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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 28 KB, 400x400, hank-moody_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15828444 No.15828444 [Reply] [Original]

Is it /fa/ to be a high functioning alcoholic?

>> No.15828448

>high functioning alcoholic
yes, just dont drink too much and make sure to stay healthy by other means.

>> No.15828455

Does that apply to females too?

>> No.15828458

Depends on whether you re attractive or not. You could be a shit eating seagull fucker, as long as you re attractive you reeffay. That being said I am both an alcoholic and I have aspergers and ADD also some shit called dysthymia thats chronic depression

>> No.15828460

like everything, depends! but alcohol in general is effay. like tell me more

>> No.15828472

Men get away with everything.
They want to drink whiskey every evening - that’s classy...
A woman wants a few glasses of wine and she’s considered a drunk

Also alcohol has calories and makes you do questionable things.
Which also men get away with much more than women - captain America posts his dick and nobody cares - imagine Wonder Woman posting her lady parts

>> No.15828479

/fa/ is now /pol/, all boards are becoming one, the singularity is upon us

>> No.15828480

alcohol is cool, and alcoholics look cool in movies, but in real life it sucks. Alcohol fucking ruins your body. I work in a government liquor store and I see alcoholics every day, they are absolutely not /fa/.

>> No.15828484

no, they are NOT welcome. i see them everywhere i go on this website and it makes me angry
i mean one of my best friends is a girl and drinking suits her very well and she looks effay while shes drinking. it depends on the person

>> No.15828506

If you want to believe that the average alcoholic is ripped at 50, rich without doing nothing, drives a convertible porche and fucks a different model everyday...

>> No.15828528

>If you want to believe that the average alcoholic is...

That's why I wrote high functioning

>> No.15828536

>captain America posts his dick and nobody cares - imagine Wonder Woman posting her lady parts
>captain America posts his dick and nobody cares - imagine Wonder Woman posting her lady parts
>captain America posts his dick and nobody cares - imagine Wonder Woman posting her lady parts

>> No.15828539

No, just go to theraphy.

>> No.15828578

So why your pic related is Hank Moody? That's exactly who I am describing.
Hank isn't a "high functional" alcoholic at all, he's just a boomer wet dream.

>> No.15828643

Because he looks like a high functioning alcoholic: he's in relatively good shape, makes good money and emits a cool grunge vibe.

I know that according to the series he's a complete fuckup and would in no way look like this. I just thought his asthetic would be a good illustration of an actually high functioning alcoholic

>> No.15828829

>boo hoo da patriarchy is why i'm a failure

>> No.15828840
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>> No.15828860

Cecil your personality shines through every post so idk why you bother taking your trip off.

>> No.15828865

>captain America posts his dick and nobody cares
That's Americas dick!

>> No.15828872

>waaah men can drink and women are under the patriarchy

bitch shut the horsefuck up

>> No.15828874
File: 15 KB, 240x240, CD9A315F-FFD1-476D-969D-EEFDEE62F47C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>captain America posts his dick and nobody cares - imagine Wonder Woman posting her lady parts
>captain America posts his dick and nobody cares - imagine Wonder Woman posting her lady parts
>captain America posts his dick and nobody cares - imagine Wonder Woman posting her lady parts

I care about American dick and wonderful lady parts ...

>> No.15828903

females are not effay

>> No.15828905

Hey look, the problem with people like you is that you see opinions as permission. You don't need men to ALLOW you to be alcoholic, do you?

Everyone gets away with everything, not just men. In a sense that anyone can do whatever the fuck they want to do. Does it mean that everyone else has to approve of that? Does it matter?

Alcoholics are always looked down upon, be it men or women. Get over it.

>> No.15828908

Sounds like you need a man’s approval for everything. Women of your type don’t even deserve to be a man’s fucktoy.

>> No.15828910

Men dont get away with >.2 bac either lol. Trust me I know

>> No.15828914

Why do you feel your existence revolves around your self-imposed subjugation by men? Does it feel good having a scapegoat called “the patriarchy” for all your insignificant problems?

