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File: 112 KB, 1280x853, OzTclpq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15861334 No.15861334 [Reply] [Original]

post your ideal 'effay' lifestyle

-cold and nearly silent marriage, with sex, with pic related
-alcoholism + small manageable heroin addiction
-wear comfy all black all the time
-hyper minimalist house with almost no possessions except some extremely expensive furniture and art
-work is publishing marxist/poststructural articles in know academic journals
-no children
-grey hair by 29
-suicide around 55

>> No.15861336

>manageable heroin addiction

>> No.15861347

>i want to be the typical left-wing hedonist loser

>> No.15861410

Sounds boring.

>> No.15861416

I hope you die by OD'ing like the fucking retard you are

>> No.15861448

super cringe and boring, like what a 16 year old would come up with while maladaptively daydreaming in class

>> No.15861467

>life style thread
>heroin addiction
>no children
>loveless marriage
uh, yeah, really desirable...

>> No.15861474

You have to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.15861489
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>> No.15861493

didn't read OP's post but imagine being that contrived about your vices in thread pic

>> No.15861504

>newfags getting baited by this and the pigfuck copypasta on the same day

>> No.15861513

My ideal "effay" lifestyle, bro

-massively obese wife who only wants to talk about the next fast food order
-sex is full of inhumanely odors but i have a fetish for it anyway
-have to wash inside her fat flaps once every 3 days once the puss starts leeching out
-we wear oversized clothing because we have no effort for anything else anyway
-household has no furniture, it only gets in the way of her, just a bed she lays on all day
-no children because they always die inside her after the 1st month due to her health
-i secretly harbor a porn collection of girls of questionable age
-once i am done washing her go to work
-work in my garage
-making models of plastic poo i sell online
-she falls on me one time
-i'm dead
-she dies 3 days later due to starvation
-2 weeks later both our bodies are discovered
-my questionable age girl porn collection is discovered
-the memory of my life is fully shamed and tarnished

>> No.15861517

-live in the woods on the Olympic peninsula
-do drugs and paint/cook all day
-write a book
-kill myself once the art starts selling so I’m remembered

>> No.15861519

what a bunch of fucking losers

>> No.15861524

Yeah, being miserable and depressed is effay. Substance abuse is a desirable facet in anybody’s lifestyle.

>> No.15861563

>кypeниe yбивaeт

>> No.15861573

Sounds like a dream

>> No.15861598

>manageable heroin addiction

start that addiction right now anon. you'll have zero regrets

>> No.15861604

Could I interest you in an order for some models of plastic poo, good Sir? They look great on the coffee table. A real talking point.

>> No.15861641


lol good luck buying your expensive furniture and art working as an adjunct in a marginalized discipline for your entire life

>> No.15861663

aw good to see my old post show up once in awhile. good job op

>> No.15861809

Based average Wisconsin resident

>> No.15861835

I like it OP :)

>> No.15861910


Fucking new fags


>> No.15861916


>> No.15862010
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I'm meeting with someone off Craigslist at a starbucks to buy a chair from him. What should I expect? I'm feeling a little nervous.

>> No.15862016

what's to be nervous about?

>> No.15862019

Make small talk then exchange cash once you’ve assessed the item’s condition

>> No.15862169

>ripped body, good health
>fucking around with pawgs and dark women during the 20s
>marriage around 30 and an army of kids
>good friends
>living close to the beach, visit it as often as possible
>coconut water, raw meat, raw eggs
>wear the least clothing possible
>gym with the bros everyday
>books, surfing and chess with one of the bros as a past-time
>help family well into old age

>> No.15862455

Iron Heart

>> No.15863188
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>extremely expensive furniture and art
>marxist/poststructural articles

>> No.15863670

>-cold and nearly silent marriage, with sex, with pic related
>-alcoholism + small manageable heroin addiction
>-wear comfy all black all the time
>-hyper minimalist house with almost no possessions except some extremely expensive furniture and art
>-work is publishing marxist/poststructural articles in know academic journals
>-no children
>-grey hair by 29
>-suicide around 55
turn 18

