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File: 298 KB, 1137x731, 098658490283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15898594 No.15898594 [Reply] [Original]

What causes this?

>> No.15898602


>> No.15898605

Based. Looks infinitely better on the right.

>> No.15898625

right clothes with left hair would be best of both worlds desu

>> No.15898630

trad eco terrorist core

>> No.15898652

To much Internet and to little time with parents

>> No.15898658

Not enough beatings from a man apparently.

>> No.15898659


>> No.15898660


>> No.15898664

marxist indoctrination

>> No.15898667


>> No.15898670

Having retards like


constantly hit on you

it's a natural defense mechanism

>> No.15898677

This is true

>> No.15898679

She actually looks fucking cool. The makeup is a bit poncy but that's about the only thing I don't like. Also she doesn't have a septum piercing so she's instantly 10x better than most e-thots

>> No.15898692
File: 1.95 MB, 1241x940, unironically.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The desire to be "I'm not like the other (girly girl) girls! Look at me, I'm unique(ly disgusting)!". In the beginning of the millenium, they got a whore stamp, rn that wouldn't cut it, so they need to go all anti-female to stand out. While in reality a plain daisy would actually stand out much more in our degenerate age.

Add to this uggos which want to tear down "beauty standards" because those mutants know that they will never be able to compete otherwise and the females mind being easily manipulated. Et voila, you have such creaturas.

>> No.15898700

Have sex. Women are literally not important enough to get you this riled up.

>> No.15898704
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Judging by her BDSM choker, no father figure. She can be cured with a regular spanking and making her a mans cum dumbster, as she clearly is trying to show to the world. Tards like that will do the most degenrate shit to ahve a daddy. Acting all stronk and independant to the world, while lusting to be bitch slapped and ass fucked into submission kek.

>> No.15898706

"The only people who are capable of producing children and will be primarily responsible for raising the the children of the next generation aren't important" -you

>> No.15898707
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>answering OPs question is gettng "rilled up"
Imagine having to throw such a retarded one liner because you can't handle reality.

>> No.15898777

>Millennial on the left
>Zoomer on the right

>> No.15898797

he's answering it angrily

>> No.15898804
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Stop projecting, Felicia.

>> No.15898810



>> No.15898815
File: 261 KB, 753x362, 633483F3-D87E-4A56-8636-6AE62EBAFC28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Septum ring
>spiritual tattoo
what causes this though?

>> No.15898823

>What causes this?
women left alone with the illusion that they can decide anything

>> No.15898827

Other way around, right hair with left clothes.

>> No.15898830
File: 210 KB, 1200x945, EAqGzSwX4AA9Vdm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a MAN probably abused her. many such cases

And really, it's just a bad outfit and a bad haircut and bad piercings. She can change clothes and it will grow back and they'll heal. It's not like she got a face tattoo or started taking testosterone.

>> No.15898836


>> No.15898863

She pulls off both looks well because she's attractive.

>> No.15898902

What causes someone to get hotter?

>> No.15898970

Let me guess, you're either a fag or a tranny.

>> No.15898980

She looks badass on the right, the dots are cool

>> No.15898984

don't think they are trying to attract you LOL so I don't think they care about your opinion at all LOL

>> No.15898992

The only thing she made terrible was her hair. Mullets are gross. Makeup isn't that big of a deal since it washes off at the end of the day.

The bdsm collar is not even shocking at this point.

>> No.15899050

women feeling the need to escape norms set by men
if men stopped setting the norms, women would fall back to being like pic on left because it's obviously superior

>> No.15899108

shagging skaters and doing coke

>> No.15899168

>impling women dress for men in the first place
Women dress to show off to other women, as to establish a picking order and only than cosider what will look nice to men. Cloths are social cues, but men being men aren't their primary target outside of broad labels like "skirt/ dress=cute". Nowadays most women want to show off that they are stronk and need no man, becoming the man. So most women will follow, just like they follow most retarded trends.

If men would set the standard for womens clothing, women would wear barely anything outside of lingery and easy-access skirts.

>> No.15899200

lol this makes sense

>> No.15899223

narcissistic personality disorder

>> No.15899233

The term is pecking order

>> No.15899235

Pretty much this. All the creeps that came out and approached her because she played up the sweet waifu tradgirl(tm) probably made her go the other way

>> No.15899240

crack cocaine

>> No.15899264
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>> No.15899284

>he thinks these type of women want to or will have children

>> No.15899289
File: 1.37 MB, 1300x1608, yds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will, once it's too late.

>> No.15899292

Maybe they just want to do everything they can possibly do to not attract socially retarded weirdos like you

>> No.15899296

The modern world is a soulless dystopia, it's collapsing and getting worse by the day.

>> No.15899309

>"reality" is one anon's low IQ take on women
Your standards are fucked, bruv. Get off the internet and actually talk to real women rather than inventing all these strawmen inside your head to fight.

