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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 46 KB, 720x642, E78CF61B-E761-4F7D-83C5-0A1B163FC6AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15879845 No.15879845 [Reply] [Original]

what core is she?

>> No.15879873

teenage roastie core

>> No.15879893

It’s one data point but I dated an an actually autistic girl once and she was was more /fa/ than half this board.

>> No.15879919

she looks like carrot top

>> No.15879921

That's not saying much.

>> No.15880429
File: 1.43 MB, 648x576, 1603635112506.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake autism girl core

>> No.15880448

Every fucker is an autismo now, social awkwardness doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.15880449

Did she have a hairy asshole

>> No.15880450

This. The girl on the right is so fake.

Instead of achieving greatness and aiming for that, victimhood is the new norm to achieve status.

I've known plenty of people with ass burgers. At best most are just a little odd. They can be like the driver.

If the girl on the right was legit she would have severe ass burghers to the point she could barely function in society so she starts flapping around all over and getting worked up and can't cope. The fact that she is on tik tok making stupid shit for attention tells me that's not the case with her. She even has those fake ass thot freckles.

Perhaps what is even worse is we have a whole bunch of coomer zoomers like OP who are not attracted to victimhood. Dating people with real mental and brain issues is just drama and if you plan on having kids they likely will be retarded too.

Wanting to date a physically and mentally healthy woman is now a right wing thing I bet...

>> No.15880476

>Dating people with real mental and brain issues is just drama and if you plan on having kids they likely will be retarded too.

Yeah, it is. The older i get the less interested i am in having relationships with women. I prefer one night stands and prostitutes now. relationships are just constant drama.

>> No.15880486

The bitch on the right looks so fucking annoying I'd curb stomp her if she started doing that shit around me (and I knew that I wouldn't get in trouble)

>> No.15880489

Women are already full of bullshit these days, and that's the "normal" ones so dating someone with mental issues is just fucking stupid. It's the edgy fantasy of 17 year old virgins on here.

And then those beta simp types who want the meme borderline girl are the exact type to be totally destroyed and manipulated by the girl.

>> No.15880501

Why do people want to show off their autism? I was bullied for it for years.

>> No.15880581
File: 138 KB, 794x650, autism in boys and girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're a guy. In men autism presents as the worst possible qualities a man can have, while autism in women leads to quirky and cute personality traits.

>> No.15880586

Same, hurts :(

>> No.15880593

>when you start awakening to the fact that females in the west are 10 x more privileged then men but all you hear all day is how we need feminism and how women are treated like shit

not gonna make it senpai pie

>> No.15880611

Chris chan core.

>> No.15880613

Proof that female autism is a meme.

>> No.15880620

Based RBF femoid.

>> No.15880622

Where's Waldo core

>> No.15880636
File: 446 KB, 300x186, 1454054320980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preach, brother.

>> No.15880639
File: 180 KB, 714x1000, 1542F3E9-CC8C-4AFC-9921-522FC73BB5C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autistic people are cool

What is something that someone hasn’t been bullied for?

>> No.15880774

You can assured that anytime anyone on social media says they have autism, like that girl, they don't have autism. They're all just worthless attention whores

>> No.15880779

I hate roasties so fucking much

>> No.15880918

Whoever made that chart really sugarcoated the girl side

>> No.15880931

kek. Brutal retard mogging

>> No.15880937

Self-victimization is fashionable these days.

>> No.15880966

wtf race is that creature on the right

>> No.15880984

it was probably made in the 2000s by some faggy, self inserting, manic pixie dream girl creating author.

>> No.15881032

its so sad that people think the wendys girl is legitimate. her horrible performance is based on like the most basic and exaggerated representation of autism.

its like when you see those commercials about depression and its just a person crying and everything is in black and white or their face is in their hands and they pull away when touched because they are so le sad.

its such a basic misunderstanding and simplification of whats actually going on. this girl acts like a fucking cave man more than she acts like someone with severe autism.

>> No.15881104

some bitch called me a nazi cause I said I had aspergers. apparently you can't use that term anymore.

>> No.15881121
File: 9 KB, 150x150, nauvoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15881126

fuckin google it. apparently the dude it is named after was a nazi. she said it is an outdated term that only nazi's still used.