>> No.15828953

I’m talking about stigmas here...
Don’t even act like some genders and races aren’t more shamed than others.

I’m not even trying to be a feminist here bc hell knows I’d be more than happy at home watching Movies and shitposting and Dickin around all day but nooooooo that’s not ok anymore for a woman to just chill and make some food while binging a show on Netflix.

My point is a female is looked down upon doing many things that are not so frowned upon when men do it.

>> No.15828968

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Blame all the men and stigmas you want.

>> No.15828990

My existence doesn’t revolve around men bb...I don’t even know what the fuck youre trying to say but I can tell you you’re barking up the wrong tree bc I’ve done whatever the fuck I feel like my whole life. (With exception of my asshole dad bc I feel like respecting him sometimes - but even then I’m the only one in my entire family with balls to stand up to him, when he’s out of line)

If anything I should be the definition of feminist bc I give no fucks and I do what I want...(yes I make mistakes and feel guilt sometimes)...buuut. I don’t care what men want and I don’t care about what society wants. I care about my family and finding happiness/peace in my life.
Unfortunately today’s definition of feminists actually does revolve around a whole different construct and I don’t subscribe to that.

>> No.15829001

I just want some dick sometimes and hopefully someone bearable to be around

>> No.15829004

Sorry for your financial loss dude.
My second DUI cost me upwards of 30Gs

>> No.15829010
File: 1.03 MB, 4000x4200, CF304039-9413-4D1D-9B95-659A1F3B0DF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15829015

Like okay scoobs. zoinks!

>> No.15829018

she’s a hypocrite kek

>> No.15829045

I’m glad I’m giving you life and what not but stop...ppl already hate me enough...just find something else to shit the board up with

>> No.15829050

contradicting herself in the same thread fuckkng too stupid to be a real person

>> No.15829062

How did I contradict myself?
I said:
I want sex sometimes (also clearly is an issue with you assholes who have sexcore threads everyday)
And I said men get away with shit that I can’t get away with without blackening my legacy

>> No.15829068

All I can say is you dudes have it easy when you have a mindset like mine - where I don’t particularly worry about “norms” —- Nobody tells me I’m a “real woman” whereas you’d be look up to and seen as hell yea he does what he wants bc he’s got balls be he’s a man....
No no no
I’m trash and you guys are real men.

>> No.15829077

the way you cause so much butthurt around here is steadily making me fall in love with you.

>> No.15829087
File: 990 KB, 500x240, AD23F481-E88E-4C47-B3D3-E6CC0D497E5D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m attracted to her sad face

>> No.15829095
File: 876 KB, 2834x4001, B2408D16-479D-4E70-A1F0-1F4923355192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t engage with stupid.

>> No.15829113


>> No.15829339

Why even use a trip? Do you get off on getting abused online or something?

>> No.15829342

women have life on easy mode.
If a chav shouts at a woman in public, he's immediately jailed and men come to beat up the guy.
If a chav shouts at a man who is alone, he can't do anything about it or else face jail and no one gives a shit, not even the police.

>> No.15829358

>- captain America posts his dick and nobody cares
literally when has a man intentionally posted his dick in a public arena and not been fired.

>> No.15829381

She looks cute. What is she doing posting in this place?

>> No.15829388
File: 151 KB, 599x758, C072AA33-F8CA-4D5B-B87F-B4BE38E80795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never seen a trip this delusional

>> No.15829398
File: 163 KB, 532x1470, BF69A48B-CF16-431B-B914-D82480D46A32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me !1n6WugqKa6

>captain America posts his dick and nobody cares - imagine Wonder Woman posting her lady parts

>> No.15829424

Built for BBC

>> No.15829436

Ask Chris evans.

>> No.15829447

Not everyone here craves dick or is a pussy?
I’m pleasantly surprised

>> No.15829459
File: 4 KB, 237x250, 1571686318958s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u look nice on the one with the glasses, they suit you get a pair. most people insulting you prob look like this.