>> No.15899321
File: 626 KB, 1200x675, muzzy peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happily married with our firstborn on his way. Unlike the majority on here, I have known more than enought women from different spheres of life. You might not like the fact that your edgy behaviour is due to underlying psychological damage, but being salty wont change that either. Repent as long as you can.

>> No.15899330

you are clearly projecting
someone can make an accurate assesment on something without being hateful or angry. a lot of us actually have had gfs and relationships and realize that women would be better off if "misogyny" was common knowledge
i dont hate women, i dont hate my ex's, i dont hate my mom, in fact they add a lot to my life and i'm grateful for them. but society has placed them too high on the status ladder.

>> No.15899331

Liberalism. Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.15899334
File: 197 KB, 900x1200, emo blue hairstyle (41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

each decade brings a new trend, this was the decade prior to all the scenester people transitioining into twee hipster

>> No.15899338

left is mainstream fashion, and what you follow by default. Right is a specific fashion, someone who takes an interest in how they dress

>> No.15899376


>> No.15899555
File: 53 KB, 479x639, 1611602675766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15899586

>I'm happily married with our firstborn on his way. Unlike the majority on here, I have known more than enought women from different spheres of life.
Thanks for the blogpost and congrats on the child, I'm sure your wife's son will make you very happy.

>> No.15899588

Uneducated nigger zoomer faggot
Open a book

>> No.15899596

I'm not convinced

>> No.15899624

Trying to look unique when it's the most basic and conformist look

>> No.15899635

leftism and media pushed by a certain ethnic group

>> No.15899647

Now THIS is sad. I always knew she'd age like shit, though. Redheads usually do.

>> No.15899652

She just wanted to conform to the most mainstream look she could to fit in at the moment.

>> No.15899677

Haircut is disgusting, Face went to 7 to a 5.

>> No.15899685

Nine times out of ten, stems from sexual abuse in one form or another. It's a way of rebelling against men

>> No.15899687

God I hate conformist so much. Why be different when you can be yourself you know.

>> No.15899689

spot the man with low t.

>> No.15899691

I love matching with these chicks on bumble. They will be like "hey ;)" and ill be like "what does non binary/pansexual mean" and they just unmatch me lol. Very away from me you fucking freaks.

>> No.15899699

that's just what is in now, in another 20 years it'll probably be tradfu or something, everything goes in an out of style

letting women wear pants in the 1890 was viewed the same was as how most of you react to her piercings and tattoos

>> No.15899705

Y'all ain't based at all. I get so tired of reading schizophrenic /pol/tards on other boards trying to rationalize how everything wrong in history has a hook nose behind it. Seriously don't come out your parents basement

>> No.15899729


>> No.15899754

fuck off loser
you're in denial

>> No.15899791

>Usig "y'all" unironically
t. bumpkin

>> No.15899794

Youth like to experiment with new fashions

>> No.15899804

Don't you have a sorority house to shoot up or something?

>> No.15899806

would you prefer 'folks'?

>> No.15900154

>you all

>> No.15900162

I said nothing wrong, cope harder faggot

>> No.15900165



>> No.15900180

High status attached to young women who self-immolate within a social system guided by malicious nation-wreckers.

>> No.15900181
File: 376 KB, 1407x896, 1600725606749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art school

will post more examples

>> No.15900191
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>> No.15900214
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>> No.15900218

This is one of the saddest, girl was actually funny

>> No.15900523


>> No.15900579

Imagine having low enough testosterone to think there is any conceivable way she looks even close to decent on the right

>> No.15900600

holy shit
I remember she just went apeshit from a day to the other.

>> No.15900605

I know at least 5 who've had kids since being 18.

>> No.15900621

Poor relationships with their fathers.

>> No.15900633

These two just look like they had weak ass personalities and found something that made them feel "unique". It's way more common with men...........

>> No.15900641

You post this shit as if it's of any consequence to you or anyone on this board how someone dresses, they wouldn't fuck you anyways.

>> No.15900646

You can easily reply this same exact thing to 99% of what's in this board.

>> No.15900662


They're not reading this thread. They don't know who you are and they will not reward you with sex. Your behavior is creepy and entitled.

Stop it now.

>> No.15901233
File: 23 KB, 720x348, 120017712_10164183429775577_2126064016815609753_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop projecting your degnerate fetishes.

>> No.15901237

Feminism and daddy issues

>> No.15901250

Not bad, actually naming the cause for those bad times.

>> No.15901252

>letting women wear pants in the 1890 was viewed the same was as how most of you react to her piercings and tattoos
The 1960s want their social tabu back. Nobody is reacting like that to tats or piercings alone today.

>> No.15901253

sub 120 iq encountering leftist ideology in universities.
t.138 iq guild socialist

>> No.15901254

literally everybody except americans and some western euros hate jews

>> No.15901269
File: 78 KB, 702x872, 120877490_124249792774269_1022075672164814602_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whiteknighting for parasites
Def not effay. No sane people like the Khazars. You better come to terms with it.

