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15899259 No.15899259 [Reply] [Original]

Bald -Cope

Fits that look good on balding men …

>> No.15899351
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>> No.15899383

>larp viking beard
>larp viking tat
>skinny fat soibod

>> No.15899417


>> No.15899426
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>> No.15899441
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>> No.15899448
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>> No.15899529
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He's hot from that angle but after reverse searching...

>> No.15899620

nice cock outline lol

>> No.15900449

99% of men don't look good bald, you are not the 1%, stop being retarded and don't give up on your hair, regaining it is hard but not impossible.
Don't be retarded and don't get memed by the basedfucks and other raiding newfags that never belonged on this board in the first place.
Finasteride / dutasteride
oral castor oil
All of those things work proven on human tests with big control groups, especially if you stack them together.
Inb4 peepee wont work, that is really severe and very fucking rare, if I remember correctly it's around 0,6% rare, yes around ~7% will get side effects, a bit worse boners, worse cum quality, worse sleep, in some cases even depression, trust me tho, noone of those are as severe as how going bald will make you feel. Choosing to be bald is not cope, it's defeatism, fuck defeatism it is not /fa/.
Inb4 sleaze, you are probably too young, and even if you are old you made / posted in this thread, you care too much about shit to pull of sleaze.

>> No.15900456

cringe but based.

>> No.15900460

Unironically speaking, shaving it off will probably make you look worse than just balding like a normal person.

>> No.15901043

kys discord zoomer / tranny choose the correct one. You never belonged here, you will never be /effay/. You should go to back to where you came from.

no fucking shit, but for whatever reason reddit tier advice is being shilled and widely accepted here nowadays. It's fucked

>> No.15901048
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>choose the correct one
>there can only be a single correct answer

>> No.15901651

Just inhibit your neurosteroids and neurogenesis bro!

>> No.15901748

Theres a point where balding looks pathetic unless you're like 50 and shaving it off is the only option

>> No.15903362

I shave my head every couple of weeks because it grows in so uneven for some reason

>> No.15903950

yes, actually just do it. Unless you are in your puberity, or actively trying for a child, most likely the pros will outweigh the cons, as statistics show ED is very fucking rare side effect, and even if you are so fucking unlucky to get it, getting off the drug in overwhelming majority of the cases will fix your penor problems, yes there are people that get the post-finasteride syndrome, but not only they are very fucking rare, their group is made up of people that are already a very niche minority. Not to fucking mention that your shitty ass attempt only works against finasteride or dutasteride. ru58831, minoxidil, ketoconazole are all safe when it comes to muh neurosteroids. And thats fucking ignoring the fact that if you have healthy testosterone levels your production of those will be absolutely fine. Did you watch the joe rogan podcast with that doctor talking about banning finasteride? The doctor spewed absolute fucking bullshit, and the ban in japan argument was more retarded than anything, in japan they skip fina going straight to duta which is more potent

>> No.15904581
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I went bald at 24, women still like me. Its better to have hair than be bald, but for some the hit in attraction is worth not dealing with drugs.
>99% of men look bad bald
Where did you get that statistic? Let me guess, your ass.

>> No.15904590

bald here

hit the gym

>> No.15904627

Nothing looks good on bald men.

I ignore them whenever I see one in public.

>> No.15904633
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If you are bald, wear dark formal clothing and dress maturely. Don't try to dress like a hype beast, you will just look retarded. You are an older man now, act like one.

>> No.15904638

good bone structure looks great on bald men

>> No.15904641

>eyo dawg just wear a hat and ur in dah crib

>> No.15904644

Yeah, the advice of lifting usually implies that you should be low bodyfat to have a strong jawline and hollow cheeks. I think people think that lifting = get big as fuck and gain a bunch of bodyfat and look like an egg head while bald.

>> No.15904660

Also beard should be kept short, long viking beards on bald men look retarded most of the time. Few can pull it off.

>> No.15904689

i mean hats do look good on bald men, and it's not a cope to wear one, just don't become a "hat guy"

>> No.15904832

Every bald coper thinks they'll look like Zidane, Billy Zane, The Rock, Bruce Willis, or Statham. Pro-tip: You wont. Take Zidane here - he's got the perfect shaped head, strong nose and chin/jaw. He's also 6-1 and a famous/rich soccer player/coach. Are you? Didn't think so, better try saving your hair.

Hot people look hot no matter what - holy shit what a revelation.

>> No.15904856

>better try saving your hair.

based, get on fin and save for a transplant

>> No.15904872

>get on fin and save for a transplant
literally started fin yesterday. if results are good later this year I'll share before/afters on this board

>> No.15904886

How am I coping when your giving me absolute statements? It seems like your coping because you think baldness = death; thus, its worth messing with your hormones in order to keep it.

I have a shaved head, and I do fine on dating apps with women in my age range of 24-28. If you want younger women, then yeah it could make sense to save your hair, but I prefer older women.