>> No.15829465


>> No.15829486

I hate glasses - my eyesight is quite bad...so that even if I found a pair that complemented my face shape - my eyes would look smaller....
P sure my eyes are my best feature

>> No.15829492

Honey, you don't have any good features. You're below average in every respect.

>> No.15829499

I didn’t say I was above average sugar, I said that’s my one feature I don’t hate.
And I know it’s my best one bc I get complements all the time. So fuck you pls let me be happy with one thing about me.

>> No.15829564

I wouldn't take anything what people say on here seriously, most of it is just trolling, at least i hope so.

People of say you are below average have probably not seen many women, yeah you are not a supermodel and pretty ordinary looking but most women are ordinary looking.

>> No.15829582

Thank you.
Sometimes I get wrapped up in being defensive I forget who I’m even talking to.

>> No.15829593

Lol the absolute simpitude. Even in America she's considered ugly outside flyover shitholes. I don't care what people who breed with their mothers think.

>> No.15829611

ok boring cunt, i'm not asking to jump into her knickers am i? she would know if i was hitting on her. it's possible to to talk to women like you are talking to anyone else because they are just people like everyone else

You sound like a proper virgin, it's not anyone else's fault no woman want's to touch you cos of the shitty attitude, go see a prozzy for a fuck and lose the chip on the shoulder.

>> No.15829613

Such a simp he said I was average

>> No.15829614

I'm talking to her like I talk to the rest of you subhuman chimps. You're all garbage, do you deny this? Go masturbate to some interracial cuckold porn.

>> No.15829626

Lmao what a fucking mong you are, grow up son. get out of ya mothers basement.

>> No.15829638

That’s the creepy clown in case you haven’t noticed

>> No.15829687

Women detected. Cringe.

>> No.15829699

No. Its fucking awful and embarrassing and only seems cool to people who haven’t been there themselves and have only fantasized about it through books and film. Its depressing and you’ll hate yourself. Live this life via self insert only

>> No.15829733
File: 54 KB, 850x900, 1112C705-5E61-4EAC-AB0B-2675503F9978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15829759

Oh no how dare i give a woman a compliment!!!!

The amount of virgin cope on this board is astounding.

>> No.15829765
File: 737 KB, 1333x1000, 315936EE-EAE2-4315-AA58-6620B60F922A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fite me boi

>> No.15829788
File: 10 KB, 235x233, 82453016-E604-4E98-9D5F-826E96CFF9D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complimenting people on 4chan

>> No.15829827

> my eyes are my best feature
> I have horrible vision

>> No.15829837

> I give nofucks and do what I want

Shows absolutely no remorse for the 2 duis

>> No.15829854
File: 115 KB, 611x525, AD6C52C3-A418-43D2-846C-343190383519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15829860

>every thread i enter
>it's cecil!! it's cecil without a trip!!

I'm still trying to figure out if the cops found coke in your nostrils or horse shit particles. Probably both.

At least me being "gross" can be attributed to trolling and tall tales but at this point, you're legit grossing me out. You sound so trashy and nasty. Not even in the good way either.

>> No.15829866

Here’s a (You)

>men get away with much more than women - captain America posts his dick and nobody cares - imagine Wonder Woman posting her lady parts

>> No.15829869

I doubt she even understands how statements like that make her sound like a privileged little brat.

Hurr men can be alcoholics and it's OK ins society!! (Is it, is it really? No it's not. Nobody wants to be around an alcoholic male or female) but durr I have it hard being a female but even if I never work people will just throw money at me!!

I am so hard and tough, I give zero fucks but please don't post my ugly mugshot again because it's not the right angle and the right filter and men don't control me but I rant about made up bullshit about men online!!

It's really that part of not knowing if it's a complete and total troll to the maximum or the biggest moron to ever breathe, but sadly, we know for sure it's the latter.

>> No.15829879

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.15829883

>It's really that part of not knowing if it's a complete and total troll to the maximum or the biggest moron to ever breathe, but sadly, we know for sure it's the latter.
Also describes you, pot and kettle

>> No.15829890

You have none of those things, you just have a shit diet and poor genetics.