>> No.15901385

the prince of the power of the air

>> No.15901925


>> No.15901936


>> No.15901940


>> No.15901996
File: 35 KB, 640x533, 1600648992404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is your brain on postmodernism

you don't think universal beauty standards exist, and you believe beauty and good sense of aesthetics aren't objective.
You are living a lie mate.

I remember checking her vines when she looked like pic on the right, and yes, she def lost the spark and charisma.
Jewish professors will do that to femoids in Uni

>> No.15902201

>it's always the "tattoo" over nose with short hair

>> No.15902248

>it's another "why can't all women be my special trad fever dream type" thread

>> No.15902251

>why won't every woman do what I specifically want them to

Lmao and you wonder why none of you get laid

>> No.15902276


There really no point in responding to conditioned people. They're too far gone.

>> No.15902299

Actually, scrap my last post.

I have a better red pill for these kind of simps.

Pay a visit to this female only forum (to state you're male will get you a ban)


Now you can compare how women treat women compared to guys and see some reality at how awful and shit they are.

>> No.15902363


Lmao yes tripfag please tell me what women are like I'm sure you're out there slaying it. We got ourselves a cunt destroyer over here lmao

>> No.15902366

lol kys childfucker pedo nigger

>> No.15902373

Of course women only spaces are filled with bitterness and hostility, just like men only spaces online like Incels or mgtow or pickup artists or this sausage fest.

These places are filled with rejects it has nothing to do with their sweat clam

>> No.15902374

Very bad cope

>> No.15902431

She used to be so cute. AA‘s best looking model for lingerie. Now she’s got these gaudy indian lotus tattoos all over he shoulders and chest. What a waste. Why do they do this to themselves?

>> No.15902437

This desu, plus wanting to fit in with the "alt" crew.

>> No.15902516

>posts anecdotes

>> No.15902529

Your life is an anecdote.

>> No.15902532

Damn, I think I saw a girl who looked very similar to the left taking dick in a tushy porno. can't find it now, feelsbadman

>> No.15902649

it's a fashion board, they could have never had sex in their lives. That doesn't change the fact that these changes in style are drastically worse and horrifying to look at. If you are still happy then good for you, but people can still say you look retarded and dumb. If you claim no one wants to fuck the people saying these things and believe that then their criticism shouldn't bother you

>> No.15902700

left is plain and unoriginal af

>> No.15902740

I know a girl that changed herself like in OP and that was basically the reason

>> No.15902771

Trends always change, that's what causes it.

>> No.15902985


Post nose

>> No.15903011


>> No.15903034

yeah why be pretty when you can look like a retard

>> No.15903037 [DELETED] 

Replace trends with divorced parents or no father

>> No.15903071

I don't think femoids really post out of defense of their own style or anything with "incels". They don't like seeing attractive women that may be prettier than them, so it probably feels good in some way to see ones that have made themselves grotesque.

>> No.15903194


>> No.15903398

I'm fine with the face markings, I think that kind of thing should become a more accepted look

>> No.15903477

Narcissism plain and simple

>> No.15903528

I'd imagine looking like that would just attract the opposite end of the spectrum. I call bullshit. There's plenty of other ways to curb male attention.
The idea of adopting an entire lifestyle/culture just because boys hit on you too much for being pretty too often is fucking retarded. It's much more likely an outward manifestation of severe depression or BPD.

>> No.15903670


>> No.15903761

That' probably another reason why fields in university majorly visited by women are that degenerated. Why work to improve yourself, if you know that you will never be that bautiful modell tier plain daisy, let alone without even trying, when you can indoctrinate and socially pressure her to cut her golden locks and put horrenious cloths and face paint on, disfiguring her and therefore making the uggos not look that bad in comparison.

Had this happen to a friend of mine. She was nice, cute and really a natural beauty. Basically the trad wife meme. Moved in with a couple female gremlins and after a month, she already had her head shaven, wors nipple stickers instead of proper cloths as well as started to express mental problems. Thankfully she recovered, but nice women try to conform. She never had a problem with men, nor was she constantly hit on (which men usually only do on skanks to begin with, the actually beatifull and modest ones are too far away from their ligue, as to even try - so the majority of women claiming that to be the reason, are ddeluting themselves).

>> No.15903829
File: 180 KB, 500x511, 1487162877738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most effective way to curb male attention is to not express willingnes for sexual intercourse, meaning dressing overly modest and conservative, putting your hair up instead of letting the voluptuous erotic locks bounce away as well as wearing no make up (which in nearly all cases imitates sexuall features like red and swollen lips and rosy cheeks). Super horny guys don't go or this type of woman and the super orthodox men themself are rare and far between.

But lets be honest, that's just an excuse why men are again at fault, not the true nature of their change. They only wanted to "stick out" as they think it's:
But lacking a true personality they've gone for the edgy anti-feminine features as all other avenues would have taken some actual self-expression. Not being able to admit that, they simply need anotehr pretext.

