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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 7 KB, 312x162, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15744060 No.15744060 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is 300

>> No.15744104
File: 1.33 MB, 2292x2892, IMG_20201127_083554~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New day same shit. Got a package coming with more of my boots so I'll be able to give my backzips a break.
Will come back and r8 when the thread fills up.

>> No.15744106

Cringe thread in all but name

>> No.15744143
File: 1.02 MB, 2385x3101, PSX_20201120_211417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15744152
File: 1.81 MB, 2006x3968, IMG_20201127_214807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mere moments ago

>> No.15744154

Is that a Stetson?

>> No.15744158


>> No.15744161


>> No.15744167

Open Road royal deluxe my man, so yes

>> No.15744170


>> No.15744173

ID on boots?

>> No.15744182

le epic americana manly man

>> No.15744193

Guidi 788z
Always good. Love your apartment too.
Eh. The sweater's neckline doesn't work with the collar and them both being the same shade of grey doesn't help. Pants are also flaring oddly around the calves. Would probably look better if you let them stack.

>> No.15744279
File: 2.51 MB, 2555x4096, 2EFE10AD-137B-4BFE-AAAD-A7E3F1AA4725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15744496

you will never be a woman

>> No.15744510


>> No.15744592
File: 2.37 MB, 898x1370, Screen Shot 2020-11-27 at 6.02.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15744676

I'm just wearing my undies anon
Wanna see?

>> No.15744703
File: 3.32 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20201125_140422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classy as always. I'd maybe put black boots on tho
Is aight
Decent but nothing special

>> No.15744712
File: 629 KB, 456x800, 2020-11-27 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesterday's fit but whatever

>> No.15744753

frail dimentia grandma core, kinda cute tho

>> No.15744775
File: 266 KB, 1188x988, 72135FBA-55E1-4DF4-BD25-2769A629A43C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sure you get a lot of odd looks and shit talking irl but you wear similar outfits all the time, not my style but I’ll give it a 10/10 purely on confidence
Comfy core
Pants are a little tight, and I’m not a fan of leather jackets but a solid outfit non the less
Looks good, your first fit I’ve seen that I’ve actually liked. Not a fan of the hat but it’s all good.

>> No.15744796

>frail dementia grandma core
thanks, i call it grunge-ma. it's a neo-absurdist style of dress that fuses precarious employment and existential torment with a love for grandma staples such as chaste skirts and mohair cardigans.

>> No.15744832
File: 2.04 MB, 2423x4032, CAAEA021-75F2-4C1B-BA57-63F1BAA7AA50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it, im rocking a similar vibe
Pants balloon weirdly, overall looks a bit frumpy, but i live in the heat so i have no idea about layering
I like this, fave so far
All of these are the same silhouette
Nice, dont like the belt on the dude, too big.

>> No.15744850

>black and grey everywhere itt

>> No.15744852
File: 873 KB, 999x2780, PXL_20201116_210026273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Older picture but what I wore
The scarf/cardigan is cool what is it

>> No.15744862

What pants are those?

>> No.15744864

dope, i like your hair

>> No.15744882


>> No.15744914

tranny post hole

>> No.15744991
File: 903 KB, 1783x3201, BD4374CC-CF28-46DB-B43F-F0C804119567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this but agree on the samey silhouette
This looks weird to an offputting point. Can’t pinpoint exactly what’s offputting about it though

>> No.15745061

Didn't you already post this last thread or am I blind ?

>> No.15745090


>> No.15745101
File: 456 KB, 1112x2048, IMG_20201128_052247195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mostly posting so I can get some more advice on how to improve , I already have a fair few pointers. Mostly interested in figuring out what sort of silhouette I should go for.

I don't really know what I'm talking about but I think these look nice.
Once again I am mirin.

>> No.15745104

Man those guidis really don't work with that fit. The backzip silhouette is too slim for the jacket and the shaft of the boot is looks like it has to flare out uncomfortably around your calves. I think you might just be a little meaty for the 998s or 996s or whatever model they are. I think chunkier boots like Rick creepers would work better here anyway.

>> No.15745105

Aside that you stand like an autist I don't think this is *that* bad, though those shoes just don't look right with that fit.

>> No.15745106

Your pants are slightly less uncomfortably tight than usual and it looks better.

>> No.15745110

I like everything but the beret. The flatness of the hat along with the tall shaft of the boots makes you look shorter. I think any other style of hat would work better. Alternatively you could switch out the boots for something shorter but I do like them.

>> No.15745116

This is pretty good. kind of granny core like someone else said but the details keep it interesting.

>> No.15745123

Which one are you?
If you're on the left your pants don't fit right and the belt is too chunky. Actually, pretty much everything looks a bit sloppy. If you're on the right it's basic but inoffensive. The footwear will definitely help or hurt these fits.

>> No.15745130

You look like a middle schooler whose mom dresses him in clothing that he will grow into so she can save money. Looks functional but nothing fits well and that makes it look bad.

>> No.15745138
File: 592 KB, 750x1334, fitz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15745153

Okay, I'll bite. The colors on that shirt are pretty ugly. They're all a bit loud, even on their own, and when you put them all together it just looks bad. Try something with more classic earth tones like greens and browns. Should work better with your pinker skin. The pockets on those cargo pants are low profile, which is good, but the pants don't taper below the knee so they just end up looking way too baggy and contribute to your fridge silhouette. It seems like you have pretty broad shoulders, which should work to your advantage. Inverted triangle is a classic silhouette for men and will never go out of style. Shirts should accentuate the shoulders and taper toward the waist enough that you avoid bunching/poofing when tucked in. Get pants that taper toward the ankle or are at least intentionally cut straight instead of the lazy construction of those pants, which will flatter almost no one. Spend a few bucks at a tailor and those pants will look much better. Slimmer pants will work much better with the chucks too. Right now the shoes are swimming in the pants. Another way you could make the pants work better in the same fit is by switching out the chucks for a chunkier shoe. Your broader shoulders and the bagginess of the shirt means that a beefier shoe will not risk throwing the top half out of balance.

>> No.15745154

Try again.

>> No.15745155

Well dressed for a blind guy

>> No.15745157
File: 1.17 MB, 1575x2100, 29B87813-36CA-4A3A-8E5F-31FFABB7EAF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15745161

no. i'll do what i want, bitch.

>> No.15745165

Ah. Thx for crit

>> No.15745173

Appreciate the criticisms, I’d like to pin down a minimalistic fit and wear that so I don’t have to stay on this board.

>> No.15745181

I actually think that the beret looks very nice in this outfit. Plus this fit is more ‚out there‘ than your other outfits.

>> No.15745192

Thanks anon, I see what you mean about the tapering will bear it in mind in the future (I made a poor attempt at tapering when I bothered tucking in the shirt but it's too large hence the poof).

I plan on swapping the shoes I just don't have any others at uni with me atm, not sure where to start with chunkier shoes recommendations would be appreciated.

>> No.15745198

I love the doggy!
Fits yout fit!

>> No.15745200 [DELETED] 
File: 2.24 MB, 4032x3024, 2E37C432-277E-4A42-B67D-2A8A5746785B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still feeling a little bloated from yesterday

>> No.15745214
File: 1.20 MB, 3024x4032, fallfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still a little bit bloated from yesterday
>t. bloatmaxx

>> No.15745245

Pants look much better in this photo. I don't personally like the tan boots with the black but it's a look and that's fine. I wish the jacket was made of a heavier material so it would draper better and wrinkle less. I'd iron it carefully or have it pressed at a dry cleaner.

