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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1000 KB, 1330x862, DAMNEDC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15922642 No.15922642 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15922646

Ew a neckbeard.

>> No.15922662

mirin forearms

>> No.15922717

What's an EDC mistake? Not carrying your AK-47 with a machette or whatever those freaks do?

>> No.15922721

>pen & notebook
>wrist watch
what more do you need?

>> No.15922723

How does one "Get into EDC"? as if it's some sort of thing you consciously do

I carry my keys, wallet and phone, how is this a hobby??!

>> No.15922726

>tf my $200 brass mini flashlight with 30 minutes of charge doesn’t fit in the handmade custom leather and kydex QuickDraw hip speed release friction holster because I sat on it

>> No.15922728

for me it's

>> No.15922733

EDC is the gayest shit, if you lead any kind of adventurous or working life you buy reasonable cost, reliable basic tools knowing they’ll get fucked up and lost eventually, not gay brass videogame accessories you have to lose 50+ hours comparing
I have yet to see a single person into it that actually uses their decorative reddit shit on the reg, all of the working men I know just use basic reliable shit like bics and leathermen
Literally all of them dream of pry baring milady’s car door open or something

>> No.15922735
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>> No.15922751

my edc is a book and a pencil

>> No.15922759

to clarify, i won't even take cash, a wallet, or a phone with me unless i know i'll need them.

>> No.15922760

EDC is bugman shit, stop wasting time and money and ignore everything that type of person says

>> No.15922814
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>morbidly obese
>probably spends two hours a day browsing consoomerist shit on the internet
>probably calls deciding what shit to carry outside the house "configuring his loadout"

>> No.15922823

There's the stuff you carry everyday and then there's the stuff you buy to look pretty in pictures for r/EDC

>> No.15922932
File: 103 KB, 597x559, sufferpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redwing boots
>quality workwear
>hot sauce
>custom mechanical keyboards

>> No.15922967
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>> No.15922981

The idea that you can "get into edc" or "make edc mistakes" is a good reminder that the whole thing is just bugman shit and not actually focused on practicality. >>15922723 is correct, carrying shit around with you that you need on a daily basis does not constitute a hobby. Buying and carrying around extra shit that you do not need on a daily basis is just peak bugman.

>> No.15922984

>mechanical watches
>beard oil
>raw denim
>shitty whisky in a bottle with a "cool" design
>shitty craft beer from a microbrewery /actually just the normal shit beer in a different bottle)
>knowing about every type of steel imaginable that is used to make knives, spend hours comparing their quality grades to make an informed purchase on a EDC/bug out knife for 500$, never actually use it
>spending all your disposable income to make it seem like you are an interesting person with hobbies instead of just getting a hobby

>> No.15922993

>carrying shit around with you that you need on a daily basis does not constitute a hobby.
Tell that to /'wt/

>> No.15923003

The EDC crowd is just full of autists who think they need a $500 sabenza to open boxes at their shitty stockroom job. ( ProTip: if your job is opening boxes for a living don't go spending $500 on knives)

It is tied for the most disgusting "community" imaginable along with funko pops

>> No.15923006

>no one ever needs to open a box or parcel in an office

OK, Sharon.

>> No.15923014

>500$ knife needed to open a fucking box
You might just be clinically retarded if you think that is the case.

>> No.15923022

>urbanite teenagers can’t comprehend you may need more than your iphone and your parents credit card in your daily life
No surprise there.
That being said, going full reddit like the OP video is dumb as shit too.

>> No.15923038

>probably calls deciding what shit to carry outside the house "configuring his loadout"
Shit why is this so real

>> No.15923100

>reading comprehension

>> No.15923125

I think watches are kind of different in that you could just be autistic about mechanical stuff and enjoy having them for that reason, but yeah from what I've seen most of /wt/ is just the same kind of bugmannery.

>> No.15924148

lmao how

>> No.15924190

wallet, keys
maybe earbuds, mask depending on where u are

>> No.15924256

where do you even live? you don't need to use maps or a gps on your phone? you don't care what time it is?

>> No.15924259

if you didn't live in an urban area wouldn't you just store whatever miscellaneous things you might need inside your car instead of filling all of your pockets with random objects on the off chance you decide to use them?

>> No.15924299




anything else and youre gay

>> No.15924325

a watch is just one item and there are obviously a lot of differences between watches

and you actually use a watch multiple times a day

how many times would you actually use a gayass knife or a compass or any of those things EDC fags buy and carry?

>> No.15924430

Gun or knife (if around niggers)
what more do you need?

>> No.15924451

as much as i loathe redditors coping about how many boxes with their new $500 quad-anal-sex damascus knife because their hotwife didn't afford them enough good boy points for the lego millenium falcon, there are more practical uses for a knife than having a second clock on your person. if you're /out/ sure, those gps beacon watches have saved my ass a few times but every day? come on its a fashion statement.
having a knife/gun on me has stopped me from being a victim when around urban youths several times. but i just carry a $13 sanremru from china not some faggy shit.

