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/fa/ - Fashion

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15746964 No.15746964[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some /fa/ hobbies? All I do is work, workout, shitpost and consume film/literature. I'm a fucking consoomer, I want to create/build. I want to experience things. Help me.

>> No.15746965

shit post

>> No.15748138

bump for interest
tried learning another language like french or spanish but I can't seem to focus long enough

>> No.15748142

go ride horses
most therapeutic thing ever
or volunteer at a dog shelter or somewhere that helps children or homeless or vets
legit best thing for my own mental issues is to go focus on someone else and help

>> No.15748161

genuinely good advice

>> No.15749767

Biking/cycling/mtbing, skateboarding, snowboarding/skiing, camping and playing an instrument.

>> No.15749773

all you’re doing is distracting yourself from your ever-encroaching misery by selfishly fulfilling yourself through others

>> No.15749862

that's just life though when you're depressed. Fake it till you make it I guess

>> No.15749875

Not true.
You actually feel good and fulfilled which gives you purpose and happiness and makes life worth living.

>> No.15749886

Yeah I wanna go smell dog shit and horse shit for fun
I can't even secure transport to get to those places

>> No.15749891

Its a good thing you worked out how I'll feel. I guess everyone feels the same things huh? Moron. Do you also mindlessly give out inprovebro advice
>Dude just work out and read this book you'll be happy

>> No.15749903

your fulfillment through helping others is selfish satisfaction under the guise of popular western altruism

>> No.15750004

Village idiots
One telling me I’ve worked out his shit when I haven’t even said 1 word about it
Another telling me I’m being selfish for volunteer work. So what if it makes me feel good? I’m that’s not why I do it - I do it and then it feels good so I keep doing it. Isn’t that’s like everything in life? If it sucked and felt bad I wouldn’t do it. And trust me it also feeels terrible when you see sad shit. Either way helping the less fortunate is better than sitting around getting fat at home who cares what your motivation is.

>> No.15750014


>I want to create/build

Definitely find something that let's you do this in some form, and share it with other people if you can. Are you creative in any way? Got skills for constructing anything useful? Instinctively drawn to anything?

>> No.15750017


As long as he is genuinely helping someone does it even matter what his reasons are?

>> No.15750029

Am in heath services field, trust me there’s a fine line in this. Too much helping for the sake of $ and u lose your own sanity.

>> No.15750047

Who cares if it's selfish if it makes me feel better? No harm is coming to anyone else, and I can feel better about myself. You can drag yourself down with a pessimistic outlook all you want, while I selfishly live out a happy life.

>> No.15750058

Kill yourself

>> No.15750068
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>> No.15750082


>> No.15750094
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Unironically gardening. Cultivating life while producing shit that's useful to you.

>> No.15750199

Maybe just try reading. It really trains your ability to focus and is a good hobby by itself. Once your past the newbie stage in language learning, reading in your target language is also a really good thing to improve.
If you really can't focus on a book, start with comics and work your way up to longer texts.

>> No.15750210

I can't get mocoayed because I have no reason to learn any language. Picking an arbitrary skill or hobby to learn out of a random list is not fun or conducive to anything

>> No.15750550

Visual art and music production

>> No.15750552

If you like consuming film and literature why not try making some?

>> No.15750737

Working out actually does improve your brain chemistry.

>> No.15750742

Didn't work for me if it worked for you I'm happy for you

>> No.15751292

purchase a cottage and start working on it. depends on where you live, but i love to escape the city on some weekends. cottage heaven

>> No.15751312

yeah - i was considering this field tbqh but seeing all that all day would be too much....
a few hours here and there is great but to have to face so much real world shit is just too much and id rather not carry the burden of reality 8hrs/day and be expected to be strong

>> No.15751321

cringe. by saying you help the less fortunate” you admit that you see them as lesser in many aspects. you then proceed to, in a masturbatory fashion, praise your fortunate self for being able to put a band-aid on the inequality you profit from and unknowingly uphold lol

>> No.15751327

so you believe that the ends justify the means? intent is very important in criminology, morality, and practical and daily life interactions.