>> No.15745247
File: 16 KB, 480x362, 1604605350014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pants look a little tight but id on boots, senpai?
howdy mister
looks comfy but you look like 15 year old dressed like that
cute haha pls be a girl haha
sorry man I'm not digging this one
very comfy and grandmacore
a bit basic but I love the minimalist look to it
outfit: looks good brah 10/10
biceps: nattycore
not sure why looking at this hurts?
good church boy/10

>> No.15745249
File: 35 KB, 328x396, 1567472681998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best larp I've ever seen on this site

>> No.15745250

Almost anything is gonna be chunkier than Chuck Taylors. Try any other shoe with those pants and you'll see what I mean. If you to stick with something similar to the chucks you can check out Palladium, which is more in line with the military vibe of the cargo pants anyway.

>> No.15745256

>so I don't have to stay on this board
Lol, I don't blame you. I used to browse here regularly but now I'm only here because I'm bored at night during covid lockdown. You might just wanna jump ship for one of the Reddit boards if all you're looking to nail down is one or two simple outfit. Seems like you have a general idea of how to dress yourself and the people here tend to fall into the camp of either 'clueless and needs all the help' or 'reads vogue once and won't take criticism'.

>> No.15745279

Man I'm just tryna get advise, I never pretended to know what im doing. I only came over here cause /out/ is so slow.

>> No.15745286

oh shit sorry dude but yeah what anon told you is solid advice and I'm sure he thought your post was bait because we do have those posters here :/

>> No.15745333

I think I've hung around here long enough over the years to identify bait and the dude's fit isn't nearly bad enough to be a troll. Plus if you give honest advice you'll never lose because you're either helping someone out or making a troll mad because you didn't fall for his bait.

>> No.15745390

Not (You) but nice reply anon, thanks for the positive contribution

>> No.15745448

I have a gut feeling this could be a cool fit, shame about the angle. Would love to get a full body shot.
Brown boots, destroyer of fits. Probably also first hit for Google image search "toxic masculinity"
"Mature skinhead" kinda vibes. Not in love with the matching coat and sweater.
fave itt
Why bother posting this on a fashion board? It's just generic /fit/ dudebro.

>> No.15745489
File: 373 KB, 1008x1400, image0 (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


really cohesive

quite like the jacket and the shirt color

really cool

feels really y2k, nice

love that jacket, id? very cool

>> No.15745490 [DELETED] 
File: 308 KB, 518x421, FECA8A7C-8E12-48B2-A69C-6F3A74724923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mature skinhead
now that you mention skinhead these past few weeks I’ve been thinking about shaving my head to a buzz cut so maybe this is sign I shouldn’t shave my head

>> No.15745493
File: 308 KB, 518x421, 06DD67B3-F07B-4105-B614-2FA67E250A87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mature skinhead
now that you mention skinhead these past few weeks I’ve been thinking about shaving my head to a buzz cut so maybe this is sign I shouldn’t shave my head

>> No.15745494

This gives me soviet-era industrial worker who used to believe in the Marxist-Leninist revolution but now secretly hates the government and his job vibes

>> No.15745503

bonus points if you worn a wool overcoat

>> No.15745505
File: 180 KB, 750x1334, 0D6D2A4A-E4B5-4080-A32A-308ED9CD3180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15745509


>> No.15745511

I like the outfit but I’m not sure if the green stan smiths are a proper choice they seem to clash with the outfit

>> No.15745519

What shoes would you recommend? I actually just went into the store and found the turtleneck, so it was not intentional to wear “fitting” clothes. Cope i know but still

>> No.15745533

No I know I was just coming down from a high at the time so I couldn’t really articulate what I wanted to say.
>I actually just went into the store and found the turtleneck, so it was not intentional to wear “fitting” clothes”
I get it’s some mismatch style that looks good. I would recommend an all-white sneaker like an Adidas superstar, Continental 80, Stan Smith, and for an inoffensive choice a Samba. Hell I would even accept white Nike AF1s even though I fucking hate Nike.

>> No.15745538
File: 485 KB, 1000x630, 93AD16A3-F0A9-43DF-A2D8-6F56DCDFE605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based shoes recs! I actually plan to buy some new white ones actually, so i will look into those. Thanks breh

>> No.15745559

I appreciate the feedback my dude but I'm gonna chalk this one up to the angle of the photo messing with my leg proportions. I've owned these boots (788z so def chunky) for years and while I was a skeleton I always had trouble both avoiding clown feet and getting that really clean taper through the calves into the boots (I'd always get some really messy blousing). Now neither one is a problem but my mirror is shit lmao.
>I think chunkier boots like Rick creepers would work better here anyway.
Mine are on their way from storage now actually. Definitely looking forward to wearing em.

>> No.15745569
File: 368 KB, 960x1931, Snapchat-1293126870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked this suit up yesterday. R8?
Nice jacket.
Nice moustache.
Nice pullover.
Nice hat.
Funny shirt.
Not sure if rich-core.
Grandma core.
Billie Eilish-core.
>that one cool black friend-core
Nice Chuck Taylors.
Nice Chuck Taylors.
Why do you have a bike in your living room?
Nice coat.
Metal worker-core.
Nice turtle neck.

>> No.15745622

ill-fitting jacket core

>> No.15745671

cringe lose some weight

>> No.15745673

only two good fits itt
this is aight too

>> No.15745677

also pants id?

>> No.15745715

Because it’s a $2k bike and I don’t need it to get stolen

>> No.15745723

I would personally do a more off-white shoe and change the sock color. I'm not a fan of how stark white the shoes are, but I kind of don't like stans in general so it might just be that. I have a pair of suede onitsuka tiger shoes that I like but I can't find them on their site unfortunately.
I do think the turtleneck looks good though

>> No.15745733

I agree, the jacket is something I just got out of storage because of the temp change. I like the cut of Harrington jackets but I’m on the market for a good casual coat

>> No.15745807
File: 48 KB, 508x677, image0 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't usually wear earth tone colors

>> No.15745825

looks reasonable, although theres something strange about the texturality of the white t shirt. maybe i would do something waffle knit instead. also not quite a fan of the flannel inside. but is a reasonable fit.

>> No.15745829

i dislike this but i'll try to give u some feedback since i'm sure youre new to this

the colorscheme of the jacket is a little tacky, navy on orange stripe? plus the bottons dont seem to go with the jacket, it just seems a little macy's core
the pink striping on the shirt gives me the same impression, and the formality of the suit doesn't mesh with the casual nature of the untied + scarf look. it is a reasonable attempt, but i would try to have a good basic well fitting suit (the shoulders are a little too wide on this one) with a monochrome or basic palette.

>> No.15745859


>> No.15745895
File: 2.48 MB, 1962x4032, 20201128_151858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15745910

I think the mustard really works with your skin tone, but something about the fit of the jeans feels off to me. maybe try going for a straighter leg? you have pretty broad shoulders and I think it would create a more balanced silhouette

>> No.15745913

sick outfit! I really like the way you mix textures and fabric weights, creates a really interesting look.

>> No.15745914


>> No.15745919

you look really cool. I think the baggy, straight clothing you're wearing really suits ur body type, you look very chic and androgynous.