>> No.15863690

this is basically my life except i live in upstate NY

>> No.15863717

-large backyard full of carefully maintained pants
-loving wife who has ambitions
-good job with solid pay
-a cat and a dog
-wardrobe of all my grails
-my dream car
-I make it

>> No.15863725
File: 85 KB, 1080x1266, 97ee21dc95431ef1764094e20862b949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mayor/president/king of a city state I created
>have 250,000 books already written about me before I turn 40
>writer of the most revolutionary political philosophy work since Das Kapital
>solved the Israel/Palestine conflict by convincing jews to move to Madagascar, sink their boats on the way there
>genius architect, buildings I designed dot over my city state
>genius artist, one painting is sold for 100 million, which I then give to 100 citizens under my domain
>memoir is the second most bought book behind the bible
>built an AI to fully recreate the mind of Aristotle and Hegel, to then defeat them in a debate
>own an f1 team that I have raced for, won the world championship
>discovered the cure for male pattern baldness
>3 wives and thirty children
>100 concubines

>> No.15863745
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i kneel.....

>> No.15864117

XD SHITTY LIFE FOR THE AESTHETIC fuck you faggot I'm posting a good one
>study hard and get a good job and a nice house
>marry childhood friend
>love my wife and have le sexy time
>have kids
>go on holiday with kids and play sports with them
>kids grow up and learn instruments, do well in school, have a good marriage and I get grandkids
>i write classical music on the piano and sometimes get my kids to play the cello / violin sections.
>my music becomes very popular and enjoyed by people worldwide
>grandkids come over every Sunday for roast lunch
>die peacefully in old age very happy, wife dies at same time as me

>> No.15864125

>-large backyard full of carefully maintained pants

Unrealistic life goal

>> No.15864213

holy shit this made me cringe so hard good job op

>> No.15864214


>> No.15864215

Fucking cringe

>> No.15864232
File: 291 KB, 1080x1080, 1604704557129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>happily married to a catholic woman who is virtuous, loves children, and being a housewife
>a beer on Sunday while watching the game, some whiskey on special occasions
>wear comfy American workwear, mostly jeans, boots, and tucked button ups
>suburban house with a huge backyard that goes into the backwoods so the three dogs can run wild and the children can play and explore
>work is owning a medium-sized business, like a car sales lot, or something automotive related
>five healthy young children, sixth one on the way
>buzzed hair because I'm balding and outside of clothing and fitness I'm not a degenerate consumerist post-modern vain faggot
>live a happy and fulfilled life, going to church on Sundays and taking my boys to baseball games, going to my dad's tiny hometown in Europe on the summers, and die at 85 of a cardiac condition

>> No.15864237

You kinda sound like Dwight Schrute

>> No.15864251

Imagine being so miserable that your only cultural references are from American television.

>> No.15864313

the women in that photo is hot but learn think for yourself you tards

>> No.15864478

might aswell kill yourself if you live like THAT

>> No.15864486

cringe take

>> No.15864494

you're really shooting as low as possible on that one eh, that's like the under achiever life I'm sure you can get it

>> No.15864519


Lmao, you really think that's shooting low?
You postmodern secular promiscuous cucks are the reason everything is so shit nowadays.
Family is the foundational base of civilization.
Striving for that is the highest possible good.

>> No.15864521

It’s 2021 family means something different now you fucking Neanderthal. Stop living under a rock, the world you want to exist hasn’t existed or even been viable for almost 20 years now

>> No.15864524

loool you have some anger issues, I just mean "getting married and having a house" is something even retard Americans can do

>> No.15864541
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>important businessman
>fund illegal paramilitary operations
>regular exercise and healthy diet
>latina maid(s) to take care of my house
>one son who I raise to be my successor
>slightly sinister businesswear at work
>comfywear at home
>full head of hair when I die

>> No.15864552

>Buying a used chair
Why are you paying someone for something that has touched their sweaty ass and absorbed their farts for hundreds of hours?