>> No.15881129

I did google it and your picture appeared.
So i posted it to wikipedia with an article about your life.
Good luck, chucklefuck!

>> No.15881131

Why are you even acknowledging such people who get offended over such petty things.

>> No.15881147

>taking down the nazis by harassing autistic people

>> No.15881157

I was in a group with her for a class.

>> No.15881164

Extremely based

>> No.15881174

I desperately wish I was that bike seat. the smell, the sweat, the dirty cheeks, all staining my face. The heat of her thighs pressing against my face in a rhythmic motion as she peddled. I would cum from pure bliss.

>> No.15881350

I knew he was some Austrian guy but shit..

>The controversy has intensified since revelations that, during the Nazi years, Asperger sent at least 2 disabled children to the Am Spiegelgrund clinic, knowing they would be the subject of cruel experiments and be likely to be euthanised under the Nazi programme named, post-bellum, "Aktion T4".

Haha it's real. You're now a nazi for using the term. Fucking wow.

Be like me. Just say yes. You're a nazi. It saves a lot of time being accused of it no matter what you do now or defending yourself.

>> No.15881514

aspergers has been retconned bro, now it's Autism level 1

>> No.15881547

>more /fa/ than half this board
that's average...

>> No.15881566

>in this modern time
I'll pray for you.

>> No.15881616

>dating an autistic girl
>beauty products and fashion are her special interests
She thinks she became interested in it when she wanted to fit in with other girls and had to mask extremely well.

>> No.15881737

Had bpd gf.
Would literally hammer her fucking skull in after everything was said and done.

>> No.15881815
File: 56 KB, 560x560, 7708793B-C8F7-42AF-B3C0-FB85549200F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe autism is just a term for something that actually all humans have.
It’s divergent/deviant neural networks/minds.

>> No.15881837 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 750x893, 5C62FC44-5EC3-42DE-9ECF-4BFAE80BBA72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t think anyone is a “Nazi”
Humans can be made into anything.

I’ve never seen an anti-Nazi attack and actual Nazi.
They just don’t.
Gods irony is that I’m Hitler and I sit beside anti-nazis being their friend as they attack other anti-nazis and thus turn anti-nazis into “nazis”

I’m best off just making earth heaven.
It makes me even wonder if anyone’s really a “anti-nazi”.

Ah humans
I love them
Let’s all move on from everything bad together and save everyone. We’re all one.

>> No.15881877

Yeah they really are something truly awful. Most guys have the same stories to tell of them and experiences, you'd think they were all dating the same girl. That's why I see them as non-human zombies. The same pattern of behavior they can't control and it's evil shitty behavior.

>> No.15881880

could you elaborate more on that? It seems you're making a mountain out of a molehill with this one.
>human idiosyncrasies =/= mental development disorder

>> No.15881882


>> No.15881884
File: 81 KB, 600x536, 572E121E-645F-49ED-BC48-47393CDA6400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definist fallacy

>> No.15881891

Your beliefs aren’t being questioned and are irrelevant. What’s important is the reason why one might believe something.

>> No.15881899
File: 11 KB, 228x221, 1513398812807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is the girl on the right doing

>> No.15881901

graduated 2019 in NY and ppl stopped bullying autists from what I could see, so Im sorry to hear that happened 2 u bro

>> No.15881911

The girl on the right is cringy as fuck. Its not even a realistic portrayal of what autism is like lmao Not all people with assburger or autism is jittery retards like the girl on the right.

>> No.15881926

In many ways yes, but it has been proven that female autists are more introverted and better at "being human". Opting for more subtle outlets such as eating disorders and depression.
As a contrast, if male tards get angry I actually get scared

>> No.15881930

Gnome rogue I should think

>> No.15881963
File: 93 KB, 750x750, E4B043A5-BEF7-42B5-B5FC-422BEC9F30EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mutations aren’t fundamentally negative
I wouldn’t call autism a disorder because it sometimes actually makes people stronger, smarter, more adapt at survival etc.

Imagine an autistic girl who is obsessive with computer programming versus someone “normal” who is obsessed with watching sports.
One will likely be more successful and the other is not labeled as having a disorder because it’s a common behaviour.

