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File: 632 KB, 1483x2000, 47D117B6-F832-4157-A539-4D7119A83EC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15894405 No.15894405 [Reply] [Original]

Ridin’ with Biden edition

This thread is about the appreciation of watches and their design, their history, and the engineering and materials that are required to make a functioning timepiece. And diversity.

> Poorfag guide: https://m.imgur.com/a/NFMXDuK
> Watch essentials 102: https://pastebin.com/Rc77hhXV (embed)
> Purchasing used watches: https://pastebin.com/f44aJKy2 (embed)
> Purchasing straps: https://pastebin.com/SwRysprE (embed)

Should I buy this MVMT / DW / "minimalist" fashion watch?
> https://imgur.com/a/6CNO8

Should I buy this Armani / Michael Kors / mall watch?
> https://imgur.com/a/Sw1FsAn

"Suggest a watch for me."
> Your budget
> Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
> Movement, e.g. automatic, hand wound, quartz
> Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd time zone
> Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
> Wrist size or desired watch size

Old thread >>15894280

>> No.15894419

You shouldn't be ashamed of having excellent taste.

>> No.15894422

What's the least expensive poorfag collection that covers all the bases sensibly, /wt/?

I'm trying to figure out what watches I need in which price category, I think I only have the money for one entry level luxury watch and the other would have to be quirky shitters, but one of them would have to be a Rolex too, just to cover that, but since I'm poor I can't wear an expensive watch daily, so the daily beater would have to be relatively cheap.

What do you think?

>> No.15894424
File: 317 KB, 2100x1397, CB95FD36-33DB-4A17-AAE2-82A6786A66A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>triple calendar
>moon pill
>40mm x 12mm

Best watch in the under $15k range

>> No.15894429

A Grand Seiko Quartz and a Gshock.

>> No.15894433


Invest what little money you have now, forget about watches until you have so much of it that you won’t give a shit about watches anymore.

t. ex poorfag

>> No.15894437
File: 1.16 MB, 3120x2787, IMG_20210123_230339_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can i say?

>> No.15894446

I'm not young anymore, there's no chance to "make it" at this age.

>> No.15894448

Kind of a cop out. Sub $500 shitters aren't going to stop you from building wealth.
But yeah >>15894422 don't buy a fucking Rolex, you deserve some shitters. Take that $4-12k you were going to spend on a Rolex and invest it. Learn to enjoy some Seiko homages, Vostoks and other bullshit like the rest of us. What Rolex did you have in mind anyway?

>> No.15894452

>le just invest meme
Into what? Bitcoin is illegal in my country, and the economy is going down the drain, can't start a business without mafia/politics connections, and so on.

>> No.15894453

It's never too late to make it. Opportunities will constantly come your way if you just put yourself out there in the world.
t. 28-year-old making $80k+ in his 2nd professional year in his dream career field
Other anon is right - remember to invest so your salary works to give you massive yields.

>> No.15894455

This is watchfag thread or a BS round the corner financial consulting hut?

The guy is asking for a watch collection ffs.

>> No.15894461
File: 27 KB, 1200x721, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who started talking about bitcoin? I dont know how old you are but you are fucking stupid if you are refusing to invest and would rather piss it away on a Rolex. Passive index investing is the way to go for the vast majority of people.
Waiting for him to tell us what kind of Rolex he was looking at so there is a possibility that someone recommends him something decent for less

>> No.15894468

>wow, I can turn 10k into 500k over 50 years! then i can give it away to my progeny while i pass away from years of doing nothing with my money and they can struggle to live on it in the hyper-inflated megacorp SES-apartheid world of 2071!
great sell bro

>> No.15894474

what career or field are you working in?

>> No.15894475

Great answer, no service costs, two watches to last you a lifetime.

>> No.15894476

Enjoy "retirement" dude.
Now do you want a watch collection or not?

>> No.15894483
File: 43 KB, 460x460, gw-m5610-1er.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had the money I might get pic related

Meaning you don't have to worry about setting the time, it just does it automatically every day so it's always on-time
Meaning you don't have to worry about replacing the battery, at least for a very very long time (I currently have a solar powered Casio and it's still going after 15 years)

If that's not based, I don't know what is

>> No.15894492

"Investing" is dumb.

If you have money to spare... Why would you invest? You already have more money than you need, you MADE IT, enjoy! Dont be a greedy retard.

And if you dont have spare money, what would you do? Risk the rent money? That would be dumb too.

>> No.15894499


>> No.15894503



>column wheel driven with a vertical clutch
>silicon hairspring
>display caseback

Patek would charge 4 or 5 times for what JLC is offering here.

>> No.15894509

tbf the movement isn't really finished.
What youre paying for on the Patek would be the movement finishing.
But ya, I agree, this is prob the best complication watch at its price range

>> No.15894528

>What youre paying for on the Patek would be the movement finishing.
A 70k steel nautilus must have a really impressive movement

>> No.15894541

I've got a 5600, it's a nice no-nonsense watch, but it's overly bulky for what it is and it doesn't really make me smile.

Replacing a battery every 5 years costs me a dollar and takes 5 minutes, and I get a watch without an ugly solar cell on it. As for radio time, decent quality quartz only loses a minute every 6 months, and resetting it is as difficult as pulling out the crown then pushing it back in after a minute.

The main problem with g-shocks though, is the dogshit straps. I've got a titanium replacement for mine, but the stock rubber is complete trash and will fall apart on you in a year.

>> No.15894547

affordable hand-wound watch guy here
I'm seriously considering the seagull D819.621. any opinions?

>> No.15894548
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>> No.15894549

is that a Jacqet Droz homage?

>> No.15894554

does any other watch-owner feel a compulsion to be more active/productive? it's like my watch stares at me and I literally see the seconds go by as I'm idle. I just want to have it on and maximize my daily time:accomplishments ratio

>> No.15894559

>Replacing a battery every 5 years costs me a dollar and takes 5 minutes
Doesn't it ruin the water resistance though? Don't you have to send it off if you want it resealed properly for water resistance?

