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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 139 KB, 900x1200, D7Sh54OWsAMLpGb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15798943 No.15798943 [Reply] [Original]

How to get a style like that? and what product to use?

>> No.15798954
File: 43 KB, 433x598, 279946h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this dude got assblasted in numerous movies by pic related, i'm not gay, but this makes me diamond.

>> No.15799088

Lmao the man face

>> No.15799090

Still hot for me.

>> No.15799112

>what product

>> No.15799150

Hormones don't affect hair structure.

>> No.15799156

>tfw no piss drinker bf gf

why this guy specifically? they've had plenty of assblastin' filmed so why does it need to be this bald dude? you could've tricked me into thinking that you weren't gay if you just wanted to see them get fucked, but wanting a specific fucker? gay.

>> No.15799166
File: 15 KB, 413x355, mpv-shot0345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this haircut called?

>> No.15799168

increases volume and natural pattern + stops hair loss, as a tranny it's what saved my hair.

>> No.15799176

>stops hair loss
If you suffer from MPB, then Finasteride can do that as well.
>increases volume
I guess? Though some people have thick hair naturally so this is genetic thing.
>Natural pattern
What is that?
But still structurally female hair is the same as male hair.

>> No.15799190

Finasteride is a testosterone blocker, the thing trans people take for their whole life and start before taking hormones.
Hair volume is genetic yes, but balding takes that away, and balding is accelerated with testosterone, which is why females have a hard time balding/only do when they're older.
Hair pattern as in straight, curly, wavy or anything in between that you naturally have in a genetic way without any perms or anything of sorts.

>> No.15799214

That dude is 6 ft 5 in height, the feminine dude smaller. I love how a more masculine dude dominates a guy who meant to be a girl. That's actually peak attraction between masculine and feminine phenotype

>> No.15799228

You can easily have this style all you need is Bleach and a hair straightener

>> No.15799230

damn, he almost pass

>> No.15799234

I've given up, between /ck/, /fit/ and /fa/ I can no longer keep lying; I would totally smash so many traps and I admit its gay as fuck. Ella is a cutie.

>> No.15799240

>its gay as fuck

I almost puke if i see two masculine guys fuck eachother, but if a masculine guy dominates a feminine trap or shemale, that's my weakpoint.
I mean i love fucking real pussy, but dominating a guy into a women and then fuck her like one is the height of female attraction for me.

>> No.15799255

he looks exactly like my sis husband lmao.

>> No.15799256

>Finasteride is a testosterone blocker
it aint
it actually stops test from being converted to DHT
why tf you typing that long ass paragraph if you dont got the answer lmao

>> No.15799268

>it actually stops test from being converted to DHT
It's an antiendrogen.
Also known as a testosteone blocker.
I hate how people on here are so smug but they can't even google things they have no fucking idea about, holy fuck.

>> No.15799271


>> No.15799280

Are you really that dense ? its not a test blocker
it blocks an enzyme (5α-reductase)
i dont use google for this, i study medicine lol

>> No.15799289

Sure, then correct Wikipedia:
>Antiandrogens, also known as androgen antagonists or testosterone blockers, are a class of drugs that prevent androgens like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from mediating their biological effects in the body. They act by blocking the androgen receptor (AR) and/or inhibiting or suppressing androgen production. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiandrogen
>Finasteride is a 5α-reductase inhibitor and therefore an antiandrogen. It works by decreasing the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by about 70%, including in the prostate gland and the scalp. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride

>> No.15799294
File: 1.11 MB, 2036x3643, 0EC1BC3C-BC50-45B0-9D47-CC933E052705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only hair oil and sea salt spray

>> No.15799300

if you use correct nomenclature, finasteride is actually not an antiandrogen but a enzyme inhibitor
i just looked up your wikipedia article and even there it states:
>However, some authors do not define finasteride as an "antiandrogen," a term which can refer more specifically to antagonists of the androgen receptor
i wouldnt use wikipedia as a source for medical information

>> No.15799310
File: 160 KB, 1500x875, best-long-hair-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to properly apply styling products for long-ish hair, about pic related length.
Also what styling product is better to use for silky fine hair?

>> No.15799311

which hair oil ?

>> No.15799316

I guess you're right but it's a bit of a technicality (excuse the dumb phrasing as it isn't my field of expertise, I'd say that it only "blocks" a part of the hormone and not the whole thing), I don't use Wikipedia (or anything on the internet) for info on how to treat anything, I just google information to check if people are lying or not.

>> No.15799329

>I hate how people on here are so smug but they can't even google things they have no fucking idea about, holy fuck.

>> No.15799334

What's your point? I'll take the L but the internet lied to me and I was still right in saying that testoerone causes hair loss.

