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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 103 KB, 491x568, 3666546E-6839-4CFA-9A1F-49A0529445F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15856510 No.15856510 [Reply] [Original]





Not being updated anymore:


Quick guide to prep: https://www.mreero.com/journal/how-to-dress-like-a-prep
Gentleman's Gazzete info on /TIP/: https://pastebin.com/QrNDDG60
The Preppy Handbook: https://issuu.com/fiyero109/docs/toph
Nautical clothing guide: https://epochs.co/features/epochs-guide-to-nautical-clothing?p=nauticalpost
Boat shoe lacing guide: https://blog.sperry.com/stories/style/lacing-guide/
Waxing Barbours: https://www.saltwaternewengland.com/2019/09/waxing-barbour.html
80s Inspo compilation: http://www.ivy-style.com/heres-to-a-preptastic-year-the-1982-prep-for-all-seasons-calendar.html
Inspo albums: https://imgur.com/a/SRKjs, https://imgur.com/a/eEw6B and https://imgur.com/a/XZuwA

Where to find clothing:
Spier and Mackey
Polo Ralph Lauren
Mr Porter
Brooks brothers
J press
Jamiesons Shetland
LL Bean
Eastland Shoe
Russell moccasin co
Oak Street Bootmakers
Bill's Khakis

Previous Thread:

>> No.15856514









>> No.15856526
File: 263 KB, 900x1296, 030F5AD6-6575-4F8C-B5B7-6B5102205CFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15856642

@ the Anoni that was looking for buttons for his peacoat

Yeah, brass buttons are almost exclusively for the Naval powers around the world. If you want to go full Naval power inspo, you can find Milsurp Italian peacoats for cheap. Mind you, that will be more of an overcoat.

If you do want some brass, I would lower the button count. Something like a 3 & 6 array. Or just go all in on the horn.

>> No.15856654

Here is a less of a standout with black buttons


>> No.15856767

This is not the neo folk thread

>> No.15856791

What to wear as a college student? Political Science major, liberal area. Small school.

>> No.15856796

A rope around your neck unless you want that debt to kill you.

>> No.15856800

I'm a trustfund fag.

>> No.15856832

Khakis. Moccasins and white sneakers. Jumpers. OCBDs. Breton shirts. A big dildo up your ass you tremendous pol sci faggot. Either study something completely impractical but interesting like history or philosophy or just sell out and go into business/econ

>> No.15856900

I'm looking for an actual navy blue (Not Black or Midnight Blue) peacoat in the $70-200 range that's not Chinese crap. Any suggestions?




Slightly dressier than the rest of people. But not too dressy unless you want to be seen as a tryhard. Sweaters, chinos, etc. With some more casual flair to bring down dressiness.

>> No.15856914

What's with the spacing, huh?

>> No.15857051

I feel like the instagram list is outdated at this point

>> No.15857354

breathing room

>> No.15857375

Caring about the practicality of education is for poorfucks kek

>> No.15857452

Thanks for the fashion advice anon. But what's wrong with poli sci?

>> No.15857456

based learner for education’s own sake

>> No.15857466
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last thread hit bump lit, very surprised. here's the ski fit

>> No.15857486
File: 63 KB, 1200x600, simpson-brown-military-suit-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've worn /tip/ inspired clothing for the better part of the last 5 years, and plan on doing so in the future, especially in rich Western countries. However, I've lately become somewhat of a digital nomad and am planning on travelling to second and third world countries when the COVID lockdowns are lifted and I do not want to dress like the archetypical Rich Western White Man (tm) when interacting with both locals and backpackers.

Stealth is really what I am going for, so I was wondering if anyone here has any idea on what kind of clothing is still somewhat /tip/ but doesn't scream money or an affluent background? I'm thinking something similar to pic related when traveling in warmer climates, and maybe Alden shell cordovan Indy workboots to pair with it. Loafers are the obvious choice but it's not really convenient if you're in second and third world countries where you may need to walk in shit-tier conditions.

Anyone else have any other ideas or thoughts?

>> No.15857538

safari clothes
also cringe larp

>> No.15857539

At the risk of sounding disconnected from reality, I know that someone might say that the best way to blend in when travelling is to dress like a backpacker and wear t-shirts everywhere but that isn't really something I am prepared to do. I'm trying to strike a balance between being able to fit in with middle-class backpackers (including the qts) from the West without being categorised as a posh wanker and being able to interact with locals without being faced with contempt or disgust.

Unfortunately I run a business in an industry where blending in is extremely important and people googling my name or anything of the like can be a serious risk to my personal security (long story, not going to get into it because anon). Reason would dictate that I am better off not travelling at all and being coddled in the safety of my rich Western European country, but I do want to experience the meme lifestyle (travelling, meeting qt expat girls in some tropical paradise somewhere etc.) that I have missed out on before I get too old.

>> No.15857543

Bad LARP, mate.

>> No.15857558

Thanks, I've considered safari clothes before but as you might assume I do not want to look like an early-20th century colonial LARPer either. I'll look into some more subtle pieces though.

Not interested in defending my case, just asking for some honest fashion advice.