>The main problem with g-shocks though, is the dogshit straps. I've got a titanium replacement for mine, but the stock rubber is complete trash and will fall apart on you in a year.
The 15 year old Casio I mentioned in my last post has a resin (rubber) strap, and it's still fine after 15 years

>> No.15894580

>>Doesn't it ruin the water resistance though? Don't you have to send it off if you want it resealed properly for water resistance?
All my watches other than my g-shock are at least a few decades old, water resistance isn't really something I care about because I'm not a diver and I don't wear my watches in the shower.

>>The 15 year old Casio I mentioned in my last post has a resin (rubber) strap, and it's still fine after 15 years
I've never had one last more than a couple of years. Might be the climate, but I've just found rubber straps to be complete and utter garbage, they all tear. Meanwhile a 2 dollar nylon strap lasted multiple years of constant use, while also being a lot more comfortable in hot weather.

>> No.15894588

Now that's the poorfag mentality.

>> No.15894616

Price of having a soul I guess.

>> No.15894634

is this bait?

>> No.15894640

Isn't politics -at least "front line politics"- a hard field for someone who's into fine watches? Aren't you expected to wear mall stuff unless you risk appearing corrupt or too much removed from the average person?

>> No.15894643


>> No.15894667

I'm a political operator and consultant for now, not a face. Learning the back-end before I compete for public office as I want to be a first-go winner.

I don't dress gaudily. Generally blue/grey suits, high-quality fabrics for sweaters and stuff but not from loud brands (e.g., Gucci, YSL, Supreme, etc.), and my constant GS watch companion.

>> No.15894675
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is Mads wearing a breguet?

>> No.15894682

very effay.

>> No.15894685

Imagine being like 90 and still wanting the retarded emo autist haircut to the point that you put these ridiculous plugs in and wax your hair into shape every single day.

>> No.15894696



>> No.15894708


>> No.15894710
File: 291 KB, 1800x1201, 168BFB82-2D6E-438F-A940-A892C87F59A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the thinnest driver with at least 300 meter water resistance?

>> No.15894711

saving up for a medium steel cartier santos

think it's the ultimate for an autismo like me who's after the peak 1-watch collection

>> No.15894716

ngl that bezel looks cool

>> No.15894748

Aquaracer and U50 are both thin. There are probably loads of thinner ones out there though.

>> No.15894752

Oh it’s late and I’m not wearing my glasses so I missed the r in driver >>15894748

>> No.15894783

If I had the money I’d get a limited edition Rolex for investing or a garmin fenix 5/Apple Watch for daily use

>> No.15894799

>You already have more money than you need, you MADE IT, enjoy! Dont be a greedy retard.

Tell that to people who buy stocks or sell houses or the millionaires and billionaires. Maybe tell the watch companies who sell their watches for more than they make them for

>> No.15894850

>millions of americans starve or living in poverty
>lets wear a rolex

biden a shit, what happened to his seiko?
even bill had the sense to wear a timex, and obama an apple watch

>> No.15894852

>And diversity.

fuck off

>> No.15894856
File: 92 KB, 750x500, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a shrewd and well thought out date window or an ugly slop of shit?

>> No.15894860

the only good date window is a 6 o'clock date window

>> No.15894861


>> No.15894863

Makes it looks like a cheap aliexpress watch.

>> No.15894866
File: 115 KB, 621x950, 0A2B1CC5-24EA-4790-AE77-E9A1B88A4717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free yourself from dates brother

>> No.15894880


>> No.15894897

Isn't that a speedmaster in OP's pic?

>> No.15894901

All of those people have really nice watches. Do you prefer them to wear a cheap watch just to seem more relatable? While perfectly knowing that they have really expensive collections?
I wouldn't be surprised at all if he got that datejust for free. You can find much worst cases elsewhere, you see all the time third world countries leaders rocking super rare rolex, pateks and richard mille.

>> No.15894902

it should be at the 6 or none at all

>> No.15894905

Yes, but I think that he's referencing the inauguration, he wore a smooth bezel datejust 41.

>> No.15894911
File: 139 KB, 720x1080, 1521153209202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has more than one watch after working multiple decades
shocker I know, wait until you find out that the guy before him shit in a literal golden toilet.
Enough politics talk now though. Post some inspiring watch goals.

>> No.15894916

Exactly. If he cared about people in poverty or the common man, he’d wear a Casio

>> No.15894918
File: 313 KB, 1000x1158, JUNGHANS_MAXBILL_QUARTZ_4461_LEAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An ETA or Sellita are probably more robust and reliable.

I am sure you can find a similar style of watch with those movements.

>Junghans Max Bill handwound

>> No.15894921 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 600x450, AD656C32-6A2E-43E1-95F5-8465A22A3CF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Disgusting oriental insect tier mentality.

Why don’t you give up your watches if you’re so worried about the hungry, you faggot?

>> No.15894928
File: 98 KB, 939x626, 2006_nissan_350z_158076313698f3c192004-Nissan-350Z-68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What watches or watch styles pair with a Nissan 350Z?
Pic related
I hate the swagfag fuccboi Supreme meme shit that's usually associated with modern Jap sporty cars.

>> No.15894933

This watch >>15894710

>> No.15894935

except that trump is known for being a billionaire so its entirely in character

>> No.15894938

I don't want military time. I don't want to LARP

>> No.15894941

>oriental insect
>the raving leftist is also the most racist

no surprises
imagine simping for a pedo with dementia

>> No.15894942

...Are you serious? You think that there is no reason to track more than 1 time zone besides to LARP?

>> No.15894943
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>> No.15894944

Joe Biden hasnt worked a day since 1973

>> No.15894949

Nope, money grants freedom and power. Why wouldn't you want more?