>> No.15751331

shut up
you suggest to just not do anything?
i literally fucking donate money and shit
im not saying im better im saying i got lucky with my situations and therefore i might as well volunteer....non-profit agencies need volunteers
you must be trolling so fuck you bc i fell for it for a second
just in case you dont know me - you dont know where i came from and the life ive lived. and if im not allowed to feel good for putting myself to use for the less fortunate - then idfk what you want from me you legit are just arguing for the sake of arguing

>> No.15751338

have fun with your radical individualism, leaving you isolated and vulnerable. destabilizing society has never been this fun, you naïve ayn rand cultist lol

>> No.15751343
File: 106 KB, 857x857, 630BCC16-6CE4-4AF7-911D-E5C88F17BEC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon can’t keep a cool and rational head when engaging in the argument that western do-good feel-good individualists hate the most

nobody wants anything from you. anon knowing or not knowing your life story is irrelevant to the discussion of the selfish altruism you have failed to defend

>> No.15751350

holy shit never seen so many blessed based anons in one place

>> No.15751356

i was implying i grew up fucked up in a poor family and abusive household. animals were my refuge. its not like im saying "oh those poor assholes someone should help"
i have been there and i have emotional connection aside from guilt or shame bc of my privilege or some shit

>> No.15751372

as the other dude said, your life story only serves to reveal why you have adopted the mindset you now possess. it doesn’t suffice as a reasoned argument. it seems the heart of the debate is whether selfishness is inherently bad and whether true altruism exists.

>> No.15751377

don’t expect an uneducated poorfag to actually engage in a meaningful and polite conversation, anon

>> No.15751385

and im saying how is it selfish if my heart is in the cause and how is altruism nonexistent if yes i feel like i did something good and was productive and helped someone - OF COURSE YOU FEEL GOOD

you think angelina jolie adopted 20 african and asian kids from 3rd world countries bc its FUN? she did it bc it felt good to be able to help bc shes in the position where she can

i dont understand your arguments guys
youre literally telling me im being selfish when i go do free shit to help animals and people who are less fortunate....im sorry i feel kinda good about it on my way home....it feels good to contribute and give back and not be a selfish pos that just takes and takes and takes

>> No.15751386

im not here for polite conversation
and if you are...you clearly got lost along the way
im here to get all my cursing and anger out on everyone so i can be civilized irl

>> No.15751400

if this is the same anon that would be funny he’s seethif because he can’t accept that his “helping” stems from the desire to feel selfish masturbatory satisfaction while he rationalizes it as “at lest I’m doing something” and has mixed emotions about being a poorfag. anon also believes online venting is a sustainable coping mechanism. anons entire life story is a bad joke with a nonexistent punchline

>> No.15751424

youre a bad joke bc you legit have no idea what youre talking about....clearly a joke on me bc im entertaining your delusional senseless fantasies

>> No.15751441

Uneducated and illiterate! At least you’re funny, thinking that only one person disagrees with you.

>> No.15751449

I could care less who disagrees I’m willing to take you all on
Also I’m more educated than you just not so interested in grammar on 4chan

>> No.15751485
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it shows

>> No.15751517

selling drugs from a shack in the middle of nowhere on the dark net and switching identities and locations from time to time

>> No.15751660

If you did something good, you did something good. Doesnt matter at all how you feel. If you did it out of selfishnes, pitty or if you get rock hard helping a grandma over the street. At the end of the day you helped someone and did something good.

>> No.15751754
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>you did something good but you didn't do it for the right reason which means you're a bad person
get a load of this fucking guy

>> No.15751891

you sound really fucking boring

>> No.15752435

at least some people make sense around here...
ive had better arguments with my dog tbqh

>> No.15752867

piano, repressed narcissism, physical fitness, studying the Bible, carpentry

>> No.15752915

Casual golf, Boxing/any martial art, boating, shooting guns, dancing, hunting, leather crafting and DIY clothing making.

>> No.15753400
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yikes, so as long as the action brings “good,” your intentions don’t matter? the ends dont justify the means, anon

you’ve got a really smart dog, anon

>> No.15753569

>privileged dickhead ruins the thread by making everything about himself and his arbitrary life story while desperately trying to win the affection of strangers on the internet

>> No.15753717

I am NOT making this about myself. Can’t you read? I am POOR and I help the POOR because I FEEL GOOD DOING IT I am more educated than you, as I told the other anon, so why are you attacking me?

>> No.15753730

and i was just defending what i believe in bc for whatever dumbass reason some dumbasses decided to go on a tirade that im selfish bc it feels good to do good
what am i supposed to feel bad? feel nothing?
literally you guys have never volunteered in your life and trying to act like im a bitch bc i said it s a good thing to get into bc it not only helps the world but also helps you
selfish bitch!!!!!!
i swear you pos fkrs argue just to argue half the time!