>> No.15903936

I would marry left.
Would not even let right suck my dick.

>> No.15903939
File: 336 KB, 1031x1250, cecildrakeinseattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone as ugly as you does not deserve an opinion.

>> No.15903940

nah this is bullshit, looking like the right gives you more attention and even even creepier dudes (who think this is hot) get interested, just go outside with no make-up you female autists.

>> No.15903942

imagine being Daniel Johnston, permanently innocently-horny autist just wanting to kiss a cute girl and then your entire fanbase is dykes and art school cunts who are complete degenerates.

>> No.15904215

Who is she?

>> No.15904220

>entire fanbase is dykes and art school cunts
so you're like 20 and have never been to texas?

>> No.15904234

Ugly as sin, and as sinful as he is short. If I could train a dog to rape on command then I would totally do that as well. A really big dog like a mastiff. He would be so completely and utterly powerless to stop it, not to mention terrified. A big ass dog is even scary and life-threatening to a normal human but to a midget? Might as well be a dragon. I'd keep him in a cell and what's more is that I would actually place the key inside with him but put it in a high place. Not extremely high but just ever so slightly out of reach. It would drive him mad. I would dress him like a baby and force feed him 99 cent store baby food. I'd also pick him up like a child and toss him from one corner to the next. I'd grab him by one leg and swing him as hard and as fast as I could then hurl him to see how far he goes.

>> No.15904235

Dying society.

>> No.15904248

>that diary entry sized power fanatsy

>> No.15904252

lmao it reads like someone’s fetish and sexual frustration

>> No.15904262

Thanks for sharing your sexual fantasy.

>> No.15904267

I mean.... yeah... unless I chemically castrate myself I'm pretty sure I will always have to think about women to some extent

>> No.15904588

I mean emo/scene whatever is very abrasive looking but at it's core they are still trying to look very feminine and attractive. You could think the girl in that pic looks goofy . But it wouldn't seem like shes gross or sloppy or trying to be androgynous. Goth/Emo used to be a way to punch up if you are whatever looking with hair/makeup, what we are seeing now is girls devolving from whatever attractiveness they do have into pure pigs, and not even zero effort, but TRYING to look like shameless dumpster crackwhores.

>> No.15904976


>> No.15905000

Because the emo/scene look is from a sub culture of music and OPs look is from Marxist ideology. They're 100% different things. One is being cute and girly, enjoying the music, chilling with guys.

The others is looking anything but feminine and pretty because that's a "patriarchal beauty standard" and about hating men and the Western world.

>> No.15905096

not everyone is a burger on the internet

>> No.15905324

>OPs look is from Marxist ideology
Not sure I ever saw the proletariat rocking pixie cuts and face piercings. They mostly just wore one-piece suits cut from potato sacks.

Also, it's probably worth learning the difference between neoliberalism and leftism. That way you won't need to keep embarrassing yourself whenever you try to bring up politics.

>> No.15905327

Not considering if some random male will find them fuckable

>> No.15905333

yeah but why would they enjoy looking objectively ugly?

>> No.15905338

Whore on the left. Slut on the right.

>> No.15905342

"just lol at sons"

>> No.15905344

ayyy woahh look at this fuckin wise guy over heah

>> No.15905347


>> No.15905349


>rise of individualism in the west
>tons of people experimenting with their looks like they would with a MMO character

you're just jealous because you'd never dare to wear anything besides hoodies and sweats kek

>> No.15905358

>group of people echo a certain "rebellious" aesthetic


>> No.15905359

it's not women being whores that's the problem, it's the sons who grow up to put up with them.

>> No.15905363

>Not sure I ever saw the proletariat rocking pixie cuts and face piercings. They mostly just wore one-piece suits cut from potato sacks.

You have no idea what you're talking about or what Marxism is lmfao.

It's an ideology, not mirroring the people under the USSR and how they dressed. The proletariat and bourgeoisie are words for oppressed vs oppressor and patriarchal beauty standards mean oppressor and the opposite is the oppressed so they will not engage in their oppression by conforming to the patriarchal beauty standards so they do the opposite to be free from oppression.

There is a reason why college girls suddenly take this look and change when they get into he politics and ideology of Marxism. This does not happen to some girl in the Mid West who works at a restaurant instead.

I can't believe you are really so autistic to think a follow of Marxism today would dress how Russians did in the 1960s or whatever hahahahahaha.

What a village idiot.

>> No.15905366

Are people pretending he sliced some other image on the right or something? SHE LOOKS LIKE A FREAK, and not in a cool subculture way where shes still attractive, why would he want to look like hes unemployed and doesn't shower? Is this cool now?

>> No.15905367


meanwhile there are 100 groups of people trying different shit. sorry kids, i don't have instagram and shit so i'm not really up-to-date on all of them, aside from the art hoe shit you guys post here sometimes.

