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/fa/ - Fashion

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15912732 No.15912732 [Reply] [Original]

>28 year old virgin weeb
>Never had a girlfriend
>Always wearing anime t-shirts and jeans
>Poor self esteem
>Decide to go out and buy new expensive clothes
>$150 leather loafer shoes
>$50 chinos
>$80 button up shirts
>$15 Ralph Lauren undershirts
>Feel way more confident with these clothes on
>Think I look really good
>Wanted to surprise parents with my new clothes
>Go over to their house for dinner
>Dad says the pants look stupid
>Mom doesn't even notice or say anything
>Go home and complain to 4chan

I tried, /fa/. I really did and I failed. I'm just gonna get a train ticket and go somewhere secluded until my body rots away or something. I just wanted to look good and have some positivity/self confidence in my life.

>> No.15912735

Should had posted for here beforehand. We would had told you it was cringe.

>> No.15912736

i would kill yourself desu, you will never recover

>> No.15912737

your parents sound shitty. how about not listening to them? Also not too great to listen to 4chan btw. Don't you have a colleague you can ask? Friends, even if gamers?

>> No.15912738

Poor babby.

>> No.15912742

do you think you look good in your new clothes?
do you even like the new clothes you bought?

if the answer to both is yes, fuck what everybody else thinks

>> No.15912745

No, I have no friends.

I could have posted it to /fa/ but then /fa/ would just tell me it's shit because it's very hard to please you people, I'm aware of that.

Yes I like them, but sometimes it just feels nice to have people close to you give you compliments when you try to improve yourself. It does wonders for someone's self esteem/confidence. Having your parents say you look stupid and have zero taste after you spent $400 on clothes and tried to dress nice is just a big upset.

>> No.15912765

there's hope for you, anon

I get where you're coming from about self esteem, but you won't please everybody, so you might as well take care of yourself first. compliments could come from all places, and you shouldn't expect it from specific people to gain confidence. to be fair, your parents putting you down for trying is pretty shitty.

>> No.15912773

>there's hope for you, anon

dont delude him, hes 28 a grown man hes failed its over

>> No.15912779

I know a lad who made it (well, at least he got laid) at 32. It’s never too late. Unless you are 40, then its creepy.

>> No.15912790

Ok stop with the weeeb shit
Stop with cosplay anything

I literally actually want to help you
And your parents are from another generation dude man

Is it your personality?
Or lack of ability to be chill and act not awkward around girls?
Bc that’s literally the answer there

Also again - no weeb shit

>> No.15912813

he hasn't even hit his prime yet. sure he's a bit late and probably doesn't have enough life experience to be interesting, but if OP actually starts trying, a couple years is a lot of time to develop good habits.

>> No.15912824

Your parents are probably slobs which is why you dressed like shit. Who cares what they think? My dad says my chinos are dress pants, once asked where I was going "all dressed up" wearing a flannel shirt, and asked if I was "going to church or something" when I had a sweater on.

>> No.15912844

Actually my mom worked at a nice fancy clothing store for years back in the early 90's, and my dad shopped there as well. I wouldn't say they're slobs, but they are both in their 60's, and my mom is almost in her 70's. Maybe they just don't understand modern day fashion or what younger men are wearing for fashion nowadays.

My mom prides herself in her appearance as well, maybe not so much my dad, but my mom does try to keep up with latest fashion trends. It's just her taste and my taste are completely different. I don't really like what she wants me to wear and vice versa.

>> No.15912854 [DELETED] 

how did the standards of dress get so bad so fast? in the 80s you see people dressing down by wearing flannel shirts and pants. now it feels like you're a freak or a try hard if you wear more than t shirt+sweatshorts/basketballshorts/ cut up sweatpants + walmart running shoes/ sandals

>> No.15912855

>>$150 leather loafer shoes
>>$50 chinos
>>$80 button up shirts
>>$15 Ralph Lauren undershirts

>expensive clothes

>> No.15912856

Probably, PROBABLY, your clothes don't fit well.
Look, you can dress as tryhard as possible, with weird combinations even. But one rarely get bad comments unless you get clothes that don't fit well (it happened to me; I used to buy pants that were 2 inches longer than my size for no fucking reason before I cared about fashion).

Learn how to make your clothes fit well.
And don't dress expensive if you're starting; in fact, I'd say you have to buy as cheap as you can just to learn how to wear and style clothes before you move on to something expensive. That way you avoid wasting $90 in clothes that are not worth it.

>> No.15912861

Also, this, those are not even expensive.

>> No.15912870

OP here, they were expensive to me compared to what I usually wear and they were also expensive given my town/area and the way I see people dressed.

Nobody in my town is walking around in $1,000 outfit or $500 shoes. I mean, maybe some girls are walking around in super expensive outfits but the men certainly aren't.

Dad did say the pants were too long but I personally don't think they are. Same thing with the shirt sleeves. I just don't think they are too long or need to be altered. I'm a short man though, so my dad says pants and sleeves always need to be altered for short men.

>And don't dress expensive if you're starting; in fact, I'd say you have to buy as cheap as you can just to learn how to wear and style clothes before you move on to something expensive. That way you avoid wasting $90 in clothes that are not worth it.

Hey, I liked the clothes I bought, so I guess at the end of the day that's all that matters. Fake it till you make it. If you think you look good, then you'll feel good. If you feel good then you have more self esteem/confidence. More self esteem/confidence means you feel more comfortable taking risks, such as with women or other things of that nature.

>> No.15912880

listen m8 the clothes aren't worth shit if you don't get them in the proper fit, your dad was probably right and your shirt sleeves were coming down to your knuckles and your trousers were bunching up over your loafers
get those things tailored it's cheap as fuck and makes a yuge difference

>> No.15912889

How long does tailoring/alterations take? Could I have it done in one day?

>> No.15912891

>How long does tailoring/alterations take? Could I have it done in one day?
in my experience it takes a few days, maybe a week, depends on how busy the tailor is
just go back to your anime shirts for a couple of days it'll be fine

>> No.15912895

>Few days/week

Damn, well I guess it's not like I go out a lot or to any parties or events.

>> No.15912896

Depends on what you're getting done. I've got cheap places near me that can hem pants while you wait if they're not super busy

>> No.15912897

In a 28 year old weeb who made it. Long story short I was a loser in grade school and kind of an outcast ish during high school. Picked up PUA (pick up artist) and gained some confidence, lost my virginity. College came, joined a frat. Did the whole trad/preppy fashion thing for a while. Wore my letters cuz they were a status symbol. Went to grad school and continued to hone my skills. Met my now wife at a bar using my PUA skills and mediocre sense of fashion. Keep in mind that fashion and my possessions (cars/watches) had little to do with my ability to pull, close, and bang chicks. Found a rare traditional Virgin now is my wife. I popped her cherry on Halloween while she was in a maid outfit that I convinced her to wear using NLP. Now I’m in a successful career that commands respect. I don’t take shit from anyone and people find that our very quick. A lot of passive aggressive young blonde associates and secretaries always try to do their power play with me but it backfires on them. I’m now making bank, drive a v8, wear expensive ass shit that’s tailored, etc. everytime I go to church or the mall or at work, I’m always getting checked out or gawked at. Moms and Middle Aged women always ask if my cartier is real etc. best part is I still watch anime, play video games, attend music festivals, edm concerts, anime cons (pre covid) and my wife is also into it as well. I build gunpla, play drums, etc. fashion to me has evolved into hypebeast clothing on fridays/Saturday’s, with a mix of teas/prep on Sunday’s. The best advice I ever got was on simple pickup- fuck what other people think. Also read 48 laws of power. And watch roosh v and read theredpill. For fashion- go outside. Watch try on hauls for guys. Shop at zara, ysl, balenciaga, banana republic, brooks brothers. Work out.