>> No.15894952 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 1240x744, 35505475-6632-4562-9FAB-8BB62C90BFC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>confusing neoliberalism with leftism

I wouldn’t expect anything else from a single digit IQ pedo supporter

>> No.15894955
File: 826 KB, 2048x2048, A8DC57A3-4FAF-4A8F-AB20-E433D3A997C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t get the hate for these? Only thing I don’t like is it’s thickness

>> No.15894956

>required to make a functioning timepiece. And diversity.

>and diversity

shit OP, never make a thread again

>> No.15894958
File: 142 KB, 641x278, Gattaca-invalid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all pedos and Hillary still isn't in jail!!!!!

>> No.15894959

>oh no he took a photo near another person!

biden is literally on video sniffing girls

>> No.15894960

Define neoliberalism beyond "things i don't like"

>> No.15894962

>And diversity
why did you feel the need to add this line?
eat shit you SJW

>> No.15894965

are "stealth" bands a thing? can i just track down some greasy israeli and ask if can make an 18 karat band (or whatever costs $400-$800 in scrap gold) that matches the gold stainless steel one on my 20 dollar casio? or can i just go to any jewelry shop in a mall? yes i realize this sounds fucking schizo, larpy and retarded.

>> No.15894971


Why doesn't this have solar power?

>> No.15894974
File: 30 KB, 719x720, C5B22A38-5C0E-487D-80D2-971FBB2CD834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Truly a disgusting old gramps

>> No.15894976

I have one, it's excellent. Would buy again. It's not big at all, strap works great, comfortable, and the tail of the strap doesn't sneak out and flop all over.

>> No.15894979

>deflect! deflect!
>lets make this clearly non sexual photo sexual!

imagine defending biden of all people, lmao

>> No.15894980
File: 208 KB, 1600x959, F8F3DCC4-44AC-4595-A7A4-7EAA62103CC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It’s American Imperialism. The greatest force for good and wealth the world has ever witnessed.

>> No.15894984

For me the balance if off. The tinny font/markers on the dial don't match the bezel at all.
The mil spec collab with hodinkee looks great, they should release that watch as part of the regular line up instead of making a limited edition circlejerk.

>> No.15894987

>greatest force for good
>*bombs all sorts of countries for 40 years*

china is winning and thats a good thing

>> No.15894989

Mostly it's due to the price.
Second, the proportions are off. Not just the thickness but the indexes are hilariously small.

>> No.15894992
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>> No.15894996


Good for you bud

>> No.15894997

Can you faggots please shut up we aren’t even close to the bump limit yet

>> No.15894999

??? 24 hour clock is military ain't it?

>> No.15895001

honestly he reduces the appeal of the watch

>> No.15895015
File: 97 KB, 593x680, 1611058784701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15895025

Wow, imagine having a pedophile for a president.

I'm sure glad those days are gone.

>> No.15895032

Yeah. The Memewatch is supposed to be the watch of steely-eyed missile men and astronauts. Seeing it worn by some corrupt senile geezer who's done nothing but grift at a desk for 50 years is just depressing.

>> No.15895036

worlds first president with advanced dog pony soldier dementia

>> No.15895058
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, bb36b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /wt/, I'm ready to take the plunge into sorta-luxury and I wanna ask an AD about the Black Bay 36. I'm thinking blue to get some of those BB58 vibes, since if I wanted the black I might as well just get a used 36mm Explorer. Anybody got one of these they can comment on, or know of any other nice dressy/sporty watches in this size and niche? Another watch I was considering was the 36mm Oris Pointer date, but my local AD only has the 40 and I don't wanna drop this much cash purely on spec.

>> No.15895068

Why don't you just save up for a blue 58? That watch in your pic looks like shit.

>> No.15895076

Add this to the B L A C K S H I E L D List.

>> No.15895078

Im sure it's been done. I don't know if it's something that's made regularly or if you would have to get it custom made. I think there are a few companies that make 18k milanese bracelets.

>> No.15895079

I like the 58 but I was under the impression they're damn hard to find

>> No.15895087
File: 244 KB, 750x1334, 709CBC4E-B571-49C9-99C8-3E6E1FF06DCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to make my own shitter around the nh36 movement. What do you think?

>> No.15895092

They take some effort but they aren't that hard to get, you just have to call around and find an AD that can ship you one. Another poster got one recently and said he was on a wait list for a month or so but then they actually let him buy the watch at that point without any rolex preferred customer bullshit.

>> No.15895093

Maybe at the very start but they are still readily available and also easy to find grey market. Don't compromise.

>> No.15895147

have you even seen clips of Biden, you ape?

>> No.15895151

AKA Mods not being fags edition

>> No.15895158

"Suggest a watch for me."
> Your budget
> Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
anything interesting
> Movement, e.g. automatic, hand wound, quartz
auto or hand wind
> Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd time zone
no date, at least 100m water resist
> Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
metal or leather
> Wrist size or desired watch size

>> No.15895162
File: 31 KB, 640x480, joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15895164

Look up Zelos

>> No.15895165

i think it’s so completely ridiculous that the minimum price for entry level shit is $5k now. what a fucking joke.

>> No.15895176

Stop letting Rolex dictate everything.
Honestly everything above $500 is "luxury" as far as watches go

>> No.15895184


also the reason this is pissing me off is because i’m set to make about $20k after tax rape when this whole nyse:gme meme comes to an end.

no way i’m wasting a whole quarter of that on a watch. fuck off mountain jews.

>> No.15895198

Yeah but that's what you get when the market for anything goes global.

If you can find a village in India where people don't have Instagram yet you can still be Chad with a Rado.

>> No.15895223

Damasko ds30

>> No.15895230

Helson sharkmaster 300
Helson shark diver 38

>> No.15895238
File: 84 KB, 640x1115, vdi4saeso5d61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casioak fags on suicide watch

>> No.15895249
File: 860 KB, 2670x1921, 20210124_030914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on rubber straps, are they shit?

