conflict has existed since the dawn of civilizations, the ruling groups with the most wealth and power have always fought to keep there power, throughout all of history, identity means fuck all. This is why things like communism is a threat to them, this is why communistic tribes were a threat to them, because there is life beyond the rigid hierarchy of class society, but they cannot exist without it.

>> No.15948216

Northeast is the most effay hands down, besides Portland and Seattle

>> No.15948244

Not that anon but that’s not true.

Nazi Germany was much poorer in crucial ways compared to countries like the UK, USA and even France. Their access to things like cars and radios were substantially lower as was the quality and variety of their food in even simple products like butter - it’s one of the reasons why they needed to rely on mass confiscation and requisitioning. Not only that but their agricultural sector was still very backward and full of more small peasant farmers compared to industrial farms. Not only that but wages on the whole largely stagnated under Nazi rule which prevented workers from negotiating wage increases or even changing jobs without state permission

As for colonies the nazis literally wanted to conquer an empire in the east out of a belief it was the only way to raise their living standards (which was objectively not true).

Finally the recovery from the Great Depression was based on a model of unsustainable military spending which would have collapsed without a successful conquest of new territories - indeed it’s one of the reasons they gambled so heavily in France.

>> No.15948265

I meant northwest I'm a retard

>> No.15948707

And there are holes in his pants lol

>> No.15949456

>Their access to things like cars and radios were substantially lower

This is so blatantly wrong I have to demand your lobotomization

>> No.15950000

Yes but these two pictures arent on the same spot...

>> No.15950019

You have no Idea what you're talking about, especially this specific piece.
>Being good-looking on the surface and having several meanings to it as you delve deeper was just one of its many perks, and I think good art does both, like this Caravaggio here.
>Several meanings
Cant even name one. There is more to art than just "it looks good and is deep" You're litteraly getting filtered by Caravaggio. Its clear you haven't studies art history. Stop talking out of your ass. Embarassing....

>> No.15950331

nice quads

>> No.15950633

Based take, fuck all the faggots responding to you

>> No.15950738

Kek and USSR lost 20 Mio. thanks to brain dead commie government. Germany fought on two fronts, managed to take over all central Europe and most of Eastern one. 4 Mio is pretty good number desu.

>> No.15950746

Warum erwähnen sie denn nicht den Anteil an Ausländer beim Arbeitsamt? Jeder kann hier studieren, Bafög kriegt man als Ausländer sogar einfacher als Kartoffel. Amt zahlt gerne komplette Umschulung zur Java-Affe, damit verdient man schon mal mehr als Kevin mit seinem BWL Studium
Erinnere mich jetzt warum NZZ die einzige deutschsprachige Zeitschrift ist, die ich lese.

>> No.15950750

>Er verarscht den Amt nicht
Kek, habe Tschechische und deutsche Bürgerschaften. Mit ein bisschen Hirn kann man einige Steuern umgehen. Ziehe bald ohnehin zurück in die Tschechien aus diesem Drecksloch.

>> No.15950770

>den Amt
>die Tschechien
besser isses wenn du zurück gehst

>> No.15950857


basiert (auch wenn ich mir nie die deutsche staatsbürgerschaft geholt habe, kriegt doch jeder der keinen pass hat kek). schnell noch hier ein studium ablegen bevor in 10 - 20 jahren das land endgültig übermuselt ist.

>> No.15950879

wohin soll man denn auswandern ? sind ja jetzt schon ca 60% muslime in deutschland

>> No.15950899

Schau doch nach Osten. Ungarn, Polen, Tschechien, Kroatien usw. Norwegen und Finnland sind auch schön. Ich studierte hier Informatik. Als Kartoffelspezialist verdienst du woanders deutlich mehr, bezogen auf die dortigen Lebenskosten natürlich. Hast du mind. 10 Jahre hier gearbeitet, kriegst direkt schönen Bonus zur Rente.

>> No.15950902

>Ungarn, Polen, Tschechien, Kroatien
10x schlechterer Lebensstandard, nein danke

>> No.15950911

Was sind denn für dich die Kriterien für guten Lebensstandard?

>> No.15950929

>medizinischer standard
lebe momentan in München, wo in Tschechien habe ich den gleichen Standard ?

>> No.15950936

Junge dir ist schon klar, dass kein einziger Kaff in DE sich dem München annähern kann? Sei glücklich du hast dort eine Wohnung, hast bereits Michel-Endlevel erreicht. Hättest ja auch in NRW oder Allah behüte Berlin/FFM leben können.