>> No.15912900

I bought two pairs of pants and four pairs of shirts, and they'd all need to be altered. So yeah, I imagine that's probably a lot for one person.

>> No.15912904
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Pics or it didn’t happen fgt

>> No.15912907

I'm not posting pics because I already know what people on here will say. They'll say it looks like shit and that I need alterations and I wasted my money and that I'm ugly and that I should kill myself blah blah blah.

>> No.15912915

yikes sweaty

>> No.15912924
File: 203 KB, 750x981, F3A142BB-FC92-4B24-AA1F-8D9BCDF9B6BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15912915 nothing personal, kid

>> No.15912933

You are a total faggot, OP is less of a homo than you

>> No.15912936

You’re retarded and irredeemable

>> No.15912966
File: 601 KB, 1536x2126, F269B7E4-84EF-4718-B2F8-01695EA72CB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15912967

Only way we'll be able to help, anon. You'll get a few helpful replies with all the insults. Just don't post your face.

>> No.15912971

The fucking pricetag doesn't matter it's the FIT of the clothes. It's called an outFIT not a clothes you moron, should have posted your fit here before, some people give actual advice and others are trolls.

>> No.15912974

If you don't post pics we can't help.
And hey, some here are harsh, but we don't bark not bite.

>> No.15912977

*we bark not bite

>> No.15912988
File: 3.53 MB, 1298x2284, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine here. I only tried rolling/pulling the sleeves up because I thought it'd look more casual and yeah the sleeves are somewhat long but I'm a short guy. I thought I looked fine personally and I see men with rolled up sleeves on button up shirts all the time, so figured it was common to do that. I don't have a fully body mirror so I couldn't take a picture of the entire outfit but the shoes I bought are Ecco brand shoes, they're like a darkish brown slip on/leather loafer kind of shoe with no laces or anything, if that helps.

>> No.15913000

nigger just make a tinder account and fuck the first slag that is interested. Stop this elaborate cope and just get your dick wet already so you can move on

>> No.15913002

tailor your clothes and possibly lose weight

>> No.15913007

Ok, in my opinion, you are dressing too young for your age. It also doesn't help that you are a bit overweight.
I'd like to see which kind of loafers you wear exactly but 99% of the time, those would not pair well with what you are wearing; you would be way better using sneakers in that case (still, I think you should not be dressing as you are; but if you do, use sneakers at least).
Imo, a jacket could work with you I guess. Or just wear sweaters/sweatshirts, those always work.

>> No.15913009

I'm going to be hurtful but I'm only being honest; you did not put together a good outfit. That dark shirt(is it black?) doesn't go well with your khaki pants. Your t shirt has creases all over it, iron it or wash it. We can't see how your pants fit but based off your previous posts it's probably too long and stacking on your shoes. Speaking of your shoes you didn't show them but Ecco aren't great, and depending on which they are they're probably ugly. You really should have asked for advice here first.

Try putting on a light color shirt, buttoning it up and tucking it in. Also see if you can put your camera on a timer and set it up against something so you can get a full body shot, when you do make sure to stand in a natural relaxed pose like you normally would stand.

Also hit the gym.

>> No.15913010


>> No.15913015

Your self esteem is fucking shot.

F-fine.. u-umm, I tried my sleeve, because umm umm..

I used to have a guy like you on my crew and he became a man. I suggest you think about that direction too.

>> No.15913016

cope post
>wahhhhhhhhhh i never have sex mommy didn't like my clothes
just have sex and shut up about it. your problems are deep or interesting, you reasoning behind not having sex isn't complex and intellectual. fuck a pussy and then move on

>> No.15913017

lose weight>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>lose necklace>button up shirt

>> No.15913050

I have no idea who Charles Vane is

But I like the necklace? I don't think it's effemine for men to wear necklaces or bracelets. They make unisex accessories. Not everything is for women, also I'm really not a wristwatch kind of guy. I just don't like the whole "Oh men can only wear watches and nothing else" sort of mindset. Why do women get to fucking wear necklaces, rings, and bracelets?

I'm aware I'm overweight. I'm working on it but it's hard.

>k, in my opinion, you are dressing too young for your age.

Wew, if you only saw how I dressed before. If you think this is too young then I'm not sure how I should be dressing. Wearing graphic t-shirts/anime shirts and ripped jeans seems like something high schoolers wear. This is probably the most "adult" or "somewhat dressy" outfit I've worn in years.

>I'd like to see which kind of loafers you wear exactly but 99% of the time, those would not pair well with what you are wearing

The store had like 40 different brands of dressy/leather shoes and I just picked out a pair that I liked, and I was wearing jeans at the time and I thought they looked fine with jeans, and I thought they looked fine with the khaki colored chinos I was wearing.

>Shirt is black?

It's an olive green or dark green shirt. I have horrible lightning in my bathroom so you probably can't see the color very well. As I said, I don't have decent lighting or a good mirror in my apartment. The picture probably makes the outfit look worse than it really is. I like green shirts/dark green and I thought it paired just fine with the white shirt and khaki colored chinos. I think white and black can pair with anything and not look bad, especially white. I don't see how you mess up ANYTHING with a white t-shirt.

>Tuck in shirt and button it up

No. I like the casual open button up look and don't like tucking in my clothes.

I'm gonna attempt to get them altered.

>> No.15913054

>I have no idea who Charles Vane is

Did my reply say who the fuck am I? No it didn't.

>> No.15913063

>T-shirt has creases

Forgot to mention they're brand new but they came creased. They're rolled up and that's just how they came out of the box. My parent's have a steam dryer, so I could throw them in the steamer. Could just take everything to the dry cleaners but I've never really had clothes that required me to use a dry cleaning service.

>> No.15913065

Depends on your tailor. There have been times I left a pair of trousers at the tailor, grabbed some lunch at a restaurant and immediately came back to get it.

>> No.15913067

Thanks for the pasta

>> No.15913069

necklace only works when everything else works. when everything else sucks(no offense) necklace makes everything else suck x10. it looks cringe with that outfit. And the necklace itself is something you'll see on a 12 year old boy who just got back from Hawaii
Go for a small gold or silver necklace.

>> No.15913081

>And the necklace itself is something you'll see on a 12 year old boy who just got back from Hawaii

Well, I just like oriental style stuff and liked the way it looked. I don't really wear chained jewelry like from the jewelry store. I prefer corded necklaces. A fucking shark tooth necklace or dragon/sword necklace looks more like something a 12 year old would be wearing.

Granted I do have a gold James Avery necklace my grandmother got me a few years ago but it's got a Star of David on it because my family is Jewish (Yeah haha jews blah blah kikes) anyway I'm not even religious and haven't been for like 14 years, so can't really wear that unless I just wear the gold chain around my neck with nothing on it, and frankly I think that looks stupid to just wear a plain gold chain with nothing hanging on it.

I found a tailor that my mom uses, and she's been in business for 30 years, but I have a feeling it'll take her like a fucking week or more. She's an old lady but does good work, also I'm bringing her two pairs of pants and four pairs of shirts. I'm expecting it to be at least a week.

