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File: 936 KB, 761x1024, elliot-rodger-ucsb-killings_11488234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15839115 No.15839115 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain me what makes elliot rodger look like am incel i dont really understand it, because i think he looks good enough to get somewhere in life socially

>> No.15839121

That’s the meme it was his personality, one of his issues was he was obsessed with looks

>> No.15839146

He's actually really hot

>> No.15839150

His hair looks stupid in that pic, but he wasn’t awful looking. The problem wasn’t his appearance, it was his personality. It was total garbage. There may have been undiagnosed mental issues at play too. The thing that made him an incel was his self destructive view on dating and sexuality. He believed that the act of landing a date was only for the most elite. He also believed that he was ENTITLED to a 10/10 model gf, yet he had nothing to offer in a relationship but a Mercedes full of mental issues. The guy was pure poison in an average looking guy package. Absolutely fucking disgusting

>> No.15839157

Good to know, because i saw lookism dudes referring to him as a example of incel genetics and i look like a fat white version of him

>> No.15839159

This is true of the vast majority of incels; most are just normal looking dudes. Their culture promotes lookism and shitty behaviors in a self replicating and defeating cycle.

>> No.15839177

He looks like a normie. Incels never will get any bussy, because they think it's about looks, while it's 90% about social skills.
That's the part were incels are too lazy to fix thinks, because it's easy to fix something about your looks, but not to make alot of friends.

>> No.15839180

>lookism dudes referring to him as a example of incel genetics
Stop hanging out with looking fags

>> No.15839182

He is an incel because he's a mentally ill narcissist faggot

>> No.15839184

>90% about social skills.
90% is to high no? I would 70% to 40% depending how good you look

>> No.15839188

He looks like a normie. Incels never will get any bussy, because they think it's about looks, while it's 90% about social skills.
That's the part were incels are too lazy to fix things, because it's easy to fix something about your looks, but not to make alot of friends.

>> No.15839191

This hapa needed a shrink

>> No.15839194
File: 25 KB, 305x405, 92385735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was pretty easily a 7/10 maybe an 8. He was cursed with aspergers and social development issues so it was all for naught regardless.

>> No.15839196

^Edit. Nah, looks it's about 20% or even 10% if you're the dominant presence in the room through your behavior and how you're dress or even smell, you don't need a square shaped faggot face.

>> No.15839198

its always %50 looks %50 social skills. You can barely get by if youre a gigachad but socially retarded, and you can also barely get by being really funny and charismatic but ugly (5/10 not 2/10).

>> No.15839202

He probably has narcissistic personality disorder , some form of autism/aspergers, and maybe was a sociopath/psychopath (or at least had some traits)

Also he had a white dad and an asian mom, he was also a hapa too and they usually are kinda fucked in the head sometiems

>> No.15839205

He is a hapa manlet

>> No.15839210

Very untrue, it's true if you're a women. Guys wouldn't date you if you're funny and likeable but ugly as hell. As a guy women are interested in things that give her safety and a "good life".

>> No.15839221

1.76m is not manlet tier in usa imo, but in europe for example

>> No.15839245
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OP here again, thank you for answering my question, can you now tell me whats incel tier in pic related?

>> No.15839260

Don’t pay attention to the incel/Chad genetics meme it’s all bs. Elliot was a good looking guy and people in the thread already covered it but- 1. He had some sort of untreated mental illness, 2. Shit personality you can still find his videos online and ....yeah no. 3. He felt entitled to a 10/10 model.

And he honestly probably could’ve had a 10/10 model due to the fact he was rich and pretty good looking, but he had some sort of mental illness/social retardation and his parents just looked the other way.

Looks are important to some extent, If you’re fat, get fit and your dating prospects will improve, but besides that, don’t worry about whether your jaw isn’t strong enough or you’re too short or if your nose is too big, there’s a woman out there that will like you, women’s tastes tend to vary a hell of a lot. Wish you the best.

>> No.15839269

>all these people speculating why he couldn't get a girl examining his mental illness and putting the pieces together

He never approached a girl or actively showed interest in a girl ever. /thread

>> No.15839280

>thinking women should approach you because you're the guy who played every world of warcraft character to level max.

Wouldn't work /thread

>> No.15839297

Why is /fa/ so low iq? My point is everyone always questions why elliot couldn't get a girl. Did girls find him physically unattractive? Was he a narcissist? Did he have aspergers? When the simple answer is he never tried. He never got a girlfriend because he never tried to get a girlfriend.

