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/fa/ - Fashion

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15850374 No.15850374[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15850409

matter to who?

>> No.15850453

This; as your question currently stands it is not specific and not related to fashion just because you shoved the word fashion in it. Ask somewhere else

>> No.15850492

be 5'9.

>> No.15850495

Sort of, If you're under 5'7 I would say yes. Kanye is 5'8 and pulls off great fits.

>> No.15850600

height matters in everything

>> No.15850674


>> No.15851215

im 6'1 and still a virgin, height is a meme

>> No.15851218

I was so close bros...

>> No.15851227

In fashion, yes. With girls as well, although face and proportions matter far more after a certain point

>> No.15851234

I am 5'7.5
I am 5'8 in my mind, 5,'10 in boots, and almost 6' with hair and hat.

>> No.15851362

I'm 5'8" without shoes and I think it's quite nice to buy something in size M and it fits me perfectly almost every time

>> No.15851377

In fashion yes cos models have to be a certain height. Also clothing too. You’re gonna have a hard time finding of the rack clothes that fit cos that’s too average

>> No.15851386

extremely realistic dialogue

>> No.15851404

>I am 5'8 in my mind, 5,'10 in boots, and almost 6' with hair and hat.
do manlets really?

>> No.15851410

I’m 6’3, it’s not important, it really isn’t... I’ve been getting denied left and right to a point of depression, height is so unimportant

>> No.15851433

If a girl changes because of ur height then she isn't worth it. Unless ur like very short.

>> No.15851436

5'7 can be very short to some

T. 5.75

>> No.15851594
File: 76 KB, 744x461, boris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfags don't remember boris poster

>> No.15851630

>post a thread from 2013
OK retard.

>> No.15851661


But the majority of posters here are under 25 and they would have to be at least that age to have been here then.

Check and mate.

>> No.15851692

in terms of dating/sex i prefer average sized men (5'8"-5'10") because it's more comfy and they don't look all stretched out and lanky. most talls guys don't eat and exercise enough, which is good for being a walking clothes hanger i guess
t. 5'4" f

>> No.15851741

holy shit this might be the funniest thing I've seen here

>> No.15851751

He was a legit guy too, a real poster here. You can't really see but he has the Givenchy Rottweiler t-shirt on.

>> No.15851762

I can confirm that height does matter. I’m 5’7 or so and I can’t fathom dating someone shorter than me. Shortest guy I dated was 5’9 and even then I felt weird wearing heels.
Sorry guys. But good news is there are plenty of petite girls out there for you who will make you feel masculine.

>> No.15851773


>> No.15851790


>> No.15851796

>there are plenty of petite girls out there for you who will make you feel masculine

Why do you have to be a real bitch about things? You are the worse tripfag ever. You are also a very ugly woman lol. I wish you would leave and never return.

>> No.15851801


Don't ever reply to me again

>> No.15851802
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Just reply with this to it. Do not engage it in conversion.

>> No.15851806

lmfao based

>> No.15851824
File: 468 KB, 867x650, 1578644349271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being short is actually a great filter. It baffles me how women can be bothered by men of a relatively short height like 5'6, 5'7 or 5'8. Like, I never refused a girl because of her butt or tits. I expect a potential partner to not refuse me because of my height.

I have a feeling that most of the times that I was rejected because of height (interestingly, only by short women), I may have dodged a bullet. Women that say "I'd never date a short guy" or "I consider short guys just as friends" are the lowest of the low. There's no problem if you just don't want to, it's fine, but why the fuck do you feel the *need* to humiliate?

>> No.15851830

dang why is her face so bruised? domestic violence incident, cat fight or resisting arrest?

>> No.15851834

>but why the fuck do you feel the *need* to humiliate?

Because they are vapid horrible people like this poster:

>there are plenty of petite girls out there for you who will make you feel masculine.

Insinuating you are so fragile you need a tiny girl to feel like a man. Total bitch poster.