>> No.15951289 [DELETED] 

Why do I can talk on your level?

German auto mobile production and ownership was objectively lower than in those countries and made worse by the fact that spending and steel was pushed into military projects. The whole Volkswagen project ( which produced less than 300 cars - despite taking millions of people’s money) was designed specifically to deal with this.

They had a similar issue with radios which was to the point it interefered with their ability to effectively use propaganda .

>> No.15951324


Why? So I can talk on your level?

German auto mobile production and ownership was objectively lower than in those countries and made worse by the fact that spending and steel was pushed into military projects. The whole Volkswagen project ( which produced less than 300 cars - despite taking millions of people’s money) was designed specifically to deal with this.

They had a similar issue with radios which was to the point it interefered with their ability to effectively use propaganda

>> No.15952305


>> No.15952318


prag z. b., aber da du nicht selbst tscheche bist rate ich dir sowieso davon ab. hier gibt's kein herzliches willkommen für ausländer die nicht einmal die sprache beherrschen kek.

mit münchen bist du noch gut weggekommen, schließe mich >>15950936 an. insbesondere was FFM oder auch nürnberg angeht, könnten ruhig die bundeswehr dort stationieren und schon mal für den nächsten afghanistan-einsatz üben lassen.

>> No.15952358

Prag auf dem selben level wie München, mach dich nicht lächerlich

>> No.15952396


>> No.15952406


>> No.15952411

Kvetch all you want but he's got a point. Nazi propaganda portrayed the German people as essentially God-like, a pure, strong, united nation working together for an orderly and just society. This is not to say they were without faults, but to immediately discard their aesthetics just shows how much you've been conditioned to hate European people.

>> No.15952414

Lol die bösen muslems und dann auch noch Informatikaffen.....ihr kleinen Schwuchtel wechselt bestimmt die Starßenseite, wenn ein Türke mit seiner Aisha auf euch zukommt

>> No.15952419

Nice quads but the building on the left side of the frame is the same building

>> No.15952440

gibbet nicht mehr, ist jetzt vinted

>> No.15952444

Straßen, Brücken und Schiene sind marode. Straßen werden nicht renoviert, Brücken ebenso. Schiene wurde all die Jahre abgebaut bis die Autistin Greta mit dem Öko-Hype anfing.
Kriminelle Steuersätze für die Mittel- und Unterklassen. Über die Verwendung der Steuer werde ich an der Stelle nicht mal sprechen. Gehalt bringt dir auch nicht viel, wenn der Herr Schekelberg die Miete wieder um 20% erhöht während die Löhne stagnieren.
All die erwähnten Länder haben auch gute Unis. Tue jetzt nicht so, als ob jemand ohne Mutti und Papi in München/Berlin/Aachen studieren kann. Das Bafög reicht da nicht mal für die Miete. Das Schulsystem ist außerdem seit Jahren im Arsch. Lehrerstellen werden gekürzt, Bildungsprogramm wird immer vereinfacht, damit der Ahmed auch noch Abi schafft.
Vor 10 Jahren vielleicht. Jedem ist doch klar, dass die Kriminalität nur abwärts geht während das Polizeiapparat unterfinanziert bleibt.
Stark vom Bundesland und der Stadt abhängig. Hamburg, München, Köln und Berlin sind die einzigen Städte mit seriösem Kulturangebot.

Warst du denn überhaupt außerhalb deiner Österreich-Enklave? Man kann genauso gut mit Moskau argumentieren, wie toll Russland sei.

>> No.15952459

Verkaufe lieber auf Grailed. Fashion-Community ist eh international, hast deutlich breitere Masse an den Interessenten. Außerdem ist es dem Finanzamt-Sklaven nicht bekannt. Kannst jährlich über 8000€ auf das Offshore-PP-Konto dazuverdienen.

>> No.15952464

15% gebühren + paypal gebühren
vinted ist kostenlos

>> No.15952468

Auf Vinted hast du aber auch nur die Teenie Basic-Bitches. Etwas mit dem Preis >30€ kannst du da nur schwer loswerden.

>> No.15952470

krieg kein bafög, meine eltern überweisen mir nur kindergeld und studier an der LMU, ist jetzt nichts außergewöhnliches

>> No.15952472

Welchen Nebenjob hast du?

>> No.15952474

bin bisher alles losgeworden und hab auch echt gute sachen da bekommen.
was verkaufst du denn, dass du das nicht los wirst ?