From my perspective:
>NATOs: shit, can't get them wet without them retaining water and having your wrist be wet for an hour after
>leather: shit, get fucked if you get them wet and they wear out quickly
>metal: shit, usually stay wet if you get them wet, also generally uncomfortable for desk diving
>rubber: ???

The Sneedmaster bracelet is fucking garbage so I tried it on my Boctok rubber and I'm kind of liking it. I am however worried that someone may notice I'm wearing a waterproof strap on a watch with no water resistance and call me out as a fraud. I fear if this happened my reputation in the watch community would be destroyed forever.

Are rubber straps shit?

>> No.15895263
File: 154 KB, 900x900, 58486a72849cf46a2a931338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the FUCK isn't there a gshock that is
>Subdued color scheme
I fucking know what it costs to build this shit you stinky Japs.

>> No.15895266

first off there are 2 kinds of rubber used in rubber straps, natural rubber and silicon rubber which is far more common. natural rubber feels amazing. it's got a toughness to it yet is supple and comfortable. it's durable, resistant, and looks good if the company puts in the slightest effort.
silicon rubber is even more supple but it feels cheaper because it attracts lint and seems floppy. but it's still a good choice. a good rubber strap looks sporty but still more refined than a NATO, is insanely comfortable, and you basically don't have to worry about it.
look at bonetto cinturini strap if you are looking to try one.

>> No.15895271
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210123-222942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15895274


>> No.15895279

That is an extremely retarded day display. I'm honestly shocked by how bad it is.

>> No.15895283
File: 103 KB, 800x800, DSC06930_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this super luxury biwi brand swiss made rubber strap with an alligator print. Biwi makes straps for lots of the really high end sports watches, including a very public partnership with Richard Mille.
$60 is a very good price for a Biwi strap and they are rarely available on the aftermarket.

>> No.15895287
File: 104 KB, 900x900, DSC00340_2048x (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also have a non patterned version but it looks much more like a rubber strap.

>> No.15895296

> $17

Looks like the type of trash you can get for 40 cents when travelling to middle east or asia

Amazon basics is becoming increasingly garbage

>> No.15895297

Melted in the sun.

>> No.15895302

How hot was it?

>> No.15895305

Can't flim flam the Amazan
I fucking hate Amazon's shit at this point.

>> No.15895308

I like the use of the MM300 hands and the Blancpain style bezel. My grievances are with the “Submariner” text and the fauxtina. No me gusta

>> No.15895312

This is not my watch. I found the image on a web form. I have taken the square pill.

>> No.15895317

Square is ok

>> No.15895341

I have no interest in wearing any other watch. I think I will keep my dress automatic and my samuari around for social and sentimental reasons. I felt a similar way about my "giant f91" until I got drunk and broke it. I do not think I will break this one.

>> No.15895373

I'm going into the city and eyeing off one tomorrow, I'll swing by the grand Seiko boutique as well while I'm there

>> No.15895385

thank you based jannies for removing the pic of a satanist
retard probably left it on a dashboard under the sun

>> No.15895405

Is that a hesalite or sapphire Speedy?

>> No.15895407

>moggs your real G-Shock.

>> No.15895412


>> No.15895438

This definitely got left on the dashboard of a car parked in the sun.

>> No.15895442

Looks good. Don’t worry about people thinking you’re a fraud. If they do, just explain your reasoning.

Don’t know what you mean about steel staying wet though.

>> No.15895443
File: 753 KB, 1553x2048, Screenshot_20210123-235837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so excited for the new casioak mini. I can't decide if I should get the white or the black one.

>> No.15895448

Rubber straps are fantastic. As long as you get high quality ones they feel great and look pretty good. I have a tropic strap from Borealis i bought recently and it's the most comfortable strap i own.

>> No.15895449
File: 150 KB, 1026x1024, IMG_20210124_000046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Local ad offered 30% off retail for omega railmaster. I can't bring myself to get an explorer, is this a good enough deal to justify settling?

>> No.15895452

It's a really nice watch if you are okay with the fake aged lume. I really like the case, dial texture and hand set.

>> No.15895457

It looks like a cheap piece of shit

>> No.15895492

Anyone know some cool yellow watches

>> No.15895504

>enjoy so many utilitarian Seiko diver designs
>can’t wear Seikos because they’re for losers and too affordable (it’s gotta hurt phuckers)
Damn sucks.

>> No.15895516

sweatpants and velcro retard

>> No.15895518

>giving a fuck what other people think about what watch you're wearing
No one gives a fuck. Just wear what you want.

>> No.15895531

I base my watch tastes 100% off a fat balding sweaty unemployed Australian man who yells on YouTube to make his meager money. I try and I try to not care about what Archie says but it’s hard.

>> No.15895536
File: 997 KB, 3264x2448, 3E6E9ED2-6019-4D85-89B1-CF5BEE98D26E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wear a seiko because my girlfriend gave it to me

>> No.15895540

Get the limited edition versions that cost like $4k.

>> No.15895543

The only thing you should have is a discerning eye to be able to tell when something is of decent quality. Past that people's opinions are just that.

>> No.15895584

The more I look at it the more I don't mind the lume. The features are really selling it for me. I may try getting a little more off the total and just copping. The explorer really has nothing but bullshit history going for it at double the price.

>> No.15895601

Unofficial /wt/ on /g/
Keep it cool
No /fa/ggots

>> No.15895711

Used to be the Omega Seamaster 300m quartz.

>> No.15895719
File: 718 KB, 2000x1333, seiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What strap should I pair this with, I want to wear it more casually.

>> No.15895750

Its a gmt, the 24hrs is so you can tell if its day or night on the different time zone, jesus.

>> No.15895770
File: 399 KB, 1920x1080, 341534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your f-91w

>> No.15895782

These dogshit "smart" watches can't run off solar power, because they don't have any room for a cell big enough to power that massive, power hungry screen.

