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15721049 No.15721049 [Reply] [Original]

So, I'm at that kinda age now and thinking about moisturizing my face and hair a lot more. I mean it can't hurt, right? Turns out just buying and trying random stuff is a great way to get pimples, rashes, acne and carbuncles even as an adult.

Aside from that, I am overwhelmed with the choices. As a straight white man (it's looked down upon to moisturize among white men as you may know, but let's be honest, dry hair and skin just feels like shit), I have no fucking clue about what to buy and from which company. Even when I reduce the chocies by just looking at the stuff I know from TV or from the bathroom of my ex gfs and girls I know, it's still so much stuff that I am overwhelmed. And as I said, just randomly trying out things makes me break out like a Swedish incel.

What do?

>> No.15721087

>Even when I reduce the chocies by just looking at the stuff I know from TV or from the bathroom of my ex gfs and girls I know
What? The fact that this is how you tried to narrow your options makes it sound like you haven't even considered just looking shit up online.

>> No.15721411

It's not actually looked down upon. Literally no one gives a shit if you moisturize your face. This is all in your head.

Full routine here:
Warm water to cleanse
Witch hazel for astringent
Retinol at night
Moisturizer with 15 spf

There. Not that hard.

>> No.15721542

I wonder, does it really make alot of difference? I've had a bad skin my entire life and used some products occasionally but nothing made a significant change. Also does anyone know something to do against dry lips? I'm crusting up over here

>> No.15721571

>light to her right vs light in front of her

>> No.15721572

I started trying to get into skin care some months ago.
My tip is to start reading about properties of ingredient. This is a good start

Ingredients that i look for in products id like to buy are glycerine, ceramide, glycol, hyaluronate acids.

cosdna.com/eng can be used to find products containing the ingredients you are searching for. The probem is that you have to create an account and register with mail to use it.

I have categorized my skin as a dry type and adjusted my routine as following:
1. water cleanse in the morning
2. followed with Cerave facial moisturising Lotion (PM)
3. toping it of with EVY Daily uv face mousse (30 spf).

Before bed or shaving i use Cerave Hydrating Cleanser for dry skin, rinsing it off with hot water and once again i finish it off with the cerave face moisturising lotion (pm).

It may seem as im sponsored here but it was some of the cheapest and acknowledged options. Nothing of it has made my skin break out, but i am considering trying out a new moisturiser due to my face can feel a bit dry sometimes, especially now during the autumn/winter.

>> No.15721967

Im thinking of adding retinol, how should I incorporate it?
Right now I do: Cleanser, wait a minute then Moistursiser. Twice a day after my morning shower and then before bed.
Should I apply retinol after the moisturiser before bed?

Also I've noticed recently my eyelids are a bit red and my upper lip is paler, and around my mouth has a subtle red/pinkening, is this just down to the colder weather, if so, what do?

>> No.15722003

I have some issues what I'd like to fix
1. Dry skin between my eyes and my eyebrow
2. Dry lips (I've used blistex but it didn't seem to do much)
3. Overal skin irritations in my neck and face
4. Itchy headskin

I'm helpless desu anyone with good advice?

>> No.15722312

correct me if i'm wrong.
don't moisturizers generally draw skin oils to the surface; meaning a few years later you have it way worse?

>> No.15723316

yes drink more water

>> No.15723752

every morning
clearasil rapid action face scrub
wash with warm water
clearasil rapid action gel wash
wash with warm water then rinse with cold water

nivea men sensitive moisturiser
use every night before bed

>> No.15723930

>it's looked down upon to moisturize among white men as you may know, but let's be honest, dry hair and skin just feels like shit

>> No.15723960

I'm of the unqualified opinion that all of this is bullshit that locks you in to buying more and more products to undo the damage of the previous chemicals.
If you're male just wash your face with water

>> No.15723965

panthenol, olive oil and oats
as food and on your face

>> No.15723983
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>> No.15724289
File: 75 KB, 720x810, 42-shutterstock_350179640[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Olive oil that is light and not strong scented. Rub a few drops into your hands after a hot shower, then rub into affected areas while skin and hair is still a little wet... immediately after a shower while you're drying off. Basic and effective, desu.

