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/fa/ - Fashion

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15644731 No.15644731 [Reply] [Original]

is dry cleaning bad for your clothes regardless of laundry labels and should it be avoided entirely?

>> No.15644746

you have to do it with certain fabrics. it's less detrimental than normal washing by my observation. still, I dry clean my clothes sparingly.

my shit:
wool, silk, viscose, other fine fabrics: dry clean as needed, but not often.

expensive jeans: wash infrequently, do not allow odor to buildup.

leather: condition as needed, check before and after each season it is used.

cotton t-shirt, undies, socks, etc: wash after one use

cheap jeans (Levis, etc): wash like every 2 weeks, or immediately if you sweat heavily doing whatever the fuck active shit

I wouldn't dry clean anything that doesn't require it personally.

>> No.15644897

this guy is based for triggering all the people that are only subscribed to vice to comment on videos

>> No.15645485

>>>15644731 (OP)
Alhan is a chad

>> No.15645787


What the fuck is with oversized fit of that jacket, clownish.

>> No.15645878
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it's an absurdist philosophy for post-modern living, you wouldn't get it.

>> No.15646168
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>> No.15647334

cleaning your own clothes isn't fa.

make enough money to have other people clean your clothes.

>> No.15647444

Or in your case, your mom

>> No.15647452

guilty as charged

>> No.15647479

I have been working as a dry cleaner for over a year, ask away.

Dry cleaning from a place that has a high-end drycleaner like a Realstar will treat your clothes better 'in general'. With a lot of fabrics when they're wet and exposed to any sort of heat they will twist and pill at a near microscopic level, it will wear away at your clothes faster. Dyes are also more likely to run with most fabrics in the wash as opposed to the dry cleaners. Dry cleaning machines use a solvent that is a bit like gasoline to dissolve the dirt, it then uses heat to remove the solvent. Because the clothing doesn't get wet the fabric does not pill or twist during the heating phase. I also use an assortment of chemicals to treat stains once the load has come out of the dry cleaning machine. Some places will use a shitty machine, or not maintain the solvent, the dirtier the still gets the more saturated the solvent becomes and the less it can absorb whatever gunk is in the clothing. Pretty decent job, shit pay, comfy hours, I listen to music all day and occasionally handle some really cool clothes.

>> No.15647490
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what’s /fa/ is never letting human hands other than your own ever touch your clothes, you lazy ape. not only should you lovingly care for your clothing, but you should repair and alter it yourself. And truly, peak /fa/ would be sewing your own clothing