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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.67 MB, 1280x2780, 3C59325A-BB39-44B5-8A48-277FCAE36A7F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15907138 No.15907138 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many women literal feeders these days?

Last >>15879346

>post thinspo
>stay hydrated
>We do NOT advocate for anorexia or other eating disorders


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

BMR and TDEE Calculator
>allows you to pick multiple ways of calculating your BMR (the most commonly used one is outdated and inaccurate)
>has options for fasting
>body fat percentage

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Be rude to people and call them a fat ass.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Contemplate advancing cosmetic science in your free time so all humans can look like anything and be gods

Also post thinspo pics, your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc.

>> No.15907818
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Friendly reminder that healthy women prefer being fatter and are turned on by men feeding them.

If you are not attracted a woman who is fatter than average AND she is pear shaped, you are either low test, a pedo, gay, or a combination of these.

>> No.15908044

something something maternal instincts but don't wanna have kids

>> No.15908053

fuck. I only like stick girls with armpit hair.

>> No.15908165
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>> No.15908290

There's so many fat women nowadays, it's fucking sad

>> No.15908506

Have you ever seen a fat girl try to run? It's fucking hilarious.

>> No.15908865
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Take the ESCALADE pill

>> No.15908871
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balls, nuts perhaps

>> No.15908872
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>> No.15908873
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going to shit so much that I look like this fr

>> No.15908877
File: 379 KB, 504x499, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the pancake nigga pill and save yourself from looking like a gay dweeb

>> No.15908885
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quads says you will all bulk and become swagged out big niggas

>> No.15908888
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>> No.15908908
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Reminder to never fuck a woman with a nasty body if you’re ever /fit/ or skinny. This will only validate their shitty behaviors and believe that even with their disgusting body they can bag a hot dude

>> No.15908984

Where is your body hair?

>> No.15909005


>> No.15909021

Great shitposting

>> No.15909087
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Bros I wanna eat pizza pops. Should I do it?

>> No.15909205

>you are either low test, a pedo, gay, or a combination of these.
It's a fair price to pay so that I can still say fat women are disgusting.

>> No.15909634


>> No.15909761
File: 52 KB, 540x960, 1610669734957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only YOU can help lower obesity rates by getting skinny and shaming fatties into doing the same.

>> No.15909831

U gay nigga

>> No.15909833

this looks seriously unhealthy

>> No.15909835
File: 1.73 MB, 344x344, tumblr_d2ac72cc04ce844b48b1efc8ae19664b_82872e4f_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo shoo, bloatlords. Waddle back to /fit/.

>> No.15909882

Im actually attracted to fat girls but only fuck and date skinny girls out of PRINCIPLE. I do not condone gluttony for it is a sin.

>> No.15909896

Based, I have a skinny gf but I have a fat feedee slampig that I like to feed and degrade.

>> No.15909903
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>> No.15909978
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Great pic but I found a higher res version.

>> No.15910126
File: 1.87 MB, 406x720, jiggly.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat is gross

>> No.15910152

i look exactly like this, should i put on a bit of muscle mass?

>> No.15910157

did he cum on his tummy

>> No.15910179

Oh I didn't even notice that at first.
To be fair I would cum on his tummy too.

>> No.15910198
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>We do NOT advocate for anorexia or other eating disorders
why are these OPs always trying to save face?

>> No.15910289
File: 9 KB, 800x533, 800px-Fat_Pride_Flag_(proposed).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're Fat
Think of that
Get used to it

>> No.15910337

>you will never be anorexic/bulimic
whats even the point anymore

>> No.15910597

takis/limon chips are my trigger foods and guess WHAT i didnt binge, i feel amazing - i HIGHLY recommend spending the extra 30 seconds counting the chips, placing them on a plate and walking away from the bag

otherwise id usually eat till im sick

>> No.15910599

forreal lmao

>> No.15910607
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>> No.15910620

Just realized I didn't eat today, pretty weird feeling knowing I didn't even notice

>> No.15910621

nope, one on right is unhealthy as fuck, only her face looks good. you people are deluded.

>> No.15910637
File: 1.88 MB, 1500x1500, 1593464234706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start 2020 at 210 pounds
>get down to 170 after many months of diet and exercise
>put back 30 pounds, weigh in at 200
>lose weight again, get down to 180
>it's January and I'm 200 again
fuck me. I've been back on my diet the last 3 days and I just want this to be the time I can actually keep the weight off. I will be starting a job soon so that will help to keep me busy during the day. it's hard to diet as a NEET because the temptation to just eat chips and watch TV is there 24/7. Once I have money again I'm probably gonna start smoking again once I have money so that'll help keep cravings away.

>> No.15910643


>> No.15910708
File: 77 KB, 800x1000, 1611060989492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't speak for this OP but if you have an eating disorder, it doesn't matter how thin you get because you'll never actually be happy with your body.
Also there are some sentient tubs of lard that to try to take down any thinspo content they see by throwing temper tantrums about how it promotes mental illness and unhealthy beauty standards and won't somebody please think of the children, etc.

>> No.15910772

Holy shit what an absolute shit thread. No wonder/thinspo/'s dead nowadays. Someone should make another thread and post actual THINSPO

>> No.15910782

left would be quite healthy for pregnancy but continued long-term it could be a concern, as would the right, she went too far in the other direction, unless she's sucking in for the photo. i certainly would either way

>> No.15910865

you are so dumb that is so bad for you

>> No.15910961

Is it cringe to skinnymaxx at age 24?

>> No.15910985

you're just barely under the deadline for it to not be cringe congrats

>> No.15911305

>le gay death meme

>> No.15911322

I was reading a book about medical law for uni and the author makes the argument that in countries that have a public healthcare system (like the UK, where she is from) the average citizen has the ethical duty of not making lifestyle choices that may lead to an excessive use of healthcare. She specifically mentions obesity and pretty much does all but suggest the imposition of extra taxation for fat people to finance their re-education programs and the extra costs that they cause to the state.
I thought you guys would like to know of this tidbit, specially the American friends, who are likely to see the estabilishment of some public healthcare service under the incumbent presidency.