>> No.15839303

>thinking women should approach him, because he's the most handsome guy on earth
>no social skills
>very judgmental, putting people into categories
>thinking it's all about looks, while it's actually about social skills

>> No.15839309

You’re mentally ill. Not ugly. Get a therapist.

>> No.15839317

>tfw girls approach you and give you their number but you still can't go through with getting a gf

I'm literally elliot bros.

>> No.15839371

>women’s tastes tend to vary a hell of a lot
this cope can only be written by someone with extremely good looks

>> No.15839405

>I'm literally elliot bros.

No, girls actually talk to you. Get up and go for it faggot

>> No.15839415

You're cute, maybe get a better haircut, but judging by the note it's your personality

>> No.15839420

He was actually kind of hot. If he had a decent personality and no mental issues he’d probably be covered in pussy given his status as well. Your brain on lookism makes you see the world in a perverse defeatist way and will overlook many attractive features you can utilize. It is unfortunate because in his manifesto he details he was a product of shitty upbringing

>> No.15839421

He was ugly as fuck and also a delusional manlet

>> No.15839426

Fucking roastie die

>> No.15839432

Thanks uggo.

>> No.15839444

>maybe an 8

He looks like every fucking single counterfeit clothing selling spic in the world, you must be ugly as FUCK if you think this fucking FAGGOT is a 7 or 8 or frankly any number desu

Get your fucking eyes tested FUCK

>> No.15839445

He was a delusional piece of shit. It doesn't really have to do with looks. A friend of mine looks like a fucking chernobil alien, is a fat fuck and he gets pussy everytime he wants because he has a fun and engaging personality. Elliot was a full-time retart who thought he was entitled to geting girls because he had cash. I wonder why he never paid himself a scort or anything.

>> No.15839461

Because he was a little beta faggot

>> No.15839473

Lmao good luck getting a gf

>> No.15839474

You don't go anywhere when you're dead, retard

>> No.15839480

Die in a fire

>> No.15839482

>I wonder why he never paid himself a scort or anything.
Incel culture doesn't allow for prostitutes.

>> No.15839489

...when will they ever learn

>> No.15839534

>get somewhere
where, roastie? where?

>> No.15839605

Wouldn't have made a difference. It's not about not having sex, it's about feeling that nobody wants to have sex with you, or could possibly want to, and paying for it wouldn't help with that at all.

>> No.15839618

low test

>> No.15839622

I generally agree that it's about the idea that no one would ever want to have sex with the incel, but that's still all about the sex, which is overblown into the one and only thing a person could give them that would make their lives complete or give them meaning.

>> No.15839868

defeatist cope
good luck though

>> No.15839880

I hate to cite fucking breadtube, but Big Joel has a good video on the guy.

>> No.15839887

your face is normal

>> No.15839889

David Blatt?

>> No.15839956

He was a great guy. I miss watching his videos. I used to watch them as soon as he uploaded. Miss ya buddy. Fuck bitches.

>> No.15839988

He has a small jaw and chin

>> No.15839997

He looks wicked soi what is this revisionist history

>> No.15840001

Wasn't he super short?

>> No.15840019

its been a while since I've read his manifesto, but some of it felt played up like he has a superiority complex but he was kind of victimized by it in a way.

It was his narrative and a lot of the times he made himself look really bad to sort of portray certain feelings and emotions.

>> No.15840253

Elliot isn't a bad looking guy it was literally everything else.

>> No.15840816

he thought he was above getting a hooker or an escort because he was delusional

>> No.15841188


Extra-linguistic communication makes up for a large percentage of perception of you. Not smiling, starring, low emotive expressions limited to frustration, all signs of incels.

Imagine Rogers from picture smiling. Chuckling like a chad at a good joke, not self concious, standing upright.

If people could internalize how much of how you are treated comes down to how you carry yourself and not the superficial things they blame, more people would work on themselves.

Find your calm centre and love who you are and you become a chad without the armour.

>> No.15841195


>> No.15841198
File: 74 KB, 675x880, 1601316463964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was an entitled autistic mamma's boy manlet. He also fits the incel look.