>> No.15913110 [DELETED] 

Dude that looks straight out of 2008, and it wasn’t good even then. Do not use a shirt over a t-shirt like that. Either get a jacket, casual or not, ditch the undershirt and close the buttons or hide the undershirt under the closed buttons.
I dressed like that when I was 11, lol.

>I don't think it's effemine for men to wear necklaces or bracelets
It’s not a question of looking feminine, it just looks bad. Bracelets are easier to pull off than necklaces, but still iffy if you don’t use long sleeves and are always peacocky.
>It's an olive green or dark green shirt
The colors ought to be fine. Olive and khaki/sand do tend to go well together. Personally I would rather go with olive trousers and khaki shirt, but I don’t see an issue with this as it is.
>I think white and black can pair with anything and not look bad, especially white. I don't see how you mess up ANYTHING with a white t-shirt.
Black is only safe in monochromatic or nearly so fits. Most of the time it is a pretty shitty color. White is very safe but you should watch out for the contrast that it makes. In this case, it contrasts too much with the dark shirt, but the lightning may be making things worse.
>I'm aware I'm overweight. I'm working on it but it's hard.
You will save yourself a lot of money if you only buy your clothes when you are with your desired sillouette. You likely will have to ditch most of your wardrobe when you reach that point because a lot of things don’t take alterations very well.

>> No.15913123

Just want to get in on this thread and say why you probably aren't /fa/, you definitely did the right thing by getting new, respectable clothes. Once you get more comfortable wearing clothes you otherwise wouldn't it will really open up a lot of wacky styles, but the most important thing is finding a simple, maintainable, normal style that fits well and isn't too gaudy.

I honestly think getting your clothes altered in this situation is probably a waste of money. You'd do fine dressing like this in the short term and focusing your energy into more pressing matters like getting /fit/

>> No.15913126

Okay let's take things slow. You clearly lack confidence so you're probably only seeing the harshness and not the criticism in these posts. Please be patient we're trying to help you. For anyone new to style and fashion I suggest you learn color theory, here's a good resource https://theconceptwardrobe.com/colour-analysis-comprehensive-guides/which-colour-season-are-you this will help you understand not only which colors are good for you but help you get an understanding of how to wear colors together.

Now as for criticizing your fit, the open button up, untucked t shirt, and necklace look is very much a teen style. I'm just informing you if you're trying to dress more mature this isn't a very mature look. I can't think of any advice on how you should style the necklace, sorry. If you're going to wear an open button up shirt I highly suggest you tuck in your t shirt. You don't have to dry clean the shirt, just wash it or iron it so it doesn't have the creases from being packaged. As for your statement about black pairing with anything, it can be versatile if you wear mostly Greyscale clothing, but it often doesn't pair well with colors. Also beware black if you're putting together a more "formal" outfit, black shirts are always a no go and black suits are only for funerals.

>> No.15913131

what does she want you to wear?

>> No.15913134

Well, I don't personally think they really need to be altered, but I can also admit that the sleeves are slightly long and the pants legs are SLIGHTLY long, like it's not super bad, but I can see how FITTED clothes would look much more appealing on a person.

I just felt like only tryhards or hardcore people really get every piece of clothing tailored. I don't know how many women are looking at tailored clothes. Anything in my opinion was better than walking around in anime t-shirts and jeans with rips in them and beat up sneakers.

>the open button up, untucked t shirt, and necklace look is very much a teen style.

Really? I didn't think so, at least I don't see teenagers wearing this, maybe the necklace seems immature I suppose. I don't see anyone around my age tucking in their shirt. I just don't like the tucked in shirt look. It just looks too formal and I have a fat gut, so obviously not tucking in the shirt kind of helps with the gut. Tucking in my shirt will make my gut stick out like crazy.

Pic related is the look I was talking about. Just a white undershirt with a buttoned up shirt open faced. The only difference is that guy is wearing jeans and I was wearing chinos, also he's clearly in his late 20's or 30's. So I just don't think it's a "teenage" look because I can assure teenagers are not dressing like this.

>> No.15913136
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Goddamn it forgot the pic

>> No.15913139
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>What does she want you to wear

I don't know. She's narcissistic and if she doesn't pick it out for me or like it then it's no good. She doesn't like me buying my own clothes or dressing myself, and it kind of pisses me off. She wants me to look like the guys on the cover of GQ or Calvin Klein models. Even though I don't have that kind of height, nor body structure, nor muscle, nor facial features, etc.

>> No.15913153

Dude I dressed like this when I was 11, minus the shoes.

>> No.15913160

Okay? So who says adult men can't dress like this? I mean, it's clearly a popular look with adult men and I don't see any children or teenagers dressing like this, guess it varies from place to place.

Actually humor me. Post an "adult" look that you would recommend, or maybe show me how adult men in their late 20's should dress. I'm just curious to see what you consider a "mature" or "adult" outfit. I mean, since jeans and a button up shirt is considered "immature" for some reason. You want all adult men to wear a fucking blazer and full suit when they go out?

>> No.15913170

i'm not the other poster but this look is hard to pull off unless very in shape (tshirts unless quite structured are going to cling to soft parts). if you were to go for this look I wouldn't pair it with chinos (because they read as smart/new england prep), you could get some slim fit jeans and vans/boots or something. tan chinos are hard to style desu (unless you go for full new england prep but this only looks good in magazines on models).

>> No.15913173

>Everybody giving the same advice
>OP keeps being hostile to surprisingly nice answers
Why even ask for advice anon?

>> No.15913200
File: 104 KB, 425x966, d23b61dd3912208f67bf757c0f819104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing with this kind of pics is that generally sexcore models can get away with anything.
For instance pic related, your typical hoodie + flannel combo. This was part of my style during my teens all the way to the time I was around 20 years old. I'm not good looking, but also not bad looking. Short, but also decently skinny.

Even then I can't pull it off again; I'd look like an oldie playing a "what's up kids?" there. And even if I could do it, societal pressure would put me in a position where I may look good, but I would still look somewhat "childish", which is not the point (I want to be somewhat approachable).

You may use it to go around (it's better than anime t-shirt for sure), but you better look at how people your age around you dress (outside of magazines) or even in places like here or r*ddit and maybe take a style that may accomodate you.

>> No.15913208

Yeah, I guess the chinos were a bit overkill on my part, but figured they looked better than jeans. I already have a pair of nice black jeans and a pair of nice lighter colored jeans. I guess I'd be better off wearing jeans instead of chinos? I'll try that out tomorrow, and it'd probably look more casual or less formal without the chinos.

>but you better look at how people your age around you dress (outside of magazines) or even in places like here or r*ddit and maybe take a style that may accommodate you.

I don't get out a lot so I don't know how guys around my age are dressing, but I can tell you right now they're probably wearing t-shirts and jeans, or maybe plain t-shirts. Perhaps a button up shirt open faced like I was going for, but they certainly aren't fucking wearing anything super formal/fancy I can tell you that. A lot of them probably wear hoodies and jeans or some shit.

I will admit I've seen some guys wearing like leather loafers or suede shoes, though I see more older men wearing those, like men in their 30's or early 40's. Also usually businessmen, but surprisingly at the store today I saw quite a few guys around my age buying like those brown loafers or tan colored shoes. I really don't think the button up shirt open faced look is immature. It seems popular in my town and I see older men wearing it.