>> No.15724315

I basically have the same routine as this fella

>> No.15724321

>it's looked down upon to moisturize among white men as you may know
this is retard mindset. man just cleanse and moisturize for fuck's sake. And maybe use a retinol if you don't mind being looked down on for it.

>> No.15724338

sorry you're breaking out dude. don't fall for memes (including marketing campaigns). I use jojoba oil for my hear (best ive tried, cheap, lasts ages). Loreal or astral for my face. Super cheap. Very innocuous ingredients.

>> No.15724349

Olive oil is comedogenic so good luck using it and not getting acne if you are prone to that.

>> No.15724353

moisturizer does??????

>> No.15724356

no, it's not.
you're dumb.

>> No.15724365

a) I would love to know how you imagine that could even happen
b) What does "having it way worse" mean? In terms of anti-aging, having oil on the surface of your skin is a good thing. People with oily skin tend to age considerably better. Not that what you proposed is within the realm of possibility.

>> No.15724387

>Being too retarded to use google

>> No.15724656

not that anon but I use olive oil on my face and for my hair and never had a problem
it's just lies to make you buy expensive synthetic shit full of silicones and stuff your skin doesn't need

>> No.15724822

Maybe I'm lucky then? Like I tried to say in my post, I don't use very much. Even then, it's only in winter when dry skin is a problem for me. It's basically free to try (assuming you have some in the kitchen already).

>> No.15724853

Why do you think your personal experience with olive oil has any effect on it's comedogenicity rating? Is this some kind of autistic magical thinking? Plenty of things in skincare work well for some people and not at all for others.

>> No.15724883

I'd recommend you to calm down a little, breathe, do yoga or something
>Plenty of things in skincare work well for some people and not at all for others.
yes, exactly. Olive oil works for me is all I said. I hope you find something that works for you.

>> No.15724954

This is what I do. I don't think using skincare products would make much of a difference anyway. My father, grandfather, great grandfather all the way back to the beginning of time went without skincare products, so I can too.

>> No.15724958

good, so that justifies rape and taking bites from a cow that still stands
what other things do you want to do that your ape grandfather did

>> No.15724967

unqualified and uninformed opinion indeed
please leave


Fallacious thinking. Appeal to Tradition

>> No.15724970

you mixed up the last two bro

>> No.15724976

i hope more guys ditch the skincare trend just so i can look that much better. do not moisturize, do not use spf, don't even wash your face. our ancestors 500 years didn't do it you'll be fine :-)

>> No.15724995
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As the other anon said, this is an appeal to tradition and is fallacious. Your “looking better” is subjective and irrelevant to a skincare discussion.

>> No.15725019

I just use either Cetaphil or Cerave cleanser and moisturizer. Cetaphil tends to seem better for me personally but you can't go wrong with those 2 brands. I used to just use the orange acne face wash until a few years ago i realized how much effective cleansers are

>> No.15725247

oh yes it goes both ways i'm sure there are people who find dry, blemish-ridden, cracked, weathered skin attractive. anyways routinely bathing and dental care also fall under those categories. no one is forcing you, do what you want with your body <3

>> No.15725363
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>moisturizing my hair
If you don't have long hair, there's no real reason to use conditioner.
The reason you use conditioner is because shampooing your hair causes your hair to dry out, and conditioner is like lotion for your hair.
But if you're cutting it off every 2-3 months, then it'll be gone before you can do any real damage to it.
Also the #1 thing you can do for your skin is avoid uv.
That means if you're spending time outside, wear sun screen.
Pic related. Picture of an old man trucker who had the sun pounding one side of his face his entire life, and the other side shielded by the cab.

>> No.15725695

Is spot treatment legit? Do you guys have reccs for that?