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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 23 KB, 500x332, 33095a0403a3b854fabb17d0a3d18141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15881967 No.15881967 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of earrings are best (for dudes)?

>> No.15881975

Like everything else ever it depends on your look and style. If you're a prettyboy a single drop earring can look cool though. Think new romantics.

>> No.15881983

>new romantics

>> No.15882251

None. You'll look like a fag in whatever you use.
Earrings are for women.

>> No.15882468

every earring works, I mean, you're already piercing your earlobe, so, there's nothing as "masculine earring", at least that's my perspective, I wear whatever I want.
no homo

>> No.15882522

I wear basic ass titanium studs until the piercings heal nicely. Probably gonna buy some CH studs or quality reps of those. I don’t really like dangly ones out of practicality as them shits can get snagged on multiple occasions and they aren’t very comfortable to sleep or chill.

>> No.15882531

This is a 1960s meme. During most of history earrings were used by both men and women and in the last 500 years of western fashion they were more associated withe men than women overall.

>> No.15882535

During most of history men were fags.

>> No.15882935

God damn you're insecure bro. I bet you think heels are traditionally worn by women too. If you're at ease with your masculinity you can wear whatever the fuck you want, enjoy your crippling homophobic neuroses tho

>> No.15882957

Heels are absolutely for women in this day and age, don't kid yourself.
They might have been invented to interface with a stirrup, but your open toe stilettos are the furthest thing in the universe from equestrian wear. Heels on a man are a frivolous affectation and every bit as faggy as that insufferable lisp.

>> No.15882984

>in this day and age
Literally who gives a fuck. You're only further confirming that you need to inhibit yourself for fear of being percieved as "faggy". That's weak as fuck. Why would you feel uncomfortable with being seen as gay if you aren't? That kind of thing would only bother someone who is deeply closeted.

>> No.15883042

Only faggots are comfortable with being faggy, faggot. That much should be obvious.

>> No.15883063

You're clearly afraid of your sexuality, but that is okay, we still appreciate your input.

>> No.15883064
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You are probably ugly IRL, go back to /pol/

>> No.15883071
File: 29 KB, 400x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bad boys

>> No.15883076

You're clearly a faggot.

>> No.15883081

>that much should be obvious
Except it isn't. Come on dude, just work that (underdeveloped) brain just a tiny bit. If you are straight and 100% confident in your sexuality, then what you wear isn't going to make you feel any more or less faggy. If you're concerned about other people perceiving you as faggy then that's entirely down to your particular insecurities as a man, not mine or the male population in general.

>> No.15883085

If you're straight and 100% confident in your sexuality then you have no earthly desire whatsoever to act like a fag.

>> No.15883086
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Whatever floats your boat /fa/malam

>> No.15883094

>like a fag
There it is again. You're consumed only by the idea of how people will see you. That is weakness, pure and simple. Me? I'm dressing in fishnet stockings, heels and lipstick and I'm STILL luring your bitch to bed with me. I'ma go Rocky Horror on her ass.

>> No.15883116

>Me? I'm a faggot


>> No.15883581

Studs with a tan, both ears pierced. Pure douchebag core but that's a good thing for your 20s.

>> No.15883771
File: 334 KB, 930x1280, A5087FFE-E201-4D95-BD06-893E41DD0B77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive got an orbital piercing. I think it looks good, personally - better than a lobe piercing imo.

>> No.15884048

Fags on suicide watch

>> No.15884219

Your handsome anon, but that orbital piercing for ear seems a weird position.

>> No.15884386

Hoops, absolutely

>> No.15885649

Nice jewcurls. Couldn't cover that beak, eh?

>> No.15885654


>> No.15885656
File: 356 KB, 1080x960, 20210120_073138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny hoop earrings.

>> No.15885683

only ugly people like you feel faggy, beautiful men can dress however they want and get attention from women

>> No.15885689

wanting to dress faggy is what makes them faggots in the first place.

>> No.15885881

not jewish, retard

>> No.15886046

I don't think you understand how sexuality works at all. Are you only straight because of the clothes you wear? Does that mean you're actually gay when the clothes come off?

>> No.15886139
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You come from an Islamic country I take it?

>> No.15886159
File: 99 KB, 750x916, IMG_1399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these huggie hoops i got from walmart lol. Though I'd like plain silver ones.
Other wise studs or hoops/rings. I haven't found any dangle earings that don't seem ridiculous, and all the wire hooks I've tried looked pretty effeminate in a bad way.

>> No.15886222

Hoops or studs are the way to go.

>> No.15886228
File: 474 KB, 1188x2208, Photo Jan 20, 14 08 37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyy check em.
meant to post pic with it though.
I'm considering getting another hoop right below it but it took 6 months before I was able to change out the default stud and even then it started hurting afterwards.

>> No.15886273

Impressive digitals.

I'd never been able to pull of earrings or any jewellery. Even simple silver bracelets look out of place on me. What do?

>> No.15886296

grow up lol

>> No.15886302

I'm pretty sure it's not a matter of age, I'm 22, soon 23.

>> No.15886653

hoops and dangles, go well with makeup

>> No.15886748

>Earrings are for women.
Fell for feminist propaganda kek

>> No.15886751

Imagine accidentally ripping it off, mistaking it for an ear booger

>> No.15886756
File: 67 KB, 546x573, 6614C973-38CB-47BC-A8B5-3226F2DDB316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>effeminate in a bad way.
>implying that effeminacy can be good

>> No.15886800

insecure fag lashes out, calling everyone a fag

>> No.15886833
File: 72 KB, 750x511, 642B8FEB-564E-401C-95A2-79B77D1E1C63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me after i put 1 (one) piece of metal through my ear

>> No.15887204

Literally the night I got it I was having sex with the girl I was seeing at the time and her ring got caught on it. Worst pain I’ve ever felt, felt like my ear was ripped off.

>> No.15887257

try a silver cuban link like the one i have on in the photo.it pairs well with anything and anyone imo. earrings are more tricky, i think you need a proper face for it or it will look out of place

>> No.15887344
File: 182 KB, 828x823, FB651603-20AA-4923-B479-22DEC2AF66FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s wrong with being “faggy” mate