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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 137 KB, 736x981, fa0bef2ce9ddca231b542a29a8dc1a20--male-summer-fashion-preppy-mens-fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15697303 No.15697303 [Reply] [Original]





Not being updated anymore:


Quick guide to prep: https://www.mreero.com/journal/how-to-dress-like-a-prep
Gentleman's Gazzete info on /TIP/: https://pastebin.com/QrNDDG60
The Preppy Handbook: https://issuu.com/fiyero109/docs/toph
Nautical clothing guide: https://epochs.co/features/epochs-guide-to-nautical-clothing?p=nauticalpost
Boat shoe lacing guide: https://blog.sperry.com/stories/style/lacing-guide/
Waxing Barbours: https://www.saltwaternewengland.com/2019/09/waxing-barbour.html
80s Inspo compilation: http://www.ivy-style.com/heres-to-a-preptastic-year-the-1982-prep-for-all-seasons-calendar.html
Inspo albums: https://imgur.com/a/SRKjs, https://imgur.com/a/eEw6B and https://imgur.com/a/XZuwA

Where to find clothing:
Spier and Mackey
Polo Ralph Lauren
Mr Porter
Brooks brothers
J press
Jamiesons Shetland
LL Bean
Eastland Shoe
Russell moccasin co
Oak Street Bootmakers
Bill's Khakis

Previous Thread:

>> No.15697304
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>> No.15697375

Want to pick up a few Oxfords for Christmas. Best recommendations? Ideally without any branding (Sorry Polo)

>> No.15697505

LL Bean have nice ones

>> No.15697519

>sweater & blouse
Absolutely detached from reality.

>> No.15697520


>> No.15697562
File: 2.58 MB, 1664x3652, FAA786F5-8B74-49B0-84A6-CFB19E927719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fit for today anons, boots aren't the usual choice but the rest of my footwear has no grip in winter. Any good recs on non autistic rubber soled shoes?

>> No.15697567

Nice fit
Vibram but it makes the sole much chunkier

>> No.15697569

I don't like it. Too much going on with too many colors that don't mesh

>> No.15697701

The shirt and knit tie just look horrible, mate. If you'd fix those two things it would be decent

>> No.15697712
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>> No.15697717

nice fit

>> No.15697756

Aye looking at it now man im not too sure about them, maybe swap for white oxford and dark red tie?

>> No.15697883

Trying wearing it in summer nonce, your sweaty face will get laughed at.

>> No.15697979 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15698058

They're back...

>> No.15698214

Does anyone know if these pants are high-rise?


>> No.15698251

I might

>> No.15698256

meermin boots mate
serves me in winters whilst looking sexy

>> No.15698391

What is a good dressy shoe for everyday wear? Want to upgrade from the leather sneakers, but I don't want to wear literal dress shoes

>> No.15698395


>> No.15698442

loafers fucking retard

>> No.15698451


>> No.15698463

Glorified slippers

>> No.15698467

easy access to feet “shoes”

>> No.15698615 [DELETED] 

Why? I mean what’s wrong exactly?

>> No.15698618 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15698619

Rancourt ranger mocs in suede or regular loafers with a beefroll.
I can rate the ranger mocs a 10/10, I’ve received a lot of compliments on them from my most yuppie friends to those that buy clothing at target.

>> No.15698638
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>> No.15698699


>> No.15698700


>> No.15698701

I wear weejuns on the weekend and when doing non-work stuff. They look fine, and are cheap enough that I don't get pissed if they get dirty or scuffed. I have Carmina penny loafers that I wear to work.

>> No.15698722

I just got a couple of OCBD's from Brooks because of the $69 sale... and they aren't really that great. These things are normally like $140, but are worse quality all around than my $99 Proper Cloth shirts. They are thins, the collars are short with a roll that isn't that great, and the buttons are really tiny and feel loosely sewn. For $69 these are fine, but I would never pay full price for this. For $140, you can get Michael Spencer or Mercer and Sons.