>> No.15799339

>Finasteride is a testosterone blocker
retard alert

>> No.15799340

we've gone over this read the fucking thread

>> No.15799343

Amazing hair, bad everything else

>> No.15799362
File: 1.13 MB, 1188x2208, 06BB75DE-B65C-43A3-8978-7DF8F43F8E03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some random

>> No.15799409

How does that hair style stay in place?
My hair always fall on my face like some emo kid.

>> No.15799459

I wasn't talking about your face btw, I should clarify - I don't like your clothes. They'd look good if you were bigger.

>> No.15799469
File: 567 KB, 2048x2048, 4cbff1e7ffc9181284cbf436e06c4105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should transition

>> No.15799630
File: 51 KB, 750x579, 558EFBCF-3C60-4010-AD83-9C6D9107F09E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got off the roids to get my handsome face back that’s why everything is oversize now

>> No.15799636

That guy trashing your outfit is out of it. The fit looks good, especially with the chunky turtle neck underneath

>> No.15799765
File: 44 KB, 625x614, 1605047390754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense, good you're off the roids then.

>> No.15801009

The hair thread became a faggot whoremoans thread with poorfag horsefucker

>> No.15801014

>Finn is a test blocker

>> No.15801024

Shut the fuck up tranny trying to be smart lol

>> No.15801072

mmmm....was just getting *her* videos!
Yulia Masakowa if you’re interested.

>> No.15801084

>to get my handsome face back
lol forget about it, your face is changed for life, just your muscles are going to disappear. I hope the 1 or 2 years or whatever of looking like a roided freak were worth it.

>> No.15801115

how did test change your face ? i thought test makes your face more handsome ?

>> No.15801155

bobs and vegana

>> No.15801193

No that’s Tren and Tren gave me a morge mqsculine face but test swells your face up gets you more moonface and water and Tren makes you age like fuck really since I reduced my weekly test to 250mg max I got way more compliments for my face
And really girls care way more about face then body

>> No.15801218

Based boomer your wife is fat you attention whoring fuck

>> No.15801220


>> No.15801328

My penis is confused now wtf

>> No.15801349

That guy is like in 90% of all tranny porn. I think he runs another site where he only fucks really fat chicks.

>> No.15801386
File: 178 KB, 1200x900, ADFE18BD-E91B-4E4E-B7A3-4366E0D6783F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this hairstyle?

>> No.15801424 [DELETED] 

she's really cute I just wish they'd put her in cute-on-cute transbian scenes or rapey scenes with fucked up looking creeps like in facialabuse. the guy she's always with is boring and doesn't cater to any of my fetishes.

>> No.15801478

>hair heavily shedding for years
>run hands through hair, get two massive handfuls of fallen out hair
>no matter how many times I do this it’s the same result
>massive piles of hair always stuck in laundry, shower drain
>stray hairs all over my house
>hair has broken vacuum
>hair on head never thinned or receded

>after 4 years of shedding receive covid diagnosis
>spend 1 week doing nothing but sleeping as much as I want, eating junk food watching tv
>doing absolutely nothing that would cause any discomfort
>getting an extra 3 hours of sleep per night
>shedding stopped completely
>it’s like night and day difference

Does anybody have any idea what caused this? How can I keep this ball rolling?

Tldr hair loss stopped suddenly

>> No.15801481 [DELETED] 

reduce and manage stress. no one can tell you exactly how to do this because everyone has different life circumstances

>> No.15801487
File: 135 KB, 823x1338, abc94b68ed297dbf713bd7a7b44b5495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine all the cum he already had up his ass, would like to know if cum from other dudes have a feminizing effect on the body, especially when taken it up the ass.

>> No.15801977
File: 214 KB, 323x570, soylent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine all the cum he already had up his ass, would like to know if cum from other dudes have a feminizing effect on the body, especially when taken it up the ass.

>> No.15801988

Why would cum have feminizing effects anon

>> No.15802010

Dunno a Trap absorbs the DNA of another dude by his rectum if he cums bare. It's like the nature equivalent of impregnating a female.
It's hoter than actual creampying a female.
The feminine dude gets degraded by a much stronger men, due to the fact that he must carry the DNA of another guy.

>> No.15802062

Thats a weir fetish

Id say its /fa/

>> No.15802100

if you actually believe theres feminizing effects in semen ur retarded. if acting like it does makes your dick harder then thats okay

>> No.15802109

Yeah, that’s Christian XXX and he does BBW too. I hate seeing him in vids.

>> No.15802115

if that's a dude I'm gay

>> No.15802133
File: 91 KB, 1080x1080, 09aea2a3f2d4f82a8b8d36a11d8d41ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a dude, nothing gay for fucking a feminine guy, all our senses ringle if we notice feminine bodyparts.

>> No.15802139

Whatever this thing is I need to breed with it

>> No.15802250

nice haircare thread /fa/ggots