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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 56 KB, 500x311, 1585776022307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15896200 No.15896200 [Reply] [Original]

2000s and 2010s indie core
post pics pls, I have a few of them

>> No.15896240
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>> No.15896302
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i can dump my folder

>> No.15896303
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>> No.15896306
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>> No.15896308
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>> No.15896311
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>> No.15896313
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>> No.15896315
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>> No.15896318
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>> No.15896324
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>> No.15896328

Please don't, these threads make me feel bad for squandering my youth.

>> No.15896330
File: 59 KB, 1200x882, DFA5F3D7-2918-4EBD-B3CB-24E7B511627F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15896333
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>> No.15896335
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>> No.15896402
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>> No.15896449
File: 12 KB, 274x184, qaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to google it? I can only find bad quality pics

>> No.15896479
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>> No.15896490
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>> No.15896491

Those were the days huh

>> No.15896500

i got most of my folder from tumblr archives

>> No.15896506

this. I love and hate these threads equally. Covid makes it hurt even more because the feeling of wasting my youth is at an unbearable high right now

>> No.15896510
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>> No.15896514
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>> No.15896517
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>> No.15896522

post this one if you have

>> No.15896524
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>> No.15896528
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>> No.15896530
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>> No.15896534
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>> No.15896536
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>> No.15896537
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its so fucking weird to look back on this era

>> No.15896540
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>> No.15896544
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>> No.15896548
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>> No.15896551

Kill me

>> No.15896552
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>> No.15896554
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>> No.15896579

cute :D

>> No.15896594
File: 86 KB, 802x493, tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao a little gem i just found while going through archives again... little did she know when she posted this 2010

>> No.15896616

link ple\s

>> No.15896628

no she posted pictures of herself on there and apparently still uses this blog to this day. Don't want to dox her

>> No.15896656

oh ok

>> No.15896664

This shit was cringe back then, and it's just as cringe now.

>> No.15896667


>> No.15896674
File: 946 KB, 741x1049, htc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even htc have indie couple on sceen

>> No.15896777

These threads make me sad because I got to live through this shit, but I could've done it a bit better. The alcoholism aggravated my autism. I don't think I made the most of it even though I had a good time. I think it's just normal to feel this way as you enter your thirties, no matter how much you did.

>> No.15896779

It was just shallow people with bad taste dressing poorly "ironically."
Absolutely destroyed the alt scene.

>> No.15896808

I appreciate the hipster mentality of using point and shoots looking back, makes these pictures comfier. Early 2000's cameras were garbage and made everyone look sickly

>> No.15896822

I dressed like this unironically because I was poor. So were a lot of other people I knew. I've touched on this topic in other threads about things like workwear and thriftcore and normcore, but I was actually relieved when this happened, because it meant I could look "cool" by just being the me that I already was. I felt kinda deserved too, because I was way more into the music and art subcultures than my peers who were spending dosh on fancy "punk", "scene", etc. gear a few years before.

>> No.15896824

thread themes
keep adding to this bros

>> No.15896868

That's nice. I think the low bar was a contributing factor in the rapid rise to prevalence.

My perspective is that of a salty rivethead watching his already tiny scene get pushed out of alternative music space by college hipsters, and being dismayed by the general lack of edge in the new subculture.

>> No.15896937

Great stuff, still love the music video for Lust For Life

>> No.15896951
File: 13 KB, 634x652, old feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damned be this thread for giving me such strong feels. I rarely feel nostalgic. Didn't know how much i miss that period of 10-12 years ago

>> No.15897002

based, thank you

>> No.15897004
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>> No.15897005

Good thread.

>> No.15897013
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>> No.15897019
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>> No.15897021
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>> No.15897024
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Why only pics if there are videos

>> No.15897029

I don't think I actually had as much fun in this era as I sometimes think I do when seeing these pictures and looking back at it with rose-colored glasses. But I do miss the vague optimism that permeated the air.
I also miss when people primarily used the internet to network for actual social gatherings, and those who structured their lives purely to post online were seen as dorks who were missing the point. Then again, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe everyone was doing it for their blog then too. Still I can't shake the feeling that the world felt less formulaic in the Tumblr age than the TikTok age.

>> No.15897034

Jesus christ, rereading this I can see how gaslit I feel by the current age.

>> No.15897039


>> No.15897052

This thread makes me feel fucking old.

>> No.15897056
File: 1.31 MB, 320x284, storm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomers cognitive dissonance

WE are more PROGRESSIVE and SOCIALIST than ever, I thought this was paradise for you guys? How can you say things are a bit shit? Impossible!

I mean, you're not nazis, ARE YOU?

Soon you will need a special government ID to even go online, for your own safety, of course. If you have nothing to hide..

It's as though sucking mass global corporations multi billion dollar dicks while claiming to be against capitalism doesn't work out so well, huh?


>> No.15897079

nibble nibble

>> No.15897085
File: 1.90 MB, 268x279, Dvu90JR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15897157

Used to be my favourite song.

>> No.15897170

>pictures i scraped from my m8s facebook from 10 years ago

>> No.15897176

jesus I would still wear that coat today if I had one

>> No.15897181
File: 150 KB, 1080x1080, 95315479_887337495118632_2769810611636496012_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conor Oberst and Neely Jenkins at the Knitting Factory in NYC, 2003.

>> No.15897183
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>> No.15897184
File: 169 KB, 1080x1080, 95390801_270914020615212_6162936326492740602_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andy LeMaster, Conor Oberst, Stefanie Drootin, Mike Mogis and Matt Baum. Bright Eyes tour long ago. Maybe 2000?