I believe it because it makes more sense
Most mental disorders are extremes of normal functioning

>> No.15881970

>computer programming
you lost me there bud with your disparate analogies

>> No.15881971

You’re describing high-functioning autism. Autism is a disorder because it is atypical. Autism, unfortunately, carries stigma due to lack of education on the topic. I’m sorry you feel am offended by the innocuous term “disorder.”

>> No.15881973

you’re autistic, in the inaccurate derogatory sense. Autism is a disorder because it is not normal. Does the word disorder bother you kekk

>> No.15881980


>everybody has autism because of my redefinition of the term

>High-functioning autists exist, therefore it isn’t a disorder and is instead MERELY A UNIQUE MIND

>> No.15881986
File: 163 KB, 900x1200, 216ECC64-F67D-42EE-8DFF-EA579AADE107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autism defender doesn’t understand autism.

>> No.15881994
File: 88 KB, 798x749, 2ADBC270-0B32-4E5A-ABBE-DD1CBBC2B927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move above semantics and see what I intend to say.

Extreme autism is very diverse in what it is. I stand by saying that autism is mental deviation. A neutral term.

Humans are robots.
We’re programmed and wired differently.
For better and for worse.

Are you projecting?

>> No.15882001
File: 211 KB, 1050x1006, 1928FA72-139E-4E4A-A67B-314F396BF3F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism is human evolution
Sometimes it works
Sometimes it doesn’t

What do you believe autism to be?
That’s funny to label me an “autism defender” what does that make you?

>> No.15882010


you just slaughtered all those anons

>> No.15882013

>I stand by saying that autism is mental deviation.
Nobody is saying otherwise and arguing that point with you.

>[Autism] is a neutral term.
There is no such thing is neutral language (not in reference to gendered language). All languages reflect ideas its speakers deem important. Value-judgements exist behind every word. “Neutrality” itself is a value. There is no such thing as a neutral term because values have no inherent “weight.”

>I wouldn’t call autism a disorder because it sometimes actually makes people stronger, smarter, more adapt at survival etc.
You won’t call autism a disorder the great things high-functioning autists can do override the definition of “disorder?” Autism is a disorder because, as others have said, it’s atypical. There is no need to speak in euphemisms, saying autism is merely a “unique mind.”

>> No.15882014
File: 23 KB, 224x231, 95ACCE3A-40CA-466E-A05B-805C8CB8A407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you just slaughtered all those anons
won’t accuse you of samefaggotry, but I’m accusing you of samefaggotry

>> No.15882020

>Humans are robots.
False equivalence. Definist fallacy.

>Extreme autism is very diverse in what it is. I stand by saying that autism is mental deviation. A neutral term.
You’re changing your argument from “autism isn’t a disorder because high-functioning autists exist” (>I wouldn’t call autism a disorder because it sometimes actually makes people stronger, smarter, more adapt at survival etc.) to an uncontested point.

>> No.15882023

Autism isn't cool or fa: it's a disability that has ruined my youth and delayed my development and caused trauma that I have yet to overcome. I feel that the current trend doesn't justify my experience

>> No.15882024
File: 27 KB, 400x400, FBAB485A-1A33-4822-9DB7-E1A7BFC0EB35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe autism is just a term for something that actually all humans have.
It’s divergent/deviant neural networks/minds.
>I wouldn’t call autism a disorder because it sometimes actually makes people stronger, smarter, more adapt at survival etc.
>Autism is human evolution

Imagine being offended by the term “disorder” and arguing back though euphemisms and redefinitions.

>> No.15882026
File: 259 KB, 756x720, 1CFA0459-47E4-4BD3-9DCA-59A6FB86844A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go above semantics.
Do you agree that humans are robots?

As if I needed to say that.

>> No.15882031

baste ass fuck

It’s unfortunate that mental disorders are being feigned as if it’s the “fashionable” thing to do.

>> No.15882035
File: 202 KB, 690x817, 55ED438C-AD4F-43DA-9935-7EC5655C0DC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don’t believe humans to be robots, what do you believe them to be?

Be greater than semantics.


