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File: 2.58 MB, 1800x697, 3A092436-CD0C-4AEF-8E4B-9A2B9139A089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15854196 No.15854196 [Reply] [Original]

Politics aside, who was the most /fa/ president of my lifetime?

>> No.15854202

Your lifetime does not exist, you abortion.

>> No.15854205

I think this one comes down to bush and trump.

One one hand The Don looks like, well a don.
On the other, Bush looks fly as fuck.

>> No.15854227
File: 21 KB, 400x505, 92786107-386F-4608-989A-74EF4FAC954A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s okay to have a little fun man, none of the politicians of the mainland really concern me. shit is always the same here

I think Bush is typical old money preppy core it’s alright nothing to really look at twice I prefer his 70s alcoholic dad era the chest hair and crazy haircut really hits

Don might be top, he’s had consistent Nuevo-wealth aesthetics since he was young and really embodied that fake it till you make it, not just in fashion but his decor too. while he’s fallen a little off with age he’s always had dope suit tastes, take something classic make it a little tacky + the confidence to wear it? Trendsetter every current influencer millionaire needs to say thank you to the Don.

I am partial to Bill’s hippie/sleaze aesthetic myself though, might be my personal favorite.

>> No.15854232

Who's the guy to the right of Trump? Looks Chaddy af.

>> No.15854233
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>> No.15854243

I feel like young Obama did a great marrying of streetwear and preppy pieces which isn’t easy, and objectively I like most of the fits. However something about his face constantly makes me go meh, he isn’t selling his fit, which I think is true in a lot of his pics. Might just be his eyes or something, decent choice though I’d rate him 3rd/4th right now anyway

Biden, true I love Irish/Italian “I’m trying to be seen as white in America circa the 50s/60s” core it always gives off a chad vibe as most immigrant wear does, still think I prefer Clinton and Don though they’re more consistent and at the end of the day it’s just a preppy style with a few accent pieces imo.

>> No.15854259

Wait, is that really Biden? I understand this photo was probably made 50+ years ago, but I didn't even think that Sleepy Joe could look that cool back then.

>> No.15854298
File: 50 KB, 789x800, 861DC6AF-184E-4724-B61C-EB4A230B1E9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah dude was pretty good-looking actually, might’ve been the hottest of the 5 on natural looks alone

>> No.15854303
File: 58 KB, 600x772, l1586zl4z7j31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obama 100%, guy had swag

>> No.15854316

Clinton, aka the first black President.

>> No.15854325
File: 111 KB, 1136x852, 5d2cbc53a17d6c6bce614e22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's insane because he legit looks like a different but related person as he ages.

>> No.15854333

Actual Chad

>> No.15854336
File: 229 KB, 1908x1146, 12838262-0-image-a-5_1556497078200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm certain the old man had a face lift or something.

>> No.15854340

holy fuck this guy looks more terrifying than trump

>> No.15854341

Also, how the fuck does he have more hair now than back in the '70s? Are these kind of cosmetic surgeries effay?

>> No.15854347
File: 1.81 MB, 2046x2046, 21A12A0D-8140-4FE5-8FD8-0E141F2C8798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama hands down. He fucked up the Middle East but dude had good physique and rocked casual cool

>> No.15854349
File: 237 KB, 440x640, Biden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15854352

Bush and Biden are the best looking AND best dressed. Next tier is obongo/trump. Not sure who the boomer on the left is

>> No.15854356


>> No.15854358

>Not sure who the boomer on the left is

When youngsters don't know who clinton is i know im getting fucking old jesus christ.