(Unless that's your kink in which case dangerously based)

>> No.15864748
File: 37 KB, 400x386, 1581431981018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a lot of words to say that you wanna larp as an edgy early 20s ruski electronic music and party enthusiast.


>> No.15864947

are you on here all day every day lmfao

>> No.15864959

Wow, are you internet-shaming me? Not cool. Literally hate speech.

>> No.15864962

you must’ve been a decent guy when you were young, what happened

>> No.15865011

A young girl was raped in front of her parents and after they made her watch them get executed all because she was friendly to me (and some others)

I wasn't allowed to execute all of them.

>> No.15865030
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-pussy faggot bf who fights back when i fuck him
-booze, meth, weed, pills, poppers, lsd
-submissive femboys take beatings on weekends
-wife doesn't know

>> No.15865034

cringe and boring

>> No.15865059

2024, general biden had ordered his men to hunt down, detain and send the last of the "hatespeech" bois to interment camps as political prisoners for hard labor or execution.

Down to the last 1000 rounds of 223, we've been recasting bullets cut out from the corpses of men that we ambushed part of Harris's anti-fa brown shirts. And reloading battlefield lake city casings in sewer tunnels.

Rumor has it we're down to 10k Americans and china is ordering biden to handle it or they'll send the Chinese army to deal with the rest of the rebels

>> No.15865063


>> No.15865067

>what is gardening

>> No.15865078

how old are you? buying a house is a dream for many living in highly urbanized areas.

>> No.15865156

>post your ideal 'effay' lifestyle
>-cold and nearly silent marriage, with sex, with pic related
>-alcoholism + small manageable heroin addiction
>-wear comfy all black all the time
>-hyper minimalist house with almost no possessions except some extremely expensive furniture and art
>-work is publishing marxist/poststructural articles in know academic journals
>-no children
>-grey hair by 29
Imagine typing out this retarded bullshit and romanticizing about being a weirdo fagot, are you fucking 16 years old?

>> No.15865164

oh you're poor... okay fair enough, why didn't you work harder and get a better education?

>> No.15865174

>-alcoholism + small manageable heroin addiction

You are a literal fucking retard, there is nothing good or manageable about these 99% of the time, grow the fuck up boy.

>> No.15865177

sorry Cecil that’s pretty rough

>> No.15865178

>not being a depressed bitch
>not being a druggo
>not being an alcoholic loser
>not being a tryhard

>> No.15865184

nevermind just realized its copypasta and bait

>> No.15865197
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>-large backyard full of carefully maintained pants

>> No.15865232
File: 108 KB, 531x531, tumblr_pn0gae4brQ1usif7v_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in small hovel in damp swamp
>all clothes hand woven from flax and wild reeds/frog leather
>large conical hat with wide brim
>diet of frogs, mushrooms, fish, root vegetables
>spend leisure time doing yoga and asemic writing
>occasionally wait by the path through the swamp to offer cryptic advice to walkers

>> No.15865294 [DELETED] 

Thanks. That's why I know what great evil is and how my of these kids here are just walking into it and opening their doors to it. They truly do not know what they're doing.

I got into weed heavily after that and became a degenerate. I'm clean for years now and I live a life pure by the grace of God.

>> No.15865296

Thanks. That's why I know what great evil is and how many of these kids here are just walking into it and opening their doors to it. They truly do not know what they're doing.

I got into weed heavily after that and became a degenerate. I'm clean for years now and I live a life pure by the grace of God.

>> No.15865814

You're fat

>> No.15865905

Why do white people love depression and suicide so much?

>> No.15865948

Very based. Best itt

>> No.15865969

cringe as fuck

>> No.15866025

So, what's your excuse?