>> No.15851850

>Shortest guy I dated was 5’9 and even then I felt weird wearing heels.
Shifting the blame to her ex-boyfriend of completely normal height instead of admitting her pathetic insecurity. If you felt so weird wearing heels because you looked (artificially) taller, just don't wear them. Really vapid, bitchy behavior. And unfortunately, the world is full of simps and trash men that will always date trash women and, therefore, enable this kind of behavior.

>> No.15851873

Yeah she puts on heels and then it's accusing him and his fault that she now felt weird.

>pours water on herself
>omg it's your fault

She is just toxic and this behavior hurts women too because they will all be seeking some 6'5" millionaire which will not be available to 99% of them.

It's even worse that she is mid 30s and still acting this way and what does she have to offer in return? That she is female? That's it. Nothing else. Horrible, horrible person.

>> No.15851938


>> No.15851953
File: 835 KB, 280x280, 1580393123652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay you need to:
>be tall, fashionable, and fit
>surprise me constantly (very important or else I'll lose interest fast and act like a bitch in heat around Chad)
>watch only the shows and movies *I* want
>stop playing videogames to pay *even more* attention to me
>stop drinking with your friends
>stop using facts and logic when arguing with me
>only wear the clothes that *I* want you to wear
And what I offer?? ;)

>> No.15851964

Keep in mind this girl is fat, single, in her 30's a two time felon, and a drug addict.

This is post feminism, this absolute wretch of society thinks she deserves a millionaire

>> No.15851965

you probably felt weird wearing heals because the bloodflow to your cankles was messed up to be fair.

I'll date any height, I won't date any weight. Fat slag.

>> No.15851966

This, unless you want to pay her student loans and her CC bill off almost every woman has CC debt I don't get it.

>> No.15851969

It’s called photoshop and Cecil having too much free time on his hands as well as an obsession with me

>> No.15851974

that's intense
i'm just 6'3 all the time

>> No.15851979
File: 1.93 MB, 3024x2466, 518424EA-9633-49D9-BF03-CE60CD438903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao all these short dudes having hissy fits
Go enjoy life instead

>> No.15851984

stop enjoying life so much and go on a diet, just think of the trauma you caused everyone on that beach.

>> No.15851986

>nooo they're not worshiping me wtf?!?!

>> No.15852004
File: 1.98 MB, 1755x3528, C9A77492-A401-447E-8B91-4C4508538C10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing getting trauma here is my skin
Stay jealous ugly

>> No.15852009

>too much free time on his hands
weird I see you in every thread....

>> No.15852012

for modeling, the face is most important because that’s ultimately what you’ll get work with, but if you wanna do runway or any kind of event you should really be taller

>> No.15852025
File: 29 KB, 633x758, 5u6XjwO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15852030

Not true. I post in 3 threads or so typically.
Also I’m too lazy to go grab a better book bc the one I have w me is just not grabbing my attn
But no worries I have friends to join me so I’ll leave you all to your own useless devices

>> No.15852036

im 6'1 and not a virgin, height is a isn't a meme

>> No.15852039


This was my ideal height growing up, I didnt want to be over 6 feet and be a goofy-looking lanky or be a midget. Life put me at 5'7" but at least my dick isn't small so I can't be too mad.

>> No.15852067

god I hate tripfags

>> No.15852072

>i now feel bad because they laughed at me for being fat so i'm going to sit here and not reply anymore but obsessively refresh the page incase someone white knights or simps me

do one fatty

>> No.15852073
File: 145 KB, 502x640, 37EC6773-EF9E-4858-835D-3FCB322E46B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hugs and kisses douchebagg
Stay mad as long as you want

>> No.15852075

Wtf are you on about limpidick shorter?

>> No.15852086

>But no worries I have friends to join me so I’ll leave you all to your own useless devices
>20 minutes later
Still refreshing the thread fatty?

>> No.15852093

Yes, you have to be tall and thin.

>> No.15852102

In fashion? absolutely. Pieces are made with certain proportions in mind, and being too short (or even too tall) can fuck up the look.