>> No.15924677

schwayed posts, get a life fags

>> No.15924892

I own a bike, and I carry most of my shit in a backpack, but that’s me. That being said, even with a car I’d rather have them in a bag on me.

>> No.15924929

What the fuck lol

>> No.15924934

>needing a knife due to being around poorfag poverty youth
your funny

>> No.15925011
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i used to carry a bigger gun, but stopped.

(no bully.)

>> No.15925038

>expensive af audio setup
>listens to autism music
like clockwork

>> No.15925059

>that gun
>that music taste
>that pin
I diagnose you with autism and a hint of homosexuality

>> No.15925077
File: 987 KB, 500x240, TU0Ghxr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mistake is nerds thinking they need a pen, flashlight, Leatherman multi-tool, two knives, a notebook, a kuboton with tungsten window breaking tip, a can of mace, a handgun, a first aid kit, extra shoelaces, earplugs, headphones, and five carbiner clips.

>> No.15925147

>I diagnose you with autism and a hint of homosexuality

i think that's actually a girl, anon.

>> No.15925162

anywhere with non whites. i had to cut a beaner in a city with 150k median income. can't take the jungle out of the monkey.

>> No.15925183

Literally no reason to bring a gun with you unless you're a cop or live in a 3rd world country. If you're that seriously concerned with your safety use the gun money on moving ffs.

>> No.15925209

I like the idea of EDC, but you have to just complete your set once by adding a useful item or two and removing any useless shit and then you're done. Buying new gadgets all the time is retarded indeed

>> No.15925239
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You really only need a knife to defend yourself anyways.

>> No.15925244

this is gay

>> No.15925264

>only need a knife to defend yourself anyways
how many times in your life did you have to defend yourself with a knife ?

>> No.15925628

>ebook if I'm gonna use it
is this soi bros?

>> No.15925637
File: 669 KB, 2670x2408, ko69s7anrhf61[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I /fa/?

>> No.15925651

This is what I never got. "I use it to open boxes", Thats what boxcutters are for. I dont want to dull my knife and get sticky shit on it from cardboard and tape every day

>> No.15925654
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>> No.15925682


>> No.15927202

> phone
> wallet
> keys
everything else is a bloat

>> No.15927221

Fucking based and loadout pilled

>> No.15927224

those are...not nice forearms. they're not even the forearms of a fat person who does stuff with their hands. Those are just the forearms of a fat person

>> No.15927225

Baggie of ketamine

Love me ket, simple as

>> No.15927263

Yeah that's pretty much a max to what you should keep in your pockets. If you go backpack mode, you can reasonably expand and add more items for daily use.
>USB drive
>some running shoes and a change of clothes/gym clothes
>water bottle
>a book

>> No.15927266

phone, wallet, keys, pistachios

>> No.15927281

>>spending all your disposable income to make it seem like you are an interesting person with hobbies instead of just getting a hobby
ouch, my modular synth is collecting dust now but i did have fun taking pictures of it

>> No.15927287

Don't forget a pack of cigs anon

>> No.15927456

I usually keep my tie interceptor in my back left pants pocket (because my wallet's obviously in the other), except when I sit down on the bus and I have to put it in my inside coat pocket. What do you do with yours? It's always a pain having to move it back and forth but I'm not sure what else to do and I don't like to wear sheaths or whatever on my belt

>> No.15927476
File: 1.12 MB, 3024x4032, rarlxsw26kf61[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retards can't see that edc is /fa/



>> No.15927489
File: 2.54 MB, 390x373, 1610583623653.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre not an action hero. You'd probably injure an innocent person before stopping a crime.

>> No.15927510

OK, so I'm driving to work from my home in rural Wales. What else would I need except my phone and card on my person and why?

Is my lunch brake, I walk to the cafe to have lunch and back. What else do I need, and why?

I drive home and stop at the shop to pick up dinner. What else would I need, and why?

At the weekend I meet up with my friends at the pub on the Saturday, and my family on the Sunday and church. Do I need to bring a knife?

>> No.15927534

>he doesn't just draw himself map to figure out where he is

>> No.15927554

EDC is total bugman shit. I carry my phone, wallet, keys, and ipod. Do you really need a $300 carbon fibre infused steel multitool blade to walk 5 minutes to your job at mcdicks?

>> No.15927583

>OK, so I'm driving to work from my home in rural Wales.
>What else would I need except my phone and card on my person and why?

You need a shotgun in case a herd of 50 feral sheep ambush you.

>> No.15927585
File: 1.27 MB, 3264x2448, ecbyzf6upgf61[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even carrying a knife

Beyond cringe, senpai.

>> No.15927589
File: 683 KB, 1192x942, 1608358425085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beyond cringe
>carries a comb and airpods

>> No.15927594

>getting into edc
imagine being such a fucking loser than you 'get into' the carrying stuff in your pockets culture
i dont go outside

>> No.15927600


Ask me how I know you're an incel, incel.

>> No.15927601
File: 567 KB, 2000x1500, V8KXUCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm American.