>> No.15857599

I don't disagree. I have a degree in Philosophy myself. All I suggest is that the college anon either commit to being a poorfag and do something practical or get an actually good liberal arts degree. Pol sci is is for faggots who want to study something interesting while pretending they're doing something practical. In the end, they get the worst of both worlds- they have a hard time getting jobs because their degree is actually useless, but they don't develop the critical thinking/ reading skills that a history of philosophy major (ideally) gets to develop

>> No.15857606

Tip probably isn’t the way to go then| look into “grey man” aesthetic

>> No.15857628
File: 89 KB, 1080x1052, 0E78A867-9F91-4D6A-A92E-D17F4F333EFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to be told how to dress by 4channers

>> No.15857825

>I'm looking for an actual navy blue (Not Black or Midnight Blue) peacoat in the $70-200 range that's not Chinese crap. Any suggestions?
Actual military surplus
Find your local army/navy store, they will have them
USA made, 100% wool and better quality than any retail coat

>> No.15857837
File: 115 KB, 1000x656, gucci-slippers-george-hw-bush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that Gucci loafers are /tip/ approved

>> No.15857851

friendly reminder that Kamala Harris stole the election and coronavirus is just the flu

>> No.15858032


>> No.15858239

t. Classics degree

>> No.15858329

High-quality SLP Wyatt alternative where? I love the look but will not pay for SLP price.

>> No.15858337
File: 47 KB, 564x732, fc549b7b5b1b3e4ac460c3dc66d39e5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /tip/ only for men? Im kinda falling in love with the style but not idea how to incorporate it in my wardrobe.

>> No.15858808
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>> No.15858816
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>> No.15858824
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>> No.15858832
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>> No.15859268

Anons will say it's too middle brow to be tippy

>> No.15859269

>Cant pay for college out of pocket

>> No.15859495

I see. Well I'm already committed to Poli Sci but maybe I'll minor in something like history.

>> No.15859604

What are some essential tie colors? Definitely asking for a friend who doesn't own any and wants to purchase 2 or 3.

>> No.15859612

Sportcoats: LARPy?

>> No.15859672

lol what a shit way to start a discussion

>> No.15859684

Shut up neckbeard faggot.

>> No.15859763

Not larpy per se, but casual has fallen so far that a sport coat and jeans is seen as "dressed to the nines" by the majority of the population.

>> No.15859774

I know this is the case in America, but does this hold true elsewhere?

>> No.15859784

It's a definite no.

>> No.15859788

Here in the UK I've seen many people wear the jeans and tweed sport coat combination so it holds true here.

>> No.15859790

I can only speak for North America on this point. That and I live in Houston, Texas. It's extremely unfashionable and obese here. So take my observations with a grain of salt.

>> No.15859792


>> No.15859799

Until you have something interesting to say, shut the fuck up.

>> No.15860013


>> No.15860029

Look, I just want old man slacks (in EU). Where the heck do I go?

>> No.15860057

Name a human to exist that was more /tip/ than Bush Sr. You can not. Therefore, Gucci loafers are /tip/.

>> No.15860078

llbean sweater?

>> No.15860181


>> No.15860190

depends on the context. If you live in a city then it’s prob acceptable to wear a sport coat when you go out to dinner. If you live in Assfuck Nowhere then you’ll get weird looks for wearing anything nicer than jeans and a polo

>> No.15860210

Hey /trad/, I recently found a Hickey Freeman suit at a thrift shop for $18 that fits me perfectly in the shoulders and waist. Double breasted and fully canvassed. :-)

>> No.15860257

Post a picture.

>> No.15860274


This thread is for the well dressed man and those seeking to improve their dress by exploring colors, patterns, textures and other styles while appearing more mature, elegant and refined.
>What is “sprezzatura”?
Required viewing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QG4lTMjWtY&feature=youtu.be [Open]
Required reading: https://parisiangentleman.co.uk/2017/02/24/how-obsession-with-sprezzatura-can-kill-the-sprezzatura/
>Do I have to be European to wear this style?
Absolutely not. Anyone can wear this as long as they are confident and don’t care what people think. You should be dressing for yourself, not for others. Is this style more common in Italy and other Mediterranean countries? Absolutely. But you could wear this wherever you are.
>How is this different than Trad/Ivy/Prep?
Whereas the /TIP/ threads favor classic styles and tailoring, wider fits and more drape, Mediterranean and modern menswear favors slimmer cuts, tailored closer to the body to accentuate and flatter your body. Slim fit is allowed and in many cases encouraged.
>Where should I start?
Start with sport coats and mix and match with trousers. Experiment with colors and patterns. Don’t be afraid of color. This isn’t business style, where bland conformity is the norm. We want to be colorful, and experiment with fabrics. Wear linen, wool, cotton, anything you want.
>Where can I find good inspo to draw from?

>> No.15860279
File: 526 KB, 1000x1000, 1598128941317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Driving Moccasins recommendations? My sneakers won't cut it

>> No.15860287

What can’t they cut?

>> No.15860300

>>15860207 #
Compared to an unbroken wall of leather, a zipper is always going to be less waterproof in real-world usage. Cold spots shouldn't really be an issue for most boots, but it's possible on the cheaper ones. Snagging is rare but a known hazard.

