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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 140 KB, 1080x1080, queen_yum__20210112_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15860642 No.15860642[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, how can white women even compete?

>> No.15860679

They can't

>> No.15860750

they are much more hotter

>> No.15860751

I agree Asian women are hotter

>> No.15860754 [DELETED] 

All chinks have the no soul stare, I wouldn't be able to ignore that in the long run. White women are just better in that regard and many others.
I stuck my dick in chinks happily while studying there. If you are tall white and good looking its basically a free whorehouse, 9s and 10s will come up to you, but white girls are just much more valuable.

>> No.15860771


>> No.15860778
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>> No.15860784

Ayy lmao

>> No.15860792

Imma go to Area 51 and retrieve her to be my wife

>> No.15860795

Literally carried Arsenal singlehandedly on her back for months on end sometimes. Amount of assists she created is immense.

>> No.15860804

Asian girls can have great hair, and I don't mind epicanthi, but brown nipples and genitals is the dealbreaker for me, it's the ultimate anti-/fa/ trait of human bodies.

>> No.15860822

Hard pointy nipples make up for it though.

>> No.15860876
File: 38 KB, 666x1000, 168_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously, how can white women even compete?

Through looking better. Dunno if you're a virgin, but asian girls are hopelessly psychopath. They're very calculated, race-focused, social-status focused.
In my experience white girls are much more empathic, forgiving and open for different things.

>> No.15860884

thats chinks
nips are a little better but just as much soulless
gooks are usually down to earth and cheerful, but they are mostly comically small to the point of looking like literal children
and really strange facial features

>> No.15860893
File: 147 KB, 772x1000, 766_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese meme
Dunno if i believe this meme, but i'm living in a multicultural city, alot of types of asian girls are here and they are mostly like i described.
Dated a filipino girl and her crave for social-status is off-putting for me.
Happy with recent white girl and was "happy" with white ex-GFs, but atleast they weren't psychopathic.

>> No.15860895

I've watched the Witch and Emma and she has no tits. She stuntin' booba here, what's up?

>> No.15860898
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>> No.15860959

>through looking better
>posts an ugly mutt with child's face

>> No.15860962

It's not that all white women are uglier, it depends on the ethnicity as well. Slavic or southern european women are really pretty, while germanic and mutt ones are fucking hideous and soulless

>> No.15860967

>Dated a filipino girl
Am Filipino, take it from me, it's not just girls that are like that. Lots of guys are like that too. You also have to put up with the autistic "marry the girl you marry the family" mentality a lot of us have. Probably for the best you two broke up.

>> No.15860968 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 1592x668, tcjaawewdn611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still out your league.

>> No.15860970
File: 50 KB, 1592x668, tcjaawewdn611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still out of your league.

>> No.15860983

You could have picked ANYTHING and you still ended with the worst image to support your biggotry.

This is why the world thinks you guys are retarded

>> No.15860984
File: 391 KB, 1577x2000, 30160545-be-water-family-portrait-bruce-brandon-linda-shannon-bruce_article_1577x2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i would be you i would go with girls from other countries, wouldn't go with that shit.

>> No.15860994
File: 35 KB, 667x1000, 147_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fine to me.

>> No.15860995

looks like a literal 15 year old

>> No.15861000

Monkey noses are worse imo

>> No.15861001

nice bod but the face looks 13

>> No.15861006

just an awful child.

>> No.15861014

Cute bug

>> No.15861022
File: 159 KB, 400x300, 22EFB5F6-01AA-4F68-9BE5-08FEECBB2A05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you a fucking pedo or what, Jesus Christ you just dug your pan grave

>> No.15861028
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>> No.15861032

real pic is somehow worse than the caricature

>> No.15861038

I can confirm this. I worked with an Asian and she seemed all delicate and quiet and seemed like zero personality would just giggle - in the end true colors came out bitch was nuts - always wanted the best cars and clothes so she always looked for a rich older white guy who would fall for her sweet shy feminine act until she flips out and starts physically abusing him in a restaurant full of people - bitch was legit nuts and you’d never guest it at first. Bitch even (In the middle of work) starts yelling accused me of fucking her boyfriend (at this point they’d been broken up for 2 years and I never fucked him to begin with - We were just friends) and then starts screaming “she a prostitute!!! and she fack my boyfriend too!!!” repeatedly as we’re surrounded by a bunch of coworkers. I literally thought she was gonna hit me.
That’s a loose cannon crazy woman.
Saw her recently with some old guy she married and I felt so bad for him but good on her for finally trapping a lad

That’s just one example and I’m sure there are plenty exceptions - but my friends who have dates Asians have similar stories

>> No.15861040

Hey there little buddy, you on your first glass of wine for the morning?

