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File: 824 KB, 1291x1331, 20201222_001125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15807083 No.15807083 [Reply] [Original]

I wanted a sketchy monster tattoo design and this what I've got
But I am not sure anymore if this is ok tier or not

>> No.15807086

If you are gay I think it looks fine

>> No.15807088
File: 237 KB, 1080x1196, 2018-03-10 16.26.36 1732314452675866889_2202794320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't ever be able to date a hot girl

>> No.15807093

thumbnail looked like a furry dog so yes

>> No.15807115

ya that looks like shit
real immature and the style is wack

>> No.15807118

What is wrong with your penis?

>> No.15807119

Looks like something you would doodle on a notepad when you're 12 in school.

Heh, once again tattoo users outwardly show us their mental state.

>> No.15807126
File: 25 KB, 235x294, ed881b1e0824a4ac4a2f0efe521fb9cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're at least aware that your tattoo is fan art for the video game "OFF".

>> No.15807127

Next time you want to deface your body - I can make a better de$ign for you

Also it’s kinda too late for second thoughts...it’s time for the coping

>> No.15807133

Op here, i Feel so bad right now

What is my best bet : laser or trying To cover it ?

>> No.15807134

sweet jesus

>> No.15807136

cringe. I'd cut off my leg if I couldn't get that removed. good job scarring yourself

>> No.15807139

Op here, also I’m transgender if that matters

>> No.15807138

Your best bet is to own it and love it like it is a part of your body, because it is now.

>> No.15807140

put me in screencap

>> No.15807147

Let's see that bussy

>> No.15807151

Become a really big fan of the game OFF and learn to like your tattoo. Exclusively date turbo-nerd girls who write fan fiction about OFF, Undertale, Homestuck, etc.

>> No.15807155

Well op here, and I know it is from this game, I really like it even if I hate the community

Thought the design was cool but I dont like it anymore as a tattoo

Feeling so bad right now

Dont know if I should go laser or cover up

>> No.15807165

What were you thinking when you got it?

>> No.15807168

If you like the game then it's not too bad. Just own it I guess. You could try to get it covered but make sure you go to a really fucking good artist that knows their shit when it comes to covering other tattoos. Might even be worth traveling for.

>> No.15807170

"owning it" is cope. Have it lasered off and don't get any more.

>> No.15807172

I wanted a tattoo badly and wanted something différent from something i like

But it ended being really ton big, it saoule have bien waay smaller

Now I regret it si much, I dont know how To cover it up

>> No.15807182

Its in a place you will rarely even see it. In the future don't get pointless tattoos.

>> No.15807195

Yeah I think I Will have to pay for this mistake
The good news is that it will be rarely seen
But once in bed it Will be cringe fest with the ladies

>> No.15807201

Alternatively, only get pointless tattoos.
If you get some flash piece because it looks cool then you're going to like it better than that character from an obscure video game you liked in your 20s because you wanted to be uNiQuE. My girlfriend is an ink-ho and all of her "meaningful" tattoos are trash and she's getting them covered. Her best tat is just some big ass snake she picked out from an artists flash book.

>> No.15807205

Yea, I have a shitty tattoo that my drunk friend gave me. While it's shitty, it has a funny story behind it.

When people see they have to ask about it because it's so shitty and I think they find it endearing when they hear how I got it.

Yours is shitty in design but well drawn so it looks too intentional to be funny.

>> No.15807212

i agree

>> No.15807220

Op here, Unfortunatly i have to agree
I learned this the hard way, wish i made it smaller, it would have been easier to cope with

>> No.15807228

It might look better if you got more tattoos on that thigh and turn it into a sleeve

>> No.15807238

Yeah, thats the dilemma

Trying To cover it up and adding other tattoos around, hoping for something less cringe

Or wait and go for the laser road

But it Will take years

>> No.15807300
File: 23 KB, 449x636, The batter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP ... that refrence is the literal first picture off Google when you look up that character lol

>> No.15807321
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, 13831345-1E7A-44DB-BA98-1A043A91581D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>compounded poor choices

>> No.15807326

I am the op, and it wasnt me
But it wont make my tattoo or my choices less shitty

>> No.15807329

Yeah I know
I love the game

But the tattoo should have been a small reference
Not destroying my entire leg

Now I regret so much

>> No.15807332

honestly? the outline's good and there's some nice splatter effects

it looks bad because the ink is so faded, so it isn't as striking as you'd like it to be

you could try removing it, or consider salvaging it with another tattoo artist

maybe darken it up for better contrast? or instead add more colors? don't know, but worth getting a second opinion from a better artist

>> No.15807346

It's not bad, the guy was amateur. Go to a professional and have him work on it once it's done healing, it looks unfinished. Dude looks like he did it with a buck knife, must have been fun. Like someone else said, add more around it. Fuck laser removal.

>> No.15807360

I thought it was on your shoulder and your tshirt was pulled up exposing your back for about 5 minutes before I realized that is your thigh?

>> No.15807434
File: 10 KB, 400x400, f8bb34e74c9b5a99ecbfbaad03a9827d_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice Furry tattoo faggot!

>> No.15807473

Have you considered stopping for just one second, taking a breath and considering the shit you do? Lucky life lesson I suppose.

>> No.15807474

post more bulge

>> No.15808016

Did you ask the tattooer to make it smaller when you saw the drawing/stencil?

>> No.15808019

Is tattoo removal feasible?

>> No.15808120
File: 2.23 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rick the stick is that you?

>> No.15808138

you fucked up pretty bad bro

>> No.15808143

All tattoos are shit. So, be default, yes.

>> No.15808161

Most people arent. Has nothing to do with tattoos

>> No.15808181

Yes, I agree with this. Tattoos are only ever cool when got solely for the sake of getting a tattoo.

>> No.15808216


Depends on how much faded it is, laser maybe 2-3 times then make a cover-up, go to someone who has a good reputation.

If you're gonna cover with some Asian style tattoo, make sure the head faces forward and doesn't look at your dick.

And choose something that has more of a forever meaning than "oh I like this thing for the moment" stuff, enough people has that, and when it comes to legs, make full leg or nothing when it comes to upper thigh tattoo, that is my opinion.

>> No.15808274
File: 1.28 MB, 320x168, 6ef.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I miss Jeremy Brett. He's was and will always be the best Sherlock.

>> No.15808284

I Will take these advices wisely, thanks for the help

I am so ashamed right now

>> No.15808304

>having something related to videogames

instant onions

>> No.15808307

don't worry faggot, in 3 moths you'll forget you have a tattoo. Happens every time

>> No.15808325

haha, are you french?

It's legit terrible, sucks to be you.

>> No.15808500
File: 165 KB, 1144x1512, coomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15808520

It looks fine. The ball cap is a little strange and I would have leaned harder into the monster them bit its by no means bad

>> No.15808536

Tattooing a coomer meme is better than op's pic.