>> No.15698796

>There's a photograph of him about to kiss a girl in the background

>> No.15698801

Thanks for the blogpost, faggot

>> No.15698842

This is a disaster

>> No.15698884

Literal pleb tier

>> No.15698901

>literal pedo teir

>> No.15698922

Go fuck yourself and get taste.

>> No.15698938

>that shirt and tie combo with that jacket
>tells others to get taste

>> No.15699009

Any idea if anyone makes ranger mocs like Rancourt's in a blue leather like Rancourt offers in their clymber?

>> No.15699104

Post your fit then. The fit I posted costs over $1k. I'd love to see your Unqilo fit lol.

>> No.15699147

Its trashy thrift store larp. Larpers will never ever be /fa/. Tip threads are always trash because its always just larpers that wish they lived in the 1960s. You guys remind me of the kid that would unironically wear a fedora and carry a briefcase before it was tied to hipsters

>> No.15699155

I like this fit a lot for the most part but I agree with anon that you could do with a better shirt. The collar has no roll and a blue shirt doesn't mesh well with a green tie.

The basic jacket and cords combo and the shoes are rock solid, though. Anyone who doesn't like that just plain doesn't like trad.

>> No.15699156

Rancourt does, they do custom orders

>> No.15699157

Cordings has an okay rise, but if you really want a classic 50s-style rise aligned with the height of your elbows, they're not enough IIRC.

>> No.15699161

Agree with anon, beefroll loaphs is your solution. Weejuns are often disliked among TIP types now for having dropped in quality, but they're still fine for a beater you don't mind getting banged up.

>> No.15699195

If you want the high rise effect just get a couple sizes too big or a big and tall and use a belt to keep them up

>> No.15699203
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>> No.15699219

Mid-rise at best

>> No.15699233

This is awful advice bordering on trolling. Buy clothes that fit

>> No.15699247

Bro, this is pathetic. Stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.15699281

lmao this is embarrassing. 800 for a suit and 200 for shoes is pretty low end.
don't post pics if you're gonna get this upset

>> No.15699366

Bummer. They're still very high quality though

>> No.15699370


>> No.15699376

>gets proven to be an idiot
>"lol cope"
Faggot. Just get pants that fit you made from a tailor that will make them high rise from the start

>> No.15699464


>> No.15699627


Anons, >>15699104 isnt me lol, ive posted fits before and never been that autistic.

>> No.15699722

>too many colors that don't mesh
literally just three

>> No.15699738
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>> No.15699751

1. Blue
2. Emerald green
2. Pale green
2. Dark brown
2. Light brown
3. Beige

Ah yes, three colours

>> No.15699768

Rancourt is really awesome about custom. Just shoot them an email and expect to pay a bit more.
On a side note. I’ve had my ranger mocs for two years and have walked countless miles with them in my city. They’re now just starting to take a hit on the sole and will likely need a resole before fall 2021.
That’s pretty solid stuff and it’s only $50 for a resole last I checked.

>> No.15699825
File: 74 KB, 634x462, 3D58283E000005784235610imagea17_1487353193986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will traffic here start to pick up since we have a trad President again?

>> No.15699827

Rancourt will make anything. If its not on their website, just email them.

>> No.15699839

That's three too many, faggot

>> No.15700140

How do you whiten or remove browning from the white collar of a rugby polo or contrast collar dress shirt without fading the body of the shirt?

>> No.15700148

Source on his jacket?

>> No.15700160

Take it to a dry cleaner, point out the problem and save your yourself a ton of hassle.

>> No.15700165

Politics aside there is nothing tip in this picture. Joe ofc comes from a prole background

>> No.15700182

White nationalist general

>> No.15700248


>> No.15700259

Ever been on a boat in summer? Gets pretty chilly after sundown.

>> No.15700261


>> No.15700349

Obviously he hasn't

>> No.15700421

Terrible, is a gigantic clusterfuck of textures and colours

He is definitely better than Donald fashion wise


>> No.15700431

And that's a good thing

>> No.15701087
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>> No.15701460

Look at that chad. He does his people proud.