>> No.15927602

>Ask me how I know you're an incel
>carries airpods, a comb, a brass flashlight, an overpriced watch, and a tacticool knife to walk to the unemployment office

>> No.15927609

>I-I may be an incel... but you can take your expensive watch to the unemployment office!!!

Beyond cringe. Have sex, incel.

>> No.15927612

if carrying a knife makes u feel safe then aight fine but in most everyday urban scenarios a knife could actually be serious liability more often than not.

first off autistically pulling a knife when confronted and expecting an assailant to back down just by brandishing is unwise. fact of the matter is you just brought a knife into a situation in which previously there was no knife. now someones gotta get stabbed. this isnt show and tell. and not knowing how to use the knife that u just brought into the situation puts you in a pretty good position to get stabbed.

not to mention that a knife is a deadly weapon, it doesnt disable people, it kills. and if you show it then you gotta use it. all in all its probably not a great idea to kill someone in a self defense situation. you dont wanna end up at the mercy of the justice system like bernie goetz.

imo the superior self defense option for urban edc is a combo of aerosol spray and some kind of blunt object. pepper spray is ok, mace is good, but cs tear gas is god tier. pair that with any kind of club or baton. i find expandable telescopic billy sticks to be particularly effective. if poor just grab a wrench u can fit in ur pocket. brass knuckles also work. if unavailable one can substitute for a roll of quarters. the pepper spray can be used to temporarily disable an assailant allowing you to get in and land a hit with your other weapon. just crack his head open and keep it pushing.

>> No.15927619

finally a sleazecore edc
the rosary beads are highly sleaze where did you get them
also very taxi driver with the walther idk about the field notes tho a little hipsterish

>> No.15927646

Is that an original Patrimony? Something looks off with the carrure but might be the low res or the perspective.

Also the point of a Derringer is to not have a trigger guard, also I don't like the Bond Arms design but that's down to personal taste - which cal is it in? Can't read with that res. (>not going for the original effay Remington design).

>> No.15927651
File: 1.36 MB, 4032x3024, 146439693_224056169194338_8707601941411503412_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres mine. phone unpictured obv, samsung galaxy s10 black somewhat cracked with no case. had to use for photo.

>> No.15927656

>imo the superior self defense option for urban edc is a combo of aerosol spray and some kind of blunt object
Wrong. Irritant gel > irritant spray, gun > blunt object. If an irritant gel doesn't stop an attacker good luck stopping the maniac with a blunt object.

>> No.15927657
File: 1004 KB, 600x600, 1e35ea1d7acadc9f050f589084c3e276c44df915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that an original Patrimony?
I bought it from the boutique in New York two years ago.

>Also the point of a Derringer is to not have a trigger guard
You can remove the trigger guard, but I prefer leave it on. The gun is sort of a brute to shoot. It's chambered in 410.

>> No.15927659
File: 2.78 MB, 4128x3096, 1611509886007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a better derringer and a better automatic knife.

I'm actually read for society to collapse.

>> No.15927672

ur splitting hairs with gel vs spray, all that is fine. but clearly both are much more effective than a knife. im obviously talking about self defense options for urban /fa/ggots hence no guns.

>> No.15927676

Oh I tried that very model. Yeah it's painful to shoot, though I found it more pleasant than your average .357 snubby.
How much did you pay the the Patrimony if you don't mind me asking? I have an out of production VC I'm too scared to wear unless I'm carrying a gun.

Is that a Marston replica or a CZ Great Gun line? It looks wacky but the good kind of wacky.

>> No.15927678

I agree they'd be both more effective than a knife, but I don't get your position on guns. I carry all the time.

>> No.15927682
File: 1.62 MB, 3664x2459, 20200508-DSCF1047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much did you pay the the Patrimony if you don't mind me asking?

A little over $25,000 after tax.

>> No.15927693


>> No.15927700

About €21.000 after taxes... yeah sounds average. Also it was the angle, it looks legit in that pic. The Aegis key is a nice idea, not a fan of those automatic knives (also they're illegal here), fountain pens are nice but do you really need to carry them? Mixed feelings on the cufflinks, guess they're outfit-dependant.

>> No.15927762

this thread is sperglord central but kinda fascinating

>> No.15927779
File: 1.74 MB, 3024x3024, k5se13cl4jf61[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fa/tards refuse to carry even a knife to defend themelves.

The Europoor's life is truly a miserable one.

>> No.15927793


>> No.15927800

>paying $25000 for a peashooter

>> No.15927808

Are you retarded? That's for the watch, not the gun.

>> No.15927819

thats even more cringe

>> No.15927822

>$25,000 for a watch
>literally a phone in the FUCKING PICTURE >>15927682 telling you the time already.

edcfags are cancer.

>> No.15927835

Not even that much for a VC. Poorfags seething.

>> No.15927846

>/fa/: EDC-autists seem to spend a lot of money on useless things.
>EDC-autists: bro $25,000 isn't even that much LOL.

Beyond cringe.

>> No.15927848

>Ties half his net worth into a watch
>F-fucking poorfags

>> No.15927849


I am positive that is a girl, anon. That's even that 36mm GIRL version of that Vacheron.