>> No.15897185
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>> No.15897190
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Phil Elverum, Karl Blau, March 2006.

>> No.15897195
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>> No.15897204
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>> No.15897273

I mean I was a "hardcore kid" I guess. My behavior was pretty edgy, I just dressed "normal" comparitively.

>> No.15897281

>I also miss when people primarily used the internet to network for actual social gatherings, and those who structured their lives purely to post online were seen as dorks who were missing the point
damn youre right..

>> No.15897304
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>> No.15897305
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>> No.15897308
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>> No.15897312

Good times when I was an early 20s millennial hipster. Now the trannies and zoomers have taken over.

>> No.15897316

Girls in vintage denim shorts over tights makes me want death via face sitting

>> No.15897325

i've noticed that people on tiktok started talking about this era too. Who knows, zoomers might bring it back

>> No.15897336

the dumb faggot indie kid circle rejected me for being a socially retarded aspie

anyone else?

>> No.15897339
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>> No.15897343
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>> No.15897344

mogis always looks so out of place in these pictures

>> No.15897350
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>> No.15897352
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>> No.15897354
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>> No.15897363
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>> No.15897366
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>> No.15897371

>sucking mass global corporations multi billion dollar dicks
By buying thrifted clothes and going to see shitty local bands?

>> No.15897373
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>> No.15897379

a lot of these outfits don't even look that outdated desu (but maybe it just seems that way to me because i'm an old fag)

>> No.15897385

why do white people wear shoes inside their houses?

>> No.15897388

they def would be a tad outdated on a university campus today (speaking as a grad student) or at the very least you'd stand out, but if you still look young and want to wear this kind of thing when you go out I don't think anyone would think anything of it

>> No.15897390

my favorite outfits from this era are basically youngshits trying to look more mature than they actually are.

>> No.15897391

So you can get paid to mop the floor.

>> No.15897402

have you ever been at a house party?

>> No.15897410

yeah, once. people took their shoes off that time.

>> No.15897417

The slp aw13 guy, I forgot his name.

>> No.15897425
File: 62 KB, 976x850, racist frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i guess i'm the only one

literally still feel constantly traumatized about my high school interactions with millenial hipsters

>> No.15897428

nah I was kind of like this too. My way in sort of was to actually go to concerts all the time and people would come because they didn't want to go alone.

>> No.15897431

this is me too. I liked the music, but I was never in the social circles. granted, my job was taking the majority of my time for myself, much less for friends outside of it.

>> No.15897436

Were the 2000s soul or soulless? I honestly can't tell.

>> No.15897441

soulless. Why do you think the youth attempted to regress with film cameras and vintage clothes. There was nothing in the 2000s. The decade died in 2001.

>> No.15897479

Dude on the right is cosplaying Naoto and he doesn't even realize it

>> No.15897491

Late 2000s to early 2010s was all soul. Retards talk about how we were appropriating retro fashions to fill a cultural void, but we were all just shopping at thrift stores, because we spent all our other time balls deep in DIY music, art, urbex, abandoned place parties, and girls that were actually fun. I guess /fa/ would consider it more soulful to have a tacky subcultural uniform than to actually be doing things.

>> No.15898043

what the fuck are you talking about? go outside

>> No.15898108

Search for “Hipster” because that’s all this bullshit really is.

>> No.15898123

I'm so glad this hipster shit is dead.

>> No.15898130

Hey I had those pants from American apparel. I felt like a faggot wearing them and I knew I looked like a faggot but I wanted to bang hipster chicks and it worked.

>> No.15898138

I spent 3-4 years going to parties and socializing, and pretty much everyone looked like the people in this thread. It was nice to have friends I guess, but it wasn't some transcendent experience either.

>> No.15898142

Did everyone have some dumpstered floral couch in the 2010's or what?

>> No.15898148

Yeah it really was infuriating to have to drink the cheapest beer (PBR/High Life) and shop a thrift stores because the economy was in shambles. Suddenly you were reviled as a "hipster" by the same media outlets that were staffed by actual hipsters if you got a $40 turntable with a good needle and amp and a bunch of old records, and were enjoying them.

>> No.15898151


>> No.15898154

Yup, I remember always getting invites to events in Facebook and that was a thing. Even before Trump that died. But liberals want you to believe it died because of those 4 years.

Everyone wanted to stay in the house watch netflix and get fat of fucking grubhub while obsessing over social media."

But back then it was about hopping on these sites seeing what was going down and going to do something then cornballs caught on and fucked it all up

>> No.15898160

Lmao, /fa/ was joking on this shit and hoping for it's death a few years ago. Now you come here recently and I see a late 00s/early 10s hipster nostalgia thread every week or so. Now you want it back?

You people are fucking stupid

>> No.15898167

Looking at things today? Soulful
But that's how it always is. When you're in the moment you don't realize it. Because I hated the fucking 00s while I was living it, especially mainstream culture. Now I'm looking back at that stuff and I would rather hear about Paris Hilton 24/7 that Trump hate an the media fellate Biden all day.

I'm even starting to like all of the music I hated during that time.

>> No.15898228

Bring back skinny girls with bangs and floral dresses pls

>> No.15898232

such a great song

>> No.15898291

how old are you? I'm 23 and all of this shit was big when I was still in junior high

>> No.15898367

The women all look good but most the guys look god awful

>> No.15898369

Literally every generation does this.