>> No.15911541
File: 296 KB, 1080x783, 20210130_155327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a twink tbqh

>> No.15911559

what's skinnymaxx?

>> No.15911632

I have been lifting consistently 4x a week (to get that Travis Bickle physique) but snapped my elbow tendons. So it's no more sport for me for the unforseeable future. But I try to make the best of it and wanted to lose fat to become /thinspo/. How do I do it best without losing the little muscle I have?

>> No.15911639

You will lose muscle when you stop eating but it’s easy to gain back after losing the weight

>> No.15911652

>when you stop eating
H-hey, wait a minute. I thought about eating less, not stopping altogether. So far I am eating "satiating foods", so stuff which I know I can't eat much off because they make me feel full in record time.
It is 15:40 here and so far I've eaten 1 banana, 3 eggs, 200g of quark and, please forgive me, 100g cookies. Not feeling too hungry right now, but I got around 8 more hours of awake time to go, so I estimate I'll eat another 200g quark today, maybe one more banana too.

>> No.15911686
File: 260 KB, 851x634, FB_IMG_16115030456030339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going anon, I believe in you

>> No.15911690


>> No.15911769

im so goddamn lonely

>> No.15911813

You and me both

>> No.15911858

this man knows

>> No.15911873

yeah but im searching for a twink myself nigga

>> No.15911882

Is it true that as a man you just need low bodyfat to have visible abs or do you need to train abs too?

>> No.15911914

ugh sometimes I wish I was gay so I can just get a bf from 4chan.

>> No.15912164

Today I ate:

Black coffee (5 kcal)
50g of müsli, with 100g onions milk (~150 kcal)
1 banana ~100g (90 kcal)

80g whole wheat pasta (~300 kcal)
1 tbsp of a homemade cheeseless pesto sauce (~90 kcal)

Mix of frozen peas and carrots (~200 kcal)
100g tofu (roasted in the oven with ~1 tsp oil) (~120 kcal)
125g rice (~200 kcal)
some onions sauce (??? i didn't measure)

Apple (I didn't measure but it was probably 100 kcal or so)

In total was around 1300 kcal. That's 400 below my tdee so I'm pretty happy with that. It's 100 more kcal than I had been eating per day, but I think 1200 was too low for me. I should still be able to get to the lowest possible non-underweight bmi pretty easily.

>> No.15912165

Oh i didnt mean to reply to anyone my b

>> No.15912183

I used to go to professionals, worked out and listened to my trainer's advice on diet, and went to /fit/
but found out all of them lied!

1. I need to eat less than 1300 cal a day for weight loss, I'm a short female and found that eating 1000 cal is satisfying enough for me, all the health and nutritionist advice me not to do that, but then I would maybe lose 1kg max a month, sometimes not even move a scale (which was discouraging since it takes a lot of work to keep a food diary and all the hours spent walking, cycling, etc. for little to no progress)

2. If I work out, walk, or cycle does not mean I can afford myself a few extra calories, I must stick to my calorie budget no matter what

3. OMAD is a lie, it is just a glorified binge eating disorder!!!
eat 3 small meals a day and don't skip breakfast, or else your whole office/class will hear your tummy rumbling

4. this might be just my thing but cutting out all fruits and diet soda helped me get rid of the desire to eat sweets and snacks.

also since the last Thinspo tread, I lost 3kg (in maybe 3 weeks), and I'm finally under 70 kg!!!
I am currently at 69,3kg and kind of got slowed down because of the period, but hope to hit 68 any day now.
My goal weight is 62 which will put me in normal BMI

>> No.15912385

biggest problem with implementing any sort of taxation for unhealthy behaviors is that corporations benefit from continually increased consumption of whatever product drives the unhealthy behavior, which lines the pockets of everyone financially invested in that consumption. a tax to sway people away from obesity, alcoholism, etc. would be anti-profits

>> No.15912461

looks perfect to me, did the fashion industry fuck my brain?

>> No.15912602

Do a protein-sparing modified fast (PSMF)

>> No.15912612
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is 1200 calories a day for a 6'1 male a little too low? Obviously I'll increase my calories once I hit my target weight but I have about 40 pounds or so to lose. On the other hand I don't want to eat so little that I get malnourished (I do take a variety of vitamins and supplements if that's relevant)

>> No.15912616

Purely out of curiosity, how tall are you exactly??

>> No.15912619

If it did, it did mine too

>> No.15912668
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I wanna be the twink tbqh

>> No.15912744

Yeah, but the proposal wasn’t an product tax like most people advocate. As far as I understood, it was an increase in income tax somehow. Would need to have a service that routinely checks the condition of the people, but I guess the fatties can pay for that as well.

>> No.15912823


>> No.15913230

1200 is just fine, especially if you're taking vitamins. You can even go lower if you focus on your protein.

>> No.15913307
File: 137 KB, 750x738, 20210130_223140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

42 hours into a water fast (starting from several hours after the last meal) and I've actually gained half a pound. I guess I'll have a more accurate gauge of my weight in the morning after 50+ hours, but if that isn't frustrating and anxiety inducing as hell.

>> No.15913325

Based. But you should have attached a highgrade braphog to accompany the post imo.

>> No.15913818
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Do you guys know this weird lower stomach fat pouch woman have? I have that as a man. How the fuck do I get rid of it?

>> No.15913823
File: 311 KB, 1371x1503, IMG_20210131_112337~01~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I attached a picture and I hate pictures of myself. You can clearly see it bulging out. Please help.

>> No.15913826

i hate women so i couldnt care less about what they prefer, think, want or feel

>> No.15913856

Are you retard ? Just go running and do abs

>> No.15913857

158 cm or 5'2

>> No.15913864

just lose fat, your body tends to store more fat there compared to other areas. spot reduction isn't a thing so your only options are exercising and a healthier diet, avoid foods that bloat your belly and eat a lot of fiber

>> No.15913915
File: 487 KB, 678x523, photomode_01012021_151025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you retard ?
>Just go running and do abs
I hate running so I won't do it, but I can implement some abs work but I've read you don't even need to exercise abs to have visible abs, just low bodyfat percentage.
I also perfected my food I think, so it would be hard for me to change my diet. I eat only healthy foods with low calories. But I am bloated very often, but I don't know why, so I can't really change that.
>eat a lot of fiber
Never cared about that, thanks for the info.

