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/fa/ - Fashion

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15786379 No.15786379[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is hating communists effay?

>> No.15786390 [DELETED] 

No, I makes you look like Alex Jones supporter, who unknowingly gets cheated on by his wife/GF with a black guy.

>> No.15786391

No, it makes you look like an Alex Jones supporter, who unknowingly gets cheated on by his wife/GF with a black guy.

>> No.15786406

cool it with the cuck fantasies

>> No.15786493

Do you want to exude tiny dick energy? Dress like this.

>> No.15786540

you exude no dick energy, tranny

>> No.15786541

politics is never effay except advocating for progressivism because you want to have all the freedoms in the world to do whatever the fuck you want if you're not hurting others.

>> No.15786547

>to do whatever the fuck you want
how to ruin a society in 1 second

>> No.15786548

>want to have all the freedoms
>not hurting others

>> No.15786549

This sounds a lot more like libertarianism than progressivism.

Progressivism has been more closely associated with social changes by the way government dictation.

>> No.15786550

Progressivism is the opposite of having freedom.

>> No.15786557

First world sheltered spoiled cunty niggas be like.

>> No.15786562

you can't read
it does but right-wingers have stolen the term libertarian from the left when the great switch of youtube atheism into anti-sjw/alt-right rise happened.
by progressivism i mean in a purely social sense, striving for a place where people usually don't judge you for the shit you wear or how you look and generally keep an open mind about things.
it's so cute that your little brain was able to figure out how to use the speech-to-text function on your phone so that you could finally be able to hang out with people who generally have the same disabilities as you, but rest assured, we don't judge anyone here, you're always welcome.

>> No.15786573

Nice mental gymnastics, moron - back to your herd..

>> No.15786574

Go back
Shoo shoo

>> No.15786578


>> No.15786582

Alt right 80 IQ cunts don’t belong here. You’re just trying to be edgy and it’s obvious. Go back to your containment board.
The same goes for antifa fucks.

>> No.15786592

Falling for a politics is actually on a IQ level below 80. Politic is actually a code word for getting people hooked for personal gains.

>> No.15786596

This. Commies leave.

>> No.15786606

Yes and no.
If you don’t participate in politics and vote, you will get exactly the scenario you just described.
Being an incel with a maga hat, spitting as he yells meme slurs at people he wants to blame for his failures, is low IQ.
Wanting black, fat transgender females to take over the world because they’re sooo opressed and deserve it is on the same level of fucked

>> No.15786613

Didn't know that Tom Morello was a smoker.

>> No.15786654

>right-wingers have stolen the term libertarian from the left when the great switch...
Either you're missinformed or being intellectually dishonest. Alt-righter's are apposed to libertarians in general. Being that they support 'race-realisim' and wish to align society more towards race, alt-righters have never been associated with libertarians. Alot of the youtube libertarians that you speak of have been smeared as alt right when in reality they are just people who have observed the Fascistic behavior of the 'progressive' left and called them out for it.

>...generally keep an open mind about things.
I'm gussing you won't buy what i'm saying so just listen to the rhetoric of the progressive left and the libertarian right. Libertarians haven't always been on the center right of the US political spectrum, but the shit that progressives have been pushing since the turn of the 2010s has been pretty un-open to ideas of doing whatever you want, and have pushed the Overton window so that libertarians are now on the right side of the spectrum.

Regardless of all the Political shit
>Striving for a place where people usually don't judge you for the shit you wear of how you look
This is just irrational to think that you can ever create a place where people don't judge. Everyone judges everyone at any given time. IE why the fuck are you on an image board that looks for the judgement of anonymous people on the internet. Everyone plays the game of judgement. I think it would be better just to accept that people are different and just because they are dosen't mean that they arn't less human. Just that they're weird.

>> No.15786665

no it makes you a brainlet
kill yourself libtard

>> No.15786740

thanks for another thread which is totally not fa related and should never have been on this board

>> No.15786748

Yes, and fatass neck beards like you get to stay

>> No.15786762

thank you for contributing absolutely nothing to this board
fuck all of you and your dumb posts. go to /pol/ and stay there
this has nothing to do with fashion and has very little to do with lifestyle
stop making these dumb "is x effay?" just to get a reaction. go get a reaction somewhere else. go have your political discussions somewhere else