>> No.15898371

I had an absolute blast. That's all that really matters I guess.

>> No.15898375

I think hipsters don't have fun though, and this scene was really fun.

>> No.15898378

>DIY music, art, urbex, abandoned place parties, and girls that were actually fun.
Sounds like the 90s anon. There was nothing original about the 2000s. All nostalgia. Fun but fake.

>> No.15898423

i remember this insane 4chan hack on tumblr so well i want to cry

>> No.15898446

Great thread, opie

>> No.15898699

Yeah "hipster" was just some all encompassing derogatory slapped on us. For normies it was a way to put us down for having fun or doing cool things, because they didn't have any hobbies outside of TV. For trendy yuppies opinion writers, it was a way for them to project their upper middle-class guilt onto us. This latter group is what the majority of zoomers think literally every millenial was. It's weird that they could just ignore the whole economic history of the era, and think we were all well off yuppie fucks who wore the consoomer version of that style and lived off trust funds in LA.
I actually like shopping at thrift stores now. Mostly because I like straight leg levis, and vintage wool flannels, and I don't think I should have to pay $70 for jeans or $150 for a shirt. It also taught me a kind've zen about just having a range of what I'm willing to wear, rather than be autistic about specific pieces.

>> No.15898708

Fake as in what? Are you implying the activities we took part in are null and void because they're similar to something another generation did?

>> No.15898716

The things you have listed are extremely broad, it almost seems like saying painting was good but it got worn out because people kept doing it too much.

>> No.15898718

Same here anon. About to turn 29 and wasted my 20s doing nothing

>> No.15898720

I haven't bought clothing from a retail store in over three years. I just thrift often and pick like-new clothes that fit.

>> No.15898726

Cringe thread

>> No.15898761

Same pretty much. I buy new underwear, socks, and base layers. Usually from some place like Ross, because they get the premium undies for cheaper. I'll buy my /out/ boots new when I need a new pair, and usually buy myself one new pair of sneakers every spring. There's a levis outlet store not far from me, so I get one pair of their premium line jeans for myself on my birthday.

>> No.15899032

I hated the fashion, and hated the music even more. But at least people actually did things back then, even if it was cringe.

>> No.15899053

Oh god I wish I was a teenager living in some british suburb near london in the year 200(x) so badly. Fuck this thread is joy and agony combined.

>> No.15899066

damn it's just white people

>> No.15899070
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>> No.15899073
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>> No.15899078
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>> No.15899080
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>> No.15899082
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>> No.15899084
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>> No.15899088
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>> No.15899090
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>> No.15899091
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>> No.15899094
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>> No.15899096
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>> No.15899146

Pretty based right?
But for real, I don't understand why non white people find it problematic when white people are being white as fuck . Don't you think it's cringy when white people try to hard to embrace black culture? I fuckin would. Don't you find it insufferable when the status quo panders to you as a consumer demographic? I would. I don't think black or brown people should be less visible, or act more white. I really don't understand why so many young people of color are like "ew white people are so white". Pretending you're not white is way more cringy and way more racist, desu.
Also in places like NYC and Philly, there were plenty of non white people hanging out in this scene.

>> No.15899157

yeah, closer to 40 to 18 now.

>> No.15899159

Then* even going senile now

>> No.15899163
File: 33 KB, 480x270, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remembers this?

>> No.15899243

This entire thread just reminds me of Portland oregon in the 2010s. Literally everyone I knew had a tumblr exactly like this

>> No.15899249

this picture gets me everytime :(

>> No.15899273

I've never heard this but it gives me anxiety

>> No.15899365

I miss tumblr era badly.

>> No.15899370
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>> No.15899377
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>> No.15899385
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>> No.15899389
File: 649 KB, 750x744, 7729E0A8-9627-4D72-AD39-717488457DFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15899397

perish namefag

>> No.15899406
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>> No.15899409

>But liberals want you to believe it died because of those 4 years

what are you talking about. The only thing that started to suck was 4chan after all those r/donald tourist came in.

>> No.15899416

what does this even mean? Because people partied and liked chicks in their subculture it's like another time? No shit. What does a thing being "fake" even mean in this context? These events actually occurred and people actually enjoyed them.

>> No.15899419

Shit like this makes me feel super young

>> No.15899452
File: 148 KB, 976x642, 1611005557357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to bang so many girls like this. Now I'm in my thirties still on 4chan but happily married so that's cool too

>> No.15899587

Yup. Post some niggers if you wish, faggot

>> No.15899607

depending on where you go England pretty much still looks and dresses like this

>> No.15899811

"So acting like the most successful, dominant, abd cultured race in all of history! Ew!"

>> No.15899838

>Fake as in what
An in a bad reproduction of the past.
He listed them not me. He defined the activities of his generation not me.
see above and previous posts
see >>15897441

>> No.15899869

yes he listed them and you repeated said list. I don't see what that changes.

>> No.15899964
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>> No.15900213

It's really just that they marketed themselves as quirky brunettes with bangs that wore tights all the time. If you were a failed theater kid in an urban Bohemian district these years were very kind to you.

