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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 166 KB, 718x882, 12CC596C-7D43-4EB6-8B0E-80D9A5E17028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15919834 No.15919834 [Reply] [Original]

I’m androgynous. Everyone thinks I’m a girl unless I tell them I’m not.

What should I wear to flick girls clits from a distance to oblivion?

>> No.15919835

I'm not sure what that question means

>> No.15919837

You don't need to, androgynous/twinkish looking guys are being obsessed over rn

>> No.15919863

obessed over by gay tops

>> No.15919882

You'll get more male attention than female. Either butch up if you like girls or double down on your femininity and go for guys. Girls do like SLIGHTLY feminine guys for bf/husband material, but not completely androgynous. Obviously if you find some exception then go for it, but it's unlikely.

>> No.15919895
File: 2.90 MB, 428x320, gays.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're confused
The only people attracted to little girly-boys are pedos.

>> No.15919905

I'd be happy to tell ya more about it, champ

but we're gonna have to chat more on discord. i know some cool older guys who love to chat about flicking girls clits

>> No.15920021

Become a professional catboy. They're all the rage these days.

>> No.15920056

Honestly depends on what kind of girls you like (if you like girls of course but from your comment I'm guessing you do)

I know the goth and visual key crowd love androgynous people, tons of the looks are androgynous. But I also know a lot of queer-ish people love that as well. But if you want to really attract peoples in general, assume your look and be confident. Nothing's hoter than a dude who's comfy in his own skirt/pant/whatever you feel like wearing

>> No.15920059

You should jump into a volcano and bring your buddies with you

>> No.15920288

You can, i'm somewhat androgynous and my gf loves it, just dont be a faggot lmao, act like a normal guy

>> No.15920298

once you're aware you're androgynous looking you start to act faggy. just grow out your facial hair, hit the gym a little and dress more masculinely. if you're androgynous looking you'll probably be handsome if you masculine it up a bit

>> No.15920303

Just come out as a dyke and stop pretending any of that other shit exists outside the spectrum of mental illness.

>> No.15920312

Spoken like a low iq subhuman who doesn't go outside

>> No.15920332
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>What should I wear to flick girls clits from a distance to oblivion?

>> No.15920349

Girls don't like femboys/androgyny lil homie. You're a man, act like one. Guys these days don't seem to realize what a shit test is, so when they see girls posting about wanting feminine guys they actually follow through and of course proceed to get no pussy.

>> No.15920447

I don't know man, look at cursedarachnid. What I would give for a big tiddy girl who loves eating ass.

>> No.15920470

>look at cursedarachnid
I wish I hadn't.

>> No.15920492
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Look king, don't base your style and sexuality on hyper degenerates on the internet. Women like muscles and to be dominated in both mind and body. femdom porn is a fantasy that doesn't exist, just like every disgusting off shoot of human sexuality. Embrace your identity as a male and ride the tiger. You will be much happier.

>> No.15920494

whoa what's with all the hostility big guy

>> No.15920585

I've gotten pussy because my nails were painted, though

>> No.15920591

I don't know man, women are pretty gay.

>> No.15920626
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 11420847_847385718673996_69376219_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was because you were manly IN SPITE of wearing nail polish.
Not because you were wearing nail polish.

Know the difference.

>> No.15920780
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>look at cursedarachnid
glad i did

>> No.15920815

It was because it broke the ice.
She noticed my nails and said "I like a guy that's not afraid of his feminine side"
And I said "I like women even though I dress like a woman"
And she said "I've always considered myself bisexual"
And I said "I have a room upstairs"
And she said "Feel how wet my pussy is making this barstool"
And I said "Feel how hard your pussy is making my horsecock"
And she said "Oh shit it is hanging out of your skirt and oozing on the floor like a syrup maple"
And I said "I will cover it with my purse if you give this card to the waiter while I wait for you in the bathroom stall at the end"
And she said "I will be there as soon as he takes the card"
And I said "I'm recording this for future viewing by authorises eyes only with your consent of course"
And she said "Fuck me, James, I love it when you talk dirty to me!"
And I said "You're a dirty whore, woman, find the waiter before I erupt!"
And she said %$^&battery dead&$^T%

>> No.15920833

get that kitty trans anime shit outa /fa and fuckoff back to >>>/lgbt/

>> No.15920834
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>> No.15920842
File: 233 KB, 500x361, brittanys-post-does-anyone-know-what-pill-this-is-pink-34106964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another agp tranny in denial thread
Again, for the millionth time, take. your. fucking. pills.

>> No.15921373

Sounds pretty gay ngl

>> No.15921404
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>> No.15921542
File: 38 KB, 426x240, D6316154-52CC-45A9-BA72-EE4A4B0C0E4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d recommend you bring attention to ending the media monopoly for the greater good.

Go for the head if you want to guide attention.

>> No.15922297

Try wearing clothes from the men's section. It might be labeled "hombre's" in America.

Also lift.

>> No.15922613

You posted this last week, fuck off.

>> No.15923354

>ride the tiger
how does reading exactly one book in your entire life feels

>> No.15923375

you take meds to make the voices go away not to make you suicidal

>> No.15923428
File: 216 KB, 750x1226, 9440634B-565E-4594-90D2-94DAC4C8A4A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is glorious

>> No.15923467

I get pussy because I'm an underweight twink tho

>> No.15923487

Dude girls love femboys now, literally just scoop up the pussy

>> No.15923494

Post pic so we can decide.
But usually baggy tops + skinny jeans or short shorts is the ticket.

>> No.15923569

Cute, they're training their swingout

>> No.15923593
File: 1.32 MB, 1439x4174, andro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i endorse 0% of this information

>> No.15923740
File: 203 KB, 684x856, 669C9BFF-06D2-404F-A459-1467EB8AD35A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... I really like how you look in that little slightly too short smock dress of yours...

Really shows off that your balls peaking out down there

>> No.15923900

Ok im going to give you a real answer and that is get to your Testosterone checked. You might have low levels so you might have to raise them. My advice after getting your T checked is to raise them and lift (optional tho)

>> No.15924211 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 504x425, E99F9655-D9EC-4B24-A1EE-C151973850E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, Me !1n6WugqKa6, am a prison whore and a slut for horsecum. I eat cum from all sentient beings. I get high by snorting sand. I drink mouthwash as an alcoholic beverage. I give the best advice on /fa/. I am beautiful and intelligent. You will die alone, you filthy androgynous scum.

>> No.15924453
File: 41 KB, 679x396, 91IzF9MIPHL._AC_UX679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of this hat my man

>> No.15924464

Thanks man, I needed something to cover up my meat

>> No.15926071

bump, i'm also pretty andro and outside of just wearing long ass sweaters idk how to dress

>> No.15926658

it's a common expression

>> No.15926776

Wear something edgy like a leather jacket. Chicks love pretty boy twinks that appear sorta edgy. At least art hoes do.

>> No.15927125 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 354x450, 501EE131-3AC4-49CA-B18F-8CA9673DCB2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sick fucks

>> No.15927392

no one thinks you're a girl