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/fa/ - Fashion

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15828551 No.15828551 [Reply] [Original]

I want everybody's idea is it reading fashion mags, waking up next to a different size 0 coked out qt every day? what is it?

>> No.15828556

in a coffin hopefully

>> No.15828558

i want to never work regular office job ever again and just shoot movies and music videos and chill and be free. other shit will come with that.

>> No.15828580

>wake up next to asian gf
>snuggle her and try to fuck her while sleeping
>cum inside her
>make black coffee while i let the dog go pee and poop and smoke a cig (marlboro red ofc)
>shit post on 4chan for a couple hours
>then go online and look for designs to steal for my fashion company that’s targeted to rich asian kids
>fuck my gf again but cum in her mouth
>tell her to make me some pasta
>smoke another cig and roll up a blunt
>watch trailer park boys while i eat pasta
btw my gf has to be naked at all times
>invite some homies over and we have a jam sessions. we suck ass but we having fun
>after being exhausted from that
>have sex again with my gf
>blow a huge load in her ass
>smoke more weed and then watch a movie. prob trainspotting

>> No.15828582

lol so you want to have rich parents

>> No.15828604


>> No.15828620

Start trading stocks and become the rich parent, simple

>> No.15828623

which stocks ?

>> No.15828634

Chicken and beef.

>> No.15828638

I want to live in a cabin in the mountains where I chop at wood all day, go on walks, and oil paint

>> No.15828644

>picking up dog shit while stepping over other dog's shit and homeless people and homeless people's shit

i lived and worked in san francisco for 3 years and it is overrated at best.

>> No.15828659

Hmm when the pandemic started I was buying a lot of travel-related stocks and now I'm looking at a pretty good profit, but honestly I don't know what to get into right now hahaha, maybe check >>>/biz/ stocks general or something :P

>> No.15828710

>wake up in an aesthetically pleasing apartment/loft nearby, but not in city centre of London, right next to your sweetheart(slim, french looking woman that has her shit together)
>morning routine: drugs, supplements, water, stretching, skincare, dress up, have a light brekkie
>preferably cuddle a little bit with my partner a bit before going to work either into music studio or design consultancy that I set up
>work/fuck around like a proper boss should, make fun of wagies going to their cagies while having lunch and some organic matcha tea
>leave before time, meet up with my girl in a nearby park - walk to some nice and cozy bistro and have a proper meal
>Either go shopping, visit an art gallery/museum or go home earlier
>Play vidya or shitpost on chans, maybe invite a few friends over to have a drink or two on my rooftop terrace while smoking quality weed
>Go for a run or work out in a gym
>light supper/post workout meal
>chill out
>go to sleep

>> No.15828773

is ut gf naked around the bois???

>> No.15828893

Ok time to log off and go to your minimum wage job now lol

>> No.15828918

love this honestly

>> No.15829017

>live in prefab townhouse
>smoke cigarettes on the roof and in my backyard
>have a glass studio shed in my backyard that I draw and listen to music in
>work as a senior architect
>go out skiing and hiking often
>in a local tennis club
>have pet Husky
>gets invited to NYFW and Paris fashion week often

>> No.15829122

you need to be +18 to browse 4chan kiddo

>> No.15829141

Based degenerate and exploitative trainspotting afficionado.

Mine is
>live in barren NY apartment/loft with plenty of natural light
>wake up alone on a mattress on the floor.
>drink water and coffee then do some ring work/calisthenics/db training. maybe go for a run afterwards.
>shower, wander into the kitchen naked and make a healthy brekkie
>get dressed in comfy all-black memewear
>grab suitcase. stuff rings, running shoes, and a few suits inside. grab laptop.
>call a car to the airport. pick away at a report on some third world shithole while shitposting and texting my gf/bf along the way.
>fly to said shithole. spend a few weeks to a few months working around the clock trying to get murderous non-whites to chill the fuck out. exercise/read in free time.
>fly home. write a report on what happened.
>call gf/bf. meet up. do s&m shit to get my cortisol down.
>spend some time wandering around the city, taking photos, shopping, and popping in and out of the office until I need to travel again.
>repeat till I'm killed by a stray bullet in some Central African hellhole.