>> No.15905373


i know it's hard to believe but people don't always gravitate towards looking and acting to please others. many grow out of it once they leave highschool.

>> No.15905382

Fuck I have to post again because that poster cracked me up with pure retardation.

Guys. Just remember, you can't be a National Socialist, right wing or a nazi, nor fascist if you don't dress like it is 1938 HAHAHAHAHA.

The dope head on here thinks Marxism is a dress code LOL. I bet the chuckle fuck thinks people are only capitalists if they walk around in a top hat and suit.

Marxism changes, dumbass. That's why it has no end game. The oppressor and the oppressed constantly shift. The gays are the oppressed by the straight people. Then Muslims come along and the Muslims are oppressed and the gays and straights are the oppressors. It's eternal conflict of shifting groups.

The oppressed might rise up, start killing the oppressors and later they become the oppressed and the circle continues.

>> No.15905387

yeah people should be mature and become gross mutants, this should encouraged and accepted, ugly societies en mass

>> No.15905391

>he doesn't know how to take a joke
Holy shit ahahahahahaha what a fucking moron

>The proletariat and bourgeoisie are words for oppressed vs oppressor and patriarchal beauty standards mean oppressor and the opposite
can you point me to the excerpt in Das Kapital that says this? You know, the bit where Marx uses terms like "patriarchal beauty standards?" Seeing as you're such an expert on him, after all...

>> No.15905398

>The dope head on here thinks Marxism is a dress code
I will refer you to your post here:
>OPs look is from Marxist ideology
So which is it, huh? Does marxism have a dress code or not?

>> No.15905406


literally nobody cares except fags like you
stick to your church's boy choir, but leave the rest of mankind alone ffs

>> No.15905408

the haircut alone makes her a 2/10 MAX, completely regardless of any other features.

>> No.15905422

>i was just playing an idiot you guys!!

>can you point me to the excerpt in Das Kapital that says this? You know, the bit where Marx uses terms like "patriarchal beauty standards?" Seeing as you're such an expert on him, after all...

More autism who takes thinks LITERALLY. Marxism is unable to give you a direct group of oppressed and oppressors due to the shifting groups. It's the framework. If it did and we solved it, that would be it done but that's not the design.

Do you think it lists every oppressed group in the world and predicts which groups will be oppressed for, um, the next 1000% years? hahaha.

Dude. I hate to say it but fucking educate yourself and shut the fuck up. You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Try speaking to one of these girls you incel, don't take my word for it, they will LITERALLY pretty much tell you the same thing. Do you think even a single one of them would be a right wing fascist? Of course you fucking don't, we all know that. if this is some "organic" look by personal choice that would be so but they are always left wing Marxists who believe the patriarchal system and capitalism is oppressing them and others. Their look is simply their fight against the stands of beauty within it, they do the opposite as a fuck you to it.

Now go play in traffic you subhuman IQ of 65 creature.

>> No.15905426

>Does marxism have a dress code or not?

NO you fucking idiot. It's a response to fighting against what is seen as oppression (in this case a beauty standard)


Thickest moron I have met on here yet. Go away.

>> No.15905430

My heart can't take this shit man.

>> No.15905480 [DELETED] 

Because there is the world biggest village idiot itt can I just explain when I say this look is from Marxism I do not mean there is a little book of Marxism with a dress code in it for women lol..

I mean when they learn about Marxism, they see themselves as oppressed people. And one way they are being oppressed is by beauty standards forced upon them. So for girls in the West it means rejecting these standards and changing to how they do. If the beauty standards were already how these girls look, they then might dress in a very feminine way. It's all about the opposite of oppression.

Just like how some kid might start hanging around with the goth crowd, get into the music and then start dressing that way, the same applies to girls at college. They get into the politics and ideology of Marxism and then adopt this look.

It's why all the before pictures are of them younger before they went to college. It's why every far left protect you go to you'll see this type. It's why people with all their pronouns and genders will look like this.

Why? Because in each case they believe they are fighting an imaginary oppressor and sticking up for oppressed groups.

Yet so many people can't even understand this very basic thing and think the girls look that way just by random choice when almost nothing is ever random. If you hate this look and their attitude, you're never going to change things by being blind and ignorant to what is actually happening behind the look.

>> No.15905486

Because there is the worlds biggest village idiot itt can I just explain when I say this look is from Marxism I do not mean there is a little book of Marxism with a dress code in it for women lol..

I mean when they learn about Marxism, they see themselves as oppressed people. And one way they are being oppressed is by beauty standards forced upon them. So for girls in the West it means rejecting these standards and changing to how they do. If the beauty standards were already how these girls look, they then might dress in a very feminine way. It's all about the opposite of oppression.

Just like how some kid might start hanging around with the goth crowd, get into the music and then start dressing that way, the same applies to girls at college. They get into the politics and ideology of Marxism and then adopt this look.

