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File: 609 KB, 1481x786, 44540FBD-7D13-4C51-AC82-FF135DD4850D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15696860 No.15696860 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15696871

hes right

>> No.15696893

he's right.
>got fat once I stopped playing sports as a young lad
>was 287lbs at my heaviest
>go all through junior high and highschool as a touchless kissless virgin
>didn't ever go to a school dance
>skipped prom after finding the courage to ask a friend if she'd go with me only to have her bail last minute for one of the baseball chads
>get employed and start losing more weight from stress/cigarettes and not eating as much
>down to 170lbs at my lowest
>turns out there were cheekbones and a jawline hiding under all that fat
>end up losing my virginity at 20 to a 28 year old single mother who was also my supervisor at work
I still have no self confidence but fat people can get fucked, they truly are disgusting

>> No.15696896


>> No.15696901
File: 342 KB, 500x536, 7D9DEFD0-1DF8-492A-8BB0-FBB96B59814A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, I, a fat people, can get fucked

>> No.15696904

Look, I'm not like, a total cunt. I understand that some people have structures in their brains which make it much harder for them to resist eating too much. I sympathize or them. For me it's not food but it's definitely some other substances. Still, let's not pretend like being 5'9 and 170 lbs means you're "healthy", unless you're some hyper obsessed gym rat who monitors their diet literally every meal and lifts 5 days a week. In most cases it means you're too focused on bulking and overdo the calories. I think men focus to much on weight and not enough on appearance. Everybody just wants to gain gain gain, but when someone comes along like, "hey if you gained 30 lbs in 6 months it's probably mostly fat" they don't wanna listen.

>> No.15697907

cringe reddit comment. no one cares about your story

>> No.15697912

And I call him a fag metrosexual in white suit

>> No.15697920

I care.

>> No.15697933
File: 398 KB, 2000x1333, CA3CC47D-C663-4287-8C56-74C7BB2E993C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry m8 but 5’9” and 170 is absolutely alpha. You may not like it, and I don’t either, but this is peak manlet form

>> No.15698013

Literally who?

>> No.15698020

i agree with this. I used to be that exact height / weight and was very bulky, i almost was squarish. Worked out a ton, could lift a ton, thought i was the peak of what i could be.

I looked in the mirror one day and realized how unbalanced / unnecessarily large I was, started running 3-4 miles 4 days a week and doing basic weight exercises + lots of abs (only bench like 135 now, DL 225, etc) and god do i look so much fucking better, in and out of clothes

>> No.15698029

iam not going to search for that - so pls just link

>> No.15698090

stfu you ugly fat fuck

>> No.15698093

Yes I am, but at least I'm not a faggot

>> No.15699021