Look, your average cell battery watch gets 5-10 years of battery life. This can easily be kept topped up by trickle charging from solar. Modern "smart" watches? You're lucky if they last a month, and that's with the screen off 99% of the time. Without that, they won't last a day of actual use. You can't trickle charge that faster than it's draining, the power load is orders of magnitude higher.

>> No.15895807
File: 97 KB, 860x548, Linde-Werdelin-Spidolite-Titanium-2015-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there no cool watches for a reasonable price /wt/ :(

>> No.15895827

Don't worry, when you stop being underage you'll stop being interested in transformer watches.

>> No.15895831
File: 820 KB, 1082x1214, Screen Shot 2021-01-24 at 4.07.41 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody here actually own a Rolex or Omega? Any idea how to get one without sacrificing my first born son?

>> No.15895838

I sold one a few months back, some dealers are just straight up cunts and will only give models to their mates or big spenders. I bought a op39 used a while back, wore it for a while and sold it for a good offer. I am about to buy a new luxury watch and am not going to buy Rolex because I hate their obnoxious artificial scarcity non sense

>> No.15895846

what are you going to get?

>> No.15895849

Just don't be poor lmfao?

>> No.15895853

I'll still never understand why people like these watches for anything other than "other people might recognize it!".

Imagine wearing a watch without day/date in 2021. It's just incomprehensible to me.

>> No.15895857
File: 231 KB, 640x640, Haa48f8fd8cfe4d9a8901fe82707d59e4h.jpg_640x640Q90.jpg_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reef tiger makes a few watches with a similar styled case in the $300-$500 range

>> No.15895859

Yeah too bad they look more like $30-50 watches. Literally looks like a toy compared to that one, why am I so poor :(

>> No.15895861

Rolex, pay several thousand over MSRP on the secondary market
Omega, walk into any dealer and you can buy any of their watches with no hassle, usually at least 10% to 20℅ off or MSRP

>> No.15895865

I've posted here a few times the past couple threads, thinking Grand Seiko. Not a fan of a lot of stuff Europe in general have been doing lately

>> No.15895873

A metal bracelet is one of the most casual ways to wear a watch, you could try a natural perhaps.

>> No.15895876

I'm curious: when it comes to haute horlogerie brands, can I just come into the boutique, choose a watch, pay with cash and leave? or will I have to undergo some verification etc.?

>> No.15895877

Are you American? Why do burgers call the 24 hour clock military time, are they all retarded?

>> No.15895878
File: 515 KB, 2360x1571, Nomos-Minimatik-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nomos minimatik
But it is hard to argue with grand seiko, i do think a lot of their dials are too much, and a lot of their watches are too big, but when they get it they really get it

>> No.15895880

He probably just wants a strap that isn't a hair pulling piece of shit, I've got one of those and it's annoying to wear if you want it loose.

Reminder that bracelets are designed to be worn so you can get two fingers under them, but not 3.

>> No.15895884
File: 1.50 MB, 2362x2362, 20201210_211258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own an Omega, I went into my local dealer and told them I wanted a Seamaster. Then I negotiated a 10% discount.

>> No.15895888

I don't understand this watch. Where's the interesting finishing?

The hands look like they were stamped, the dial finish can be done in 2 seconds by a CNC, and it just looks like screen printing.

And at the end of all of it, it looks like a children's watch that came out of a gumball machine.

>> No.15895898

Does my late dad’s datejust count

>> No.15895921

I don't carry a loupe around to look at my watch when im checking the time

>> No.15895928

> plunge into sorta-luxury
How come? Why pay close to luxury prices for ETA movements?

>> No.15895936

because it can be easily serviced in perpetuity. in-house is a bit of a meme until you get into proper independent or haute horology

>> No.15895962

The new Rolex OP, Doxa Sub, a bunch if Seikos, there's a yellow Christopher Ward

>> No.15895964
File: 178 KB, 1000x1350, nanaple_snaf83pc_1_1600x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate this new seiko chronograph semi reissue

>> No.15895969

you should wait for them to release more colourways 1st

>> No.15895982

Thats the only type of Rolex I can respect

>> No.15896027

I bought this adidas watch 80 something euros

>> No.15896031
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>> No.15896040
File: 50 KB, 387x617, breitling-aerospace-evo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the poorfag (2k ish), non g-shock version of this?

>> No.15896041

Doesn't exist. They don't even have good fakes of it :(

>> No.15896071
File: 138 KB, 450x727, affichage_configurateur (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dodane Type 23 Quartz: http://www.dodane1857.com/on-line-store/#top

>> No.15896074

>the look of seiko for the price of omega

>> No.15896078

>dongding type 69

>> No.15896089

made 80k last week from GME

>> No.15896090

yah brugh dmt drop'd gave rise to fml dividend coke it up like boko harambe

>> No.15896093

don't make me post a screencap poorfag

>> No.15896098

The same but second hand.
Hamilton Flight Timer Ana-Digi.
Casio Lineage (the one with two digital displays).

>> No.15896102

this watch is such an overpriced jew piece of shit; just get a g shock

>> No.15896109


Unfortunately it's the only decent looking ana-digi.

>> No.15896117

If only the designers over at G-shock would start DOING THEIR JOB you know

>> No.15896118
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>> No.15896123
File: 886 KB, 3000x2001, arnie-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could you miss the obvious and correct answer that is the Seiko Arnie?

>> No.15896128
File: 305 KB, 900x1080, TW2T17200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey look Timex made a half decent looking chrono, i would pay $40 for one.
>plated brass case
Bravo Timex

>> No.15896130 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 950x912, joe biden mass immigration white genocide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your neoliberal president, bro.

>> No.15896144
File: 184 KB, 1191x893, yeboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, close enough.

>> No.15896167

Yes, Teddy's whores laughed at that watch thinking it was a cheap one.