>> No.15900352

I've said it a bunch of /fa/ before but Tumblr era internet was actually, genuinely better. Obviously the dream died, but there was an attempt, or so it appeared, to offer social media platforms for their own sake, rather than for the sake of advertisers. I know people who ended up making money in part because of their tumblrs (selling their own art or t shirts or whatever) but you couldn't receive a paycheck from Tumblr just for having one and being popular. No bullshit like "prioritized" content. And people had long form discussions on Tumblr, even if there were dumb political bubbles that cropped up. The difference then was that there was no algorithm to trap you in your own bubble. Generally there seemed to be the attitude that if you don't want to see a blog filled with gore, don't follow the gore blogs. This is starkly different to the way social media platforms now police their content in order to justify showing you pages you never opted into viewing. God I miss that feeling of logging off after reaching the end of my Tumblr feed. Fully satisfied, ready to move on with my day. Feeling caught up. Not feeling like I'm waiting for the next ping, the next notification. No casino-addiction studies implemented to keep you on the site longer. Just a vast digital internet scrap book, full of glimpses into strangers' lives.

>> No.15900356

Remember when Vine and Twitter and Tumblr and Facebook and Youtube and Instagram were all different things? At one point you could even link them all together and they'd each do what they did best. Now all of them have to have images and stories and live-streaming capabilities and so on. I liked the internet better when each platform was a tool in my internet-swiss-army-knife instead of a redundant series of bloated echo chambers dangling carrots in front of you.

The internet would be better today if we had adjusted our economic structures to accommodate the benefits of the internet, rather than dumb down the internet to bend to the perpetual growth profit model.

>> No.15900358

is tumblr even a thing still? if i made an account there would i be a radical in 2021? i need to know

>> No.15900362

>said it a bunch on* /fa/ before

>> No.15900364

>rather than dumb down the internet to bend to the perpetual growth profit model.

You mean powerful parasites once again gained control of that which was pure and converted it to a mass profit making and brainwashing factory..

Oh we know.

>> No.15900435


>> No.15900448

>things just happen by magic
>oh no it's too complex for my pea brain

Yawn indeed. Perfect peasant that chugs down whatever slop it is fed.


Go change your tampon, incel.

>> No.15900556

You define 2000s "culture" then. Go on I dare you.

>> No.15900568

Yeah, I think a lot about how the internet seems to actually have LESS than it used to. You put some of it into words for me.

>> No.15900572

Define the "culture" of any other generation at that point. Judging by your arguments, isn't every post-war generation a copy of the previous?

>> No.15900681
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>> No.15900686
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>> No.15900688
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>> No.15900695
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>> No.15900702
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>> No.15900745

>t. zoomer who wasnt there and has no idea what hes talking about

>> No.15900746

Ripped tights, thrifted dresses, elegant vintage boots, indie girl hair, thigh high socks, and so much music.
The culture was fun because everyone tried so hard to be artsy. The kids now try so hard to be so basic. Just wearing sweatpants and watching Netflix. Kids back then would run around the city having adventures, taking artsy photos and being more social with each other. It definitely felt like a more connected time.

>> No.15900814

in my city people 100 percent still dress like this. i was not aware that it ever went away until this thread. hmm

>> No.15900822

this is why it took me so long to delete my tumblr after deleting everything else. you can't make money off it

>> No.15900831

lol when people were doing the crystal castles pose hahaha or lordy. people had their stupid poses back then thank god

>> No.15900838

I turn 30 in a few months and this thread is making me think of 2009

>> No.15900849

girls stopped being fun about six years ago. now they are just a bunch of grumpy woke cunts. look how much fun chicks used to have! they had a blast. now its just cancel this he raped that , stop calling it that pronoun. chicks used to not even know what a pronoun was, and thats hard to believe but its true. they had no idea what a pronoun was. all we would do is play music party spray paint stuff drink wine till our mouths turned black then smoosh genitlals till we fell asleep. fuck tic toc and everything modern. things....life is only getting worse

>> No.15900855

Poltard mad his nazi drumpft fantasy hasn't come true and he has to be a respectful human by using pronouns. Bet you have a small dick lol.

>> No.15900867
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my dick is huge and i hate trump. i used to swing it around and around like a firehose on full blast with nobody to control it. you are obviously young because it was only ten years ago that young people just didnt care about all this pronoun stuff. they werent switching genders willy nilly because gender fluid hadnt been invented yet. mostly we cared about music and getting laid something you couldnt understand so go take your hormones and make a tic toc dance.

>> No.15900975

>You put some of it into words for me
It's good to hear it resonates with other people.

Lotta good music from 2009.

>my dick is huge and i hate trump
That's redundant.
>they werent switching genders willy nilly because gender fluid hadnt been invented yet
I wonder how much of the rise in dysmorphia and identity confusion is a direct result of the internet and video-games saturating the culture. If someone spends less time running around in the mud as a child and scraping their knees and getting used to their body and their own thoughts, and more time choosing things to watch on the internet, or inhabiting avatars in videogames, does that effect their sense of self? Do people select their gender now like it's a commodity or piece of clothing because it's an exercise in self-branding?

>> No.15900981 [DELETED] 

>they still don't use tumblr
ive managed to get 19k followers just posting anime shit, and that's AFTER the titty ban

>> No.15900985

>they don't still use tumblr
ive managed to get 19k followers just posting anime shit, and that's AFTER the titty ban

>> No.15900996
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thats a very interesting analysis. i think that could have something to do with it. always existing outside your body in digital space for hours at a time. doing all your socialization and recreation in an arena where you can look at your own body from a third person perspective. this had to fuck people up. so many young people these days talk about dissociating. creepy shit. and think of all those little kids who are on the phone 24 7. crying for mommy to give them the cell phone

>> No.15901586

arthoes pls go

>> No.15901777

I know several trans people and I've noticed they mostly come from homes where their parents were absent and/or abusive. Those with absent parents tended to gravitate towards the internet and video games, especially if they are male-to-female identifying trans people.

