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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.58 MB, 2190x3221, Oscar_Wilde_3g07095u-adjust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15889162 No.15889162 [Reply] [Original]

>art for the sake of art, beauty for the sake of beauty
literally the most important figure in the aesthetic movement to date. why haven't you modeled your life after his /fa/?

>> No.15889169

literally what does that even mean though

>> No.15889174

it means the meaning of life is beauty and you should do everything you can to pursue it

>> No.15889181

literally what does that mean

>> No.15889187

This is some Roger Scruton nonsense. What the fuck even is beauty and why do you think you of all people should be the exclusive person to define it?

>> No.15889202

t. brainlets

>> No.15889898

ebic bro you are right what is beauty it's all subjective that's why those tenement buildings those soviets built really are beautiful you just gotta enter that subjective state of mind to appreciate it and also why my heckin socks n sandals with sweatpants go great with my $300 orginal band tee from the '80s and that's beautiful and everyone knows this

>> No.15890386

>Beauty and Art are transcendent ideals
>spiritual vs. material
"Beauty for the sake of beauty, and Art for the sake of art" means that one should pursue these two ideals in one's life purely for their sake alone in a spiritual sense and for pleasure, rather than for any base ulterior motive of materialistic nature. Beauty and Art are transcendent.

>> No.15890389

and what if i am incapable of beauty or art

>> No.15890537

What does it mean to be capable of beauty or art? Do you mean to say "capable of experiencing" maybe? Or "capable of creating" or maybe just understanding? What the fuck are you asking?

>> No.15890635

im low iq

>> No.15890760
File: 88 KB, 966x644, 1568043000501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beauty is in mans instincts, we know it when we see it

We like shiny things because that's what the ripest fruit looked like
We like classical architecture because its forms mimic that of the healthy human face and body, aka the forms that are the most fertile
We dislike ugly things because they carry disease

The feeling of beauty is the opposite of the feeling of disgust and both are natural reactions to that which is healthy and that which is unhealthy
And anyone who has lost that sense, is out of touch with their own instinct and can only be described as mentally ill

>> No.15890763

imagine seeing a castle and thinking 'boobs'
holy shit you proud boy types are mentally ill
beauty is not objective at all
one mans trash is another mans treasure
beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
someone from a completely different society would see those things and think they are ugly.

>> No.15890766

based relativist

>> No.15890777
File: 412 KB, 1920x1448, Temple_Prem_Mandir_India_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, when you look at a castle you are looking at boobs, they are both beautiful

People from different societies have differing beauty standards because they are genetically different, but the sense of beauty remains thoroughly linked to human nature

There is not a single society in the history of mankind that finds disease and decay beautiful

>> No.15890781
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When surrounded by ugliness, people begin to feel as if their soul has been crushed, because their very instincts have been attacked.

In beauty, man feels that he is living in his ideal natural habitat, that is, surrounded by ripe fruit, healthy woodland, surrounded by fertile mates, and as far from disease, predators and decay as possible.
But in commie blocks.. there is no ripe fruit, there are no trees, there are no fertile partners

>> No.15890783

Commie blocks are aesthetic as fuck
if you can't see the beauty in a desolate concrete jungle with burned out lots and dilapidated playgrounds then you're just insane
It's serene. the grey skies give everything a dreamlike feel.

I want to live in a cyberpunk world with commieblocks and pod hotels. i think that would be a fascinating place to be

>> No.15890787

people like you would have us be stuck forever in primitive times. dying at age 20. living in constant fear. you romanticist what you do not know or understand.
You will never stop progress. Your entire philosophy is
>old good new bad
you are not original.
pro tip:
not liking things that people like does not make you an interesting person

>> No.15890788
File: 47 KB, 640x345, B0E019DC-0C8D-4C46-BF53-79DB4275D745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People from different societies have differing beauty standards
>they are genetically different

>> No.15890795
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>> No.15890796
File: 1.36 MB, 3648x2736, 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but you are completely mentally ill

It's not good because it's old, it's good because it's good
You on the otherhand seem to insist that old is bad simply because it is old. Should we also do away with farming, toilets, language and writing because those are also old?