>> No.15701522

>got a 350 dollar gift card to Lands End from my job to buy shirts
>all shirts have to have my company's logo embroidered on them

>> No.15701528

Just good taste general.
What was your point, punk ?

>> No.15701680

Get 2 of each shirt, all embroidered if it's neccesary, then you remove the embroidering on one of each pair and you use that one casually.

>> No.15701685


I think it was RL, came up a in a trad thread a while ago so can't confirm it myself

>> No.15701750

Pick one

>> No.15701860

Are Safari Suits prep?

>> No.15702203

stupid post

>> No.15702728

No. Those may fit in the sprezzatura thread

>> No.15702741
File: 124 KB, 606x662, jslkdajf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do ya'll wear when it rains. I know leather ruins easily so do you just get leather shoes with rubber soles or something else. Only started dressing like this a year ago and had all my bases covered except for this. Thanks.

>> No.15702850
File: 121 KB, 800x1177, Old-Salt-on-Meg-for-Site_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yellow rain coat and bean boots.

>> No.15702923

anorak harrington or other blouson

>> No.15702948

I've got a raincoat (knee length and black), just looking for footwear.

>> No.15703094

How does that even work? Do you have to send in a receipt? Couldn’t you just get like 3-4 of the cheapest ones done and get 3-4 others without?

>> No.15703181

The thrift store has delivered once again

>> No.15703182
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>> No.15703204

The Mothers aren't tip

>> No.15703329

post cops

>> No.15703379
File: 3.16 MB, 3777x2605, 20201110_215722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AE loafers and Wolverine 1000 Miles. $9 ppu

>> No.15703474
File: 1.37 MB, 828x1792, F041D37F-BC66-41EB-ADD1-B42BE4049F47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wore this to church a few weeks ago, I know it’s not perfect but we need more people to post fits in this thread.

>> No.15703489

It's a voucher/coupon kinda deal where they give us a 350 dollar voucher to buy shirts for work, specifically 6, but I think I'm just going to get 2 or so embroidered and keep the rest and just not say anything

>> No.15703500

Pants look like shit but otherwise I can dig this fit

>> No.15703522

Jelly af

>> No.15703586

They are LL Bean khakis I got off of recommendation from /TIP/. I have trouble finding khakis that don’t wrap around my huge thighs like a Christmas ham. A big problem with classic fit khakis tho is they pool at the hem, from now on I’m getting them an inch or two shorter than my measurement. Any recommendations for khakis for men with stalky legs? Brooks bros has great khakis but they’re also like 100 bucks a pair.

>> No.15703595
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>halfway decent dress sense makes you a wignat

>> No.15703597

not bad, I think a slightly lighter color of jacket would be bettre for those trousers. The bit loafers are also a bit too sleaze for me.

>> No.15703654

I’ll bet you only go to church to ogle trad girls

>> No.15703726

They look like they fit, they're just too long so they do that ugly stacking. Just get them hemmed a few more inches

>> No.15703759

dont cuff them it looks bad, embrace the break

>> No.15703911

This style is basically a fedora from neck to toes.

>> No.15703924

>Ever been on a boat in summer? Gets pretty chilly after sundown.
>Yeah so let me wear my sweater at brunch (that's before sundown) because I'm too retarded to put it on later

>> No.15703929

Trench coat

>> No.15703936

>What do ya'll wear when it rains.
The armor of God

>> No.15703955
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>> No.15704099

The only problem is your pants are too baggy. You should have someone hem them to no break, and also taper them. Fix that, and this will be a really good fit.

>> No.15704107
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BB has 50% everything today. Should I cop this? I don't own a tennis sweater currently.

>> No.15704130


>> No.15704164

nah looks like trash. ugly logo, and the color palate should be reversed

>> No.15704265

You guys. Wow. Praising this while slamming the other guy that actually looks like old money ie scruffy, dusty and more or less thrifty.

>> No.15704312

Cope harder, grease head.