>> No.15913922

But if you know for a fact you only drank water the weight you gained can be nothing but waterweight.

>> No.15913924

>Das Merkzeichen B im Schwerbehindertenausweis wird erteilt, wenn als Folge der Behinderung bei der Benutzung öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel eine ständige Begleitung nötig ist.

the fuck is your issue

>> No.15913941

i'm sorry but cardio is your best friend if you want to lose fat and tone up, otherwise you'll not look good. the other option is lifting weights but i doubt you'd want to since you're here

>> No.15913996

I know. The fear is that my body is somehow not burning fat, even though that's impossible. I woke up to go to the bathroom and I weigh the same as when I started. I feel like shit, physically.

>> No.15914110
File: 984 KB, 698x1024, 50E1E287-4880-4666-A489-AE362DD0D1FE-fourchan-pol-242596235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.15914122

this image only makes me horny and lonely

>> No.15915035


>> No.15915194

yesthx & bumppp

>> No.15915213

brapettes are only hot when they have a skinny person's face

>> No.15915560

And hands. There's nothing less appealing than those loaf-of-bread hands and sausage fingers.

>> No.15915932
File: 126 KB, 500x673, tumblr_lpm4fq2GR21r0avego1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15915936

thats disgusting, eat a sandwich for christs sake. you people are ridiculous

>> No.15916243

Literally just burn more fat. If you're doing that consistently then you're on the right track.

>I hate running so I won't do it
Stop being a pussy holy shit

>> No.15916250

she doesn't even look emaciated, fuck off landwhale

>> No.15916321
File: 115 KB, 716x716, tumblr_pd0md8A2k61xbep8ho9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry. If it's any condolence, that's how I feel all the time. Every day is another trudge though life under the crushing weight of tfw no bf. Fasting, cardio, and posting cute skinny boys is the only way I know how to cope.

>> No.15916386

Cute pic

>> No.15916482

absolute tub of lard detected

>> No.15916527

same. I will probably grow too old one day to have a twink beside me

>> No.15916572

Have this, I dropped to 18bmi and still had it, you won't get rid of it but you will reduce it by losing weight. I recommend doing an exercises that work your hip flexors too this will help balance it out

>> No.15916704
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>> No.15916772

tired of being fat ugly balding. i just want to be ugly balding

>> No.15916920
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>> No.15916929

Women loathe each other and will actively sabotage their friends and acquaintances if given the opportunity, so they all push each other to be fat

>> No.15917622

didn't get my period this month, took 2 pregnancy tests and both came out negative. did i overdo it?

>> No.15917639

If you're a guy it's normal

>> No.15917675
File: 164 KB, 1000x661, 1593556194607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute <3

Are you underweight?

>> No.15917702

Something in between is ideal.

>> No.15917777

how fucking 16 year olds can't carry their girlfriends ffs

>> No.15917889

just slightly above underweight - 160 cm 48 kg

>> No.15917987

The names should have made me suspicious, but I laughed in the end so I forgive you anon :)

>> No.15918487
File: 1.25 MB, 1078x1666, 3ec401d3b9f3bba1b24955e5567395a80c5e0b006548f9422af7d51b8f7263ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Strongly attracted to fat girls
>Dating a skinny gf
>Encourage her to eat as much high calorie food
>She's slowly gaining a bit of extra weight
>Get rock hard seeing her tits and belly getting bigger
Thin girls are for faggots in denial

>> No.15918995

Holy shit they give you a retard card in germany AHAHAHAH

>> No.15919042


>> No.15919049

you will dump her after all

>> No.15919060

doubt you even have a gf

>> No.15919087

been more attentive to what I eat since the new year and have also started running 3x a week + the general daily pushups / chin ups / stretching.

but it all just seems to be making very little difference.

feels quite a bit miserable to put effort in towards something and have minuscule results.

best i've been is when i've been alternate day fasting but it's such a pain in the ass when seeing friends or spending time with family

really just wanted to verbalize what i've been feeling

>> No.15919097

I will have sex with every thin person in this thread

>> No.15919107
File: 57 KB, 686x526, 090 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also weigh 54kg at 176cm. All natural and i don't even have to restrict myself from eating

>> No.15919185

don't burn out anon, just restrict and ease into it

>> No.15919938


>> No.15919946

is this real?

>> No.15919948

Started eating omad on a wfpb diet. Losing about a pound a day, feeling good. Going to participate in lent, planning on fasting as long as I can, break the fast with a small veggie meal, and then fast again for the whole month. Fasting is great, the longest I've gone is 14 days. Lent is coming up, fast with me.

>> No.15919954


>> No.15919957

I'll be fasting on Fridays during lent!

>> No.15920003

Well done! I have found 1 and 4 to be true for me too. female, 5'4.

Although I suspect increasing muscle mass would make a relatively significant difference to TDEE for me, if I could be motivated to do it.

>> No.15920010

>I can't speak for this OP but if you have an eating disorder, it doesn't matter how thin you get because you'll never actually be happy with your body.
Had an ED, can confirm.

>> No.15920037

>Why are so many women literal feeders these days?
Because food reminds them of being a child and they miss their mothers and are lonely because of this plannedemic.
Just tell her you love her and grab her tits and make her your bitch.
She just needs love.
Feed her your cock the next time she goes to the fridge for ice cream.
Intercept her and pull out your cremesicle.
Then make her do squats on it to lose the weight.
Slap her ass and help her if she gets fatigued.
A good coach can get her addicted to training.

>> No.15920085

>a pedo
I prefer to call myself a cunnyseur

>> No.15920104
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How big is it?