>> No.15745944


>> No.15745961

too larpy. bad

classic, like seeing you in /FAG/ threads

reply to others. You look like a dude too.

youre too pale. Larping

shoes is kinda bad, i like the rest.

fuck normies. GET OUT MY BOARD

bruh you posted almost the same fit everytime. i like it tho

yes, good, keep going



>> No.15746088

absolutely NO
fuck dude you dress so shit and look like you're 12, man what happened to black people. used to be they worked out and had their own interests now there is like a new breed of black nerd that is weirdly into nonblack cultural shit and they're all skinny fucking nerds. they're more unnerving than regular white s o y boys and redditors like fuck dude hit the weights and get a clue

somehow you're larping harder than the fat mexican "cowboy"

the exact same silhouette every single time, wow i guess you dropped the bag and did the jacket up today so innovative!!!
>feels really y2k
man what the fuck are you even talking about

perfectly acceptable normie wear

why do girls have no idea how to style those nikes ffs

basic but fine, your sister has an unfortunate body


gay nerd

please stop

>> No.15746175

too same same

>> No.15746182

I'll echo someone else and say the taper of the jeans is a bit too drastic and this would look better with a straighter leg. I hate cropped pants as well, especially jeans, so I'd say go a couple inches longer on the pants but I know that's kind of a personal preference.

>> No.15746190

too many patters
looks busy
jacket doesn't fit right either
looks like you can't decide between dapper gentleman and used car salesman

>> No.15746194

it never ceases to amaze me how /fa/ can wear some painfully ordinary normalfag-tier shit and pretend its some amazing "fashion statement".
then some fags chime in and say "ID on these boots???". its any boots, you fucking faggot. go to any fucking soe store that sells normal boots and ask for black ones, its gonna look the fucking same.

>> No.15746195

You should do it more often because they suit your skin tone. Everything looks frumpy but I accept that it's a casual slacker look. It's not bad for what it is but at least get a jacket with longer sleeves so your entire shirt cuff isn't sticking out the end.

>> No.15746196

not fashion

>> No.15746203

>look at top half
school shooter
>scroll down

>> No.15746211

good look but 1) those pants are too tight in the thigh area 2) get some muscle because you look like too much like DYEL to pull off a manly look

>> No.15746212

Not him but those boots are far from ordinary. You're not all wrong though because the way he's styled them with perfectly ordinary everything else does negate the uniqueness of the boot.
If you're gonna buy one piece of artisanal clothing you should get something that's easy to work into normal fits.

>> No.15746224

ok fair, i see the boots are not so average now
i can barely see what they are though, the picture quality on /fa/ never ceases to amaze me, its like people have camera phones from 2012 or something, and shit tier lighting too

>> No.15746237
File: 39 KB, 684x908, 127641701_402355374458725_9057261054172085808_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting here... I've lurked for like 4 years inconsistently... What do you guys think?

>> No.15746240

>Doesn’t post fit
Opinion disregard

>> No.15746244

shoulder seams hanging way low
clearly oversized shorts
socks with shorts
stop trying, Pedro

>> No.15746247

pretty edgy, would've gone with a less tight pair of pants

based fit wrong place

different pants one with no cuff around the ankles, and lose the collar

imo i don't think the boot matches all that well but cool matching your shirt with your phone

missionary in ghana core


the shoes stand out a lot

6.5/10 could use an accessory or two

drop the program

methhead core

different color shoes maybe add a hat/beanie

different color pants, that color doesn't work with the flannel and the brown converses


different color coat, they blend together in a bad way



nice fit not for you however

pawn to e4

Hispanic family at a bowling alley/10

>> No.15746251


i get that you're going for a rugby player look but those guys are literally two of you.

You gotta start lifting and eating big if you want to get the frame to pull that off.

>> No.15746271

My shorts are supposed to be oversized.
Socks with shorts yeah it looks good.
I'm Southern European. So if I was non-white I would be a try hard? You're retarded

>> No.15746345

>My shorts are supposed to be oversized.
is it also "supposed" to look like shit?
>Socks with shorts yeah it looks good.
if it does to you, I can't help. you do you, pal.
>I'm Southern European.
yeah keep telling yourself that.
>So if I was non-white I would be a try hard? You're retarded
no, you'd just look like a 14yo trying to dress for the first time and failing miserably

>> No.15746348

My nigga... hit the gym and dress like an actual nigga. Drop this school shooter attire

>> No.15746388
File: 1.99 MB, 1836x3443, 20201128_151926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a better way of styling these shoes? inb4 buy an iron- i like the shirt crinkly

>> No.15746390

Billie Eyelash wanna be

>> No.15746395
File: 1.39 MB, 4032x3024, 6936CC8E-EAE5-4AB4-ABBA-C797F9D1D781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check post
>did not post outfit
nice try faggot

>> No.15746397


>> No.15746399

>is it also supposed to look like shit?
Show me your fit
>keep telling yourself that
What are you fucking saying lol I was born and raised here. Whatever man I don't care if I'm white or not

>> No.15746411

i dig it

>> No.15746446
File: 2.80 MB, 4030x2920, 89D4F991-2294-4BB9-8CB2-2A5BDCB3E022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fix your posture
Buy boots
Lose weight
Pants too short
Good shit

>> No.15746460

too much gray and no contrast, doesnt mix well with the hair color. too baggy even for a baggy look.

>> No.15746461
File: 577 KB, 1296x1608, 14711043_1082585171856496_1778867403040808440_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people always seem to dislike skirts with leather jackets but I think its really cool. I think the rifts are cool here too

>> No.15746492
File: 756 KB, 720x720, m47491960583_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't necessarily disagree about the lack of contrast, but to be fair the pants and shirt are blue not grey and the back of the jacket has blue in it too.

>> No.15746512
File: 666 KB, 2048x2048, 1857D652-F077-48D0-BFA1-9A6CD797295A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty cozy

>> No.15746545

its cool but doesnt change the big picture
at least the pants should be something that brings a little contrast
actually shorts should look pretty good with it, the reason being, skin color is complimentary to hair color and brings much needed contrast/color in there. the idea being, you have hair-top-bottom, color-grey-color. if you just have color-grey-grey, it's techwear levels of white/grey, and blue hair looks out of place with it.

>> No.15746573
File: 880 KB, 1161x3789, PXL_20201128_024533350.NIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I get what your saying and that's why I said I don't really disagree. I do appreciate the advice. I actually have worn this with shorts as well.

>> No.15746581
File: 663 KB, 1575x2100, IMG_1193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Palace 6 panel
S/S 2018 Palace hoodie
Acne Studios Slim stay black
Veja V-10

>> No.15746592
File: 1.70 MB, 3000x1390, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider the following options for inspo

>> No.15746618
File: 2.50 MB, 3000x3261, IMG_20201124_140609__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was inspired by 1930-1940s with this look.

>> No.15746622

Stop rolling up your pants and get them tailored

>> No.15746660

Nick carraway inspo

>> No.15746662
File: 151 KB, 1200x799, 73fe1e0d55a16c52fa081c98c3711abd2e-28-barack-obama-tan.2x.rhorizontal.w710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way too little contrast, i hope your face allows you to pull it off because it may look very weird otherwise.

>> No.15746755

you look like every other young normie
the fact that you are wearing somewhat more expensive brands doesn't change that it's a boring outfit with nothing interesting

>> No.15746760

Don't match colors between jackets and pants unless you're wearing suit pieces that belong together. The chinos are especially too casual for this fit and they're too long.

>> No.15746762 [DELETED] 

>the exact same silhouette every single time, wow i guess you dropped the bag and did the jacket up today so innovative!!!

I really like the tapered chunky pants into boots with either a parka or short jacket silhouette as it just works for me day to day. Any suggestions on how to experiment silhouette wise?

>> No.15746765

>the exact same silhouette every single time, wow i guess you dropped the bag and did the jacket up today so innovative!!!

