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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 288 KB, 640x622, B0D9D552-2B76-4BFB-A0B9-BADB7E4E7057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15869882 No.15869882 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15869883

hopefully never

>> No.15869884
File: 100 KB, 1080x1178, qt18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it even exist outside of tiktok and onlyfans?

>> No.15869886

hopefully soon, probably not for a while. not at least until we hit post-scarcity

>> No.15869891

It will take a while since teenage girls nowadays have no other referent when it comes to “alternative” styles since all youth subcultures are dead and their members 40, maybe it will evolve into something more extreme ala Jazmin Bean or mature into something more tame and sophisticated

>> No.15869896

insta, snap, tik tok, so it's basically everywhere on earth to some extent

>> No.15869904


>> No.15869920

Post-scarcity is what enables this aesthetic.

>> No.15869926
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>> No.15869929
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>> No.15869938

Don’t worry, we just need to wait for onlyfans to implode due to the market being oversaturated, and then the look will be forever associated with trashy women forced into selling themselves on the streets because they can’t make money from onlyfans anymore and have no employable skills other than being a receptacle for coom

>> No.15869939

when you stop being horny fucks and zoomers finally start making their own culture instead of being aesthetic fetishists. fucking consoomerist fucks

>> No.15869943

as soon as men stop simping for them

>> No.15869954 [DELETED] 

when i kill all white women

>> No.15869998 [DELETED] 

lol this thread is literally all nips and spics

>> No.15869999

lol this thread is literally all nips and spics

>> No.15870015

You best start believing in dystopian futures, you're in one

>> No.15870104

Ive seen them irl
They look absolutely ridiculous

>> No.15870106

I wish all the e-girls could switch into scene style. They still could be dumb as fuck but at least pleasant to look at.

>> No.15870118

As long as there is simps e-girls will exploit them.

>> No.15870128


How long has it been going on?

Emo trend started around 2002-2004 and died out 2008

>> No.15870137


Also its already cringe. You never see this in real life. They are all just instagram poser who do all these make-up for a instagram picture

These type of girls sffer from menyal illness, They hate men because they are used as fuck toys and obsessed with the attention and being worshipped as a fairy tale princess by 1000s of simps but they will never recieve that worship in real life, so they daily life s pretty much average to being suicidal

>> No.15870166

as long as simps exist, women will find ways to make money off of them, and do it well.

>> No.15870176

I’ve never seen one of these creatures irl

>> No.15870187
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>> No.15870196

hopefully never, it’s the best female style in the course of western civilization

>> No.15870207
File: 41 KB, 320x225, 9E85C046-9D81-4C10-A437-7EC724536194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t act like if simping was a new concept only recently young girls have been making cash of, just think about peep shows and taxi dancers

>> No.15870255

I like the aesthetic, but the women are usually insufferable.

>> No.15870295
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>> No.15870552

After America falls

>> No.15870591


>> No.15870692


>> No.15870707

NO never let those dirty disgusting females taint the scene landscape. it is too pure for their tiktok-ridden filty hands.

>> No.15870726
File: 48 KB, 680x510, femininehairAnzujaamu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

e-girls are hotter than scene girls

>> No.15870811


>> No.15871881

Hopefully only after I had my fill of them.

>> No.15872248

yeah but they are all prostitutes just like your pic.

>> No.15872592 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 1205x765, 4CC487B9-D1D3-45E8-8915-41662B60DFAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am called Me !1n6WugqKa6, Indre Gelzinis. I ingest drugs diluted with sand and drink mouthwash to get high while I drunk-drive-kill people after being a fuckslut for farm horses. I am also really beautiful and intelligent, and because of that, I am in poverty and my life is hard.

>> No.15872866

Is he obsession online with "trad" girls the reaction against this post-scarcity aesthetic?

>> No.15873131

>insta, snap, tik tok
>it's basically everywhere
if these three places are "everywhere" to you, that's pathetic. go outside sometime anon, it's good to get some sunlight every once in a while

>> No.15873149

A few more years. It's already hit peak popularity and it's now on the down slope.

>> No.15873165

Coronavirus lockdown

>> No.15873169

you act like everyone young person in the world doesn't have an iphone and all of those apps installed as a part of their life. They inhabit a physical space too you fucking idiot, and the culture from those places is making very young people people rich and influencing global culture at the ground level

maybe you should stop pretending it doesn't exist just because you have zero clout or visibility in any of those spaces, because it's being used and it's affecting material reality

>> No.15873195
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Give to some some time and it will evolve yet again. As it is, I always figured that it was a sorta nostalgic hybrid of scene/emo and grudge.