That being said, any woman worth dating wont give a fuck about your height. It's a non issue in every other aspect of life except for fashion's sake. And even being short but within a normal range wont hold you back from looking fashionable. Be thin and have your clothing tailored for you and you'll be fine.

I know it's a meme here but decent people don't give a fuck about height. Also, inb4 someone calls me short/a virgin for disagreeing with the general bullshittery this board loves to go on about. I'm 6'1" and married. Real people don't give a fuck about height. Stop dating people through apps and coming to 4chan as your daily social interaction and you'll see this.

>> No.15852106
File: 138 KB, 490x640, 7705E870-8BBC-4B6E-A203-80236306E76C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea when everyone drunk on tequila you can’t depend on them showing up on time
Just stay mad and cold wherever the fuck you are

>> No.15852160

Proportions do. I'm only 5'10 but don't usually worry about my height because I'm long legged and thus balance out well.

>> No.15852169

This horsefucker actually brought her horse boyfriend on a vacation

>> No.15852184

>Go enjoy life instead
She says, while browsing chinese waifu board on the beach

>> No.15852232



You can have two people that are the same height and one looks stumpy as fuck because of weird proportions, while the other may look normal bc of normal proportions.

>> No.15852299

>havent gotten laid in a year
yeah height is a meme

>> No.15852346

Just ask her weight bro

>> No.15852366
File: 1.28 MB, 4000x4000, 61986F79-2513-4B59-9183-8D08AF2A5B54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15852420

face matters more unless you are like 5'5"

>> No.15852427

Bloody Osiris is like 5'8" and has had a couple modeling jobs, dude was a stylist I think. Some of his fits are kinda tight, mixes nigwear with high fashion in a cool way.

>> No.15852433

I hate men!

>> No.15852701

This this this this this this

Im 6'2 with a really deep voice, and the amount of stupid, vapid girls with caked on makeup and zero personality that used to flirt with me was astounding. Im with a nice girl now who I hope to marry one day and its actually made them more flirty even when I say that Im taken.

Im sure if I was 5'8 Id get hit on alot less, but they wouldn't be floozies

>> No.15852854

I hope you're joking...

>> No.15852867

you are fat, ugly, and past the wall

>> No.15852868

This. He uses good angles to make himself look insanely tall but he's only 5'8-5'9 and has model side chicks and styled bascially everyone that matters in pop culture right now, except Kanye.

>> No.15852871

just convert to islam and find a wife. I'm serious. There is zero reason to spend time on western women past pump n dumps

>> No.15852875

you are fat, ugly, and past the wall

>> No.15852876

horse looks depressed at the thought of having to carry your weight

>> No.15853135

shut the fuck up you dumb whore

>> No.15854194

horse fucker’s opinions are worthless kek

>> No.15854217

Holy cope

>> No.15854223

>but why the fuck do you feel the *need* to humiliate?
Women get judged for their appearance every waking moment of their public life. This is just one of few ways they get to strike back at men, and of course it's something we have no control over.

>> No.15854228
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I'm 5'5" and bald with minimal fashion sense and still get by. But then again I live in Saigon and exclusively fug Korean and Viet bimbos so it all works out in the end.

>> No.15854250

>tfw 6'1 but awkward proportions

>> No.15854264

Holy cope. They dodge short men for the same reason you dodge ugly women: because they are ugly. Shortness is ugly for men. Stop coping, pretending women are evil or horrible people for wanting to have sex with people that are actually attractive to them. When people say they would never date a short guy, they are not trying to humiliate short people, short people are just humiliated.

>> No.15854274

based. But why Vietnam

>> No.15854276

>That being said, any man worth dating wont give a fuck about your weight. It's a non issue in every other aspect of life except for fashion's sake. And even being fat but within a normal range wont hold you back from looking fashionable. Have your clothing tailored for you and you'll be fine.
>I know it's a meme here but decent people don't give a fuck about weight. Also, inb4 someone calls me fat for disagreeing with the general bullshittery this board loves to go on about. I'm 120 pounds and married. Real people don't give a fuck about weight. Stop dating people through apps and coming to 4chan as your daily social interaction and you'll see this.
Just to give an idea of how absurd your non argument is

>> No.15854287

They are not "striking back". They are outlining what they find attractive. It is not evil to have preferences.