Your post almost explains yourself.

>> No.15861048

Easy, they have big juicy butts, hourglass figures and big ol teddies. I guess if you're down with banging boyish figures you can slay an azn qt

>> No.15861073

>works with one asian
"all asians are psychopaths dude"

>> No.15861085

Lol this.

At least me being a "racist" I base things on overall data and statistics and never on an individual. Yet she calls me racist and herself non-racist and dehumanizes a whole racial group based on her single experience with one of them.

>> No.15861092

damn i hate all women now

>> No.15861110

I said there are plenty of exceptions
But I’ve heard plenty of horror stories
And while all women are crazy I feel like at least most other women don’t pretend to be this sweet shy thing but ends up being psycho

I knew a Chinese girl who was crazy in a different way - acts all shy and quiet barely talks - she became a stripper to support her drug habit and ended up robbing people...but still acted all polite and feminine like...

I guess culturally they’re supposed to act a certain way and men prefer them bc they’re delicate and submissive (or behave that way)

>> No.15861118

Wow. I FINALLY know what Hitler was talking about when he talked about subhumans, jesus christ. She looks more like a monkey than 99% of Africans, that's incredibly impressive.

>> No.15861121

hurr if a shy girl gets hooked on drugs she must then change her personality completely to be really outgoing all the time durrr

It's almost as though desperate drug addicts do things that are out of character for them - imagine then using that to describe a race of people and how they behave lol.

This broad. Holy shit. It must be drunk as fuck already.

>> No.15861124

Can someone tell the “hurr durr” clown to stop replying to my posts.
I would greatly appreciate it.

>> No.15861125

> I knew a shy girl once
> She got hooked on meth and started robbing people at gunpoint
> Don't be shy

The logic of an obnoxious white woman

>> No.15861130

>i just want to say stupid shit and not be called out for it

Hurr all asians are the same because I knew one but uh there are some exceptions to the rule for them because i also knew another asian and she was shy but she got hooked on drugs so she must have being pretending to be shy so not all asians are shy a few are not.. if they are hooked on drugs but they still pretend to be

Lmfao your posts are just pure batshit insane.

>> No.15861133

If you notice all her stories and friendships include the use of drugs or alcohol abuse

>> No.15861135

another possibly good thread invaded by autistic tripfags. do you mongoloids even do anything but browse this place 24/7?

>> No.15861140

for whom? weebs like you? I'm sure they love being fetishized by incels

>> No.15861149

Lol yeah and her bitching about people while not understanding maybe she is the issue most of the time.

She isn't hanging around with Asians or whatever, she is just hanging around with bad drug addicts and horrible people, that is her group of "friends" and speaks volumes about herself.

Meeting a girl in which all her friends are addicts is such a red flag.

>> No.15861169

That’s hardly true. These are just the most interesting unforgettable ones..it’s no secret I used to party hardy. Now leave me alone and stop talking to me you’re like a fucking cockroach that keeps coming back no matter how many times I stomp you out

>> No.15861175

>it’s no secret I used to party hardy
>drinks wine 7 days a week

Look just because you don't "party hard" as much, doesn't mean you don't have an issue still. You clearly do. You've normalized your drinking habit to convince yourself it's not a problem. An addict who needs therapy sessions for other mental issues who is a childless 30 something year old who makes up stories about studying fashion at colleges she never attended. Lol. Fuck..

>> No.15861183

I...what? Are you okay?

>> No.15861199

Drugs and your felony record isn't a replacement for a personality.

Just want to reiterate, you lied about attending college

>> No.15861274
File: 103 KB, 969x969, 1587789583756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expect a thread about posting cute girls
>thread is nothing but racism and complaining

>> No.15861277

There are very good looking asian chicks and very good looking white chicks. They both have superior traits over the other, but in the end it equals out.

>> No.15861359

So, 4chan basically.

>> No.15861565
File: 487 KB, 712x812, 1610238929748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By not suffering from sameface,seriously,only some of the thick jav stars are the ones I would seriously consider racemixing with and that just for a quick tap not marry them let alone worship the ground they walk on like many many of you do...