>> No.15882036
File: 20 KB, 582x329, 973D2080-17F6-468E-A8D6-142F42A74838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, please stop arguing with the “go above semantics” dumbfuck. They don’t know how to formulate and attack arguments. They don’t recongize their fallacious words. They don’t even know what semantics are.

>> No.15882038

I honestly wondered how long it would take for this brand to be posted herr

>> No.15882042
File: 150 KB, 822x1094, AE591D40-FAF8-452F-8B07-3BEB0351973A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basted and put into the oven

Fashionable mental disorders eh? You live in an amusing universe.

>> No.15882043
File: 1.37 MB, 400x225, B0ACBEF2-76A0-427F-853F-3A6DCAAC2DCB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15882046
File: 51 KB, 200x200, 4FEEAD6E-1326-4201-B2AE-5F5C7EC5368D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a cute monkey

How dare the sinner not recognize sin!

>> No.15882047

kek it’s def a samefag. same patterns of language and fallacious arguments

>> No.15882048

You ok, homie?

>> No.15882052

>Fashionable mental disorders eh? You live in an amusing universe.
Let’s swap universes.

Don’t stop guys. This thread is one of the funniest in a while (need more Indre getting fucked).

>> No.15882053
File: 58 KB, 800x353, 2EB25084-4481-4736-91B8-FB5ED71B04AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mm delicious fallacious.

We should have sex sometime.
I’ll seed you with my superior autism.
Your autism is weak. It arouses me.

>> No.15882058
File: 445 KB, 245x140, C7A8B7EB-6E85-4895-92AB-3633190D5FBC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about your world.
Tell me about you.

>> No.15882061
File: 42 KB, 400x362, 26CC00F7-3866-468C-ABA0-FEE2566BA9D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Autism defender “above semantics” who doesn’t understand autism seethes.

>> No.15882067

Is it true that trannies are autistic?

>> No.15882069
File: 161 KB, 685x1000, E97E3033-2A09-4AFE-A778-F25CDDEC698E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out the “autism attacker” is on the lose!

>> No.15882070

A world balanced upon inequality, where humans are motivated by self-interest masked as altruism. To stand out from the same-faced masses, one differentiates himself through feigned mental illnesses. You gain public pity and private scorn, but it’s worth the attention you lack and crave.

Also people pay for porn like what the fuckkk

>> No.15882078

lmfao perfect post to end the thread

>> No.15882080
File: 825 KB, 640x865, 1A0A4A0C-CAA0-4DCE-94D7-B0F6854AE99F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an exciting novel

You have a fascinating artistic direction

>> No.15882090

I see what you mean

>> No.15882092
File: 1.80 MB, 500x280, 1596906286846.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me?

>> No.15882094
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>> No.15882095
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>> No.15882104
File: 62 KB, 1100x1007, 7FD6AF61-1D69-452B-B559-FEDB140F4C75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely, such a world can only exist within fiction.

>> No.15882109


>> No.15882113
File: 412 KB, 1125x1798, 5C5A56BB-4A03-4AE6-B1F7-59F763B1F85E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An article made for the masses by the masses

Remember everyone
You don’t change the world being like others.

>> No.15882142 [DELETED] 


>> No.15882149

Mine or yours?

>> No.15882171 [DELETED] 

this girl obv

>> No.15882174

kek you think you’re so fucking slick. I hate you. Fuck you. You piss me off

>> No.15882764

this is an impeccable post

>> No.15882842

Based. I was looking to post this.

>> No.15882863 [DELETED] 

what in the fuck ? alsowhl is that dudde ivve remeber him in some tv channel ?

>> No.15882913


>> No.15882958 [DELETED] 

What's her endgame?

>> No.15882960

severely underrated

>> No.15883072

I don't think it's a political thing considering how many bpd-having ethot grifters there are in right wing spaces. Self described "trad girls" are just as bad as this fake autism bitch, they're just as fake. Everybody knows girls like them, they were the hot bitches in high school who didn't have the self esteem for the popular girl gang. They prefer to reign in hell than serve in heaven so they become nerd queens, who do nothing but sow drama between us nerds. Very sad, many such cases.

>> No.15883256
File: 1.69 MB, 700x1689, IMG_1833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the autistics evolving into?

