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File: 79 KB, 640x798, ichiryu grey pinstripe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15653286 No.15653286 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the well dressed man and those seeking to improve their dress by exploring colors, patterns, textures and other styles while appearing more mature, elegant and refined.
>What is “sprezzatura”?
Required viewing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QG4lTMjWtY&feature=youtu.be
Required reading: https://parisiangentleman.co.uk/2017/02/24/how-obsession-with-sprezzatura-can-kill-the-sprezzatura/
>Do I have to be European to wear this style?
Absolutely not. Anyone can wear this as long as they are confident and don’t care what people think. You should be dressing for yourself, not for others. Is this style more common in Italy and other Mediterranean countries? Absolutely. But you could wear this wherever you are.
>How is this different than Trad/Ivy/Prep?
Whereas the /TIP/ threads favor classic styles and tailoring, wider fits and more drape, Mediterranean and modern menswear favors slimmer cuts, tailored closer to the body to accentuate and flatter your body. Slim fit is allowed and in many cases encouraged.
>Where should I start?
Start with sport coats and mix and match with trousers. Experiment with colors and patterns. Don’t be afraid of color. This isn’t business style, where bland conformity is the norm. We want to be colorful, and experiment with fabrics. Wear linen, wool, cotton, anything you want.
>Where can I find good inspo to draw from?

Previous: >>15623276

>> No.15653293

Looks more like peacocking than actual elegance this time.

>> No.15653296

Then feel free to post elegance

>> No.15653319

This guy for example: >>15650783
It's great to see non-Italian/British inspo once in a while, but the guy in the OP picture appears to dress for attention to me. I can't really pin it down, though.

>> No.15653363

You all look fucking dumb as hell and unless you have jobs that require suits you are simply acting anachronistic and cringe

>> No.15653418

Says the basement dweller wearing nothing but geobaskets.

>> No.15653461

I see the red socks ties and pocket squares
What about a red striped shirt?

>> No.15653477

thats no bad thing given the absolute state the western world is in at the moment. it might not be popular, but given everything thats going on right now a clear visual rejection of the current mode of thought is not exactly a bad thing, especially when those of us who do disdain the current dogma are feeling ever more isolated from people like themselves. there are concerns of excess of course, you can never stray too far from the crowd without putting yourself at risk of its ire. moderation in all things, or at least nothing beyond what prudence permits.

>> No.15653502
File: 1.51 MB, 3216x4824, brown trousers navy shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post fit

>> No.15653542

I miss Nice. And Cannes and Monaco and Menton and Antibes. The Côte D‘Azur truly is the best place to vibe in late summer/early autumn. Last year even October was beautiful. Such a lovely place to sprezz around.

>> No.15653583
File: 2.45 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20201015_140856169~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a fit from last week.

>> No.15653591

Wonderful fit, but would definitely benefit from a tie there.

>> No.15653597

I'm not a regular here but you NEVER have anywhere to go where a shirt and jacket is the right thing to wear?

>> No.15653598

Does anyone remember that old guy from the Sartorialist blog that would wear margiela suits?

>> No.15653599

Neat, but align your shirt placket with the fly if possible. I assume you originally did and it shifted during the day.

>> No.15653603

what, fuck no. don't do this, as it will either twist your entire shirt or pants.

>> No.15653614

That's strange, though because the right end of the fly and the right end of the placket should be nearly in the same position by the design of the garments anyway, unless you have a really wide or thin shirt placket.

>> No.15653688

What colours work well with your skin tone? I have exactly the same cool and pale tone but idk.
Nice jacket.

>> No.15653804

anyone living in a city with even a vaguely white collar job and half a social life will regularly have to wear at least a trousers + jacket combo. Do you never have to meet with clients or management for work? Do you never go to conferences or volunteer at social events? Have you never taken a girl to a nice restaurant?

>> No.15653849

Wow, you sure got us.
Damn, guess we'll all just burn our wardrobes because some random person on an anonymous Papua New Guinean soap carving forum said we look like larpers.
Thank goodness I let complete strangers dictate my fashion and dress habits or I'd be completely lost in life

>> No.15653876

Come on guys, there is always this troll when a new thread is started, just keep it cool

>> No.15654097

Thoughts on black knit polos and rollnecks? I'm not sure if I can get one and be fine or stop at charcoal as my darkest.

>> No.15654255
File: 109 KB, 580x580, molloy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thots on my new cop? I can't wait for it to cool down more

>> No.15654297

I think on black ones you see lint and other imperfections real fast, but the same holds for charcoal anyway.

Looks pretty good!

>> No.15654331

lovely, how much did you pay for it and whats it made out of?