>> No.15829892


>> No.15829893

>I’m not even trying to be a feminist here bc hell knows I’d be more than happy at home watching Movies and shitposting and Dickin around all day

I'm sure feminists would share your opinion that they are lazy and want nothing more to sit on their ass all day........

>not ok anymore for a woman to just chill and make some food while binging a show on Netflix.

Yeah because we are all in praise of guys sitting on their ass stuffing their face watching tv all day. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.

If anything, a guy would find it acceptable a his g/f at home just watching movies and not going to bars all day being a thot. Meanwhile no woman is impressed by that type of guy. She wants him out, active. A job, power, status.

I swear you're at the point now in which you don't even have a small amount of intelligence to understand how stupid you are. Your whole reality is upside down or your "glass of wine on the evening" is in fact a few boxes from morning till night and you're fucking out of it.

>> No.15829898

Hurr ad hom!!

I'm evidently a troll at times such as beating a black guy and then hanging out with the Aryan brotherhood in jail.. When people are normal though I am totally honest and and truthful.

Meanwhile none of her stuff is trolling. She is legit fucking stupid.

>> No.15829908
File: 1.06 MB, 2676x3819, 84320E19-3834-41F9-A7B6-79C0C4F84C5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horse-cocked coked-pussy aint effay

>> No.15829931

ya'll giving this bitch too much attention, just let fade into oblivion already

>> No.15829937
File: 30 KB, 436x379, AB759B51-0573-4B59-BEBE-AF846217722D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. she’ll rot away in a few decades (if she hasn’t already spoiled)

>> No.15829942

Get on fin tranny

>> No.15829946
File: 248 KB, 1205x778, 01553A52-D190-44D7-BE64-D6D459407C59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15829953

you’ll never be a woman

>> No.15829957

Half my household income is derived from helping addicts overcome their addictions....women have it much easier. They're more likely to get help from shelters, more charities reach out and judges in at least riverside county (where palm springs is located, betty ford etc) are issued state- paid for court mandated rehabilitation.

Men enter rehab too but it's usually on their own some as most of the time it doesn't even cover addiction for men

>> No.15829965

>She doesn't know she's stupid.

When I was an undergraduate engineering student prior to changing majors....my professor once said....some people know so literal about materials science that they don't even know what they don't know...we generally call these people consumers.

That's the impression I get of her, she's so stupid she doesn't realize she's stupid

>> No.15829967


Men enter rehab too but usually on their own dime*

Sorry phone posting while in line at in-n-out

>> No.15829968

Yeah the majority of homeless on the streets are men and suicides. And here she is, saying how much easier it is for men while saying she will never be homeless because there will always be people to throw money at her.

Has she ever seen guys who wake up and start sipping a bottle of vodka. Nobody is praising them for it or are fine with it. It's why some that appear to function really try and conceal it because it is shameful.

She is just not on this planet. Too much boxed wine and jenkem.


>> No.15829981
File: 756 KB, 600x735, the horse shit sniffer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true. Even after mistake after mistake, showing herself up and consistently being proven wrong she keeps at it. It's a whole new level of stupid.

>> No.15830025

she's just like any other broad, you guys really don't talk to any other females huh
ignore her and watch her get mad lmao

>> No.15830206
File: 74 KB, 666x375, A8340E3F-74BA-4B15-967E-CA77E1C827F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wonder Woman posting her lady parts

>> No.15830401

Actually it's just shit diet, genetics isn't real

>> No.15830557

I’m saying I’m not a feminist. Feminists screwed us. And now you men get ALL the damn benefits. Get away with murder while we slave away doing every fucking thing.

>> No.15830561

That’s a photoshop.
These assholes literally spend time pulling up my pictures and shopping them. It’s kinda weird desu.
I don’t understand this bc I’d feel submissive giving someone that much power over to actually do that...but whatever... peasants just doing peasant things

>> No.15830564

dude, you're literally broke as shit calling people peasants

>> No.15830572

Here we go...Michael James begging for my attention again

>> No.15830574

just leave /fa/
have you ever had a positive interaction in the years you've been here?