>> No.15904889
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The only reason why people say The Rock, Jason Statham, and etc is to plant the seed in peoples head that maybe its possible to look good bald. This is an issue that takes on a shade of grey, its not very black and white.

>> No.15905082

fin itself wont regrow your hair holy fuck, if you actually want to regrow shit fin + minox + microneedling is the most basic shit anybody can do. And as far as side effects go, fin has the worst ones by far, so if you are going with fin anyway there is nothing to lose there.

>> No.15905088

look, fuck off and stop giving bad advice.
uuh 99% statistic out of your as uuh
uuh muh hormones
no, you ape. You have no fucking clue how fina works, you have no clue what are DHT's functions in your body.

>> No.15905089

hey tomar its you

>> No.15905093

did you start fin 2 months ago and feel the need to angrily justify yourself or something?

>> No.15905185

dont go bald, it look shit on everybody

>> No.15905226

I must say watching you guys lose your fucking minds in this thread is very entertaining. Mainly that one dude going reeeeeeeeee at baldlets

>> No.15905239

you don't either
>t.Neuroscientist who actually studied endocrinology

>> No.15905248
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>> No.15905268
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why are you so defensive? Like I said, taking fin is a good option for people who are willing to take risks with their health in order to retain their hair, but you are making it sound like not retaining your hair as a man is a death sentence. Sure, your overall appeal will decrease, but some guys can work with that and enjoy the challenge, for others it may be too much so they rather deal with drugs. Its a calculus that everyone has to do.

>> No.15905277

im on all of these minus castor oil and still losing hair

>> No.15905385

based dog poster

>> No.15905392

basically this. All the fin poster keep projecting their insecurities by saying that being bald means having an existence of pure suffering and complete avoidance by females, but in fact being bald will only make it (maybe) harder. Honestly,i think it make it harder only on tinder.

>> No.15905448

id rather be bald than live a life of cope

>> No.15905453
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it is the way

>> No.15905971
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>It seems like your coping because you think baldness = death
I mean good hair only signifies that you are young, healthy, frames your face, puts your features in focus, and gives women something to run their hands through or grab... w-what's the big deal losing it?

>fin itself wont regrow your hair holy fuck, if you actually want to regrow shit fin + minox + microneedling
No shit. I planned on adding minox+roller later in the regiment. It's advised that you use Fin + keta shampoo to get hair loss under control first.


100% - it's choice with risk that I'm willing to take. Not sure why so many on this board and really the whole internet in general get so upset at other people taking this pill.

How long you been on it? There is supposed to be an initial shed period.

>All the fin poster keep projecting their insecurities by saying that being bald means having an existence of pure suffering and complete avoidance by females
I'm willing to try out a drug that has overall good experiences to keep my hair, yet anyone promoting Fin gets shit on by baldlets - who is the insecure one?
>N-nooooooo you c-can't just keep your hair!

>> No.15906090
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Now choose your poison!
Left or right?

>> No.15906228

extremely based

>> No.15906347

elon looks weird with no baby hairs at the hairline

>> No.15906409

Starting fin in a week boys wish me luck. I'll tell you if my cock falls off

>> No.15906423
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>> No.15906517

6 months ru and dut, 3 years fin and min

>> No.15906568

I started two weeks ago and have ED now

>> No.15906586

I recommend a pen not a roller, there have been doubts about rollers potentialy doing damage to the folicles. Good basic regiment over all, I would also add 1-2mg castor oil orally + some topically, as it has been proven to help in regrowth of hair orally and with all the shit you do to your hair using it topicaly will improve it's condition, also it makes your hair a bit darker which also helps.
because in overwhelming majority of the cases not retaining your hair is a death sentance
oh yes I need papers to prove I have read up on a topic, kek.

>> No.15906714

That's why god invented viagra

>> No.15906727
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/monkwave/ will always be effay

>> No.15906744
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Don't be overweight, dress like a man, carry yourself like a man. Wear dark colors, long sleeves as much as possible to show less skin and look more balanced.
Don't fall for the beard + glasses Reddit look, glasses are fine, just not thick-rimmed, and stubble is fine, clean up your cheeks and neck if you have to. Wear cologne, slay pussy.

>> No.15906776

>watching moreplatemoredate is more informative than a phd

Do the fuck you want with your body little faggot

>> No.15906818

goes to show your way of thinking if youtube vids are you go to, also pretty sure he is a PHD to boot to make your point even more retarded

>> No.15906940
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I would take fin posters more seriously if they didn't use fear to push their pills on to others. If fin is harmless then why use fear as a motivator to get people to take it?

>> No.15906943

Also why do fin users call people who don't take a pill baldlets? What if I took away those fin pills of yours, I wonder what will happen? Hmmmmm.