>> No.15704322

jfk and buckley are the exception, not the rule

>> No.15704442


>> No.15704540
File: 2.35 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20201111_140522898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not fully trad but liking my ranger mocs

>> No.15704571
File: 298 KB, 720x400, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two stripe patterns are pretty unique. Thoughts? I like the colors on both, but they seem too widely spaced. Site doesn't have any pics of a full shirt on a model either.

>> No.15704594

The one on the left really screams 18th century circus impresario to me. The other one might be good in summer or spring.

>> No.15704612
File: 585 KB, 736x1451, 20201111_145201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I demo'd this jacket, I was told my fit was too brown. Here it is with a blue shirt and some lighter chinos. Is this good? And I don't have a tie that goes with this yet. Should I get a silk knit tie, or should I get a cotton tie?

>> No.15704617

>Circus impresario
Lol. That was kinda my first impression too. I like the colorful stripes, but them being thin and far make me think I will look like a clown.

>> No.15704746

For some reason your head looks disproportionately. This photo makes you look like a child.

>> No.15704747

Large. My brain is disproportionately small unfortunately.

>> No.15704777

very comfy looking, great potential for a rugged prep look
right looks like boy in the striped pajamas, id pass on both
try it with a flannel shirt or fairisle sweater, blue or green pants, and no pocket square. bonus points for corduroy pants

>> No.15704789
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I wore it with these green cords in the last thread and was skewered.

>> No.15704803

They must have been retarded then, this looks better.

>> No.15704813

this is better, decent fit anon

>> No.15704873
File: 264 KB, 1000x1234, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copped this at BB's. I like their Red Fleece line, prep but slim euro cuts for people who are in shape. Looks good in the US and can wear it in Europe when I'm working.

Stripes are kino and chicpilled

>> No.15704911

red fleece is garbage..
enjoy your low rise rubbish

>> No.15704928

Camp Mocs are most definitely tip

>> No.15704930

Chinos should either darker or lighter

>> No.15704938

Red Fleece isn't low rise unless you're fat.

>> No.15705052

you're a mutt

>> No.15705109

this is bait right? let me guess, you think being fat affects inseam length too?

>> No.15705112

Work boots are not TIP sorry nice loafers

>> No.15705116
File: 411 KB, 1024x1534, 4FDD5B28-F9F1-4435-8E5C-8057CB418136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Northern Irish

>> No.15705146

In terms of how the garment rests on your body, yes. Every pair of Red Fleece I've bought rests comfortably on my belly button, far from my hips.

>> No.15705234

lmao post pics

>> No.15705288

Lol no. Red fleece is extremely low rise.

>> No.15705330

Rancourt Ranger Mocs have become my favorite shoes. have had one pair for a year and a half and just got another with a different sole a few months ago

>> No.15705332

Making the change to high-rise, what brands should I look for and what fit?

>> No.15705342

Fuck off larper shill

>> No.15705344

ll bean classic fit chino is cheap
bills is good

>> No.15705352

If you're a fat ogre,yes.

>> No.15705368

post pics please or stop shitposting

>> No.15705813


>> No.15706038

I like it

This guy screams soi

>> No.15706071

based post

fuck the negroid kennedy as well

>> No.15706087

I don't have any experience with this style and want to get a simple fit for autumn and see if I like it. I'm thinking wool trousers/slacks and either an Aran or Fair Isle sweater. Do you guys have any recs for brands that aren't too overt with their branding?

>> No.15706149

Luxire, so you can get a high rise, but a tapered leg.

>> No.15706226
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Do you ever feel like you live in the nightmare timeline?

>> No.15706234

Jamieson's has great fair isles: https://www.endclothing.com/us/brands/jamieson-s-of-shetland

>> No.15706239

I would recommend you start with chinos instead of wool for a first fit. They are more versitile, and require less care. Wool slacks are awesome, but you should work up to it.

>> No.15706245

Wholesale good looking couple.
TIP approved.

>> No.15706253

faggot advice. just dont buy shitty wool pants

>> No.15706278

I have a few button ups and chinos that I wear for work (casual office environment), and that's the closest I have to clothes that look good. I'll still incorporate the chinos into outfits, but I want an alternative. I appreciate the advice though.