Im sure it will continue further with with some reactionary cottage & frontier core sorta stuff to appose it.

>> No.15873203

zheani is sexy as fuck

>> No.15873283
File: 171 KB, 1080x1072, eee2589daa110de87de5bf2195db0ae6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does. Last time I went to the mall before xmas I saw like 20 of them, 15 were very cute and under 17.
I've seen some on the street and on the bus, but it's a toned down version like pic related, which is cool, an adapted version to the everyday life.

>> No.15873297

tumblr e girls are a rare species nowadays, the e-girl branch is going to different types of "alts" either it be drain gang inspired looks or 2012 Chief Keef core or just 2000s japanese fashion it's way different and has branches now.

>> No.15873334


>> No.15873343


>> No.15873347

>age: 24

>> No.15873419

'drain gang alt' is the new tumblr girl alt, its made drain gang & the whole scene cringe

>> No.15873443

y these girls gotta b so young man

>> No.15873476

LOL where did you get that pic the chick i matched on tinder has it as her profile pic

>> No.15873488

tinder is 70% bots anyways

>> No.15873495

Reminder that when the tiktok/onlyfans bubble burts, something even worse will inevtably replace it.

>> No.15873518

When Muslim population becomes over 30%.

>> No.15873526

Constant population growth and influx of majorly young male refugees will continue to make more simps.

>> No.15873566

Are there no Muslim e-girls?

>> No.15873570

But the weeb aestethic e-girls ARE ex-scene queens.

>> No.15873645

>2000s japanese fashion
is this real?

>> No.15873981

Fuck you.

>> No.15873998

influenced by 2000s jap fashion*** my bad but their zoomer girls they most likely copied another girl and don't really know that they're taking part in the harujuko style.

>> No.15874001

I want to ejaculate inside of her

>> No.15874036

you're being catfished idiot

>> No.15874042

I assume you live in a big city because these girls dont existin small towns, shit if you wear anything out of the normal they would be looked at as weird.

>> No.15874048

Imagine the smell

>> No.15874093

Personally, I live in a pretty standard NYC suburb (not too close to the city, but well within the metro area, and decently populous) and I've seen a few around the mall too. Mall seems to be the place to find them.

>> No.15874094

When do you predict that happens? When the economy stabilizes? Because if that’s the case we’re in this reality for the next 5-8 years

>> No.15874097

U must b 18 or older to post here

>> No.15874160

that was fake

>> No.15874234

hopefully soon.
>"hey i wear this make-up for myself cuz it makes me look and feel good"

yeah, yeah that's nice sweetheart but you have to stop at some point. you're painting on new cheeck bones, a redder nose, big thick fucking eyebrows and fake freckles. none of that stuff looks good when it's artificial, and especially not when it's all slapped together.

>> No.15874308

Yes, but it's mostly fat dyke types that do it.
The e-thots are the 1% that look like that. The rest look terrible

>> No.15874313

it's a dumb trend but god any chick with this makes me so horny i want to facefuck the shit out of them

>> No.15874320

faggot only a gay man is that bitter about girls looking good

>> No.15874345

This aesthetic is older than the internet and post-romantic goth culture.
This aesthetic has existed since hair dye existed. This aesthetic has existed before the written word, when humans first discovered color theory.

>> No.15874542
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>> No.15874579

>girls looking good
females are unable to look good at all

>> No.15874641

too late i already did

>> No.15874649

Even better. Sloppy seconds

>> No.15874681

Where is your proof?

>> No.15874692

you’re a gay man then

>> No.15874707

I’d suck her dry as though you never came in her.

>> No.15874825

social media attention whore core.
this will persist until we pull the plug on the internet.

>> No.15874873


>> No.15874949

I saw a blonde slut like this for the first time yesterday. Disgusting desu.

>> No.15874959

fucking pathetic how intimidated by them you people are

>> No.15874968

What the fuck is this projection? I just found her disgusting is all. She looked like she'd suck dick for an 1/8th of weed.

>> No.15874973

she saw ramona flowers*

>> No.15874993

you’re either a fuckin closeted gay dude who hates women or a closeted pedo in denial or something to have such a visceral reaction to someone young girls style, because objectively it’s something interesting to look at the only reason to shit on it like that is it bothers you on a fuckin emotional level you fuckin pussy lol

>> No.15875001

and here we have a white knight defending an Internet uggo

>> No.15875035
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>> No.15875079


>> No.15875182

Holy shit the projection in this post.

>> No.15875982

They are girls.
Girls can wear literally anything without looked as weird. If could be, they just label it "empowering" and do still but deminishing you even.