>> No.15927851

Shut up you tranny faggot

>> No.15927854
File: 373 KB, 1920x1080, 1612363090841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STILL using the words "tranny" and "faggot" in a pejorative sense.

Back to your containment board >>>/pol/.

>> No.15927861

You will never be a woman

>> No.15927868

Beyond seethe.

>Ties half his net worth into a watch
Poorbrained af, this is why you'll never be rich.

>> No.15927874

Ok you spent all your money on a watch, ultracringe

>> No.15927893


>> No.15927918

Spotted the anon that has been here for two years or less.

>> No.15928086

Maybe because we don't NEED weapons on us at all times because we live in civilized societies.

>> No.15928122

My watches are more expensive and didn't put a dent in my finances.

Cope, seethe, dilate.

>> No.15928153

How do all of these people carry phones without cases? Do they just take the case off for their gay picture? Do they just live a sheltered life?

>> No.15928159

>me imagining all your pockets clacking and sagging carrying all this autismo shit around bahaha

Chad here. I have a phone with a case for my cards, and my keys. Simple as, and the ladies love that I'm not a fucking redditor faggot larping as a fucking cold war spy.

>> No.15928182
File: 244 KB, 1440x1440, 4idbeqex3of61[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual Chad here.

You at least need a knife, loser.

>> No.15928190
File: 217 KB, 1100x1600, 1424962618837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine living in a place where you need to pack two extra magazines for your gun to be safe.

>> No.15928192

I exist as part of my local community, not fearing for my life among jungle niggers

>> No.15928242

What phone is that?

>> No.15928276

that pen looks like a suppository

>> No.15928371

>I can't afford an expensive watch, so no one else can

>> No.15928553

There's a watch, flashlight, and notepad on the phone. And blade on the multitool.

You get a pass for the watch bc this is a fashion board, I wear a watch too.

>> No.15928580
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>> No.15928596
File: 1.09 MB, 2448x1460, 1610633081183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are all the sunglasses? I don't see any in this thread.

>> No.15928603
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>being into edc

>> No.15928612
File: 71 KB, 600x656, 1612218263535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bespoke daily carry for parcels


>autism knife for cutting sticky tape

>> No.15928629

/frag/ thread please

>> No.15928718

Holy fucking cringe

>> No.15928761

Lol you're bald. Also whats that metal thing on the far left? Why do you need a pen

>> No.15928770

>black dildo

can't really think of anything else I'd need

>> No.15929466

>"a knife could actually be serious liability"
>recommends brass knuckles
Do you have brain damage?

>> No.15929472

>shitty beard
>worthless hot takes and retarded opinions
Every single time.

>> No.15929486

Amazing EDC anon. Please explain the gilded frog item. The antique Rosary beads in metal/black with black enamel around central gilded medallion are very understated and tasteful. Everything in your EDC is unified in terms of color and theme. I'm sure you must be a dedicated asset and/or security agent of your Government. Be sure to remember us all in your Rosary recitations. Godspeed anon.

>> No.15929494

That's it. Imagine carrying all that other shit with you, making your pockets sag and smack around as you move. I might carry a knife some days but usually forget

>> No.15929495

Mirin that VC. What model and how much does it retail for?

>> No.15929541

Tell me that's not supposed to be PPE.

Patrimony, current models like the one that anon posted are 19 to 43k EUR depending on size, action and materials, averaging 26k. More complex Patrimony designs in the catalogue are 30 to 121k with most pricetags being at 45 or 81k.
Patrimony "precursors" manufactored in the 50s start at 300-400k and go up to god knows what.

>> No.15929569

What's a good alternative in stainless steel? I don't need to pay 10k for a watch to say "Vacheron Constantine" on it and another 10k for it to be made of gold when brands can make the same thing in steel for a quarter of the price.
I like the Ultra Thin by JLC but hate their date windows. I'm thinking the Aqua Terra by Omega is a good bet

>> No.15929571

Its just a face mask from 3m?

>> No.15929574

personally i hate having shit in my pockets, but i have an xbox huge phone so i dunno
>lg v60 (not dual screen), in spigen case
>lately seiko spb149 metal bracelet, gonna get brown leather strap soon
>persol 714 folding, havana+green polarized, keep em in an old raybans case, folding them is a waste of time, also i don't really carry it, i'm either wearing it or leave it in car
>jcrew slim brown leather card wallet
>honda + house key with small carabiner
>considering getting tacticool benchmade bailout but it's like 250 dollars of useless
that's it, might get into vapes/cartridges for convenience now that it's legal here

if working and have backpack:
>old grey jansport i can't find online anymore, want to replace with grey hp renew backpack if i can find it, jansport is beat up from camping/hiking/college but still kicking
>sony wf1000xm3 black and cheap panasonic 3.5mm earphones, have hifiman sundara but i just use em at the desk with khadas+atom amp, may get earphones specifically for lg quaddac but don't really do critical listening on the go
>leatherman skeletool cx
>kit for print markups
>assortment of cables i need for work
>13 inch hp corporate laptop

don't carry personal laptop anymore but xps 15 9550 has been fine for college and misc. use but i may upgrade this year or maybe end of 2022 if amd has some 5nm stuff and compatible with usb type c docks
>just don't do a lot of personal laptop stuff anymore, but an lg gram 16or17 with amd + usb-c dock compatibility would be nice to have (from this post you can tell i probably have a mild form of autism)

