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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 386 KB, 1600x900, 2020-workwear-lead-1606253334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15791995 No.15791995 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it s*y aesthetic?

>> No.15791998
File: 10 KB, 900x900, 1574335896109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Mexican mutt but the guy on the right that outfit doesn't match his face for some reason. Feelsbad I'm shitting on a fellow Latin American brethren.

>> No.15792002
File: 301 KB, 1365x2048, jl8xFYJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15792004

The outfits aren't that bad, it reeks of zoomers vibes but that doesn't lower its quality. It's just you faggots hate anything the younger generation likes, but then again each generation shits on each other lmao

>> No.15792007

What makes it zoomer vibes?

>> No.15792009

>weird facial structure
>patchy beard
>shoes that clash with the whole outfit, hence ruining it

>> No.15792019
File: 100 KB, 1200x1127, 1554329105364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>condom beanie or baseball cap
>some variant of a crossbody bag
>workwear styled jacket
>necklaces and multiple rings
Should I go on?

>> No.15792021

It looks like he’s working in the fields.

>> No.15792027
File: 3.95 MB, 1600x2000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ground Cover boots might be 100% real "soi" but they look fucking great

>> No.15792048 [DELETED] 

the ken iijima

>> No.15792059

the ken iijima special

>> No.15792061

do you have a pair? was kind of tempted to buy a pair because i’m looking for a black pair of combat boots but for that price i could get hedi era rangers

>> No.15792062


>> No.15792068

no but I have a friend who had them, the only Hedi boots I really like are VOTC and Navigates, so I'd say to get these rather than SLP rangers but that's up to you man

>> No.15792695

this and the middle fit are good

>> No.15792717

>Nikes with literally fucking everything ever

Why? The left one looks okay but the middle one I mean, especially when brand new glowing white, sad...

>> No.15792722

Middle fit is good, would be better without the horrible jacket and if the shoes were less hideously bright white. The other two look like shite, and >>15792002 just looks like a graphic designer.

>> No.15792750

would look better without the ginger stubble and he should lift more before smiling, looks like a pussy. fit is really nice though imo, would look better with sloppier cuffing on the jeans and a crew neck sweatshirt instead of the hoodie

>> No.15792954

anytime you're wearing bad stuff ironically, it's onions. a normie wearing the same bad clothes unironically would look better because at least that whole thing would make sense.

>> No.15792961
File: 77 KB, 480x616, dickies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The aesthetic isn't onions. It's workwear. What's S*Y is the FAGGOTS in the clothes. Look at their gay ass posture.

>> No.15793032

The fit is alright but the dude himself just looks like a total s*y

>> No.15794148

it's the jeans, it makes his proportions look janky.

>> No.15794719

your one of those self hating mexicans. puke the conditioning out brother

>> No.15794729

i'm not american , if i was american i would have already killed as many of your goblinos for invading my country a long time ago

i'm just watching how the greatest country of the world is becoming a shithole

but yeah it isn't my country i just feel sad watching a country i admired being destroyed

>> No.15794798

>but yeah it isn't my country i just feel sad watching a country i admired being destroyed

Why would you admire america?, it's even worse than Britain where i live and that's saying something.

>> No.15794849

middle fit sucks
>brand new shoes
>polyester pants
>paired with 3 items with a worn patina to them

these anons are retards

>> No.15794858

soi this soi that look I don't like those clothes but who cares as long as they do? why are you on a fashion board if you don't like expressing themselves through their clothes?

>> No.15794863

yeah I'm from america this shit sucks fr

>> No.15795787

The same people accelerating the downfall are tech fags and yuppies.

>> No.15795799

His face is shaped normally, his beard isn't patchy, and the duck boots are fine with the rest of the outfit. Sure, it's onions, but that's just because all normal dude fashion is onions here.

>> No.15795807

They are overdressed, urban, average/below average looking grown men

>> No.15795829

honestly I love the upper half but it seems so disconnected from the bottom that it kinda gets ruined

>> No.15795844

How on earth does a hoodie and a bomber feel disconnected from jeans and a pair of LL Bean gumshoes? I want to believe your criticism is coming from an earnest place, even if I can't make sense of it, but too much of the criticism on /fa/ is unmoored entirely from anything substantive. That said, my initial question was written in earnest; again, what makes the jeans and shoes feel disconnected from the rest?

>> No.15796078

But I am mutt tho I am not saying that in a depricating manner. I'm simply stating a fact fren.

>> No.15796080
File: 22 KB, 418x359, 1569296318218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15796183

id on that fleece jacket on the left?

>> No.15796514


>> No.15796868

Urban weak pussies wearing workwear clothing

>> No.15797104

I think I don't like these fits because the models seem so uncomfortable. They don't feel like they can live in those clothes, like they're wearing a costume.