I really like the tapered chunky pants into boots with either a parka or short jacket silhouette as it just works for me day to day. Any suggestions on how to experiment silhouette wise?

>> No.15746865
File: 1.26 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20201128-171945_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JCrew high-rise camo tights with and a black Under Armour sports bra.

>> No.15746871


stop blogging

>> No.15746891
File: 54 KB, 640x453, stop hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters suck

>> No.15746917
File: 160 KB, 944x1629, IMG_20201128_184229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're either really autistic or really chad. Since I border on the former I have the inclination to say you're the latter.
Continues to be the more pleasantly dressed black person I've seen.
I like the top a lot.
The sort of brown person that cucks me at my university 8/10

>> No.15746951

Neither of you have the proportions to wear high rise pants with a truck. Looks awkward

>> No.15747311

a chad like you should wear all black. sexcore even.

>> No.15747314

Are you a cute girl or a twink boy guy?

>> No.15747318

Aren't you underaged?

>> No.15747320

Awesome details

>> No.15747433


>> No.15747558

Pants are random Lands End windbreaker pants I saw on eBay. Jacket I also saw on eBay, but I can’t find the brand anywhere online or any other listings for their stuff so it’s pointless to even mention I guess.
no. I’m 18 now. You’re too late buddy.
Considering the hat thing now next time I wear this jacket. Thanks.
Top half being this long makes legs look stumpy. Potential filled though.
Bottom half makes this college aged thrift store core. Top half is great though. A slimmer skirt/pants and different socks might make this work better.
I actually like this a lot better

>> No.15747647
File: 1.44 MB, 200x200, F5594F5A-F635-4BE1-BE2B-0900B3736C09.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice you guys. Finna take advantage of the prolonged black friday sale and buy some new jeans and white sneakz

>> No.15747661


how's the kit in the back? any advice picking electric? thinking about swapping to one

>> No.15747861

What size shoe do u wear?

>> No.15747862

Great fit

>> No.15747885
File: 2.30 MB, 2999x3999, IMG_20201129_093031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like it



Billie Eyelash

>> No.15747910


Mens 8 (US)

>> No.15747965

>Mens 8
so you're admitting you're a male?

>> No.15748014

Where did you buy that t-shirt?

>> No.15748031
File: 676 KB, 451x800, 2020-11-292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keeping with the black-red theme.

rei kawakubo core, nice.
cool jacket

>> No.15748070
File: 556 KB, 667x1960, Screenshot_20201129-121416_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think that shirt suits ur complexion, but im not sure about the windbreaker, it kind of washes u out
sick cardigan!!!! looks very cool

dressing less femininely today, not sure how i feeeeeel about it

>> No.15748087

i don't know if it's perspective but those boots look way too big and those jeans are way too baggy at the end.

>> No.15748122

>so you're admitting you're a male?

No. I was AMAB, socialized as a male, and given male clothes to wear. As such, because I'm not out and still transitioning, I still have to wear male clothes in certain situations to conceal my true gender identity.

>> No.15748316


>> No.15748783

you look very cute anon

>> No.15748865

>No. I was AMAB, socialized as a male, and given male clothes to wear. As such, because I'm not out and still transitioning, I still have to wear male clothes in certain situations to conceal my true gender identity.

What the fuck are you even talking about.

>> No.15748876

are you that uneducated? don’t pretend you don’t know about AMAB, FMA, M2M, DDLG

>> No.15748879


>> No.15748894


>> No.15748922

hello fellow AMAB. I am ACAB, socialized as a cop, and given police clothes to wear. As such, because I'm not out and still in the police force, I still have to wear cop clothes in certain situations to make people fear me.

>> No.15748931

great fit, shit shoes

>> No.15748941

i know you post your pics on the handsome men board

>> No.15748956


>> No.15748967


I don't please explain.

>> No.15748995
File: 307 KB, 2696x2132, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't decide if I should keep wearing the cap
comfy, I like
very cute
not a fan of the fit but lovely hair
a bit bland but still clean
yours are always on point :^)
it works out!

>> No.15749045

>gay black kid is mad people don't like his shit fits

lmao oh wow i'm shaking in my boots here

>> No.15749075

yeah this actually really cute :) i like the patch pockets on the pants, theyre a good shape, cinching on the sleeves is really cool too, or is just gathered? cause it looks like it's adjustable with those stringy bits

i like how you're dressing recently nice fit

nice ;) there was a undercover alpaca blend knit coat on yahoo from aw2007, size 4 it'll probably look great on u if it's still up

this is true, the retard who said "oh these boots aren't ordinary" totally missed the point. guidis can be cool but the way this retard styled them made them interchangeable with any black boot

literally try anything else you're so boring

>> No.15749192
File: 998 KB, 1219x3735, me bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15749247

you will never be a bear, you twink

>> No.15749272

its awful, mine is an alesis and it just doesnt compare to a acoustic. i had a yamaha dtx a while ago which was a lot better, but if you don't have to be on an electric set i wouldn't switch. i would definitely have an acoustic if i didn't live in an apartment

>> No.15749323

I really like the fit and the tabi Nikes, I just think the leather jacket is a bit long and maybe you could have opted for a blank t shirt, idk why people are being so mean.

>> No.15749526

thanks! the shirt is actually from hm haha, yea u can pull the strings and it adjusts the sleeves but its so annoying if you're doing anything messy bc they drag in EVERYTHING

>> No.15749532

Don’t need to be a bear to catch a bear

>> No.15749540

cheers! yea after looking at the pic i think the jacket gives a weird silhouette. :)
honestly i think its funny and id rather people clowned on me than called my outfit boring lol

>> No.15749546

i really like your necklace! i think the chain length is unusual and adds interest too. also your boots are cool! something about the trousers feels a little off though- i think the fit's kind of tight around the thigh?

>> No.15749757
File: 1.56 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20201107_113851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! The necklace is a polar bear skull. The chain is almost too tiny for me to even get it over my head but I'm glad someone thinks it looks cool. Boots are red wing iron rangers that I frequently get compliments on even though I kinda hate them. They're very uncomfortable and look like clown shoes. These are my favorite pants, but I think because they're Japanese they're never gonna fit on my American thighs. I even went up 2 sizes from what I normally get.

>> No.15749788

one of the worst in the thread

>> No.15749826

The only place i post pics is here and /fit/, fags. Fags are larping.

>> No.15750018


aw well that sucks, thanks man

>> No.15750117

No cap, your hair is nice no cap

>> No.15750179
File: 438 KB, 1680x1587, E989AC15-C025-479D-BC1D-AFF7EC9E6DB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae and I went to city , fits r old Will rate n a second

>> No.15750187
File: 1.38 MB, 3024x4032, 648F22CA-5DA5-42C5-B78D-F04EB352603A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice belt

>> No.15750206

Nice piss bottles, bro.

>> No.15750225

I am Here now Switched to La computadora I will now rate

Proportions are weird but ok fit
laughable borderline larp
looks comfy its ok
i dont like the pants but its an okay fit
okay ig
basic and teenager core but its ok fit
i love
basic i already know what both of you look like
i love
laughable get a whole new closet or accumulate one slowly
post better pic but it looks ok
basic boring
basic boring
love love love
hulk mahchine
rate it terrible is that a fucking ascot you ken doll lolz jacket fits terribly i cant believe you paid money for that tradlet
its nice but top half is way better than bottom half
love the hair love evrytig abt this
its okay mathew but your still pretty so I let it slide
Love you so much
so much fucking cringe inthis thread im crying
>You're either really autistic or really chad. Since I border on the former I have the inclination to say you're the latter.
so basic and boring yall please
Kiss Liek this
going to ignore every boring post from now on
=D overall very very boring fits Blue hair person was the best you can all learn a thing from them and everyone calling them billie eyelash just showed how old yall are.