>> No.15929575

Stay in your fucking state. So fucking tired of Californians flooding into my state and buying all the houses and making a 200k now cost 500k. I was planning on living my whole life here but I'm gonna get priced out of my own home by worthless fucking California refugees fleeing their overtaxed shitholes just to come here and vote for the exact same policies.
/end rant

>> No.15929581

I moved from Greece to California

>> No.15929583

So stay there. I don't care where you came from. Most of California came from Mexico or somewhere else. Just stay in your overpriced, taxed to death commie shithole and stop leaking into other states.

>> No.15929584

Why are Americans so butthurt about californians? From what I see the state is mostly made up of people from other states

>> No.15929585

the frog reminds him to always be true to his inner scorpion nature

>> No.15929589

it's the best state

>> No.15929605

you carry a whole roll of quarters and a can of dw40 wtf

>> No.15929615

If you have to ask then just don't worry about it

>> No.15929643

Maybe just don’t be poor

>> No.15929668

>What's a good alternative in stainless steel?
I'm really not the best person to ask.

A cloth mask with no filtration system doesn't qualify as PPE.

>> No.15929694
File: 659 KB, 2048x1366, EjfPjzeVcAIEBw_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A little over $25,000 after tax.
why don't you get something cool for that money, like pic related?

>> No.15929697

Poorfag lol

>> No.15929698

Extreme poorfag

>> No.15929699

Because poorfags are dumb big surprise

>> No.15929706

>tech job went permanent remote work
>aside from costco, online shopping takes care of everything else
I can make it so i never have to leave the house again until retirement, it's a strange feel

>> No.15929716

A Borchardt with all its original pieces, accessories and box doesn't go for less than 40k, but why not both? What are you, a poorfag like these lowly imbeciles below?


>> No.15929724


you could (once) get them with the stock and the three magazines for 20,000
i care more about those than the box
military antiques are generally overvalued now

>What are you, a poorfag

>> No.15929726

also what I linked is the full set with the box and it sold for less than 10k in 2018

what a steal.

>> No.15929730

All the shit I stuff in my pant pockets when going to work

>pocket knife
>trauma shears
>medical tape
>ziploc with a couple Advil
>like 3 pairs of latex gloves
>safety goggles
>2 protein bars


>> No.15929733

In that case you should probably stick to a Luger or unpoor yourself.

>> No.15929744

>he thinks I can drop 5 digits on a luger
>he thinks gub'ment would even allow me to own a luger
>he thinks gub'ment would even grant me a cc license
>he doesn't know I live in the worst place in america to own guns

I own a 127 year old centerfire bolt action rifle with a 12 round removable magazine, even getting that shipped to me was a pain in the ass because of that magazine size. ammo is also illegal to ship here and illegal to own without a license, so I made it myself.

if I were to carry, it'd be some old .32 black powder, and if I actually used that in a self defense situation I would be charged with criminal possession of a firearm.

if fucking stossel can't get one, how do you expect a literal nobody to?

>> No.15929745

I'm seeing a severe lack of sunglasses and fashionable masks in this edc

>> No.15929758

You can find Lugers in decent conditions for 4 digits. In Europe, granted. Sorry about your situation, but it always amuses me that many places in America have such gun laws and I’m sitting here with ARs, AKs, (no stupid 10/20 mag limit), DT HTI and just about anything I could possibly want really.

>> No.15929768
File: 152 KB, 1334x750, IMG_1486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my EDC

>> No.15929770


Why 2?

>> No.15929771

>muh mask
Fuck off, cuck. Go back to R\reddit

>> No.15929773

Its true when they say that edc fags don't actually go outside

>> No.15929774

the real question is why dont you have two? and actually three since i took the picture with the third

>> No.15929777

But what can you do with 3 or 2 that you can't do with 1

>> No.15929780

That's what i thought. Especially in Australia using any weapon can get u in trouble.

>> No.15929782

One for work, one for loved ones, one for da hoes/4chan

>> No.15929785

this is not it
checked. there should be obvious reasons for multiple phones though

>> No.15929800

Theres no obvious reasons at all unless one is trying to hide something

>> No.15929839

not hiding anything . it should be obvious

>> No.15929852

Given that this is 4chan its just for the meme but if its not tell us otherwise everyone who reads this thread is just gonna assume its to get people to ask and then keep putting out bait

>> No.15929868

And to think, you could've inhaled solder fumes and made em' yaself

>> No.15929921

what kinda gun is that

>> No.15929967


>> No.15929971

>>15929921 #
Walther PPK

>> No.15930259

Eat shit and die, coofer.

Have you not seen a single James Bond movie?

>> No.15930280
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>> No.15930286

He isn’t real? wtf how do you watch a movie of him??