>>15860215 #
>hardest to fix
They are relatively easy to replace - much easier than resoling. But you'll need to replace zippers much faster than soles.

>>15860212 #
>Jobs that you can accomplish in crocs are not hard laboring jobs
When was the last time you dug a grave?

>> No.15860301

Yes the wax will get on other clothes especially if you just bought it or it was recently rewarded. I’d keep it away from other clothes in the closet or in a garment bag. You should also avoid keeping a heated seat too high as I can melt the wax off.

Bedale is the equestrian jacket and will be shorter than the others. It has knit storm cuffs which are a nice feature for some. They look a bit boxy on some but you can normally size up/down one to get your desired it.

Beaufort is the hunting jacket and is a mid-length coat. It’s my fav personally because I’m tall but I also like the hidden game pocket in the back/plus it fits over a suit.

The border is the longest fit and is the most traditional barn jacket out of the three. Do normal size or a size down on these as they do fit really big. I think they can look good on tall people mostly.

If you get your regular size you should be able to layer plenty under your Barbour jacket. The wax makes the clothing airtight so any layers you have underneath will stay insulated. I wear my jacket deep into winter. Personally I think a denim jacket underneath a Beaufort looks amazing.

Upkeep is pretty easy. You can’t really wash the jackets without stripping all the wax off so you just sponge clean most of the time. They do absorb smells pretty easily but you can normally fix it with white vinegar or fabreeze. The made in the UK Barbour obviously has the highest quality but most of the other wax jackets are made in Eastern Europe and have the same construction standards. If you remember to rewax them every couple years or so they should hold up for decades

>> No.15860311

Driving. The soles are too thick that it's hard to get pedal feel.

>> No.15860375


>> No.15860389

why would you post this?

>> No.15860391

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.15860457

Rancourt, think they were on sale last week

>> No.15860460

thanks for this

>> No.15860516

He's right you know
Are you by chance the ugly /tip/ meme fit guy?
Post the interior patch, and a fit. Is the fabric by loro?

>> No.15860547

? What should I post?

>> No.15860549

Illogical argument and contestable premise

>> No.15860555
File: 43 KB, 333x484, 91D0674B-A478-4A8A-BF8A-2A1142521993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update it and reply to the op with the new pasta

>> No.15860559

Dude he was clearly trying to appeal to to the Russian sleaze core Adidas track pants Russian mentality. You didn’t go to an private international school did u

>> No.15860838

I live rent free inside your head.

>> No.15860975

The suit, with you wearing it

>> No.15861485

Bumping to keep this thread stayin' alive

>> No.15861643

Literally got my acceptance into Cornell an hour ago. I'm officially not larping anymore

>> No.15861659

>doesn't realise that no-one at cornell dresses like this anymore

You will still be larping friendo. As someone who went to Cornell in 1967.

>> No.15861690

Nice! Upkeep is pretty easy. You can’t really wash the jackets without stripping all the wax off so you just sponge clean most of the time. They do absorb smells pretty easily but you can normally fix it with white vinegar or fabreeze. The made in the UK Barbour obviously has the highest quality but most of the other wax jackets are made in Eastern Europe and have the same construction standards. If you remember to rewax them every couple years or so they should hold up for decades

>> No.15861697

You should kill yourself.

>> No.15861711
File: 308 KB, 1492x1920, E4E8F8D9-A9B4-4A1B-8ACA-6D4B86024D40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice braces


That’s mean
Guys, I’m trying to modernize tip and think pulled it off well! Thoughts?

>> No.15861727

Fuck off, Gramps. This is a millennials only thread

>> No.15861733

Looks great!

>> No.15861737

Fucking hell, that's terrible

>> No.15861755

Duality of man

>> No.15861764
File: 9 KB, 225x225, EBB23616-814F-4AB7-917C-443349C7BBD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top two short buttons undone
>collar tightened by necktie tucked under the shirt
>pink mismatch
>soi hand-pocket pose
>cheap jacket
>baby face

>> No.15862043

So how do you dress? Tracksuit bottoms and hoodie? Because that's what everyone will be wearing at uni.

>> No.15862053

Full sprezz

>> No.15862069

Probably bait but this is a genuine question to all that have still stayed here, even after all that has happened: why does /sprezz/ hate us so vehemently?

>> No.15862077

Just ordered a brown tweed Harrington jacket. Tweed, if you didn't hear it the first time.

>> No.15862080

Sprezz likes to think they're more about finding what makes you confident and comfortable while looking good and appreciating well made stuff. There's no sprezz "uniform" really since no one there actually wears full suits everywhere.
I post in Sprezz and my typical outfit is some high waisted pants, gurkha, plain front or whatever, with a shirt and some loafers. I wear a sport coat as the weather allows.
The gatekeeping in these threads is what really turned people off from the /tip/ threads. You guys act way too elitist about your arbitrary rules.
Also, as someone who has lurked both threads for significant amounts of time, /sprezz/ is way nicer when fits get posted and much more helpful and encouraging. Some dude posted a I'll fitting jacket in there recently and a bunch of replies are explaining how to fix it, outfits to try pairing with it and what to improve. That same fit posted in /tip/ would have been crucified.
Just my observations

>> No.15862082

Um, based?