It's why all the before pictures are of them younger before they went to college. It's why every far left protest you go to you'll see this type. It's why people with all their pronouns and genders in their bio will look like this.

Why? Because in each case they believe they are fighting an imaginary oppressor and sticking up for oppressed groups.

Yet so many people can't even understand this very basic thing and think the girls look that way just by random choice when almost nothing is ever random. If you hate this look and their attitude, you're never going to change things by being blind and ignorant to what is actually happening behind the look.

>> No.15905493

I'm gonna call retards ugly, stay mad about it or stop looking deliberately like an ugly retard. This behavior is normal and helps instate social norms, no one likes ugly people but especially those who choose it.

>> No.15905499


>umm excuse me, hitler and his gang never wore that, so they can't be nazis
>there are no nazi books with that dress code in

I can't believe a complete DOPE HEAD tried to use that totally illiterate autistic line on me. Just amazing.

Dope head thinks ideology is synonymous with dress code.

Right wingers might dress smart not because it says so in a book but because of what it represents in the same way these ugly deformed girls look like shit not because it says so in a book but what it represents (fighting the oppression of a beauty standard)

>> No.15905515

.Marxism is unable to give you a direct group of oppressed and oppressors due to the shifting groups.
There are no shifting groups, marxism has always referred to the relations of power between proletariat and bourgeoisie (which is also why its an outdated term to be referring to a chick with a pixie cut). This is why I said earlier you can't tell the difference between neoliberalism and leftism– the latter will always be about the struggle of class, while the former is about making personal identity and victimhood into its own form of cultural capital.

>> No.15905525


Can you give an opinion how nearly every communist/socialist group before the late 70's and 80's (before euro communism) was quite socially conservative compared to today.

I consider myself quite left wing economically but not socially, i want to advance the interests of the working class, i am a working class socialist myself and see nothing in common with these types of people, they are but privileged bourgeois university types, i think there is a divide between bourgeois socialists and working class socialists. Maybe i am stating the obvious.

>> No.15905534

If the poor become rich they shift groups ffs.

>marxism has always referred to the relations of power between proletariat and bourgeoisie

Which translates to OPPRESSED VS OPPRESSORS.

Just fucking stop dude. You don't understand any of the literate you have read or Marxism.

Yeah OK, these girls all love communism, have the same look, the same politics, the same fight and beliefs but it's totally nothing to do with ideology and they just all magically think that way. You're clearly a high schooler.

By saying it's outdated would mean communism in any form can not exist today because it is outdated via the words when it's simply an ideology and system that changes with the timer but the basic roots remain the same.

It's Marxism applied to Western culture.

ONCE AGAIN DEBATE ME FOR MY CHANNEL IF YOU THINK YOU;RE A BIG SHIT. Or continue embarrassing yourself here looking like a fool.

>> No.15905544

a need to make the outside as ugly as the in

>> No.15905549

>Which translates to OPPRESSED VS OPPRESSORS
NO it doesn't you moron, they are specific historical classes. There is no "translation" because they have no accurate equivalents that exist today. That's why I keep telling you marxism is outdated. What you're upset about is neoliberalism, which is about monetising/celebrating victimhood culture. Please, learn the difference, talking to you is like beating my head against a brick wall.

>Yeah OK, these girls all love communism, have the same look, the same politics, the same fight and beliefs but it's totally nothing to do with ideology and they just all magically think that way. You're clearly a high schooler.
No. I didn't say any of this at all. Where the hell did you learn to read english?

>> No.15905558

Because it's not "the one and only form of Marxism" it's an interpretation of Marxism by privileged white middle class brats.

They know the basic concept of oppressed vs oppressor but then they apply it to imaginary stupid shit like "beauty standards" and see themselves as oppressed.

Then other things like feminism warp their minds further validating their oppression status. And as all these things generally fall under the "left wing" umbrella the ideas are shared between the groups as if they were 1 single idea. It's why you see a lot of fighting and consuming of each other in left wing circles.

The same can be said for homosexual drug using skinheads that believe they are National Socialists. They might have the basic beliefs about Jewish control, banking, racial reality but the rest is warped and they are degenerate.

An ideology is only as powerful and as real as its followers are and today, the most hardcore Marxists are the super left totally against the conservatism type so therefore they are that ideology in its current form. They are not the original ones, just simply they take their roots from that source and twist them. So they are the Marxists of today.

Just how you call nazis "neo-nazis" today. They are not the original nazis, but they are classed as the current form and interpretation of nazis.

But that's also what I mean by the goal posts shift back and fourth and there is never a satisfied end.

You might be male and say you're on the left, the college girl will say she is on the left, but being female, she is oppressed and you are privileged being male so you're not both exactly the same and change must be made.

It's how a poor working class guy will be on the left, say immigration has ruined their town and driven down wages etc. and someone else on the left will say they are racist right wings. Then the poor left will reply with they are middle class, so they're really conservatives and privileged. It's ETERNAL CONFLICT.