>> No.15750254

started out promising and progressively degraded as i scrolled down. get some leather shoes or boots if you're going to wear a leather jacket
dope, my fav from u probably
cool! keep em coming

>> No.15750443
File: 2.31 MB, 1197x3171, 20201130_135235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time no see, fellas. Will comment on other fits later.

>> No.15750450

very nice

>> No.15750505
File: 90 KB, 500x1000, 938890-twewy_rhyme1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never get the passion some people have for black jeans with light top
what the fuck is with these proportions? also, your hair looks like some japanese fashion from 2008 like picrelated

>> No.15750582

shorts look a bit too long but very interesting regardless, better than with pants imo
good top, mediocre pants, shit shoes, literally child at the mall tier
what the fuck is this? this is karen-tier look
I dont even know anymore, looks like a bad trip to thrift store and a lame attempt to look goth
a bit boring but passable. dont like the matching colors on shirt/jacket. jacket looks baggy but i guess its supposed to
this >>15746190
just wear it with a white shirt
cool but a bit pretentious stalker core
yeah bet you work in these pants
very cool but boring too
shirt wont go with black pants, too much bright color with black wont work well. the shirt itself is ugly too yeah, just get an ocbd
spend more time with your grandson
jfc, how can you see the colors with that pic quality? cant see shit
very japanese
"I think I'm /fa/ but i look like college student" core

>> No.15750621

>get some leather shoes or boots if you're going to wear a leather jacket

>> No.15750625

Based striper crew

>> No.15750634

>cool but a bit pretentious stalker core
>yeah bet you work in these pants

used to but I've switched to using cheap coveralls instead of these

>> No.15750646

ok i stand corrected then

>> No.15750856


I like it, but the hat is making it a little too larpy imo
Don't like how the pants sit but otherwise fine
There's something about this throwing me off. Might just be your posture.
The tanline is very distracting
There isn't anything wrong with it, but for some inexplicable reason I hate it
dont mind the top half here
hate the belt here. Generic but fine
mirin' the arms
I would never wear something like this but really good, love the textures and how it all sits
this is weaker than past fits I remember
pants and belt look like shit with that shirt. Wouldn't tuck it either, it isn't a good look here.
top half is too samey tone wise, really throws the bottom half off to me, if changing one, change the crewneck. I'm also not crazy about the pant roll here, looks odd imo
I've always enjoyed your consistency
really bad. make sure it's fits well next time. Hate the pattern, really cheap looking and it clashes with the shirt which then is just being overloaded by the paisley.
flannel having a full cuff length over the jacket is distracting, but on a whole it isn't bad. Earth tones suit you
gets too messy around the waist for me, this aint it.
honestly pretty cool. Even though its nothing like it, it gives me Utada Automatic vibes
I've liked a lot of your stuff in the past but not digging this
really bad. Don't ever match jacket and pants like that unless they are actually designed to be together. Your skin tone also isn't helping with these colours + bowtie is taking it too far, peewee
alright, you're starting to win me over here. Dig this
my brain is telling me to hate it, but I can't
don't wear the hat. I like the rest

reaching limit now, I have no opinion/comment/assume rest is bait

>> No.15751014

The top half looks good. The pants look mediocre as fuck. Get different pair of pants. Black Pants or something
And the sneakers are fucking terrible and cringe. Get better shoes. Stop wearing sneakers and go for non sneaker shoes or boots

>> No.15751055

based. everyone else looks fucking laughably autistic

>> No.15751071

the opposite of this

>> No.15751388
File: 672 KB, 452x800, 2020-11-30 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(º﹃º )

dig this
underrated post

>> No.15751391

eugh... yeah never listening to /fa/ 90% of you look fucking retarded no hate intended

>> No.15751396
File: 13 KB, 150x514, 128202269_3440660469381392_3420941913843946542_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about now?

>> No.15751404

blues clues gone goth

>> No.15751411

>complains about fits while refusing to post their own

>> No.15751477


>> No.15751596
File: 1.07 MB, 2320x2320, 594F27AC-AE32-4B92-94BC-1CDCBA39AF67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool fit lmfao
Cute fit
Huge Ricky trailer park boys vibes can only love it
Cool outfit
Really cool fit !
Fashionable and efficient

Might be too ‘rigid’ if that makes sense ? Looks efficient to me tho
Based bloatmaxxing
Like that
Would only change shoes otherwise mad respect for that fit
Change shoes
v. Cute
Perfect now kick your wife in the chest
Cool !
Driving to my autistic’s son school for teachers parents meeting because he won’t stop yelling racial slurs in class-core
not a full pic but bought this shirt on Black Friday n got no shoes to go wit it

I have only one pair of shoes, new balance 990 v3 they’re beige, I don’t think they go well with the shirt

Any pair to recommend ? I was thinking some grey new balance

>> No.15751751
File: 2.79 MB, 1695x3788, 20201130_144313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought these elf ears recently. is there any way i can pull off wearing them in public without being cringe and larp-y?

>> No.15751763

i like the jeffrey dahmer glasses, they suit ur face, i think the cuff rolls on the shirt are too big though. if u plan on exclusively wearing it rolled at the sleeve, u could literally cut them shorter and then roll to reduce some of the bulkiness
your cardigan is so cool! you look really comfy I'm actually jealous
i like the shirt, u look like that emo kid from the lorax but in a good way. not sure about the shoes though- i think the flame colours are kind of offsetting the tonal scheme of the rest of the outfit. maybe try a white/neutral shoe?
cool tattoos, craftbeerandvapecore

>> No.15751768

fit is neat but I don't see the purpose of those elf ears. don't wear them

>> No.15751775

they're so adorable its causing me physical pain for what its worth

>> No.15751845

try hard larp

>> No.15751859

nice doodles lmfao

>> No.15751894

unironically looks good apart from the fringe.
make you look like your trying to look younger

>> No.15751904

There is absolutely no way anyone can pull off elf ears in public without looking like a weirdo

>> No.15752121

>is there any way i can pull off wearing them in public without being cringe and larp-y?
do you seriously need to ask? i think you spent too much time on /fa/ and lost touch with reality
i dunno, maybe wear these to comic con if you absolutely must

>> No.15752153

ID on those cargos?

>> No.15752157 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 720x1209, CC7FB440-A1C7-4DEF-9B12-D8A1A5966E8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15752203
File: 1.32 MB, 1668x2224, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15752308
File: 1.24 MB, 1575x2100, 3A5328CD-1294-4C56-B160-2CA36E26D799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15752329

that looks a lot like south lake tahoe

>> No.15752379

crazy optical illusion going on in that pic. ur jeans look like they end halfway up ur chest

>> No.15752381

10/10 for monster mango

>> No.15752539

Kek it’s the dip dyed flannel, didn’t even notice that before

>> No.15753199

What happened to Cecil
You kinda look like Clairo

>> No.15753205

Get to low bodyfat percentage

>> No.15753209

Lose weight, homie

>> No.15753271


>> No.15753839
File: 717 KB, 2048x2048, B2281A65-C327-4D87-AC9E-6606BDF55D1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice boots


The best thing to do is get like colours that are easy to match, black greys, browns, whites ect and focus on what fits and looks good on you, it’s a really good starting point

Always good

Really neat I like this

The bottom half is really good especially the Rick sweats on the shoes just not a fan of the top

Again love this you always get elongated proportions right

Dope get a body mod

I really like this one as well just v simple and worn in

Haha funny please don’t touch my Raf sweater

>> No.15753846
File: 2.22 MB, 3024x4032, 62820922025__B5FE172F-5F5F-45B3-8488-4A398344CDBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rag & Bone shirt/ Acne pants / Common Projects / and an old af American Apparel peacoat.