>> No.15786769

Not sure if you're baiting

>> No.15786776

>Either you're missinformed or being intellectually dishonest.
i really don't think so, if i am i wish you to call me out on it/point me to the truth.
>Alt-righter's are apposed to libertarians in general.
i agree, i never argued the contrary, however literal alt-right youtube channels could never call themselves outright nazis, from 2014 up until 2017 they used various terms to define themselves such as "identitarian", "right wing populist", "classical liberal", "traditional conservative" and many others, among them was "libertarian", adopted during the rise of jordan peterson, because being asked to call someone by their preferred pronouns was a violation of their freedoms. (btw 0 people have gone to jail from bill c16 so far)
>Alot of the youtube libertarians that you speak of have been smeared as alt right when in reality they are just people who have observed the Fascistic behavior of the 'progressive' left and called them out for it.
this is something i really don't understand from the right, how can you call something fascistic (right wing dictatorship based around death cults and discrimination) when the progressive left never held any power? all you've ever had were some opinion pieces in newspapers or buzzfeed, some people being retarded on twitter and at protests, against a right wing american president with both senate and house (for the first two years) and literal racist laws being implemented (north carolina voter id).
>libertarian right
who are these people? ancaps? does anyone actually take them seriously? i'll tell you the answer that's no.
>Libertarians haven't always been on the center right of the US political spectrum.
libertarianism is a subset of anarchism, it's supposed to be the most leftwing thing imaginable.
>progressives have been pushing since the turn of the 2010s has been pretty un-open to ideas of doing whatever you want

>> No.15786786

>This is just irrational to think that you can ever create a place where people don't judge.
i'm sorry if i worded myself incorrectly, but i meant that what i strive for is a place where people will judge you based on your value as a person and not based on preconcieved notions to apply to people to try to limit their expression as long as it's not hurting anyone. i.e. if some dude wants to wear a dress, and you want to judge him, do it based on the fact that he looks bad in it, not on the fact that dresses are for women therefore he looks bad in them because he's a man. and this is what i ideally strive for, i don't expect this to happen ever.

>> No.15786790

i'm sorry but i won't take you seriously until you start doing this everytime cecil says something or sieg and me start bickering about some random bullshit that happened 15 years ago when they were still in their 20s

>> No.15786795

Im am >>15779778

>> No.15786798
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lets take out the trash

>> No.15786803

No. Counter culture is cool. Defending the President of the United States and the government establishment is the opposite of counter culture.

>> No.15786805
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>> No.15786811

Cool it, dope head!

>> No.15786817

why am I not surprised to find you here? let me guess, its you who once again started a bait thread here. fuck off cecil

stop fucking with my board or you will regret it. ive had enough of your shit

>> No.15786820

Yo momma, bitch boi.

>> No.15786822

cool, i'd gladly nuke myself off this site if it means he goes down with me. great work anon.

>> No.15786825
File: 114 KB, 578x301, 1604249906497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof that cecil starts all the dumb "is x effay?" threads here

suck a dick, ANTHONY DEVRON

>> No.15786833

>i've made post after post ranting about shitty "is this fa" or "how do i get a g/f like this" thread
>my post there was to mock those stupid threads

How fucking dumb are you? No, really? You'll also notice I have my trip on there. I never create anon threads.

>> No.15786864
File: 83 KB, 814x171, 1601946684158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you deleted the thread because you left your trips on. you can see the icon top right. one comment was left before you realized and deleted it

anyone else is free to check on warosu >>/fa/thread/S15773673

Also, Im still waiting on a pic or video (even better) of you wearing your larp battlejacket outside. Youre a faggot whos scared of the real world. Keep larping on 4chan from your feces ridden basement apartment.

>> No.15786874

Then a mod deleted it or whatever, I didn't delete shit, dumbass.

You keep creating fantasy stories in your head and believing them, using it to fuel your gay lust towards me.

Seek therapy. I'm sorry if rejection form me hit your hard but your lips are not going near my balls, that's for yo mommas.

>> No.15786894
File: 24 KB, 115x91, 1601064749042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok Cecil. Im already in contact with the FBI and they are very interested in you. For some reason they haven't been able to find you. I wonder why? ;)

Luckily Anthony Devron will soon be known to the system again.

I don't ever want to see you here again and maybe this is the only way.

>> No.15786898

PS. Don't ignore half my message. I want that picture on my desk by noon tomorrow. Stop larping. You sad little man. Scared to go outside so you take pictures in your shitty apartment so you can act all tough to people half your age on some mongolian basket weaving forum.

Take the pic or shut the fuck up.

>> No.15786902

pls no bro.. PLS!!

I soo sorry!!

How about I make it up to you by letting you suck a liquid dookie out of my asshole?

>mr fbi pls this post on 4chans needs your investigations


>> No.15786906

say that to my face and not online bitch boi

>> No.15786913

>4chan posts
are you forgetting about unichan already? you really thought that was all gone? /x/ saved plenty back in the day (as Im sure youre aware of)

Give me your address. Oh wait, I already have that. Thanks for downloading that pic the other day. I never thought you'd fall for it after I saw that video of you in which you explain how to save images from 4chan by using screenshots instead of directly downloading them.