>> No.15854360

they're both nearly 80 year old ghouls. incredible that the US is so retarded to keep electing these old tards

>> No.15854384 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 676x826, 75C60E4E-6F8A-4689-978F-DCE913C59705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, he was the first president with swag >>15854335
Yeah once his hairline started going it was downhill but a fall from being a 8/10 is much more noticeable then being a 57/6/5 young and then maybe dropping a little as you age. which I would said is the range the rest of them are in.
Rich people? Getting work done? Not possible!
I prefer older Obama’s aesthetic to younger even if it’s boring ceo/politico core his confidence shows more.
You bias for prep/jock aesthetics makes you weak!
Nice trips, and yeah definitely 9/10 Chad

>> No.15854388

>>15854316 #
Well, he was the first president with swag >>15854325
Yeah once his hairline started going it was downhill but a fall from being a 8/10 is much more noticeable then being a 57/6/5 young and then maybe dropping a little as you age. which I would said is the range the rest of them are in.
>>15854341 #
>>15854336 #
Rich people? Getting work done? Not possible!
>>15854347 #
>>15854303 #
I prefer older Obama’s aesthetic to younger even if it’s boring ceo/politico core his confidence shows more.
>>15854352 #
You bias for prep/jock aesthetics makes you weak!
>>15854333 #
Nice trips, and yeah definitely 9/10 Chad

>> No.15854393
File: 96 KB, 676x826, E8A8A569-10CE-43FD-8AAD-AE81383EB491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jill wasn’t bad looking either.

>> No.15854520
File: 81 KB, 581x741, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i only one seeing this

>> No.15854559
File: 49 KB, 640x640, 2DB60367-DCB4-4D6A-9326-0B9D63B7784E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I prefer older Obama’s aesthetic to younger even if it’s boring ceo/politico core his confidence shows more.
absolutely. he’s probably the only living president that came out of office looking better than he went in because of how he wears his age, I think he cut weight, too, and he looks even better slimmer

>> No.15854566


>> No.15854573

no shit, Sherlock

>> No.15854575

this painting shows him in his natural habitat

>> No.15854581

Donald Trump has consistently looked like a private boarding school kid who steals the other children's cake. The rest of your opinions are good.

>> No.15854599
File: 1.24 MB, 1928x2964, B0079A2B-5154-4B2C-B2E5-33D916408BC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly Early era Chris-Chan had the face of someone who could’ve been decent plus his dad seemed pretty cool ....too bad he was severely autistic and his boomer parents refusing to admit that to themselves combined with the internet + opportunistic fags top advantage of him.

100% and there is something to be said about that our lives don’t end when we turn 35 and he’s definitely taken the best care of himself agreed he’s the best when it’s comes to body/face over time, which is a huge factor in being fashionable anyway- great points might’ve put him to second for me
I think this is a fair take

>> No.15854630

>Don might be top, he’s had consistent Nuevo-wealth aesthetics since he was young and really embodied that fake it till you make it
Yup this guy was peak Wall Street yuppie attire

>> No.15854672


>> No.15854677

Holy fuck KEK

>> No.15854679

God hillary was still an absolute dog even then...terrible fit and an ugly retard

>> No.15854700

i think she cute, she looks like she wants to know my birth time for an astrology session

>> No.15854704

looks like Father Dougal from father Ted

>> No.15854715
File: 211 KB, 1200x800, Trump Tower NY kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump but few will be able to see it

>> No.15854718
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>> No.15854722
File: 116 KB, 960x640, based chichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no contest

>> No.15854736

Stop making fun of me I have to live here.

>> No.15854738

>when you see the sperm on his left temple

>> No.15854765
File: 122 KB, 1920x1080, 190312122911-tricky-dick-nixon-series-clip-1-00003719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A challenger appears

>> No.15854776

its Trump. no doubt

t. a left wing Brit

>> No.15854814
File: 182 KB, 540x960, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his suits looks cheap, off the rack and ill-fitting too
but Im sure he has the best NY tailors make them for him

>> No.15854826

Holy shit

>> No.15854832

you can see the sleepiness has begun to get ahold of him here

>> No.15854839

with a car... you can go anywhere...

>> No.15854948

the cool wind felt good against his bare chest " I HATE

>> No.15854960

>that gut
>that hair
automatic 0/10

>> No.15854974

This looks exceptionally bad. How does he not have a tailor oncall to make his daily fit actually look his size?

