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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 174 KB, 1080x1350, 121819813_3703346083029914_509640654262878115_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15655279 No.15655279 [Reply] [Original]

Also, are airpods /fa/?

>> No.15655289

I call it "asian."

>> No.15655299

thats a bit racist desu

>> No.15655304

ABG aka the worst kind of asian

>> No.15655306

filled with poopoo piker's turkroach cum-core

>> No.15655311

“Sorry I don’t date other Asians” core

>> No.15655335

why does this picture make me angry

>> No.15655351

I grew up in heavily Asian populated suburb and am going to a high ranked state university that is swarming with asians. This is literally just a typical appearance conscious asian girl.
The annoying self hating asian girls are the ones that either join sororities and larp as white girls, or dress like a rappers girlfriend and e-thug on twitter

>> No.15655352

>state university
I’m sorry, your parents must be devastated

>> No.15655357

she's a huge streamer on twitch who does art all day on stream. she's from vancouver

>> No.15655358

It’s a top 20 public school in the states idk what else to call it. Also i’m a native pacific islander not asian

>> No.15655359
File: 30 KB, 407x405, 6CDF9170-0AC3-4BE4-8ABD-86FDE315AB69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asia island in pacific BTFO

>> No.15655362

She has an Asian bf

>> No.15655367
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>> No.15655370
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pick one

>> No.15655371
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>What do you call this aesthetic?

>> No.15655376


airpods are fucking stupid because they run out of battery and then don't work, then you're sitting there with $250 dollar plastic in your ears pretending like you're listening to music like an asshole.

>> No.15655383

That’s her brother obviously. You can tell because they look so alike.

>> No.15655385

>t. Poorfag who’s mommy didn’t buy him AirPods

>> No.15655398


>> No.15655402
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>> No.15655421

thats not what they look like

those asians look like either white girls named courtney or some version of spic

>> No.15655675


>> No.15656369

it looks smug

>> No.15656432

whole legnth of cock she can fit in dere
fitness dick in your mouth

>> No.15656443


>> No.15657017


>> No.15657031
File: 53 KB, 550x552, 790d0800aa43d058e2d9bbb4e3d3e2c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep this is true. I'm korean american and live in area with one of the highest korean populations in the country, It's this type or the minimalist/streetwear clothing type girl mostly.

>> No.15657294


>> No.15657311

Lmao she’s almost the opposite, dating mostly asian guys

>> No.15657319


>> No.15657333

I drink mineral water and squat with 2 lb handhelds-core

>> No.15657398

I hate a unreasonable hate for attractive people on twitch, every time I see daph or hasan I just instinctively think that they are fake and bad people

>> No.15657556

Reasonable behaviour if you're ugly.

>> No.15657564

she's so cute

>> No.15657821

imagine buying real airpods. just get the fake ones off aliexpress for $20 they're literally the same thing

>> No.15657836

damn, thats pathetic

>> No.15658011
File: 31 KB, 355x555, sony-headphones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, when it comes to wireless headphones, I prefer over the ears. Airpods look zoomer as fuck and look like they'd be super easy to lose.

>> No.15658127

I had the same with that ablert guy, who cheated on his gf
watch bro I swear in the next few years hasan is going to be exposed as a poser/fraud. idk what daph is going to do but not something good

>> No.15658150

Can you replace the battery in those?

>> No.15658152

Why brown pussy

>> No.15658162

I went to a state university that is higher ranked than most ivies
california gang here

>> No.15658650

I have depression and I think about killing myself monthly-core.

>> No.15659030


>> No.15659038

Sony? Why not Razer or HyperX?

>> No.15659051

This is definitely NOT an ABG lol
>t. San Jose CA resident

>> No.15659177

except albert looks like a generic 6/10 chink? The gook he cheated with looked like a literal bug.

you must be really ugly.

>> No.15659716

Where do you find asians that speak English? Canada?
Asian countrys mostly don't know English.

>> No.15659723


>> No.15660505


>> No.15660507


>> No.15660544
File: 145 KB, 1125x1123, m4a6414f3h751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good choice

>> No.15660581

why is twitch drama here?
albert is also a techwear fag, no doubt he browsed /fa/. No wonder he was such a fake clown

>> No.15660661

im just saying, all attractive people should be put into camps and killed, esp if they are on twitch
idk albert i just thought he gave off dickhead vibes, and turns out i was right

>> No.15660675

holy shit this is fa not highschool twitch drama bullshit

>> No.15660716

Dude was pretty much exposed as a sociopath....millenial version of American Psycho. His "I'm back" video really didn't do any favours in rehabilitating that image, and now he's going to be some soft boi image. He should double down on that bad boy look instead.

>> No.15660719

I didn't follow that drama but him and lily were a super bad match anyways. She's super emotionally loud and he had an insane flat affect. Not surprised that a guy like that ended up cheating on her.

>> No.15660726

Can someone explain?