>> No.15920378
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>> No.15920413
File: 35 KB, 765x758, 3ubW8hY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19.6 BMI
>still a pudgy bloated face
am i just ugly or will it get better

>> No.15920414

Thanks, I hope to lurk her a while just to keep updating every couple of weeks on my progress,
wish you all the strength for getting in shape

>> No.15920431

Holy shit this is one of my irrational fears like I sometimes think that I will lose all the extra weight but still look fat like there is now air instead of fat holding my chubby shape
I just hope one day when I lose weight to see a normal-looking person in the mirror

>> No.15920452

lucky, I eat when I'm bored or when I had shiny food I want to eat something that is more delicious so I overeat

>> No.15920520
File: 199 KB, 694x1080, 1608052349016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right

>> No.15920525

post face

>> No.15920533
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>> No.15920550
File: 223 KB, 1242x1612, 20210123_123902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't be too fat

>> No.15920567

Post body

>> No.15920629

Its me again. Haven't been thinking about thinspo stuff for a long time so ii am still 59-60kg/190cm. I wanna drop maybe 5kg, but i think i need a diet for that

>> No.15920701

>Its me again.
Ma'am this imageboard is anonymous.

>> No.15921065

I want my head to be crushed between those thighs...

>> No.15921125

normally I aint into fat chicks but I would love to poke this boobic the braphog

>> No.15921663
File: 199 KB, 768x1024, oy_HZNq1a78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15921700

just finished a fast and would have kept going, but apparently, 14 days before the start of your perio you should be eating progesterone enhancing food and shouldn't be fasting. Just fyi future fertility preservation knowledge if it helps anyone else.

I would love to fast after though, like starting on lent seems ideal.

>> No.15921772

I want to bury my face there...

>> No.15921958

I heard cows produced a lot of emissions. So this thing should be put down

>> No.15922465

is the thing about how eating only once per day causes more fat to be stored away real or is it one of the many cases of fatty cope? will you be fine as long as you stick to your calorie intake?

>> No.15922545

Doing my regular update because you guys are the only people I can really talk to about this shit
6'2", just hit 190, started at 220. Fit into my old jeans again, still have about 20 pounds before I'm anywhere near comfortable. Last time I posted I could just barely make out my jawline after it being MIA for about a year, now it's there but not defined at all.
Started working out, 30 minutes every other day. I'm starting to feel really good, honestly. I still really do have a long way to go, but I finally feel like I can do it

>> No.15922599

Keep up the good work anon!

>> No.15922647

are those panties supposed to look like the top of a smuckers bottle?

>> No.15922680


that's what all of you retards get for encouraging and celebrating "thiccness"

enjoy chasing after >250lbs women soon on tinder, who will be considered 10/10 for weighing less than 500lbs

>> No.15922687

You just gave me huge dejavu with the recycled comment

>> No.15922716

only looks good in cropped pictures
irl this looks extremely lanky and shit
source: im 6'1 and 135lbs

>> No.15922804

just keep pushing, and keep us updated
you are doing amazing!

>> No.15922841
File: 67 KB, 600x400, 708NJ76WYUQl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros can you recommend low calorie but filling foods? I'm not like other anons here in a sense that I can just eat nothing. So far my favorites are eggs and quark. I eat 3 eggs and like 100g of quark for breakfast and I'm good for the next >6 hours. But as you can imagine, it's getting a bit tiresome. Also, do you guys do fat burning exercises at home and if yes, which ones? Also coffee, good or bad? To be honest those coffee drinkers act like cultists but I found out coffee somewhat suppresses my hunger. But my teeth and gums are already all kinds of fucked up and I heard they damage those.
I would be happy if you respond and if you need any more info I'll gladly answer.
Pic related shows my dream body. I love this movie so much I even bought a repro the jacket he wears.

>> No.15922847
File: 64 KB, 500x746, 0cc6470884d6649657ba772926984850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Travispost for motivation, I guess.

>> No.15923136

I love those tunas that have mixed vegetable in the can and I drop it on some salad, it's delicious, filling, and quick, about 360/400 cal
I eat it as a lunch at work but it can also be a light dinner

>> No.15923180

cope. starvation mode is a myth, calories are all that matter for total weight loss; but i've seen conflicting evidence for whether various forms of intermittent fasting such as OMAD, 16:8, 23:1 etc. are more or less beneficial for overall *fat* loss. i'm able to control myself on multiple small meals a day breakfast lunch dinner and snacks, but i also exercise regularly (upwards of ~1000 cals a day) so my body uses the energy. i'm of the opinion that it really comes down to individual psychology whether it's best for someone to OMAD or graze on 100 cals an hour depending on their preference for large filling meals or light moment to moment snacks + level of activity

no, you don't especially have to go hungry to lose weight, unless you are at the point of poverty with no one to support you in eating well, but LARPing as too poor or too busy to eat for a while can change your mindset to avoid prioritizing food. notice celebs do that method to get into character both physically and mentally (Christian Bale, Joaquin Phoenix, Jake Gyllenhaal etc. all played mentally ill people and otherwise they tend to lose weight for castaway and POW-style roles)

>> No.15923188


>> No.15923238
File: 104 KB, 1500x1000, 1612068824902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an interesting phrase...

>> No.15923287
File: 196 KB, 960x960, tumblr_p1uayf63Nq1uvac48o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything with lots of protein is filling. Protein shakes are my go-to, I try to have at least one a day. I eat a lot of meat, fish, tofu, egg whites, etc. Lots of protein also preserves muscle mass. Also avoid carbs, especially sweets. They spike your blood sugar which makes you hungrier later.
The only "fat-burning" exercise anyone needs cardio. I jog or jump rope 3-4 times a week. On top of that I do yoga and calisthenics every day, and swim a lot during summer. Full-body workouts like that are great imo, because a little lean muscle looks great, and balances out my mass so I don't look like a t-rex from only running/hiking. Also it'll keep me from looking flabby and skinnyfat when I get down to my GW.