You must provide an argument for why something is outdated and no longer suitable to the modern age

Yes, they are genetically different, they have lived in seperate lands for thousands of years and have changed to adapt to that land.

>> No.15890801
File: 79 KB, 800x455, traditional-chinese-arch-bridge-ancient-chinese-garden-asian-classical-arch-bridge-china-eastern-classic-decorative-48343712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course /fa/ is one of the lowest iq boards as usual

>> No.15890803
File: 137 KB, 792x960, 33FDD530-01A3-456C-A2C7-ACD091F93CAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, they are genetically different, they have lived in seperate lands for thousands of years and have changed to adapt to that land.
Physical adaptation to varying environments does not explain varied beauty standards, dumbfuck.

>> No.15890807

Yes it does, infact it explains the differences in culture of an entire society

>> No.15890808

to a degree, yes
i am in favor of a global language like esperanto or something. a conlang that unites everyone and makes us more equal
i am in favor of writing system reform to streamline the bloat.
I think you are completely misguided towards beauty. Art is art. It can be anything. there is beauty and art in everything. You're strict ridiculous thought has died a long time ago. we aren't interested in your limitations in the world of art and beauty. I have no idea why you're on a fashion board. do you dress like an 18th century person? no you dont because progress has been made. yet you hypocritically cling to the coat tails of the ancient world. Why? because you read many books romanticizing that world and you see it as better than the modern day ugliness of reality.
but guess what. not only is there beauty in ugliness but that same ugliness you loathe so much was present since the beginning of time. You believe that architecture differs because of a genetic difference? no. different socities find different things attractive. african women elongate their necks and have massive lip jewelry. you likely think that's ugly as a westerner. to them its beauty. There is no objective beauty and ugly, right or wrong, whatever ridiculous strict duality you wish to impose on the world. the world will not listen to your rules and not only is it unscientific to assume so it is anti-art.

>> No.15890810

Based. Varied and numerous cultural processes affect beauty standards. Genetic difference has nothing to do with the variance in the socio-cultural construct of beauty. To the autist’s defence, men and women recognize a “primal” beauty encoded in genes that compel you to fuck.

>> No.15890812
File: 80 KB, 531x562, 7D1DBCE2-7D7E-4E10-ABEC-E63FC5E3655D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genetic difference in humans is overstated. Genetic difference does not affect beauty standards nor culture. Culture and socialization affect beauty standards.

>> No.15890822

Many languages originated from a single language but changed as they spread out and became more suited to the culture and accents of whether they went. It is impossible to merge them back into one. The language you speak is not the language another country wants to speak.
You are making a bunch of absurd assumptions, I merely assert that beauty is objective and I have given you my reasons, they have nothing todo with the past, I don't know why you insist on this.
African senses of beauty are not ugly, they are not my sense of beauty but they are clearly not ugly.

Nature compells genetics to change, genetics create culture

>> No.15890925

>art for the sake of art, beauty for the sake of beauty
this is a symptom of a dying civilization. Read spengler

>> No.15891175
File: 50 KB, 1024x1009, 1586585302865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are being attacked as an instinctual reaction by those who subconsciously recognize you are above them. Beauty may exist in a spectrum, and what one favors as beauty may differ by culture, but all truly beautiful things are objectively beautiful because of their proportions, both in dimension and color. Naturally the opposite is true, there is objective ugliness that nearly universally induces disgust, except in the mentally ill. Having said that, there is certainly something to appreciate in that which is truly disgusting, how the abject horror of comblock apartments is almost like a painting of hell is something that can be viewed with awe and one can reflect upon to contemplate their human existence.

Aggressive Globalization and commercialization has indoctrinated the weak minded to attack that which challenges the agenda, and as such you have individuals such as >>15890783 and >>15890808 who have been rendered mentally ill by constant propaganda to the point they will attack any beauty in the name of tearing it down and replacing it with whatever New™ vulgarity suits a globalized, homogenized, soulless existence.