>> No.15862086

>why does /sprezz/ hate us so vehemently?
Probably because we all came from here and remember how cancerous, costumey and cringy this place was. I was going to mention dogmatic, but the suit flingers eventually made sprezz dogmatic as well.

>> No.15862096

No one in sprezz wears suits.

>> No.15862111

Why are you still here?

>> No.15862115

Unless you're gonna post a fit, no one cares.

>> No.15862243
File: 39 KB, 384x512, mj71-harris-tweed-harrington-zip-jacket-bronze-brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15862250

I’m not sure if I’m into tip for the style and clothes or for the muscular hairy daddies who wear tip.

>> No.15862256
File: 26 KB, 384x512, mj71-harris-tweed-harrington-jacket-lining-bronze-brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15862260

I wear tip to attracts those daddies

>> No.15862271

I like the pastebins I helped to make.

>> No.15862353



>> No.15862408

lol shame about the tweed color. also it doesn't look nearly cropped enough to fit like a harrington

>> No.15862646

>trying to modernize tip
Hahaha good bait

>> No.15862681
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Here are some photos of the H.Freeman suit. I'm not sure about the origin of the fabric. Can anyone help me figure this out?

>> No.15862783

that suit is ancient

>> No.15862875

Probably from the 80’s. Not complaining though can make it more modern with some tailoring

>> No.15863038

based bighomie

>> No.15863419
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>> No.15863421


>> No.15863738
File: 214 KB, 1024x1024, 20210113_010102-COLLAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought this overcoat (made in the 60s according to seller) for $60, thoughts?

>> No.15864051



Well I wouldn't look like the guy posing in it does. You guys probably would from your comments.

>> No.15864076

You're genuinely coping rn
No, the coat doesn't look too great, you should've just went with a normal Harrington.

>> No.15864087

>the coat doesn't look too great,
subjective opinion

>you should've just went with a normal Harrington.
your preferences can’t be forced on others

>> No.15864104

Alright then, buddy, you came for an opinion and you got a couple (which you didn't like), why else did you go around announcing that you got something then, faggot? You're coping a lot right now, or you just have shit taste

>> No.15864187

I saw a pair of tweed/leather shoes that will go great with your jacket

>> No.15864211

No need to try and cope, because I can just send it back if I want.

I didn't choose a regular Harrington because with fast fashion they make everything now, so there are a lot of cheap Harrington's that look similar at a distance. I want something more quality looking.

>> No.15864216

That anon isn't me. Yes I do want opinions, even though I think yours is pesomistic.

Thanks I guess, even though you made me sound like a defensive idiot.

Can't tell if you're joking or not.

>> No.15864221
File: 1.18 MB, 1849x653, twoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joking? They would go fantastic with your tweed/Harrington hybrid. You'd be the talk of the town!

>> No.15864279

You are taking the piss. I'm going to find your family home and cut the clitorouses off all the women in your family, and put them in a bowl with milk and a spoon, and force you and your dad to share it at gun point. Just after raping them and braking your shins.

Them I'm going to go to your room and site down at your computer table, make myself comfy, order two Harrington jacket's to the same address, and get you banned from 4chan.

>> No.15864285

That’s a woman’s coat bro

>> No.15864288

What a lame way to torture someone.

>> No.15864296

Yeah, because im transitioning, you dumb fucking idiot.

>> No.15864307

Back to anons house for more? Or leave this board?

>> No.15864323


>> No.15864436

is pilling on a no name vintage tweed best avoided? its 100% qool and i like the colour, pattern and cut but i am not so sure about the quality of the fabric given its not harris or moon

>> No.15864442

Depending on how much it's worth, it's worth a shot, as it shouldn't be of terrible quality. You can always sell it or give it away.

>> No.15864459

about £20, but theres not much difference in price between cheaper tweeds and really good ones, so im torn. the jew in me likes spending less for something that i like the look of, but im wary of that fabric.

>> No.15864503

£20 what do you have to lose? You saddo. Where are you buying it from anyway? Piling doesn't sound right.

>> No.15864513

ebay. £20 isnt much but throwing money away on shit is not a habit i want to have.

>> No.15864614

Why so hostile? A pair of tweed brogue booties will match well with your Harringtweed jacket

>> No.15864653

then why does it have male sizing }:^(((
26" pit to pit, 48" length, 30" sleeves

>> No.15864654

It's not throwing it away, you're getting a product way underpriced and you're being picky thinking you'll get something even better for the price. Big difference.

>> No.15864686
File: 927 KB, 1080x1044, Screenshot_20210113-085224~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sleeve measurement is actually inaccurate, here's the pic with the right one

>> No.15864746

kek post your face again

>> No.15864772

Yeah but that's a raglan sleeve so it could've probably been measured from the back.

>> No.15864950
File: 44 KB, 384x512, mj72-harris-tweed-jacket-oat-brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright guys, I'm going to exchange it for this? What do you think? And don't say it looks like trash because I'll definitely know you don't know diddly squat, as this is exquisite.