Coffee is a contentious topic on here. Yes caffeine suppresses appetite, but coffee has been shown to raise cortisol levels which increases appetite and promotes weight gain in the long run. Here's a good video on it if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVXHD1gl6c4
Personally I prefer tea because the natural L-Theanine content minimizes the cortisol-increasing affects. I've noticed it doesn't make me stressed and jittery if I drink more than usual, unlike coffee.

>> No.15923289

what is the most effay bmi?

>> No.15923356

From what I've read, anything under 19.8 gives you societal angel status and treatment

>> No.15923449

Can anyone confirm?

>> No.15923456

im attracted to healthy women. because i am a healthy man. if you look like the type to bitch or not want to go for hikes and i mean real 2+ hour ones then i tend to look the other way.

>> No.15923647

calories are king

>> No.15923757

If you just spent all that time lifting, you would already have a nice body.

>> No.15923758
File: 13 KB, 298x319, 40B40B6D-FAD0-45DB-8A5F-D2391F7FAFCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat it but puke it up

>> No.15923785
File: 63 KB, 220x165, tenor (5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15923804

uh who is this?

>> No.15923882

>eating only once per day causes more fat to be stored away
Yup, it's cope. If you're fasting or on a very low-cal diet your body may hold onto some weight, but it's all water weight. If you're burning more calories than you take in, your body has to get those calories from stored fat. Period.
When I first switched to OMAD I had a problem with overeating before I got used to it, so maybe that's what they're talking about. But if you just stick to your calorie limit you'll be fine.

>> No.15924145


>> No.15924279
File: 660 KB, 1868x2590, 20210203_182018(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that thigh gaps can't be achieved for most unless they're disgustingly underweight? I'm a couple pounds away from having a bmi of 19.5, but my thighs are still so huge. I want to have pretty legs, but I don't want the top half of my body to look like the damn crypt keeper.

>> No.15924281

What the BMI that's required to be able to see a visible change in your face? I was at 28 three weeks ago and now I am at 26.8 and a lot of people have noticed that I've lost a fair amount of weight but my face still looks the same to me. Of course I am still fucking overweight but I was just wondering at around what number does the fat that's stored in your face start to go away. Is it different for everyone?

>> No.15924291

god get off 4chan, go get a hobby or something

>> No.15924308

My lowest bmi was almost exactly 19.8 (6'1", 150lbs)
Most people said I looked like a holocaust victim.

>> No.15924327

wtf? I'm not a thinspo guy or thread lurker but I was curious as to what a "thigh gap" was an apperantly it's some girl shit and I have one as a male is this a bad thing?

>> No.15924329
File: 19 KB, 297x445, 517mz088lJL.__AC_SY445_QL70_ML2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, feeders in this thread are scum of humanity and should be gassed

>> No.15924342

No, it's aesthetic.

>> No.15924347
File: 1.79 MB, 332x332, 08FEA781-DC0E-4B98-B8C8-C0F000BC8B1E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree

>> No.15924351
File: 206 KB, 960x1280, 4C72A0C0-0506-405A-9120-2EB488A1E02B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh looks like the American girl is being fed lots and lots in replacement of having a nation with a national direction and progress

Let alone having a nation
At all

>> No.15924353

at least their putrid slampig content makes it easier to fast.
case in point.

>> No.15924395

is it a bad idea to get adderall just so I don't feel hungry lol

>> No.15924631

Based tuna-chad, I like to eat a can sometimes too. I usually use them as "emergency rations", just buy 5 cans and throw them in the drawer and when I run out of food but don't feel like going out I eat 'em. Always remember to buy the tuna cans where the fish lies in its own juice or in water, not the oil ones.
>Anything with lots of protein is filling. Protein shakes are my go-to, I try to have at least one a day. I eat a lot of meat, fish, tofu, egg whites, etc. Lots of protein also preserves muscle mass.
Yeah, I eat a high protein diet because I'm used to it, you know. I used to lift weights and climb, but ever since I fucked up my elbow tendons and nerves I can't do it anymoremore, which fucked me up. So I at least don't want to become a fat fuck and maybe preserve the few muscles I do have, but those'll inevitably go away sooner rather than later. Protein shakes are a mixed bag for me. On one hand they are very convenient but on the other they taste like shit and/or give me bloat. I still got around 2kg at home, but honestly, I kinda avoid it.
>Also avoid carbs, especially sweets. They spike your blood sugar which makes you hungrier later.
Man, I know. My diet is already very low sugar, since I try to cut it out. But I bought a bag of off-brand Twix yesterday and I wanted to eat 4 pieces (100g) but ended up eating double. Sometimes I have those cravings, but I know it sucks because they don't fill me up and have lots of calories. So today I gotta account for that shit.
>The only "fat-burning" exercise anyone needs cardio. I jog or jump rope 3-4 times a week.
Jogging is out of the question for me, but I definitely could start jumping rope. My apartment is on the 1st floor, so I won't trample down on neighbors and I think I had lots of fun while doing it. Thanks for reminding me my man, I think I'll cop me a jump rope off amazon and start doing it. If it's fun I'll do it gladly, I tried jogging in the past but always felt like shit. (1/2)

>> No.15924637

>On top of that I do yoga and calisthenics every day, and swim a lot during summer. Full-body workouts like that are great imo, because a little lean muscle looks great, and balances out my mass so I don't look like a t-rex from only running/hiking. Also it'll keep me from looking flabby and skinnyfat when I get down to my GW.
I already talked about me fucking my arms up, I'd love to do calisthenics but can't. If I had a private swimming pool I would go swimming every day man, it's a great full body exercise and it's lots of fun. But even if I would get money, I just can't join a public swimming pool. I feel physical disgust when thinking about needing to share the same water with like 100 other guys, who leave their hair and body fluids everywhere, piss in it, loud and obnoxious teens etc. I sometimes daydream about being rich as fuck and the first thing I get is a swimming lane just for me. Guess a jump rope'll do.
>Coffee is a contentious topic on here. Yes caffeine suppresses appetite, but coffee has been shown to raise cortisol levels which increases appetite and promotes weight gain in the long run. Personally I prefer tea because the natural L-Theanine content minimizes the cortisol-increasing affects.
I drink tea almost daily myself my man. Just the cheapest black tea, but I kinda like it for some reason. I drank coffee maybe 10 times in all my life, I just never felt too attracted to it and like I said hearing the guys from my class or at work talk about coffee it sounds like a cult. I bought it to try out the suppressing appetite effects and it really does work, but I don't wanna fuck myself up with the negatives. If it is the caffeine in the coffee I could maybe try energy drinks, since there are some available with 0 calories nowadays, but I got a guy in my class who drinks them daily and it smells like chemical waste. Also, they aren't exactly cheap. So maybe I'll just stick to my tea.
Thanks for the in-depth response.