Take the pic already you 4'8" pussy. No one is scared of you but you are scared of the world. Walk outside right now and take the pic. You claim to walk around like that every day and you have plenty of videos of you out and about. Whats the big deal? Scared?

PS. is it still comcast?

>> No.15786926
File: 189 KB, 596x222, yum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost all uni posters were feds and high up people. You've no idea what you're getting into.

>Give me your address.

Blah blah blah. Ohh supa dupa haxx0r when my address is in my name pretty much lol.

>Take the pic already

Take yo momma out of my room already lol


>> No.15786932
File: 47 KB, 306x479, cecil dishwasher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15786941
File: 179 KB, 1294x281, 1600512068410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he actually talks about all hsi shit jobs here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzzeFy0ctHk

yet he claims to have been in the army stationed overseas from 2003 but while also joining before 9/11

pic not rel. just one of my fave schizo rants by anthony devron

he also claims to be from compton but really he was a priviledged little boy who was homechooled by his mommy who still had to take care of him much later when she worked as a manager at a hotel/motel or wtvr

>> No.15786945
File: 26 KB, 619x174, 1588893211055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the girl in your pic actually think of you?

>> No.15786947

>my address is in my name pretty much
you dont actually live in seattle. is that why you said "pretty much"?

>> No.15786951

funny how the political discussions just stopped when cecil turned his trips on

stop instigating shit here you faggot

>> No.15786960
File: 96 KB, 1252x319, GAYLEB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When she would spread her teenage legs for me, you decide, breh.


Yeah I know it is you bitch boi. Galeb Aaron Robertson, eat a dick.

No I said "pretty much" because obviously it just says Seattle and not a direct address, idiot.

>> No.15786971

>Galeb Aaron Robertson
Someone is getting more paranoid than usual. Also, please check rule 4.

aka Niki.
Its no wonder she doesn't want to see or talk to you anymore.


>> No.15786979

Rule 4 does not apply to people not here, newfag dumbass.

Hurr durr u posted a models name rule 4 durr!!


So gay for me. Do you want a date? Little sausage is so sexually frustrated lol.

>> No.15786983
File: 29 KB, 648x244, 1576609916674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scared little boy acting tough

>> No.15786985

You knew I was Galeb and you still posted it

>> No.15786989

UR MAD lol

who is that what you're crazy dude take ur meds

>> No.15786993

talk shit post fit has never been more appropriate than now

Anthony Devron has been larping as Cecil the nazi for long enough.

You're a scared little boy. You're scared people will look at you. You're scared that someone will confront you. You're scared of big stong men who might hurt you. You're scared of frail old women who might give you dirty looks. You're scared of what might happen once you leave your safe little bubble. You're a subhuman and you know it.

Put down the moldy bread and post the picture, little boy.

PS. you never answered me. It's still comcast, right?

>> No.15787005

>It's still comcast, right?

No it's yo momma cast lol.


>> No.15787016

>hating communists make you alt right
i'm a liberal and i hate leftists

>> No.15787021

your webm doesnt work faggot.

>> No.15787034
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Pretty fucking cringe

>> No.15787182

Most definitely.
Being in mainstream fed-ridden honeypot groups like the Proud Boys isn't though.

>> No.15787319

>However literal alt-right youtube channels....among them was "libertarian."
'I guess if i label myself as a progressive and yet espouse neo-facisistic beliefs do i have the right to change the entire definition of what it means to be progressive'
Point is i have heard 1 or two people incorrectly align themselves to one category or the other in literally every context of society. This does not change the definition of what it means to be libertarian. I don't think this is a 'no true scotsman fallacy' either since i am simply defering to the definition of libertarian rather than an individual's claim to it.
>, because being asked to call someone by their preferred pronouns was a violation of their freedom.
This is intellectually honest at it's core. Being asked to use someone else's preferred pronouns is not the concern of the bill, but rather the refusal to use that pronoun. If you refuse to use a preferred pronoun despite being asked, it can be assumed to be a hate-crime/discrimination which is prosecutable.
2.1 Amendments to the Canadian Human Rights Act: "...lives that they are able and wish to have and to have their needs accommodated, consistent with their duties and obligations as members of society, without being hindered in or prevented from doing so by discriminatory practices.." (The discriminatory practice being the refusal of using the preferred pronoun)
>btw 0 people have gone to jail from bill c16
The bill is only 3 years old so it's unlikely that we have seen the full ramification of the bills effect. the concern has always been the loose definitions that can be extrapolated in future cases.

>how can you call something fascistic (right wing dictatorship based around death cults..)
Fascisim is not associated purely on the left or right, but rather on the ideology of how to assume and keep political power.

>...when the progressive left never held any power?
You should read Soviet literature. Lots of mentions about being progressive.