>> No.15841221

Looks aren’t everything and I’ve been trying to say this forever.
But you guys somehow translate that into “I’m hot”

I bet he was awkward and made people feel awkward
I bet his personality was shit

I knew a guy like that - he wasn’t bad looking but he was so weird nobody wanted to be around him.
In fact he literally years after highschool wrote me an email about how he used to sit behind me in 10th grade and thought I was pretty yada yada...and I literally don’t remember that but I remembered once I looked at a yearbook that he was at a least at my school..anyways I felt sorry for him bc I felt like that’s kinda sad so I invited him to a party at my house - where he acted really weird...but he found out I was selling weed and some party supplies and literally started buying weed and stuff just to come by and started smoking regularly...and I always felt bad for him - didn’t know how to handle situation...he was clearly lonely. He would take x alone at his house type shit.
Then one time he was in my car and idk why but he went on this psychotic mode where turned red and was screaming and crying and hitting my car. I legit was scared and I’m almost never scared. I didn’t know him well enough to know wtf...I pull over - tell him to get his shit together or Get out of the car. He keeps going crazy. I literally had to grab his phone and call his mom to be like come get this kid I’m not getting in the car with him he needs to go to hospital. Which he did.

To this day I feel bad bc I feel like I should’ve never introduced him to some of those things bc maybe that’s what unscrewed his brain.

>> No.15841251

short straight hair

>> No.15841364
File: 445 KB, 968x928, itsover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw also do x alone

>> No.15841384
File: 30 KB, 436x379, EA5BEBED-3864-4D3C-A7D5-671EA5C44EE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15841436

why is a wannabe drug dealing horse’s cumdump whoring for an incel

>> No.15841479
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>> No.15841484
File: 49 KB, 325x355, 1609006042810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elliot Rogers was not attractive and he suffered from a bad case of not knowing his league. His actions are hilariously pathetic and are cyclical of the fact he was a spoiled rich kid with a silver spoon in his mouth and golden fork up his ass. Literally things you'd get over in a hour, Elliot believed people should die over.

What I hate most about you whiny incels is you consistently trying to set your exceptions for women who wouldnt think twice about you instead of lowing your standers for women who are just average. You think that attractive women owe it too you while having the personality of rocky mountain tick. Then you get into a hopeless pit of loneliness because you failed to have the foresight to find someone who can provide you substance and end up being just as vain as the chads and stacys you despise.

And the saddest thing about all of this is its really not that hard to get laid.

>> No.15843072

He's a gay asian hapa homo twink fag that needs some love from a real handsome man

>> No.15843080

You think your personality is favorable?

You're the dumbest person I've ever met, like I still don't know if you're just playing a part of not but I've never met anyone in life that strives to be nothing, strives to learn nothing new and strives to not adapt.

Like you're just okay being last place all your life in everything

>> No.15843097

>Can someone explain me what makes elliot rodger look like am incel i dont really understand it
He had the wrong sense of style. Instead of focusing on Armani shirts and Gucci sunglasses, Elliot should have worn raw Japanese denim. Just imagine him cuffing the seal edge denim, with fades, and with crepe sole Red Wing boots. The ill fitting Armani dress shirts could have been replaced with freshly starched white t shirts tucked into the jeans. He would have done well with Pendleton flannels or with Carhartt duck canvas jackets. Instead of the $45,000 BMW, he could have accessorized with a Hamilton field mechanical watch or a Seiko Alpinist on an OD NATO strap

>> No.15843562

Nobody wants to fuck uglies, also Elliot Rodger didnt want sex, he wanted the validation and women attention 1% of men get cuz of their looks.

>> No.15843564

The incel thing is 99% mental.

>> No.15843956

Thinking its all about looks is making you an incel

>> No.15843964

He should of committed suicide. Had tone of jail bird pune

>> No.15843965

he looks like scrubbed Ezra Miller

>> No.15843966

Nope anon because women are evil.
Mental illness exist because those poeple have sex

>> No.15843968

Its a chick an egg problem dude

>> No.15844008


>> No.15844014

I guarantee you if we were both on a noose side by side and anons had to vote on which chair to kick - it would be bad news for you

>> No.15844026

>Mercedes full of mental issues

>> No.15844042
File: 150 KB, 296x360, Soulless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soulless automaton.

>> No.15844157

Good enough is not enough, you have to look like the top 20% of men. 80% of women compete for the top 20% of men according to data from dating platforms. If you are don't make the cut you have to settle for the bottom 20%, which is hard to deal with.

>> No.15844188

setup a surve, you vs me

>> No.15844235

Anon here, bad news for you: I have two feet

>> No.15844700

yes absolutely.

