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File: 54 KB, 455x663, 29B4A37A-8F90-4AF5-94CC-2A7DD88A4FF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15705262 No.15705262 [Reply] [Original]

No matter how weak my chin/jaw is, i will always be clean shaven

>> No.15705266

Beards don’t even look good on most ppl anyways

>> No.15705270

Chinlet beardlet cope

>> No.15705276

does mewing/other jaw exercises work?

>> No.15705279

No. Only puberty.

>> No.15705287
File: 135 KB, 715x450, A7ECC398-6581-408D-AB86-77C07082C9EE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15705349

cant believe mewing gave that guy a better haircut

>> No.15705351

explain. could be just maturing?

>> No.15705399

it's a holistic aproach

>> No.15705409

your face has muscles just like every other part of your body, with proper tongue placement you can tighten the skin under your chin and define your jawline. face workouts are useful as well, for example pouring out your lips as hard as you can and hold it for 15 seconds, do 5 sets of this every day. chewing gum helps too

>> No.15705410


>> No.15705413

>proper tongue placement you can tighten the skin under your chin
That’s literally just how people normally hold their tongue, you’re a mouth breather

>> No.15705423
File: 525 KB, 617x774, DE044ACE-C85B-4E5E-B1CD-DCBD15475747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s not, some people float their tongue or push it against the back of their teeth. i’ll never understand the visceral butthurt people have towards mewing. stop being autistic

>> No.15706680

literally just lighting

>> No.15706782


>> No.15706785


>> No.15706811

i have nothing to hide. i’m confident and get pusy regardless

>> No.15707169

The jaw/chin is a bone structure. As you can see in the picture, it stayed the same size. You can't exercise your bones into growing larger

>> No.15707190

that's plastic surgery lmao

>> No.15707260
File: 59 KB, 435x569, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'0clock shadow > any beard

>> No.15707284

mewing is supposed to push the upper jaw (maxilla) forwards so the chin and jaw move forward as well, there's a great gif showing this but I can't find it.

>> No.15707302

try mewing hard. You will feel the muscle directly under your tounge clench in.

In the same way that bracong your abs for extended periods cam lead to automatic tensing, tensing this muscle leads to it being tenser all the time. Your facial bones and pallete aren't changing, your facial muscles are

>> No.15708028

it’s not, it’s weight loss and mewing

>> No.15708364

so what's the proper tongue placement

>> No.15708371

around my butthole. pucker up, anon

>> No.15708406
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>> No.15708413
File: 2.30 MB, 3088x2316, 8271F806-C583-4779-836B-1BF5EB548BBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both

>> No.15708414
File: 585 KB, 1434x1911, 020AE831-989D-44F8-A930-335DF346A2F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15708476


>lighting way more favourable in the result image
>lighting especially shit in the before image

every time

>> No.15708486

Man you are actually hella beautiful if thats u

>> No.15708504
File: 199 KB, 1500x858, SEXcore Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stubble is what gets you laid.

>> No.15708511

That hair is gay and common as fuck though. It would be fine if not shaved at the bottom.

>> No.15708633

He's just jutting it forward. I can do that too.

>> No.15708666

>believes in pseudoscience made up by a guy who couldn't get any support from the medical community
who is autistic here?

>> No.15708678

5 oclocks look dirty on 99% of guys since they don't use electric shaver setting or the proper make up actors do.

>> No.15708692

>since they don't use electric shaver setting
explain what you mean

>> No.15710447
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 1596570212428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No matter how weak my chin/jaw is, I still can't grow a beard
Fixed that for you OP

>> No.15710532

My girlfriend thinks I look better with light stubble. There was also a scientific article that tested this and the majority of women thought the same thing. I guess I agree but man... I just wish there was some god-like entity that came down and told me 100% what I should do to look the most attractive. Beard length, hairstyle, bodyfat %, etc, etc.

>> No.15710585

Look at his shoulders tops right, hes turning his head to the side

>> No.15710613

No remember the post on lookism forum. It‘s a combination of mewing and jaw jutting (pushing your lower jaw forward, creating a slight overbite)

>> No.15710616

Beard length: stubble but not so much that it covers all of your skin and facial structure
hairstyle: probably somewhat short, long hair tends to make ugly people even uglier. If you‘re handsome it really doesn‘t matter as long as its well groomed and there‘s an idea behind it.
bodyfat: as low as you can get obviously, combined with some muscles

>> No.15710624

>(((medical community)))
Ok retard let me go ingest the onions and corn that the medical community says is good, and I'll take SSRIs and become vegan while I'm at it

>> No.15710642

This dude is literally wearing makeup.

>> No.15711359

he's tom ford newfag of course he is
>beards look dirty on 99% of guys since they don't get proper trims or have good beards like actors do

>> No.15711388

He also takes raw poz loads.
That doesn't change his lantern jaw rugged good looks.