>> No.15864960

>Peter Christian
I dunno man, that's kinda cringe.

>> No.15864967

lol shut up dude

>> No.15865021

No way. What's wrong with this now?
And what about Perer Christian?

>> No.15865029

You sound intelligent.

>> No.15865089

yes again, there's only one sperg who talks like >>15864279

>> No.15865118

Well I've never shown my face, so what you're saying doesn't make sense, you idiot.

>> No.15865124

I’ll show you my face

the face that’s on my head

my dick head

in your ass


>> No.15865144

You ok Buddy?

>> No.15865236

stop posting

>> No.15865422

>plebbit spacing
>being a literal faggot
Fuckin' hell mate, you're cringe.

>> No.15865464

>46 inches chest

Seems kind of big. What chest size are you?

>> No.15865590

42, i figured it'd be fine if i layer.

>> No.15865619
File: 328 KB, 800x1200, 2-first-KCJ01245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here actually wear suits?

>> No.15865666

Full suits? No. Sport coats? Yeah, a lot

>> No.15865757

yea, why?

>> No.15865791

lol wtf

>> No.15865816
File: 2.12 MB, 1080x1064, Screenshot_20210113-145245~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh the tag says it's a 42 idk maybe the seller's measurements were wrong

>> No.15865845

Your gonna find real soon that the label means jack shit.

>> No.15865868


>> No.15865898

Sizing is dependent on aesthetic, so a jacket labeled 42 from an era of bigger clothes will be bigger. Shocking.

>> No.15865966

lol a p2p of 26" is massive. have fun wearing your potato sack

>> No.15866026
File: 37 KB, 400x447, 1588899099050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it appears as if the world has trolled me again

>> No.15866036

What are the best sunglasses for /tip/?

>> No.15866244


>> No.15866518
File: 54 KB, 1002x425, A136196A-CC79-4642-9BA2-932FCBBA61DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15866527

odds are you can resell it for more cash if it doesnt fit
keep your head up anon
(its a cute coat btw)

>> No.15866532

just get it tailored. You’re right that a coat should be roomy to accommodate a sweater or jacket underneath, so the tailor might not need to take too much fabric in. You should always get your OTR stuff tailored anyway

>> No.15866624

Which Ivy did you all go to? You did go to an Ivy, right?

>> No.15866628

The same one Ralph Lauren went to.

>> No.15866644

>t. 17 year old

>> No.15866786


>> No.15867083

Just wait for it to arrive and asses the situation afted

>> No.15867129

York university in the UK. It was built in the 60s but I remember there being some ivy growing on the walls.

>> No.15867443

I'll count it

>> No.15868015


>> No.15868250

The current state of /tip/ is sad. Atleast the only fit that was posted was good

>> No.15868278

Fuck off back to whatever general you came from, faggot.

>> No.15868285
File: 2.52 MB, 1253x1600, 91371_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couple new nabs off egay, cant wait til they arrive

>> No.15868291
File: 205 KB, 1335x1600, 91405_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15868368

lol yeah where's you're fit pal? this is my general

>> No.15868595

Why does it have to be so severely shaped? The more money you spend, the more curvy.

>> No.15868682

idk about that man, I have a few kiton sport coats that are pretty obviously sack suits

>> No.15868800
File: 115 KB, 474x1422, 37A8A191-4A7D-4E18-82E6-E4C69F35670D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15869094

That’s the spirit

>> No.15869128

Pretty sure my great grandfather wore a pair of these. Very trad.

>> No.15869132

I have a high school diploma

>> No.15869386


>> No.15869405

tell me about it, should've dropped out

>> No.15869406


Camp mocs fill the same niche and are better in about every practical way, not to mention far more trad

>> No.15869410


best posts in thread

>> No.15869419

Okay I don't know why I'm giving you advice but here I am
My boyfriend and I have travelled central america during covid. We are not your typical backpackers who stay in nasty hostels nor are we the ridiculously wealthy and stay at resorts. I imagine you spend a fair bit of time in trv thinking up how to meet a traveller (TM) qt gf and I hate you. Dressing like that will give you away immediately. Even the rich resort goers will find you odd. You really should just dress toned down tip or just fill your suitcase with gap and h&m

>> No.15869439

you will never be a real woman

>> No.15869987


>> No.15870164

Agreed. On that note Rancourt sent an email saying they are going to have another big sale soon. Great time to pick up loafers and camp mocs at wholesale pricing.

>> No.15870180
File: 178 KB, 900x1300, 14213B02-39A4-42E4-BF46-CD8298189C4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be acceptable to wear this with a suit jacket cut from the same cloth in a workplace that requires suits? I really like pants with a full rise.

>> No.15870186


>> No.15870194

The fabric looks very cheap.

>> No.15870296

i dont like sack suits, im not american. a little shape goes a long way.

>> No.15870298

>Would it be acceptable to wear this with a suit jacket cut from the same cloth
That’s the definition of a suit, you redundant fuck.

>in a workplace that requires suits?

You’re asking if it’s acceptable to wear a suit in a workplace that requires suits.