>> No.15891176

I don't have to be the exclusive person do define it, but someone has to be. What the fuck is a point of a word with no universally recognized definition?

>> No.15891182
File: 35 KB, 500x531, a035a8622809d5a34686778b1b5e9a17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why haven't you modeled your life after him /fa/?

Because the aesthetic movement clearly didn't work out for him. He rejected it later in life

>> No.15891186

I think the definition of beauty is innate within us all, some just need to awaken their sense of beauty.

>> No.15891193

Listen to this faggot

>> No.15891194

that's the gayest thing I've ever heard. The definition of beauty should be innate within the fucking dictionary

>> No.15891207

>grr things have to be strictly defined
This is not what beauty is about, and to try to quantify it as such is a robotic thought process. The closest you'll come to a true objective definition is the golden and silver ratios.

>> No.15891215

I'm not suggesting beauty should be "quantified," wtf are you talking about. I also don't know what the hell you mean by "robotic." It's not "robotic" to assign definitions to works.

Of course "beauty" should be strictly defined. The entire point of language is to be a set of mutually agreed upon symbols so people can communicate ideas to each other without anything getting lost in translation. Saying "there can be no strict definition of beauty" is ~exactly~ the same as saying "people never be able to talk about beauty with each other"

Yes, there are many competing ideas of what "beauty" should mean. However, rather than throwing up our hands and giving up on a definition, we should instead give a unique definition to each of these competing ideas.

>> No.15892639
File: 431 KB, 500x484, bartleby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna be honest with you chief, this building looks ugly as sin. brutalism done right has a cleanliness to it that pajeet architecture never quite manages.

>russia bad because i have a small brain and i can't appreciate pure geometry or the beauty of snow

i agree that beauty is important, but you have an incredibly narrow definition of beauty. sex is beautiful. clean lines are beautiful. even trees with bare branches can be beautiful.

also Wilde's most famous book is about how his personal philosophy fails. Dorian Grey sells his soul to stay "beautiful" forever, regrets it, and commits suicide. don't quote authors you haven't bothered to read.

t. /lit/

>> No.15892711

He was a sad queer who died lonely and confused. Say what you want about his aesthetic, he certainly wasn't a role model.

>> No.15893252

>Saying "there can be no strict definition of beauty" is ~exactly~ the same as saying "people never be able to talk about beauty with each other"
false equivocation from the autist

>> No.15893253

nah hes right and you're the autist actually.
we straight up cant have conversations if we cant agree on the definition of a word. which is why basically all discussion of beauty is exclusively
>different strokes for different strokes
>thesis 897941651 on how everything is relative

>> No.15893525

Who gives a shit what this junkie faggot thought?

>> No.15893545

>art for the sake of art, beauty for the sake of beauty
this idea is as old as civilization

>> No.15893550

Americans aren’t just lost about what’s going on in their own country - they’re clearly lost about the entire world

>> No.15893603

No. In a normal civilization, art and beauty always exist for a utilitarian purpose. Instead of creating art for galleries, art would simply be embedded in every item that's used. Examples would be decorated pottery and ornate weapons. Art would also be created to adorn sacred places (in which the purpose is to glorify God and bring attention to the holiness of the worship). It's only in the decadent post-Medieval societies that "art for the sake of art, beauty for the sake of beauty" has become a universal mantra. As >>15890925 said, it's a symptom of a sick world that has lost its footing.

>> No.15893660
File: 132 KB, 1125x633, Eozu0V2UwAEuhj-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. ugly pedant
All beauty glorifies God and in that sense is always utilitarian. In Classical Greece, a labourer gained strength through his work, which he needed to survive. A free man attended the gymnasium. Only the free man, who sculpted his body for it's own sake, was able to achieve the harmony that was immortalized in Greek athletic statues.

>> No.15895482 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 436x379, E3BF3E0C-36D9-4496-8DF1-704359EB0EC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me !1n6WugqKa6

Me !1n6WugqKa6

Me !1n6WugqKa6

>> No.15895488

I don't get why people bring up America all the time.