Yeah that's why I'm asking for recs. I figured thrift shops wouldn't be bad but you can't try anything on with Corona.

>> No.15706284

Some of these are exactly what I was picturing. Price is in my budget too. Thanks friend.

>> No.15706541

so dressing well in tailored clothes is considered a a bad thing? kden

>> No.15706624

Everything even remotely considered 'white' is

>> No.15706764

There is a huge list of brands with links here, all ordered by sweater type and price:

>> No.15707592
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>> No.15707607
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>> No.15707742

>I wore it with these green cords in the last thread and was skewered.
Two or three trollish anons ragged on you for the green cords and nobody sane did, just don't take obviously negative spergs seriously for fuck's sakes. Grow some hair on your balls.

>> No.15707749
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>18th century circus impresario

>> No.15708638

I actually like it. I like the mismatched look, I think it's cool.

>> No.15708981

What is the absolute highest quality Shetland sweater I can buy? I only know a few of the well known brands but it’s impossible to find any real comparison of them and it’s doubly difficult because I can’t handle any in person before buying.

>> No.15709008

Chinos fucking suck for work environments because you're going to be tucking in your shirt obviously but 99.9% of chinos on the market are turbo low rise trash. Tucking into low rise looks extremely bad

>> No.15709029
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>Northern Irish
No such thing mate
You can be an Irish subject in the british state but you can't be northern irish

>> No.15709048

lol i hate the general

>> No.15709102
File: 79 KB, 1024x1243, RM00051_BURGUNDY_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Red/Burgundy sports coat? I've never seen them worn outside of frats before, but I really like them.

>> No.15709108

So don't buy shitty low-rise chinos. Problem solved.

>> No.15709147

O'Connels probably. But you should just buy a Jpress shaggy dog like a normal person.

>> No.15709159


>> No.15709167

Luxire for m2m.
Bill's Khakis
Jack Donnelly
All American Khaki

>> No.15709169


>> No.15709400

Northern Ireland is WASP based, and TIP approved.

Back to your potato field, paddy.

>> No.15709570

Don’t worry, you’re a poorfag LARPer. No one gives a shit.

>> No.15709643 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 296x299, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plantoid parasites infecting a healthy host? Their “culture” based upon entering a mans home, murdering his kin and squatting at the end of the garden covered in gore saying “Dis mine now”. You English/Scotch/cuckolds sure are a lark.

Yeah. I think you deserved the whirlwind you reaped for being the ultimate crybullies.

> let’s greet peaceful protest in the name of civil rights with nail bats and midnight murder
> has to check under their car for 30 years
> are now being outbred because of limp orange dick
> muh approval needed to wear tweed

I’d tell you to neck yourself but you’re going extinct as it is.

T. American, proud of his Irish heritage and ancestors driven from their home by a foreign hand, who subsequently earned their right to be here in blood at Antietam.

Go home orange cunt.

>> No.15709728

maelstrom of butthurt, jesus christ

>T. American
kek of course

>> No.15709848

How durable are waxed cotton jackets like Barbour's? Also, is there any particular rhyme or reason to the various patterns of the lining? Does is vary based on when the particular jacket was made?

>> No.15710196

American Irish catholic eh?


Back to your onions bean field, Juan devontay o'brien.

>> No.15710317

it's because of the latest trends and that normies hopp onto it but these retards make everything skinny af so to be able to move they need stretchy fabrics.

good for the manufacturers though, as long as they keep their normal thick 2 ply egyptian cotton i am fine.

>> No.15712039

god i wanna learn tennis

>> No.15712210

Literally nothing stopping you. You can get a decent racket for like 60 dollars.

>> No.15712215

Should I go out to an empty court and practice some basics? Will need to get a feel on how to serve

>> No.15712948
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>> No.15713564

The TIP-approved way is to book time with a tennis trainer.

>> No.15713693

And then you fuck them

>> No.15713807

>H-here's how B-biden c-can still w-win!
Shitlib cope.