They keep getting smarter.
Like aliens that came to earth and then became human.

Or angels

>> No.15883540

lmao why does he always say go above/be above semantics
autist def knows nothing bout semantics nor autism despite firsthand experience

>> No.15883566

I think it's to do with how they're raised, girls are expected to put more thought into socialization

>> No.15883776


>> No.15883861

You said nothing in your post.

Some people. Like you.
Like to use semantics as a smoke shield to avoid a discussion of any substance

>> No.15883864
File: 78 KB, 500x572, 259D24CF-432D-4F54-8928-66F81CC836BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the autist came back

>> No.15883887

Yeah it's cringe
I'd let her give me retard top tho.

>> No.15883924
File: 151 KB, 851x999, D514B49D-DE01-4EB3-AAEA-09064FF8EC63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s your opinion on progress?

I love it.

>> No.15884121
File: 1.94 MB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based uncle fester.

>> No.15884712

You can tell when a girl is truly autistic because her interests are basically dude hobbies and they stopped trying to fit in with other girls years ago.

>> No.15885429

fake news

>> No.15886101 [DELETED] 

>What is love? Howdou define it?
seems like he was expecting a better answer

>> No.15886553

CWC core

>> No.15886564

>eyebrow slit
this gives it away

>> No.15887736

>do you want to spread love?
She looks like she wants to spread love right there on that sofa with that guy teebeehaych.

>> No.15887798

>retard top

>> No.15887888

i wonder if i fuck her throat if that will cure her sensory overload shit.

>> No.15888576

i don't give a fuck because i'm not autistic

>> No.15888583

She is unironically gorgeous though. Popped a bone.

>> No.15888591

zoomers spending years of their life learning emotive socializing from anime will do that.

>> No.15888606

Attention whore core.

>> No.15889050

“Old speech” So that’s why most autistic guys talk like they’re in a 1950s Noir film

>> No.15889589

I'm definitely autistic. I can spend 10 hrs+ researching something meaningless before I get close to make a decision, but likely wont until I explore every single finite detail.

I also get told somewhat regularly, in various ways, that I'm very robotic or too logicial, cold, mechanic etc.

I also have 2 friends I could try to meet up with. I'm not talking regular friends or close friends, just people that I could talk to, even as an aquaintance.

I am not, however, a pussy faggot who sees themselves as a victim or a misfit or sees any of this as something that puts me at a disadvantage.

I do make 6 figures because I am a sociopathic loaner with extreme attention to detail.

>> No.15889626


>> No.15889643
File: 2.00 MB, 200x200, 1589147805856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is that article?
>The Conversation On Our Social Consciousness That Clitorises Are Penises Continues
is the most smoothbrained and cringe take I've heard in a long time, but
>"Israel's race cult and its monoplies time to be dismantled for the good of humanity has come"
is such a dangerously based sentence to say.
I'm genuinely conflicted on how to feel about this.

>> No.15889667
File: 6 KB, 228x128, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original era Chris cosplay

>> No.15889679

its a shame that someone would willingly put their retardness on social media, if she just did somewhat normal stuff itd be fine, shes really cute

>> No.15889713

>using google

>> No.15889718

If you're a zoomer on the internet please stop talking

>> No.15890085
File: 429 KB, 1200x1440, 6B36A296-19F6-4CDB-8881-C2C3E356CE55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this is the “be above semantics” autist lmao this thread is POGGERS

>> No.15890882

How many bucks are you betting that she self diagnosed?

>> No.15890921
File: 160 KB, 1650x1541, yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is not true

>> No.15891721

Didn't even realise it was a tranny until this one, I'm not very good at this

>> No.15891744

>sensory overload
Imagine the sex though. Bitch looks like she needs a breath mint and a good 20 minute shower beforehand, but would have earth shattering orgasms. I'm talking wake the next town over with her retard screeches and an extra hour in the dryer for the bedsheets.

Would unapologetically bang for hours.

>> No.15892021

High test

>> No.15892834
File: 121 KB, 749x1015, BB857F56-F097-4F0D-B00D-4A39BE89AD6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is good and glorious for all.