>> No.15753848

Cute femboy twink core

>> No.15753859
File: 201 KB, 560x1350, Kinoko Teikoku eureka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nike acg
pants my gf made me :)

nice fit
solid very nice
not very good also put the toilet seat down whats wrong with you

the colours the fabrics the paint on the pants the poorly executed cuff make you look like you don't really know what you're doing or you're some kind of day laborer posting their work attire to a fashion forum which seems a little strange to me but u do u bby

either redo the top or the bottom, two fits seems to be clashing here personally i would switch out the coat to something with a pattern, the jw anderson X uniqlo coat this past season had a nice pattern if you wanted an inexpensive option i would look for something like that, then get a lighter colour top, light grey or an offwhite ivory/cream colour would probably look really nice

i like the shoes/pant combo a fair bit actually it's really hard to get a good pair of lightwash jeans and this pair looks really nice

you look like a brony sorry friend, the pose and way you've carried yourself in this photo isnt' doing you any favours, this could be an iconic fit if the photo was composed differently

kinda look like the protagonists in a young adult sci fi film like a hunger games rip off or something

you have fully committed to your aesthetic which is rare to see for an american but i don't think this photo style is helping you, you are making yourself look short and stout

everything you've put in this fit minus the guidis screams you're some kind of student or otherwise financially depressed young person
>sticker on the phone
>that belt
>grey t shirt
>the faded black jeans

guidi makes cute shoes no doubt i've owned three pairs but, what you're doing is essentially like renting a ferrari to go pick a girl up on a date and then bringing her back to a shithole apartment. you're emulating a style of which you only have one part of

>> No.15753879

shoes and socks aren't good here

skirts cool if you're a female(bio) just really terrible if you're a guy

>> No.15753887 [DELETED] 

Awesome fit, based grandma core
Based film. I like the top half, I don't know about the pants ort he shoe

>> No.15753890

Awesome fit, based grandma core
Based film.

>> No.15753892

>the colours the fabrics the paint on the pants the poorly executed cuff make you look like you don't really know what you're doing or you're some kind of day laborer posting their work attire to a fashion forum which seems a little strange to me but u do u bby

well my general idea is to mix workwear pieces I've used in the past with milsurp/outdoors stuff that I'll actually use day to day. I really want to get into altering my stuff more so I could taper/hem/articulate old pants so I wouldnt have to cuff because some of these the hems are pretty worn but I enjoy the patina that a bunch of these items have accrued

I really don't know what I'm doing so any advice would be appreciated to further my goal of using workwear/surplus/outdoors stuff combined cohesively

>> No.15753905

good brands, but i dont think that works very well with your height. could be me but i think tucking into these jeans isnt the best idea, the waist is too low. the skinny jeans also dont work too well here imo, i dont think they work for shorter people in general and with coats in particular. the shoes could also be something more serious.

>> No.15753908

bro your pants are inside out

>> No.15753912

Awesome fits that fit my vibes

>> No.15753926

i can understand wanting to keep clothes that are heavily worn but, honestly a huge chunk of what you post honestly i don't get the appeal of keeping around as "fashion" items

100% support altering your own pieces great skill to have
sfbs are great boots as well but i would probably try and get a more standard colour so they're more cohesive with more outfits and start from there.

i think the biggest thing for me it that your clothes simply don't look "nice" they look worn out and while on leather shoes and denim that can look really nice, when it's a cotton jacket or that bag you often wear it just ends up looking cheap

yeah man they look better that way

>> No.15753946

>i can understand wanting to keep clothes that are heavily worn but, honestly a huge chunk of what you post honestly i don't get the appeal of keeping around as "fashion" items

the way I see it these decently worn items are still more durable than pre-distressed or fashion items made to look distressed so I figured I'd be saving myself the trouble of looking for actually durable items that look pre-worn

>i think the biggest thing for me it that your clothes simply don't look "nice" they look worn out and while on leather shoes and denim that can look really nice, when it's a cotton jacket or that bag you often wear it just ends up looking cheap

I can totally understand but I don't act like they're expensive or nice. I'd feel like a fraud if I bought expensive clothing that I wouldn't be willing to put through the ringer. It's actually a huge problem with those sfb's at the moment. They're my favorite boots to wear because of how comfortable they are and worn in but I don't want to use them as much because they're impossible to get now

I have actively been looking for a really high quality pair of more standard leather boots that I can get to replace them

Anyway thanks for the thoughts because that is the main point I wrestle with: If I buy nice/expensive pieces I wont want to wear them like I do these cheaper more durable pieces especially since a lot of these heavy canvas/gabardine/goretex/leather clothes I have are extremely high quality for the price as well as fitting a specific aesthetic that I enjoy

>> No.15753957

see theres a difference between having cheap inexpensive clothes and having them look cheap

as for sfbs yahoo japan auctions usually has a whack of them

>> No.15753973
File: 35 KB, 640x483, 1597848747870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats where I got both my pairs of sfbs from in the past but like I said I would like to move into something more expensive and fully leather that fits my aesthetic

have any suggestions as far as what to look for in workwear/surp that makes them not look cheap

>> No.15754052

Incredibly autistic

>> No.15754281

>i think the biggest thing for me it that your clothes simply don't look "nice" they look worn >out and while on leather shoes and denim that can look really nice, when it's a cotton jacket or that bag you often wear it just ends up looking cheap
bad take

>> No.15754287
File: 2.72 MB, 4128x2322, 20201201_000625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cozy shit

>> No.15754302

I like everything but the shoes

Kinda cute

>> No.15754308

why did you decide to ruin the thread like that

>> No.15754404
File: 2.60 MB, 2732x3614, 90764EF9-4963-4223-B5BE-5EFA3C6210A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i understand what you're going for but its just not good lmao. if you need to explain your outfit to make it not seem like mismatched mediocre vomit, it's probably not as good as you might think. This is coming from someone who wears a mix of vintage, workwear, and distressed clothing.

>> No.15754413

>absolute state of women

>> No.15754424

I never claimed it was good and was explaining my intention so I could get more specific advice. I'd be happy to hear any advice on how I can learn to be more selective in finding pieces that fit the idea

>> No.15754506

>I'd feel like a fraud if I bought expensive clothing that I wouldn't be willing to put through the ringer. >that is the main point I wrestle with: If I buy nice/expensive pieces I wont want to wear them like I do these cheaper more durable pieces

not that anon, but i don't think that's sound reasoning. being of superior quality/construction (i.e. able to "take a beating", "last for years" etc.) should be exactly the point of more expensive clothing. sure, this depends on what kind of item for what purpose and so on. obviously wear not talking delicate silk ballroom robes here, but coats, jackets, denim, knitwear. and you need to be discerning, of course. like most hypebeast stuff is just ridiculously overpriced vis a vis the fabrics, construction etc., but that's not your cup anyway it seems.

personally, i can't point you in any direction because our styles are very different but i admire you committing to a certain aesthetic to the point where it's integrated into your general lifestyle. that said, maybe look into more "artisanal" higher end stuff like maybe frank leder? also ccp used to be all the rage with stylezeitgeist nerds but i've never handled it and don't know if its a meme honestly. also for certain milspo inspired stuff with a rough, worn aesthetic but interesting silhouettes maybe julius (though i've heard the older stuff was better). anyway, godspeed.