>> No.15876020
File: 58 KB, 604x472, 85A64568-040F-42A5-913D-7053745A84E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it’s like 1980s mall rats again, except 80s girls weren’t as cute.

>> No.15876176

Based hair but fucking hate the untamed frizzy flyaways that are a dead giveaway that you don’t know how to style hair

>> No.15876182
File: 75 KB, 548x560, 3DD3F80D-27E5-4717-91A5-72EB283A6167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she /fa/?

>> No.15876183
File: 35 KB, 600x480, bushmengkorz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oldfag here.
80s girls were cute.
they just weren't gooped up in makeup like today.
the hair was bad.
permanent waves were new technology so everyone damaged their ends getting huge jewfros.
it was awesome!

>> No.15876191

Off brand Gumi

>> No.15876200
File: 81 KB, 600x536, 1521398153784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer spotted

>> No.15876220

No, that's intentional. It's called teased hair

>> No.15876223

>thinks fried hair is teased
Go back to cosmetology school.

>> No.15876236
File: 963 KB, 1242x1516, A297DDF9-C133-4D6F-BE82-16CAE2439DB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon talks about intentionality on other’s behalf

>> No.15876249


>> No.15876258

Holy fuck go outside

>> No.15876263
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 061E61E8-F68D-4FBA-B8D9-FC4D5A098AFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the immaterial spaces of zoomers affect the material world

>> No.15876276

ok, groomer

>> No.15876280

Yeule is hot as fuck. She's an artist and that's an artistic photo of her. Not every bitch has to look good in the male gaze retard

>> No.15876281
File: 1.37 MB, 400x225, FE4D5C74-252E-483F-A4F0-30DD475A17FB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t be a groomer if I’m 6 years old

>> No.15876317


>> No.15876350


>> No.15876355
File: 87 KB, 372x700, tumblr_lwxl01u4TV1qid19fo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will this aesthetic end?

>> No.15876367

>affecting material reality
>can't even get a gf
ok zoomer

>> No.15876399

shes a teenage dream if you hate yourself

>> No.15876445

when we take femanoids' rights away from them, and start using only for breeding until that can also be sorted out with technology

>> No.15876513

"trad" girls exist but they're typically fat and/or latina

>> No.15876537

You fucking retard

>> No.15876588

You'd be fat too if you were seen as nothing more than a sexy/comfy baby and food-making machine!

>> No.15876634


>> No.15876857

Get off the internet

>> No.15876881
File: 81 KB, 400x533, FEACBB45-D03C-42D4-8727-9D3EDA1771FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're starting to LARP as 80s metal chicks now, get with the times

>> No.15876883

Yeah I see girls walking around all the time with looks like this. Mostly young though

>> No.15876941
File: 623 KB, 479x640, 01814544-6147-42DE-AFF8-C2025BEC8AD4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15876992

lmao jesus christ

>> No.15877031

hopefully never desu

>> No.15877203

juno birch is unrelated and based

>> No.15877233

lol nah

>> No.15877237

What's wrong with you bro?

>> No.15877251
File: 81 KB, 800x800, 40debad73ac22f117a1bc6d6ced10c4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has the world come to?

>> No.15877393

i have the same phone

>> No.15877406

11 Pro?

>> No.15877796

I think the more important question anon is why would you want it to end?

>> No.15877808

What would you call OP's pic?

>> No.15877812

Do girls like this like CSGO hackers who have never held a job and play using janky stolen chinese hardware

>> No.15877817

They like guys who they feel they need to impress and who treat them like shit and have big dicks.

>> No.15877821

do i fit that description? my room has been compared to a heroin hovel and i tend to ruin major events and minor outings with my bad attitude

>> No.15877824

Fix your mindset, there is something wrong with you if you're worried more about getting a girl that doesn't exist (hint: they just dress like this for social media) than improving the reality that is your shitty life.

>> No.15877827

whats wrong with my life? why are you hating on me? also they do exist i see them out and about

>> No.15877830


>> No.15877831
File: 93 KB, 1400x1400, turtle_sipping_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when simps stop paying for their onlyfans

>> No.15877833

sub to their twitch, onlyfans and patreon

>> No.15877836

at this point im so lonely i dont care what history a girl has or what she really looks like. i work out every day and keep fit but i really dont care at all about anyone else. ill take someone with a triple digit body count who looks like OP and marry them

>> No.15877839

They have Instagram, so maybe go from there. Good luck mate.

>> No.15877842

im ranged banned from instagram unfortunately. but would that be a turn on?

