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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 132 KB, 1280x1920, EkR91x3VcAAHshh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15653339 No.15653339 [Reply] [Original]

Why are asian women so effay bros? Seriously, you can dress them up in any sort of attire and they'll end up mogging every single white woman in a nearby vicinity.

>> No.15653384

that's a dude

>> No.15653621

Boobs ruin outfits. I will never be able to dress like a runway model unless I cut them off. Every youtuber and influencer I follow has a completely flat chest and they look great in everything. Asians are lucky in this sense

>> No.15653625
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>> No.15653627
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>> No.15653629
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>> No.15653631

This. Asians are typically very flat chested and they try to make up for it by being effay

>> No.15653648

That is such basic-bitch-core, you'd call it boring if it had been worn by a white girl.

>> No.15653666

She's not even fully asian, she's half brit.

>> No.15653887

The fuck are you on about, big chest is a gift from god himself, literally one of the greatest joys in life

>> No.15653892

i would fuck her

>> No.15654032

insect people never been effay

>> No.15654089

shut up coomer and go outside

>> No.15654096
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I think it's because they tend to be really petite/not fat.

>> No.15654142
File: 142 KB, 1080x1078, mmkureha_20201019_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*mogs you*

>> No.15654145

oriental women legs are ugly

>> No.15654603

Westernized asian girls look nice, but the jap/korean oriental beauty standard is damn ugly

>> No.15654702

>why do cherrypicked thin women with clean fitting clothes look effay?
Because they are cherrypicked thin women.

>> No.15654727
File: 70 KB, 400x520, tumblr_oj51z9wsdn1r2kncco1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually the other way around retard

>> No.15654866

I also think that asians, specifically the Japanese, dress better than the girls in the west, and I’m not just saying this because I’m a weeb.


>> No.15655024

IMO, it's cuz they are more dainty and feminine. White women have more balanced masculinity (an Animus if you will), while asians seem soulless and default fem. Their men have some feminine traits as well, but not always.

>> No.15655044

this bitch makes millions from youtube but her parents are super super rich to begin with, paying for all her shit, she should donate her youtube money baka

>> No.15655045

Because Asian cultural norms tend to make them skinny and pale.

>> No.15655366
File: 763 KB, 768x768, 568B540E-DCB9-49A6-B25A-8243DC64A08F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koreans dress better

>> No.15655397

>good diet
>exercise more than white women
>dress more feminine
>didn’t fall for the sweats everywhere meme
Need I go on

>> No.15655400

not true
not true
not true
somewhat true

>> No.15655494
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>> No.15655533

Hello /pol/ tard

>> No.15655555

This man knows what’s up.

>> No.15655783
File: 153 KB, 600x900, FFF790B6-ECC2-43B3-9937-1DEEEA51A4E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White women have no sense in style and prefer to keep it safe by following what everyone else is wearing. Leggings, the same ugly sneakers most of them wear, athleisure etc.Two words to describe their style: boring and clueless.

>> No.15655784
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>> No.15655787
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>> No.15655815

because being Asian gives you the power to sense strong social pressures that you succumb to, forcing you to submit to your family’s hate speech requests of “losing fat,” “get breasts,” “don’t be slut,” etc

>> No.15655821

lol these clones used to be everywhere on campus

>> No.15655958

omg yesss my fat daddy always fat shamed me into attaining a Barbie body
like what why does he want it for me he doesn’t touch me anymore so why

>> No.15655991

you are a possession that he wants to be proud of

>> No.15656085

Asian dudes often are too. Guess its maybe a cultural thing, more emphasis on presentability and status, or at least percieved status.

>> No.15656176

lucky me my father always touches me whenever mother isn’t around. that’s why daddy divorced her now we live together

>> No.15656187
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>> No.15656190

nbd anon, you simply have to dress for your body. I’m 180cm lanklet with fat thighs and I wish I could dress like a lil kokiri child but sadly my body sings in styles that might as well be the exact opposite

we can still dream, but practically we have to dress for our shape

>> No.15656191

thats obviously a guy are you blind

literally look at the shoulders and the need d

>> No.15656194

the need for a scarf to hide the adams apple

>> No.15656199

There's something about that house that feels really staged, like a mock-mock-tudor house. The exposed brickwork on the chimney looks like its been aged artificially, so depressing if true.

>> No.15656215

the basketball shoes instead of pumps

>> No.15656356

that is the ugliest outfit i've ever fucking seen hahahahaha

>> No.15656423

Korean girls > japanese girls

>> No.15656437
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>> No.15656790

>all these whitoid cope
lol i am glad mongrel whitoid are going to extinct soon. Glad Jews are cucking them left and right

>> No.15657160

Stop watching so much tranny porn

>> No.15657165

that’s not nice, anon. say sorry to my cunslut

>> No.15657173
File: 94 KB, 867x1080, merrymarie__20201020_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh-oh white girl, would you look at the time, yup, it's mog o'clock

>> No.15657190

It's because Asians don't have very refined faces. They all look alike. Slanted black eyes, black hair. pasty white skin, thin red lips. They have to make up for their shortcomings by wearing good looking clothes.