>> No.15754521
File: 397 KB, 1499x1920, 1545702676232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not that anon, but i don't think that's sound reasoning. being of superior quality/construction (i.e. able to "take a beating", "last for years" etc.) should be exactly the point of more expensive clothing. sure, this depends on what kind of item for what purpose and so on

oh I agree completely but what I mean to say was I've had arcteryx leaf alpha jackets in the past and I still prefer to reach for my austrian alpine parka in my fit further up. The difference in construction between an ~800 dollar shell and this 40 dollar surplus one was staggeringly smaller than I had imagined. I could buy another leaf alpha right now but I don't see any reason to

>maybe look into more "artisanal" higher end stuff like maybe frank leder? also ccp used to be all the rage with stylezeitgeist nerds but i've never handled it and don't know if its a meme honestly. also for certain milspo inspired stuff with a rough, worn aesthetic but interesting silhouettes maybe julius

awesome I'll check these out. I've seen quite a few julius pieces in the past but I haven't looked at what's available lately. ccp is neat but not entirely my cup of tea and frank leder has some really interesting pieces

really though part of it is I just find it fun to pick up random milsurp and workwear pieces nobody wants and combine them in ways that already fit my lifestyle but to improve I probably need to start branching out more, cheers

>> No.15754547

As someone already suggested, don't try to match the colours of the jacket and trousers if they don't already come in a pair. Those chino's are pretty bad, at least cuff them evenly if you're going to wear them. Generally, three button single breasted jackets suit taller men, and can make average to shorter men look funny, which is happening here with you. If you thrifted the jacket as a single item then i would just sell it, it doesn't fit you well enough to justify owning it. If you're going to wear a bowtie, wear a contrasting pocket square as well, at the moment you look incredibly sloppy but trying to be refined. If you want more casual just wear a tie, which i think triple buttons look better with anyway. Socks matter with suits, and the ones you are wearing are too black or near black. Post some shoes next time.

>> No.15754571

>everyone who ist not dressed up as an anime character is basic and boring

>> No.15754576
File: 584 KB, 605x581, aviator coat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh I agree completely but what I mean to say was I've had arcteryx leaf alpha jackets in the past and I still prefer to reach for my austrian alpine parka in my fit further up. The difference in construction between an ~800 dollar shell and this 40 dollar surplus one was staggeringly smaller than I had imagined. I could buy another leaf alpha right now but I don't see any reason to

right, i get it. you're not wrong: in terms of pure utility, i.e. cost-performance actual military wear and work clothes are probably unsurpassed. i mean, that stuff better be reliable if you're putting your ass on the line, lol.

But here's the thing and this is where i agree with the gist of the other anons remark about your clothes not being "nice": at some point, when buying designer clothes, whatever their quality and however "artisanal" and "well-made, your paying for, well, the design. There's a difference between having a workwear-inspired style on one hand and looking like you just walked off the set of a movie about a factory worker revolt in the soviet union. and i think you're currently gravitating towards the latter.

kanye notwithstanding, pic related (ro) is decent example of milsurp-inspired but still "design". i actually own the drkshdw version of that coat (from 2009ish?) in black denim. don't really wear it anymore but it's virtually indestructible. it comes in a variety of materials like e.g. corduroy (left in pic), which keeps it interesting, and in a drab, earthy color palette similar what you have going on. actually a lot of drkshdw stuff from that era would suit your aesthetic, i think.

bottom line is basically: nothing wrong with what your going for but unless you add some "design" spice (not necessarily "high fashion") you'll look like an actual in-the-flesh soviet day laborer.

>> No.15754640

I appreciate the time you put to write that out, and its refreshing to see thoughtful critique on here, so allow me a rebuttal.
>you're emulating a style of which you only have one part of
How much of that is the boots themselves and how much is 10+ years of internet 'fashion' developing a "right" way to wear certain styles and using their small list of exclusove brands as social currency? Removed from that mileu, guidis (the classic ones at least) are well constructed, nearly wholecut boots, in a classic shape, with only the barest minimum of functional detailing. Ironically that makes them a good metaphor for how I've come to approach getting dressed since dropping the SZ ninja look (which is why I kept my boots and a few leathers and got rid of most of the rest).
Like, I've still got some ann and julius kicking around in storage, but 9 times out of 10 the pieces are just too fussy or impractical to wear doing anything more strenuous than shopping or taking fit pics. I'd rather maintain a small wardrobe of things I love, wear often, and can just throw on and forget about. Guidi boots (and dark jeans, and plain tees) fit that bill perfectly. And moreover I feel equally comfortable wearing those kinds of outfits wandering Manhattan as I do wandering muddy forests or going to shows. It lets me focus less in the moment on what I'm wearing and more on what I'm doing or who I'm with.
Same goes for a beat to shit phone and headphones and whatnot. They still work fine and I feel no need to replace them for the sake of newness.

>> No.15754666
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Looks pretty good aside the jeans don't really fit right for the look (other anon mentioned it as well)
I think the elf ears look cool but your average persons gonna think you're autistic if you wear them.
Can't see the full fit my guy
The individual pieces actually decent but the whole fit looks too dark imo, also I don't think the shoes match well
It's a nice fit but oversized stuff always seems ungodly impractical to me.
70s/80s serial killer core/10
Zyzz based
Go back to the /LGBT/
Obligatory larp comment but nice gear.
The earth tones look good ngl, I need to get more earth tone stuff myself

>> No.15754675

Gloves are weird and you look like a middle schooler.

None of this matches and you have no shoes?

Begone, thot

Half zip makes you look like you have a potbelly bottom half is awful and that jacket sucks

Wrinkly shirt and jacket is too big

What's with the sweater over the shirt

This is cool

Based female autist

>> No.15754691


you could've just said 'trendhopping faggot begone'

>> No.15754699


vacuous fit, vacuous mind

>> No.15754750
File: 1.63 MB, 1960x4032, PicsArt_11-28-09.19.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to tell with the garbage camera and lighting but the pants have a green plaid pattern on them that I don't think goes very well with the rest of the fit. Any recs on a different pair of pants with this top?

>> No.15754764

I had gloves on cause I was about to go out on my bike.
>Middle schooler
Nope I'm just a 5'9 manlet

>> No.15754871

canadian military surplus cargos made out of gortex i found on ebay

>> No.15754886

you have piss bottles

>> No.15754923

Also nah I just need to clean my room

>> No.15754959

right precisely, there more than one way to wear guidis than the all black artisanal look but ny point is, you've paired it with black jeans and a leather jacket, any observer you knows what guidis are is going to assume youre trying for that stock and standard style.

theres a photo laying around from 2014(its probabky earlier tbf) of a women eating an apple wearing guidis with blue jeans and they look great paired as a normal kind of boots, i don't think youve drawn as much of a distinction between the lame played out artisanal style and just wearing guidis cause theyre cool boots because this can be read as a cheap imitation

just my thoughts on it though :)

>> No.15755036
File: 3.12 MB, 4032x3024, 433E13C1-2F00-4D24-A766-BCB100D5EAA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning

>> No.15755045

im the dude who originally critiqued him, i think it's good to verbalize what you think you're trying to do with fashion makes it easier to refine and develop, place like /fa/ is good for that cause theres no stakes here

if thats you in the photo thats a very cute vest

this is a good point, theres not really any fashion present in the guys fits which is fine but, you're on a fashion board so seems a little strange

1. theres a reason no one wants it
2. trying diying some stuff if you don't want to spend 800 dollars on a shell i get it, maybe go spend like 50 on a shell and then go to a thrift store or fabric shop and get like 50 bucks worth of old clothes and fabrics and start cutting, away boro is really fun and easy to emulate and yeah it's probably going to look like shit at first but you need to actually do it to get better at it,

i think you need some personality in the clothing beyond dirty faded workwear clothing because as it stands i can see no difference between you and any day labourer i see getting pissed on the train on friday afternoon

>> No.15755188

>theres a photo laying around from 2014(its probabky earlier tbf) of a women eating an apple wearing guidis
I know the one and I have it saved in my inspo folder. I think what fucks me over is that I lean to a neutral (and dark) pallete, so even if I recreated her look (big sweater, jeans in boots), which I've done before, unless I'm sitting out in the sun eating an apple, it'll still read SZ-esque.
Meanwhile wearing my jeans over the shaft of the boots tones it down, but it covers up the silhouette, which is one of my favourite things about the boot.
Still, I appreciate your insight, and if you have other styling suggestions I'm open to them.