>> No.15913214
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Honestly saying "show me what an adult looks like" is kind of complicated because style varies a lot according to tastes (obviously with some limitations). But well, as an example, some random adult may look like pic related (it's just an example tho; if it's not your style then fine).

>> No.15913219

I’m also 28. My advice would be to keep things simple if you don’t know where to start. Make sure the clothes fit, like others said the colours should be complimentary. Don’t pick loud colours. Start with blacks, whites, navy, tan, earth tones. Don’t wear graphic t shirts of obnoxious branded clothing. Don’t wear jewellery or necklaces, start with a watch. Keep it simple. How your clothes fit is key. Start with jeans, t shirt, trainers and a basic jacket. This will be your base, you’re not going to dress formal and get it right from the get go.

>> No.15913220
File: 381 KB, 1296x1944, jonah-hill-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly your fit is not crazy. don't get things tailored since you are ACTUALLY looking to lose weight. other anons are pretty retarded, if you get something tailored now and you lose 20 pounds it'll be big. what you probably want to do is get your pants hemmed, that might be the only tailored thing, or just when you buy pants make sure they end right where your shoes begin and don't stack.
right now, if you want to dress in a reasonable way (i'm not saying, like, wow amazing, fashionable), look at some of jonah hill's fits, he dresses reasonably and i think it could be a good stepping stone, especially since self-confidence is one of the first steps. honestly most of your initial fits are going to solicit a lot of criticism and fits you think look good will be shat on; this is because we all went through that phase and learned our lessons, but you haven't yet. fuck learning color theory, eventually you will get a sense of what looks "nice" or "bad".
i would get black jeans and gray/navy t-shirts and casual button up shirts. do NOT get anything too fitted, you want it to be just a little loose, otherwise it will look like you are trying to squeeze into something that is a size too small. it won't rock /fa/ but it will look OK especially to other people. your first fit isn't bad, if i saw it on the street i wouldn't look twice. even the necklace is fine it's not the 1950's.
don't try to go for what you posted, it is already outdated. try to get a nice, good quality hoodie, since idk how much you make just get a champion reverse weave in black or gray or something, get roomy black jeans, and a pair of new balance or other sneaker. just reply to this if you want actual suggestions.

>> No.15913226

>that pic
What makes it soÿ?

>> No.15913227

>they're probably wearing t-shirts and jeans, or maybe plain t-shirts
Yeah, because it's hard to go wrong when you go simple. It's something you may try too.

>> No.15913233

How is that any different from the picture I posted? This guy's shirt is buttoned up and he's wearing like red pants instead of khaki's, and he has a jacket on? IT really isn't that different to me. So what? Buttoning up the shirt makes it look "more mature" instead of leaving it open? And I guess the more formal pants look "more mature" than the jeans? I could wear chinos, and a button up shirt and my loafers and probably look similar to the guy in your picture. I just don't see what is more "adult" about your picture over mine? Aside from the fact my image had a guy wearing jeans and an open faced button up shirt.

What if I think t-shirt and jeans looks immature? I get that a plain black t-shirt and jeans is a classic look, but it's also generic and boring. To me that shows that an individual has no imagination or style/creativity and they just go for the most simple or rudimentary thing. You won't stand out that way.

>> No.15913238

>Rolled up pants

My dad says khaki's or ANY kind of pants for that matter should NEVER be rolled up. I tried rolling my chinos up 1-2 times and my dad scolded the hell out of me for it. Said to go get them altered instead of rolling them up, also pretty sure he was subtly implying it looks feminine/gay to roll them up. I'm not really digging Jonah Hill's outfit in that picture, just kind of looks like he's in europe coming from the bar, also don't care for that jacket or the beanie.

>> No.15913241

>I get that a plain black t-shirt and jeans is a classic look
>How is that any different from the picture I posted?
>What if I think t-shirt and jeans looks immature
Holy shit you are delusional

>> No.15913244

What? I'm comparing this picture >>15913136
to this picture >>15913214

The only difference is his shirt is buttoned up and he's wearing more formal looking pants I guess? I don't see how that makes him look more "adult-like" not sure how that makes me delusional. Not everyone has to like a "classic look" just because it's classic.

>> No.15913258

listen i know im just another anon but if you genuinely want to dress better, add my disc.
I will do my best to help you and make you not look retarded

>> No.15913259

Take a class at college or something, online classes have been a great way to meet people in a more secure environment without the anxieties or real life social interactions. Plus in a few years you'll come out with a degree, there's a guy in my class who's 32 and nobody thinks hes a loser for being a neet up until this point, everyone just thinks hes cool for being so much older

>> No.15913262

i get that you are new to fa, atm very different outfits/styles look similar to you. anon that posted jonah hill is because jonah doesn't have a model physique so its easier to see what works in an outfit vs thinking something looks good just coz the model is fit (like the pic you posted before). also you need things to pull together a look, jacket, beanie, backpack, boots/sneakers etc. I think the easiest look to pull off in your agegroup is something basically like anon posted with the yellow bag. slim fit pants in black/chino in dark color, some boots/chukkas, patagonia jacket (or any other hiker vibe) loose flannel shirt or textured sweater or sweatshirt (uniqlo). a nice backpack to pull together (herschel or whatever guys wear). your original outfit isn't bad but you didn't spend your money well - don't go for a prep/rich guy look unless you are rich because unless you nail it head to toe it looks like dress up.

>> No.15913263

Stop brand whoring and just focus on one step at a time. Jeans and a shirt that doesn't have fucking prints on it is an excellent start compared to mainlining anime print tees.

Build your resolution over time. Don't dress in anything you're not comfortable in, people can smell a poser subconsciously.

Good luck dude. What you want to do isn't really a big deal, but it's going to be tough because these are lessons that you ideally would have worked out in your teens. (your parents have probably given up on you; I personally think that if I had been them I would have said ANYTHING to endorse positive changes. Doesn't mean they don't love you, but their expectations have bottomed out.)

Prove them wrong.

>> No.15913266
File: 65 KB, 500x500, 86669-doctor-heads-world-tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is that any different from the picture I posted?
Well for one, you don't need to be a sexcore model to rock it. Second, almost every part of his outfit is different from what you show. Aside for certain similarities you find, loafers is not the same as those shoes and a jacket is definitely not the same thing as an open shirt.

>Buttoning up the shirt makes it look "more mature" instead of leaving it open?
As a general rule, yes, it tends to be the case. Not always, but say, 80% of the time it is like that.

>I just don't see what is more "adult" about your picture over mine?
It's just a matter of trends, which honestly nor I nor anyone here controls. I personally think the open shirt is more juvenile, that a jacket tends to be more accessible. I find the necklace to not match well with the rest of it. And I probably get what you mean, but as I said before, we don't control what society finds or doesn't find fashionable for X group or X age.

>What if I think t-shirt and jeans looks immature? I get that a plain black t-shirt and jeans is a classic look, but it's also generic and boring.
Well, that's like, your opinion man. It IS boring though I'll give you that, but it's not bad either. I see that you want to stand out but seem to not like the "preppy" styles so maybe in this case do what >>15913220 says.

By the way, remember we are trying to help though, and we hold different opinions (we are not a hivemind). >>15913220 says 'fuck color theory' which I disagree, for instance. It is up to you at the end of the day to choose what advice to hear and what not to, so no need for hostility.

