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File: 34 KB, 371x500, 66D776E1-A453-4CD1-B7A0-D641356351D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15776516 No.15776516 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15776590

The Armenian.

>> No.15776601

idk i have cat

>> No.15776617

A black cat.

>> No.15776622

A fucking puma. My uncle had one. /fa/ as fuck but honestly a horrible pet. He would walk it in downtown moscow.

>> No.15776757
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>> No.15776778

Cope. Cats are soi af.

>> No.15776802

Sure buddy. Dogs are for control freaks who need a sense of authority, cats are the true patrician's pet, the choice for those secure enough in themselves not to need something constantly giving them attention.
That said birds are also really nice, bonus points if you can train a crow or something

>> No.15776818

This is the truth, history and facts don’t lie
I know this might come as a shock but heckin pupperinos are infinitely more “soi” than cats.

>> No.15776840

come on dude my siberian cat is basically dog follows me around all the time

>> No.15776850

Cope harder soi cucks. You enjoy being treated as a lower creayure by your fucking pets. I've never met a man who likes cat more than dogs who was respectable.

>> No.15776861
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Dog fags think cats are all mean and unloving because they’re too low iq to understand that cats have boundaries and are very proud animals. That’s why you like dogs, you have zero empathy and just want a pet you can do whatever to and it wouldn’t know any better. Not to mention my cat is much more calm, independent, aesthetic, clean, and intelligent than a dog. I’ve had dogs as a kid and they require constant care, smell bad, occasionally shit in the house, and are loud as fuck.
Pic rel my cat

>> No.15777321
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>old Asian dude with a dog effortlessly mogs 90% of /fa/ without even trying

>> No.15777323

This has to be bait.

>> No.15777338
File: 29 KB, 500x342, 4AA55182-2F2B-48D0-807E-AF8429D54796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jack Russell terrier obviously

>> No.15777344


So much cat cope in this thread. I can sense the receding hairlines and cyberpunk 2077 preordere

>> No.15777366

Emu, not to be confused with an ostrich of course.

>> No.15777425

>cat cope
>I can sense the receding hairlines and cyberpunk 2077 preorder
Kek, you win this thread based anon

>> No.15777447
File: 3.90 MB, 4032x3008, ADD66981-8A58-4F7A-8FF1-E0C2E823A908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All animals are fa

>> No.15777476
File: 139 KB, 960x959, Theory-Poodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standard poodles. Walking 3 at the same time is very /fa/

>> No.15777480

wholesome post brother

>> No.15778496

Dark brindle Akita obviously pairs best with full yohji but what goes well with full Rick

>> No.15778520

Yes, that's the point of a pet, cats are objectively worse pets.

>> No.15778539
File: 1.07 MB, 640x640, crying with cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the point of a pet is to pick up shit
Let's just agree to disagree, shall we?

>> No.15778547
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>> No.15778716
File: 561 KB, 2048x2048, 983893E2-117F-465A-B25C-AB01E9A1B43C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Savannah cat, fennec fox or dark brindle Akita.
Everything else is söy
Also, living in countries where these pets are banned is söy squared

>> No.15778749

>dark brindle Akita
Their face looks like if their human is struggling to pull the collar off their head

>> No.15778751

Yeah you just prefer to shovel it right?

>> No.15778767

Sorry, but the only animals that are worth my time are animals that are solely used for their fur

Fuck "animal companions"
Animals are stupid, anyways

>> No.15778775

I'm sure you'll have people take this bait.

>> No.15778814


>> No.15779171

>Savannah cat
mah nigga

>> No.15779180

Why not bengal cat?

>> No.15779547

I like big dog energy, they provide a lot of space for cuddles and crying into

>> No.15779716

Dog cause their loyal and loyal is a trait people don't have nowadays even if they say they do

>> No.15779740

Yes, that's totally what I meant, not the fact that they're supposed to be subservient to you. Also, do you not pick up your cats shit? What, you just let it pile up in your house?

>> No.15781482

I'm more of a Gypsy person myself. I like how they're all so mischievous and get up to no good.

>> No.15781484
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>> No.15781491

Big or medium doggs, pure breed as well as mutts are welcome. Fuck small dogs tho

>> No.15781629
File: 50 KB, 535x800, Cuando-entre-la-alta-sociedad-parisina-se-puso-de-moda-tener-un-oso-hormiguero-como-mascota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15781955

>chews up everything

>> No.15781973

frfr cat owners weird asf my friend leans cat and damn hes so cringe hate going in public with that nigga

>> No.15781980

I had german shepherd, boxer and cane corso as teenager and growing up and now have three british shorthair cats.
Liking dogs over cats is ultimate pleb filter

>> No.15781981

try hard

>> No.15782002

nope, i owned a jack russell for 17 years, like any dog you need to train them

>> No.15782244
File: 54 KB, 600x450, 90F1E007-1F71-40AC-813A-860DC5A0B4EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, you

>> No.15782275

1. Horse
2. Exotic animals like pumas or wolves
3.Large aggressive dogs except pit bulls which are onions
4.Medium/large average dogs
5.Weird exotic pets like deer or foxes
7. Exotic fish tank
9000. Birds
9001. Small dogs
9002. Rodents
Neckbeard tier:
900000000001. Reptiles
900000000002. Cats

>> No.15782290

what a cute pic!

>> No.15782387
File: 851 KB, 1125x1378, 3DA592B8-E0C8-41BF-8116-F7A023E8FC6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15776516 A Caracal cat

>> No.15782393

receding hairline is a white thing not a pet thing.

>> No.15782413


>> No.15782619
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lmaoing @ dog owners

dog is literally a derogatory term

>> No.15782621

>they provide a lot of space for cuddles and crying into
the duality of man

>> No.15782627


>> No.15782632

>Arguing about cats and dogs
Søyest of søys
>Having both
True patrician taste

>> No.15782644
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Why is his tail down the plug hole? He looks like he just slithered up like some Australian snek...

>> No.15782647
File: 67 KB, 960x738, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retired racing greyhounds are amazing pets and are absolutely /fa/

>> No.15782654

>are amazing pets
as long as you like walking them 24 hours a day at 45 kph

>> No.15782674

not true. they are actually rlly chill and need about an hour a day of walks. when in the home that are careful and loving dogs. you have to be careful not to let them go loose in a unfenced area because they have the ability to run very far in a short amount of time. other than that they are cool and easy to walk.

>> No.15782679

That's not true at all. They are lazy as fuck.

>> No.15782691

i live with one, she broke into my house when she was a puppy and decided to stay here.

when teething, yes
I don't know what I did with mine, she only messed with my things when a puppy. Now she understands when to sit, go away, come over, and shake hands. She's the best girl.

>> No.15782725
File: 109 KB, 1200x1200, the-dogs-bark-but-the-caravan-moves-on-3pf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have the ability to run very far in a short amount of time
imagine mansplaining this hard!

>> No.15782726

shut up woman

>> No.15783666
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Spider is most /fa/

>> No.15783717

the only people that like cats over dogs are the people that never had dogs

>> No.15783797

the choice of hairy leftist sex-positive lesbians

>> No.15783809
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>> No.15783820
File: 163 KB, 602x610, main-qimg-8adefec3d1202a0691d243538fbdf2ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised that no one posted this yet

>> No.15783838

spiderbros btfo, confirmed hellspawn

>> No.15783842

Hmmmm. Bri?