>> No.15870302


>> No.15870323

holy shit OP of that thread is dumb

>> No.15870462

I'm not American either. Doesn't have to be a sack, but they also don't need to cater to you high Estrogen boys who want an hourglass figure outfit.

>> No.15870478

straw man and misrepresentation

>> No.15870495

Not a straw man at all, you want to an hourglass delicate figure. Just say it and be done with it.

Look at pic related, it's been taken in so much that it's comparable to a women's blazer.

>> No.15870500

post a blazer that is not sack and not hourglass so we can know what you're talking about

>> No.15870535

>LARPs being wealthy by insulting others
Your kind is not welcome here.

>> No.15870548



>> No.15870556

What was the intention, anon?
Do some more research, and it will work; this one's a miss though.

>> No.15870587
File: 651 KB, 1704x2272, Zbroja_1514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like my waspish waist desu

>> No.15870612

>uses Reddit spacing
>claims to fix anything
mein sides

>> No.15870718

suck my dick

faggot :^)

>> No.15870892
File: 289 KB, 1140x876, il_1140xN.2787900080_gn6p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should cop this
(etsy placidvintage)

It's sadly too small for me (21 inch chest)

>> No.15870901

looks like shitty marks and spencers owned Brooks Brothers

>> No.15870905

>half lined, 3/2 roll, older label

Nah buddy.

>> No.15870912

Also the two button cuff is very oldschool brooks.

>> No.15871149

Easy, look 9 pictures up. Doesn't show off shape, and isn't baggy.

Get your wallet out.

>> No.15871201

??? learn how to 4chan desu

>> No.15871373

He's a fucking plebbiter; it'll take the faggot some time but hopefully he pisses off before that happens.

>> No.15871772

hello pajeet

>> No.15872081
File: 1.84 MB, 4000x2667, E5F6828B-F693-42D1-90A4-B53A5538DE9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15872173
File: 283 KB, 936x1404, C29C3124-D238-4DF4-96A0-6AD3F8F3EBDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15872360

same fag
i am srry you are an incel and cant get laid in your own country and desire to resort to traveller (TM) girls who have more milage than you travelled to meet them.

>> No.15872531
File: 86 KB, 474x592, 86EDEFD0-99DD-43A5-8B5D-0FB0A6C2B7CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tip I task u to go post some inspo

>> No.15872587


>> No.15872623


>> No.15872630 [DELETED] 
File: 262 KB, 1232x778, 32FBDF24-517F-47F2-96F9-93E2C22EA6F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Me !1n6WugqKa6, Indre Gelzinis. I ingest drugs diluted with sand and drink mouthwash to get high while I drunk-drive-kill people after being a fuckslut for farm horses. I am also really beautiful and intelligent, and because of that, I am in poverty and my life is hard.

>> No.15872783
File: 112 KB, 474x711, 989F35E9-6547-4AA8-8F76-7AE0C75E4275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaaa look at those legs

>> No.15872841
File: 2.58 MB, 1664x3652, houndstooth and knit tie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15872904

lol this fit was garbage when it was posted and its a garbage now

>> No.15872908

only the shirt, change that and it's pretty damn good. better than your fit at least

>> No.15873048
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 35547A3F-2ABA-433A-B8A8-60E21DFB55FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15873129

this is great

>> No.15873255

I would also change the tie to create more contrast desu.

>> No.15873258

guy who bought these here, the jackets themselves are nice but the guy measured the narrowest part between the shoulder seams and gave that for the shoulder measurement, which i took to be between the tips of the shoulders which would actually tell me if they are fit. instead, these are 1-2" out where it actually matters.

the darker one is marked as 100% new wool, lighter one not. theyre both from the same company, and the darker one has a more textured feel to it than the lighter one, but both look nice. they are lighter than i thought they would be in terms of fabric volume though. think i should just send these back, or should i take a punt at selling them on? neither are explicitly marked as tweed.

>> No.15873270

This is why I fucking hate eBay sellers. I once asked for the measurements of a jumper and they told me to buy it first and then, only then would they tell me. They are on par with Jews, especially the women for whatever reason.

>> No.15873305

see those are alright, you just move on, but when someone gives you incorrect measurements thats way worse. reckon i should just ask him to pay for the return postage on the basis of it being incorrectly labelled.

>> No.15873496

If the shoulders don't fit return them. Not worth attempting to salvage poor shoulders

>> No.15873507
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>> No.15873749
File: 409 KB, 640x1050, lb1oha6m8bu31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out about dark academia and, consequentially, the other variants, but I prefer the dark one. What do you think of it?

>> No.15873776

Welcome to 4channel, new friend :^)

>> No.15873821

Been on this mongolian basket weaving forum for the past 11 years, but mainly /fit/, /vr/ and /g/.

>> No.15873835

what is there to think about? just don't wear doc martins

>> No.15873864


>> No.15873987

let's not samefag now

>> No.15874178

the shirt sucks and the tie is meh, rest is great

>> No.15874638
File: 1.11 MB, 1328x1245, 43BEB6D7-46E7-4035-B79C-76369E5F1A62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally received this Bruno Cincinnati suit jacket in the mail! So glad it fits! Any clothes combo ideas?