>> No.15913271

um, excuse me, but I control the trends

>> No.15913281

I might just wear jeans and a black shirt with the loafers I bought and start with that. I bought these earth tone/dark colored button up shirts, but I don't like buttoning shirts up or tucking them in. Seems like buttoning them up tends to look better, but I think buttoning up shirts looks really formal on top of chino pants. I wanted a more casual/stylish look. I didn't want to look like I'm going to church every time I leave my apartment. That's why I prefer the open faced button up shirt look. It just looks more casual than buttoning it up or tucking in the shirt.

I just didn't want to tell myself that I bought four pairs of button up shirts and they're all useless or I can't wear them with anything without it looking stupid. Can I not just wear them with jeans or my chinos while open faced? Do they really need to be buttoned up to look decent?

>on't go for a prep/rich guy look unless you are rich because unless you nail it head to toe it looks like dress up.

I guess I am going for a "preppy" look though that wasn't really what I wanted to go for. I just wanted a more mature or stylish look. I didn't want to look like a frat boy if that's what you're saying. Maybe the chinos were a bit much....might just stick with jeans over the chinos. At least it won't make me look too fratty or preppy.

>> No.15913288

post pics of the shirts and shoes, don't have to be wearing them if you aren't comfortable

>> No.15913290

>I guess I am going for a "preppy" look though that wasn't really what I wanted to go for
Dude I told you that if you didn't like it it was fine. I used that example because it's one of the first I found.

Seriously, please take the advice of looking around at people. You can ask us for as many examples as you like but the effort and the interest is in your part. Part of learning how to dress is to look at outfits, see what you like, see what you don't like, and after a while of doing so put your own decent fit together.

>> No.15913291

yeh but i don't know any mature guys in their 30's who wear tan chinos (only 40+ dads or frat boys/rowing team). maybe check reddit mfa for inspo, it's a little more accessible than 4chan.

>> No.15913294

>Do they really need to be buttoned up to look decent?
Yes. Using them as a poor man’s jacket always looks horrible.

>> No.15913312

Don't button the top button and don't tuck in. Problem solved. Buy some "button up shirts" (AKA "shirts", AKA "Not T-Shirts")

Maybe a flannel or two. Easy things you should feel CASUAL in but will be exponential multipliers on what you were wearing, which I assume was a picture of Konata with "SUPREME" written in katakana.

>> No.15913319

unironically start using >>/fit board
i has a former fatty just like u
i has a /pol/ /rk9/ and /fa/ user
when i got to fit in 2019 i drop all this faggot bullshit and start to lift
i lost 49 pounds and my self esteem is great
so stop using 4chan and go run and lift u fat fuck
we all gonna make it

>> No.15913326
File: 3.54 MB, 1200x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the four shirts I bought. One of them is kind of a dark blue but the lightning in my apartment is shit so you can't tell. That red shirt isn't really that bright red, it's more dark red. The one at the top is black. Yeah, I bought large but I'm fat and can't wear a medium, also the sleeves are slightly long. I mean, they do go to maybe roughly past my wrists. They're not past my fucking knuckles or anything crazy like that. I figured maybe I could roll the wrist part 1-2 times unless that looks trash to roll them.

>> No.15913333
File: 2.35 MB, 900x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the shoes I bought, and before you talk shit, I liked them and thought they went well with the jeans I had on. I was wearing jeans when I tried them on at the store. I could have gotten some of those suede looking loafers but I didn't like the way they looked. These are real leather, not that I guess it fucking matters to most people's eyes. I have a pair of nice black jeans, but I don't think these shoes would look great with black jeans compared to blue jeans.

>> No.15913347

They have this weird shine to them, do t they? Lad, which material are they made out of?
No comment.

>> No.15913366

>No comment

I take it that inherently means something negative?

As for the material of the shirts, the tag says 100% cotton. Not sure why they're so shiny? Guess it's the lightning or something?

>> No.15913407

>I take it that inherently means something negative?
People literally make memes using that kind of shoe and the stereotypical “ugly shoe for clueless people”.
It’s not even a 4chan thing, reddit and Instagram mock them all the time.

>> No.15913415

Welp, I liked it so tough shit. I'm not returning them after I spent like $160 on them. Frankly I'd say "taste" is subjective like some anons in this thread were saying. Some people might think that shoe looks fine. I might see a popular dress shoe and think it looks like trash. I don't think it matters what shoe I had bought, not everyone would have liked it.

>> No.15913423

Hey it's not bad.
Use jeans insteas of khakis, get yourself a decent jacket and see if you like it.

>> No.15913433

I already have a decent jacket that I like, but I live in the south and it'll start warming up pretty soon, so might not even need a jacket in the next couple of months.

>> No.15913457

>Not sure why they're so shiny? Guess it's the lightning or something?
It's because you bought dress shirts when you wanted casual shirts

>> No.15913468
File: 101 KB, 562x804, f852faaf18a404232eb968510abdd788--clarks-desert-boot-desert-boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look i get it, you like the shoes and spend a bit of money on them now we're making you feel bad. I'm sorry to say, but most people will probably find them goofy looking. If you like them and want to keep wearing them then okay, do your thing. I will make suggestions that if you want to consider other shoes, for sneakers consider low top canvas sneakers or if you'd like a little less casual (which you sound like you want) consider a pair of Clark's desert boots.

>> No.15913489

Yeah, see. I don't really like that suede-light colored look. I just like the darker brown and leather look. Maybe the shoes I bought look too weird or formal, but I'm not a big "sneaker" kind of guy. I like tennis shoes, but those are clearly different than sneakers. I've never owned a pair of sneakers in my life. The loafer look appeals to me more.

>Dress shirts

I don't think they're dress shirts. They weren't even in the dress shirt section. They were in the casual shirt area and on a rack with other casual shirts like the plaid shirts and shirts with designs on them. The dress shirts were in a completely different area.

>> No.15913663

By your responses in this thread, it does not seem like you actually want to get into fashion, judging by your lack of research before going out and wasting money on a retarded fit.
Sounds more like you just wanna dress normally, could literally just have exchanged the anime shirts with regular shirts and have been a regular unstylish person like 99% of the people on the street.
>wasting 150 bucks on fucking ecco shoes
Please dont be danish, ecco is for children, welfare clients, and parents.

>> No.15913690
File: 110 KB, 1084x739, 15657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. Stop replacing your lack of personality and self respect with expensive clothing. This is exactly how hypebeasts begin.
fucking loser lmao

>> No.15913886
File: 115 KB, 768x1024, 53D46044-73CD-4C0C-B595-A19ECF05F80D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15913690 U can still be poor and fashionable, anon

>> No.15914491

While the cut of each shirt is a bit dressy, they're obviously not dress shirts by their color.

>> No.15914536

Did you tell your faggot dad to fuck off?

>> No.15914718

>Ecco is for children, welfare client, and parents.

T mister walks around in $1,000 shoes like a jackass. Also I'm wearing my Ecco's right now and they're pretty fucking comfortable and I think they look fine.

>Stop replacing your lack of personality and self respect with expensive clothing

I'll stop when a large majority of the population stops. You act like nobody does this. Why do you think you see boring people walking around in expensive clothing?

>> No.15914804


>> No.15914871

OP not to be mean, but I can tell you are american by the outfit you got. It's fine and will be ok in rural US but you would never see someone in another country/city dress like that. The shoes read as quite dated (old-man core) and $150 is alot. I get you like them, but objectively they look bad (and most people will think so).