>> No.15901830

I don't get the /pol/tards whining about liberals supposedly putting an end to this era as if 99% of the people in these photos weren't Dem voters who loved Obama and hated Bush with a passion.

>> No.15901841

Goddamn, this is also true. It hurts,but atleast we aren't zoomers I guess. We got to enjoy the last good times. I used to have that bullshit teenage grandeur that we were gonna be the last generation before the apocalypse or something, but we were the last generation before society totally changed, and we were fully ensnared in the Panopticon. I was half right.

>> No.15901871

>we spent all our other time balls deep in DIY music, art, urbex, abandoned place parties, and girls that were actually fun
Fuck anon are you me? I got so many feels reading this. One of my oldest friends who introduced me to urbex died last year falling off a building. He was the most incredible painter too. It happened just before the pandemic, so it feels like the whole world has gone to absolute shit without him to elevate it. Regardless of whether the 00-10s had soul or not, it was fucking paradise compared to where we are now.

>> No.15901901

i dont understand this thread. everyone still dresses like this, the 'core' is literally just shit you pick up in a thrift store. boots and leather shoes are more durable and cheaper to get at thrift stores. so are old style coats and pants. Nothing has changed. people still thrift because the economy is still just as bad as it was ten years ago if not worse
most young adults thrift most of their wardrobe and look like these pictures.

This thread just seems like shutins on /fa/

>> No.15901911

>tfw born in 2003
>missed out on every subculture possible
>was never allowed out of the house
>never had physical friends only online ones
>just plugged into video games and VR
>covid happens as i enter adulthood
>just daydream about being in these old scenes from the last forty years.

This is hell
Is there anyway for me to have a real life

>> No.15901918

well I'm 5 years older than you and I got to experience some of it.
But no. It's absolutely over and there's not hope. Covid just made it easier for them to commodify all of our free time. No major corporations make money off a DIY show or a night of hanging out with your friends. It's much more profitable for you to stay inside consuming grubhub and netflix.

>> No.15901921

So you're saying i should smash my computer to free myself from the machine entirely and try to find a DIY show or something?
Do people even do those anymore? I don't even know what music is

>> No.15901947

I would say your chances were bad before coronavirus but right now there are none whatsoever lol

>> No.15901948
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>So you're saying i should smash my computer to free myself from the machine entirely

That's a start.

>> No.15902013
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Don't know how the scenes are where you live, bu there are still subcultures and diy shows, just they're kinda watered down nowadays.
Thing is you have to dive in, learn how to make friends and have fun. Go take a walk around the city, anon, attend concerts, find cool people, it's all there.

>> No.15902099

If you're so stubborn to think any of this communicates success, dominance, or a superior culture then you're just racist or covered in white guilt.
All of these guys look like dorks, but if they're enjoying themselves in their niche with people they can relate to what does it matter.

>> No.15902104

I'm too terrified because i look like a hapless whiteboy but i'm in the ghetto where shootings happen on my street. i don't even really live in the city proper either. also corona so nobody is doing anything anyway

>> No.15902143


>> No.15902165


I was in highschool for this and I feel extremely sorry for people who were in highschool/college after 2015. There's definitely something wrong and it isn't the usual "last generation always thinks current generation is degenerate"

Basically. my sympathies to anyone in this thread who didn't have a MySpace before 2010. Wish I had more pictures.

>> No.15902190



>> No.15902326

i want to punch him

>> No.15902335
File: 557 KB, 1024x1821, IMG_1343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sucks but you can still fight against it. dont give up your humanity. read a book sing a song paint a picture, throw caution to the wind and fuck women without a condom or a mask. live life! its not too late!

>> No.15902345
File: 539 KB, 1200x1543, 1607141561943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the thing little consumer. you dont wait for someone else to throw a diy show. you do it yourself and throw the show. charge 2 dollars at the door .

>> No.15902387

All guys in a band post pictures like this

>> No.15902396

Sounds like exactly the type of place where there'd be a hardcore scene. Sweet. Don't act a fool though, they act much harder than twee pop hipsters. Also ghetto black dudes usually respect "hardcore kids" for whatever reason.

>> No.15902405
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>> No.15902418
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this was the last gen before the computers got permanently stuck to our face

>> No.15902479

Yes, from 2009, am I right?

>> No.15902555

nothing exploded it just faded apart :(

>> No.15902605

i think im too old for any of that. i dont even know what music is

>> No.15902609

Are you high? That isn't where hardcore scenes are at all. Hardcore scenes are in white places

>> No.15902640

if you were born in 2003 then you are definitely not too old to go to shows. you are the perfect age.

>> No.15902648

How old is too old?

>> No.15902668
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>> No.15902672

>implying there are shows to go to

>> No.15902673
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>> No.15902680
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>> No.15902683
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>> No.15902684

Idk, I'm from the mid-atlantic, and in my experience hardcore scenes tend to exist in blighted suburbs on the edge of city proper, or in blighted small/medium cities.

>> No.15902687
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>> No.15902692
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>> No.15902696


>he doesn't know

>> No.15902698

Back when people used facebook for parties because old people hadnt started making accounts yet. Yeah I miss it i think. But then I remember the cold nights spent sleeping on the hard floor of a strangers house, nights ruined by social faux pas, and drunk driving, and I'm not sure if I would go back.