>> No.15924642 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 780x439, meet-travis-bickle-gods-lonely-man-1565964312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the fatties come out at night - butter golems, dougboys, everbulkers, fatasses, gross fucks, jelly bellies, lardballs, obeasts, fat pigs. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this feeders off the streets. I go all over. I take "people" to McDonalds, Domino's Pizza, I take 'em to Wendy's. I don't care. Don't make no difference to me. It does to some. Some won't even take veggie dodgers. Don't make no difference to me

>> No.15924644
File: 40 KB, 780x439, meet-travis-bickle-gods-lonely-man-1565964312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the fatties come out at night - butter golems, dougboys, everbulkers, fatasses, gross fucks, jelly bellies, lardballs, obeasts, fat pigs. Someday a real rain will come and wash all those feeders off the streets. I go all over. I take "people" to McDonalds, Domino's Pizza, I take 'em to Wendy's. I don't care. Don't make no difference to me. It does to some. Some won't even take veggie dodgers. Don't make no difference to me

>> No.15924654

Naturally you will lose fat on your face as well as the rest of your body, but I'd say your bone structure which is related to genetics play bigger role in the sense of "looking thinner", so it's gonna be different for everyone. I'm at BMI 20 and my face still looks chubby.

>> No.15924657
File: 453 KB, 1080x914, 1612429215466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15924675

why do his abs start at his chest wtf

>> No.15924730

A lot of women like a small, soft belly

>> No.15924739

>>15913823 most don't
and that belly isn't small by any means, it's bloated and huge

>> No.15924747

He's not thinspo by any means but if that counts as bloated and huge you got body dismorphia nigga

>> No.15924765

19.5 is not thinspo yet. get <18.5 or <14 bf%

>> No.15924774
File: 2.04 MB, 2483x4160, gap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


picrel, 16.8 and it's still not that significant. your natural fat distribution will affect this ofc, if yours tends away from the thighs (unlike mine) you may not need to get that skinny.

for having a thigh gap show through clothing though, fit is very important. you want stuff with a long inseam and nothing too baggy in terms of the sear. expect some tightness around the crotch and thighs.

honestly, a thigh gap with your current figure is not going to make much a difference. the waist and general size of legs are much more visually striking, especially since thigh gaps are barely visible when moving, sitting, standing in natural poses etc.

>> No.15924780
File: 43 KB, 500x598, 21FC42B3-51B0-435D-A61D-676006C2A4E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15924791

bro that's fucking GENIUS you get to enjoy it AND none of the calories that's sublime honestly why has no one thought of this before wtf you could revolutionise weight loss diets you gotta publish this shit

>> No.15924793


>> No.15924818

im pretty sure he was making fun of you

>> No.15924831

I’m pretty sure you’re not talking about me

>> No.15924833

I’m pretty the second post above me is making fun of me

>> No.15924836

im pretty sure we were all making fun of YOU

>> No.15924857
File: 20 KB, 582x329, 694A354D-D82A-4D0D-9F0E-83FC1A050A02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we were all

>> No.15924950

>Why are so many women literal feeders these days?
Its just another take on the forbidden fruit fetish
People with homophobic parents tend to be the most gay
Most girls are told not to eat so much (albeit for good reason) so they get turned on by feeling full/bloated
People are just weird like that

>> No.15924959
File: 9 KB, 138x202, 1610737562466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i lurk these threads as a bufffat for the tasty twinks

>> No.15924964
File: 225 KB, 736x1270, 1612443653318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like all the /fit/ fags that come here

>> No.15924977

Please be a woman please be a woman please please pleasure is immeasurable

>> No.15924984

Is there any way to be /thinspo/ without constantly suffering hunger? My life is shit enough as it is, I really don't need more.

>> No.15925002


>> No.15925009
File: 48 KB, 400x576, 1603120553060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We dont post females around here buddy

>> No.15925024

Damn /fit/ and /fa/ to hell for this shit man.

>> No.15925026

god i wish that were me

>> No.15925032

Man, it's 2021
Nobody gives a shit if the thing you masturbate to has a dick

>> No.15925034
File: 635 KB, 2048x2048, 1610234694208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embrace twinkdom

>> No.15925045

i'd have to embrace plastic surgery first

>> No.15925052

reminder than twinks lose ALL their attractiveness after 21

>> No.15925057
File: 70 KB, 500x750, 1612300105466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, to pedophilies

>> No.15925060

>posts yet another young one to prove my point
try looking up "twinks" that are 30 and up, they either go full tranny or start looking like normal dudes

>> No.15925064

Im just posting ones that are my age you retard. I will still find older ones attractive as i grow older

>> No.15925069

Why am I a 25 year old KHHV then...

>> No.15925087

You must be 18 to post on this site

>> No.15925098

I've seen 30yo twinks that looked like twinks but to be fair they just looked like teens/early 20s with maybe a wrinkle here and there

>> No.15925109
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 4EvNCDXfzihK3B4RvCg7gd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ate 300g of Snickers knock-off.
I wanted to eat 2.

>> No.15925134

how many grams is 2 tho, I thought it would be like100g they look heavy

>> No.15925150
File: 55 KB, 400x534, 93c361e5f8d538b9242439de945b9ea8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 piece is roughly 25 grams, they're relatively small. Remember, they're not real Snickers, it was a knock-off. 400g for 1,80€, I just felt like sweets...