>> No.15866120

dude i make good money and am im from a rich area in toronto but a tiny house would cost over $1 million
so for now it's rent or live in the boonies.

>> No.15866123

also i have a master's degree and make good money but bidding for a postage stamp sized property with rich chinese people is not top priority rn

>> No.15866144

another torontofag here

seriously at this point I'm considering just moving to Montreal.

>> No.15866154

that's a good idea desu

>> No.15866382

>solved the Israel/Palestine conflict by convincing jews to move to Madagascar, sink their boats on the way there

>> No.15866551

Your kids will become OP

>> No.15866557

NPC lifestyle

>> No.15868047

>-cold and nearly silent marriage, with sex, with pic related

What does the wife do?
protip she best be rich, worked well for Deleuze

>> No.15868087
File: 211 KB, 936x1310, 6dba5fc46dca6e30f605f5da6d92117f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally get that data science money
>office downtown, get to meet people in cool restaurants for lunch
>drive a pimped out larpy LR Defender
>live in a repurposed red brick barn converted into minimalist house in
the suburbs
>work from home a day or two every week
>professional grade kitchen and coffee setup
>have an Arduino controlled hydroponic system at home, grow my own chillies
>cook and code side projects every weekend

>> No.15868289

pure reddit

>> No.15868323

Which parts? Red brick got done to death I'll agree, but I haven't seen them really do the rest.

Also /r/coffee doesn't know shit. Seriously worst place to get advice.

>> No.15868334
File: 299 KB, 500x375, 1304376955947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-cold and nearly silent marriage
>-no children
i can't tell if you're romantic or retarded OP. you're a faggot either way though

>> No.15868337

i have never heard anything good about toronto on 4chan. even pol praises NYC sometimes but toronto? literally never. it must be hell on earth.

>> No.15868398
File: 52 KB, 720x405, 74A4CECE-34B9-4ECA-9C60-BB1AEDDB3764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>COO or CPO of a sustainability startup that goes public
>wardrobe consists of a few suits from veilance and jil sander, and the rest is fairly utilitarian but nice things
>property in central california coast, Austin, and Maine
>mom gets to retire and chill for the rest of her life
>2-3 kids, loving wife, dog and a cat
>continue to collect tattoos
>be a cool grandpa that tells kids stories
>die at 75-80 with my boots on

>> No.15868449


>> No.15868461

it sucks. people dress like shit. many restaurants, bars, and other stores I liked going to are now closed most recently because of covid, but even before, the rampant condo construction was already pushing everything out.

if you have money, but lacking in taste, then this city is for you!

>> No.15868483

>Warm and happy marriage, with cuddles & kinky sex
>Keep fit with healthy eating & exercise
>wear mostly black in winter but colourful 70s inspired clothing during the summer
>Comfy house with loads of photos of friends and families, art pieces, ornaments from place I've gone around the world but still neat, tidy & uncluttered
>Work somewhere that keeps me on my feet. Something like a soldier, paramedic or fire fighter. Maybe a little side business selling something online
>2 kids max. preferably 1 boy and 1 girl
>grey hair by 45
>die at the age of 95 with my kids and grand kids around me

>> No.15868505

>>solved the Israel/Palestine conflict by convincing jews to move to Madagascar, sink their boats on the way there


>> No.15868522

dont listen to those cucks, you got it

>> No.15868579

mostly based but wearing workwear if you don't work in it is cringe. then again, there's probably a relationship between interest in automotive stuff and lack of interest in fashion stuff

>> No.15868753

I hope I never meet any of you fuckers in real life

>> No.15869488


This is basically the gen Y/Z version of "the X way out" in Paul Fussell's book on American social theory, 'Class'. Basically by overly embracing the most cliched aspects of the zeitgeist, one is able to actually escape that zeitgeist more than those who rebel against it directly.

So nice job anon, this is the true way for the 21st century