>> No.15830579

Feminism 2021

>> No.15830581

As the matter of fact - I’ve had quit a positive interaction that’s been ongoing - and every fucking day I’m plagued with a lingering thought that it may somehow be you catfishing me again

>> No.15830583


>> No.15830595
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>> No.15830970

fatty liver

>> No.15830980

she’s just another attention whore. Probably poor and a druggie who thinks herself superior because she’s got a vagina, enabling her to blame men

>> No.15830981

It's /fa/ to be extremely handsome, like David Duchovny. When you're Duchovny handsome it is /fa/ to be an alcoholic, functioning or not. When you're that good looking it is even /fa/ to be a dorky fed in off-the-rack suits with no life and an obsession with aliens. It is extremely /fa/ to film a sex scene for a shitty movie with a mutually yet-to-be-famous Angelina Jolie, only to have it be cut from the final product and keeping one of the only copies of the footage to jack off to decades later.

>> No.15830987
File: 219 KB, 443x383, 1601911312580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are too ugly to be effay.
if you drink too much your already thinning hair will completely fall out

>> No.15831009
File: 446 KB, 1772x1772, 2637A69D-76C3-4500-8986-424E71E134D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep blaming men for all your faults

>> No.15831015
File: 71 KB, 614x317, D5B98880-4546-4C78-B222-5554A4F2AE93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feminism isn’t about man-hating, you whorseslut

>> No.15831027
File: 276 KB, 729x304, screenshot01630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it /fa/ to be a high functioning alcoholic?

>> No.15831038

>Is it /fa/ to be a high functioning alcoholic?

The question erroneously assumes the possibility of alcoholism being /fa/.

One can be /fa/ in spite of being a “high-functioning” alcoholic. Alcoholism is not that factor that makes one /fa/.

>> No.15831045


>> No.15831063

This is only something a 17 year old boy who has never dealt with alcoholism would say, so many naive people on here.

>> No.15831105

I'm asking because I feel like I'm slowly slipping. In terms of career prospects / social life I'm doing quite well, but I still find myself drinking almost every day and I drink myself to oblivion more and more frequently. I used to be depressed, but 'bettering myself' kinda helped me overcome it. However, for some reason I still feel a need to completely annihilate my brain to cope with stress / emotions

Kinda cringe I know

>> No.15831146
File: 64 KB, 672x434, 4C8A448F-FE82-4D62-9A17-3EDC00B82D5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many based anons
except the white-knights, druggie tripfag, and the alcohol-idolizers

>> No.15831177

Keep up the good work, king.

>> No.15831178

I am an alcoholic, all i can say is get help before it's too late.

>> No.15831282

you have two DUIs

>> No.15831283

blessed post, makes incels seethe

>> No.15831352
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>> No.15831354


>> No.15831393

no alcoholism makes you ugly and rude
t. works in a liquor store

>> No.15831412


>> No.15831997


>> No.15832380

lol @ anyone who takes up being an alchoholic to be more "effay"

>> No.15832385

>body ruined
>poor health
>shit skin
>bloodshot eyes
>money all gone on booze

In your mind (heh, i am effay now)

That's how utterly ridiculous (and impressionable) some posters are here.

>> No.15832423

how is that any different than your condition?

>> No.15832425

Anyone impressionable enough to think they'll look like Nick Cage in Leaving Las Vegas or the chick from Queens Gambit need to google what alcohol abuse looks like. Most people here should be smart enough to know OP is being ironic but you never know.

>> No.15832432

What does this even mean?

Reminds me of kids who watch a serial killer documentary and then start thinking how cool it is and larping online as a serial killer. Just embarrassing.

I knew a guy who would place water bottles all around him, chug a bottle of vodka, pass out, wake up, down a bottle of water and then start the process again pretty much. Whenever he stopped he hallucinated and that made him feel terrified. His health got shot to shit. That was about 2 years ago, he's probably dead now.

It was a hellish "existence"

>> No.15832554

Yes mothafuuuuuccckkkaa

>> No.15832596