He above average for sure especially if you imagine him with a laid back confident personality, but if you watch his videos it's the opposite.

>> No.15844709

God will you two just fuck already

>> No.15844710

I'd kick both chairs

>> No.15844716

dumb hair
relaxed eyes
small lips

>> No.15845971
File: 247 KB, 1656x719, EAC2A471-5945-46F0-A3AE-663D4E765215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15847000

Personality. He looks like a normal russian if anything.

>> No.15847005

>raised in Los Angeles
He got cucked by living there, his soul probably left his body a few years after he was born.

>> No.15847617

he had asperger's syndrome

>> No.15847640

Incel is a disease of the mind.

>> No.15847659

Women are never to blame, it's always the incel's fault. All incels are bad people. If women decide that you aren't good enough for them then you have no value

>> No.15847708

1. Cared what people think
2. Didn't try a new location

>> No.15848024

If he'd raped women instead of straight out murdering them, there'd be lines of women after him, Ramirez style

>> No.15848119


>> No.15848130

That's a pic of tenda spencer noobs, hes some deranged hapa obsessed with interracial cuck shit. He was behind alot of the first blacked raids.

>> No.15848195

go outside and walk around, you'll notice people that look like you or even uglier in relationship with women that sometime out of their league. maybe than you'll realize that your mentality is thrash

>> No.15848201

He didn't LOOK like an incel, he ACTED like an incel. Posture and voice, maybe made him look shy or weak, not a virgin or incel. No one can read minds.

He had nice clothes, good car, etc. He even had a decent face, but he was super insecure about being half asian (as I'm discovering a lot of them are). Nothing could save him from his shitty mindset.

>> No.15848217

Being an incel has nothing to do with looks and everything to do with personality

>> No.15848247


The only correct answer

>> No.15848270

>average looks
>4.5 dick(as he said himself on some forum)
if i had 4.5 dick id have killed myself long ago or accepted id never have reasonable relationship and just contract kinda shit. this fucks him up alone big time

>> No.15848272

>Ramirez style
lol come on dude hes barely half as handsome as ramirez

>> No.15848294

>He never approached a girl or actively showed interest in a girl ever
99% of incels and "tfw no gf" fags

>> No.15848319

this is the hapa subreddit guy. go away. please.

>> No.15848367

>..I pull over - tell him to get his shit together or Get out of the car
Some human being you are.

>> No.15849154

>He never approached a girl or actively showed interest in a girl ever.
Not necessarily, if your social circle is bad, or you don't have one at all, it doesn't matter if you approach or show interest in a girl.

>> No.15849209

he was raised as "good guy" while roasties raised to tread "good guys" like used condoms.

>> No.15849227

Well said

>> No.15849522

He already has plenty of fangirls, the only reason he doesn't have tons women currently after him like Ramirez is because he's dead

>> No.15849534


>> No.15849535

he was already popular before the spree?

>> No.15849539

No, he wasn't he was an obscure PUAhate user, that got bullied by another user.

>> No.15849541

hard cope

>> No.15849543


>> No.15849550

Yes, you clearly didn't experience the height of Tumblr

>> No.15849894

Ramirez was a 9, Rodger was a 7.5
But that's not the point, Hibristophilia (spelling?) has nothing to do with looks and everything to do with women being unsalvageably fucked in the head

>> No.15851164

Mad how his brother became everything he wanted to be.


>> No.15851195
File: 385 KB, 303x516, CCBC015D-958E-4DEF-ACCB-577E1DABF62C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sieg is a hapa dog just like Elliot.

>> No.15851340

His personality 100% He put women on a pedastool and thought that just because of his looks he wouldn’t get anyone and never tired or talked to anyone

He’s like these losers on Reddit foreveralone. Self pitty bullshit and don’t try and fix their situation.

If he lower his standards and actually talked to some girls. He wouldn’t got someone

>> No.15851354

exactly. fucking tripfags are all worthless

>> No.15851361

Would’ve got someone

>> No.15851437

In my opinion he didn't even look like an incel. He was retarded so it was more of a mental thing then his actual physical appearence.

>> No.15851961

>Asperger faggot
Always Asperger faggots

>> No.15852020

Ok dickhead wtf would you do???
So psycho smashing about screaming and kicking while you’re literally driving.
Ofc maybe I could’ve dealt with it better but no one is naturally prepped for a psycho on the loose.

I hope he’s ok. Bc he did say he was gna kill himself and I haven’t had the balls to look up obituaries.