>> No.15914881

>You're American

This is why I don't ask for advice on /fa/ because most of you are European and don't even live in America. I do live in a rural town in the south, but I'm not sure you can speak about American fashion when you've never been to America and don't live in America. People in America don't dress like people in Europe. They have completely different clothing designs and ideas. All pics I see people post on /fa/ from Europe look kind of stupid, but the same can be said about the clothes I bought in America and wore.

Nothing wrong with a fucking open button up shirt and jeans/chinos and nice shoes. I see it a lot in America, but of course in Europe? Yeah, in Europe nobody probably dresses like that. But I'm not going to fucking go outside wearing a suit everyday like a jackass.

>> No.15914888

I live in America (in Il), I just moved here from the UK for school. I have been here for 4 years.

>> No.15914891
File: 48 KB, 640x425, 84C71850-C828-4780-A4E7-F3E89530E6E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loafers are old-man core
>$150 is a lot
uneducated poorfag kek

>> No.15914893

Lol in general your parents are the last people you should look to for advice in fashion. Generally the more parents hate it, the more effay it probably is.

>> No.15914896

lol ok op..

>> No.15914901

>uneffay parents

>> No.15914909

Honestly anon you look fine for a normie and you dont look unfuckable like you probably did with anime shirts and stuff. I know this is the tough love board but i can't imagine seeing this fit and thinking it looks genuinely bad

>> No.15914920

>OP not to be mean
You’re underage or a passive bitch
>you would never see someone in another country/city dress like that.
>The shoes read as quite dated (old-man core) and $150 is alot.
Wrong and wrong, povertyslave
>objectively they look bad (and most people will think so).
Objectively, you’re a smooth brain, and most people will know so.

>> No.15914929

copypasta material

>> No.15914931

sad, was trying to help you. if you knew me irl you would know how ridiculous your comment is, just know not to waste money on shoes where the leather has been sun-damaged. i guess that's why poor people stay poor.

>> No.15914969
File: 436 KB, 600x580, 532236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that toebox
>that stitching
>fucking ecco
please be trolling

>> No.15914977

>defensive newfag thinks everyone against him is OP

>> No.15915015


I'm really far away from being a normie, trust me. I just don't dress like a normalfag. But I also feel like I'm a bit too old to be walking around in ripped jeans and anime t-shirts at the age of 28, also maybe girls might find me more attractive if I dressed more like a normalfag instead in anime t-shirts.

I got them at my local Dillard's and they say Ecco on them. You think they're damaged or knock offs? I've never worn or owned a pair of loafers/leather shoes like this so I just picked out a pair that I liked. I must admit they are very comfortable and I've already walked around in them.

>> No.15915021

I'm OP, those other people that responded to you are other anons, not me. Also "If you knew me IRL" alright, bigshot.

>> No.15915024

no theyre legitimate eccos most likely.
Ecco is just a shit brand, and those are particularly ugly.

>> No.15915044

As I said, I never buy loafers or wore these kinds of shoes. I can tell you right now that they had a BUNCH of different brands and shoes at Dillard's but I didn't like the way any of them looked. I've gone past the point of having shoe laces on my shoes. My old shoes were just slip ons without laces and that's why I bought this pair that doesn't have laces either.

If you think these are ugly then you'd hate to see what my other choices would have been. I mean, sure I could have gotten black shoes or a different colored brown shoe, but I didn't want something really light and I didn't want something super dark. I think black loafers look too formal and depressing. Brown looks better to me.

Agree to disagree I guess. I picked them out and I liked them, so whatever. I can tell you right now that these >>15913468 look fucking retarded as shit. I'd rather wear my leather Ecco loafers then those suede tan looking sneakers that one anon posted.

>> No.15915064

just admit you never learned to tie your shoes properly.

>> No.15915084

I can tie my shoes just fine, but laces are a pain and don't even look aesthetically pleasing. Slip ons are the wave of the future and have been for a few years now. Hell, in my town I see plenty of people walking around in slip ons. Call me lazy, that's fine. Don't have to worry about laces or tying shoes or worrying about the laces coming undone and tripping.

>> No.15915097

stop pretending to know fashion

>> No.15915105

I will when the rest of the people on this board stop pretending and get their head out of their asses. You probably don't fashion anymore than the european faggot who thinks he knows what he's talking about and owns $5,000 worth of clothes that look like ass and walks around in $700 shoes and $300 jeans.

>> No.15915114

anon remember, this board is full of teens and early twenty edgelords

I can't find the photos of the /fa/ meetups but these terrible faggots are the guys you are taking advise from.

Learn the colour stuff the guy mentioned above, if your shit looks baggy it will GENERALLY look bad but this might not always be the case. Unfortunately brown shoes/boots are one of the hardest things to get a general wardrobe to fit from what I've learned.

Google brown shoes "x colour" trouser fit to see what you could do

>> No.15915116

why are you here if you dont care about fashion?

>> No.15915119

so many shitty baiters ITT

>> No.15915120

ok lol, except that i'm not a dude and a good pair of shoes is easily worth $700, but those shoes you posted aren't even worth $30, learn how to spend money.

>> No.15915123
File: 59 KB, 960x882, 1596142510326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"good" pair of shoes for 700 bucks

you are such a fucking brainlet oh my christ. Go spend your/daddies money on something worthwhile you fucking cretin

>> No.15915128
File: 896 KB, 800x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unfortunately brown shoes/boots are one of the hardest things to get a general wardrobe to fit from what I've learned.

This is what I found on google. Doesn't seem hard to get it to work with simple blue jeans, but granted I'm not ripped and super attractive.

>I can't find the photos of the /fa/ meetups but these terrible faggots are the guys you are taking advise from.

I've seen the image. They're all edgelords in their early 20's or mid 20's who wear all black and look like Doomers and alcoholics.

Same reason as most people on this board are.

>I'm not a dude

You're either a tranny or a woman, and I wouldn't take fashion advice from either.

>> No.15915146

go ask /r/malefashionadvice

>> No.15915148

OP is a fat autistic kike who has shit taste and thinks he knows everything. Everybody please sage and move on

>> No.15915155

>OP is a fat autistic kike who has shit taste and thinks he knows everything.
>Everyone on this board and in this thread is a fat autistic kike who has shit taste and thinks they know everything.

>> No.15915177
File: 45 KB, 600x300, Autismkike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dresses like the fat kid from Drake and Josh
>Thinks he looks good
Maybe you should listen to your parents after all, anon

>> No.15915208

Some clothes cant cover up your shitty personality. Taking care of yourself and dressing well is all good and has its value but your parents know you.They dont care about what you wear. And even for someone you dont know nice clothes wont be enough unless you don't talk to anyone.

>> No.15915224

>Dad says the pants look stupid
it's not like you're trying to fuck an old man, anyway.

>> No.15915225

>just get your dick wet so you can move on

Unironically not bad advice. I knew so many guys at uni who were still virgins aged 18/19/20 and they were OBSESSED with losing their v card. All they would talk about is sex, or bring any conversation back to sex.

Then one by one they eventually did. After that they chilled the fuck out and stopped constantly talking about sex and became fun guys to hang around with.

>> No.15915317
File: 394 KB, 2000x1500, the-article-parallax-image-mobile-cordovan-shoecare-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP there's nothing wrong with loafers, it's that the loafers you bought are shitty orthopedic shoes with a chunky shape, bad color, disgusting accent stitching, and terrible build quality. Something along the lines of pic related would have been a much better choice. Stop getting defensive and acting like everyone that responds to you is your image of an overly fashion obsessed person, they are just trying to help you. You do not have to spend a ton of money to look good but there are good ways and bad ways to spend your money. You spend your money poorly on ugly shoes, pants that are too long, and shirts that are too saturated in color to go with the rest of your outfit(though that's a relatively minor issue). The only thing you bought that actually needs to go are the shoes, the rest is serviceable.