>> No.15930308

Canadian skunk lol

>> No.15930540

>strawberry panic
massive cringe

>> No.15930825

edc fags are the lamest of all internet subcultures if you even call it that. loser consoomerism as a personality

>> No.15930831

>fountain pen

>> No.15930833

I just carry a knife for work and stuff, who the fuck carries one for self defense?

>> No.15930838

>he forgot about the sneaker subculture
at least edc ppl are buying tools that can be used
sneakerfags literally buy crap they cannot actually wear because the moment the shoe touches the floor it loses value

>> No.15930865
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, moot banhammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just have a victorinox in my keychain that has pliers, knife, scissor and a some abrasive stuff. and a lighter in my jacket pocket to light cigs for my buddy. why overcomplicate it?

>> No.15931227

Just use a fanny pack or a satchel or something retard.

>> No.15931236

What are some /fa/ keychains?

>> No.15932569

damn, do you think knives are only useful for stabbing people?

>> No.15932719

>apple anything

>> No.15932768

The WAT racing tags some autist on /o/ makes. Only works if you have a cool car though

>> No.15933213


what did I miss?

>> No.15933223
File: 1.49 MB, 3024x4032, 7fz3u4zpywf61[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what did i miss

your knife and gun, you pranching lalala homo-man.

>> No.15933257

your fokin mask you donut

>> No.15933276

>it doesnt disable people, it kills

being dead seems pretty disabled to me

>> No.15933375

be grateful, open carry is illegal in my country

>> No.15933532
File: 82 KB, 960x640, Ti2-Whar-Biner-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to really like edc when it was niche like in 2012, now it's really just people who don't leave the house buying ''pocket jewelry''. All I really have now from that time is a minimalist wallet because I hate thick wallets and a fancy carabiner that doubles as a knuck, though since I grew up and stopped selling drugs I don't feel I need it as much. I am fucking paranoif though and come from a shithole country so the habit of wanting to have something more than fists on me incase I get in a fight is hard to get rid of. I also carry a small knife sometimes but it's purely for the off chance of needing to cut something that can't be ripped.
Pic related, the $120 USD titanium carabiner I bought. No regrets.

>> No.15933544

>we need muh guns to protect ourselves from violence and tyranny
>only uses it to shoot your neighbor over a snow shoveling dispute
Gunfags are so cringe.

>> No.15933558

Everyone needs better education. Using a gun unnecessarily if you life isn't in danger is just fucking stupid and weak but being anti gun is just as stupid and weak.

>> No.15933570

why tf would you listen to anything someone who looks like that has to say lool

>> No.15933584

>/a/ hates EDC as cringe.
>fragrance and watch threads are fine, though.

Actual cringe.

>> No.15933586

>Everyone needs better education.
The Second Amendment protects against being forced to "educate."

>> No.15933890

Are you male or female, anon?

>> No.15933891

>>mechanical watches
Fuck, he got me

>> No.15933916

>he doesn't know who that is

it's literally an asian girl who wastes daddy's money to do everything she can to impress white men.

i wish i was joking, but i'm not.

>> No.15933981
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>> No.15933985

>wah wah I only want to do things big daddy goverment wants me to

>> No.15934145

Watch and fragrance threads are autism quarantine units

>> No.15934170

Couldn’t afford a Rolex?

>> No.15934353

Says one who resorts to generalisation. Get a load of this imbecile.

Better than the tacky watch for the tasteless nouveau riche.

>> No.15934358

Patrician drug taste anon. Been craving ket for a while now, but it’s just not as fun when the clubs are closed

>> No.15934362

should i cop 2-fdck

>> No.15934427

what watch do i buy if i'm "old" rich then?

>> No.15934457

If you have to ask you don't deserve to know.

>> No.15935755

Love EDC threads.

>> No.15936447

I think the autisticness of edc is its whole appeal.

>> No.15936489
File: 2.80 MB, 1500x1104, edc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15936630


oooh fok you're right

>> No.15936856

>falling for the Hi-Res audio mem.


>> No.15937013

The Fiio is just so I can have it wireless from my phone, quality iems are nice and convenient - I'm a professional musician and I'm very picky as to how things sound.

>> No.15937045


>> No.15937050

A knife is literally a tool you dumbass, I’d like to see what your sissy boy hands look like

>> No.15937097

Let's see Paul Allen's EDC.

>> No.15937517

>getting into edc

>> No.15937568

blackberry key2, i have one too. best smartphone out there if you don't use them as cameras or to watch movies.

>> No.15937899

>not liking edc

post your edc so we can give you tips, anon.

>> No.15937905

Who said I don't like it?

Pointing out that the line getting into edc is fucking stupid because its not something you get into.

>> No.15937914
File: 7 KB, 235x215, 1592917480690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these amerifats carrying knifes/weapons

fucking top kek

I get around LONDON with a phone, headphones, fags & a book

thats primetime right there, society will take care of the rest in the city

>> No.15937949

You trying to imply you even have the option to carry anything remotely related to a weapon?