>> No.15654488

$30 on poshmark. A little more than I wanted to but it hit all my check marks
>lambs wool
>made in Ireland(anywhere but china)
>collar that's not a shawl

>> No.15654492

Why not China?

>> No.15654521


>> No.15654555

I am in desperate need of a wardrobe from scratch and can't decide on colours for sweaters and the type of sweater wool/neck help.
I liked the idea of a very dark charcoal, very light grey/oat colour and idk if I need anything else.

>> No.15654599

jesus christ thats cheap, do they have sleeveless versions? shawl or no shawl

>> No.15654819

Got told I looked like a fairytale prince today lads (in sprezz fit), feelsgoodman. I have long hair around shoulder length tied back, so I’m glad to see it works with this.

>> No.15654821

post fit pls, this is relevant to my interests

>> No.15654882

This is tip

>> No.15655020

I can see the leather buttons. I wanted one from Eidos Napoli but $600 is a bit much for a sweater

Search for older brands from the UK. Most sellers on Poshmark are middle age women cleaning out their closets who don't know what they have. They are easy to low ball

>> No.15655098

Damn, wish I had that

>> No.15655144

Cheap, poorly made products and your money goes to support a nation that is undermining your own in just about every way.
This is gatekeeping.
>Menswear General
There is going to be crossover and there is nothing wrong with that. Make hard rules like 'wearing X is tip, wearing Y is sprezz' and you end up creating a new costume list and this general becomes tipatura. No one wants that.

>> No.15655493

nice shoes

>> No.15655721
File: 1.71 MB, 2145x4427, 20-10-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for linen.

>> No.15655732

Looking great.

>that last cuff hole left unbuttoned

It's the small details! Hmm actually, I guess linen with a pattern, especially some dark colors in it lessens the impact if it creases as opposed to a single color material. Although I believe throwing some silk into the mix would do that too.

>> No.15655734

>search for a tie on amazon
>chinese polyester tie for 7 dollars
>search used ties
>get zegna 100% silk made in italy for 5 dollars

I'm getting addicted to tie buying because they are such a super cheap option used when compared to new which goes over $100. I just have trouble finding good pocket squares in the same price range.

>> No.15655739

You're spot on. This is a half-lined WSL blend. Go check out >>15650533 for some cuff memes from the last thread.

Vintage ties are the future.

>> No.15655753

I was there this summer. Nice and Menton are disgusting places full of niggers and gypsies. Girls dressed like whores with no class. You must be on crack to miss those shit holes.

>> No.15655838
File: 302 KB, 819x827, 1589449664476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon who was negotiating the price of a pair of shoes on ebay here, just got them for less than 1/3rd of what he wanted off me because literally nobody else was interested in bidding on a battered (looking, if hes not lying about their condition i can easily restore them) pair of L1 loake suede shoes. yes you can name your price on ebay, but if youre putting something up on auction you really aught to keep in mind the very real possibility of it going for next to nothing, especially if you present it poorly.

>> No.15655883

Someone please convince me to wear Navy with pics, I hate the colour for some reason and I don't even know why because it doesn't look bad.

>> No.15655957

Navy is good for people with bluish skin undertones and high contrast between hair and skin.

>> No.15656165

Absolutely. I have a nice brown/orange/sand repp tie that goes noicely with the sportcoat but the back of the collar on this particular shirt is too low for it.
I suppose I could get away with it since the jacket would cover it up...

>> No.15656169

I can't tell if If I have blue or green undertones honestly.

>> No.15656246

You must not have a lot of money to only congregate where the negroes sell overpriced fake gucci shades.

>> No.15656251

do you look better in wine or orange?

>> No.15656254

Just wondered where the fuck it‘s time for linen until I remembered you‘re from SA and it‘s spring for you.
Great fit overall! Maybe get some new loafers or take better care of your current ones.

>> No.15656271

>buy a pair of acne trainers new without box on ebay for £30
>sell them on for at almost quadruple what I paid for them
I'm such a piece of shit but at least my ebay game strong

>> No.15656286

nothing wrong with facilitating purchase, anon. that person clearly wanted them 4x as much as you did.

>> No.15656430


>> No.15656490

What style of boots will fit in well with this overall look? I usually wear derby boots with my fits. I can't really wear shoes as I have small feet... I'm 6'0" with size 8.5 USA and it just unbalances my fit. Boots make it look slightly larger and evens it out.

Such is life

>> No.15656766

will sign up later, cheers

>> No.15657293
File: 12 KB, 228x221, Glasses Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any machine washable suit/sweater vests you guys know of?

>> No.15657318

look for cotton/poly blends for best luck when machine washing

>> No.15657579

Anyone know of any casual sport coat brands to look for second hand?