>> No.15660730

ugly outtie button

>> No.15660732
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>> No.15660757
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>apple products
that would be a yikes from me dawg

>> No.15660765

No, it just shows you gladly spend money on a shit company's products

>> No.15660775

this nasty bitch eats big macs every day
her pussy and breath stinks like shit

>> No.15660848

Incel rage

>> No.15660881

>be albert
>be a techwear using musician
>get close to a female streamer and her streamer friends
>streamer girl and friends are popular and have connections
>get into relationship with girl
>she and her friends shower you with clout, funding, exposure
>has very insufferable "I'm not in touching people even my gf guys!"
>friends feel like they're being used by albert
>is revealed to be cheating on his gf with an ugly slag
>he was trying to use his gf's and her friends clout to boost her sidechicks's popularity
>this all comes out very publicly
>bunch of memes proceed
the shit show and memes were all fun tho but he's an obnoxious techwear fag

>> No.15660919

Huh? Who is Albert? I'm as old as Cecil and Igor so I don't know the people in this thread...

>> No.15661653

Man that tummy is great

>> No.15662305

White bf core

>> No.15662354
File: 63 KB, 640x800, 19121934_2579923345480238_9098362211931258880_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are streamers effay?

>> No.15662355

This girl has probably never been fat, I bet she leads such an effortless life

>> No.15662370

it doesnt matter who this specific woman dates. The question was "what is this aesthetic"

>> No.15662840

plebbit spacing

>> No.15664041

Right is cuter but I would feel so weird being with an Asian girl

>> No.15664046

>and look like they'd be super easy to lose.
Underage lol

>> No.15664858

babyface hunchback of Just Chatting

Fuck him.

>> No.15664902

hello destiny :)

>> No.15664907
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>hello destiny :)

>> No.15664914
File: 1.36 MB, 934x703, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a sec I have to respond to this guy

>> No.15664927

>tfw ur fiance leaves you after she gets the greencard


>> No.15664932
File: 762 KB, 750x858, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its poki

>> No.15664934

and gives you chlamydia

>> No.15664943

too bad she doesn’t have onlyfans

>> No.15665540

korean gangnam unnie lol

chicks like this are a dime a dozen if you go to korea, anyone with yellow fever seriously needs to watch out if they go there lol

girls like these almost only date other koreans, if she had to choose between a white megachad and the average two-block black slacks korean who's only hobby is binging overwatch and league at PC bbang.... she will pick the korean lol

hope you're at least white or asian that can larp as korean tho, or else it's very difficult to get with this type of girl

>> No.15665578

korean here

She never looks like Gangnam unnie

She is the face of a normal but charming Korean girl without double eyelids.

>> No.15665604

>She is the face of a normal but charming Korean girl without double eyelids.
nah, normal korean girl is hot, but not that hot

she looks like she could be 인싸 lol

btw i hope you got ur qt korean gf already, u guys are pretty lucky

>> No.15665610

did you have face surgery since youre korean

>> No.15665616

most korean guys don't get face surgery i think
it's typically the girls, and most of them only get the eyelid surgery

it's pretty funny lol, if you hang out with a korean family the guys will have small monolid eyes but all the girls will have big double eyelid eyes... lmao

>> No.15665620

thank you is it cheaper in your country

>> No.15665635

im not korean lol, anyhow idk, don't get plastic surgery senpai

>> No.15665645

ok sorry thank and you have a good day my non-korean friend

>> No.15665882


ahem, where is that? asking for a friend...

>> No.15667385
File: 427 KB, 455x596, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think she has a good body or is just fat/average

>> No.15667395


>> No.15667412
File: 512 KB, 1080x1020, 1552837996432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>just a sec I have to respond to this guy

>> No.15667420

>obsessed with eceleb shit
>has a wojaks saved
why am I not surprised

>> No.15667427
File: 708 KB, 1217x1015, 1603609453033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>obsessed with eceleb shit
>>has a wojaks saved
>why am I not surprised

>> No.15667443

probably average, she does have huge hips though

>> No.15667539

lmao imagine thinking that this is an abg, what a fucking retard

>> No.15667543

cope you fat ass

>> No.15667547
File: 323 KB, 584x525, 015410B3-86E9-4CEA-B4C7-50A6859D7348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15667574

korean here

>> No.15667577

she is literally chinese you dumb fucks

>> No.15667590

korean here
not all Korean people do plastic surgery lmao.
Only those who want to get plastic surgery get plastic surgery.
However, the number is higher than that of other countries.
It's just different for each person. Among the well-studied and gentle Korean girls, there are many girls who do not undergo plastic surgery.
According to the survey, one out of every 8 Korean girls had plastic surgery.

>> No.15667669

Left when she fixes those arab eyebrows

>> No.15667677

Your cock will explode with cum

>> No.15667797

she looks like the average girl you see everday
idk what is so special about her

>> No.15668849

rent free BEBELA

>> No.15669281

White bull ready core

>> No.15669463

Right. That's the hottest not-trying-to-look-white asian girl I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.15669655

she used to look average but she's gotten fat over the past year

>> No.15669694

My first thought aswell

>> No.15669696


>> No.15669821
File: 148 KB, 1600x900, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right or left

>> No.15669831

left because i dont have the test levels of a 45 year old midwesterner

>> No.15669872

would have an amazing body if she actually worked out but she doesn't

>> No.15669878


>> No.15669902

right to marry, left will be our breeding slave

>> No.15669911

she looks like a very cute but not uncommon girl in korea.

go ride the subway for a few hours and you will see more than a handful of them.

before corona...

>> No.15669918

looks like a bean is stuck in her belly button and it's going to fall out

>> No.15670046

I guarentee you its Korea Town in Los Angeles.
Shit is literally korea

>> No.15670049

I just like women who dont like sticcs sorry