>> No.15829154
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>> No.15830408


>> No.15830412

Cringe I hope a woman never touches you

>> No.15830414

>french looking woman
So smelly and unemployed looking? Cool scenario bro

>> No.15830614
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>wake up in slightly run down house like pic related
>pour a glass of moscato to eat with shortbread cookies as a light breakfast along with a smoke
>go to my odd job work (coffee shop, art gallery, helping at a library, animal shelter etc. something supplementary and with low/flexible hours)
>get off work
>practice singing/song writing or workout (playing tennis, golf or jogging)
>go to gig, play gig
>come home, play video games, reflect. Maybe go for a drive
>have dinner with a glass of red wine

>> No.15831287

anybody got an ideal lifestyle related to clothes at all?

>> No.15831300

Having rich parents is the key to an /fa/ lifestyle, especially if you are good looking and white, and double especially if your grandparents were also rich. No one will tell you this because there are trillions of dollars behind the idea that anyone (read: YOU) can be cool if they only buy and consoom product, but the grim fact of the matter is that less than 1% of people who are materially obligated to work for a living are cool, and they won't be cool when they're still working for a living in twenty years. It is especially important, if you grow up rich, to continue the growth of the family fortune, so it's totally okay to work a job, but there is an important psychological difference to working when you have to to survive vs. working to grow an enterprise. It also helps keep you grounded and practical, and the time you spend working is time you can't frivolously spend, so you tend to stay rich, and your kids get to grow up rich and /fa/ and learn to be responsible from you, to continue the beneficent cycle. If you are rich and want a career you could be a movie producer and fuck attractive young actors and actresses, or you could work at dad's private equity firm in Manhattan and fuck attractive young models, or you could be an art dealer and fuck attractive young artists. Are you seeing the pattern here?

>> No.15831302

Living alone remotely so no one fucking bothers me and browsing stores around Christmas.

>> No.15831316

A baron brick loft built over a french patisserie. I would wake up every morning, buy a coffee and a pastry and have a smoke while watching the streets slowly wake up and come to life. Every day, different faces; but the same people. Same smoke, same black coffee, same pastry. I'd probably wear a beret too. Not that I like them, but you know aesthetic.

>> No.15831363
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>Are you seeing the pattern here?
The rich get richer while the poor get raped.

>> No.15831438
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>lifestyle inspo

>> No.15831442

just want to live in zone 1 with my cute gf and take her to nice places to eat
also want to be a chef at the michelin star place I work instead of the porter
>gf acquired
>moving into zone 1 studio next year
>chefs are joking about hiring me as a commis because they know i'm already qualified

>> No.15831445


>> No.15831452

Fuck that pedophile

>> No.15831457

I think you're confusing him with a certain jew.

>> No.15831958

s&p 500 high div etfs

>> No.15832263
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>Wake up at 8am next to the misses
>No time to cuddle, need to work on time
>Go for a shower and use my lynx Africa shower gel
>don't forget my lynx Africa body spray afterwards
>Get dressed in my Topman skinny fit suit and Hugo boss shirt
>Go downstairs and eat breakfast made by the misses
>Frosted flakes my favourite
>Hop in my vauxhall astra and get to work
>Have a quick chin wag with the boss man
>Start the day with a vending machine coffee (Starbucks if it's payday)
>Work 8 hours at the call centre
>Get home, eat a jam sandwich and cuppa tea
>Get in my grey Nike tracksuit
>Play some PS4 FIFA with the boys
>Have mash potatoes, sausages & gravy for dinner
>Watch a film with the misses (she picks of course)
>Go sleep