>> No.15657616

focus on finding something that isin't damaged in the right size...name brands are elusive unless you include consignment shops

>> No.15658140
File: 205 KB, 1080x1145, 3B632F0D-8C19-4088-8583-CBE2B7E56B4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can big assed men be tip?

>> No.15658165
File: 81 KB, 500x625, overcoat scarf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't tip, but regardless will answer from a general perspective
Trousers are a sticking point. Expect to get everything tailored after purchase. I'm going MTM on my next few because it is simpler and almost cheaper to do so.
Waists can be adjusted easily, rise cannot. Make sure the rise and general silhouette are good before buying.
You will most likely never look like a slim Italian but you can still dress well. Choose a fuller cut to give your thighs and seat room for movement. As a result your tops should not be super slim or else you'll appear disproportionate.
It's honestly hard to find good inspo. Pics are usually sticcmode Europeans or muscular sexcore. I am athletic and pretty well built but absolutely do not want to look like the latter but would have trouble emulating the former. Find a good middle ground for what looks good on you for your body shape.

>> No.15658187

solid advice. gonna need to bulk up as all my weight is in my ass and legs. know any good brands selling 13+ inch rise trousers? most of the “high rise” trousers I find are 10-12 inch

>> No.15658192

I've heard Natalino and Pini Parma have good rises but haven't tried them myself. Go out and try a ton on in shops, get measured by a tailor, do some e-shopping. Japanese rep brands can be good for things like chinos, cords, jeans and other casual wear but not for more formal bottoms.
Honestly at this point MTM is the better option for me. Approaching a 4pl8 squat has not helped at all in terms of dressing well.

>> No.15658410
File: 1.07 MB, 2740x2944, blue weave jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15658423

I think the pin is too much

>> No.15658607
File: 50 KB, 750x1000, 20201021_145907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random thrift find today, what im pretty sure is unlined suede gloves, in a sandy tan sort of colour with contrast stitching. no name visible, the branding is faded as all hell on the inside of it so i cant for the life of me make out even a single letter of it. they were almost certainly sold as womens gloves, but because i have small hands they fit me perfectly and i quite like them. didnt hurt they cost me all of £3 either.

>> No.15658611

i should add, colour wise theyre more of a lemony cream in fact. not a bad colour but ill have to be careful what i wear them with.

>> No.15658614

thats nice but very muted in appearance

>> No.15658711

Very good find!

>> No.15658770

related question. on restoring these i assume im fine using an ethanol solution on these to clean them? should i use a suede cream on them?

>> No.15659057
File: 116 KB, 975x1059, VID_20201021_193956106_exported_4240_1603302155055~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noob here
can i get a fit check on this crewneck? next size down is too small in the chest but this one might be too large in the waist

>> No.15659062
File: 98 KB, 886x1063, VID_20201021_193956106_exported_17123_1603302190464~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm the scribbling, i don't want you to see my poverty utility room

>> No.15659066
File: 84 KB, 599x1082, VID_20201021_193956106_exported_11027_1603302127953~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

side view

>> No.15659094

it fits like youre someones slightly frumpy dad, id size it down.

>> No.15659221

Crewnecks are supposed to be slightly larger in the waist. Sizing down will look too weird in the chest.
On a side note you really should work out

>> No.15659234

A size down would be SEXcore tight. Bad advice.

>> No.15659776

These don't look suede at all from the small pic, do you have a bigger one? In this shot they look more like pigskin, or maybe goat.

>> No.15659781

You should absolutely not use alcohol to clean any type of skin, especially not the more sensitive kinds, you'll get blotches and shit. Leather conditioner, leather balm or suede cream would be much preferable, yes. Mind that all of those will darken a hide by a couple notches though.

>> No.15659801
File: 44 KB, 750x1000, 20201021_233617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, im not exactly familiar with hides enough to tell them apart but its a very soft, matte look.

>> No.15659804
File: 68 KB, 750x1000, 20201021_233624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15659828
File: 72 KB, 800x600, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suede is when you scuff up the surface of leather to give it a sort of velvety texture, it's got a fuzzy nap that you can draw a smiley face in.

>> No.15659835

...Huh. Yeah okay, that's clearly a split grain but the nap is very soft and low. I have to admit I don't know either. That said, the cursive part of the label does seem to read "Maroquin" (and then under that, LONDON, MADE IN ENGLAND) so I'd have to guess this is morocco leather, which implies that it's goat or sheep:

>> No.15660533
File: 256 KB, 1195x1280, 0B1C4981-6131-4F2E-90A6-5EA6C1AD69FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t post yesterday. Here’s a quick shot of yesterday’s fit..