>> No.15902699
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>> No.15902703

there are NO SHOWS AT ALL and its impossible to find any. i dont dance and i dont drink or have fun so i dont think anyone wants me around either way.

>> No.15902704

When you have too many other commitments.

>> No.15902705
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>> No.15902710
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>> No.15902711
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There are shows, anon, you're just not in the scenes to know

>> No.15902714
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>> No.15902715

there are no scenes anymore thats the point of this entire thread

>> No.15902716
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>> No.15902718

And that argument is wrong. A local venue in my town produced two mixtapes with local bands to help out, what was that, the local scene.

>> No.15902720

i have no friends so tell me how im supposed to accomplish any of that shit
the early 20s is not about partying at all anymore its about gearing for a career likely an IT career. anything else is hopeless. even if you try to have a fun early 20s you'll be like the one guy dancing at a wake. your peers will think of you as a weirdo for not staying in your dorm and studying

>> No.15902721

i'm not scared of the coof but i don't want to spread it either

>> No.15902722

I dunno if you noticed but there's a pandemic and we can't gather. There's nothing my generation can really do. Why would I have my life ruined by the police to go to a mediocre music show when I can listen to better music more comfortably in my home?

>> No.15902726

Who cares what joyless nerds think about you

>> No.15902731

Because you can't have fun if nobody wants to have fun and you cant throw shows if nobody wants to go to them and you can't make a band if nobody wants to play an instrument and you can't talk to people if they have people they'd rather talk to on discord waiting for them from the comfort of their own home.

>> No.15902741

Joyless nerds is literally 90% of the new generation. Zoomers actually swallowed the anti-drug shit that they fed millennials. Zoomers literally can instantly go to the internet and get all the 'correct' life decisions so they feel they can just follow that. Zoomers think of themselves like minmaxing RPG characters from a videogame and not human beings

The other 10% are total dropouts who are too fucked up on drugs and themselves to do anything but sit around

>> No.15902752
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ugh IT....computers ..... no wonder. you deserve what you get. you remind me of that kid in middle school who wont get a mohawk because his mom wont let him. totally missing the point. there is no hope for the adderal antidepresent gender bent tic toc generation. they are the first in a long line of people on this earth whose every waking moment will be monitized. during the times they are not monetized they will be working to make money to buy objects. the first of the modern slaves. the bars of your cell are hard to see, young man.

>> No.15902753


>> No.15902766

hey man i'm not a supporter of this im >>15901911. i feel like what you guys are missing with this advice is im not you. ive been indoctrinated in this shit all my life. i literally dont KNOW how to talk to people or how to act at a part or show. i cant just wander around my shitty dangerous neighborhood where people get shot and people try to take you by the wrist to some sketchy corner or parking lot or truck. I can't just walk around, somehow magically become aware of a show and just show up at a show and its all fine and natural. i cant function at all and so cant an increasing number of my generation. its just that im completely sick of this modern lifestyle and have been for years but theres no outlet at all. i dont understand the concept of being so into something that you pursue it with everything youve got. i dont understand how people do things aside from watch TV or play games. that knowledge was never passed down to this generation.

so while i appreciate all your replies you guys are underestimating the situation

>> No.15902775
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I'm 20

Thank god I was too autistic and young to be a part of that shit.

>> No.15902779
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Contrast this with the modern young man

>> No.15902790

Maybe not this year. Maybe not even next year. But eventually shit will pop off again and we will be seen as cool for surviving opioids, depression, recessions and pandemics.

>> No.15902795
File: 33 KB, 500x331, 95504d00cfdbdf3ea64470352d9187c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being all comfy cozy with ex scene girls soon to be ex gf s for a night of wine women and song in the year 2007 on a couch ahhhh thats the life i had abs then

>> No.15902799
File: 79 KB, 500x338, tumblr_mt8wympGv71sw02lko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi im a 20 year old male and cant wait to get home from school or work to my first apartment ..... and post online till i fall asleep the same as i did every day of my whole life

>> No.15902812
File: 33 KB, 400x270, party_hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me let you in on a secret. nobody knows what the fuck they are doing. people dont know how to act at parties they dont know how to talk to girls. you just do it and thats how it goes. you live in a dangerous neighborhood haha? me 2 mother fucker most people do. you are just sitting around waiting for other people to make life fun

>> No.15902819

You're continuing to really not get it man. But you just don't get it. You get a bunch of zoomers in one room? you wont have a good time.

>> No.15902820

there are music and art scenes in my city. plenty of them actually. its the same where you are too but you just dont know about them

>> No.15902825

step 1.ask any indie person for venues around town.
if you're too autistic to ask look on facebook for events, live music is stuck in the past and all their events are found there.
step 2. go to said live event
step 3. copy the fits of people around you

>> No.15902838


Wtc tartan lined jacket.

>> No.15902839

hes not going to make it. none of them are. every day i pray for emp

>> No.15902846

i failed step one. i cant find an indie person

>> No.15902853
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>Teenagers don't act like teenagers because TikTok happened

No clue how you got your figures, but just because these kids have google doesn't mean they aren't speeding their first cars, cheating at 16, smoking shit weed out of soda cans, and have NO IDEA WHAT THEY'RE DOING.

The day I believe highschoolers aren't acting near identical to how my peers and I did (fads/new tech aside) I want someone to put a bullet in me, because the intestinal and spinal pain from having my head that far up my ass must be unbearable.