>> No.15915429


>> No.15915440

You can't help anyone you empty carton of eggs

>> No.15915444

loafers are a larp. wearing loafers all the time makes you look like a fedora cringelord. dress your age and just wear nice leather sneakers or some shit

>> No.15915445
File: 475 KB, 500x313, autismo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15915490

Try the shirt you already removed the tag from with the shoes and blue jeans.

>> No.15915555

>anything I can't/don't think I can pull off is a larp
Not everyone is you nor does everyone share your sense of style, some people do pull them off quite well.

>> No.15915588

no lol

>> No.15915672
File: 65 KB, 500x750, 1584301067326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a low effort post

>> No.15915847
File: 177 KB, 1363x1129, confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op goes on fashion board
>"why does everyone say my outfit is shit?"
>everyone on board explains why the outfit is shit and gives op good advice on how to dress better
>op argues and says that every piece of advice is actually wrong
>"fuck you faggots my outfit is great!! you don't know anything about fashion!!"

what is the point of this op?? why are you posting here if you don't want advice? do you just want people to cheer and say "no it's everyone who is wrong?" people are trying to help you

>> No.15915854
File: 937 KB, 1200x1200, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these Ecco bad?

>> No.15915859

no, those are decent

>> No.15915866


these are good (way better than the slip ons). they look pretty similar to the clarks desert boots that someone else posted in the thread (and then op shat on), only they are in dark brown leather instead of lighter suede like the clarks.

>> No.15915873


>> No.15915903


i haven't seen op actually consider a single piece of advice in this entire thread kek, just ignores it and says why he's already right

if op wants to ignore everyone's advice that doesn't make a difference to me-- i'm not the one who's asking for advice here

>> No.15915963

This is the best advice in the thread. Having closed tailored is later stages. Will take years not days. You’ve taken a good first step and you look so much better than anime t shirts ever could. Don’t overcomplicate things. Buy two plain Uniqlo sweatshirts in navy, black or grey, buy some Hanes t shirts in black, maybe a pair of chinos in Navy or a pair of black Jeans. See where you’re at, keep lurking here and be patient.

Sounds good that you’re trying to lose weight but you’re doing great OP. Gaming and anime are genuinely tenable hobbies but don’t make it become your entire identity, try something like mountain biking or running?

I haven’t run for ten years and I’m in the middle of couch to 5k, the first day fucking killed me. Is nice to focus on something else. GL

>> No.15915998

Also ignore all the colour theory bs, just stick to buying clothes that are black, navy, grey or white (if t shirts). The shirts you copped aren’t dreadful, but the material is a bit shiny. Everything you buy at the beginning should be cotton only. Generally avoid polyester. Buy a pair of trainers that are not loud, Stan smiths (white leather) were a meme here 10 years ago but legitimately are solid and go with most things.

>> No.15916003

what a fag

>> No.15916004

>that doesn't make a difference to me-- i'm not the one who's asking for advice here
>takes it personally and makes it abkht himself
lol wtf kek fag

>> No.15916018

this ain’t about you lmaoo

>> No.15916023

if youre gonna samefag, at least change up your writing style

>> No.15916028
File: 51 KB, 640x288, 8EB933F9-B3F9-44C9-855B-FB6AF9847F74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Suck my cock.

>> No.15916031

Gladly, sir

>> No.15916080

OP why are you doing this lmao, just go watch a movie or something

>> No.15916083

>everyone against me is OP

>> No.15916095

how fat are you?

>> No.15916114
File: 571 KB, 759x661, 1580663419453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15916117

go watch a movie

>> No.15916125

>mfw i knew the loafers would be ABSOLUTE SHIT tier

imagine spending 160 bucks on those. what are you a 75 year old black guy?

>> No.15916131


>> No.15916143

Keep licking your wounds

>> No.15916148

A Florida Man

>> No.15916209

Anon I’m trying to help you and I’m being honest - the fit is fine and what you bought it fine, they will look good and normcore, much better than anime shirts.

But the reason why they don’t look good right now is because of your weight. Fat people struggle a lot more to look good in clothes so right now you should focus on losing weight and once you do you can get these clothes tailored or buy new ones you will look much better.

>> No.15916211

The type of look youre going for OP only works if you arent fat

>> No.15916246
File: 427 KB, 828x1019, 484312B3-4A1D-46D9-B79E-C149A080F448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


disagree. jonah hill can be fat and still wear a good fit and look good, but i’ve seen skinny guys wearing slip on loafers, jeans, and shiny dress shirts over a white t shirt like op and it wasn’t a good fit regardless of weight

(tried to find a pic of jonah closer to slightly more formal style that op wants instead of a normal jonah street wear look)

>> No.15916249

jonah hill is the anomaly, and should be a style icon for all fat guys.
he dresses well for his physique, OP does not.
someone else in the thread already encouraged op to get some inspo from JH.

>> No.15916253

The problem is you are dressing fa to please other people and not yourself bro

>> No.15916862

Is it too late to get a refund?

>> No.15917317

i think they're cool

>> No.15917338
File: 604 KB, 1320x3200, anime girl teaches you to be healthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop eating garbage and follow this to the letter. I was about as fat or fatter than you (6'1", 210 lbs) and now I just run 30 minutes 3 times a week with no other exercise besides some light lifting and I'm down to 150 lbs. When you run wear your anime shirts to stunt on normies and boost your confidence.

>> No.15917626

>28 year old virgin weeb
The problem was obvious from the start anon - you were supposed to grow out of watching cartoons at the very latest 6 years ago

>> No.15917748

i have no idea how you people can tell if OP is fat or not from those images. its probably just the retarded /fa/ thing where they always assume its fat

>> No.15917758

he has a paunch you retard

>> No.15917784
File: 39 KB, 500x370, 060A633C-07BE-482A-8E06-9A3BF53105F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think they look good, then that’s all that matters. Proud of you for dressing well. It’s a first step of the new you. It will be okay :)

>> No.15917796

He is pretty obviously fat from that image, you can be fat without being 300 lbs and morbidly obese. Losing weight is literally one of the best things you can do for yourself, the facial gains alone can make a pretty extreme difference.

>> No.15917799

honestly man loafers are just nasty imo. especially these, there's too much going on with the stitching, and the color is too...idk how to word this tan and boring, just looks like old man shoes to me.

>> No.15917859

how about don't base your self worth on your parent's approval. your'e a grown man. just live your own life to make yourself proud

>> No.15917872

this this this

>> No.15917884

Why does 100% of girls only like confident strong guys and not guys like OP?
I mean, men usually like a great variety of women, from shy ones to strong ones. Why are women so limited about their preferences? Why can't they like guys that don't exactly "fit in"?

I honestly think that confidence is an overrated trait, and that most people confuse "confidence" with "overconfidence".

>> No.15917890

bro please

take those hideous loafers back and just buy some katahdins

>> No.15917902
File: 57 KB, 680x680, 1545688695407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should tell you this so I will. Fashion only matters if you already have a decent body. If you're even a little chubby or really underweight you will look shit in everything.