>> No.15660558

Wasn't that your yesterday outfit? >>15658410

>> No.15660561

I'd appreciate a detail shot of the tie pattern!

>> No.15660701
File: 2.12 MB, 4000x2660, DETAILS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the tie details with a decent camera.

That was a repost from another anon.

>> No.15660702

decrese bf % faggot

>> No.15660718

Thank you very much, I like it.

Do you really think there is much do decrease? To me it looks as if he is just built that way, i.e. flat stomach and fat distributed evenly, so there wouldn't be a lot of difference after weight loss.

>> No.15660727

looking comfy there

>> No.15660739
File: 395 KB, 2257x2048, 22-10-pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any time.

>the man with magical bf % vision.
You're both right, probably could do with being a little leaner. Mainly this results in a sharper jawline and overall definition. Biggest difference is to facial aesthetics rather than physique.

Need to supplement with some exercise too.

Here, have some out-of-focus trousers for today.

>> No.15661002
File: 947 KB, 2560x2966, IMG_20201019_151935422~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worsted wool fo today

>> No.15661008
File: 786 KB, 2448x3201, IMG_20201019_142324803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The essential #menswear chest pic

>> No.15661019

who made these trousers bruh?

>> No.15661107

You're the German guy? Nice tie!

>> No.15661128

My tailor advised me that flat front pants look bad with cuffs. What does sprezz think?

>> No.15661132

your tailor is correct

>> No.15661162

Yes, looks strange. I think SRS wears flat front with cuffs in one of his videos, it looks so odd.

>> No.15661170

one thing i can think of that may be an exception to this is corduroy, what do you think on that one?

>> No.15661173
File: 203 KB, 1280x958, 5E9F6985-B8C1-45FA-B49F-6A13597FBAA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe more business casual than sprezz but i like the feel

>> No.15661184

Try it with a black top instead of brown. Alternatively, with the brown top I'd go for a brown belt and brown shoes.
You can even leave the belt away.

>> No.15661201

A couple ways you could make this look much more elegant but still casual if you feel like doing so;
I would use a fine, less oversized merino knit without all of the extra material on the arms (this looks like cotton but maybe I'm wrong) with a tighter neck (no gap) in black or a jewel tone, so dark wine, navy etc.
I'd try to use a much thinner belt, 3/4" or 1" width, with a round buckle (something looking similar to this - https://bergbergstore.com/products/calf-leather-belt-black).).

As for belt/shoe colour, some people say that they should match, others say try to match the belt to the pants or the top otherwise it creates too much of a divide which you can kind of see here and looks a little less sleek because the pants are light grey and the top is a medium brown, so the black is quite strong. Personally I find that to wear a black belt with this, you either need a darker top or darker bottom or both.

>> No.15661216
File: 1.65 MB, 1080x1489, Screenshot_20201022-171403~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Berg&Berg model looks just like you

>> No.15661324

where is that sweater from? how did you get it to fit like that? is it adjusted?

>> No.15661366

The examples in their article look alright, I'd say it can work with corduroy

>> No.15661380

good, im a pretty big fan of corduroy desu so that suits me just fine.

>> No.15662446

Good corduroy is too thick to pleat well, so you're correct.

>> No.15662872
File: 124 KB, 725x1280, A1665412-3627-462A-A4A5-FAA74BFCFCA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No time for fancy fits or photography. Just simple and minimal.

You’ve got the pattern matching down, but a bit more contrast with the tie and shirt would help give more rhythm to the outfit. Also looks like that tie is a little long. Consider tucking in the back blade for a formal look like that.

Always great to see more fits posted.

A local tailor, they’re an old prototype pair.
Can go either way, but cuffs look better generally.
Great colors. Would look better with higher rise more drapery pants.

Cheers, Anglo-Germanic too I’d guess.

H&M basics. It’s just a very thin turtle neck.

>> No.15662959
File: 286 KB, 1500x1089, boots3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about shoes? Can, say, pic related be considered for a sprezz outfit? Or do you go solely for more dressy shoes?

>> No.15662971

the uppers on those are fine, but those soles scream retard

>> No.15662980

>Anyone can wear this as long as they are confident and don’t care what people think

You are literally dressing like someone from the 40s because you care what people think

>> No.15662989

>projecting this hard

>> No.15662994

Nope just telling you what people think. Yeah you dress good but you're still that one asshole in the office who walks around in a suit for his non-executive pencil pushing job, and that's all people are thinking when they see your gay little waistcoat

>> No.15662997

nah, just around places

if the last 10 months should have taught you anything its that the vast majority of people dont really think much at all, so quite frankly, fuck them. i am quite enjoying wearing more traditional clothing for reasons entirely different to what cunts on the street think.

