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File: 160 KB, 1440x1440, c586b9717cac07073bf1e56f8f2158dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15810350 No.15810350 [Reply] [Original]

Why be ugly when you can wear makeup? Why let w*men usurp all attention and beauty for themselves?

>> No.15810356
File: 53 KB, 625x351, iAlpEgIjHbHOqOs-800x450-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The makeup for Men is a proper beard, don't be a faggot.

>> No.15810361

Of i could get a license to kill all faggots i would

>> No.15810371

thanks for posting what is literally the worst example for that
beards went out of fashion some 5+ years ago, not too mention how unsanitary it is and how it feels like steel wool brushed against your face
>muh loicense

>> No.15810379
File: 52 KB, 640x757, 6D3C8129-4901-433D-8E39-D2AB7B6C8CEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon needs other’s approval to do things by first being licensed

>> No.15810381 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 1440x900, trump-beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not. That's the why modern civilization suffer under alot of allergies. There's a reason why science talk about good bacteria and bad ones.
Overdoing stuff will hurt you.

>> No.15810383


>> No.15810384
File: 65 KB, 1440x900, trump-beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not. That's why modern civilization suffer under alot of allergies. There's a reason why science talk about good bacteria and bad ones.
Overdoing stuff will hurt you.

>> No.15810386

>feels like steel wool brushed against your face

Unless you're a faggot why would a beard be brushed up against your face?

>> No.15810423

This is why guys are such dumbasses.

You think putting on makeup is easy? It takes skill to actually change how you look. Good makeup isn't cheap either.

>> No.15810438

This faggot is ugly in both pics.

>> No.15810677

>not ugly

>> No.15810683

You may be surprised to hear this, but beards can grow on peoples faces, not just their necks.

>> No.15810703

so, are you rubbing faces with anyone else?

>> No.15810762

If I had a button that killed all sexual deviants on this board I'd press it ten times just to make absolutely sure

>> No.15810776

make it this entire website

>> No.15810829

>ugly and fag
the world wasn´t kind to you i see

>> No.15810837

>he doesn’t hug his friends

>> No.15810864

>I'd press it ten times just to make absolutely sure

OCD faggot found

>> No.15811008

makeup doesnt change your face shape
it only works on already attractive people with bad skin

>> No.15811557

James is still ugly with makeup, it's called facetune


>> No.15811583 [DELETED] 

>have bad skin
>don’t take steps to have good skin
>pretend to have good skin by choking your real skin with synthetic shit all over it
>fucks your skin up worse
>have to buy more
Figured out how the Jews won

>> No.15811648

how do I fix my permanently red, acne scarred cheeks guys? its to the point where I have that shitty contrast between the red and my pale eye bags

>> No.15811905

Wash your sheets and pillow cases more often, stop touching your face, drink more water, stop eating greasy foods. Also stop washing your face too much, it's better to take showers and let the running water cleans your skin instead of rubbing it with a wash cloth. After all this it should clear up the hyperpigmentation. The scars will remain so you're going to have to look into getting multiple dermapen treatments depending on the severity of your scars. For me it took 8-10 treatments to look like a normal person again.

>> No.15811960

It costs less than $300-400 for a kit of decent quality brushes, foundation, primer and concealer that will last you a long time. Watch Wayne Goss on youtube. Congratulations you're better at doing makeup than 99% of retarded women out there. God how stupid women
have to be to think makeup is a skill you have to spend time learning? It's fucking easy

>> No.15811971

Makeup can help. Diorskin airflash is invisible it's amazing for men because you can't tell it's there it makes you look like you have great skin. YSL touche eclat
high cover is great for under the eyes.

>> No.15811991

Don't listen to this faggot.

>> No.15812016

ah yes, the I CAN'T BREED crowd is here and in full colour

>> No.15812053
File: 57 KB, 805x1024, 1596936888581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. cumfarting sodomite

>> No.15812088

fuck the gay lgbtq agenda

>> No.15812106

Why are you on a fashion board if you're afraid of anything that you feel may be even slightly gay?

>> No.15812117

Kys sodomite

>> No.15812122
File: 61 KB, 812x1024, 1541816928319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engaging in animalistic buttfucking shit-dick faggotry is a prerequisite to dress well

>> No.15812182

Did he get a nose job??

>> No.15812193
File: 210 KB, 598x711, 1607939804599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15812200

whole lotta newfags in this thread
I don't like gays either but twinks occasionally make my dick wink and gays are a necessary part of fashion

>> No.15812206

oof. I think makeup causes peoples' skin to be so super-shitty, perpetuating the need for makeup.

>> No.15813000

>beards went out of fashion some 5+ years ago
bruh stop being a nigger its a beard
>omg hes wearing a beard thats so out so cringeee

>> No.15813023

James Charles is embarrassing. He ruins everyone he meets.

>> No.15813035

>Why be ugly when you can be ugly?

>> No.15813072

Well because i dont enjoy sucking dick

>> No.15813097

kill yourself

>> No.15813205
File: 135 KB, 828x1024, 1602267661455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level

>> No.15813451

James Charles looks like shit with or without makeup.

>> No.15813678

I'm so fucking shit at makeup. I don't understand how people can cover their pimples up as well as he clearly has, every time I do the whole shebang you can either still see the pimple or you can see the caked on makeup. How the fuck do they always look airbrushed????

>> No.15813690

photoshop and good lighting

>> No.15813694

It still takes like an hour + of work every day
It will fuck your skin up

Who gives a fuck how much it costs?