>> No.15918075

define really underweight
a friend wants to know

>> No.15918093

literally the worst possible choice of shoes
these are truly grotesque

>> No.15918095

absolute shite
should've gotten blue, uni stripe, white, pink, light yellow but not these spic tier bold colours, these shirts literally go well with nothing if you're trying to dress better

>> No.15918104

>Welp, I liked it so tough shit. I'm not returning them after I spent like $160 on them.
could've gotten some beautiful loakes for a wee bit more right now, made in England
do more research before you go buy clothes next time you clearly need it

>> No.15918118

>Imagine not having an effay pops passing you down kino high quality clothes that literally last more than a lifetime

>> No.15918172
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The fact that you're feeling good about branching out is good, but there's a lot wrong here. Looks like you went to Kohl's and grabbed whatever.
>don't wear a black button down unless you're a waiter
>necklace is 2005 aeropostale goofy shit
>those wrinkly khakis don't match your shirt and should be reserved for fat used car dealers
Also goes without saying, but lose weight. Consider this your first stumble on a journey of self improvement. Get some cheap basics until you're at a non tubby weight and in the meantime read the fucking sticky. There are all sorts of infographics that are outdated by current /fa/ standards but will be invaluable to you in growing out of your manchild state.

>> No.15918588
File: 1.46 MB, 3088x2316, 1678679D-4BFE-4F88-B369-C56E5713FA03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dad sounds like a fag, a lot of these anons giving advice are fags too. If you are at least tying to look good it’s a start, and you should be proud of that. Listen to the anons, but don’t do everything they say, you’ll find what works for you. You made good choices in type of clothes, now it’s just down to specifics of color, matching, fabric, fit cut ect ect. You’ll make it anon

>> No.15919031

don't listen to these retarded excentric faggots

take the SEX pill

>> No.15919210

it's okay anon, don't feel bad! i think you look great in your new clothes! do what makes you happy :)

>> No.15919406


>> No.15919500

Don't listen to ur dad he probably wears cargo denim shorts and a tucked in polo

>> No.15919886

Just because it is expensive doesn't mean it will look good if you choose ugly pieces and have bad combination.

If you really want to improve your fashion I would recommend practicing with basic outfits from hm or nameless brands and stay away from big brands until you know what looks good.

>> No.15919943

>This is why I don't ask for advice on /fa/
OP is just acting like a little bitch at this point.

>> No.15919970

larp alert

>> No.15921295

OP thinks dudes in Europe wear suits on the streets

>> No.15921307

>he probably wears cargo denim shorts and a tucked in polo
based dad

>> No.15921338

>a mix of teas/prep on Sunday’s
What did she mean by this?

>> No.15921555

What the fuck do you mean "question mark" are you retarded

>> No.15921571

Just fucking wash them, like you should everything bought new.

>> No.15921585
File: 92 KB, 1080x980, 1599658676284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon picked cheap polyester and colours only worn by basketball americans
What you should have bought:
>a heavier weight cotton shirts
>colours: White/creme, light blue, light grey, something between that's stripped and maybe some earthly colour like beige to go with khaki pants
Afterwards you spend some money on shoes, belts and bags (brown, black is too hash).
Now you spend a shitton of money and till look trashy.

Jesus Maria und Josef, those tipps are out of fashion since the late 90s.

>> No.15921589

You clearly do not have taste, you first need to aquiere one. Those shoes make you also look even smaller, just so you know, as you said you are already a manlet. Additionally they look like you are dressing up in your fathers old cloths.

>> No.15921591
File: 28 KB, 492x404, 41A8zPpQoTL._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just like the darker brown and leather look. Maybe the shoes I bought look too weird or formal, but I'm not a big "sneaker" kind of guy.
I just like the darker brown and leather look. Maybe the shoes I bought look too weird or formal, but I'm not a big "sneaker" kind of guy.

You should have bought casual oxfords. Not that monstrosity. They are not "formal", they are ridiculous.

>> No.15921601
File: 20 KB, 598x554, 1600635851218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't have to worry about laces or tying shoes or worrying about the laces coming undone and tripping.
Just wear flipflops like the tard you are.

>> No.15921606

You have to be a mongoloid. You can get actual handmade to fit your individual foot shoes for cheaper than that. Stop buying branded and expansive trash, woman. That's not quality.

>> No.15921610
File: 59 KB, 1024x768, 1600683323210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just killed a man.

>> No.15921684

Looks good
Don’t buy that look up prada or comme des garçons on eBay and sort by new and usually there will be a few things that fit and are in price range
Get something with laces
Yeah this it would only fly in the south (where you are)
Chukkas are disgusting

>> No.15921954

>$150 loafers

>> No.15921974

>fashion will fix being a virgin weeb
just fucking lol

>> No.15922400

Pussy. Retard. Your parents dont know shit about fashion nigger, if they did you would have grown up with it. Why did you expect theyd notice or know? Its good that you felt more confident but you are still reliant on outside validation for you to not crumble. Get your shit together.

>> No.15922629

Even if that is true what is he supposed to do? Just not even try?

>> No.15922854

Hey bro I get where you're coming from, I'd be a little hurt too especially given the circumstances, but if you feel good with your new clothes then just keep wearing them and keep developing your own style. Definitely take them to a tailor and see if they'd recommend any alterations because with smarter clothes like chinos and button ups, it's absolutely worth the $20 to have a tailor make it fit you perfectly and in a way that flatters your physique. The honest truth here is that your parents probably have shit taste in fashion considering Pops didn't say anything about the loafers. Don't try to style yourself to please them, they grew up on homemade clothes with shitty patterns.

>> No.15922889

Yes but if you can afford it there's no need to hyper-optimize for quality alone, other things factor into your decision like 'this shoe has a particular niche design that I like' - do you think I can get a cobbler to make me some Jil Sander oxfords with a little chain around the ankle? I'm not saying it really makes a difference to anyone but me, but it comes down to paying 90% for 10% - same as any other thing people are into.

>> No.15922926

That wouldn't be "a good pair" but "the perfect pair". If you just start your journey and are just looking for a modest and good pair of leather shoes, you don't need to spend more than 150-200€ max. First of all you will have no idea what to look for in more expansive shoes and further you aren't as settled in you style. Last but not least those 10% aren't really visible to normies to begin with. Laughting about saying that 150$ is expansive for what OP got, is retarded ego sheniniganz just because you pay a premium on niche products. Humble yourself.

>> No.15922934

I'm not sure what you're trying to say, $150 is expensive for those retarded loafers (they literally have sun damage). I'm not saying OP should spend more than that.. He could get a nice pair of shoes for $100, my favorite pair of shoes (i.e. go with most outfits etc.) are $150. It really isn't about how much you spend and that goes both ways. If you can spend more and it isn't a big deal then something you like slightly more, or fills a gap, is worth it.

>> No.15922938

This is what I originally said, OP just got mad because I said he spent his money poorly.

>> No.15922975

>sometimes it just feels nice to have people close to you give you compliments when you try to improve yourself. It does wonders for someone's self esteem/confidence.

Sure thing, but you can't allow all your self esteem/confidence to solely come from a certain place or certain people, because as soon as that place/people are taken away or they change their mind, you're going to be crushed like a child. Your self esteem/confidence should come from within yourself/self-love that you have and then you can also enjoy compliments/nice things from outside sources. My honest advice would be to find a therapist and read self-improvement books, meditate, etc. Learn to be comfortable in your own skin because you're the only one that has to live with yourself all of the time.