>> No.15753774

>it's expensive
>it's snobby
>it makes you look anorexic
>it's fun

>> No.15753880

Writing poetry is a fantastic creative outlet. Sadly I haven't written anything worth a hoot for about a year. The juice just isn't there. I've been wanting to get into archery lately

>> No.15753900

clothing maintenance (mostly sewing)
designing anything. strategy games are also high-creative

>> No.15753906
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also, fixated on aesthetic since the activity itself is simple

>> No.15754059

Try my hobbies: Flying, Salsa dancing, Shooting guns.

>> No.15754073

edgy redditor who can’t go 5 minutes without bringing up their hobbies/10

>> No.15754123

>What are some /fa/ hobbies?
List some hobbies
Cringe bait

>> No.15754139

Get a kilo tt and ride in traffic
>pisses people off
>glorious legs and glutes
>it's fun


>> No.15754162

>when you frequent r/philosophy but are also a depressed, egotistical faggot

>> No.15754182

>I want to create/build
Buy any instrument that interests you on the used market, as cheap as possible. dick around on it and see if you like it, if you do, take it from there. guitar is the easiest to learn by yourself. If you're into electronic music just pirate FL Studio.

Try painting. Look at different types of art, see what you like. I've found that the algorithm of Instagram is pretty good when it comes to art, it can show you lots of different styles. If you find something that inspires you, buy a canvas and some cheap acrylic paint / a few pencils to get going.

Ive found that the more time you invest into a creative hobby, the more interesting other hobbies become. As soon as you're really into something, that something inspires you in other aspects of your life and you suddenly wish you had more time for other creative hobbies

>> No.15754203
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>low quality bait assumes other anons haven’t volunteered
>low quality bait poorfag feels personally attacked

yikes, anon can’t form a coherent argument nor thought and instead bitches about being such a helpful do-gooder bitch lol

>> No.15754409

Whose baiting who here?
Nice frog picture you absolute dunce

>> No.15754456

Literally Kant’s arguing point, still a major thought in ethics.

>> No.15754472

Kant is right. It’s like learning something just to seem cool rather than being extremely passionate about it. It’s passion that drives and discovers new territory, not being a needy faggot for validation. Unfortunately this board is full of those.

>> No.15754489

I skate, which is slowly getting gentrified by faggot hypebeast zoomers. I also DJ in my spare time as well as make videos. Pretty much any alternative hobby that is congruent with your lifestyle can be considered effay.

>> No.15754668
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>> No.15754940

Shhh, don’t tell this anon

or they’ll start making more funny seething posts

>> No.15754969

what's Sieg's real name and address again? /k/ verified that he's a member of this far right group that encourages people to not obey gun laws.
want to go 50-50 on the interpol reward for turning in members of deterrence dispensed?


>> No.15755798

lol seething dumbass attention slut

>> No.15755811

you realize the irony of this right ?

>> No.15756404

Wtf are you talking about? Not about being cool. The feel good stems from being passionate. Nobody wants validation from 4chan. If you do then get help immediately.

>> No.15756421
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>smooth-brained subhuman talks about the origin of pleasure

>> No.15756426

I don’t want to start another war with the fucker with no boundaries.
So what I’m saying - I can’t do it where he can see evidence of it. Also idk his exact address.

>> No.15756434

Let's face it, OP. The only reason why anyone comes to /fa/ unironically is because they are faggots whos hobbies consist of sucking cock, and if by the chance they're not gay, they'd only ever have a shot at the poontang with a woman who beats the shit out of them.

>> No.15756435

Let me guess - your origin of pleasure only stems from 4chan, pornhub, and masturbation?

>> No.15757092

>thread gets derailed by some redditfag who wants to bask in his sense of intelectual superiority
OP just wanted some hobbies and I think you need one too

>> No.15757122
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>> No.15757273

>i literally fucking donate money and shit

I fucking hate what first world comfort does to a nigga

>> No.15757341
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>shut up i literally fucking donate money and shit

>> No.15757362

The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.15757368

typical narcissist, using others as props

>> No.15757869

Do unto other as you would have them do unto you

Oh gee that’s selfish too according to you dipishits

>> No.15758907
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nice thought terminating cliché cuntfucker

>> No.15758924


He's talking about kant....not cunt Indre....fuck off

>> No.15758931
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>> No.15758952

Jesus Christ what an absolute fucking idiot

>> No.15758959
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You forgot this gem

>> No.15758989

Truly, they are an absolute fucking idiot. Way to identify themselves like that lol

>> No.15758992


You just know.