>> No.15713820

Keep coping, IRA trash

>> No.15713825

Yes. If you aren't sipping a G&T while balls deep in your tennis trainer's pussy, are you even TIP?

>> No.15713829


>> No.15714008

>Having sex with women is reddit

>> No.15714013

It's just that you somehow managed to make it gay

>> No.15714232
File: 178 KB, 700x700, F3031A76-CE25-4BD0-BF0A-CF30EDF73381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I cop this?

>> No.15714358

t. faggot

>> No.15714471

What's a TIP winter hat?

>> No.15714728

Durable definitely

>> No.15714806
File: 554 KB, 1212x954, terrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I miss college

>> No.15714867
File: 47 KB, 720x462, 509486e514a9ffa08f41c0fc809ce1a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trad/Ivy/Prep Thread

That's a funny way to spell faggot thread

>> No.15714889
File: 224 KB, 736x736, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just copped these in the recent sale

>> No.15715210
File: 79 KB, 417x700, tumblr_mqk5k915pC1qg84jeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe harder

>> No.15715307

that's extremely pathetic

>> No.15715336

Nice pic

>> No.15715431


you dont have to match things exactly you fucking nigger

>> No.15715556

It's not too brown and the fit looks good, but somehow the photo makes you look underage

>> No.15715607

It's his height and posture along with the Leave-It-To-Beaver haircut

>> No.15715817

Be glad you’re out now. I’m in grad school and COVID has made the last 2 semesters into a complete fiasco.

>> No.15716089

Didn't this sort of prep die out in the mid 2010s?

>> No.15716508
File: 33 KB, 498x885, nan reds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fren
I wish I was out anon, currently attending Zoom School of Law
yes, pic related
I was just being nostalgic

>> No.15717159
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>> No.15717163
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>> No.15717170
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>> No.15718102

A new Instagram account devoted to Ivy Style: https://www.instagram.com/ivystyleforever/

>> No.15718354

Is it ok to wear corduroy pants with a corduroy sports coat? Like navy cords with a tan cord sports coat?

>> No.15718384

Not advisable. Cord is such a distinct cloth that you should really wear it as a suit if you want to go corduroy for both top and bottom.

But also, don't wear a corduroy suit.

>> No.15718390

Just getting into this style, does this rule hold true for other fabrics? Wool sweater + wool trousers looks fine, no?

>> No.15718407

Wool has countless different variations. Corduroy is very specific. A more apt comparison would be tweed, which much like Cords makes for good single pieces but is difficult to pull off in a pants + sports coat combo. Tweed suits can look good if you are in the British countryside.

>> No.15718413

Get the classic L. L. Bean boots you dork! Up top a trench coat if you're established as a man or a bright yellow rain jacket if you're younger/boyish/a teenager.

>> No.15718585
File: 553 KB, 809x1481, 20201117_115000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15718715

pants from where?

>> No.15718796

What's your obsession with brown about?

>> No.15718799

Is this the longest running /tip/ thread yet?

>> No.15718806

Not bad, but every pic you post desperately needs ironing. Are you incapable of taking 10 minutes to press your slacks?

>> No.15718813

it reminds me of the peanut butter in your dad's ass

>> No.15718855

Its been the same pair of pants for weeks. I just wear pajama pants all day. I only put on the pants long enough to take a photo.

>> No.15718856

Colored chinos look weird in the winter.

>> No.15718879
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>> No.15718916
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>> No.15718928

Why would you wear chinos in the winter anyway? I'm guessing it's not too cold over where you live.

>> No.15718962

then what are you supposed to wear in the winter for pants if your outside for less than 30 mins?

>> No.15718990

shut up

>> No.15719113
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>> No.15719224

pretty good. should be updated to mention the downsides of non-iron shirts

>> No.15719265
File: 90 KB, 635x635, d3cb89a03aaeef6b5e76d625d2993994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15719364


>> No.15719393

Niggers don't buy Ralph Lauren new. So why do they bother advertising with nigger models? I'll never figure this out.