>> No.15877849

>whats wrong with my life
Nothing if you're happy with it and able to achieve your goals. If one of your goals is to get any girlfriend at all you'll probably have significant difficulty achieving it though given that you have apparently never supported yourself financially and your hobby is hacking in a video game. If that isn't one of your goals and your life makes you happy the way it is that's awesome, keep it up.

>> No.15877872
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15877889

Does it matter? Something else will replace it when it „dies“, likely derivative. It's not a finite thing, it's continuous.

>> No.15877892

ive never really had any goals or anything in this life. ive never had an idea ever even when i was 5 people asked me and i didnt even say astronaut or fireman or doctor like otehr kids i always said nothing and that answer never changed in my entire life
im very unhappy idiot

>> No.15877900

are you me
minus csgo

>> No.15877923

good for you

>> No.15877932

Seems like you want to get a girlfriend though.

>> No.15878486
File: 25 KB, 556x551, 1605937898716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15878729

how fucking embarrassing it must be to be you loool

>> No.15878744

It'll be gone within 5-10 years, the problem is that whatever comes after will be even worse.

>> No.15879001

Lmao how embarrassing

>> No.15879043

These women will literally ruin your life its not a joke please listen to me

>> No.15879073

im sorry for what im about to yabadabadoooo

>> No.15879187

when i work in the city and finish in the evenings i see e-girls in the main mall and shopping districts. I think they're hot but I've always had a feeling that girls who try to look edgy do so using daddy's money not working a day of their life. Something about the disconnect between the self-seriousness of being goth and edge and what you look actually look like, a depressed clown.

>> No.15879188

this was in adelaide cbd but i've heard similar things in melbourne as well

>> No.15879193

So why didn't you get her an 1/8th of weed? You gay or something?

>> No.15879725
File: 47 KB, 749x729, 41C425CA-3941-4658-9DBC-BC6DAB565953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same for me idk how I got to this point

>> No.15879729


>> No.15879743


>> No.15879788

Based af

>> No.15879796

This is the hottest aesthetic for women

>> No.15880271

iphone 12 max pro blue

>> No.15880293

a girls who looks like OP wouldn’t give you the time of day unless you can impress her bro

>> No.15880311


>> No.15880479

how do i do it?

>> No.15880482

I agree but I've never met a woman who looked like this who wasn't unbearable to be around

>> No.15880496

wow, i'm getting grateful for the trends
unlike e-girl, i'd take advantage of this one from the start

>> No.15880699

why are you on there? it's not good for you

I'm from Porto, Northern Portugal, so pretty small city in comparison to NYC( which has roughly the same population as my entire country).

>> No.15880860
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>> No.15880893


>> No.15880898

Hold eye contact with her while you shit your pants

>> No.15880942


>> No.15880954

I have gotten my dick sucked by whores like this for ever less. The point I'm making is that they're disgusting.

>> No.15881023


>> No.15881696

False. If she's that far gone style wise she probably had a messed up childhood and thus has low standards. They can be bitches but what they consider nice is usually below the bare minimum so it's easier for you. Shoot your shot anon

>> No.15881703

People with BPD don't bathe.

>> No.15881709


>> No.15881758

Combine the two. e-thot silhouettes and palettes made out of high quality natural fibres.

Half the problem with the e-thot aesthetic is that it's all cheap plastic Shein trash.

>> No.15881851
File: 763 KB, 3071x4096, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully soon. The cakeface make-up and snapchat filters create a strong uncanny valley effect for me. Basically, I don't really recognize 'art hoes' as legitimate human beings.

I'll never understand simps. Porn is literally free on the Internet. There is so much free porn that nobody will ever run out. There is something to suit every taste. Simps that shell out their money on OF are possibly the most pathetic people in the world.

>> No.15881857

They do it for more than the porn. Paying gives them the feeling of forging a relationship with the e-thot. Being acknowledged by the fans and by the e-thot is worth spending money for, to simps.

>> No.15881865

>Paying gives them the feeling of forging a relationship with the e-thot
You're right, of course. It's one of the reasons I think they're so pathetic. But it's their right to fall for whatever scam they should choose in a futile attempt to fill the bottomless void in their souls.

>> No.15881874
File: 67 KB, 425x640, 7EB1465E-DE0E-4FC0-BB06-B4D4B66CEE23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up. My passive income will disappear once they find out .

>> No.15881878

there's always going to be teens without a personality jumping on trends like this

>> No.15881879

They won't find out. It's too late for most of them.

>> No.15881885
File: 288 KB, 632x623, BB8E8E1F-6150-445B-B6EF-5096061BFE52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15881887

Some people, despite being presented with irrefutable proof, will choose to look the other way and deny it.