>> No.15874666

The sleeves are too long so I'd really advise for you to shorten them once you can. It's a bit suspicious that you're not showing us the upper part of the sports coat.

>> No.15874673

Bet those shoulders have an immaculate fit >:D

>> No.15874774

please don't crosspost that garbage fit

>> No.15874787



>> No.15874798

Fits well anon, for a poorfag

>> No.15874807

>sleeves too long and can only see quarters

>> No.15874810
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>> No.15875107
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>> No.15875397

shit inspo
shit bait

>> No.15875413

I have some great fits but I won't post them because these threads suck and are unworthy.

>> No.15875415

G.H.W. Bush, whom Ronald Reagan once called "a preppy, a Yalie, a sissy"

>> No.15875436

no you don't

>> No.15875474

post inspo

>> No.15875476

>I have some great fits
>these threads suck and are unworthy

>> No.15875502

I am going to put the /tip/ of my dick into an electrical outlet

>> No.15875525

I'm the Englishman in Paris anon who has nice tweed blazers from vintage brooks. I got lots of positive (you)s back in the day.

>> No.15875540

>I got lots of positive (you)s back in the day.
>being nostalgic for past 4chan glory days
>making baseless claims while refusing to substantiate them
no that was me, I am the Englishman in Paris anon who has nice tweed blazers from vintage brooks

>> No.15875554
File: 1.24 MB, 2935x2268, 20210116_234021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this pic of shirts I hung to dry btfo's any of that garbage
The only old school /tip/ poster who's outfits were good was drawing bro.

>> No.15875574

lol are you the faggot from last thread who went on like a schizo and then posted that shitty fit with the flat cap?

>> No.15875577
File: 13 KB, 1058x127, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not a poltard i just hate trannies, im an unironic homofag twink

>> No.15875578

no I am the Englishman in Paris.
See how easy it is to make empty claims anonymously? Why even bother?

>> No.15875636
File: 348 KB, 824x1778, 20210117_002202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO this is what you look like!

>> No.15875668

I look pretty good, thank you for posting it again.
Note that the green box is still absolutely correct, just look at the absolute lack of fits ITT. Note also how this whole reply chain started with the assertion
>I have some great fits but I won't post them
which further proves it correct.

>> No.15875700

no lol it started because you had post this >>15875540 like a schizo again. btw im the only person ITT to post a fit, since you dont understand which anon you're talking to

>> No.15875709
File: 12 KB, 912x87, asadf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you had lots of positive (you)s back in the day.

>> No.15875720
File: 60 KB, 720x320, 20210117_011044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol retard

>> No.15875732

intentionally obtuse.
reply chain started with >>15875413
go ahead, feed me more (You)'s

>> No.15875771

Lol. Come on anon, take that shit to a tailor already

>> No.15875810

Looking good!

>> No.15875842

>imagine enjoying (You)s
sucks that you’re too stupid to understand

>> No.15875949

Both tip and sprezz have been diluted with larpers.

>> No.15875969

What does that even mean? How is wearing clothes LARPing? It's only LARPing if there's a uniform that you're copying. People can wear whatever they want

>> No.15875980

>276 replies
>1 fit
What happened to /tip/?

>> No.15876040

How new are you? This question has been answered numerous of times and you could even just have seen what was going on

>> No.15876049

Oh ok so what's the answer then?

>> No.15876050

I genuinely fucking hate this cunt but why the hell would you have a picture of him saved?

>> No.15876083
File: 109 KB, 1000x1000, horsebit_loafers_brown_suede_80746_ok_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the consensus on suede horse bit loafers? Bought a pair of pic related for casual wear with loafers because my shell cordovan penny loafers feels a bit too formal if I'm going to just head down to the store or hang out with friends by the beach.

I don't want to look like a spezzatura asshole nor draw too much attention to myself, but it feels like a nice detail to have on a pair of shoes. Anyone think I'm making the wrong call here?

>> No.15876089

already filed a return. im just trying to get the twat to tell me how to parse his measurements. im tempted to try the ones he lists as a 16" shoulder to shoulder and see if that does it, i bought 17" last time but rather than measure at the tips hes measuring between the narrowest point of the shoulders between the arm sleeves.my hope is that a 1" reduction in that spot translates to a 2" reduction on the shoulder length.

>> No.15876099

Learn2archive newfag. There's a good chance you are the other loser with the awful outfit who he was arguing with last thread.
You should take a break from 4chan after being exposed so harshly. Your whining is stale, try r/navyblazer perhaps?
Looks fine as long as it's a conservative color. Sprezz footwear is more like double monks, whole cuts, and gaudy St. Crispin-esque shoes

>> No.15876104

There's no need to snap back like that for asking a simple question, cunt. Why the fuck are you so mad?

>> No.15876121
File: 172 KB, 1049x1080, 56ED7284-3700-4ED2-965F-257516B51E37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck are you so mad?

>> No.15876128

>I don't want to look like a spezzatura asshole nor draw too much attention to myself,
Spotlight effect. They ain’t gaudy. Also, no sane person will shit on your clothes in public.
>but it feels like a nice detail to have on a pair of shoes.
Don’t second guess your preferences. They’re good shoes.

