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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 70 KB, 564x669, 8887D907-4BCE-4535-9648-C52C1F7AFCE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15639006 No.15639006 [Reply] [Original]

>Not me in the picture, but pic related. I look almost exactly like this except my eyes are hazel and a more cushioned face.

The way I like to dress and do my makeup doesn’t match my interests AT ALL and it makes it so hard to make friends and meet boys (yea I know it’s stupid but I’m lonely and horny, eat glass).

>be me
>listen to pop punk music, spend time on discord and 4chan, likes to skate, also likes stupid cutesy shit like stuffed animals
>The guys that find me attractive, I can’t hold a conversation with them >The guys I get along with amazingly, I’m usually not their type physically


>> No.15639012

>yea I know it’s stupid but I’m lonely and horny

You just so happened to catch me suffering from a pretty serious case of jungle fever, sweetheart.

pls be in seattle.

>> No.15639015

how do you dress

>> No.15639018
File: 599 KB, 1500x2019, D1E8FDAF-CC9B-40F0-AD8F-D56730D9CC19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this in another thread earlier but I dress almost exactly like this and I wear my hair in box braids

>> No.15639020

Unfortunately no, I’m in the northeast of the US

>> No.15639022
File: 1.09 MB, 1452x1583, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Cecil
> “unfortunately”

Cecil now pretending to be a “cushion-faced” negress. Rofl lmaaaaaaaao

>> No.15639030

I guess we have similar speech patterns? Like have you never used the word ‘unfortunately’ or are you just a part of the American population that’s just barely literate so words like that are hard to come by?

>> No.15639033

I think what he was getting at is that not being near Cecil is hardly something unfortunate.

>> No.15639035

ah okay, yea no I can’t pick up on much nuance

>> No.15639038


>> No.15639041

thank you, sexy

>> No.15639042

Oh, that's such a shame. I think we could have had a lot of fun.

Stay in your line bro, that's my Queen.

>or are you just a part of the American population that’s just barely literate so words like that are hard to come by?

Lmao based. I love this girl already.

>> No.15639049

Guys will like cute girls regardless. It's likely your issue is those type of guys assume you will not be interested in them. You don't need to change your style, just likely have to initiate conversion more with those types rather than wait for them to.

>> No.15639070

I always initiate conversation and flirting :y and I try not to leave room for doubt (what if she’s just being nice). I’m currently working on trying to have nuance because I feel that’s hurting my chances. I don’t even go for chads or super hot dudes either

>> No.15639084

>I don’t even go for chads or super hot dudes either

Yeah, your pic looks like you go for average dorky guys. Which again is probably part of the problem they do think you're just being friendly.

Surely if you asked if they want to hang out it would be much more clear to them. Girls don't really have issues finding guys, hell, 5 minutes online and you will get 100 hooked.

>> No.15639091

Yea that’d be great if the dudes who matched with me on tinder weren’t airheaded golf-playing, daddy’s money rich boys looking to try “something exotic”.

Almost everyone has their type, but everyone also has the certain type that they attract and apparently that’s the type that I attract. I want to change that

>> No.15639109

>ea that’d be great if the dudes who matched with me on tinder weren’t airheaded golf-playing, daddy’s money rich boys looking to try “something exotic”.

Doesn't that mean you also matched with them, hmm? Why not just take a pic in some skater shirt then and have that in your bio?

I don't think there are rules overall, a great girl dressed in a certain way can attract any males and the vice versa. I suppose if you're young, sub cultures are a little more important.

>> No.15639122

yea subcultures are really important with people my age. Especially due to tiktok and stuff.

> Doesn't that mean you also matched with them, hmm?

Yea I did, because I found them attractive, but it usually turns out that we can’t really hold conversation with each other due to lack of common interests and sense of humor

>> No.15639123

You're probably just fat. Lose weight, and gain confidence.

>> No.15639134

I get that. But it sounds like you would find them more attractive then if you got on with them after which dispels the whole clothing and image matters.

I just know when I was in the skater scene "feminine" looking girls and even black girls (which are rare in "alternative" sub cultures) you'd just assume they have zero interest. But when mixing with others, everyone generally got along good.

So if you mix in the circles, the clothing should matter less. Surely if you;re at the skate park or a pop punk event then regardless of how you look, those type would think you're interested in the scene.

>> No.15639136
File: 95 KB, 750x418, D2650A68-D792-49F9-94D3-B165E87069E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 110 lbs. >:y That’s literally only 50kg

>> No.15639139

That’s actually really good advice, thank you

>> No.15639307
File: 1.20 MB, 1209x1204, Sieg & Cecil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15641106

If you're horny just coom to porn and a dildo/vibrator.
If you fuck lots of guys you'll end up a slut, and no chad will ever marry a slut (chads can tell if you're a slut or not after 1 minute max), so you'll eventually either end up alone and miserable or you'll be with a betafaggot and miserable.

>> No.15641137

women cant be lonely /thread.

>> No.15641250
File: 191 KB, 871x1246, 1586932200522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gibe choco gf pls.

>> No.15641381

depending on what typa boys you like, i might be pretty good for u because i feel like im in a slightly similar boat as u, but hey whatever im engrish so get rolled

>> No.15641588
File: 307 KB, 602x386, simpcard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>me horny
>me simping
>wya ebony choco queen i have le jungle fever

i thought this was a fashion board

>> No.15641612


>> No.15643212
File: 100 KB, 1024x576, 1602546150775m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey baby let me Venmo you 5 dollars and I'll let you send me a picture of your asshole

>> No.15643330

You need turkish boyfriend

>> No.15643336
File: 744 KB, 871x1089, 22A998BB-BF5D-4108-A632-4C582FE65142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15643337

I only like black chicks when they have big, but teardroppy tits.

gorilla ass does nothing for me

>> No.15643737

I honestly see black girls who dress like this and think I'll get accused of being a white supremacist/rapist, just an irrational fear I have.

>> No.15644317

why look for validation from ppl that openly talk about jungle fever and say negress etc

it feels like a self-esteem issue that will surface in your conversations - best of luck though

>> No.15645933

let's discord e-date baby i'm a dead looking white boy

>> No.15646561

do you smell nice OP?
I had super cute nice girls hitting on me sometimes but their smell was weird (not stinky, just weird) and that was so off putting I couldn't feel attracted to them
also no offence but black people sometimes also smell weird with their coconut oil or whatever

>> No.15646609

im very stinky

>> No.15646629

can you fart or burp and upload a vocaroo of it please? im a pretty good looking guy so it wont go to waste

>> No.15646633

https://vocaroo.com/17VcxPZXzJUZ xx

>> No.15646640

>tfw no gassy black gf

why live?

>> No.15646649

my stummy rly hurt now , im sad

>> No.15646656

perfect, now fart so i can jack off my big white penis

>> No.15646676

>Not me in the picture, but pic related. I look almost exactly like this

All look same.

>> No.15646685

OP is probably a white guy to be honest, I doubt a black qt like that is actually on this board

>> No.15646780

wtf this board has grills??

>> No.15648650

Lol your black fix your skin color

>> No.15649863


>> No.15649902

It’s hilarious to imagine you trying to pick up any woman looking like that.

>> No.15650231

so are 95% of the users here dumbass