>> No.15892844
File: 127 KB, 749x1034, FB7BE9C2-1670-4C5A-B33A-9B16657EF27A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semantics is for language scientists.
It’s not typically the field of study as the topic at hand.

Though semantics can be related in that language is the human programming code. Our code is essentially to do many conversations.

It’s said autism is evolution.
Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t.
We all are evolution.

>> No.15892851

*essential to so many conversations

>> No.15892859

That does not translate to sex, the most air headed basic retarded bitch can learn to suck and ride a dick good.

A real ass burger girl would be real slow and weird about sucking a dick in front of her.

What's perceived or even is weird or crazy outwardly does not mean it is in the sheets.

>> No.15893240

yeah you're right. There are only two types of people in this world - the weak and the strong.

>> No.15893243

That's essentially the crux of their argument.

>> No.15893244

Yes, you have autism because it is merely a divergent mind.

>> No.15893418

Wait? That's called scripting? How is that different from using outlast language?

>> No.15893563

>i'm an idiot who can't properly make a point and doesn't understand what words and certain definitions mean
>please try to look past semantics

>> No.15893631


>> No.15893650

Correct. Most women on the spectrum are also asexual. I dated an autistic art hoe for a while. Sex was really bad and she would ghost me for days or weeks for no apparent reason but still got mad at me for not chasing her during her no contact phases while seeking validation from her beta orbiters. Also lots of women who self diagnose themselves with autism are really just borderline.

>> No.15893757

Have you thought for once maybe you were the problem anon

>> No.15894298

no, he was the victim of psychological abuse
never blame the victim, retard

>> No.15894301

I think speech patterns have far more to do with the media they consume, we're all inundated with entertainment constantly but autistic people are more likely to use people on television as a model for behavior. This registers far more naturally to the onlooker if they've just taken a little here and there from diverse sources but it's jarring and weird when someone has say, based their whole outward personality off of two anime characters.

Semi related I've kind of hypothesized the reason anime tends to draw in a lot of autistic types is because there's only like five core emotional and zero subtlety so people with a social deficit cannot possibly mistake it. It has rules, it makes sense and it often has internal logic that one can learn the rules of and feel attuned to.

>> No.15894309
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>victims are faultless

>> No.15894321
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I can't fucking stand slam metal. Does that make me autistic? No. Coming here does

>> No.15894347
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Someone clearly only formulates their arguments on semantics.

Anyone can see when someone makes a semantic argument.

Rise above semantics
And rise above millions of men

To be above one kind of man
Is to be above millions of like minded men

Make yourself greater than semantics, mr semantic. Have actual views that you express. Be more.

>> No.15894514
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>> No.15894676

Wow, I hate this. It was a mistake to watch the full video it's worse than I imagined.


>> No.15894737

>relationships are just constant drama.
social media has destroyed any value in a relationship
it's all virtue signalling and 'muh mental illness'
people overplay their 'anxiety' like it is the most crippling thing in existence

>> No.15894740
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Is going to the movies alone effay?

>> No.15894742
File: 369 KB, 960x437, metal.bands.per.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not alone.
only the dehumanizing winters of the north can make metal seem beautiful by comparison

>> No.15894746

>i can't have a relationship because of social media!
or is that just a cope because you're too lazy to improve your appearance and conversation skills?

>> No.15894756

how autistic is 'the driver' tho?

>> No.15894761
File: 16 KB, 360x351, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn I have autism

>> No.15894767

what's your job

>> No.15894779

lmao it was a generalization
are you self projecting? getting a gf is easy, getting a good one is hard.
you are correct tho, i am pretty lazy when it comes to putting effort in for other people, however i take care in my appearance to autistic levels. calm down man

>> No.15894805

God that guy is so fucking creepy and makes my skin crawl

>> No.15894810
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>> No.15894831

RadFem do be like that

>> No.15894837
File: 29 KB, 517x468, 5EB42D39-BCB8-4EA3-8C6A-C8C010C7BE63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The modern Nazi

Fuck they’re elite

>> No.15894843


Ah yes. Hitler. Long time no see. You’ve changed a lot since last time I saw you.

>> No.15894927
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>believing this thot is "autistic"

>> No.15894981

what? you think autists don't have a libido or something? they get horny just as much as everyone else, retard.