>> No.15876130
File: 62 KB, 1100x1007, 67BB0913-57C5-42FE-9084-8574FBCEFA4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that was a boxing live-streaming site, anon.

>> No.15876142

Don't tell me that it's gay porn.

>> No.15876150
File: 156 KB, 445x503, 92DE121C-06BF-4CA5-A2F2-E6F49CD72971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won’t.

>> No.15876152
File: 78 KB, 919x917, C4080030-0F7F-4C74-B03E-6C40E8E6ACA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he be lookin kinda cute tho

>> No.15876205

That's so fucking gay, makes me really worried for the person who posted it.

>> No.15876304

Where do you bongs thrift? Moved here recently.

>> No.15876308

>The only old school /tip/ poster who's outfits were good was drawing bro.
Example fit?

>> No.15876323

Charity shops in rich neighbourhoods. Unfortunately all the good men's stuff gets snapped up by 18yo girl zoomer depop sellers who then sell men's blazers and coats as "over sized".

So depop is your answer. But prepare to see silly markups on stuff you used to be able to see for a tenner.

>> No.15876325

He’d look good in /tip/.

>> No.15876328
File: 863 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210117-140124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15876336

God damn, do I hate women.

>> No.15876342

Had a touchy feely gym teacher like this. Cool guy but too horny and giddy for the wrestling unit. Shouldn’t have volunteered to be a demonstration

>> No.15876353

Glad you had a swell session

>> No.15876359

Even them doing onlyfans would be much more dignified.

>> No.15876373

ayy lmao. I'm trying to pull up a male dark academia fit, but I never dressed like this. I'll go around some of those shops once they open again. Thanks.

>> No.15876379

Just use eBay for now, you should be able to find something there.

>> No.15876381

Dark academia is a zoomer term for earth-toned Ivy. Please leave, underaged cumslurper.

>> No.15876397

I like to try beforehand.
>Dark academia is a zoomer term for earth-toned Ivy.
Didn't know, I'm new to this, I just like the aesthetic and found it by watching a recommended video next to Tchaikovsky.
I'm 28.

>> No.15876407

You listen to Tchaikovsky? What's your favorite piece?

>> No.15876409

>underaged cumslurper
not him but I feel called out for being the schoolyard slut

>> No.15876420

Read a news article about women on depop getting creepy messages from men. I have no sympathy.

>> No.15876438

They all dress like whores in the pictures so yeah, you're gonna expect them to get weirdos talkin to them.

>> No.15876439 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 600x318, dude-stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, you just want to wank on a fashion board.

>> No.15876441

As a student, adult, teacher, or a chil—...???

>> No.15876443


>> No.15876450

I don't really have favourites for most artists. I listen to different stuff according to my mood or what I'm about to do. Currently listening using DSD files, but thinking about getting into vinyl, but it keeps getting more and more expensive.

>> No.15876466

Not sure why anyone would ever listen to classical music on vinyl desu.

>> No.15876475

I've heard it before, and it has a warmer feeling. But people who get into it are mostly in for the experience. The act of cleaning the record, putting the needle on top and having to switch sides. Same thing applies to cassettes.

>> No.15876489

Going to the opera house is a much better experience unless the interpretation is absolute shit.

>> No.15876500

>Dark academia is a zoomer term for earth-toned Ivy
I just searched both + outfit. Earth-toned Ivy returns mostly Poison Ivy character. I don't like zoomers in general, but they made it easier to search for this by inventing new terms.
I'd like to go to one, but even with it being virtual now because of rona, it's always sold out. And there's nothing that decent near me, really. I'd have to go to London and in the process spend more than 100£ in fuel, parking, tickets and city entrance, so fuck it.

>> No.15876517

Once these lockdowns are over, you have to go to the Wiener Staatsoper, it'll be a delight.

>> No.15876519
File: 223 KB, 840x840, 1598501512528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are white trainers Prep?

>> No.15876521

Yeah but those ones certainly aren't.

>> No.15876524

I'm not travelling to Austria just for that. I have other countries I want to go to before.

>> No.15876565

Mate, have you not seen what Austria has to offer?

>> No.15876702


>> No.15876715

G-guys, who's gonna start the new thread?

>> No.15876866

Don't make a new one.

>> No.15876879

So is this really it? The last two were going pretty well.

>> No.15876885


>> No.15876891


>> No.15877038

Yeah thats enough. It's time to go outside.

>> No.15877169

ru serious? no one likes the guy because he is so annoying and just shits up the thread

>> No.15877195

You sound very whiny.

>> No.15877235

People really dress that badly here?

>> No.15877350

They're just shoes, mate. Stop overthinking this

>> No.15877688


>> No.15877728

Where can buy a good leather braided belt? A looked 20 different stores and nothing

>> No.15877739


>> No.15877777

this the best thing to happen for tip

>> No.15877784


>> No.15877787

Let us all pay tribute to /tip/, the general slain by /sprezz/ operatives.

>> No.15877810


>> No.15878169


get good at ebay

also why the fuck would you move to this shithole of all places recently? this place is on a race to the fucking bottom

>> No.15878376

New thread