>> No.15663252

Where is Cecil btw? Haven't seen him in a while

>> No.15663288

Love the suit and shirt, hate the shoes and socks

>> No.15663389

>where's muh tripfag?
>t. Cecil

>> No.15663571
File: 1.38 MB, 3008x2000, cops2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Landed a new client. Figured I'd get a treat. Some new cops today.

Those really have a lot less character than you think they do. There are some incredibly casual "dress" shoes you can wear. As a super rough guide, anything with goodyear/bologna construction + leather soles is a safe bet.

Wrong. I'm the asshole in charge.

Based and redpilled.

Thanks for the genuinely useful feedback. Haven't been happy with the longevity of these Magnanni Loafers. Might cop some Church's Loafers next week.

>> No.15663656

not him but come on anon everyone here is underage. of course they don’t actually have anywhere to go except instagram

>> No.15663790

w2c chess socks

>> No.15664310


>> No.15664335

cheers anon!

>> No.15664416

Poorfag who has never felt cashmere here, is it worth it? I’m only getting some cheaper stuff so is cheap cashmere pretty much worse than cheap merino?

>> No.15664690

Cheap cashmere typically means e.g. 10% cashmere in a non-cashmere garment and no, that's not worth it. It's a way to upsell you, to charge more for the product than it's worth.

>> No.15664992

What jacket/coat could go with this one?

>> No.15665119

The one he's holding. Probably linen based on the climate and rest of his outfit, off-white or very light tan/ I think there might be more pics of this guy but don't remember exactly

>> No.15665125
File: 263 KB, 980x1470, brown trousers navy shirt glen check jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it, from a Manolo lookbook

>> No.15665127
File: 131 KB, 980x654, brown trousers navy shirt glen check jacket 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mistake, Gabucci , not Manolo

>> No.15665132

This doesn't look or drape like linen at all IMO, probably tropical weight worsted or a wool blend.

>> No.15665148

Linen was a guess before I saw the actual jacket

>> No.15665154

watch in the right hand?

>> No.15665202

Where to cop a good quality wool topcoat for around 500€ ? Any brand recs ? I ordered a De Fursac one but the shoulder padding is atrocious

>> No.15665639

I think that’s just how Johnny Depp is

>> No.15665642
File: 45 KB, 800x1200, 9295F241-D023-4355-8B70-EB2BA0058298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copped a pair of these

>> No.15665649

not him, but hes right. I dont understand the problem youre describing but it must be specific to that shirt/pants

>> No.15666188

So a 100% cashmere lowest end UNIQLO knit is good or still shit?

>> No.15666261

Uniqlo's cashmere(and their merino for that matter) sweaters are quite thin and on the low end of the quality spectrum. Having handled all of the stuff at uniqlo, I really don't think it's worth getting their cashmere sweaters when their merino costs so much less. I'll also warn that their cashmere and merino sweaters really don't hold up to a lot of wear. I'd suggest you take that $100 you were going to spend on uniqlo cashmere and spend it on better merino from some other brand.

>> No.15666752
File: 366 KB, 1300x1700, 20201025_004345_866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good shoe?

>> No.15666769
File: 8 KB, 202x202, I36_dBk0_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im in charge

>> No.15666773


cant really tell but the laces are not promising. it at the very least has the vibe of a cheap shoe.

>> No.15666848

Can you tell me some good brands?

>> No.15666866

What's your price range?

>> No.15666917

makes all the difference desu
there are a lot of good shoe brands out there, a lot of great ones, and a whole lot of shite ones

>> No.15667007
File: 111 KB, 640x640, IMG_20190730_223244_152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellas, what are some good stylings for a young lad that lives at the seaside with a constant equatorial heat?

>> No.15667207
File: 60 KB, 467x696, linen summer fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15667209
File: 98 KB, 640x799, linen summer fit 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15667233
File: 68 KB, 426x639, agnell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get real desert boots or go full Gianni Agnelli

>> No.15667302

This guy's life is absolutely incredible

>> No.15667332

Why is he wearing a taller man's trousers?

>> No.15667341

It's a Med thing, they like to show their ankles

>> No.15667485

$100 - $200

>> No.15667739
File: 3.95 MB, 1395x1727, OCBD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know W2C slightly cheaper OCBD shirts similar to the Anglo-Italian ones?

They are perfect, but need new shirts and can't drop 150 on each one. All the alternatives seem to have really small collars.

>> No.15667806

The storm welt and the sole are too chunky for a plain toe derby on an otherwise sleek last IMO.

>> No.15667814

Have Luxire copy them? I don't know how high the import fees are going to be though.