>> No.15896177
File: 29 KB, 600x350, 51pN+DI3J-L._SR600,315_PIWhiteStrip,BottomLeft,0,35_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15896180

grats you just wasted your money on a fashion watch with a $2 quartz inside

>> No.15896182

Because thats a diver, not an aviator or similar.

>> No.15896183
File: 317 KB, 342x408, gsdgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's one in black too

>> No.15896186

But I mean seriously that is what people mean by this.

Niggers hate this, but yeah, you put away 30% of your income and in a couple years you can just live off the returns forever.

>> No.15896189
File: 122 KB, 345x502, 059_2023.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HAQ 8 Seconds per year if it can't sync
>Hour jump setting complication
>Half second ticks
>Not a crunchy plastic piece


>> No.15896191
File: 29 KB, 1770x567, Buyer Beware - Imgur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15896193

Arnie has seriously embarrassed himself in recent years. I never got why people want to wear a watch to be like Bond but I do understand why people would want to not wear a watch because of other wearers of it.

>> No.15896194
File: 461 KB, 1920x1080, Credor-GCLP995-Big-Date-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15896201
File: 30 KB, 500x500, slideshow-Franklin-D.-Roosevelt_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk I'm tired of American politicians trying to LARP as poor people.

No one gave a shit about the founding fathers being wealthy, no one really cared that Teddy and Franklin or JFK came from old money.

I don't know exactly when it was, maybe Carter or Reagan or Bush Sr politicians all decided they had to pretend to be poor and ordinary and "relateable" so they could only drive ordinary cars and wore department store watches.

>> No.15896202

> it's the only decent looking ana-digi.
how can you forget about casioaks

>> No.15896206

Decent quality LIGHT bracelets. Do they exist?

It feels like every single manufacturer out there gives no consideration to the weight of a strap.

Is my only option buying a CNC mill and removing all the pointless weight from a strap? Either you get folded links that rattle like crazy, or solid bricks that are twice the weight they need to be for no reason.

>> No.15896208

dont titanium bracelets exist?
and there are good hollow bracelets that look like solid ones

>> No.15896210

Yeah a Rolex should be about what, a quarter of your end of year bonus? Get a watch for you, a bag for your wife and bank the rest.

>> No.15896213
File: 158 KB, 264x500, A700W-1A_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or get the milanese bracelet

>> No.15896216

>no timer
>no stop watch
>breaks in water
>worn by faggots

>> No.15896217
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the grey one has been recently discontinued after only 2 months of sale so if you nigs ever want to buy it the best time is now

>> No.15896222

I've got a better version of this on an old seiko with a lot more pieces, but the problem is that it's too thin to wear on something like a diver.

I also despise millanese bracelets. They look tacky to me.

Titanium bracelets have their own issues. Plus, because it's more expensive to machine, they don't use it the way it really should be used. If a SS folded link bracelet is a mere 35g, the titanium one should be approaching 20g. Instead, it's about 40, because they don't make folded link titanium.

>> No.15896226

>No one gave a shit about the founding fathers being wealthy, no one really cared that Teddy and Franklin or JFK came from old money.
the fuck are you talking about

>> No.15896227

Quartz divers from Oh-Meega and Citizen

>> No.15896229

Pro-tip, the GW2310 cheaper, has all the same functionality and more (centre light button), and is more attractive.

>> No.15896230

>No lume

>> No.15896231

It's uglier and takes up a lot more space on the wrist, which is an issue for a watch that's already far bigger than it needs to be because of "muh shock protection".

>> No.15896237

>No source

>> No.15896241

American politicians trying to larp as poor people and the media judging candidates by how well they can pretend to be working class people is a relatively recent phenomenon.

>> No.15896248


If you can deal with no date and aged lune, buy it

>> No.15896250

Yeah if you're going to make a shitter don't pull any punches that it's a shitter.

That's why the F91W is based, it doesn't pull any punches about what it is. Put it in some gold plated shit with cursive script and it'd be cringe

>> No.15896254


>> No.15896255

Yeah Gshocks kinda suck in that they're enormous but then still have a pretty small display

I get that they're pretty tough, but you can get an Ironman for half the money with a better display and it'll last for years unless your hobbies include repeatedly bashing it under a boulder

>> No.15896257

>only expensive watches can have cursive script and gold colouring

>> No.15896258

Yes. And by "gold coloring" I mean actually being made of gold. Trying to be pretentious is cringe. Authentically being humble or classy is based.

Why else do you think the F91W, Seiko and Rolexes are revered but department store shitters are not?

>> No.15896262

imo the chunky look suits G-Shocks, and I definitely prefer the round styles to the squares

>> No.15896271 [DELETED] 



ahahahahahaha LOOOOOL

>> No.15896275
File: 310 KB, 2100x1400, 2018-Rolex-Daytona-Rainbow-Everose-Gold-116595RBOW-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



ahahahahahaha *breathes*
normies literally buy rolexes just to flaunt their "wealth" and the f91w is a overdone to shit brokefag watch for new-babbies-to-the-hobby

>> No.15896279

The answer is hollow center links. Optionally, stamped folding clasp. Pretty wasteful to mill out sonething that will never have force exerted on it.

>> No.15896284

Hollow links stretch, though. And hairs get caught in the caps.

I get that milling is a significant expense, but you'd think one 50k watch would try and style on everyone else by showing off hollow milled links.

>> No.15896294

a watch that is too light makes it feel cheap

>> No.15896297

Yes, that is how retards think

>> No.15896305

plastic watches are light
fashion watches are light
a watch made of solid gold is heavy
it has heft, it has presence, it demands attention
a watch that is too light just feels cheap
thats the way it is

>> No.15896322

I'm not the guys you were arguing with, but I agree with him.
I find myself gravitating to lighter watches more and more.
Light watches are comfier to wear if you get over the lightweight=low quality meme.