>> No.15861856

what do you know that i don't that would cause you to expect that?

>> No.15861882

I know this is a bait thread, but I do quite like how there is someone who would say something like this with that exact picture, despite the fact that the woman in said picture has done everything in her power to look as white as possible :P

>> No.15861887

chinese kanye west can't unsee

>> No.15861894

name please
looks like alessa savage

>> No.15861940

longface jawlet and the monkey

>> No.15861960

At first glance I thought it is some 3/4 white and 1/4 black QT, then I looked closer and I saw a chink. ''How can white women compete?'' What kind of question is that? They can compete in every single aspect and still win.

>> No.15862050
File: 477 KB, 1248x1664, EoEX1lXVcAApqSt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more qt japs for me

>> No.15862176

sure thing whitoid

>> No.15862194

slavic Amerimutt opinion doesnt count,fuck off

>> No.15862210
File: 27 KB, 371x290, CF9BCCEE-FD49-4360-998B-F54FF383046C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horsefucking druggie murderers aren’t valued here

>> No.15862211

White woman age like shit, they are whore , fetisizes different race because muh empathy, glad Jews are cucking them left and right

>> No.15862217

how other race can even compete, Asian BTFO

>> No.15862219

This. But you have to consider that those two examples are some form of mixed. Germanic,Anglo,and Nordic are mostly just white

>> No.15862247
File: 108 KB, 600x735, 30E01DFE-EB22-46F4-839E-720192E985EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you use cheap impure “drugs” and pretend to get high when eat horsedick up your every hole lol

>> No.15862262

Why whitoids love drugs so much

>> No.15862506

Asian American women fucking suck. Theyre like white woman x10. Asian chicks are alright

>> No.15862522

Poor coping skills due to smoothbrain activity exacerbated by xth wave feminism

>> No.15862542
File: 1.65 MB, 1859x718, through the years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15862752

Man I hate tripfags so fucking much

>> No.15862759
File: 29 KB, 255x338, 65C24D9A-0584-4EEA-8F5B-CFD718CF5469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tripfag lmao

>> No.15863558
File: 1.01 MB, 720x1241, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15863866

>starts thread with racism
>whoah wtf why there's nothing but racism?

>> No.15863872

Damn I hate white girls now

>> No.15863873

>Seriously, how can white women even compete?
>mistakes honest, serious, and innocent question of tips for competition as racist sentiment

>> No.15863878
File: 48 KB, 640x507, C54153D7-FF38-4BEE-85C3-CE4BBD4150B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine trying to gaslight an entire race due to an inferiority complex from fucking horses, taking cheap drugs, and drunk-drive murdering kids lmao

>> No.15863880

still racism no matter how casual you are about it

>> No.15864033

white people can't expierence racism anyways

>> No.15864036

you bitch like a girl lmao

>> No.15864048

>still racism
3rd rate 3rd grade debate club comeback

>> No.15864059
File: 19 KB, 480x458, F3018A98-9AEF-49F1-90EC-28C5DA249553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wahhh why won’t people simp for white girls like me
I honestly don’t need to trash white women. The fact that you need an ideology that makes you brainwash yourself into liking them again speaks for itself

>> No.15864080

who is this supposed to be.?

>> No.15864110

explain. she fucked a horse and drunk ranover kids? source?
is she a schizo? why does she still post here, thats so embarrassing

>> No.15864858

Post profile shot of ur "asian cuties", easier to detect which ones have had cosmetic surgery

>> No.15865522


>> No.15865690

it's the weird concave face that's a dealbreaker for me

like orangutans

>> No.15865787

Them strawberry pussies, man

>> No.15866365

gib ayyyfu pls

>> No.15866425

>By not suffering from sameface
I am unable to tell white girls apart on tinder if they are in a group of 3 or more, I just assume they are the ugliest one

>> No.15867463

which race of woman do you think is more prone to fucking dog, horse or monkey or beastility in general? Its fucking whitoid of course.

>> No.15868587

based, gookazoids coping hard

>> No.15868603

by not having monolids

>> No.15868635

Lol white fragility really does exist huh?