Or bragging that your crime ridden country that can't even deal with rape gangs for fear of being called a racist is 'safe'?

>> No.15938056

Meanwhile brown people roam around with machetes or jars of acid and rape millions of white children across the country while people like you are the cops and politicians. A society that cant protects its children is already dead.

Jewnited kingdom is pure faggotisms these days. Real shame.

>> No.15938060

ID on wallet and pen?

>> No.15938090

You don’t have choice lol

>> No.15938126

my edc is six handguns and a cigar

>> No.15938164
File: 3.76 MB, 3024x4032, 2fevg00e9bg61[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me how to improve my EDC, /fa/.

>> No.15938201

Sharpie in manpurse

>> No.15938754

Red enamel pen is kino.

>> No.15938844

My mom has one like that, just sayan.

>> No.15939513

no holster = larp

>> No.15939810

Why do you carry the sharpie and measuring tape. Youre not measuring 24/7 if you need it put it in your tool bag

>> No.15939830

bro I have that exact same wallet wtf

>> No.15939851

>mirin obesity
American hands typed that post

>> No.15939852

This is one the most retarded posts I have ever read. Truly idiotic.

>> No.15939857
File: 53 KB, 668x857, 1612819594709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Considers knives impractical
>Suggests carrying an aerosol can and a wrench instead
Are you retarded?

>> No.15939900
File: 37 KB, 820x547, CUCg1AMFTw2BSXgvWOjH_1080x1080_PC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i buy sharpening stones for my EDC knives???

>> No.15939909

If you cary more than a wallet, phone, keys, you're a try hard virgin, who really needs to get a life, and quit spending their parents hard earned money on stupid shit, some virgin told you to buy on a Japanese anime website

>> No.15939919

Sure sounds like you enjoy smoking those fags eh?

>> No.15939960

love how these neckbeards with their sausage fingers are preparing themselves for survival situtations with EDC gear. like what? not having enough doritos for the weekend? and where do you carry all this EDC shit, to the fridge and back?

>> No.15940051

>separate flashlight
>separate watch
>separate notes
>separate magazine
>separate knife
why are you doubling up on everything

>> No.15940058

newfag lurk more

>> No.15940336

How the fuck does one make an EDC "mistake"?

>> No.15940375
File: 551 KB, 1000x1333, stopp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all just (((merchandising)))
Stop promoting it.

>> No.15940401

Bottega Intrecciato wallet, don't think they make them like this anymore, and the pen is a Nakaya Decapod writer in aka-tamenuri with a two tone F nib
Urushi Lacquer actually but they do look pretty similar until you touch them.

>> No.15940487

literally all you need to "edc" is a wallet and a phone
>pen & notebook
you have a smartphone
you have a smartphone

>> No.15940757
File: 779 KB, 1600x2000, gzBkYYI[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing it right?

>> No.15941122

Serious question, what do you actually use a knife for in your day to day life? Opening a package or what?

>> No.15941143

I got a package opening knife but it's in my home where I open packages, I don't carry it places

>> No.15941181

Laughing my fucking ass off on this shit. Having a watch and a wallet is now a considered a hobby and 'being part of a community'? This is worse than Apple faggots jerking off to their phones.

>> No.15941190

Wanted to ask this as well. I've never carried a knife and I don't know anyone who carries a knife, and I've worked in construction for 7+ years. The knives, multitools and torches I keep seeing in these threads seem like they're just for showing off.

>> No.15941246

killer kino :|

>> No.15941317

Post your EDC anon if you're going to complain.

You probably got a SHITTER watch and a shitter wallet.

>> No.15941397

your mom has a very nice and quite expensive pen.

>> No.15942086

this is literally just home alone kevon's edc

>> No.15942935

MILLIONS he says!

>> No.15942943


>> No.15942950


>> No.15942952

How do you make a mistake with EDC? It's just carrying what you want. Why do people make it more complicated than it is? Here's mine though.

>Glock sometimes

>> No.15942959

>Why do people make it more complicated than it is?
Complicated? The fuck too carry so little noob, this is a HOBBY fuckoff

>> No.15942971

How can you make a mistake though? Isn't literally just a personal preference? How can you make a mistake when there is nothing at stake? I just don't understand.

>> No.15942976

Why do you need a notebook when you have a phone?

>> No.15942983

>How can you make a mistake when there is nothing at stake?
>I just don't understand.

>> No.15942997

Literally this. I take a pen, though.

>> No.15943390
File: 355 KB, 2048x2048, 9pbpi4i27hg61[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made a mistake by not color matching everything so you could farm upvotes on reddit.

>> No.15943392

>not carrying at least 4 knives

>> No.15943394

>redditor carries 4 knives

for what purpose?

>> No.15943486

>At the weekend I meet up with my sheep in the field on Saturday. Do I need to bring protection?

>> No.15943491
File: 886 KB, 2048x1536, EDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15943492

Why is he so fat?

I will never get hobbies that both don't get you laid and you can't get paid from them. EDC is one of those, big fucking yikes.

>> No.15943494

I hope that at least you do get laid.