>> No.15896329

Same, as I get older I don't want some massive heavy piece of shit on my wrist. I know I have a watch and I know how much my watch costs, I don't need a pound on my arm to remind me constantly.
I'm also starting to embrace quartz because you just don't have to worry about it. There are more important things.

>> No.15896344
File: 1.71 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normies literally buy rolexes just to flaunt their "wealth"

At the end of the day, get a watch you like cos apart from elitist watchfag collectors, no one cares what’s on your wrist. You could have a Paul Newman Daytona and normies would know or care. You could have a 250k limited edition Patex and no normie would care.

This is the one I have. Idc if you think it’s tacky I like the look.

>> No.15896345

There's a difference between an independently wealthy man getting into politics to serve his country, and someone making a career out of politics and living off taxpayers' money for most of his adult life.

>> No.15896347
File: 823 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210124-102213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More fake gshocks

>> No.15896348
File: 135 KB, 999x562, Zenith-10th-Sec-Chrono-FARMELO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this watch? Shameless Rolex knockoff?

>> No.15896349

You are trolling right?

>> No.15896350

you like looking like a gay hipster vegan druid?

>> No.15896354

I'm all for owning watches you personally like, but that dinner plate is a fucking mess on so many levels. At least get something that actually fits your wrists.

>> No.15896358
File: 81 KB, 650x867, 78E17667-D08A-4AB4-BF4A-BDFDEE9BAD3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t wear it to impress you. I wear it for myself.

>> No.15896359

Unironically puts the Daytona to shame.
Way too fucking expensive though.

>> No.15896360

>At the end of the day, get a watch you like cos apart from elitist watchfag collectors, no one cares what’s on your wrist. You could have a Paul Newman Daytona and normies would know or care. You could have a 250k limited edition Patex and no normie would care.
Completely delusional. Just ask a random girl on Instagram out while showing off with a Rollie on your timeline and while showing off with a Seiko.

>> No.15896361

Good, because everyone else thinks you look like a fucking bozo.

>> No.15896363

yeah but I kinda I like it, is El Primero some latino heritage brand like Cuervo Y Sobrinos?

>> No.15896364

if that watch impresses you you are one gay transsexual faggot hippie hobbit motherfucker

>> No.15896365

Cos it’s too big for my wrist??

>> No.15896370

>while showing off with a Seiko.

The only luxury watch brand people know is a Rolex. No normie has heard of Seiko but wow impressing gold diggers. That’s what I want to do

>> No.15896371

it's a cool, unique watch and being a bit oversized is part of its charm imho

>> No.15896374


Like every watch ever, no one gives a shit apart from you fags. Why don’t you post your watches then?

>> No.15896377

I don't have one, I'm too poor for my 5k grail, and too old for a G-Shock.

>> No.15896378

>No normie has heard of Seiko
Many normies have heard of Seiko because it's a very big brand that has been sold in malls and department stores for decades now. Of course people recognize Rolex the most by far but normies are aware Seiko, Casio, and Omega exist.
You're right though, nobody gives a fuck what watch you wear.

>> No.15896379

Really? Thank you. That’s why I got it cos it’s not like anything else. I’m glad someone likes it.

>> No.15896381

So you’re judging me for wearing a watch, when you don’t even have one?

What is your 5k grail watch?

>> No.15896382
File: 1.87 MB, 1500x1071, Omega-De-Ville-Tourbillon-Central-1994-Horas-y-Minutos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15896390

>Of course people recognize Rolex the most by far but normies are aware Seiko, Casio, and Omega exist.
Yeah I’m sure they are but not everyone does and out of those, who have heard of a grand seiko? Not a lot and doubt they’d think it was worth the price.

>You're right though, nobody gives a fuck what watch you wear.

Exactly. Unless you’re bragging about your Rolex to gold diggers on Instagram

>> No.15896392

The American politicans and media hate working class people, and the politicians only larp as working class during the election cycle. Otherwise they enjoy all the K Street, Wall Street and Hollywood perks that come with it.
And the media doesn't judge candidates by how well they act blue collar, they judge them by what party they belong to, the color of their skin, their gender and sexual orientation, and how woke they are. And lastly and probably most importantly, the media judges them by how friendly they are to their corporate interests. Not the ones they pretend to have in public, the ones they espouse behind closed doors.

>> No.15896393

My initial thought was that it did look like a Daytona knockoff but the more I’ve looked at it the more distinct it appears. The black dial version is superior however.

>> No.15896394

Tourbillion? Thought it would be more than 5k?

>> No.15896398

I know you have a hard time reading.

"Authentically being humble OR classy is based"

A thing aiming to be what it is is based. Some gaudy plated/plastic bling shit is not

>> No.15896399

Shows what you know, wood watch loser

>> No.15896403

Zenith labeled their chronograph "El Primero" (the first) because they wanted it to sound like it was the first automatic chrono, which it wasnt, but it was certainly the best.

Oddly, Zenith have claimed that the name comes from esperanto, which it isnt, since "first" is "unna" and "el" is "the" in spanish. Then partner brand "Movado" yes do come from esperanto (meaning moving stuff)

The prototipe of the El Primero was referred as "Le Premier" in french internally, but was presented in Madrid in 69 and the name was translated for or by local press... Probably someone at Zenith liked how it sounded, who knows.

There is nothing official explaining all this.

>> No.15896404
File: 96 KB, 760x811, 9784405_xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is your 5k grail watch?

>> No.15896406

Enjoy your wet dreams over your watch asshole

>> No.15896409

No one talking to your face about your watch =\= no one caring about your watch.
Everyone is patently aware of that big ugly dinner plate on your wrist but they’re not talking to you about it out of the kindness of their hearts, like normal fucking people do, you goddamn schizoid.

>> No.15896411

First is UNNA in Esperanto, i mean.

>> No.15896413

That looks worse than my watch and probably costs a hundred times as much. You're pathetic and seething because my watch looks just as good as yours and makes me happier while you pay more for less.