>> No.15952477

kunden support, langweilig aber mindestlohn reicht

>> No.15952480

Designer Zeug (Raf Rick etc.). Auf KK konnte ich es damals nicht loswerden. Auf Grailed verkaufe ich es dagegen in 1-2 Wochen einem koreanischen Insektoiden.

>> No.15952482

Wie hast du die Wohnung bekommen? Ich studierte damals auf der Bauhaus, war aber auch deutlich kleinerer Andrang.

>> No.15952485

Raf und Rick lmao, hast du keinen eigenen Geschmack ?

>> No.15952488

auf wg gesucht, war die einzige wohnung wo ich einen besichtigungstermin bekommen hab. hab ca. 100 angeschrieben. bin aber für einen 4chan user sehr normal und immer nett

>> No.15952491

Trage selber Lemaire und Margarett Howell. Werde aber zugeben vor 5 oder so Jahren hatte ich diePhase. Deswegen verkaufte ich das Zeug ja auch.

>> No.15952495

hab mal lemaire auf kk gekauft, mhl ist mir zu teuer für normie sachen.

>> No.15952515

>t. Zeit Abonnentin/Abonnent

>> No.15952523

trage nur sachen von C&A und Adidas

>> No.15952537


>> No.15952669


t. untermensch

>> No.15952910

only historical buildings that attract tourists are taken proper care of because they're profitable. Everything else goes to shit.
born and raised in Dresden and that's bullshit. Everywhere I go I'm met with conservatives and christians, which isn't inherently bad but those people are usually insufferable and a pain in the ass to deal with.
Dresden is a old town full of old people. The only place where you could meet leftists is Neustadt, which is by far the most cultured area. Everywhere else is invaded by big capital and reduced to "new" monotone bourgeois architecture, with the exception of some more christian areas that have sustained their beauty.

>> No.15953168
File: 72 KB, 655x408, ownership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of bull. Of course Germany wasn't en par with automobile ownership with the US after Hitler was only in charge for 5 years, retard. As a matter of fact, automobile ownership more than doubled under his reign and radios were even subsidized There is absolutely no discussion that Germany was the wealthiest and most industrious country after US and GB.

>> No.15953186


>> No.15953187
File: 1.44 MB, 1200x800, dresden-neustadt-stadtrundgang-1200x800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only historical buildings that attract tourists are taken proper care of

Bullshit, Dresden is booming and every last piece of real estate is in pristine condition.

>> No.15953325

Probably. Belgium might be on the same level.
Apart from the major cities the most effay states are southern Bavaria, southernmost Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatine, Hesse and Schleswig-Holstein

Sieht genauso wie Bochum oder Essen aus. Man sollte einfach die Pumpen im Ruhrpott stilllegen und das Shithole ganze absaufen lassen.

>> No.15953478

>t. Connewitz-Antifant

>> No.15953484

Hessen, NRW und Niedersachsen sollen ganzheitlich gemeinsam mit Cucklin zerbombt werden.

>> No.15953501

Belgium is one of the most effay country in Europe and city like Antwerp and Gent cuck every other major western European city beside London and Paris maybe

>> No.15953523

It's the least anything country. Why the fuck would you holiday to Germany?

>> No.15953535

To enjoy big Arab cock.

>> No.15953555

Sagt der richtige

>> No.15953574

> Trys to shit on anon and the fact that only historical bulidings are taken care of, posts picture of said historical buildings

Retard much? Historical buildings is not only churchs etc., people come to see your pic related.
And dont have me started on "Dresden is booming" lol yeah the rona is booming the boomers there thats all.

>> No.15953621

soon enough their dirty bourgeois fingers will reach neustadt and at that point any cultural life in Dresden will be gone

>> No.15953645

It will definitely take much longer as based Ossies don't speak English well so all Yuppie designers, marketing managers and musicians keep on the gentrification of Berlin which is better suitable for cuckolding.

>> No.15953659
File: 171 KB, 678x1024, tumblr_pod1eeWrU71w9aclno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

germans not fashionable? I beg to differ!

>> No.15953672

>Lots of bull
Cool then how about you tell us how many civilians got their hands on a volkswagon?

>Of course Germany wasn't en par with automobile ownership with the US

It wasnt even on par for the UK, France or Belgium. Pic related

In 1938 even after more than doubling the ownership of cars the total number of registered cars was 1.271 million and this is a country with a population of 86 million. Meanwhile the UK had had 1.5 million registered cars with a population of close to 48 million - close to double the amount in Germany.

>radios were even subsidized
Exactly my point - they were so lacking in radios that they actually needed state intervention.