>> No.15813721

Look up wayne goss.
Also makeup works best when it's subtle. If you have some redness that you want to hide that's when makeup really shines. If you have a pizzaface you probably don't want to use makeup.

It takes 5-10 minutes to get a professional result as a man. If it takes an hour you're using too much. Then it takes 5 minutes to remove.

>> No.15813724

That's the instagram / photoshoot makeup. Don't try to do what he's doing. You look like a drag queen if you're a man or like an actual whore if you're a woman.
That style of makeup is meant to be photographed and then photoshopped.

>> No.15813743

A lightweight foundation won't fuck your skin up. You're meant to be wearing sunscreen when you go out anyway and they aren't much different. If you use a primer with SPF protection you don't even need the sunscreen.

>> No.15813747

>If you use a primer with SPF protection you don't even need the sunscreen.


>> No.15813756

You are wrong. Diorskin primer has SPF 20 PA++, if it's not summer that's plenty enough.

>> No.15813775

Didn’t even read any of the thread just came to say that james charles is based.

>> No.15813782

Nice try, cosmetics industry.
You can't, and won't, ever, fool men like you've been fooling women to part with their money.

Men are not ugly. Men are beautiful, and they have never needed to wear makeup to achieve this.

The real goal is to get women to STOP wearing makeup. Sure, it makes them look prettier in the moment, but sustained daily use causes all kinds of horrible results in the wearer's actual skin and hair, causing enough damage to actually cause premature aging. But then, since they start to look older (due to excessive makeup use) they then double-down on the makeup because now they NEED it to look good.
This wouldn't have even happened if women weren't so socially dependent. Manipulating women is as easy as starting a fashion trend. Once enough women are doing it, toxic femininity will do the rest, and before you know it, the female consumers themselves have enforced the new social mandate amongst each other.

It's like a fucking drug addiction. They get you with the good feelings at first, but then you start to feel empty without it, and then you start going into withdrawal without it, and before you know it, you NEED it every day just to survive (whereas you didn't need it at all before), and end up spending more money than you can even afford just to get your fix.

Men won't fall for it, because they are just more independent, can think for themselves.
>But everyone will think you're ugly!
Sure, but will I think I'm ugly? No? Then fuck off you manipulative shill.

>> No.15813798

Women are so fucking dumb. This faggot is better at makeup than most bitches.

>> No.15813879

I would let him pulverize my anus but that says more about me I would think

>> No.15814023

>Why be ugly when you can wear makeup
Or have a skincare regimen. Better than making your skin shiny as a lollypop

>> No.15814234
File: 55 KB, 258x360, lamo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
Holy fuck my sides, what does this nigga eat? pure frying oil? jeeeeez no wonder hes so good at make-up gotta hid the fucking mounds on his nose, like why is he so fucking greasy? looks like he eats nothing but hot pockets for every meal. seriously to dudes thinking they need make up, you dont, just get a better diet and do some basic skin care you'll look better then who ever this dude is even with his make-up and better then a lot of people at least in skin department.

>> No.15814523

I'm sorry you have such shit taste Anon, there are hotter men to pulverize your anus

>> No.15815637
File: 76 KB, 540x720, E81BEE45-BF52-4D0D-BF94-F1592AA6407D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15815678


>> No.15816060

>You're meant to be wearing sunscreen when you go out anyway
Didn't know out primal ancestors had access to sunscreen

>> No.15816065

I don't think this has anything to do with their diet. People who do shit like this are in a constant cycle of dependency. They start wearing makeup to hide their shitty skin (which might have been a result of their diet) and then the makeup starts fucking their skin up even more, so now they have to wear makeup constantly to hide it, which only worsens their skin condition, forcing them to wear more makeup and so goes the cycle.

>> No.15817396

You're all retarded.
First there is no way to make your makeup look like in that picture. It's Photoshop/facetune, lighting, posing. A lot of the time the face changing shadows only work in one specific angle and irl you look stupid.
Second, make up does not affect the skin much (maybe if youre allergic or something or if you don't wash it off in the evening like a retard). Obviously you'd want some active ingredient products in your routine zinc, niacinamide, retinol etc
Third, diet can improve skin. Less diary help a lot of people but doesn't have to, acne can be cause by many factors.
Fourth, wear a sunscreen you dumbasses.

>> No.15817402


>> No.15817412

Argument misrepresentation

>> No.15817505

I recently learned that you can be a fag but not be into buttsex.
Now I'm not so sure about my sexuality anymore

>> No.15817522

Fuck why can't politicians get beards again? At least for scandi politicians it's somewhat acceptable, right-wing politicians have been growing them for some years now. I might seriously vote based on the best beard in the next election.

>> No.15817532

Pic related, one of the ugliest beards in history but he looks like an incel anyway.

>> No.15817536
File: 13 KB, 468x264, 54ec40c7090b40b8abf7071ac0db5b97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck here's the pic

>> No.15817538
File: 44 KB, 992x558, 1600198660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's his Swedish twin.

>> No.15817790

you'd be dead after the first time you press it

>> No.15818587

Despite what redditfags will tell you; most girls don't want to be dating a femenine man.

>> No.15818705

never understood why ppl think wearing too much makup looks good...

>> No.15818925

>you can't dress nice unless you suck dick

>> No.15819898


>> No.15820788

>don't be a faggot.
Keeping men ugly since 1920

>> No.15821204

bruh wash your fucking face lmao