>> No.15895514 [DELETED] 

Me !1n6WugqKa6

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have referenced the United States of America when posting, but the country has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stay on topic when replying to posts on 4chan, unless the thread is about Americans! Referring to a nation of people when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always treat everyone as Anonymous, unless their nationality is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.15895556

such a western perspective, exactly the same as poverty porn. isn't their hopelessness cute when viewed from the outside?

Is pruitt-igoe cute too?

are we gonna bring the poors onstage and laugh at them?

listen to this song, it's complete doom
Yanka Dyagileva - My Sorrow Is Luminous

>> No.15895563

because it's a defining component of the modern world, duh

>> No.15895905

>America is a defining component of the modern world, duh

>> No.15895911

importance of being earnest is the only play ive read that has actually had me laughing out loud. truly the GOAT gay.

>> No.15895961

Idk read the summary and sounds like aesthetic ideals, why not Jesus?

>> No.15895966

It means you gotta have gay sex

>> No.15895968

So retarded. Guess what? Some people can perceive beauty in a community with a 95% homeownership rate, and ugliness in a society with nice palaces and homeless people.

>> No.15896043

why are irish so effortlessly effay

>> No.15896054

Hi there!
I don’t think you understood my post...but I don’t fault you for that.
Good thing (according to these guys) there is beauty in everything anyway so that post was just my beautiful form of expression anyway - which is what we’re philosophying about right?

>> No.15896060
File: 11 KB, 345x333, C954F6F0-E35A-4957-8D14-50FC72DB6723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took the bait copypasta
cringe and filtered

>> No.15896077

kek it’s seeething like the horsefucker it is

>> No.15896086 [DELETED] 

hey horsefucker, can you explain what he meant here?


>> No.15896096
File: 103 KB, 640x824, B37A403A-9058-46F1-848A-0F50B48931F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beauty in everything

>> No.15896165

Has nothing to do with intelligence.

>> No.15896499

I live 10 minutes from there.

>> No.15896574
File: 110 KB, 508x762, chateau du lude a1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP based Scruton.

>> No.15896587
File: 231 KB, 314x359, 183746548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. This. Commies are NPCs with no souls nor capacity for aesthetic appreciation, or love.

>> No.15897236

Why are you trad faggots eternally seething over brutalism? It has been declining in popularity for decades. Get a new boogeyman instead of crying like "cheap soviet housing wasn't ideal, this is profound and says a lot about our society".

>> No.15897248
File: 613 KB, 828x581, 71b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The christmas aesthetic is ugly and gaudy. It is a kitsch corporate event for people with no personality. It is the Big Bang Theory of holidays.

>> No.15897280

Have you actually read his work? It’s clear by the time he wrote Dorian Grey he didn’t believe that anymore.

>> No.15897422 [DELETED] 

Me !1n6WugqKa6

I whore my cunt for cocks from animals

>> No.15897506

Huh, my hair looks exactly like this right now. What do?

>> No.15898636

See ya fellas gonna go FUCK windsor castle

>> No.15898653

is that Nestor Makhno?

>> No.15898829

maslow's hierarchy of needs

>> No.15898833

Your point is a bit undermined by the fact that I love those soviet commieblocs and think they look beautiful.

>> No.15898835

>Beauty is in mans instincts, we know it when we see it
Talk to any nigga about what looks beautiful and what doesn't and you'll find there's actually way more variance than you think
I mean read >>15898833

>> No.15898839

I use one of his quotes as my life mantra

>you cant take away genius

I know I will make it no matter what because I have the smarts, the bravado, the chutzpah to do it.