>> No.15755196

is what it is, and it might be better irl, my perspective is limited because i can only see your fit in a phone photo on /fa/

>> No.15755312

>I know the one and I have it saved in my inspo folder.
post it

>> No.15755343

fake sweater

>> No.15755344
File: 50 KB, 500x500, guidijeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15755384

ID on harrington? I really like that it's sort've a harrington/eisenhower hybrid

>> No.15755451

Do you post on /soc/?

>> No.15755576 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 540x720, WIAWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15755622
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Lots of cool stuff in this thread

>> No.15755636

Sure, but you seem to be trying quite hard in rationalizing why certain aspects of your outfit shouldnt be improved (cost utility benefit, what you're "going for", etc. I think the other responses summed it up decently, in that just because you can get good cheap high quality clothes does not mean your clothes need to look cheap. Also with clothes, you're not just paying for the materials. construction and how it's cut has value too, and with this genre of clothing, how it ages and looks "naturally worn in" is also important.

There's a reason why vintage carhartt is much more popular than vintage dickies, or why vintage levis are much more popular than vintage wrangler jeans.

not me, gf wearing some of my clothes. im all for vocalizing concepts but lets be honest here, theres nothing groundbreaking enough here to rationalize and explanation. It's not like trying to explain vetements crocs to a normie. he likes a workwear outdoorswear mix and he missed.

>> No.15755660

yeah hahahahahaha fair point but, it is my hope he will realize the error of his ways or double down and cope so i can continue to laugh at his fits

>> No.15755678

Fuck, I honestly never made the dahmer connection until you pointed it out. But good point on the sleeve, might have to do that

>> No.15755684

Me me me
I have that same shelf in the reflection of your window. Lookin cool
Either the boots or beret gotta go cuz it’s major horse girl territory, but one is cool. Good fit overall
Well the shirt and shades are good. Wear coolers pants and shoes if you’re rocking that kinda look though.
Is p good
You could beat me up so idc about your clothes
Sup blue kindi. Lookin good
Good as usual my man
You are having a very long conversation. Your clothes look fine. It’d be cool to branch out eventually but you don’t look dumpy or anything
It’s sloppy but this is underrated
Very very bad my friend but keep learning
Awesome. Better than the other one, but both are solid
Too much going on as usual but you know what you’re about
Private school
Still sick
This is dope. Are you the same person w the air rifts, it’s hard to tell. But all these fits look like you walked out of a 1999 Japanese street mag or something
Hat is cool. This has very nice 2016 vibes. I mean it as a compliment to be clear lol.
Wear loafers and this is a godly fit. Sneakers brick it hard
Very lovely. Cardi is great
Id wear elf ears. But you’ll look like you’re larping, sure
Socks suck but this is neat. I hate the hype on that raf sweater but the cut is cute
Classy and not too out there. I’m a fan

>> No.15755716

It’s a little edgelord and I’m thinking of getting rid of it but the cut is really nice

>> No.15755751

Oh goddamn, yeah ultra edgy. I'd like to find one with a similar cut, with nothing on it, maybe even a plain interior.

>> No.15755784

I like the interior personally, but yeah it was a gift from a friend that misjudged my style slightly. Oh well

>> No.15755838

cheers! yes im air rifts Lol, and thank u!
i get a lot of inspiration from fruits mag and stuff but i get a bit worried i look like a tryhard weaboo sometimes haha
that is cool to hear! thanks!!!

>> No.15755924
File: 1.98 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20201201_231842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xavier Wulf, BONES - Fuck Fashion

>> No.15755941 [DELETED] 

Lose weight you fat faggo

Stop eating Mcdonalds everyday

>> No.15755946

Post physique pussy

>> No.15755948

Lose weight you fat faggot

>> No.15755954

Like I said before you deleted your last comment, post physique pussy

>> No.15755973

dangerously based

>> No.15755980

sweet shoes! also ur hair suits u really well, not sure about the flannel/hoodie combo tho, maybe do 1 or the other

>> No.15756007

Ty. Was going for more of a super casual/beach style. Any loafer recs? I feel like my pair would clash a little too much with the fit so i opted for the sperry instead

>> No.15756027


>> No.15756070

The insecure twigfag pulls his hairs out over a fat bwoy posting his fit once more. Like clockwork everytime.

Thanks, desu the flannel I just put on 'cause it's the perfect jacket for the weather outside. I know the fit is not effay also because of the color combo and I don't really care lol hence the caption. I posted it 'cause I knew /fa/gs like >>15756027 would get mad

>> No.15756116 [DELETED] 

why even post here?

>> No.15756217 [DELETED] 

ill suck you off eternally if you go in your purchase history and post a link of the former listing or just copy paste the search terms

>> No.15756221

ill suck you off eternally if you go in your purchase history and post a link of the former listing or just copy paste the search terms

>> No.15756344

I just think some oxblood weejuns would be an easy choice

>> No.15756608

Fair choice, will have to keep that idea in mind

>> No.15756685

yeah thanks for the thoughts. I'm not trying to prove anything really and never claimed to do anything groundbreaking I just figured that further conversation would help to communicate so I can find interesting ways to improve, cheers

>> No.15756756

Nice hoodie, I'm sure I recognise your face from somewhere though

>> No.15757134

for some reason i really like it. Colour coordination is tight even if the socks (the orange part) and the shoes kinda clash a bit. Jersey pants and socks all match and the proportions are dope.

>> No.15757137

you look like that 30 year old redditor who's trying to hold onto his youth. You look goofy as fuck.

>> No.15757140

>star wars tee
>reddit flannel
>skinny jeans
>fresh fade
>white girl shoes

>> No.15757146

at a certain age just stop trying to look youthful and wearing kids clothes. Your fit would look decent if you just wore normal shoes. You're an old man and unless you're a skater, dress your age. I like the noel gallagher hair + shirt + leather jacket combo.

>> No.15757149

unless you're a camgirl don't wear elf ears in public.

>> No.15757169

clean your mirror

>> No.15757190
File: 1.84 MB, 266x199, 94FDD6C3-9234-46E7-B410-04C38C5CD375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insecure normie advice

>> No.15757491

it's not insecure to tell someone to try and look like a normal person and not someone you'd see wandering around the park looking dodgy at 3am

>> No.15757561
File: 91 KB, 640x1138, 1B40E32E-79D0-47D3-A802-88E5727B601D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Issa new day !

I like
You cool asf
Mornin ^_*
Troublemaker outfit

>> No.15757686


=D here anon I hope u see this bc this thread is abt to die