>> No.15719397

Cotton too, just in a much tighter weave.

>> No.15719522

black people wear RL pretty frequently. sounds like you're the fool for equating RL to high fashion

>> No.15719639

thanks anon, have any more guides?

>> No.15719718
File: 321 KB, 434x493, prep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id on shirt?

>> No.15720009

That shirt is beautiful.

>> No.15720025
File: 50 KB, 447x572, 36c8f9429b22f4cb97dfc0a72bfec96d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of jacket is this guy wearing?

>> No.15720051

>iron once
>pants look good for the next few weeks

>don't iron
>pants look awful for next few weeks
laziness is no excuse

>> No.15720062

They wear the gaudy, flashy, brightly colored streetwear pieces. They do not wear trad or prep ones. Yet they are constantly in advertisements for them. I live in Japan and even here every RL ad is full of nogs

>> No.15720079
File: 1.00 MB, 1085x1720, Screenshot_20201117-220045_Pinterest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ralph Lauren does consistently put out the best look bokks though.

>> No.15720103
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>> No.15720121

they need stockings.

>> No.15720191

no they dont

>> No.15720265
File: 1.08 MB, 1692x2748, 20201117_140141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exit planet dust

>> No.15720271

I don't get how trad/ivy/prep enthusiasts would be on here. Isn't it antithetical of the style to spend your time on an online internet fashion board, and of all places 4chan specifically? I think a lot of these guys naturally had this style and life growing up, at least that's what I've seen going to an Ivy and seeing a lot of my peers from this WASP background.

>> No.15720287
File: 389 KB, 367x660, Screenshot 2020-11-15 at 2.26.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15720307

Is it possible to wear shorts and not look like shit

>> No.15720711

yes, have nice legs

>> No.15720750

We first found the site as teenage edgelords, we grew up, got paid, but still find the site to be a guilty pleasure.

>> No.15720761

Bad. Short + fat then makes himself look shorter and fatter with those turnups.

>> No.15720773

Looks pretty good except face diapers aren't trad.

>> No.15720775

You think Tucker Carlson and Roger Stone don't browse 4chan?

>> No.15720778

You are too fat to wear skinny jeans. Get some chinos in a straight fit with a half break. Top half looks good.

>> No.15720945
File: 1.57 MB, 3000x1996, Tom-Cruise-Most-Handsome-Man-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15720988

Alright /tip/ bros, huddle up. /sprezzatura/ is obviously kicking our ass in terms of both quantity and quality of fits posted. What is our strategy for hitting back?

>> No.15721051
File: 1.57 MB, 1440x2160, Point Blur_Nov182020_102116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15721066

I like your hair.

>> No.15721078

There is none. /tip/ is so hateful that any fit gets shredded regardless of it's quality. This is on top of the standard /tip/ approved fit being boring and milquetoast. If you want inspo look at BB catalogs, Take Ivy and pictures of JFK because that is all /tip/ has to offer.

>> No.15721083

Lol. Wash your hair and wear something other than brown. Your copeposting is out of control.

>> No.15721143

picture quality sucks

>> No.15721146

Corduroy pants?

>> No.15721208

Protip: I'm not that guy. I iron my pants
You will never post a fit

>> No.15721209

Dem buckling legs

>> No.15721244

Yes Brisbane moss

>> No.15721608

>live in the hot humid south where snow is a foreign concept
>Am poor
>Malnourished look
>pale and sickly skin
>Dark ghastly curly hair
I will never be /tip/ :(

>> No.15721731
File: 800 KB, 1658x2399, 20201118_155036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Todays attire. It's a bad photo + I need to let some length out in trousers, so I'm expecting to get a lot of flak.

>> No.15721791

You definitely need longer pants, and a higher rise. These make your legs really short compared to your torso. Also, take the retarded mask off.