>> No.15667889

maybe loake and the like? given youre in the US id suggest you either up your budget or start thrifting.

tried signing up, apparently they dont serve the UK

>> No.15667958

I'm not in the US it just seems most people on here are from the US hence why I used dollars, But I'm in Europe and the budget is the same € 100 - € 200. So any other suggestions?

>> No.15667971

Customs/delivery could be pricey

>> No.15668009

loake, barker, cheaney, trickers, russel and bromley, churchs, grenson, crockett jones, just off the top of my head

>> No.15668017

my other suggestion is to thrift first, you can get next to new shoes dirt cheap on ebay just because market availability drives the price of them down significantly. generally the less bought a thing is the higher the price it commands new, so you see a lot of quality cap toes going for less than the price of even bottom end of the market casual shoes that maybe just need a bit of polish. boots tend to be rarer and more expensive though, so keep that in mind.

>> No.15668200

I've had good results with Meermin t bh

>> No.15668447
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Summer suit inspo

>> No.15668449
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>> No.15668850

None of the brands you listed are in my price range unfortunately

>> No.15668875

thrifting it is for you then. its just not worth it to buy anything cheaper than loake desu. alternatively, see if any nice models are sold new but heavily discounted on ebay.

>> No.15668876

We need a new thread

>> No.15668893

We are far away from the bump limit

>> No.15668912

Are loakes actually good? they're like half the price of churches and have rubber heels. always been skeptical.

>> No.15668949
File: 56 KB, 1000x1000, jm29whiskey3-2kopie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Blackstone. You can find good deals from time to time. Got pic related for 100€. Goodyear welted, leather sole.

>> No.15668971

yup, theyre solid enough quality especially for the money. remember what i said about supply being the biggest factor in price online, trickers are not the best of leather but theyre still twice the price of loakes good stuff, and even loakes entry level stuff is relatively solid. rubber heels are handy for when you dont feel like faceplanting in shit weather.

>> No.15668984


>> No.15669160

>that square toe

>> No.15669162

>not gucci
are you poor

>> No.15669166


Very low quality shoes. Maybe their horsebit loafers were well-made back in the day, but now I would go for something with nicer leather and a goodyear/or hand welt.

>> No.15669167

It was shitposting. You're absolutely right that gucci loafers are shit.

>> No.15669222
File: 152 KB, 616x725, pepe-the-frog-in-a-suit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never told me this shit was so addicting sprezz. I can't stop buying clothes and I get a high from deal hunting. I'm five suits and six pairs of shoes in and there's no sign of stopping. I won't even mention the trousers and accessories. When will it be enough?

>> No.15669232

You'll plateau and start cycling away the bad decisions and regrets.

>> No.15669236

Then you'll take the MTM pill.

>> No.15669253

Luckily I did that early on and learned to be extremely selective. It was mostly ugly shirts and pants that didn't fit properly.

Already own three MTM trousers. The construction and the fabric were more impressive than the fit. I feel like my tailor does similar work if I bring him a piece that's a size up and ask him to take it in. MTM seems like a meme. Thankfully I can't afford bespoke.

>> No.15669262

Someday, you'll take the bespoke pill, and realise the reality that anything but bespoke is menswear larping rather than the real thing.

>> No.15669272

If that's the final form I'm going back to jeans and a t shirt right now. Thanks anon I think I'm cured.

>> No.15669276

Thats fine if your tshirts are bespoke

>> No.15669324

take the home tailor pill, learn to take your own garments in.

>> No.15669371


>> No.15669669

Loake 1880 (GYW, made in England) is the only Loake line that a sane person can recommend.

>> No.15669772
File: 120 KB, 750x875, F24BD1ED-8EEB-48E3-885F-88532ADE22E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was searching for a safari jacket then I remembered I’m a poorfag so I started looking at vintage military jackets. Cop picrel or na? It’s a wool jacket from the 60s but I’m unsure about the short length

>> No.15669830

anyone got any good brown jacket reccomendations?

>> No.15669926

Could go well with khaki ghurka pants, because those closures look similar, but in general it will obviously give you a military look

>> No.15669949

This thread is proof that /fa/ has gonr full circle. I feel like I'm back in 2008

>> No.15670173

Care to explain?