>> No.15898840

no it's not nestor makhno you retard larping lefty newfag
if you weren't such a larper you'd know that oscar wilde was a huge fucking socialist himself

>> No.15898846

windsor castle is ugly as shit
t. grew up in windsor
they're mental midgets who don't know that brutalism was invented in capitalist britain so they think that attacking brutalism is a sneaky way of attacking socialism
it's very embarrassing
imagine hating an aesthetic not because it doesn't appeal to you, but because of the ideology it's associated with, and not even getting the associated ideology right

>> No.15898849 [DELETED] 

LOL jesus fuck teenagers on this board are hilarious

>> No.15898852

LARPer, I grew up in these sorts of places, and man, while I appreciate the innovation which went into English landscaping (the whole idea of a garden built to resemble a natural painting is gr8) it doesn't fucking work. They're pretty grim irl.

That anon is right about you romanticising what you don't know or understand.

>> No.15898882 [DELETED] 

this is cope on your part cause so far he's just "attacked" horrible communal poverty living spaces, council flats are just as dehumanizing and fucking hideous as any commie bloc, it's not a wholesale dismissal of all of brutalism or the ideology?(literally what the fuck are you going on about with that line LOL)

There are ways to do communal low income living, commie blocs weren't a particular impressive example. stop being so reactionary and actually refute what the retard OP is saying

>> No.15898894

Is this your first day on 4chan or are you merely pretending

>> No.15898919 [DELETED] 

more cope, put up an actual idea instead of cynically shitting all over everything you zoomer

>> No.15898976

read >>15891175 and apply petroleum jelly to your chapped anus.

>> No.15899064


>> No.15899932

in wbat?

>> No.15900075 [DELETED] 

are you illiterate i'm saying commie blocks are ugly you fucking retard, literally agreeing here dumbass

>> No.15900093

That looks fucking awesome

>> No.15900297

because I'm not gay

>> No.15900317

I actually love the aesthetics of those soviet shitholes. Wish I lived in one

>> No.15901749

You dense motherfucker holy shit
You're lying about how nobody's hating on commie blocks for ideological reasons so I'm showing you how wrong you are by linking >>15891175, a guy who hates commie blocks for (retard) ideological reasons. I'm not that anon, obviously.

Straight up just inject petroleum jelly into your veins because nothing else is going to soothe that butthurt.

>> No.15901956
File: 242 KB, 980x980, 307235_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commies will always be jealous of those who prosper and celebrate their prosperity, because they are brainlets who rely upon the state for their very existence. Hohoho

>> No.15902152

i've read his earlier stuff

>> No.15902155

>Commies will always be jealous of those who prosper and celebrate their prosperity, because they are brainlets who rely upon the state for their very existence. Hohoho

You have a nursery level understanding of communism, why are mutts so fucking stupid.

>> No.15902193 [DELETED] 

>ideological reasons
>linked post attacks it for aesthetics reasons

man you actually are illiterate LOL

>> No.15902221

>linked post attacks it for aesthetics reasons
>Aggressive Globalization and commercialization has indoctrinated the weak minded to attack that which challenges the agenda, and as such you have individuals such as >>15890783 and >>15890808 who have been rendered mentally ill by constant propaganda to the point they will attack any beauty in the name of tearing it down and replacing it with whatever New™ vulgarity suits a globalized, homogenized, soulless existence.
big brain post, anon

>> No.15902228

But only working class people (and """lower middle class""" people) have decorations like that. As anon said, middle class people consider it gaudy and kitsch.
They're anons who're used to getting fellated for making grand theories about why X ideology supposedly dislikes Y random thing.

>> No.15902285

Whats with the Christmas shit, Christmas was celebrated in the soviet union.

>> No.15902888
File: 423 KB, 1186x1011, xmas2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nursery level understanding of communism
That held by all useful idiot, brainlet, Mills and Zoomers who know nothing past their public school and Leftist uni. "educations". Fucking moron.

>> No.15902900

Fuck off santa

>> No.15903147

>please please PLEASE tell me how to think please

>> No.15903571
File: 219 KB, 900x600, 139543762345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communism is so very not /fa/.

>> No.15903574
File: 123 KB, 505x723, chateau du lude a1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I digress. Back to Scruton, RIP.

>> No.15903589
File: 223 KB, 810x921, ladybute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe, artless Commie pig.