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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 135 KB, 960x960, pq1jedftf5561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15789901 No.15789901 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ before and after pics

>> No.15789905

even gayer

>> No.15789906

Ugly nerd
Ugly nerd in badly fitting cosplay

>> No.15789911

His hair got worse

>> No.15789916

Looks like what you'd get if you told an 8 y/o to draw a "businessman", which checks out cuz that person looks like they're 8

>> No.15789927

He learned how to center his belt buckle. lol

>> No.15789929

Buy. Conditioner.

holy fuck dewd.....

>> No.15789930

Not to my taste but definitely an improvement, obvious Dr Who comparisons aside
Keep going and never give up

>> No.15789931

looks based in the second pic, you niggas are just jealous

>> No.15789935

wtc that trench coat

>> No.15789940

how should I know

>> No.15789948

Maybe someone else will

>> No.15789954

Damn some people are so fucking ugly on the inside you guys post like a cheesy hallmark movie on cyberbullying

>> No.15789958

Do you know where you are

>> No.15789963

why does every bulldyke lesbian dress like the left panel

>> No.15789972

Yeah and it sucks. This place used to be a lot more about ushing boundaries of fashion and trying new things. Now it's just relentless shitposting because half the user base, like you, thinks "hey this is le epic anonymoose 4chan where we're supposed to tank the quality of every board instead of actually discussing fashion"

>> No.15789977

future schoolshootercore

>> No.15789979

i dont think that guy could even smack a girl's ass let alone pull the trigger to murder multiple people

>> No.15789982

okay fine bro i'll give you a minimum effort of why it looks like shit
>poorly fitting
>sholders too long
>arms too long
>biceps too wide
>wrists too wide
>jeans are too long and don't fit correctly, they look like a boot fit but even so they're too bagg and big
>tie goes too far below the best
>tie clashes badly with the shirt color (this tie would only look okay on a white shirt)
>shoes look cheap and are obviously bonded leather china shit
>button down collar
>everything is wrinkled, buy a fucking iron
you happy now boy?

>> No.15789989

The latter takes less courage for an incel.

>> No.15789993

forgot to add, very cheap and obviously crappy belt, wear a full grain leather belt or just go without a belt it looks BAD

>> No.15789996

Yes, thank you, see how much higher quality your post is? Imagine if everyone posted like that!

>> No.15789999

it takes less courage to be a multiple mass murderer than to slap a girl's butt?

are you on drugs lol, or just from reddit

>> No.15790002

imagine if OP read the fucking sticky

>> No.15790008

In a way he is unironically right. Incels can't interact with women because they are psychologically unable to, due to emotional abuse from their mothers. Killing people is a natural human instinct, everybody is capable of murder.

>> No.15790017

>just go without a belt
This, but always. Belts are a meme and a statement that your trousers don't fit you properly.

>> No.15790024

Depends, if you're wearing a jacket, blazer, etc. I'd say go with suspenders if you're going for a more dressy look.

>> No.15790043

Why would you wear something you don't need to wear? Neither suspenders nor belt add anything meaningful to the outfit. On the contrary.

>> No.15790047

This image is from reddit

>> No.15790053

And how would you know that, dear anon?

>> No.15790055

Suspenders can add something to the outfit if you wear them in certain ways, but for most people you're probably right. Belt can look nice if it's obviously high quality, matches with your shoes, and has a minimalist but eye-catching belt buckle.

>> No.15790093

I thought this place used to better about responding to bait, but clearly it isn't

>> No.15790095
File: 236 KB, 691x625, 1606675391673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not know how reverse image search works?

>> No.15790126

Lmao @ at all the praise he's getting for his ridiculous fit. Downright evil to delude a kid like that.

>> No.15790151

right would be ok if not for absolute shit fit, overlong coat, and messy hair
>you guys post like a cheesy hallmark movie on cyberbullying

>> No.15790163

>absolute shit fit, overlong coat, and messy hair
so everything

>> No.15790170

the style itself is good. the items he chose could make a great outfit if they fit right. but the jeans are too loose and the coat is way too long. he looks like a kid in adults clothing

>> No.15790177

>that coat
>wearing a dress shirt and tie with jeans
>that haircut
left is better if he wasn't fat

>> No.15790199

That coat is honestly so fucking terrible, get a proper trench coat ffs

>> No.15790202

Ok I see what you mean

>> No.15790203

wouldn't be too bad if everything fit and he got a haircut, but as it stands it's legit worse than not even trying

>> No.15790207

Looks like a paper bag lmao

>> No.15790208

He did lose a lot of weight so he's got that going for him

>> No.15790212


>> No.15790273

this looks fucking horrible, but I would be lying if i said there aint an improvement

>> No.15790277

>the style itself is good
It looks like a complete larp, you mong.

>> No.15790289

Is the haircut that bad?

>> No.15790311
File: 987 KB, 500x361, 8f6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly it would be a more beautiful world
See how I can articulate my thoughts with unique sentences while you repost one-word low-effort /pol/ memes from 2018? That's what I'm talking about with lower board quality

>> No.15790352

if he got rid of the tie and sorted his hair out it'd look perfectly acceptable except for the fit, i dont know what you're on about.

>> No.15790354

Coping streetfag

>> No.15790360

button-down shirts are never acceptable in 2020

>> No.15790366

ok lad

>> No.15790418

dissociation to the level of mass murder is not easier than dissociation enough to randomly even assault women

>> No.15790431

I meant to write button-down collars, which is quite a difference.

>> No.15790435

fucking gay retard hate this guy

>> No.15790443

fork handles

>> No.15790931

>Jeans with a button down and tie

>> No.15790962

The kid looks 14 give him a break

>> No.15790971

he looks 40, his hairline is receding, he's almost bald

>> No.15791029

Hey bro the fit on the right isn't great but it's a major step up from the left. keep improving brother

>> No.15791037

like at least in the left pic okay were doing loud shirt business look it doesn't really contradict his complexion so i can respect it but second pic is like 12 yr old at dr who con chique like wtf

>> No.15791039

looks like a Halloween costume

>> No.15791090

Literally never been like this

>> No.15791092

at least it's not on the outside

>> No.15791129

Go go Gadget faggot

>> No.15791407
File: 147 KB, 800x800, how-to-choose-mens-overcoat-17-800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not the best, i already said the tie is an overkill
but even then it could be done, just not by that kid (that's not a button down in the pic but still)

>> No.15791418

Are you using that pic as a good example? That is almost even worse than OPs awful fit

>> No.15791445

you're a certfied homosexual if you think anything in that pic looks good

>> No.15791459

He borrowed his dad’s tie and his mum’s trench coat

>> No.15791473

has /fa/ always been this easy to troll

>> No.15791475

faggot here

can confirm no gay person would dress like that, dude is just a straight pussy

>> No.15791531

Pants on the left legitimately fit better than the baggy ass jeans

>> No.15791535

Would be 10x less bad with anything other than skinny jeans

>> No.15791759

I think you should be required to submit a fit pic to even be allowed on /fa...

>> No.15791921

Terrible. Looks like a child pretend playing as an alcoholic detective whose wife recently left him for a guy named Dave.

>> No.15791950

Looks like he should be holding a cane in his right hand but he's just holding his headphones awkwardly

>> No.15791960

Yes but newfag coping zoomers made it even easier. they cant not take shitposts seriously