>no discussion that Germany was the wealthiest and most industrious country after US and GB.
Is this you admitting that you were lying or retarded to say

>"It was as rich and affluent and as the two most economically successful countries in the world, retard!".

in >>15941537

>> No.15953675
File: 107 KB, 1124x585, Car-ownership-in-eight-European-countries-per-1000-inhabitants-1920-2005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Pic related

>> No.15953679

are there no houses in moscow? all apartments???

>> No.15953742

Actually most of Russians have dacha which is kinda smaller house outside of cities where they spend weekends. Also most of Russians do own flats and not rent it. Regarding architecture thank commies and their "housing for everyone".

>> No.15953810

also es fing alles an mit dem ersten weltkrieg

>> No.15954091

whilst the political fags are shitting up the thread,

reminder that the average American woman is 5'3, 170lbs.

>> No.15954603
File: 125 KB, 960x783, 1qrpzkl79ya21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cool then how about you tell us how many civilians got their hands on a volkswagon?

It doesn't matter, what matter that within 5 years car ownership increased 200%

>In 1938 even after more than doubling the ownership of cars the total number of registered cars was 1.271 million and this is a country with a population of 86 million

The population was 80 million and the car ownership was 1.7 million.

Of course Germany was poorer before Hitler after the entire country was dismantled and plundered for more than a decade.

>Exactly my point - they were so lacking in radios that they actually needed state intervention.

See before
>>"It was as rich and affluent and as the two most economically successful countries in the world, retard!".

We were discussing the merits of National Socialism. After 5 years of one the most economically devasted countries in Europe was overtaking Britain - again without a colonial empire to exploit, you fucking autist.

I'm thankful for you providing again and again an opportunity to showcase the merits of National Socialism.

Lack cars and radios? Hitler is the answer.

>> No.15954632

>Retard much? Historical buildings is not only churchs etc., people come to see your pic related.
>And dont have me started on "Dresden is booming" lol yeah the rona is booming the boomers there thats all.

He was talking about "historical buildings that attract tourists". Run of the mill living quarters are not tourist attrctions, retard.

>bourgeois fingers

Living in imperial living quarters and having many children is kinda the definition of a bourgeois living style, if there is one.

>> No.15955243


>> No.15955258

Nah he's right, people go to a city not just for the special buildings but also for the look and feel of the normal ones.

>> No.15955312

you can have housing for everyone without shitty design
how is that the fault of communism ?

>> No.15955471

Politburo wanted to eradicate class difference by having samey looking buildings. People of all professions lived there together - car mechanic and literature professor. By actually allowing design it would lead to class division as some groups (bohemians and intelligentsia) would want to live in a "prettier ones". For the same reason CPSU prosecuted people wanting to be "fashionable" (Stilagy).

>> No.15955499

>Nah he's right, people go to a city not just for the special buildings but also for the look and feel of the normal ones.

Sure, but he was implying that apart from some landmarks the city would be in a state of decay.

>> No.15955845

wo genau?

>> No.15956082

>It doesn't matter, what matter that within 5 years car ownership increased 200%

Does it embarrass you to admit that despite taking millions of marks from workers only a few hundred were ever made available for civilian purchase?

I mean this is your brain on Nazi propaganda the growth in car ownership grew at levels comparable to Weimar Germany and at levels greatly inferior to West Germany yet your tunnel vision filters that out.

>he population was 80 million and the car ownership was 1.7 million.
Guess what the population of Austria was in 1938 and when the anchluss happened.

>See before
It makes your point worse. German subsided radios were literally inferior in quality and more expensive than imported ones by the Government cut them off from those.

>We were discussing the merits of National Socialism. After 5 years of one the most economically devasted countries in Europe was overtaking Britain - again without a colonial empire to exploit, you fucking autist.

Hahah you literally have a double digit IQ. You stupidly thought that Germany under hitler reached levels of wealth and affluence equal to the UK and US and when shown how wrong you were you changed your arguments to just focusing on growth and its "potential" to become that wealthy. Well guess what - that point is still retarded.

West Germany produced cars at a vastly superior rate despite having being ravaged by Hitlers war *and* having less territory to exploit. Socialists national or Communist fail their populations consistently.

>Lack cars and radios?
Democracy and free trade with selective protectionism is the answer - If the nazis followed the policies that the West German government did with the Marshall Aid (which before you start bleating was far small than the peace time military spending of the Nazis) you would have seen true prosperity - which is what modern Germany did and in doing so reached its rightful place without a single bullet being fired.

>> No.15956581