>> No.15905564

Look at it this way. Say they look like this because of neoliberalism then. It's still politics and ideology.

But then explain why it makes them want to look that way.

Then try this.. ASK THEM. I have. Many of them. They almost always rant about feminine beauty standards.

Just how a clean cut young guy in a suit is rejecting sloppy zoomer standards, they are rejecting what they perceive to be oppressive feminine beauty standards.

I do actually know a lot of the big political youtubers who talk about this shit 24/7. I do live in Seattle with ya know, a lot of these type and antifa who I have talked to.

>> No.15905568

I don't give a fuck what you think is effay. You're a tard. I don't like jews but I also don't seethe all day on every fucking board about them.

>> No.15905587


I can't argue with what you have said in all honesty, because i have experienced that myself, i feel like an alien among so called Marxist circles.

>> No.15905612

That's why I fall somewhat in line with a Libertarian. Freedom and little government control.

But other than that, ideology is bullshit to me. Just be a good person. Do not steal, do not kill. If you have a wife, take care of her, if kids, make them wise and healthy.

You're never going to fight the beasts in power and will waste your life (or lose it) and when the time comes that you must do that, it will be when there is no other option and the path will be set for you.

It's why everything people do is dominated by ideology and never reality. If I showed on people can these lions live with these lambs, people would say of course not. Not a good idea. But If I say Islamic culture which is super conservative mixed with the ever more liberal West is not likely to be compatible and huge differences will arise which will and can not be solved without conflict suddenly their ideology takes over and I am now a racist or whatever.

I just go by real world reality, sometimes that isn't nice, nor positive. At times you might sound like a bad person with what you;re saying but that's only because you believe it;s for the greater long term good.

But ideology warps the brain and mind, there is no reason, no logic, no truth. Just darkness.

>> No.15905639

Not at all. It's a very specific thread asking how and why a woman can go from "normal" beauty standards to deliberate attempts to be ugly. For a sports analogy, it's like asking how a Chiefs fan could become a Raiders fan or how a Yankees fan could become a Red Sox fan. It's a swing from position to the opposite that doesn't make sense to most people.

>> No.15905648

>I just go by real world reality
That’s your ideology.

>> No.15905650

>i feel like an alien among so called Marxist circles

Also this is generally a pattern too, that the circle gets smaller but more hardcore and eventually while it might get to a much smaller circle than originally, the most extreme groups dominate.

It's how groups such as ISIS will form. At first it will be shared beliefs but with flexibility and interpretation but get more extreme. The woman has to be covered, if not she gets told off. Then she gets a lashing. Then she gets beat almost to death.

Same shit with prion gangs. You might share every belief and opinion of the Aryan Brotherhood but that does not make you one of them, you have to do something, to kill to be one of them. That leads it to being a pretty small gang overall but full of hardcore people so it becomes one of the most powerful gangs. Most of the time the fear alone is reason not to fuck with it.

But free men who respect freedom and individual rights do not tend to go down these paths.

>> No.15905660

Perhaps. But they are my individual guidelines and beliefs within that so naturally they will differ to others versus some book of rules but the difference is not cause for conflict, because the belief is individual rights and beliefs in itself.

>oh but why don't you want drag queens to read stories to 4 year olds then

Because I see that as their beliefs being forced upon others and taking away the right for others to form beliefs on their own.

It does mean I believe the drag queen to have the right to do that freely and be who they are, because to tell them no, would be me forcing my beliefs.

Both consenting adults, then sure, no problem.

>> No.15905742
File: 384 KB, 1086x885, thanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and I see these dumb bitches ranting about stupid shit instead of targeting the wall street parasites.

This image. THESE FEELS. Fucking fantastic.

>> No.15905823
File: 2.82 MB, 414x382, smh pence.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus Christ how hard can you fall

>> No.15906339

being based

>> No.15906486

Litteraly based on what? What is this circle jerks of /pol/yards trying to force their shit in other boards. MF Trump lost, christianity is gay, you would have never been accepted by the nazi's no matter how """"big"""" your chin is.

Just fuck off and let us have a normal discussion on cores and clothes. Like we get it, you like to larp in trad or military clothes. And women feel forced to dress like this to avoid u.

>> No.15906496

The left ceased to b about real problems when they fell for the occupy wallstreet cooperate sheniniganz, simply changing them for genital issues. That was probably the last time the left was relevant s a political tool against dystopian paths. Nowadays it's up to a couple fucking kids betting their allowance on fucking Gamestop of all things trying to become the tophat.

And the left wonders why the brown shirts, which actually speak about such parasites, get momentum.

>> No.15906619

4chan is just tumblr for males where you blame jews instead of the patriarchy

>> No.15906620
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>> No.15906656

>t. triggered

>> No.15906709

She looks better for satanic worhipping and drug fueled orgies alright

>> No.15906728

dilate you fucking kike loving freak.