>> No.15855019
File: 1.31 MB, 2170x2518, thevisionary_djtrump_89_dwcowan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without a doubt. Hands down.

>> No.15855025

Our unbowed President.

>> No.15855026

chris and tina from talking heads

>> No.15855036

Biden's a dementia ridden creep but god damn he was a hunk.

>> No.15855043

what old pussy does to a mf
he had to lay off the pedo rings after because there was too much risk in getting caught

>> No.15855044

>Not sure who the boomer on the left is
are you 12

>> No.15855162
File: 1.91 MB, 1500x2312, FFC800BA-6C89-48A0-B43F-C02692C9E56F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He’s new money rich being tacky and a bit sleazy is the point what a broke person thinks a rich person dresses like and having the confidence to wear it, still as he got older he fell off a bit, not my absolute favorite.

This is SO tacky. I love it.

No migatarded worship ok that’s for pol

Said my lifetime, tricky dick, JFK and Reagan were stunnas though.

For sure

I think Hillary was cute, good complete to Bill you feel the hippie/sleaze drip with her too

Didn’t even notice that, god that’s depressing, we’re getting old....

>> No.15855360
File: 1014 KB, 3192x4001, A12A321C-67D3-4664-BEB8-3EDB8C2E630E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jimmy Carter was peak Mr. Rodgers core. With more heaps of malaise.

>> No.15856477

A literal european garden of eden with a hand crafted American made wooden chair?
Maybe you should try to learn what a jungle looks like, mutt.

>> No.15856488
File: 113 KB, 700x576, lga8vdm1qwl01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gerald Ford was a chad

>> No.15856494

all that extra material is there to cover up how much of a fat fuck he is

>> No.15856495

Don’t you have a trailerpark with your sister/gf to get back to moonshiner?

>> No.15856503
File: 80 KB, 640x498, hillary-clinton-2016-election-biography-photos-111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hillary had some good fits

>> No.15856512
File: 27 KB, 392x500, 20f0679d8110b1eaf0e545c6dc2384d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

george w bush looks like a dumb caveman with that monobrow

>> No.15856562
File: 156 KB, 748x1200, CvFli0RVIAE9W2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tagging onto that, I think Michelle's looks got better in his second term. She looks best when she's in formalwear imo

>> No.15856680

Probably Barack or Trump. Biden looks like a Redditor, GWB looks like a downie, and Bill looks like a deadhead.

>> No.15856687

74 year old trump dresses like shit, he looked better in the 80s but that was 40 years ago, obama is the winner for most recent stylish president.

>> No.15856690

he would still be chad here without the balding and weird haircut

>> No.15856693

I concur.

>> No.15856719

>let me remove 100lbs for this portrait

>> No.15856726

young biden was pretty WASPy right?

>> No.15857117

Politics aside, definitely Trump. 6'3" blonde blue eyed president who wear either Trad/Prep/Ivy core or the most maximalist business suits. Clinton is close second for similar reasons.

>> No.15857442
File: 637 KB, 750x422, 888CBA68-FDFF-4C98-8538-2849CF86EE34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15857449

I want a video of him getting out of that car

>> No.15857569


>> No.15857572

Clinton was a neckbeard kek

>> No.15857585

Big shiny red tie. Ties really say a lot about your taste. Trump has none.

>> No.15857593

Obama was the worlds most famous man, with none of the perks.