>> No.15657217
File: 201 KB, 923x572, 83CE22DE-775E-40A5-8847-1358142D3889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you can say that about any group of people with similar phenotypical features

truth is that Asian collectivity pressures them to look as hot as fucking possible while western individualism breeds idgaf attitudes that are used as excuses to justify ugly, fat, and unintellectualism

>> No.15657239

Asians are nature's goth girls

>> No.15657415
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 28295fd7250146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely CHECK'D

>> No.15657471

Complete opposite

>> No.15657544


>> No.15657582

Hi anon, are you me? I'm 5'11 with an otherwise ideal model body but fucking E cup boobs which make me look about 50lbs heavier than I am unless I wear bodycon(I don't want to)

>> No.15657590
File: 374 KB, 604x452, Screen+Shot+2017-08-31+at+1.54.13+AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking this is the superior asian aesthetic
I would like you to go to any area with a lot of asians, look at the asian girls there and tell me truthfully that you prefer the fake lashes, fake nail, tattooed butch Asians over the natural looking feminine FOB ones....

>> No.15657626

ew keep your legs closer hoe

>> No.15657719


>> No.15657736


>> No.15657904

Quints of undeniable proof

>> No.15657910


>> No.15657944

i'm an asian guy and sometimes i can't believe how effay my female counterparts usually are. i feel both lucky and unworthy a lot of times with my relationships.

>> No.15657947

Boringo ando crueresso

*mogguso you*

>> No.15658048

keep coping

>> No.15658079

are u a girl

>> No.15658080

sounds like a man typing desu he’s got based taste in men

>> No.15658576

Shame they fall for the surgery meme and make themselves look identical because koreans have such a sense of style.

>> No.15658737

Right? Especially getting rid of monolids... Such a shame

>> No.15658781

i disagree, i like the surgery desu. but it just goes to show european features are prized over everything else. even the "pretty" nigerian princesses all have european features

>> No.15659054

I just unironically like the azn moony face and nose, chin and eyelid jobs exist to get rid of it.
if I want a vaguely white-looking girl who isn't white, I'll just go to any european inner-city or to British Columbia and I'll have a wide array of choices for a second to third gen viet, japanese or chinese girl, but I like the real deal better.
>tfw no innately stylish k-gf

>> No.15659202

Westernized asian girls look awful. Filled with makeup, horrible hairlines, lip injections and thick fake eyebrows

>> No.15659291
File: 393 KB, 480x206, 20201014_032838.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15659319

So being a cow is effay now?

>> No.15659693

This post is objectively correct.
Nips and Japan are overrated.

>> No.15659703

pic or larp

>> No.15659715
File: 69 KB, 400x426, xdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15660026

yep, quints confirm sorry I don't make the rules

>> No.15660416

famous koreans only look good because their whole face is made of plastic, atleast the japs embrace the fact that they're ugly (that also makes them one of the most creative population of the entire world)

>> No.15660663
File: 766 KB, 1079x1079, 120B28D3-9F85-4D18-9B8D-4AF1E386492F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want put my peestick inside this creation

>> No.15660731
File: 18 KB, 235x331, 64f03039e6818ee5287881e23bb0a920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incredible digits

>> No.15662205

Agreed, I spent a lot of time in SEA and the more natural looking girls are infinitely more attractive than the clown makeup ones.

I think the key is that look of effortless femininity. Short unpainted nails, flawless natural skin, women just don't get that the part of them men are attracted to is the inherently female part, not contouring, fake brows, and tats.

>> No.15662211

Jesus, this. ALL white girl fashion is some sort of derivative of this.

>> No.15663446

What makes you think I was referring to all the obviously plastic identical-looking celebs and not the people I saw while I was there?

>> No.15663466
File: 1.32 MB, 320x181, j0hQee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non degenerate conservative values and a healthy dose of wife beating.

Liberalism/marxism, which most white women subscribe to, is about the extinguishing of natural beauty for a new, modern, inclusive aesthetic free of history or tradition.

>> No.15663551
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Same with asian men.
White people simply cannot dress well.

>> No.15664931
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>> No.15664950

>I’m 180cm lanklet with fat thighs

>> No.15664971
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>> No.15664972
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>> No.15664977
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>> No.15664979
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>> No.15664983

yellow fever fags are the most pathetic creatures on earth
as someone who lives in a country full of east asians I can tell you they are by far the worst race of women to date/fuck

>> No.15665796

cry more, you’ve never dated a WHITE WOMAN before buddy, shoot dog fuckers and cousin kissers, plus they constantly use internet slang from black twitter and use Ebonics when they grew up in an all white neighborhood. Black women and Latinas are just batshit crazy to date, expect to get stabbed or a condom having a hole in it. And you have to deal with all of their siblings and broke as fuck family members who try to leach off you. And never date an Indian just for the smell and the fact that most don’t know proper grooming so it smells like a fucking landfill down their, and their dad probably wants to fuck them and will stab you. Asians are the safest bet as long as you don’t go for Philippinos and Chinese.

>> No.15665907

>WHITE WOMAN before buddy, shoot dog fuckers and cousin kissers, plus they constantly use internet slang from black twitter and use Ebonics when they grew up in an all white neighborhood
Damn, it really feels great not to be american sometimes.

>> No.15665917

Why is her waist censored?

>> No.15666069


>> No.15666099


>> No.15666128

Chinese detected

>> No.15667220

East asians are amazing to date fuck off bully.

>> No.15667225

Because that's were the Asian vagina is.

>> No.15667237

Merrymaries a total babe

>> No.15667260

Something about that face makes me think she's wearing a wig.

>> No.15667286

have sex, incel.

>> No.15667349
File: 194 KB, 1080x1080, 1585005899636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do I even need to say it?