>> No.15852037

It’s his personality that girls were turned off by and saw as a huge red flag

Guys don’t seem to get this, they only think “being chad get pussy” but girls need other things to find a guy fuckable

>> No.15852044

t. Attractive but autismal

>> No.15852079

He’s 6.5/10 at most. Still enough to get a 9/10 rostie if you take in count that he had wealthy parents. He was just too mentally ill to ever make it in the dating world.

>> No.15852107

There is a baseline level of mental health you need to function as a human and with women.
Elliot couldn't meet it.

>> No.15852171

His mouth is as wide as his eyes are apart.

>> No.15852579

Idc still hot

>> No.15852794

Literally the only reason why is because he was mixed, and mutants tend to look both ugly as fuck and have a shitton of mental illnesses.

>> No.15853301

>implying we wouldn't kick both chairs

>> No.15853651

I don't think it's possible to be socially retarded when being handsome, unless you got some mental disorder

>> No.15854159

The quintessential incel is one that misses more than three numbers on the birth lottery and has an autismal personality. He's not a prime example of an incel.

Women don't really have brains. They think with their cunts so as long as you have enough numbers on the birth lottery and NPC personality you should be good to go. If you act like an autist or snowflake intellectual/philosopher, you're already subtracting from the credit you got from your birth lottery. That's the way the scoring works

>> No.15854174

Weak chin + giant bottom lip is a horrible combo, since giant bottom lip makes your chin look even more weak, and weak chin makes your bottom lip even bigger. Death tier pig nose.

>> No.15854354

jesus did he pour cooking oil on his hair or what

>> No.15854711

He's like a 6 if you ignore his height and with his height he's unironically a 2

>> No.15855867

Thought he was white.
Mother used to dye his hair because he didn't come out blond hair blue-eyed.
Rabidly rascist against Asian men.
Obsessed with blond Stacies.
Upset that they don't immediatly drop to their knees to suck his white dick upon his presence in the room.
Sees multiple couples consisting of Asian men and Blond stacie during one day.
Go around town attempting to beat up and run over, stab, shoot any Asian guy, blond woman, and any couples in that combination.
Realizes Blonde stacie would rather date "inferior" Asian guy than a "Supreme gentleman"
Kill self.

>> No.15855869

No he’s just a greasy ass motherfkr

>> No.15855891

how the fuck can someone be that greasy. Fuck, I had a skate trip last year and hadnt showered for 3 days straight while skating in blistering heat and my hair wasnt even near that level of fried

>> No.15855894

He literally moves and talks like a british supervillain.

Also stop posting this failure. The people he killed weren't even the people he was angry at just his Asian bro roommates.

>> No.15855902

Bad genetics and bad diet

>> No.15856409

>You can barely get by if youre a gigachad but socially retarded

You've never met a Gigachad. Their lives have NOTHING in common in yours, it's hilarious.

>> No.15856433

>being 5'9" puts you from 6/10 to 2/10
this is your brain on lookism

>> No.15856646

only his lower part of his face is moderately good, the rest of his face is off. Bad nose, spaced out eyes, twink frame. At best he's "cute" but then his personality was garbage.

>> No.15856685
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Everything below his eyes is subhuman, he was also short and weird.

>> No.15856768

>The quintessential incel is one that misses more than three numbers on the birth lottery and has an autismal personality. He's not a prime example of an incel.
>Women don't really have brains. They think with their cunts so as long as you have enough numbers on the birth lottery and NPC personality you should be good to go. If you act like an autist or snowflake intellectual/philosopher, you're already subtracting from the credit you got from your birth lottery. That's the way the scoring works
This is the most incel thing I’ve read on here holy shit

>> No.15856794

You can be very atractivo but that only takes you so far plus he got crazy eyes

>> No.15856803
File: 38 KB, 320x359, 4f5ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me but without any murder intent

>> No.15856816
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What is this phenotype called?

>> No.15857387


>> No.15857477
File: 61 KB, 442x422, Pantera Wilder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guarantee I'd do 9/11 in your pussy in minecraft

>> No.15857483

unironically, cobra snake

>> No.15858177


What arm thing homie?

>> No.15858381

So he should've just lost face fat/water retention to have hollow cheeks and get a good haircut?

>> No.15859809

He's a godless sodomite chasing sex, he's probably burning in hell

>> No.15859829

this is the gayest shit ive read you fucking redditors need to GO BACK