>> No.15857860

I would destroy young Hillary's hairy pussy

>> No.15858279


>> No.15858308

I suppose he was Wy

>> No.15858614


>> No.15858733

Bruce Campbell needs to play him in the biopic

>> No.15858742
File: 423 KB, 863x1200, 48994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the main factor of why his fits look so bad is because of his horrendous body shape, there really is not much to work with because he is shaped like a jellyfish with no bone or muscle support to give shape to it -- neither in his body or face

>> No.15858746

George W has the classic outgoing jock look & demeanor and it means he was popular growing up with both guys & girls and it carried over in his presidency because on a personal level everyone likes him

>> No.15858842

That’s the thing u Americans forgot how to separate politics and personal life. Granted some people are genuine dirtbags like the complete fuckup you elected 4 years ago, but some terrible presidents are pretty cool dudes outside of work like Clinton who played the sax lmao

>> No.15858845
File: 45 KB, 550x550, barack-obama-bomber-jacket (2)-550x550h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rag & Bone, Customized, $595 (Likely gifted)

>> No.15858860

president is mostly a figurehead anyway, all the real power and control is wrapped up with the lobbyists and financial backers so putting the blame on a president is short sighted

Trump is genuinely an uneducated moron as an individual person, and when you listen to him and then Obama -- whether you're a liberal or conservatives -- you can't deny that one is clearly very unintelligent and unfit to be president

Bush gets a bad rep but if you listen to any of his in-depth interview he's clearly an intelligent and sophisticated man, he just came off a bit goofy and he wasn't afraid to self deprecate

I urge anyone to listen to interviews with Clinton, Bush and Obama and then Trump, there's no one on either side of the spectrum who can justify putting an idiot like Donald Trump in the White House, I get that it's all fun and memes having a moron spout ridiculous crap but for real, if he wasn't born into money he would've never made it past middle management on merit or character

>> No.15858870
File: 660 KB, 1483x2000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Levis demin shirt, Omega Speedmaster

>> No.15858872

it is NOT okay to make fun of someone's appearance other than cheeto hitler. Please read your orwellian doublespeak manual that was provided to you

>> No.15858882

why is head so big

>> No.15858899
File: 102 KB, 512x341, 52386995-1C96-427B-A15A-444CA911AEA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jimmy Carter is peak Mr. Rodgers core dudes like 100 years old and still busting out the 90s multi-colored sweater vests and pennyloafers, talk about commitment to the fit
Never seen young Gerald Ford, true absolute jock
Trump getting so fat as he got older definitely negates him points, I’m kinda leaning towards Obama after this thread.
This Bush is typical old money prep/jock core not my favorite but it’s a dependable classic look for a reason
I think Michelle looks better out of office, she definitely wore certain things in office to give off mass appeal, she also grew as she aged which is a plus
Fair points but Biden looks way too good to be part of any online culture he just looks normie to me
Yeah like I said earlier, once the hair line started to go he kinda stopped knowing what to do, the pitfalls of aging
from a 10 is much harder for them then a 6/7 that’s why consistently taking care of yourself is important
Yeah he knows fat is not /fa/
Yeah I agree.
He definitely wasn’t wasp fashion, the linen button up and layering of cheap looking garments shows that, also Irish Catholic lol
Trump never really embodied preppy core, more like a bastardized version of it, the Maximalist aesthetic I agree with. Clinton was more hippie sleaze then Trumps, see sleaze influence in both though
Trying to hide the weight, being fat is never /fa/
Again yeah. Weights the issue
I think that’s kind of his signature being a little tacky
I just don’t care who’s in power man, they’re not the real elites anyway, I just want them to be entertaining
That’s a dope fit

>> No.15859090

Give that man a glass of red wine and some camembert

>> No.15859103
File: 464 KB, 2048x1365, BOOK-jp-1-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama may have a massive stiffy for drone bombing but god damn he knows how to hold his fits

>> No.15859322

nonwhites & neoliberals seething, cant take a joke

>> No.15859343

>calls Trump a genuine dirtbag
>Likes Bill Clinton as a person

>> No.15859366
File: 167 KB, 961x1280, cc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15859381

yes let's compare a thirsty guy who got some pussy with a piece of shit who scammed millions and justifies putting children in cages.

>> No.15859393

>piece of shit who scammed millions and justifies putting children in cages.
Who's talking about Obama?
Actually make that every pres since we had a functioning border. You are a propaganda victim.