>> No.15670189

if you're left handed you wear the watch on your right wrist

>> No.15670226

I'm left handed and I wear it on the left wrist

>> No.15670394

the standard is to wear it on the opposite wrist from your dominant hand
it really doesn't matter much though, just wear it on the side you like more

>> No.15670422

Kek, this

>> No.15670429

The economic downturn has once again made people seek out """timeless""" clothes with an air of """autheticity""" just like the hipsters in the late aughts.
I'm a sprezzfag so I'm allowed to say this :-))

>> No.15670533

theres more to it than that, the economic hit is merely bringing underlying discontent with certain trends to the fore

>> No.15670645
File: 35 KB, 500x357, Agnelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This type of gate keeping is what makes menswear fake and gay. The reason I am attracted to sprezz is because it offers elegance along with freedom of expression. Insert these levels and you turn it into typcal /fa/ggot clothes. You think anyone else but another giant faggot is gonna care if you got a Milanese button hole or bemberg lining? Trendsetters went bespoke because they had no choice, that was the only way to break the rigid rules of their time and wear something no one else had. They couldn't buy a double breasted linen suit OTR. Go back to TIP with this shit

>> No.15670664
File: 283 KB, 468x1138, brooks-brothers-top-model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't miss the point more. It has nothing to do with button holes, functional cuffs, fancy trimmings or how expensive it is. It's impossible to feel remotely comfortable or look elegant in badly fitted clothes. The fundamental nature of the garment is that unless the fit is absolutely precise it is both hilariously uncomfortable and awful looking. Bespoke/MTM is the only way to achieve this within the constraints of jacket design.

The only case OTR might "work" if you look like pic related and promise under no circumstances to ever move your arms.

>> No.15670672

Gtfooh thats not "elegance" that's nice and proper but it is not refined enough or personalozed enough, too boxy a fit, doesnt need to be sexcore tight lol but come on.

>> No.15670675

2008 /fa/ was menswear orriented.

>> No.15670677

post what you consider elegance, preferably two or three different fits

>> No.15670678

Fuck you faggot, one of my friends had a door to door sales job where most people wore jeans or even shorts and this nigga wore suits, he runs an office for that same business now.

>> No.15670684
File: 135 KB, 852x1280, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a perfectly fitted single button jacket bespoke 3 piece suit worn by a 40-50-something asian man. It's cut for comfort and drape. You could stay in that all day. It's an exquisite suit.

This however is shit.

>> No.15670687 [DELETED] 

It's just really hard to look "causally elegant" with something that is ill fitting and most store clothing is. It's nothing to do with being pretentious or whatever. if you're lucky and it fits great, then great. But you;d be hard pressed finding a a jacket pants etc, that all fit together great.

This does not mean thousands on bespoke, for the most part learn a little tailoring or make basic adjustments to get the fit as right as you can.

The lining is based on comfort, do you sweat wearing a plastic bag polyester lining or something nice and cool? The same way how some polyester suit jacket will fall badly and look unnatural compared to a wool.

None of it is really gate keeping, just a basic set of "unwritten" rules to give you the best chance of looking your best and it's easily attainable.

>> No.15670688

No nigger, shit. Look at what people use for shoes, saphir renovateur or lexol that is all I would fuck around with.

>> No.15670690

It's just really hard to look "causally elegant" with something that is ill fitting and most store clothing is. It's nothing to do with being pretentious or whatever. if you're lucky and it fits great, then great. But you'd be hard pressed finding a a jacket pants etc' that all fit together great.

This does not mean thousands on bespoke, for the most part learn a little tailoring or make basic adjustments to get the fit as right as you can.

The lining is based on comfort, do you sweat wearing a plastic bag polyester lining or something nice and cool? The same way how some polyester suit jacket will fall badly and look unnatural compared to a wool.

None of it is really gate keeping, just a basic set of "unwritten" rules to give you the best chance of looking your best and it's easily attainable.

>> No.15670691

Pigskin? You stupid motherfucker

>> No.15670693
File: 344 KB, 1000x1500, suitpic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same three piece asian guy shown in a DB jacket here.

>> No.15670696

yeah, was a dumb idea. i tried them on with what i was thinking of wearing them with and tbqh they are too yellow in colour to really fit well. do you think it would be worth darkening them with a suitable cream?

>> No.15670704

That only works if you have a boxy fit, if you have a V-taper or are skinny some changes will have to be made to the waist.

>> No.15670725

loake, barker, meermin, morjas

>> No.15670726

Save + cobbler union.

>> No.15670854

You can clearly see the waist suppresion

>> No.15671553

If I have decent entry level shoes, decent pants but dirt cheap shirts and knitwear.
Will I look like shit? Or could I still look ok if they fit well?

I pretty much only have a comfortable budget for better shoes, trousers and maybe a jacket right now, not poor, just my priorities aren't here yet until I'm more comfortable. It means I will literally have to go Uniqlo/H&M tier on my knitwear and polos so I hope that's not too bad. (not including thrifting)

>> No.15671564

Yes. High price tag does not correlate with it fitting well. It's just that high price usually means better material which sits well on you and subsequently looks better. It's less valid for basics.