>> No.15902857

Every zoomer I know is incredibly sedentary. I heard a guy who was 22 BRAGGING that he has never moved faster than a walk since he took PE when he was 15.
Also related but every zoomer I know has weird physical defects that should be a problem for people in their 40s not a teenager. Bad knees, really creaky bones, stiff bodies, can't go up stairs, poor hand eye coordination, very shaky hands, erectile dysfunction, constant constipation, incontinence, balding, grey head of hair
I knew a guy who was completely gone bald when he was 16. I've heard a lot of zoomers talking about bad backs and knees and they sound like they're crinkling a potato chip bag when they walk.

I don't know what the fuck is going on with that generation.

>> No.15902864

but we literally aren't doing that stuff you dumb boomer. most of us dont even have licenses. also weed is a total boomer drug

>> No.15902873
File: 71 KB, 780x520, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomers have the lowest rates of sex and drug use ever recorded. add the corona quarantine and politically correct cancel culture into that? look at them talking in this thread man. the internet really changed them

>> No.15902877

The white race is superior to all others. From ancient Greece, to the British empire, to America, to Rome The truth hurts to a non white I guess, but it is the truth.

>> No.15902883

Why is it a bad thing to have a low drug use rate
Also their driver license numbers have decreased a lot since the previous generations.
Why is this bad?

>> No.15902885

licenses for both Millennials and Zoomers are fantastically low compared to previous generations in my country.
But yeah this whole "Kids these days blah blah blah" dates as far back as least fucking Plato. That said, would say that the constant presence of the internet is genuinely bad for peoples development.
I remember not getting a phone until I was 16 because my mum was a hardass but now I'm glad she didn't; my boss got her 1 year old an ipad. A fucking 1 year old.
Everyone here should read 'The Shallows' or the article it was originally based 'Is Google making us stupid?'

>> No.15902887
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>those eyebags

Did he not sleep?

>> No.15902893

I give up

>> No.15902896
File: 312 KB, 417x477, image_2021-01-26_231840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this literally looks like 16 yo emo me in 2009
holy shit

>> No.15902899

are you not in high school? there's nobody there?

>> No.15902903


First off I'm nineteen, I'm pretty sure that makes me a zoomer, albeit on the older side. Unless American high schoolers stopped acting like themselves in the past 2 years, they're going to keep acting like themselves.

I hope this isn't' news to anyone, but 4chan users aren't the best cross-section of the average teenager. Yeah self-aware 14-18 year old, YOU may not drive fast, fuck, or use substances, but on the whole other teenagers WILL.

>> No.15902904

>raise a generation telling them that drugs are bad and sex is scary because std
>tell them economy is a mess and there is no hope unless you major in STEM
>tell them not to go outside and live in constant fear of their neighbor
>tell them all the things their generation does is shit and garbage, they should just enjoy what the millennial generation enjoys

>wtf why are zoomers so soulless with no culture

>> No.15902906

ITT: Zoomers don't waste their youth on pointless cheap thrills like I did and this makes me angry. Literally same fucking cycle as we had 1-2 generations ago with the free-love generation ffs

>> No.15902908

its hopeless . facepalm. hey kid ever heard the phrase sex drugs and rock n roll? god damn autistic robot children

>> No.15902920

I'm a zoomer and I've never cursed in my life because people told me not to. How do I learn to do it? I just can't get the word out not matter what. I instantly drop to a whisper or just no sound at all.
It's really awkward. I can't even talk about genitals in a scientific way.

>> No.15902923

That's being a teenager. Adults try to scare you into making good choices. Being angsty and downtrodden about it isn't a new thing. The only reason you think older generations had it better is that THEY'RE nostalgiac while YOU'RE living in it.

As a teenager, it's their responsibility to push those boundaries and see for themselves that the world isn't all nightmares AIDS and death, but it isn't a daycare either.

>> No.15902932
File: 262 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_pa4w6q29iH1ujmga4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you werent supposed to actually believe all that shit! just because someone tells you to do something doesnt mean you have to do what they say. thats called being rebellious and its an important part of growing up. let me explain this in a way you can understand. authority and your parents are kind of like the first boss on a video game. you have to beat them which gives you the skills to take on the more powerfull bosses like your employer or the asshole next door telling you to take his trash out to the curb for him. first you must learn how to shmash poon at a partay then you will be ready to talk to girls who are actually intelligent and cool and eventually meet make love to your wife.

>> No.15902938
File: 282 KB, 1299x1221, 1609537468521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as you should! now take these adderall and scroll

>> No.15902943

But I don't get why I wouldn't follow this advice. Me and my friends avoid that stuff. everyone in my year does. The economy is bad so we need to try our best and take whatever advice we can get. Whats the point in a useless rebellion? Rebellions have never changed anything.
I am the same way.

>> No.15902949

its not rebellion like a political rebellion against the government. its more of figuring out how to be assertive. i know you are just trolling but still some kid might be reading this. life is too short not to have a good time

>> No.15902950

jeez i thought that was around Irving/9th

>> No.15902954

i'm completely detached from the zeitgeist, how do people in their late teens/early twenties dress nowadays? i'd have thought that it'd be pretty much the same as all the pics itt. none of the fits itt would look dated to me irl...

>> No.15902956

learn to stick n poke. they'll come to you

>> No.15902958

I'm not trolling I just really have never rebelled and never saw the reason to. Objectively there is no reason. People constantly tell me to 'let loose' but I have nothing to loose. I'm not some strung up stick up his ass guy I just have no desire to just act out in anyway in public or otherwise. I don't dancer for similar reasons.