>> No.15943496

I don't talk to women

>> No.15943507

>EDC is dumb.
>watches and /fragrance/ general though, that shit is FIRE.

>> No.15943509


>> No.15943514

what if you like to play chess ? doesnt make you money, doesnt get you laid ...

>> No.15943540

>chess doesn't get you laid

Get on Tinder and say your favorite show is Queen's Gambit.

>> No.15943554
File: 33 KB, 564x564, 1604488804639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carry nothing but my phone, wallet, house keys.
>think the only potentially practical thing I don't carry is a powerbank
>EDC-fags never carry powerbanks.
>Only knives, bottle openers, pliers, lighters, multitool with optional buttplug attachment

>> No.15943560

with watches you are limited to one item at any given time

with edc its like a doraemon ballsack of useless trinkets jangling around in your cargo shorts pockets

>> No.15943568
File: 997 KB, 2319x2319, dxu9rn58akg61[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having /fa/ accessories.

Cringe. Cope.

Stop being poor.

>> No.15943574

Keep fantasising about the day when one of these things becomes actually practically useful. I'm sure when that day comes, using the swiss army knife's mini scissors to cut some paper, all the hundreds of dollars you wasted on that shit will be worth it

>> No.15943576

Attractive smart is a thing, most of high tier chess players were total Gs.
I spend more on facecare and fragrance monthly than your entire redditor EDC set is worth.

>> No.15943617

>admits to wasting money

>> No.15943623
File: 113 KB, 978x660, fidel-castro-llevaba-relojes-triunfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Castro those watches
Your loss

>> No.15943643
File: 59 KB, 720x612, IMG_20210209_232341_069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes millions, thats what erin pizzey, the inventor of the first womens shelter in the jewnited kingdom said in an interview on the subject, why dont you watch it on youtube. Oh wait you cant because it was deleted.
And even if it was not millions, just a couple 100thou, is that making it better in your mind?

>> No.15943666

you cannot waste money you worked for

it raises life rng

>> No.15944144

>jangling around
That's why you use a custom case that holds everything in place.

>> No.15944224

>I spend more on facecare and fragrance monthly than your entire redditor EDC set is worth.

Anon, my watch costs more than your car.

>> No.15944388


What are you doing on /fa/? Every cunt on here is buying shit they don't need, if you don't fit that mould then surely none of this board's content is of any value you to you. That knife's a well built tool that will likely outlive its owner. Definitely dumber things to spend $150 on.

>> No.15945543

I get usage out of my clothes every time I wear them. you get usage out of your knife never. you just carry it and think about how cool it would be if you ever had a reason to use it. EDC fags are too retarded to make a basic comparison

>> No.15946214

one for the plug and one for the hoes

>> No.15946244

>he lives in a place where drugs are illegal/criminalized

>> No.15946535



Go ahead and continue projecting your own faggy lifestyle on everyone else, i use my swiss army knife everyday, multiple times a day.

If you can't see the utility in a fucking knife of all things then you must be some sort of delusional neet.

Clothes serve the same basic purpose irrespective of their cost, if you spend 1k+ on a jacket then you're likely doing so because you see value in quality, same basic concept applies to every single material object made by man.

>> No.15946781

>using a swiss army knife multiple times a day

the steel will dull after 1 week if you actually did that, anon.

>> No.15946801

>what is sharpening

>> No.15947064

EDC is a codeword for what a "combat trained field operative" would need to go into tactical mode at a moments notice. Hence the autistic focus on carrying a shitload of generally useless stuff on ones person at all times.
One must be prepared for any and every potential fantasy world situation, and be on constant tactical alert, in case TSHTF.
As a successful college trained capitalist, I have found that all I need is a wallet, car keys, a watch, cellphone, and a few snacks.
Remember, fantasies never come true.

>> No.15947149

>and a few snacks.
what's good fatty

>> No.15947168


And before long you'll have all of those things condensed into your phone and eventually that'll be condensed further and implanted into your brain so you wont carry anything. Can't wait to own nothing and go full monk-core.

>> No.15947182

A flashlight and a folding comb because my haircut is entirely incompatible with wind

>> No.15947184

Anon, he doesn't know how to sharpen things, cut him some slack

>> No.15947204

>Sharpening your "army knife" (lmao) twice a week
Lmao, enjoy fucking up the blade in no time flat.

>> No.15947207

you're a tard, we get it

>> No.15947208

Anon, the averag EDC shitter is a chubby hipster with a passing interest in leather crafting.

>> No.15947211
File: 80 KB, 640x853, 1613064562905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh tacticoo knife five days after cutting apples and opening boxes non-stop

>> No.15947213

>t. scraped the hell out of a knife with a flea market bench stone once and stopped trying to sharpen things afterwards

>> No.15947216

So you're against sharpening knives? I don't get it.

>> No.15947217

I hope they can implant a knife into my brain alright heh xd

>> No.15947218

This is what ingesting chinese cardboard and glue does to your brain

>> No.15947898

Yeah, you get into EDC

>> No.15948680

Whats your address?