>> No.15895013


>> No.15895081

I date an autistic girl and I can confirm they are horny fucks. The worst is trying to avoid sensory overload while fucking tho. I'll be so close to nutting and she'll cry sensory and pull away and start going turtle mode. Kinda sucks but overall it's a good relationship

>> No.15895232

>live laugh love
100% austistic

>> No.15895450 [DELETED] 



>> No.15895754
File: 98 KB, 1057x685, loyalty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on her? She has autism and was born prematurely, lives on skid row and prefers to be a loner

>> No.15895774


>> No.15895775

I had a better one, same vibe but cashmere and no braided or thick knit

>> No.15895889

autism is not effay unless you’re high-functioning

>> No.15896252

Shit my ex might be autistic

>> No.15896264


>> No.15896316


Give me the source. I love this little autistic girly so much. She makes my pee pee rock hard.

She's so naturally pretty.. urgh :S

>> No.15896497

Elliot page is Hitler

Not the worst timeline

>> No.15896605

why is she pretending to be autistic

>> No.15896832

Odd speech. I think u might be retarded anon

>> No.15897398

I wish I was autistic

>> No.15897726
File: 2.78 MB, 240x320, 1588859007446.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanted more

>> No.15897745

fuckkk... cringe. The absolute simps that are so desperate for female attention buying shit for them. If you're that desperate, do something about it, meeting real girls. Not being a creepy weirdo online gifting shit. Do these guys know how much of a fucking loser they would sound telling a girl irl they do this?

>> No.15897767

Welcome to hellworld

>> No.15897855
File: 438 KB, 650x595, 1525772093549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather Americans get away with medical fraud for the bucks than doctors getting away with unnecessary surgeries and unapproved drug treatment-based diagnoses.

Fake it till you make it, ladies. My dick won't discriminate.

>> No.15897946

these "people" are the lowest of the low

>> No.15898690

Assburger here,

Fuck fakes lmao

>> No.15898705
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>> No.15898838

Yeah, I don't know what it is. Like he's a husk. Some empty husk of a person.

>> No.15899016
File: 124 KB, 442x535, Screenshot_20210121-100807_Manga Geek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /fa/

>> No.15899025

damn old man you are FAT

>> No.15899039

i shouldnt be this mad about this shit
but i am

>> No.15899114
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>> No.15899286

She radiates daddy issues

>> No.15899287


>> No.15899290

So white knight simps go crazy for her and make her famous and rich.
I hope she dies in a fire

>> No.15899358

>face tattoo
Poverty sucks though, I definitely feel bad for her. Not her fault that California is such a shithole.

>> No.15899378

she cute

>> No.15899537


>> No.15899570

I can see how some guys might find this appealing. It's some manic dream pixie girl shit. But mannnn she seems so fake i just want to punch her in her stupid face. All that bouncing and the faces she makes drive me fucking mad.

>> No.15899579
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I'm more upset that there's not even a reason to dress this way. No music scene attached to it, not punk or indie or anything. Not even cosplay. Just pure clown core.

>> No.15900100

yo mommas fat

>> No.15900126

He's not in reality.

He's a throwback character to the strong and silent type of movies, but he has a traumatic past too.

Most guys when they meet other guys might act friendly, or try and mirror the guy to get a good atmosphere going to be liked and accepted. It's more of a self esteem thing. The Driver doesn't need to act that way. He is confident that if he isn't liked, he can back his shit up. It;s also likely his defensive mechanism too and not letting people in by choice.

He also reads people and scenarios too well to be some autist, he can open up and be relaxed when he's driving with Irene and has no issues making friends with the kid.

On paper, oh look he is slow to reply with a single liner, he must be autistic! But beyond that, he's not at all.

>> No.15900271

Haha is that a real quote? Dare I say based tranny?

>> No.15900312

>people in comment sections calling you jealous if you believe she is faking it
Attractive people really can get away with anything and she wouldn't even be half as attractive without makeup

>> No.15900320 [DELETED] 

So like you pedo ?

>> No.15900326

Makes sense, you moose knuckle.

>> No.15900665

>drives me nuts

just admit it. you like it and you want one.
i want one 2, they look cute. i wonder what they eat?