>> No.15907079

I’ve been on fin for over 2 years and I wouldn’t recommend it. I haven’t had morning wood in forever and my dick doesn’t get really hard anymore, best is half mast. I have terrible brain fog 24/7. Life feels like there’s a filter on it. It’s not a fun way to live. I shaved my head last month and it looks better than I hoped. Still on fin, but I really want to stop. I might do it when my current prescription runs out. Plus my hairline is still falling back even on fin so it’s like what the hell? I guess it’s truly meant for diffusers, but I have 0 loss up top- it’s all my hairline.

Just my experience. Take it as you will.

>> No.15907147

Just get off of it, I'm sure you will be fine.

>> No.15907166

as i said buddy, do the fuck you want with your body, i'm sure you will earn a good goy medal for your advertising and that you are totally not living in a cognitive dissonance

>> No.15907261

I am just being real with people here, fuck I thought it's board about being effay and if you are out there fucking shilling that shaving it, is the /effay/ way you are beyond fucking retarded and never belonged here in the first place.
why the fuck you didn't get of it earlier? there are other options.
so should us, baldlets trying to cope with shitty genes lie about it? Balding fucking sucks, thats why there is always atleast 2 threads about in the catalog, and it affacts a lot of fucking people, and the people giving out terrible advice about shaving it all are just pushing people onto the wrong path. It's obvious fin is not for everyone, but there are other drugs than fin, look for them, actually learn about the topic and deal with the hand you were given instead of fucking giving everything up and accepting the shitter life.

>> No.15907397

Yes, your life gets worse as you age. Some people get drawn the short end of the stick, it is what it is. Going bald is a minus, but it’s not the end of life.

> deal with the hand you were given instead of fucking giving everything up and accepting the shitter life.

Why do pro fin people always make it an ultimatum? Why is there never no compromise? What if someone accepts his hair loss? Is he a coward because he accepts the hand he is dealt and decides to move on with his life? It sounds like your projecting desu. It’s ok to lose your hair and move on, I’m allowed to say “just buzz it” and your allowed to say “ take fin”.

>> No.15907485

>fuck I thought it's board about being effay and if you are out there fucking shilling that shaving it, is the /effay/ way you are beyond fucking retarded and never belonged here in the first place.

I bet you are homosexual

>> No.15907843

There is no other option you turbo dickhead. It’s fin or lose it. You have to take fin and get touch ups after transplant surgery too, if that’s what you’re implying. There is no escaping fin if you’re losing hair and want to keep it.

That’s why balding is a nightmare. There’s no real fix. You can only trade off for a different set of problems. It’s cucked.

>> No.15908964

>no other option than fin
absurd take, from mainstream options you have dutasteride, from non-mainstream you have RU-58841, CB-03-01. And thats still just covering the first base when it comes to regaining ground on your head

>> No.15908992
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>> No.15909054

I kinda look like this guy

>> No.15909093
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Dress like Vim Diesel himself:

>> No.15909542

This is a non seck witter

>> No.15909629
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> Just use a more potent version of fin, instead of wiping out 75% of your DHT, lets wipe out 100% and lets inhibit other types of 5ar nerurosteroids that fin does not inhibit.
> Just use chinese research chemicals that can cause a woman to have a deformed baby if she gets in contact with it.

>> No.15909659
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>> No.15909674

i bet you are one of the same faggots who freaks out for the Coronachan vaccine

>> No.15909676
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>> No.15909690


>> No.15909708
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You are all manchildren.
Buzz it off, #1 guard on skull and face, never wear short sleeves.
If you're attractive with hair you will be attractive without it, if you're ugly with hair then tough shit be a man and add value to yourself some other way.
You are all fucking faggots.

>> No.15909709

Please stop

>> No.15909710


>> No.15910769


He's defensive because he relies on looks for social status

avg normie with an ounce of charisma gets by completely fine

>> No.15911151

That can't be anywhere except Norway.

>> No.15911339

i wanted to shave my head before i was balding and now im balding and i can't shave my head or i become a meme
t. JUST'd


>> No.15911429

Always remember that misery loves company. Why are these insecure faggots trying to get people to take the fucking cope pills? Anonymous strangers on the internet at that? It's because they permanently fucked their lives up and now they want others to do the same. Nothing is a net positive in life. Everything is a trade off, and in the case of fin/minix/the entire cope cocktail the trade of is your manhood. You're literally, unironically, chemically castrating yourself so that you can pretend like your a teenager forever. It seems like everywhere you turn nowadays someone or something is trying to emasculate you in one way or another. Don't be an idiot and do their job for them. If women didn't have sex with bald men there wouldn't be any bald men.

>> No.15911609
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>> No.15911952
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Finally did it, it's over. I was youthful and hot, now I'm gonna have to become a meathead epic beardman to look half decent.

>> No.15912206

you wont ever look half decent this way.

>> No.15912210

you will look youthful if you razor shave head and face, beard is reddit meme