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File: 85 KB, 519x720, e9a6a13a944cd232a4be985c9e3f3d20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15897674 No.15897674 [Reply] [Original]

So, what's the most breathable pants for Summer? It's hot here.

>> No.15897678


>> No.15897702

The 80's Miami Vice TV Show was kino as fuck.

>> No.15897850

Yeah, I'm trying to go miami vice without looking like a faggot cosplayer.

>> No.15897872

As long as you don't wear shoes with no socks, loafers or extremely bright colors, you should be fine. Use the show as inspiration rather than just copying it, take their outfits and make them more modern.

Also wear linen, Florida is humid as hell and you need material that breathes.

>> No.15897887

Tropical wool or linen. Rayon if you’re cheap.

>> No.15897888
File: 101 KB, 680x720, SEXCORECHAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every South Florida Chad wears Sexcore

>> No.15897892
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Wild colors are pretty in again. Keep in mind too, who gives a shit if you look like you're cosplaying? If the fit is good and doesn't look like ill fitting shit, what's the problem?

>> No.15897893

they look like they have the personality of a weed whacker. this is just the male version of being a tasteless thot.

>> No.15897902

fuck, if that waistline were higher this would be the exact silhouette I'm after

>> No.15897907

personality is a cope for uglies

>> No.15897912

saying personality is a cope for people with no personality. personality matters in the later years, nobody wants to be in a relationship with a boring retard.

>> No.15897915

>personality matters in the later years

finding love in the later years is getting leftovers and a consolation prize, just be hot and rich and thats it

>> No.15897921
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I wish I could find a white suit somewhere, nobody seems to me any interesting colors.

>> No.15897927
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>> No.15897950
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>> No.15897957
File: 2.26 MB, 512x384, MiamiViceGoingUnder.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15898157
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tommy bahama

>> No.15898246

Fuckin' based as fuck

Also Miami Vice thread?

>> No.15898318

where do i buy some linen for cheap? everything is cotton blend

>> No.15898381

this is like asking where to find cheap gold because only fake gold is in your price range.

>> No.15898386


>> No.15898392

This is, like, really a great contribution to the intellectual discourse at hand.

>> No.15898395

thanks, your reply also added greatly to the discussion. i hope you reply again my friend and make this discussion even more interesting.

>> No.15898399

>this is, like, adding greatly to the discussion. i hope you reply again my friend and make this discussion even more interesting.

>> No.15898400

this is like your reply added greatly to the discussion, friend i thank you

>> No.15898401

EBAY retard. If you know your brands look until it's all linen.

>> No.15898420

i dont know my brands thats why im asking
ive never seen any linen while thrifting

>> No.15898543

I think UniqLO has 100% linen shirts and pants. Blend or not, they at least do pastels for their linen so you can get some bright blues, greens, pinks etc.

>> No.15898550

It's better with sound

>> No.15898554

That show had endless comfy scenes.


>> No.15898614

Ever just drive around at night listening to the soundtrack? Maybe my autism level is too high.


>> No.15898615
File: 258 KB, 1566x1186, DSC_3242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually do. I have a 1980s BMW 5 series (one was even in an episode) and I have a playlist folder of just songs that were in episodes Miami Vice. Driving around the beach at night or through the city on a summer night is the comfiest thing in the world to me.

Pic related, my car.

>> No.15898638

>old man fits
>overpriced with shit material

>> No.15898644

Fucking king. I've been looking at 80s 3 series but they're getting retarded in price

>> No.15898884

shes gorgeous

>> No.15898903

very nice desu~

my bimmer picks are def a series 5 or e36 if i had the bread

>> No.15900268

Bump for interest

Sauce on jacket.

>> No.15900284


>> No.15901641

He used like the right way you mongoloid. Would you rather him say "akin to" or some other pseud shit akin to that?

>> No.15901712

Stop arguing with lookism incels. Personality is king, looks are cope.

>> No.15901796

This. Linen isn't cheap.

>> No.15901912
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My man, we meet again. 80's shitboxes ftw

>> No.15901920

Dogshit advice. EBay isn't for buying dogshit fast fashion. You can, at the very least, find brooks brothers and rl made in usa/uk/Italy. I was looking for linen recently - bills khakis, ben silver, zanella, anything. You can find it for under 50 pounds

>> No.15903084

wtf are you talking about? That's exactly what eBay is for.

>> No.15903094
File: 299 KB, 1920x1080, 36a9feba2fa5e1f9ec6017d4b5d6a889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have u watched micheal manns stuff

>> No.15904616


>> No.15904833
File: 109 KB, 599x399, early 90s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