>> No.15925185


>> No.15925189
File: 208 KB, 327x316, 62775AE1-D392-42F9-B3EC-91B75D014B8A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15925197

it's not exactly what you would picture thinking of "abs", but you can see the muscles themself on thin men, just not really defined, no relief to speak of
it's more of a tummy with squares of abs vaguely outlined

>> No.15925213

What is happening with fatty's left hoof?

>> No.15925260

Its cocked inward slightly

>> No.15925273

bros i need your help my autism has fucked up my life again
>be me
>24yo retard skelly
>meet 30 girl
>lie about age say im 20
>be me now
>actually 24
>girl is my gf now
>planning on meeting irl
what the fuck do i do i dont want my autism to ruin this please help me bros

>> No.15925279
File: 22 KB, 593x656, 1612276646701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you like about your age?
In my experience, only women under 25 care that much about age
>Tfw 25yo gurl sending me signals up until the point she saw my license
>Tfw I'm 23 but that two year ago apparently made a huge difference to her

>> No.15925286

>lie to get something
>regret lying, cause you got it
Your fault dumbass, why did you lie in the first place? Wanted to seem young?

>> No.15925290
File: 94 KB, 282x400, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a small greentext, so much wrong shit.
>going for a 30yo cock cumdumpster as a mid-twenties guy
>said cock carousel rider is so sleazy she has no reservations going after a guy she thinks is 10 years younger than her
>lying about an essential part of yourself that can be very easily exposed
>calling her your girlfriend despite never even meeting her in person
This "relationship" is already a trainwreck and it didn't even began.

>> No.15925291
File: 189 KB, 1200x1200, 33FE69FC-49A5-4A5F-82A4-96C9618367DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it didn't even began.
was nodding along til u wrote this lmfao

>> No.15925308

I've finally put my shit together 2 weeks ago and started eating 1000 calories a day. So far I've lost 1.5kg. I am incredibly paranoid about hair loss so I bought some hair supplements which I should be taking anyway and because I am a mega-retard, rogaine, just in case it does something. My hair is extremely long and definitely not thin, but I absolutely can't stand the thought of losing it just because I am aiming to lose 0.8kg a week for one or two months.

>> No.15925342

how the fuck small are you if eating 1000 calories a week only makes you lose .8kg per week

>> No.15925812
File: 102 KB, 768x1024, 1604507659583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you were born into a world where gorgeous twinks exist

>> No.15925837
File: 173 KB, 2048x1536, B8B1D110-7544-4B3A-8253-4FA9AD18A97F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just say you want my dick

>> No.15925905


this is cleary freja beha erichsen, a woman

>> No.15925929
File: 21 KB, 564x564, 9964379954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love twinks, i consider them angels

>> No.15925968

lmao at everyone posting Bailey here

>> No.15926014

where can I find cute twink/ femboy porn like everywhere I search its some cringy ass shit

>> No.15926088

Porn is usually cringe, and a lot of twink stuff is cringe in a normie sorta way and a lot of femboy stuff is cringe in an anime sorta way. Just use your imagination and develop some sexual fantasies from a couple pictures bud

>> No.15926110

Bases imagination chad. I've always used my imagination and porn doesn't even compare to it

>> No.15926286
File: 39 KB, 513x568, 1608469203029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I lurk these threads to become a tasty twink so I can get a bufffat bf

>> No.15926376
File: 218 KB, 1024x809, 1605736126183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's his fault for being the best.

>> No.15926396

Give me a rundown on him

>> No.15926397

I wish I had a teenage boy's metabolism every day of my life

>> No.15926431

His face kinda looks like John Lennon.

>> No.15926469

who's this?

>> No.15926478
File: 301 KB, 1280x954, tumblr_5a9ae5c6accd9de9d8af11edf26d1a0a_90c54128_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bailey / postliticalbli2
I just found out about him recently and both his twitter accounts are suspended and he took down all pics of himself from his r*ddit account so I don't know much about him and all the pics I have are secondhand.
Hopefully someone else has more info.

>> No.15926965
File: 236 KB, 1200x1200, european girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15926990

He still has a Twitter but it's totally private and it only has like 100 followers or so.

>> No.15926997

i read something saying that over-prescribing anti depresants is partly responsible. They often result in weight gain, as well as our food being more shit than ever.

>> No.15927008

You can't make an accurate blanket statement like that. Anti depressants work vastly different depending on who takes them. Some feel better, some feel worse, some feel nothing. Side effects come in all colors of the rainbow, some get them, some don't, the degrees vary as well. Even an antidepressant like Mirtazapine, which has a reputation for being a grade-A weight gainer because it supposedly makes you zombie tier hungry (especially in the first month), had no such effect on me, which either means the fatties were weak-willed and fat from the start or the medication had a vastly different effect on them.
t. been on antidepressants for quite a while now

>> No.15927010
File: 2.00 MB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_p6h0nlx8Ik1saksni_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more anime inspo instead of being a stan to some e-thot (male)

>> No.15927013

druggie cope lol

>> No.15927027

overdose, die, then get raped pls

>> No.15927128
File: 52 KB, 576x649, EnAWtCAW4AAy4b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got /thinspo/
>still a mid-twenties kissless, handholdless, hugless virgin
...what now?

>> No.15927146
File: 70 KB, 640x483, help me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15927999

My gw is 99 but I'm thinking of lowering it to 94.

Thank you for the info and honesty.

>> No.15928881

Holy shit what an idiot, please die of dehydration.

If you water fast you increase cortisol which makes you gain weight and retain water you fucking dumbass

>> No.15928980

>if you don't eat and drink only water for ~two whole days your body will gain weight on its own for you

any excuse at all huh

>> No.15929066

Don't know how it is for most but I'm currently hovering around bmi 19.5 at my lowest to 20.5 at my heaviest and I have a fairly obvious one despite not having particularly low body fat. However I'm also around 100lb due to being really short, so that may be a factor.