>> No.15868930

the fragility of whitoids

>> No.15868942

I think I know why most cucks are white dudes
>noooo you can’t like brown and Asian girls
>white women are still the best most desirable women!!!
>please fuck my wife to solidy that white women are still the most desirable please

>> No.15868944

when did this board turn into SJW twitter

>> No.15868959

This board was never /pol/ tourist faggot. /fa/ and /int/ have always hated white girls

>> No.15868977

>antithesis to /pol/ is hating white girls
damn guess I'm far right now

>> No.15868978
File: 135 KB, 1910x1070, frozen-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can real women even compete?

>> No.15868981
File: 48 KB, 1024x576, 8B976C64-ABB7-4EB1-A266-CD96660F6D5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha I’m gonna date the women you guys have no interest in at all!

>> No.15868988

The tier list has always been MENA/Latina hoes > Whites > Blaques >>>>>>>>>>>> Asians >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Southeast Asians

>> No.15868996

tf did I say about dating?

>> No.15869004

asian angel cutie

>> No.15869007

>equating whether or not you hate somebody with whether or not you would date them

>> No.15869014

You can have your garbage cum skin women nobody wants them

>> No.15869019

Light skins are badder than White girls
White girls if they were tolerable
>south East Asians
I’ve met some bad phillipinas desu
Real list should be
Mena/latinas>Asians >blacks >south East Asians >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whites

>> No.15869290

alien head looking ass

>> No.15869299

you will not touch my arab women whiteboi. You have made your bed, now sleep in it

>> No.15869342

could you cool it with the antisemitism?

>> No.15869572

Dont most Arab/Persians date outside their race because their men are whipped af?

>> No.15869573
File: 116 KB, 707x807, 9DB4B2DE-A898-4921-B0CE-64BFD3188182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based thread. Fuck white women

>> No.15869575

Where did you get this idea from? Its the complete opposite
inb4 somebody posts some random mena thot living in LA

>> No.15869579

This is what all the mena girls tell me at my uni. Either that they’re too overbearing or that they’re massively whipped

>> No.15869638

The spoken opinion or analysis of a female is literally useless. Just look at what they do. They do not have any self reflection or self awareness. They just repeat twitter/instagram memes.

>> No.15869645


>> No.15869657
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>> No.15869661 [DELETED] 

I don't want to come of as discriminatory towards Asian women, but it speaks for itself that by and large they are only sought after by the lowest form of neckbeard weebs

every attractive guy I know has either a white, Latina or mixed race girlfriend/wife, whereas the guys at the absolute bottom always end up with a fat girl or some imported Asian wife who doesn't speak a word of English, and if that same loser has money she's usually traded in for some Eastern European whore

again, I feel bad for them that they are directly associated with the incels that fetishize them and end up getting insulted because weebs make threads like this

>> No.15869665

Yoko Ono Inspired :|

>> No.15869673

>hey mena women date outside their race
>no that’s stupid why?
>they said this is why
>*posts some incel tier shit*
I honestly believe them more now thanks

>> No.15869674

Ricecel begone

>> No.15869681

>they said this is why
you are definitely a virgin or have the self awareness that of a female. Again, woman's opinions are useless. Just look at MENA relationship women, they rarely date outside of their race. They go on twitter and see "ugghhh arab men are so controlling lol" by influencer thot #28483. Now they have this opinion. I bet they just all hate pineapple pizza and the word moist too right?

>> No.15869689

>I feel bad for them that they are directly associated with the incels that fetishize them and end up getting insulted because weebs make threads like this
Only you think like this.

>every attractive guy I know has either a white, Latina or mixed race girlfriend/wife, whereas the guys at the absolute bottom always end up with a fat girl or some imported Asian wife who doesn't speak a word of English, and if that same loser has money she's usually traded in for some Eastern European whore
Hasty generalizations and selection bias

>> No.15869692

Sorry that they love bwc dude not my fault

>> No.15869696 [DELETED] 
File: 332 KB, 744x800, 5474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you get "ricecel" from I just wrote, ya weeb? are you retarded?

by all means pursue your lifelong dream of pic related, just don't spam your nasty fetish on this board as being incel has nothing to do with /fa/

>> No.15869699

Ok chang

>> No.15869700 [DELETED] 

bro don't be obtuse, yellow fever is directly associated with incels, creeps and geeks by most people -- case in point, you

>> No.15869701 [DELETED] 

whatever helps you cope Johnny Smalldick

>> No.15869704


>> No.15869705 [DELETED] 

It's an incel fetish much like feet, it has the same unhealthy neuroticism and compulsion to it.