>> No.15854514

Why are Asian heads so fucking huge?

>> No.15854525

Big compared to the half man maybe.

>> No.15854526

Big brain

>> No.15854531

5'7 here, met him once and he was certainly shorter than me, by an inch or two seemingly. May of just been that his posture isn't the greatest in person.

>> No.15854537

you look pretty based, i like your smug

>> No.15854543

>Ywn fuck a moon face

>> No.15854545

Nothing wrong with being a two time felon

>> No.15854551
File: 342 KB, 500x536, 1607596828202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strike back at men
They get judged quite vocally by other women. Did you even go to high school? "Ugly" or simply "strange" women are constantly ostracized by other females. And there are still tons of simps wanting to fuck her unless she has a physical deformity or is mentally challenged.
I fail to see how can a 5'7 man be considered ugly *only* because of his relatively short height. It's pretty clear that fat people are ugly, for instance; but short people? I genuinely don't get it. And worst of all is that the most vocal ones about male height are the shortest of women.
It's common for women to prefer tall men, but to disregard short men completely seems just bitchy behavior. I've met a fair share of "good" and "bad" women, and most of the time the good ones aren't so fixated on mainstream appearance.

I don't really have a "type" for example. It really doesn't matter for me if the girl is taller, shorter, blonde, whatever. For me what really matters is "the whole", which is a combination of various perfections or imperfections that make a person attractive to me. I believe that if a person only finds Hollywood types attractive, that person must be really miserable and easily manipulated.

All this might be just coping like you say, whatever. It's just what I think and it's quite sad how *rare* it is to find a girl that's not vapid as fuck. I wish I was born gay.

>> No.15854591

Okay femcel

>> No.15854595

Is this dialogue real..?

>> No.15854597

Women will say shit like this then complain about unrealistic body standards

>> No.15854620

proportions do. some stocky manlet with a long torso will never look as good as a thinspo tall guy with long legs + short torso

>> No.15854626

jeez besides small you look fat, what a fucking chad, you won at life. Where are you from ?

>> No.15854701

yes. There are plenty of pieces I can't wear bc I'm a manlet. Remember, fashion isn't how good your clothes are, it's how good the clothes look on you

>> No.15854709

My penis is around 3.5", which in my mind is 4" but if I wear my penile extender it can be around 6"

>> No.15854737

height's not a meme, it's just a basic pre-req to be Chad, you've gotta put in a lot of work still to get laid

>> No.15854766

This, I'm 6'2 and the amount of short guys I've met that started shit with me because of my height is insane. No wonder no one wants you guys, you're all pissy lil' man babies.

>> No.15854790


>> No.15854810

>How tall are you?
I am 5'8" when I am standing on top of the 8 zeros in my bank account

>> No.15854944
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stupid bitch

>> No.15854984

5'7 is now the new 5'3 thanks to 5'8-5'10 faggots adding 2-3 inches to their "height"

>> No.15855052

you will never find a husband

>> No.15855054

good for you little man

>> No.15855059

manlets SEETHING

>> No.15855299

She's a stupid bitch, though. Her reply was the most generic possible. Exactly what you'd expect from a vapid bitch.

>> No.15855318

my asian friend's head is like 2x bigger than mine

>> No.15855351

height matters and people should stop denying it. height matters in the same way that facial symmetry and wealth matters
shorter people should get welfare because women wont look at average 5'8" men but are so desperate for men who are just 6% taller

>> No.15855361

Nobody is denying that height doesn't matter -- it is an elegant trait. But it *is* also overvalued and often shadows other good characteristics a man may have, be them physical or mental.

>> No.15855364

>Nobody is denying that height matters

>> No.15855380

pls be my gf Me
I'm 5'8.5-5'9

>> No.15855386

fat whore

>> No.15855510

im 5’8 and i just remember that kanye is a genius and my height everytime someone tries to bother me about it

>> No.15855511

fucking chad right