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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 920 KB, 3110x2073, 1609984932383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15847838 No.15847838 [Reply] [Original]

next /fa/ meeting when?

>> No.15847853

Where’s sniffles?

>> No.15847864
File: 99 KB, 932x1024, C9B9C914-E715-4504-8920-EAD8DE29537F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will fuck you up if you comment about his hairline


>> No.15847875

only decent guy is /ourguy/ Roman. WYA buddy you sound based as fuck, and you're actually decently cute compared to the other 6.

>> No.15847877

OP; are you Aus based??

>> No.15847891

>someone post it

>> No.15848056
File: 482 KB, 3110x2073, 140465465423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post what

>> No.15848073

why the fuck would i want to go to a fa meetup. it would be 5 poorfag losers wearing uniqlo and nu balances constantly pointing at people asking what core they are

>> No.15848079

Why the fuck does /fa/ like black so much?

>> No.15848144
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>> No.15848173
File: 80 KB, 640x640, never gonna give you up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't trust any of these fuckers one bit.

>> No.15848257

fa or mfa ?

>> No.15848315

What the fuck do you niggers even do at a meetup? Do you get food with strangers from fa or do you just stand around awkwardly in the middle of the sidewalk like in all the pictures?

>> No.15848333

The descriptions are a meme right? Someone made them up? There's no way that they're actually fact based and accurate?

>> No.15848342

This one is obviously edited to make 5s neck longer, but in this one >>15848144 I genuinely can't tell lmao

>> No.15848348

>talking shit about giraffe neck gerald
why i never

>> No.15848360

Oh shit hes in front of my house isnt he

>> No.15848929 [DELETED] 

Why are almost all of them wearing black and white? Do they not know how to wear other colors? Haven't they aged past the insecure teenager phase?

>> No.15848936

Why are almost all of them wearing black? Do they not know how to wear other colors? Haven't they aged past the insecure teenager phase?

>> No.15848946

i mean, look at them.
i don't have a problem with monochrome, but you can smell the cluelessness and the hubris towards their peers from these photos

>> No.15849007

roof is the most effay one there

>> No.15849047

Black and white shirt guy is the only one I'd fuck.
My friend likes the 2nd from the right but she's a masochist lmao!

>> No.15849518

I would **** every one of them lol

>> No.15850689

Id fuck 2 of these.
2/11 is impressing considering this is a taiwanese leatherskinning forum

Someone please answer this >>15848333

>> No.15850698

the toronto meetup back in the day was just hanging out at a bar for a couple hours, it was simultaneously amazing/horrible

there was like a 30 year old dude in buisness casual, handsome looked like he had an office job made good money but, was a complete fucking autist and still lived with his parents

also tripsk was there and a couple other old tripfags who were pretty cool/fun to chill with for a bit

>> No.15850992

Idk only 2nd guy has the potential to become effay

>> No.15851026

These fellas are stuck here forever

>> No.15851051

Never seen this one
Lol imagine going to a chan meetup! I really just can’t....

>> No.15851058

It's less awkward if you meet one on one with personalities. I've met people from here in 2009-12 when it was more of a close knit community. Almost tried to date a trip once but was better to be fuck buddies due to distance.

Then again I don't rely on heavy drugs to be moderately social...

>> No.15851082

Let me guess - it was blah?
Who used to sell her body?

>> No.15851108

they look like a bunch of losers

>> No.15851140

Don't worry about it

>> No.15852746

topkek commentary

>> No.15852962

Rule following and lack of creativity

>> No.15853087

i was thinking of trying to plan one when I get to NYC at the end of the month, but idk if I even want to meet anyone from here

>> No.15853090

normally, I'd say you don't, but it's nyc so you probably have a better chance of meeting a more diverse group than anywhere else.

>> No.15853097
File: 1.20 MB, 918x1324, ecvcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its hilarious that peopl eon /fa/ who type like theyre models and such look like this

legit lost kids who dress badly because only models can pull it off. they all look bad. 5 passes the rest dont, would look better in a 100 dollar outfit that fits better rather than trying to be someone theyre not (fit, attractive, tall models)

also this guy gives off the same energy as this meme

>> No.15853107
File: 321 KB, 900x1275, 057FEAE3-20A8-49DA-8BEB-9699F30CA29A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don’t diss rpat he’s my husband

>> No.15854461

If you are in Miami or Boston in 2 months then we can sure start one

>> No.15854763

I actually love Melbourne. Based

>> No.15854775

It's a shame tripsk doesn't post anymore.
I'd like the tell her that I would give her this dick

>> No.15855053

did this niggas dad fuck a giraffe

>> No.15855157

shes a retarded rich girl, she spent 7 years getting a ba and wasnt even hot who cares