In all honesty I sometimes wish I had fuller thighs, I always hear people worship them and have never seen anyone actually care about the gap.

>> No.15929072
File: 96 KB, 889x1178, 4C6FEAD3-6F77-41E9-8887-6F81818719D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it when these kinds of guys are straight

>> No.15929178

Just do muscle-building exercises on your thighs or start some sort of sports to play consistently, every woman I've met with thick (but not just fatty) thighs grew up doing volleyball, basketball, karate, gymnastics etc. Your gap mainly makes clothes look better and draws general more attention to your crotch which, hey, if that's what you want from people

>> No.15929183
File: 157 KB, 765x988, 1610715165244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find whenever I drink vodka I don't really gain weight, is this just a placebo? Like I'll drink almost an entire fifth and then wake up the next morning looking skinnier and weigh myself and actually have lost weight if I fasted the day I drank that vodka.

>> No.15929198

the dude is that fat and still has a penis wth

>> No.15929204

calories dude. you'd likely gain weight if you drank more than the fifth alone or had that plus even a normal meal, depending on how much you move around in the day

>> No.15929210

The one on the left could afford to lose some weight, though she's not that bad, and the one on the right really needs some weight.

>> No.15929219

oh dayum, oh shit

>> No.15929226

I almost never eat now so I guess my body just doesn't really gain weight from one night of binge drinking surrounded by all of 100 calorie days before and after.

>> No.15929233

but i love it on women
i didnt try to make my gf a feeder but couldnt help myself from rubbing her belly every morning
shes been gaining and weighs more than me now, and i think its related

>> No.15929245
File: 200 KB, 870x1305, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't lost weight in 6 months
I always binge after fasting and it evens out

>> No.15929248

dude just do a slight deficit to lose 1% per month
you wont have intense cravings for binging

>> No.15929253

Once you get to your gw this isn't a terrible strategy for not putting yourself in the danger zone of ana. It is not great for your long term health and habits but it can be a good bridge to eating normally again and not gaining weight. Eat healthy when you binge though, because eating like shit is much worse.

>> No.15929274
File: 3.53 MB, 3024x4032, 1612554902880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have practical/sustainable suggestions for shedding the last bit of body fat/pudge around my midsection?

also wondering if i should lift weights or stick to core exercises and cardio?

>> No.15929290


>> No.15929299

if i'm eating at a deficit should i do any weight lifting or calisthenics or just keep up cardio?

>> No.15929300

calisthenics build good aesthetics, and are impressive to potential mates if thats what your into

>> No.15929303

but i am trying to grow tits and hips!

>> No.15929304


>> No.15929335

It's because alcohol dehydrates you lol
Dont fall for the meme unless you want to gain

>> No.15929358
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>> No.15930174
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I've realized that the only thing stopping me from thinness is that I haven't yet figured out a simple comforting pleasure to reliably replace food. Food isn't even that good, but there's nothing else.

What do you guys do to fill the void, rather than eating?

>> No.15930178

The dude on the left looks like young Dave Grohl.

>> No.15930196

pls post moar of him

>> No.15930202

his new acct is Newposter2

>> No.15930217

cigs, coffee and alcohol

>> No.15930724

I find that doing anything creatively time-consuming that doesn't require excessive energy, like drawing and writing, keeps me distracted actively, though I'm terrible at both, lol. Feel like it keeps me "doing" even if I suck ass. Passively I watch a lot of films, and keep a food pedaler to keep my legs moving very gently but still burning enough calories for a meal after the movies are done.

>> No.15930767

yeah coffee is extremely helpful

Thanks. Drawing and writing are good if you get properly engaged, although the problem for me is that they can induce stress and stress responses like eating. Especially taking drawing as a hobby, I mean, it should be relaxing but it just isn't haha

>> No.15931380
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How do I get out of plateau hell?

>> No.15931389

Alcohol is extremely high in calories and is digested as pure sugar

>> No.15931425
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tiny legs tiny legs tiny legs tiny legs tiny legs ti

>> No.15931429
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>> No.15931430

wow tiny legs

>> No.15931432
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>> No.15931460
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Those legs are really fuckin smol

>> No.15932270

Gross. At <19.5 I have a thigh gap, I'd imagine it's harder to get with narrow hips

>> No.15932303

You're already great looking.

I got over my eating disorder in high school, but I still struggle with my body image today. These threads put me back into 2014 tumblr and all the horrible disgusting shit I felt and did to myself. I let the fostered insecurity affect myself, my family, and my loved ones.

Please. Don't be like me.

>> No.15932313


>> No.15932340

You're insane. Her waist is like 30"+. Her body is well below average. Nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight or even go below a healthy bmi if you're cursed with those genetics. You don't have to have a mental illness to just count calories

>> No.15932352

You don't know her height, you don't know her waistline. You didn't go full NCIS and pixel count that shit to determine it.

I didn't say she can't lose weight. She can do whatever she wants. I just don't want to see more kids giving themselves eating disorders.

And she isn't below average, at least to me anyways. There isn't an objective measure of "body attractiveness", and if it was I think a thinspo thread sure as fuck isn't the place to find it. Hell, you fucks like to drool over girls that look like eugena cooney.

>> No.15932452

Stuck at plateau for 2 months :(

>> No.15932562

I have a thigh gap at 23 bmi it depends on anatomy

If you gain a lot of fat on the legs and have narrow hips it might be impossible for you without looking like an auschwitz though, I'd work out those legs so they're less floppy and accept being thick

>> No.15932630

You don't have to have a thigh gap to have pretty legs, you just have to find trousers/skirts/pants that are flattering. It's hard to tell your body shape from that pic, but experiment a bit.

e.g. I have quite cylindrical legs and I have to have a bmi of 17 or something get a thigh gap. right now I'm probably about 22, I have no idea, but anything above 18-19 or so and I can't wear skinny jeans and look good. But tapered trousers, mom jeans, certain short skirts and dresses (because I'm short) work well.