>> No.15896415

That's the venerable Skmeishock, look up some reviews on youtube.
The watch is tough as fuck. Rivals the real G-Shock.
You can probably get them on Aliexpress for cheaper.

>> No.15896417

Unironically better than a Daytona. I love Rowlecks but wait till the buble bursts and rolexcucks find out about the El Primero and how Zenith supplied the original Daytona movements
Based history anon, thanks for the info

>> No.15896418


>> No.15896422
File: 79 KB, 734x800, 689F5F3B-CFE3-4E69-A24F-8C69BED9C35B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks nice.

I’d get this or a Hamilton Sputnik

>> No.15896423

If they put it on a more original looking bracelet no one would think this looks like a Daytona

>> No.15896426

>wait till the buble bursts and rolexcucks find out about the El Primero and how Zenith supplied the original Daytona movements
rolexcucks don't care because they just like to think owning a rolex makes their penis larger and no matter what they will convince themselves a rolex is simply better in every way
the daytona is actually the most shit watch rolex has that's currently produced. it didn't win at le mans, it wasn't on the moon, it wasn't the first of anything, it doesn't even look good. if you line up the original daytona and the modern one side by side it's like marlon brando expanding with old age. people only like it because rolex is a fucking meme but the buyers are convinced it's the greatest luxury chrono ever made

>> No.15896430

>they’re not talking to you about it out of the kindness of their hearts, like normal fucking people do, you goddamn schizoid.

That’s nice of them. Shame that people have bigger problems in their lives than what a watch looks like and don’t actually do that.

>> No.15896431

Jody made a review of it 2 days ago.

>> No.15896435

nobody in the real world would notice, let alone give a shit about what strap your watch has compared to the watch resistance you autist.

>> No.15896440

But the modern Daytona is, at MSRP, reasonably priced for a chronometer certified, automatic, column wheel, vertical clutch chronograph with hacking seconds. The Moonwatch is manual wound and cam actuated (and only recently gained chronometer certification and hacking seconds). The El Primero has a horizontal clutch, is not chronometer certified, and only some of the newest models have hacking seconds. The Daytona is also finished more impressively than either of those two watches.

Of course Rolex has retarded false scarcity practices that Omega and Zenith don’t, but on paper it is a very good watch at a good value.

>> No.15896443

>le wall of text
*buys a seagull at $200*

>> No.15896448

The Gaytona is also four times the price of those other watches

>> No.15896456

Not at MSRP. If you can get one at a dealer or boutique, you might have to wait a couple years, but they will sell it to you at MSRP.

>> No.15896464
File: 157 KB, 1013x958, 27164237_918156178347967_4914065825386821569_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patrician taste
pic rel is an affordable shitter alternative of the dynamic

>> No.15896469
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, reverso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This under 5k. Would want a master control chrono or Patrimony for a grail dress watch

>> No.15896495

Anyone have a quartz Seiko SUR315 or SUR307 shitter? They're so incredibly similar looking to the Grand Seiko SBGR315. However I really dislike the bracelet, I'd love to see one on a grey or blue perlon strap to see how that works.

>> No.15896516
File: 3.30 MB, 2268x3024, 20210124_163634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold watches are based.

>> No.15896577

Not when they arent made of gold.

>> No.15896623


>the current state of /wt/

This is why this general is a joke and none of your “opinions” matter.

>> No.15896660

hes joking u autist

>> No.15896668

Why would he? In fact nobody knows why they choose to brand it in spanish. Like the Patek Calatravas for example.

>> No.15896679
File: 1.11 MB, 2866x1612, seikopeak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the watch that redpilled you on short lug to lug?
Pic related for me, completely transformed my taste in watches

>> No.15896682

Of course it’s not you
Of course “he’s” joking
>u autist

>> No.15896695
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Just paid $575 for a watch overhaul on a vintage Rado Manhattan. Is that normal?

>> No.15896700
File: 252 KB, 1450x1450, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rado Manhattan

>> No.15896702

Short lug to lug is just babby's first revelation. The real red pill is dial diameter. You want a watch that's a little over half of your wrist dimension. For example, my wrists are about 55mm wide, and my watch face is sub 30mm.

>> No.15896707


>> No.15896712
File: 474 KB, 640x639, casiochrono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Casio lose their way?

>> No.15896714

thats a watch you wear while you wait ass up for the grindr top that's coming over to poz you

>> No.15896719

Sure, that's about the going rate for complete retards.

I'll never understand why people who buy this shit can't just do the servicing themselves. It's not hard. All you need is some tweezers and oil.

>> No.15896720

I hope this is bait.

>> No.15896724

Looking for the story of the guy who left an expensive watch on his car roof and absolutely ruined it. Can't remember if he just bought it or if he borrowed it from someone, surely you guys know what I'm talking about

>> No.15896734

I have that G but with the black dial, best watch I own, and the only watch I have that I don't notice on my arm.

>> No.15896740


>> No.15896741
File: 2.72 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20210124_180715028~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anything about watches I just took my dad's old watch to the store and asked if they can fix it

>> No.15896748

>Manhattan Beach
Alright, this has got to just be some larper reposting this shit from reddit.

>> No.15896753

Nigga stfu I live in the south bay

>> No.15896763

vintage Rados are kino (the green dialed Murano is one of my favorites) but you were overcharged, it should have cost at around $250
still, it's a priceless family heirloom that you can now wear problem free for the next 6-7 years when service will be due, just find a certified independent guy till then

>> No.15896764


>> No.15896771

Thanks bro. I felt like it was a lot but I was nervous to take it to a "cheaper" shop.

>> No.15896804


>> No.15896861

Sounds very scammy

>> No.15897035

post your Rolex/Omega with timestamp then anon

>> No.15898254

So that's a no then /wt/ own 1 Omega as of now and the others over spent and had to sell. Nice.