>> No.15671609

Thanks. It’s also worth mentioning that I’m fit so maybe I can get away with it for basics.

So say I pick up a few cheaper Uniqlo/H&M wool sweaters for £30 each. I could also get better starting at minimum £75 each (likely £100+) for three which would be around £225-£300.
I would be much better off going cheaper and saving £150+ which could go towards another jacket or pair of trousers or shoes right? I know quality isn’t the same but surely it can’t be that bad as long as I look after the garments and the money would be better used on another item? I just need to think about my priorities.

>> No.15671633

Yeah I was going to say being fit is really important too. A basic polo is going to look good on anyone who is fit regardless of brand/price tag.

New wool is new wool is most of those brands and price ranges. If one is merino etc. and the other not, then yeah, of course one is better but other than that, they're fine. Most garments in lower to mid price brackets are going to be made in the same place it's only once you go into the top end it will change.

>> No.15671685

Ike jackets have a pretty strong military look so you'll have to really know what you're doing to style it right. The biggest issue is because of the long tab closure at the bottom it's going to look odd worn open(maybe you could make it work). Worn open a military jacket look less serious and more casual, wearing it closed definitely makes it more serious and militaristic. I'd disagree with the other anon in regards to Gurkha trousers, I feel the combination would end up with too many tabs and buckles around the waist and end up looking very busy.

>> No.15671714

Any thoughts on Charles Tyrwhitt shirts and trousers?

>> No.15671719

V-Necks without a shirt underneath. Yes/No?

>> No.15671758

No, the Simon Cowell look isn't a good one.

>> No.15671867
File: 70 KB, 425x312, do not talk to tripfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15671887

The Goose did it in crazy, stupid, love.

Bottom line: Be muscular and in shape.

>> No.15672246

bump on this looking for advice

>> No.15672463

Size down to sexcore is awesome and based if you have muscles

>> No.15672544

migration time

>> No.15672567

Making a thread when there are still 80 replies left

>> No.15672594

Is it too bad if the belt fits into the second to last hole? There's no fat to lose, just to be clear. I've read submerging it into water and then wearing it will stretch it.

>> No.15672856

If it's a nice belt don't sweat it. Last hole is a big no though

>> No.15673136
File: 573 KB, 3008x1000, trouser lines gurkha and regular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15673210
File: 325 KB, 2400x2400, 0C5DC61E-26CD-47EB-AD5A-86CA52375EE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossposting from /tip/ but I splurged on these. I’ll post a pic for you guys as well as horsebit falls into this realm also

>> No.15673459
File: 380 KB, 1000x1500, luxe-espadrilles-outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May i add

>> No.15673466

>non-indigenous european guy

Respectfully can you keep cultural appropriation of indigenous Europeans clothing out of here. Thanks. My culture and the clothing that comes with it is not a costume. You'd never post white guys with dreadlocks in an African dreadlocks thread. Please stop.

>> No.15673530



>> No.15673533


>> No.15673548
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>> No.15673743

When do you guys ever wear shetlands? I always find that I'm way too warm to wear them inside and when moving around outside? UK btw

>> No.15673758

First time this shitty fucken meme has made me laugh, kudos.

>> No.15673787

wear it instead of a coat outdoors if youre so inclined, or save it for a specific situation like a particularly cold winters day. you may wish to invest in things like cardigans instead, that leave you with more options for ventilation.

>> No.15674041

Noice, are they blake stitched?

>> No.15675017
File: 71 KB, 640x640, dormeuil nacy jacket paisley tie ichiryu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15675309
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>> No.15675685


>> No.15675779
File: 56 KB, 550x550, 14316AFE-58EE-4AE4-AE4E-F0AA37CBD5B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to find basic sweatshirt similar to this with the stitching for around 50 euro? Pic from Spier&Mackay for 50USD but somehow looks less shit tier than any fast fashion stores.

>> No.15676217
File: 70 KB, 750x1334, 4F6D1254-3629-455D-8FF3-3E6DFDAABB37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I am building a base of knitwear right now for capsule wardrobe so I can get the most use out of them and what do you think about the colours here?
I’m not a fan of navy knitwear and wouldn’t know where to place it, I’d prefer a dark brown but I wanted to limit myself to four colours initially and I’m not sure if omitting Navy would be a mistake. Ignore the turtlenecks, I’m still trying to decide which colours should be turtlenecks and which should be crew. I think they’ll all have to be merino or a very light lambswool, perhaps cashmere so nothing thicker and heavier with different character unfortunately since I want multiple seasons usage.

>> No.15676244

might wanna post here >>15672388

makes more sense to hop over rather than split posts between two.