>gets fucked up and drink drives risking the lives of innocents

You're such a lying sack of shit fraud.

Being a fucking menace to society is helping society?? OK, absolutely criminal stupidity!

Requires post it notes placed in front of her to remember to breathe tier.

>> No.15759032

i remember that femanon didn’t even know how her own reproductive cycles worked and said her knowledge came from her gynaecologist lmao

A literal homosexual faggot knew more about her pussy and schooled her

>> No.15759053
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Nah bro, say it for what it is. The most beautiful (by her own words) and intelligent poster (by her own words) EVER!

>> No.15759079

Can you include the screenshot of her criminal record too gelzinis in henrico

>> No.15759096
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very pretty and intelligent

>> No.15759122

dis bitch been calling my man

>> No.15759683

lmao what the fuck is she going on about? she clearly doesn’t know anything her own vagina

>> No.15759695
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Just more proof you all are kissless virgins and should not be spared.

We were discussing fertility and not how long the egg lives. Why is this so hard for you fuckers to wrap your head around?
They are not one and the same.

I’m done done done done done done you guys are fucking hopeless

>> No.15759701

I’m happy that she’s dumb enough not to realize her stupidity.

>> No.15759711

Jesus fucking Christ
I’m being trolled aren’t I?

>> No.15759718

She aslways has to make everything about herself. Who gives a fuck about her poverty that justifies her selfish “charity work” which she only does because it feels good in order to make up for her criminality and period juices.

>> No.15759732

When you’re homeless in the streets bc you’re clearly mentally ill miserable and will likely get addicted to drugs and nobody in your life will help you bc you pushed them away and nobody wants to put up with your shit bc On top of all that you’re cleArly an asshole - you’ll will be grateful for people like me. Who don’t judge and want to help the less fortunate - even the asswipes like you (which most of them aren’t)..or if you’re poor and can’t afford to feed yourself bc you’re shit out of luck - you’ll be grateful someone’s donating organizing and handing out boxes of food at some church - esp if you have children during a pandemic.

I swear here and only here people can twist shit up so bad they make charity/volunteering into an immoral Selfish thing

>> No.15759740

>When you’re homeless...
kek stopped reading

>> No.15759743

People like you shouldn't be allowed to have discussions. You devolve every topic thrown at you into a discussion about your poorfaggotry and selfish charity work. You aren't arriving at any sort of profound insight when you say shit like

>"you’ll will be grateful for people like me”


>> No.15759760

Clown 2.0

>> No.15759848

Just fucking figure out something you like instead of relying on others what to consume next
So you're a horsefucker, it makes sense now

>> No.15759860

100% agree with this. we all need to do something creative, doesn't matter what it is. easiest thing to do even though is a meme is creating OC/memes and posting them, whatever dumb meme that idea comes to your mind you should make it and post it here or wherever you want.
even if its something as simple as adding text to an image (¨me¨ ¨you¨). or drawing something on mspaint.

>> No.15759867


>> No.15759877

what a stupid thread

>> No.15759955

kek this thread and that were ransacked by the (apparent) horsefucking tripfag

>> No.15760056
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Everybody jealous bc they don’t get to ride horses

>> No.15760059

Fkd up but you get the point or just turn your head

>> No.15760062
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Purchasing wine

>> No.15760064
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how dare you assume a stranger’s inability to ride horses

>> No.15760130

> There anon....I ...... don't fuck horses anon!

> Sweating

> Single
> 35 years old
> Horny from lockdown
> Below average looks.

> Has huge tick bites on her ass

> Keeps bragging about " barebacking a horse"

> Saddles visible in some pictures


> Has a male dog

> That she takes everywhere
> Literally dating a dog

> Frequently says " I like animals more than people"

I bet.

> Tried to kidnap and molest/groom a deer/fawn

>> No.15760134
File: 76 KB, 500x424, 813EB6BF-A38B-4C64-B5C7-D1CBDC4BED8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m no animal fucker, unlike you.

>> No.15760213

assuming I don’t horse around

>A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo..just saying

the fuck are you saying the slow buffalo are left behind and eaten by predators