>> No.15882128

actual retard

>> No.15882155

yeule is indeed , hot as fuck

>> No.15882187

fuck me daddy

>> No.15883108

when these girls finally kill themselves
give it around 15~ years

>> No.15883850

that’s fucking hot
no homo u fag
Nice and hairy

>> No.15883889


>> No.15883893

But he's right though

>> No.15883897

Stop projecting loser

>> No.15883898

is it gay if I want his dick in my ass

>> No.15883905

yes, but that's okay

>> No.15884812

Ain’t gay if it’s a brojob or a homie letting another homie practice his bedroom moves on him before fucking the bitch

>> No.15884822


>> No.15884831

After the next major war or social collapse.

>> No.15884832

That’ll be soon.

>> No.15884838


>> No.15884892

they hate you because you speak the truth

>> No.15884895

Holy Fuckin Based

>> No.15885085 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 1080x1397, Screenshot_20210120_093234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15885090

I remember that thot.

>> No.15885116

damn I didn’t know that thanks

>> No.15885218
File: 91 KB, 242x413, 34096D01-23B8-4C4D-86D0-5E43C21A5831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to your friend?

>> No.15885303

I'm in college, these girls are absolutely everywhere except most are kinda ugly, mentally ill, and lesbian

>> No.15885308

wow is she ok?

>> No.15885379

Kek u still go to school in person?
Stay safe bro

>> No.15885766

These girls are almost never as hot as they appear online. In person their 10 lbs of makeup is oppressive on the eyes and they end up being built like an overweight fridge.

t. Used to work at Starbucks in a downtown city and saw them daily.

>> No.15885774

yes, literally everyone where young people are, 75% of women who dress like this are either porn-brainwashed e-girl whores or normie lesbian feminist woman, the other 25% are just following trends.

>> No.15885782

just dress like them and fake your opinions, once you get into the norm is really easy man trust me, no matter how fucking ugly you are if you dress and (((think))) like them you are good.

>> No.15885792



>> No.15885796

Never cuz incels, bbc and social media

>> No.15885819

let's not forget the absurd amount of filters to make your face and skin look better. these woman must hate their body so bad when they look in the mirror.

>> No.15885840

Anzu was mostly made popular by majority pro-ana's, the "e-girl look" was just Harajuku make up/dress aesthetics that attracted a wider audience to her.

>> No.15885842

lmao good lord she painted on an entire upper lip.

>> No.15886742
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 45e6c64481baee8cab74e3ccc7f41cf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBC you say?

>> No.15886746


>> No.15887015

she didnt, she just painted her whole face + lips white in the before shot

>> No.15887156

Associating these pale egirls and bbc is basically like the orc/elf shit of irl porn

>> No.15887254


You mean simps?

>> No.15887371

Yo how bout you affect the material reality of some bitches bro

>> No.15887513

When birth control is banned.

>> No.15887533
File: 1.25 MB, 1078x1666, sxephil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine with this.

>> No.15887535

ruined :(

>> No.15887640

tiktok is more real than real life

>> No.15887715


>> No.15888188


>> No.15888297
File: 336 KB, 1031x1250, 1604866334241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15888320
File: 49 KB, 941x481, 1607877640964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anthony Devron

>> No.15889021

lookin thicc with that jacket

>> No.15889052

Are you just mad you don't get any sweet virginal teen tang bro?

>almost 8 years ago

DO NOT GO DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE OF THAT WEBSITE. I promise that it's for your own good.

Take this as a warning. There will not be another.

>> No.15889106


>> No.15889277

this is the girl who was all black metal like a year ago right

>> No.15890667

who is she what’s the of

>> No.15890878

Saw one yesterday but worse. Fucking hell it was hideous to even stand beside her. she went to the train station to meet up with her friend that looked equally retarded

>Be a good father figure anon, or your child will end up like (((them)))

>> No.15891083


>> No.15891171

always sad to see asians copy american trends

>> No.15891213

It's the exact same shit with a different coat of paint. The hoes posing in kitchens while dressed up like they're amish are still just selling an aesthetic to a crowd of horny retards who buy into it (/pol/tards and other """"""trad"""""""-minded people as opposed to normalfags)

>> No.15892231


>> No.15892276

these kinds of girls are either autistic or have bpd

>> No.15892486

black people dick?

>> No.15892532

That site doesnt exist anymore it seems

>> No.15892850

Nope. Glowie fbi noggers shut it down

You would not have believed the delights that it could have showed you

>> No.15892930