>> No.15902966

haha ok robot boy well just do your studies and make computer code then. you are on the right path for you. dont give in to people trying to change you and keep being productive. you will probably be rich one day so make sure to give money to artists

>> No.15902971


>> No.15902972

What are you talking about dude? I'm unemployed. I got nothing going for me. I'm shit at computer stuff i hate it.

>> No.15902975


Are you living for them, or for you? You're in school, you don't own stocks or real estate so "the economy" probably isn't affecting your daily life that much. Even if going to parties, getting fucked up, and whatever isn't your thing you still should look for YOUR THING.

And "rebellions have never changed anything"? I'm sorry but I don't know what culturally static planet you live on, but on Earth youth culture is entirely reactionary to previous youth movements.

Ever wonder why zoomers are so focused on mental health? Ask the cutters and suicidal teens from the 90's and 2000's. Wonder why social media feels so sanitized? Read up on the parental panics centered around Tumblr and early Instagram (before facebook bought it).

Hear their advice, do well in school and all that, but don't intentionally make the decision to cuck your youth and blame it on the fucking economy. I didn't start having fun in High School until around my junior and senior year. Mostly because that's when everyone started getting their licenses and cars.

>> No.15902978

It's too late for me I'm already past all that stuff in life. I fucked it all up and now there's nothing to do about it

>> No.15902982

these pics remind me of my first gf

>> No.15902987

what's the typical college look nowadays? (pre-corona obvs). i literally thought it was still the same as the stuff itt for the most part.

>> No.15902992

its like a more modern version of this. not so old fashioned

>> No.15902996

80% of the student population stays in their room all day and you never see them aside from classes or walking to and from.
the other 20% are desperately trying to rekindle some semblance of college fun that their parents told them about but their parties are underfunded and with very poor demotivating turnouts. its usually about 5 people dancing in the middle surrounded by 15 people just standing around on the sidelines

>> No.15902999

That's super broad, my gf and our friends generally dress like this but we're in the arts and the diy scene. Normies still dress like normies. Joggers, hoodies, topical t shirts, etc.

>> No.15903012

t-shirt over a long sleeve shirt, black jeans or pants that are either too short or have been folded up so you can easily see socks, a beanie that isn't allowed to cover your ears and maybe a tote bag.
think hipster but more gay. It's also unisex
you might also have some hypebeasts around, almost exclusively male and punks but they seem to be dying out where I am.
now with carona it's pajamas I guess but that'll eventually change

>> No.15903016

28 here. Would I look dated dressing like this at a party of mostly 21-24 years olds? I thought I was still with it.

>> No.15903021

no definitely not, I and many people I know dress like this

>> No.15903068

go back to bed grandpa

>> No.15903083

Based millennials. Zoomers literally CAN'T understand.

>> No.15903088

go to a party, zoomie

>> No.15903096

Holy shit this thread turned into zoomers being so autistic that they don't even seem like human beings to me. Shit is really fucked up out there.

>> No.15903163

i believe that on a different level, you lose me at how this subculture communicates dominance or success,
it's the silliest thing to hate white people on

>> No.15903164

its the anti depressents . they give them to every kid who isnt happy chipper like the ones on tv

>> No.15903221

I hosted DIY shows at my place before covid hit. I'm at a big college so we had a pretty active music scene and shit pre covid. Who knows if it'll ever recover?

>> No.15903231

they did that to millennials too though. see: the whole emo media panic.

>> No.15903239

lol this is actual boomer brain. If you think anyone under 25 isn't doing drugs or fucking you're a massive brainlet.

>> No.15903247

there's zoomers in this very thread saying they aren't, so.

>> No.15903299

Pretty sure it's just one autistic kid.

>> No.15903318

he tells the truth

>> No.15903433

oh it hurts

>> No.15903535

lol I'm the same age as the people in these pics and I have pics exactly like them. Idk what sort of world you live in where teenagers dont do drugs or drink but I sure hope I never live to see it.

>> No.15903663

i think some do drugs but you have to admit they do get all their opinions on the proper way to act in life from pastel colored info graphics on instagram

>> No.15903735

New York hardcore scene doesn't feel particularly white

Comfort shouldn't be the point. Reward and meaning should be the point. Though I wouldn't encourage you to go to a show during Covid anyway since the reward is likely mediocre and this thing will eventually end anyway.

This is going to sound rude at first but I mean it sincerely: read some books. Also, read up on the concept of learned helplessness. Also read about self fulfilling prophecy. The lens with which you view the world is already so colored by this internalized view of yourself as helpless. And you're right, but your being right depends in part on your outlook and insistence. So if you viewed yourself as capable of enacting change, you'd also be right. Thats's just harder to accomplish, so it's daunting.

There are more people than just zoomers. You don't need to be a part of just a youth culture to have fun or experience new things. Learn a skill and seek mastery in something that captivates you. More often than not it will lead you to a community. Don't know what will captivate you? Just go out and try to find something. Doesn't matter what, really.

>> No.15904033

>Life ruined by police
Kek it's not illegal to go to shows.
At most they'll break it up cus of Corona. You're not gonna get a felony, retard
>Why would I go see live music, when I can listen to recorded music from the comfort of my home
That's exactly what's wrong with you. There's value in first-hand experiences

>> No.15904336

pretty sure there are studies saying each of the last few generations had less sex than the last

>> No.15904338

A woman dressed this way at a party in London would probably look she travelled there in a time machine but a dude would look normal. I don't know if the rest of the world is the same tho.