>> No.15906730

>Hates beauty because not beautiful

>> No.15906757


>> No.15906764

Unironically these. Whores seething.

>> No.15906830

My man her look is so tryhard how can it be anything else than a cry for attention and an attempt to please anyone but herself?

>> No.15906905
File: 116 KB, 1400x566, savannah brown before.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently it’s Tumblr.
And umm.. being crazy isn’t cool kids.


>> No.15906986
File: 17 KB, 243x251, image_2021-01-28_151437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We had a timeline shift.

The soviet flag was just a hammer and sickle but now has a star above it.

>> No.15907019

Dunno the soviet union was kind of based compared to the woke blue haired retards.

>> No.15907870

what's her name again ?

>> No.15907896

This is like the whole berenstein/berenstain bears thing.

>> No.15909080

what do you mean

it’s bearenstein

>> No.15909232

Unironically this. Virgins dont realize how much damage they cause by being annoying sex pests

>> No.15909427
File: 627 KB, 2400x2400, 91-5ZMgcbHL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15909440

I have a confession to make.
The dad bear awakened my inner homo

>> No.15909448

Well, whatever floats ya boat mate.

>> No.15909453

I thought I was the only fucking one
Explains my blue collar bear fetish hollyy fuckk m8

>> No.15909459
File: 8 KB, 280x288, Papa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok im laughing at this thanks lads

>> No.15909461
File: 47 KB, 656x368, 35AF7B6D-E22C-43B0-B90B-9E700CEFBD72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15909705

no im sorry to tell you but youre retarded it always had a star it actually looks cursed without one

>> No.15909712

Finally the actual truth on the anime frog image board

>> No.15909722

Social media addiction

>> No.15909741

Ah yes, op is a gentleman just trying to figure out this particular 'problem', for research, you know

>> No.15909759
File: 63 KB, 620x421, 1611716397858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What causes this?
University + boredom

>> No.15909911

i know you're a better gentleman than this

>> No.15909930


>> No.15910081
File: 745 KB, 700x526, 1611950266489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give them nose jobs and they'll be back to normal

>> No.15910119

Vegan propaganda

>> No.15910475

I'm pretty sure both were used

>> No.15910481

not going to lie totalitarianism of old just has a good aestheticp

>> No.15910519
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>> No.15910602
File: 100 KB, 800x559, c04da3feff6bb54299776717f31e7eab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15910612
File: 1.31 MB, 1000x705, eastgermany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15910636


>> No.15910663
File: 57 KB, 920x950, skavenwarhammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15911164


>> No.15911178
File: 13 KB, 236x305, facepaint4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man's got it right. Girl on the left looks as "needlessly progressive" to your dead grandma as the right does to you trads. Just looks pre-cyberpunk, good use of makeup as facepaint and shape language using the accessories, haircut, wardrobe, and a much better grasp of color theory, left girl is "playing it safe".

>> No.15911186
File: 260 KB, 680x539, 4e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cleetus javarius, you have to see the truth by now, high ranking jewish elites own all of the fiat money controlling our economies, media, and population growth with manufactures war, famine, pollution, and disease, and perform dark satanic child sacrifice, and sexual abuse, partially because they have been tricked into this position by demons, and partially as gatekeepers of occult knowledge, to appease their reptilian and archon overloards, who are cahoots with the Evil and Dark forces of the universe. Awaken your Inner Christ Consciousness, and let God lead yourself to eternal salvation!

>> No.15911194

That's a shit opinion wrote in incoherent sentences by a man who will never be a woman, though he wants to.

>> No.15911201

I hate women.

>> No.15911621

Lack of personality

>> No.15911628

you haven't stated an opinion, what is your post worth? the braincells you degenerated being angry at something you can't understand? 1 guess as to how much public spaces make you never relax.

>> No.15911636

Kiss your mother with that mouth, anon?

>> No.15911705

Both are cunts

>> No.15911709

the potential was always there. she looks just as ready to fight the patriarchy in the left as much as the right.

>left 7
>that face

>> No.15912434

she's cute (Anal del gey)

>> No.15913277

There's a big difference between dressing how you want to look and dressing like a retard that fetishizes ugliness.

>> No.15913472


>> No.15914429

Intense social programming by nihilist Marxist pedos

>> No.15914786

>look i can hang guys, i say no-no words too!

>> No.15914817

she was pretty enough to cruise by on looks, but when she had to deliver, then she couldn't and so took revenge on her looks.
lots of small town pretty girls go the city and realise they have nothing & freak out. some get fat, some get feminism.

>> No.15914823
File: 58 KB, 899x1200, lana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15914862


>> No.15915095

she recently cut her tits of and gone full trans

>> No.15916194

kek at you nerds who get mad about some random stranger on the internet getting a haircut you don’t like and putting on weird makeup— please consider getting a life

>> No.15916556

jeez, you westerners are losing pussy to this trans menace