Uncanny valley sorta thing

>> No.15797184

First fit is bad because condom beanie and tiny purse sized bag. This is typical zoomer trendy though so some people obviously like it.

Second fit just looks really feminine. The lack of collar/lapels on the jacket combined with the deeper cut of the neckline, rounded hems, and cropped length evokes womens' business jackets.
The pants are cut too widely to be worn without a suit. They end up looking flowy instead of just straight cut. Hell, they're almost wider than the shoulders of the jacket. The material and patterning of the pants is too formal for the rest of the outfit, especially the bag, which is the busiest piece of the fit. Everything looks too new as well, which makes the whole thing look forced, like he dressed up in new clothing just to take a photo of himself.

Third dude is short and the whole fit is highlighting that. The jacket is a size too big and makes him look like he's swimming in it. The bag is huge and dwarfs him. The jeans are theoretically fine until you reach that giant ass cuff that provides a strong visual break and makes him look stumpier than he already is. This fit is salvageable by hemming the jeans, sizing down on the jacket, and ditching the bag.

Imo there's a level of cringe inherent to all fit pics anyway. You dressed up and posed for a photo so you could show people on the internet your clothing. It's kind of the antithesis of effortless regardless of how natural the outfit looks. It's admittedly really difficult to pose alone for a casual photo without looking at least a little awkward.

This guy looks fine. The color palette is really nice and the pieces all match levels of casualness. The choice to put the double zip way up on the chest makes the bomber flare out a bit much at the waist but it's not that bad. I guess the worst bit is the way the jeans are folding all awkwardly below the knee because they're slightly too long.

>> No.15797903

That's latinx to you wetback

>> No.15797906

>Actually debating giving your money to that narcissistic jew

Yeah lemme shell out big money to wear paper fucking boots lmao

>> No.15797924 [DELETED] 

fuck outta here with that gay shit

nobody in Latin America even uses that term, even the ones living in western countries as well. It’s only the pearl necklace clutching faggots who look down onto others from their ivory towers

>> No.15797935

fuck outta here with that gay shit

nobody in Latin America even uses that term, even the ones living in western countries as well. It’s only the pearl necklace clutching faggots who shelter themselves into their ivory towers who use that term amongst themselves.

>> No.15797940

>t. has never owned or seen a pair in person
did fa tell you to hate avery or are you just envious of his life?

>> No.15797945

Just got linked to this board from /g/. Someone posted a link to /fa/ in response to a picture of an Apple computer because apparently this board is as gay as Apple.

But anyway, I just have to ask. Are zoomer "men" actually, unironically wearing purses nowadays? How did we reach this point?

>> No.15797952

not baiting but what is Latinx? In simple terms.

>> No.15797953

>any bag with a singular strap is a purse
when did /g/ get so retarded?

>> No.15797957

It's a term invented by snowflake gender faggots because they're offended that Spanish has gendered nouns. The x is meant to replace the o or a. So instead of Latino (male) and Latina (female), it's Latinx for gender neutral.

>> No.15797963

Come on now. The only one of these that you could possibly defend as not being a purse is the one on the far right, and it's still kinda girly. The other two though? Full on purse.

>> No.15797978
File: 209 KB, 1024x768, Latin X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15798031
File: 1017 KB, 852x698, tops be like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's math autists trying to make linguistic equivalents

>> No.15798049

stfu beaner, you're gendered nouns is fucking stupid so we anglicized it to make it not retarded.

>> No.15798052

Don't worry bro, I'm sure he'll feature in the next ground cover community post just keep tagging them on insta

>> No.15798288

Looks like every dudes in his 20s in Vancouver

>> No.15798291

it's always this exact combination too

>> No.15798299

and maybe one day you'll stop being such an insufferable nigger, but i wouldn't put my money on it

>> No.15798309

Left isn't bad at all and the pants and shoes from the middle fit aren't bad too. It's the fit on the right and >>15792002 that look really s*y

>> No.15798575

Dude America fucking sucks. Landscape is gorgeous but Americans are the dumbest motherfuckers around. Source: American.

>> No.15799948

its fake. fashion should be an expression of your life and personality. these people never worked a day in their life. just adopting the look

>> No.15801460

This shit looks retarded, the pants are ill-fitting in every pic and the colors don't match. It's like they chose an aesthetic for the pants then gave up on the rest of the fit.
There is also a strong lack of personality. They're being worn by their own clothes.

>> No.15801495

Wdym. Literally all 3 of these photos have a different aesthetic to them.
This one is based. Reminds me of Visvim or any iteration of Japanese Americana.

>> No.15801656

>incel aesthetic


>> No.15803039

It's because he's trying to hard to be white