>> No.15721802

Masks are legally mandatory

>> No.15721823

Thanks for repeating what I said, and then adding a stupid comment about masks. The rise on the trousers is 12"

>> No.15721827

What price range? Corneliani is lit

>> No.15721849

So get 13" rise on your trousers, retard. Also, coordinate your shoes with your belt better, and go spend $5 on a phone case that isn't cracked. You look like a fucking retard and we are trying to help you. Humble yourself and take some notes.

>> No.15721851

Not him but you're acting way out of line. You seem like you're trying too hard to fit in

>> No.15721853

What state legislature voted on that law?

>> No.15721861

>Not him
Uh huh.

>> No.15721865

What's so unbelievable about wanting tod edens a total stranger. The guy ahs already said twice now that his pants are bad and he's going in to fix them and you continuously attack him for it for no reason. What's wrong with you?

>> No.15721880

desu you don't know anything of the dude's environment kek. I know this place isn't the home of constructive criticism, but at least try

>> No.15721881

>Post bad fit
>Don't criticize my bad fit please
Post a good one if you want positive feedback.

>> No.15721888

not really that /fa/ nor /TIP/ desu

>> No.15721904

I'm not him. Also youre not criticising you're just bullying. He already knows that bad part. Irs your job to look for other shit wrong with it. But your failed to do so. Because you are blind. If he didn't mention the pants your probably wouldn't have either

>> No.15721908

take good care of your leather shoes and get high quality, they'll survive. If you're going into the woods or something, wear boots like panama jacks or LL beans if you're an ameriburger. Jacket I wear a monty coat but the thing will weigh a ton after it soaks up water, or i'll wear a loro piana overcoat because somehow its wool actually repels rain like a mad lad

>> No.15721914

In what context is it okay to dress like this? I know ' you all dress like old people' is a meme but genuinely what the fuck. There is no modern day context where this is appropriate to wear

>> No.15721923

How the fuck is red fleece so much more expensive than the rest of BB

>> No.15721932
File: 2.93 MB, 3024x3052, 20201118_170844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I'm fine with the rise as long as it sits at my belly button. As for the rest of your post, have fun moving goal posts

>> No.15721933

Lol. Those pants will never pass for well-fitting and you will never pass as a female.

>> No.15721940

Dude, just stop. Take the criticism and learn from it. The more you deflect, the harder you will get bullied.

>> No.15721945

You're completely delusional and you're a little bitch. You want to square off somewhere? I'll fuck up your madras you fucking nancy. You'll be in the poorhouse when I'm done with you.

>> No.15721946
File: 188 KB, 1300x975, 5f185a0ff34d052bf3461956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>masks aren't /tip/

>> No.15721949

cmon stop making me look bad

>> No.15721954

Fuck off he's in the right. You're an idiot and your criticism is more worthless than your fake wool shirts.

>> No.15721958

desu this, only thing you're getting out of college scene is sitting at home getting yourself piss-drunk because the corona gestapo will stop any fun if you set foot outside

>> No.15721979

Please stop samefagging. Its cluttering the thread.

>> No.15721991 [DELETED] 

I'm just responding to people who reply to me. What's the issue? I'm >>15721608

>> No.15721998

desu if he didnt post fit this thread wouldve 404d

>> No.15722016

bag is goddamn kino, where do you even get a canvas bag with a striped strap

>> No.15722036

they aren't, and they aren't supposed to be so do not try

>> No.15722063

You better tell this anon right now

>> No.15722099

You are ignorant.

>> No.15722114

>fat, old and ugly
Definitely not /tip/

>> No.15722128


>> No.15722165


>> No.15722167

The opposite of overweight

>> No.15722193

Do M2M from Luxire. They aren't any more expensive than from anywhere else.

>> No.15722302

New thread

>> No.15722517


>> No.15723896


no thanks, ill stick with the tried and true one

>> No.15724155

Probably one with the least deaths/infections. i.e. not a retarded bumfuck red state.

>> No.15724209

really like this
very cute, but its crying out for higher rise pants (and longer)

>> No.15724436

This is good, particularly the points about small collars, slim fit, and 'stretch' (the bane of buying anything at all in 2020)

Couls use a note on the utility of a third collar button and possibly on lined/unlined collars